Page 1: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up,

6 Down By: Hendra Friana

FLUCTUATIONS in international prices

affect the determination of the export benchmark price (HPE) of mining products subject to export duty (BK) for theSeptember 2019 period.

Compared to the HPE for the period August 2019, the majority of commoditiesexperienced a decline in HPE. This provision was stipulated in Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 68 of 2019, dated August 26, 2019.

"HPE of some mining products has increased or decreased due to international price fluctuations. Copper concentrate products, lead concentrates, rutile concentrates, and nickel have increased," said Director General of Foreign Trade Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana through an official statement received by Tirto, Friday (29/08/2019).

A number of mining products subject to BK are copper concentrate, iron concentrate, laterite iron concentrate, iron sandconcentrate, iron sand concentrate pellet, manganese concentrate, lead concentrate, zinc concentrate, zinc concentrate, ilmenite concentrate, rutile concentrate, nickel and bauxite which have been leached.

Calculation of basic HPE prices for iron concentrate, laterite iron concentrate, iron sand concentrate, manganese concentrate, ilmenite concentrate, and rutile concentrate are sourced from Asian Metal and Iron Ore Fine Australian. While copper coniron sand concentrate pellet, lead concentrate, zinc, nickel and bauxiteconcentrate are sourced from the London Metal Exchange (LME).

Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up,

in international prices

affect the determination of the export benchmark price (HPE) of mining products subject to export duty (BK) for the

Compared to the HPE for the period August 2019, the majority of commodities

cline in HPE. This provision was stipulated in Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 68 of 2019, dated August 26, 2019.

"HPE of some mining products has increased or decreased due to international price fluctuations. Copper concentrate products,

centrates, rutile concentrates, and nickel have increased," said Director General of Foreign Trade Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana through an official statement received by

A number of mining products subject to BK te, iron concentrate,

laterite iron concentrate, iron sand concentrate, iron sand concentrate pellet, manganese concentrate, lead concentrate, zinc concentrate, zinc concentrate, ilmenite concentrate, rutile concentrate, nickel and


Calculation of basic HPE prices for iron concentrate, laterite iron concentrate, iron sand concentrate, manganese concentrate, ilmenite concentrate, and rutile concentrate are sourced from Asian Metal and Iron Ore Fine Australian. While copper concentrate, iron sand concentrate pellet, lead concentrate, zinc, nickel and bauxite concentrate are sourced from the London

Harga Patokan Ekspor Tambang September 2019: 5 Produk

Naik, 6 TurunOleh: Hendra Friana

FLUKTUASI harga inter

pengaruhi penetapan harga patokan ekspor (HPE) produk pertambangan yang dikenakan bea keluar (BK) periode September 2019.

Dibandingkan dengan HPE periode Agustus 2019, sebagian besar komoditas mengalami penurunan HPE. Ketentuan ini ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 68 Tahun 2019, tanggal 26 Agustus 2019.

“HPE beberapa produk pertambangan mengalami kenaikan maupun penurunan yang disebabkan adanya fluktuasi harga internasional. Produk konsentrat tembaga,konsentrat timbal, konsentrat rutil, dan nikel yang mengalami kenaikan,” kata Direktur Jenderal Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana lewat keteyang diterima Tirto, Jumat (29/8/2019).

Sejumlah produk pertambangan yang dikenakan BK adalah konsentrat tembaga, konsentrat besi, konsentrat besi laterit, konsentrat pasir besi, pellet konsentrat pasir besi, konsentrat mangan, konsentrat timbal, konsentrat seng, konsentrat ilmenit, konsentrat rutil, nikel, dan bauksit yang telah dilakukan pencucian.

Perhitungan harga dasar HPE untuk komoditas konsentrat besi, konsentrat besi laterit, konsentrat pasir besi, konsentrat mangan, konsentrat ilmenit, dan konsentrat rutil bersumber dari Asian Metal dan Iron Ore Fine Australian. Sedangkan konsentrat tembaga, pellet konsentrat pasir besi, konsentrat timbal, konsentrat seng, nikel,

Page 1

Harga Patokan Ekspor Tambang September 2019: 5 Produk

Naik, 6 Turun Oleh: Hendra Friana

harga internasional mem-

pengaruhi penetapan harga patokan ekspor (HPE) produk pertambangan yang dikena-kan bea keluar (BK) periode September

Dibandingkan dengan HPE periode Agustus 2019, sebagian besar komoditas mengalami penurunan HPE. Ketentuan ini ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 68 Tahun 2019, tanggal 26 Agustus 2019.

“HPE beberapa produk pertambangan meng-n maupun penurunan yang

disebabkan adanya fluktuasi harga inter-nasional. Produk konsentrat tembaga, konsentrat timbal, konsentrat rutil, dan nikel yang mengalami kenaikan,” kata Direktur Jenderal Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana lewat keterangan resmi yang diterima Tirto, Jumat (29/8/2019).

Sejumlah produk pertambangan yang dikenakan BK adalah konsentrat tembaga, konsentrat besi, konsentrat besi laterit, konsentrat pasir besi, pellet konsentrat pasir besi, konsentrat mangan, konsentrat

bal, konsentrat seng, konsentrat ilmenit, konsentrat rutil, nikel, dan bauksit yang telah dilakukan pencucian.

Perhitungan harga dasar HPE untuk komo-ditas konsentrat besi, konsentrat besi laterit, konsentrat pasir besi, konsentrat mangan,

nit, dan konsentrat rutil bersumber dari Asian Metal dan Iron Ore Fine Australian. Sedangkan konsentrat tembaga, pellet konsentrat pasir besi, konsentrat timbal, konsentrat seng, nikel,

Page 2: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

dan bauksit bersumber dari London Metal Exchange (LME).

Mining products that experienced an average price increase in the September 2019 period were copper concentrate, lead concentrate, rutile concentrate, and nickel.

Copper concentrate (Cu ≥ 15 percent), up 1.81 percent at an average price of 2,355.57 US dollars/WE; while lead concentrate (Pb ≥ 56 percent) with an average price of US$ 835.67/WE or an increase of 5.29 percent.

The rutile concentrate (TiO2 ≥ 90 percent) increased by 2.02 percent with an average price of 942.56 US dollars/WE; nickel dam (Ni <1.7 percent) increased by 16.42percent with an average price of US$ 21.62/WE.

While products that experienced a decline compared to the previous period's HPE were iron concentrates (hematite,magnetite) (Fe ≥ 62 percent and ≤ 1 percent of TiO2) with an average price of 92.61 US dollars/WE or a decrease of 10.05 percent; and laterite iron concentrates (gutite, hematite, magnetite) with levels (Fe ≥ 50 percent and (Al2O3 + SiO2) ≥ 10 percent) with an average price of 47.32 US dollars/WE or down 10.05 percent.

There is also iron sand concentrate (lamela magnetite-ilmenite) (Fe ≥ 56 percent) with an average price of 55.30/WE percent or down by 10.05 percent; zinc concentrate (Zn ≥ 51 percent) with an average price of 584.58/WE dollars or down 9.85 percent; ilmenite concentrate (TiO2 ≥ 45%) with an average price of 215.30 US dollars/WE or down 0.67 percent; and washed bauxite (Al2O3 ≥ 42 percent) with an average price of 23.77/WE or a decrease of 1.56 US dollars.

Meanwhile, manganese concentrate (Mn 49 percent) with an average price of 275.35 US dollars/WE and pellet iron sand concentrate (lamela magnetite

dan bauksit bersumber dari London Metal

ts that experienced an average price increase in the September 2019 period were copper concentrate, lead concentrate, rutile concentrate, and nickel.

≥ 15 percent), up 1.81 percent at an average price of 2,355.57

lead concentrate (Pb ≥ 56 percent) with an average price of US$ 835.67/WE or an increase of 5.29 percent.

≥ 90 percent) increased by 2.02 percent with an average price of 942.56 US dollars/WE; nickel dam

eased by 16.42 percent with an average price of US$

While products that experienced a decline compared to the previous period's HPE were iron concentrates (hematite,

≥ 62 percent and ≤ 1 percent of TiO2) with an average price of

.61 US dollars/WE or a decrease of 10.05 percent; and laterite iron concentrates (gutite, hematite, magnetite) with levels (Fe ≥ 50 percent and (Al2O3 + SiO2) ≥ 10 percent) with an average price of 47.32 US dollars/WE or down 10.05 percent.

ron sand concentrate (lamela ≥ 56 percent) with

an average price of 55.30/WE percent or down by 10.05 percent; zinc concentrate

≥ 51 percent) with an average price of 584.58/WE dollars or down 9.85 percent;

≥ 45%) with an average price of 215.30 US dollars/WE or down 0.67 percent; and washed bauxite

≥ 42 percent) with an average price of 23.77/WE or a decrease of 1.56 US

Meanwhile, manganese concentrate (Mn ≥ price of 275.35

US dollars/WE and pellet iron sand concentrate (lamela magnetite-ilmenite)

(Fe ≥ 54) with an average price of 117.98 US dollars/WE have not changed.

Produk pertambangan yang mengalami kenaikan harga rata-rata pada periode bulan September 2019 adalah Konsentrat tembaga, konsentrat timbal, Konsentrat rutil, dan nikel.

Konsentrat tembaga (Cu sebesar 1,81 persen dengan harga rata2.355,57 dolar AS/WE; sementara konsentrat timbal (Pb ≥ 56 persen) dengan harga ratarata dolar AS 835,67/WE atau naik sebesar 5,29 persen.

Adapun konsentrat rutil (TiO2 mengalami kenaikan sebesar 2,02 persen dengan harga rata-rata 942,56 dolar AS/WE; dam nikel (Ni < 1,7 persen) naik sebesar 16,42 persen dengan harga ratadolar AS/WE.

Sedangkan produk yang mengalami penurunan dibandingkan HPE perinya adalah konsentrat besimagnetit) (Fe ≥ 62 persen dan ≤ 1persen TiO2) dengan harga rataAS/WE atau turun sebesar 10,05 persen; dan konsentrat besi laterit (gutit, hematit, magnetit) dengan kadar (Fe (Al2O3 + SiO2) ≥ 10 persen) dengan harga rata-rata 47,32 dolar AS/WE atau turun sebesar 10,05 persen.

Ada pula konsentrat pasir besimagnetit-ilmenit) (Fe ≥ 56 persen) dengan harga rata-rata 55,30/WE persen atau turun sebesar 10,05 persen; konsen51 persen) dengan harga ratadolar AS atau turun sebesar 9,85 persen; konsentrat ilmenit (TiO2 harga rata-rata 215,30 dolar AS/WE atau turun sebesar 0,67 persen; serta bauksit yang telah dilakukan pencucian (was(Al2O3 ≥ 42 persen) dengan harga rata23,77/WE atau turun sebesar 1,56 dolar AS.

Sementara itu, konsentrat mangan (Mn persen) dengan harga rataAS/WE dan pellet konsentrat pasir besi (lamela magnetit-ilmenit) (Fe

Page 2

≥ 54) with an average price of 117.98 US dollars/WE have not changed.

Produk pertambangan yang mengalami rata pada periode bulan

19 adalah Konsentrat tembaga, konsentrat timbal, Konsentrat rutil, dan nikel.

Konsentrat tembaga (Cu ≥ 15 persen), naik sebesar 1,81 persen dengan harga rata-rata 2.355,57 dolar AS/WE; sementara konsentrat

≥ 56 persen) dengan harga rata-rata dolar AS 835,67/WE atau naik sebesar

Adapun konsentrat rutil (TiO2 ≥ 90 persen) mengalami kenaikan sebesar 2,02 persen

rata 942,56 dolar AS/WE; dam nikel (Ni < 1,7 persen) naik sebesar 16,42 persen dengan harga rata-rata 21,62

Sedangkan produk yang mengalami penu-runan dibandingkan HPE periode sebelum-nya adalah konsentrat besi (hematit,

≥ 62 persen dan ≤ 1persen TiO2) dengan harga rata-rata 92,61 dolar AS/WE atau turun sebesar 10,05 persen; dan konsentrat besi laterit (gutit, hematit, magnetit) dengan kadar (Fe ≥ 50 persen dan

≥ 10 persen) dengan harga rata 47,32 dolar AS/WE atau turun

Ada pula konsentrat pasir besi (lamela ≥ 56 persen) dengan

rata 55,30/WE persen atau turun sebesar 10,05 persen; konsentrat seng (Zn ≥ 51 persen) dengan harga rata-rata 584,58/WE dolar AS atau turun sebesar 9,85 persen; konsentrat ilmenit (TiO2 ≥ 45%) dengan

rata 215,30 dolar AS/WE atau turun sebesar 0,67 persen; serta bauksit yang telah dilakukan pencucian (washed bauxite)

≥ 42 persen) dengan harga rata-rata 23,77/WE atau turun sebesar 1,56 dolar AS.

Sementara itu, konsentrat mangan (Mn ≥ 49 persen) dengan harga rata-rata 275,35 dolar AS/WE dan pellet konsentrat pasir besi

ilmenit) (Fe ≥ 54) dengan

Page 3: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

harga rata-rata 117,98 dolar AS/WE tidak mengalami perubahan.

According to Wisnu, the determination of the HPE for the September 2019 period was determined after taking into account

Note it! Freeport Ready to Increase Production

PT FREEPORT Indonesia can again boost

Grasberg's open mining productionactivities. That was after the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) agreed to increase production through a revised work plan and budget (RKAB) of 300,000 tons of copper concentrate.

ESDM Ministry's Director of Mineral Development and ExploitatSaefulhak, said the approval of the revised RKAB was a condition if Freeport wanted to submit an additional export quota. Because the export quota given is in accordance with the amount of production that is the company's plan.

One thing is certain, after the revised RKAB was approved, Freeport Indonesia must again submit an additional copperconcentrate export quota. "The export quota is not submitted yet. That's the rule," he told KONTAN, Sunday (1/9).

There are several governmentconsiderations to decide on the approval of additional quota provision. Theconsiderations included looking at the mineral reserves that could be mined, the input capacity of the processing plant owned, and the volume adjustments based

rata 117,98 dolar AS/WE tidak

According to Wisnu, the determination of the HPE for the September 2019 period was determined after taking into account

various written inputs and coordination

from various related agencies.

Menurut Wisnu, penetapan HPE periode September 2019 ini ditetapkan setelamemperhatikan berbagai masukan tertulis dan koordinasi dari berbagai instansi


Note it! Freeport Ready to Increase Production

Indonesia can again boost

Grasberg's open mining production activities. That was after the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) agreed to increase production through a revised work plan and budget (RKAB) of 300,000 tons of copper concentrate.

ESDM Ministry's Director of Mineral Development and Exploitation, Yunus Saefulhak, said the approval of the revised RKAB was a condition if Freeport wanted to submit an additional export quota. Because the export quota given is in accordance with the amount of production

ain, after the revised RKAB was approved, Freeport Indonesia must again submit an additional copper concentrate export quota. "The export quota is not submitted yet. That's the rule," he told KONTAN, Sunday (1/9).

There are several government s to decide on the approval of

additional quota provision. The considerations included looking at the mineral reserves that could be mined, the input capacity of the processing plant owned, and the volume adjustments based

on the RKAB and the progress of tsmelter project that was being built.

Catat! Freeport Siap Menambah Produksi

PT FREEPORT Indonesia bisa kembali

menggenjot aktivitas produksi tambang terbuka atau open mining

setelah Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyetujui penambahan produksi melalui revisi rencana kerja dan anggaran biaya (RKAB) sebanyak 300.000 ton konsentrat tembaga.

Direktur Pembinaan dan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM, YunusSaefulhak, mengemukakan persetujuan revisi RKAB merupakan syarat apabila Freeport ingin mengajukan tambahan kuota ekspor. Sebab, kuota ekspor yang diberikan menyesuaikan dengan besaran produksi yang menjadi rencana perusahaan.

Satu hal yang pasti, setelah revisi RKAB disetujui, Freeport Indonesia harus kembali mengajukan tambahan kuota ekspor konsentrat tembaga. "Pengajuan kuota ekspor kan belum. Itu aturannya," ungkap dia kepada KONTAN, Minggu (1/9).

Ada beberapa pertimbangan pemerintah untuk memutuskan persetujuan pemberian kuota tambahan. Pertimbangan itu antara

Page 3

various written inputs and coordination


Menurut Wisnu, penetapan HPE periode September 2019 ini ditetapkan setelah memperhatikan berbagai masukan tertulis dan koordinasi dari berbagai instansi

on the RKAB and the progress of the smelter project that was being built.

Catat! Freeport Siap Menambah Produksi

Indonesia bisa kembali

menggenjot aktivitas produksi tambang open mining Grasberg. Hal itu

setelah Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyetujui penam-bahan produksi melalui revisi rencana kerja dan anggaran biaya (RKAB) sebanyak 300.000 ton konsentrat tembaga.

Direktur Pembinaan dan Pengusahaan rian ESDM, Yunus

Saefulhak, mengemukakan persetujuan revisi RKAB merupakan syarat apabila Freeport ingin mengajukan tambahan kuota ekspor. Sebab, kuota ekspor yang diberikan menyesuaikan dengan besaran produksi yang menjadi rencana perusahaan.

ng pasti, setelah revisi RKAB disetujui, Freeport Indonesia harus kembali mengajukan tambahan kuota ekspor konsentrat tembaga. "Pengajuan kuota ekspor kan belum. Itu aturannya," ungkap dia kepada KONTAN, Minggu (1/9).

Ada beberapa pertimbangan pemerintah untuk memutuskan persetujuan pemberian kuota tambahan. Pertimbangan itu antara

Page 4: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

lain melihat cadangan mineral yang bisa ditambang, kapasitas input pabrik pengolahan yang dimiliki, serta kesesuaian volume berdasarkan RKAB dan progres proyek smelter yang sedang dibangun.

The ESDM Ministry's Mineral and Coal Director General, Bambang Gatot Ariyono, previously said that the additional production quota proposed by Freeport Indonesia was around 300,000 tons of concentrate.

Bambang said, the addition of the quotwas due to the optimization of production at the Grasberg open pit, which is now undergoing a period of transition to an underground mine. "The addition of around 300,000 tons of concentrate production is due to optimization at the Grasberg mine," he said some time ago.

PT Freeport Indonesia's Vice President Corporate Communication, Riza Pratama, admitted that the company had not received official notification from the Ministry of ESDM. "We have not yet received an approval letter from the Ministry of ESDM. So I have not been able to provide details," he said yesterday.

Riza hopes it can get the approval letter this week. This is because Freeport wants to immediately submit additional export quotas. "Hopefully we can get approval for the revised RKAB, so that additional quota

The Government Accelerates the Ban on Nickel Ore Export, Smelter Construction Targets Unchanged

By: Ni Putu Eka Wiratmini

THE SMELTER construction target will

lain melihat cadangan mineral yang bisa ditambang, kapasitas input pabrik peng-olahan yang dimiliki, serta kesesuaian volume berdasarkan RKAB dan progres

ang dibangun.

The ESDM Ministry's Mineral and Coal Director General, Bambang Gatot Ariyono, previously said that the additional production quota proposed by Freeport Indonesia was around 300,000 tons of

Bambang said, the addition of the quota was due to the optimization of production at the Grasberg open pit, which is now undergoing a period of transition to an underground mine. "The addition of around 300,000 tons of concentrate production is due to optimization at the

d some time ago.

PT Freeport Indonesia's Vice President Corporate Communication, Riza Pratama, admitted that the company had not received official notification from the Ministry of ESDM. "We have not yet received an approval letter from the

M. So I have not been able to provide details," he said yesterday.

Riza hopes it can get the approval letter this week. This is because Freeport wants to immediately submit additional export quotas. "Hopefully we can get approval for

hat additional quota

(export) can be submitted," he said. Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana, Editor:

Yuwono triatmojo

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, Bambang GatotAriyono, sebelumnya mengatakan tambahan kuota produksi yang diajukan Freeport Indonesia berkisar di angka 300.000 ton konsentrat.

Bambang bilang, penambahan kuota tersebut lantaran adanya optimalisasi produksi di tambang terbuka Grasberg, yang sekarang sedang mengalami periode transisi ke tambang bawah tanah. "Tambahannya sekitar 300.000 ton produksi konsentrat, itu karena ada optimalisasi di tambang Grasberg," kata dia beberapa waktu lalu.

Vice President Corporate Communication

Freeport Indonesia, Riza Pratama, mengaku pihaknya belum mendapatkan pemberitahuan resmi dari Kementerian ESDM. "Kami belum menerima surat persetujuan dari Kementerian ESDM. Jadi saya belum bisa memberikan detailnya," kata dia, kemarin.

Riza mengharapkan pihaknya bisa mendapatkan surat persetujuan tersebut pada pekan ini. Hal itu lantaran Freeport ingin segera mengajukan tambahan kuota ekspor. "Semoga bisa segera dapat persetujuan revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia.Reporter: Ridwan Nand

Yuwono triatmojo

The Government Accelerates the Ban on Nickel Ore Export, Smelter Construction Targets Unchanged

By: Ni Putu Eka Wiratmini

construction target will

not be delayed even though the ban on nickel ore exports has been accelerated to 2019.

Pemerintah Percepat Pelarangan Ekspor Bijih Nikel, Target

Page 4

(export) can be submitted," he said. Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana, Editor:

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, Bambang Gatot Ariyono, sebelumnya mengatakan tambahan kuota produksi yang diajukan Freeport Indonesia berkisar di angka 300.000 ton

Bambang bilang, penambahan kuota ter-sebut lantaran adanya optimalisasi produksi di tambang terbuka Grasberg, yang sekarang sedang mengalami periode transisi ke tambang bawah tanah. "Tambahannya sekitar 300.000 ton produksi konsentrat, itu karena ada optimalisasi di tambang Grasberg," kata dia beberapa waktu lalu.

Vice President Corporate Communication PT iza Pratama, mengaku

pihaknya belum mendapatkan pemberi-tahuan resmi dari Kementerian ESDM. "Kami belum menerima surat persetujuan dari Kementerian ESDM. Jadi saya belum bisa memberikan detailnya," kata dia,

Riza mengharapkan pihaknya bisa men-patkan surat persetujuan tersebut pada

pekan ini. Hal itu lantaran Freeport ingin segera mengajukan tambahan kuota ekspor. "Semoga bisa segera dapat persetujuan revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana, Editor:

not be delayed even though the ban on nickel ore exports has been accelerated to

Pemerintah Percepat Pelarangan Ekspor Bijih Nikel, Target

Page 5: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

Pembangunan Smelter Tak Berubah

Oleh : Ni Putu Eka Wiratmini

TARGET pembangunan smelter tidak

akan diundur meskipun pelarangan ekspor bijih nikel telah dipercepat ke 2019.

ESDM Ministry's Director of Mineral Development and Business YunusSaefulhak confirmed that the government had indeed made regulations regarding the acceleration of the ban on nickel exports. However, he did not provide much explanation for the reasons for theacceleration.

According to Yunus, the regulatireportedly signed by ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan, only regulatesnickel exports. Minerals with certain other criteria namely bauxite have not changed.

Previously, the ban on nickel exports had been carried out in 2014 through Permen No. 1 of 2014 concerning increasing mineral value added through mineral processing and refining activities in the country.

The government then opened the nickel ore export tap in 2017 through ESDM Minister Regulation (Permen) No. 5 of 2017 concerning increasing the value added of minerals through domestic refining dam processing activities.

Article 10 of the regulation states that mining entrepreneurs who have fulfilled the use of nickel in the country through the construction of smelters, can sell nickel with low levels (less than 1.7 percent) in a certain amount, no later than fiafter the enactment of the Permen.

This means that the ban on nickel exports will be carried out in 2022. As long as it is permitted to export, mining companies

Pembangunan Smelter Tak

Ni Putu Eka Wiratmini

pembangunan smelter tidak

akan diundur meskipun pelarangan ekspor bijih nikel telah dipercepat ke 2019.

ESDM Ministry's Director of Mineral Development and Business Yunus Saefulhak confirmed that the government

de regulations regarding the acceleration of the ban on nickel exports.

provide much explanation for the reasons for the

According to Yunus, the regulation, reportedly signed by ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan, only regulates the ban on nickel exports. Minerals with certain other criteria namely bauxite have not changed.

Previously, the ban on nickel exports had been carried out in 2014 through Permen No. 1 of 2014 concerning increasing mineral value added through mineral

essing and refining activities in the

The government then opened the nickel ore export tap in 2017 through ESDM Minister Regulation (Permen) No. 5 of 2017 concerning increasing the value added of minerals through domestic


Article 10 of the regulation states that mining entrepreneurs who have fulfilled the use of nickel in the country through the construction of smelters, can sell nickel with low levels (less than 1.7 percent) in a certain amount, no later than five years after the enactment of the Permen.

This means that the ban on nickel exports will be carried out in 2022. As long as it is permitted to export, mining companies

must also build smelters to absorb domestic nickel ore production.

Yunus stressed that the acceleration of the export ban was not followed by other policies such as extending the deadline for smelter construction.

"Nothing, still in January 2022 [smelter construction limit]," said Yunus.

Direktur Pembinaan dan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM Yunus Saefulhak membenarkanmemang telah membuat peraturanmengenai percepatan pelarangan ekspor nikel. Namun, dia tidak banyak memberikan penjelasan alasan percepatan tersebut.

Menurut Yunus peraturan, yang kabarnya sudah ditandatanganIgnasius Jonan, itu hanya mengatur pelarangan ekspor nikel. Mineral dengan kriteria tertentu lainnya yakni bauksit tidak mengalami perubahan.

Sebelumnya, pelarangan ekspor nikel sudah dilakukan pada 2014 lewat Permen Nomor 1 Tahun 2014 tentang peningkatan nilai tambah mineral melalui kegiatan pengolahan dan pemurnian mineral di dalam negeri.

Pemerintah kemudian membuka keran ekspor bijih nikel pada 2017 lewat Permen ESDM Nomor 5 Tahun 2017 tentang peningkatan nilai tambah mineral melalui kegiatan pengolahan dam pemurnian di dalam negeri.

Pasal 10 beleid tersebut mengatakan pengusaha tambang yang telah memenuhi pemanfaatan nikel dalam negeri lewat pembangunan smelter, dapat melakukan penjualan nikel dengan kadar rendah (kurang dari 1,7 perdalam jumlah tertentu, paling lama lima tahun sejak berlakunya permen tersebut.

Artinya, pelarangan ekspor nikel akan dilakukan pada 2022. Selama diizinkan melakukan ekspor, perusahaan tambang

Page 5

must also build smelters to absorb domestic nickel ore production.

the acceleration of the export ban was not followed by other policies such as extending the deadline for

"Nothing, still in January 2022 [smelter construction limit]," said Yunus.

Direktur Pembinaan dan Pengusahaan an ESDM Yunus

Saefulhak membenarkan pemerintah memang telah membuat peraturan mengenai percepatan pelarangan ekspor nikel. Namun, dia tidak banyak memberikan penjelasan alasan percepatan tersebut.

Menurut Yunus peraturan, yang kabarnya sudah ditandatangani Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan, itu hanya mengatur pela-rangan ekspor nikel. Mineral dengan kriteria tertentu lainnya yakni bauksit tidak

Sebelumnya, pelarangan ekspor nikel sudah dilakukan pada 2014 lewat Permen Nomor

ang peningkatan nilai tambah mineral melalui kegiatan peng-olahan dan pemurnian mineral di dalam

Pemerintah kemudian membuka keran ekspor bijih nikel pada 2017 lewat Permen ESDM Nomor 5 Tahun 2017 tentang peningkatan nilai tambah mineral melalui

egiatan pengolahan dam pemurnian di

Pasal 10 beleid tersebut mengatakan peng-usaha tambang yang telah memenuhi peman-faatan nikel dalam negeri lewat pembangunan smelter, dapat melakukan penjualan nikel dengan kadar rendah (kurang dari 1,7 persen) dalam jumlah tertentu, paling lama lima tahun sejak berlakunya permen tersebut.

Artinya, pelarangan ekspor nikel akan dilakukan pada 2022. Selama diizinkan melakukan ekspor, perusahaan tambang

Page 6: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

juga harus membangun smelter untuk menyerap produksi bijih nikel dalam negeri.

Yunus menegaskan percepatan pelarangan ekspor tidak diikuti kebijakan lain seperti memperpanjang batas waktu pembangunan smelter.

"Tidak ada, tetap Januari 2022 [batas pembangunan smelter]," kata Yunus.

Unlike the condition with nickel, bauxite sales that have been washed (washed bauxite) abroad can still be done with a maximum limit of five years since the Permen ESDM number 5/2017 is valid.

Director of the Center for Indonesian Resources Strategic Studies (CIRUSS) Budi Santoso assessed that the ban on exports will only provide opportunities for foreign investors to obtain financial facilities, access to capital and stronger markets. On the other hand, national entrepreneurs, namely nickel miners, will be eliminated.

According to Budi, downstreaming must be done to achieve national goals rather than vice versa to raise foreign investors. The government must provide miners with the opportunity to build a smelter within 10 years or longer than the previous t

"The concept must be addressed, downstreaming cannot be borne by mine owners, and the economy will be difficult. Downstreaming must be the responsibility of the government," he said.

Chairman of the Indonesian MiningInstitute (IMI) Irwandy Arif asrelaxation of nickel ore and baukit exports should not be given from the beginning, because all raw minerals must be processed domestically in accordance with the mandate of the law. However, because it has already opened export taps in 2017, the government cannot immediately accelerate the ban.

juga harus membangun smelter untuk nikel dalam negeri.

Yunus menegaskan percepatan pelarangan ekspor tidak diikuti kebijakan lain seperti memperpanjang batas waktu pembangunan

"Tidak ada, tetap Januari 2022 [batas pembangunan smelter]," kata Yunus.

Unlike the condition with nickel, bauxite sales that have been washed (washed bauxite) abroad can still be done with a maximum limit of five years since the

ESDM number 5/2017 is valid.

Director of the Center for Indonesian es (CIRUSS) Budi

Santoso assessed that the ban on exports will only provide opportunities for foreign investors to obtain financial facilities, access to capital and stronger markets. On the other hand, national entrepreneurs,


According to Budi, downstreaming must be done to achieve national goals rather than vice versa to raise foreign investors. The government must provide miners with the opportunity to build a smelter within 10 years or longer than the previous target.

"The concept must be addressed, down-streaming cannot be borne by mine owners, and the economy will be difficult. Downstreaming must be the responsibility

Chairman of the Indonesian Mining Institute (IMI) Irwandy Arif assessed that relaxation of nickel ore and baukit exports should not be given from the beginning, because all raw minerals must be processed domestically in accordance with the mandate of the law. However, because it has already opened export taps in 2017, he government cannot immediately

On the contrary, the government is deemed to have to conduct audits on the progress smelter made by nickel entrepreneurs. If it is in accordance with the target, it can be considered to export nickel.

"If the government will continue to accelerate the ban on nickel ore exports in December 2019, we need to look at the basis of this decisionEditor: Saeno

Berbeda kondisnya dengan nikel, penjualan bauksit yang telah dilakukan pencucian (washed bauxite) ke luar negeri tetap dapat dilakukan dengan batas paling lama lima tahun sejak permen ESDM Nomor 5/2017 berlaku.

Direktur Centre for Indonesian Resources Strategic Studies (CIRUSS) Budi Santoso menilai pelarangan ekspor hanya akan memberi peluang investor asing mendapatkan kemudahan finansial, akses modal, dan pasar yang lebih kuat. Sebaliknya, pengusaha nasioal yakni penambang nikel akan tersingkir.

Menurut Budi, hilirisasi harus diilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan nasional bukan sebaliknya untuk membesarkan investor asing. Pemerintah harus memberikan kesempatan kepada penambang untuk membangun smelter dalam waktu 10 tahun atau lebih lama dari target sebelumnya.

"Konsepnya harus dibenahi, hilirisasi tidak bisa dibebankan kepada pemilik tambangdan keekonomiannya akan sulit. Hilirisasi harus menjadi tanggungjawab pemerintah," katanya.

Ketua Indonesian Mining Institute (IMI) Irwandy Arif menilai relaksasi ekspor bijihnikel dan baukit seharussejak awal, sebab semua mineral mentah harus diolah dalam negeri sesuai dengan amanat undang undang. Namun, karena sudah terlanjur membuka keran ekspor pada 2017, pemerintah tidak bisa serta merta dapat mempercepat pelarangan.

Page 6

On the contrary, the government is deemed to have to conduct audits on the progress smelter made by nickel entrepreneurs. If it is in accordance with the target, it can be considered to export nickel.

f the government will continue to accelerate the ban on nickel ore exports in December 2019, we need to look at the basis of this decision-making," he said.

Berbeda kondisnya dengan nikel, penjualan bauksit yang telah dilakukan pencucian

) ke luar negeri tetap dapat dilakukan dengan batas paling lama lima tahun sejak permen ESDM Nomor 5/2017

Direktur Centre for Indonesian Resources Strategic Studies (CIRUSS) Budi Santoso menilai pelarangan ekspor hanya akan

eluang investor asing mendapatkan kemudahan finansial, akses modal, dan pasar yang lebih kuat. Sebaliknya, pengusaha nasioal yakni penambang nikel akan tersingkir.

Menurut Budi, hilirisasi harus diilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan nasional bukan

tuk membesarkan investor asing. Pemerintah harus memberikan kesempatan kepada penambang untuk membangun smelter dalam waktu 10 tahun atau lebih lama dari target sebelumnya.

"Konsepnya harus dibenahi, hilirisasi tidak bisa dibebankan kepada pemilik tambang, dan keekonomiannya akan sulit. Hilirisasi harus menjadi tanggungjawab pemerintah,"

Ketua Indonesian Mining Institute (IMI) Irwandy Arif menilai relaksasi ekspor bijih

dan baukit seharusnya tidak diberikan sejak awal, sebab semua mineral mentah harus diolah dalam negeri sesuai dengan amanat undang undang. Namun, karena sudah terlanjur membuka keran ekspor pada 2017, pemerintah tidak bisa serta merta dapat mempercepat pelarangan.

Page 7: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

Sebaliknya, pemerintah dinilai harus melakukan audit pada progress smelter

dibuat pengusaha nikel. Apabila sudah sesuai dengan target, dapat dipertimbangkan untuk melakukan ekspor nikel.

Nickel Exports Stopped, INCO & ANTM Shares Bought

Foreigners! Tahir Saleh, CNBC Indonesia

TWO mineral, gold and nickel mining

companies, namely PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) and PT Aneka Tambang Tak (ANTM) suddenly jumped in the trading session I earlier this week, Monday(2/9/2019) amid the government's plan to speed up nickel export ban.

The government's decision to accelerate the ban on nickel exports from 2022 to this year has indeed been a driving sentiment for this sector in the past month. The purpose of this policy is to increase exports of nickel products through processing raw materials so as to produce export products that have added value.

Data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) noted, in session I, INCO shares shot 14.73% at 4,050/share, with a transaction value of Rp 249 billion and trading volume of 62.81 million shares.

Foreign investors today entered Rp 32.5 billion in INCO shares, despite the fact that last month foreign investors released Rp 93.25 billion in all markets. INCO shares are year to date, up 24% since the beginning of the year.

The ANTM shares also rose 7.01% at tlevel of Rp 1,145/share with a transaction value of 250.46 billion and trading volume of 221.25 million shares.

ya, pemerintah dinilai harus me-progress smelter yang

dibuat pengusaha nikel. Apabila sudah sesuai dengan target, dapat dipertimbang-kan untuk melakukan ekspor nikel.

"Bila pemerintah tetap akan mempercepat pelarangan ekspor bijih nikelDesember 2019, kita perlu mencermati dasar pengambilan keputusan ini," katanya. Editor : Saeno

topped, INCO & ought Up by

Tahir Saleh, CNBC Indonesia

mineral, gold and nickel mining

companies, namely PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) and PT Aneka Tambang Tak (ANTM) suddenly jumped in the trading session I earlier this week, Monday (2/9/2019) amid the government's plan to

vernment's decision to accelerate the ban on nickel exports from 2022 to this year has indeed been a driving sentiment for this sector in the past month. The purpose of this policy is to increase exports of nickel products through processing raw

so as to produce export products

Data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) noted, in session I, INCO shares shot 14.73% at 4,050/share, with a transaction value of Rp 249 billion and trading volume

investors today entered Rp 32.5 billion in INCO shares, despite the fact that last month foreign investors released Rp 93.25 billion in all markets. INCO shares are year to date, up 24% since the

The ANTM shares also rose 7.01% at the level of Rp 1,145/share with a transaction value of 250.46 billion and trading volume

Foreigners also entered into ANTM's shares amounting to Rp 34.30 billion, although a month foreign investors posted a net sell of Rp 84.31 bi

Ekspor Nikel Disetop, Saham INCO & ANTM Diborong Asing!

Tahir Saleh, CNBC Indonesia

DUA emiten pertambangan mineral, emas

dan nikel, yakni PT Vale Indonesia Tbk

(INCO) dan PT Aneka Tambang Tak

(ANTM) tiba-tiba melonjak pada sesi I perdagangan awal pekan ini, Senin

(2/9/2019) di tengah rencana pemerintah

mempercepat larangan ekspor nikel.

Keputusan pemerintah yang akan mempercepat pelarangan ekspor nikel dari

semula pada 2022 menjadi tahun ini

memang menjadi sentimen penggerak atas

sektor ini dalam sebulan terakhir. Tujuan kebijakan ini ialah untuk

ekspor produk nikel melalui pengolahan

raw material sehingga dapat menghasilkan

produk ekspor yang memiliki nilai tambah.

Data Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) mencatat, pada sesi I, saham INCO melesat 14,73% di

level 4.050/saham, dengan nilai transaksi

Rp 249 miliar dan volume perdagangan 62,81 juta saham.

Investor asing hari ini masuk Rp 32,5 miliar di saham INCO, kendati sebulan

terakhir asing malah melepas Rp 93,25

miliar di semua pasar. Saham

year to date, naik 24% sejak awal tahun.

Page 7

"Bila pemerintah tetap akan mempercepat pelarangan ekspor bijih nikel pada Desember 2019, kita perlu mencermati dasar pengambilan keputusan ini," katanya.

Foreigners also entered into ANTM's shares amounting to Rp 34.30 billion, although a month foreign investors posted a net sell of Rp 84.31 billion.

Ekspor Nikel Disetop, Saham INCO & ANTM Diborong Asing!

Tahir Saleh, CNBC Indonesia

emiten pertambangan mineral, emas

PT Vale Indonesia Tbk

PT Aneka Tambang Tak

tiba melonjak pada sesi I perdagangan awal pekan ini, Senin

(2/9/2019) di tengah rencana pemerintah

mempercepat larangan ekspor nikel.

erintah yang akan mem-percepat pelarangan ekspor nikel dari

semula pada 2022 menjadi tahun ini

memang menjadi sentimen penggerak atas

sektor ini dalam sebulan terakhir. Tujuan kebijakan ini ialah untuk meningkatkan

ekspor produk nikel melalui pengolahan

sehingga dapat menghasilkan

produk ekspor yang memiliki nilai tambah.

Data Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) mencatat, pada sesi I, saham INCO melesat 14,73% di

level 4.050/saham, dengan nilai transaksi

Rp 249 miliar dan volume perdagangan

Investor asing hari ini masuk Rp 32,5 miliar di saham INCO, kendati sebulan

terakhir asing malah melepas Rp 93,25

miliar di semua pasar. Saham INCO secara

year to date, naik 24% sejak awal tahun.

Page 8: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

Adapun saham ANTM juga menguat 7,01% di level Rp 1.145/saham dengan nilai

transaksi 250,46 miliar dan volume perdagangan 221,25 juta saham.

Asing juga masuk di saham ANTMRp 34,30 miliar, kendati sebulan asing

mencatatkan net sell (jual bersih) Rp


Antam shares have gone up 50% since the beginning of the year or year to date.

Vale Indonesia's President Director, Nico Kanter believes, the discourse on the ban

on nickel ore exports has a positive impact

on Vale. Moreover, world nickel prices

have strengthened again after the government threw this discourse to the public.

Nico said, currently, Indonesia dominates

the supply of nickel to the global market

which is 27%.

"Every government statement will affect the price of nickel, I want to convey, this is

a good impact not only for Vale, but al

for Indonesia as well," said Nico Kanter, Tuesday (8/27/2019) at the IDX Building,


Antam's Managing Director Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo also said that the government's

plan is basically not a problem for the

company, because in the contract there i

already a force majeure clause if there is a

change in regulations.

"It's no problem," Arie told CNBC Indonesia

when contacted on Monday (8/19/2019).

Nevertheless, Arie admitted, if there is a

stop to the export of nickel ore, Antam will lose the potential revenue from the

commodity even though it is not too


"For example, in a year there are 4 million tons of exports of around US$ 150 million

per year, roughly Rp. 2 trillion. Our

revenue target could be Rp. 30 trillion. So

juga menguat 7,01% /saham dengan nilai

transaksi 250,46 miliar dan volume perdagangan 221,25 juta saham.

saham ANTM sebesar Rp 34,30 miliar, kendati sebulan asing

(jual bersih) Rp 84,31

Antam shares have gone up 50% since the beginning of the year or year to date.

Vale Indonesia's President Director, Nico Kanter believes, the discourse on the ban

on nickel ore exports has a positive impact

on Vale. Moreover, world nickel prices

have strengthened again after the govern-w this discourse to the public.

Nico said, currently, Indonesia dominates

the supply of nickel to the global market

"Every government statement will affect the price of nickel, I want to convey, this is

a good impact not only for Vale, but also

for Indonesia as well," said Nico Kanter, Tuesday (8/27/2019) at the IDX Building,

Antam's Managing Director Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo also said that the government's

plan is basically not a problem for the

company, because in the contract there is

already a force majeure clause if there is a

"It's no problem," Arie told CNBC Indonesia

when contacted on Monday (8/19/2019).

Nevertheless, Arie admitted, if there is a

stop to the export of nickel ore, Antam will al revenue from the

commodity even though it is not too

"For example, in a year there are 4 million tons of exports of around US$ 150 million

per year, roughly Rp. 2 trillion. Our

revenue target could be Rp. 30 trillion. So

in revenue for 1 ye


However, continued Arie, there will be compensation from price increases and

increased sales and gold bauxite so that the potential Rp 2 trillion lost can be covered.


Saham Antam sudah naik 50% sejak awal tahun atau year to date

Presiden Direktur Vale Indonesia, Nico Kanter berpendapat, wacana pelarangan

ekspor bijih nikel berdampak positif bagi

Vale. Apalagi, harga nikel dunia kembali

menguat pasca-pemerintah melontar

wacana ini ke publik. Nico menyebut, saat

ini, Indonesia mendominasi suplai nikel ke pasar global yakni sebesar 27%.

"Setiap statement pemerintah akan berdampak bagi harga nikel, saya ingin

sampaikan, ini dampak baiknya tidak

hanya bagi Vale, tapi jug

juga," kata Nico Kanter, Selasa (27/8/

2019) di Gedung BEI, Jakarta.

Direktur Utama Antam Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo juga mengatakan

pemerintah tersebut pada dasarnya tidak menjadi masalah bagi perusahaan,

lantaran di dalam kontrak sudah ada

klausul force majeure

ubahan peraturan.

"Tidak masalah lah," ujar Arie kepada CNBC Indonesia saat dihubungi, Senin


Kendati demikian, Arie mengakui, jika ada penyetopan ekspor ore nikel maka Antam

akan kehilangan potensi pendapatan dari komoditas itu meskipun tidak terlalu


"Misal saja dalam setahun ada 4 juta ton ekspor sekitar US$ 150 juta per tahun

kasarnya Rp 2 triliun. Target

Page 8

in revenue for 1 year it fell 7%," he

However, continued Arie, there will be compensation from price increases and

increased sales and gold bauxite so that the potential Rp 2 trillion lost can be covered.

sudah naik 50% sejak awal year to date.

Presiden Direktur Vale Indonesia, Nico Kanter berpendapat, wacana pelarangan

ekspor bijih nikel berdampak positif bagi

Vale. Apalagi, harga nikel dunia kembali

pemerintah melontarkan

wacana ini ke publik. Nico menyebut, saat

ini, Indonesia mendominasi suplai nikel ke pasar global yakni sebesar 27%.

pemerintah akan ber-dampak bagi harga nikel, saya ingin

sampaikan, ini dampak baiknya tidak

hanya bagi Vale, tapi juga untuk Indonesia

juga," kata Nico Kanter, Selasa (27/8/

2019) di Gedung BEI, Jakarta.

ma Antam Arie Prabowo juga mengatakan rencana

pemerintah tersebut pada dasarnya tidak menjadi masalah bagi perusahaan,

lantaran di dalam kontrak sudah ada

force majeure apabila ada per-

"Tidak masalah lah," ujar Arie kepada CNBC Indonesia saat dihubungi, Senin

Kendati demikian, Arie mengakui, jika ada penyetopan ekspor ore nikel maka Antam

akan kehilangan potensi pendapatan dari komoditas itu meskipun tidak terlalu

"Misal saja dalam setahun ada 4 juta ton ekspor sekitar US$ 150 juta per tahun

asarnya Rp 2 triliun. Target revenue kami

Page 9: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

kan bisa Rp 30 triliun. Jadi secara revenue

untuk 1 tahun turun 7% lah," jelasnya.

Namun, lanjut Arie, akan ada kompensasi dari kenaikan harga dan peningkatan

The Government Accelerates the Ban on Nickel Ore Exports

Rangga Prakoso

THE GOVERNMENT officially banned the

export of nickel ore in early 2020, faster than the previous export relaxation provisions of 2022. This was in line with the issuance of regulations issued by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan. The regulation states that raw nickel export permits will be granted until the end of 2019.

Previously, the export of nickel ore was banned by the government in early 2014. But in 2017 the government provides relaxation through the Minister of ERegulation No. 5 of 2017. In this regulation, low grade nickel ore is permittedfor five years, aka up to 2022. Export licenses are also given to miningcompanies that build nickel smelter. That way the export sales proceeds to support the construction of smelters.

The Head of the Communication, Public Information Services and Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of EPribadi said the nickel export ban had been issued by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. But he was reluctant to disclose the contents of the regulation. According to him there will be acomprehensive explanation on Monday (2/9). "Tomorrow, there will be a press conference on Monday," Agung said in Jakarta, last weekend.

Responding to that, Secretary of the Indonesian Nickel Mining Association

kan bisa Rp 30 triliun. Jadi secara revenue

untuk 1 tahun turun 7% lah," jelasnya.

Namun, lanjut Arie, akan ada kompensasi dari kenaikan harga dan peningkatan

penjualan dan bauksit emas sehingga

potensi Rp 2 triliun yang hilang itu bisa

ditutupi. (tas/dob)

The Government Accelerates the Ban on Nickel Ore Exports

officially banned the

export of nickel ore in early 2020, faster than the previous export relaxation provisions of 2022. This was in line with the issuance of regulations issued by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan. The regulation states that raw nickel export permits will

il the end of 2019.

Previously, the export of nickel ore was banned by the government in early 2014. But in 2017 the government provides relaxation through the Minister of ESDM Regulation No. 5 of 2017. In this regulation, low grade nickel ore is permitted to export for five years, aka up to 2022. Export licenses are also given to mining companies that build nickel smelter. That way the export sales proceeds to support

The Head of the Communication, Public and Cooperation

Agency of the Ministry of ESDM Agung Pribadi said the nickel export ban had been issued by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. But he was reluctant to disclose the contents of the regulation. According to him there will be a

ehensive explanation on Monday (2/9). "Tomorrow, there will be a press conference on Monday," Agung said in

Responding to that, Secretary of the Indonesian Nickel Mining Association

(APNI) Meidy Katrin Lengkey said the relaxation of nickel ore exports was given to mining players who built smelters. he said,...

Pemerintah Percepat Larangan Ekspor Bijih Nikel

Rangga Prakoso

PEMERINTAH secara resmi melarang

ekspor bijih nikel pada awal 2020, lebih cepat dari ketentuan relaksasi ekspor sebelumnya yakni pada 2022. Hal itu seiring dengan keluarnya peraturan yang diterbitkan oleh Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan.beleid itu menyebutkan izin ekspor nikel mentah diberikan hingga akhir 2019.

Sebelumnya, ekspor bijih nikel sudah dilarang pemerintah pada awal 2014 silam. Namun pada 2017 pemerintah memberikan relaksasi melalui Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 5 Tahun 2017. Dalam beleid itu bijih nikel kadar rendah diizinkan ekspor selama lima tahun alias hingga 2022. Izin ekspor pun diberikan kepada perusahaan tambang yang membangun fasilitas pemurnian mineral (smelter) nikel. Dengan begitu hasil penjualan ekspor menjapembangunan smelter.

Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM

Agung Pribadi mengatakan larangan ekspor

nikel telah diterbitkan oleh Menteri ESDM.

Namun dia enggan membeberkan isi peraturan tersebut. Menu

penjelasan secara komprehensif pada Senin

(2/9). "Besok Senin ada konferensi pers

Page 9

penjualan dan bauksit emas sehingga

n yang hilang itu bisa

(APNI) Meidy Katrin Lengkey said the nickel ore exports was given

to mining players who built smelters. Thus,

Pemerintah Percepat Larangan Ekspor Bijih Nikel

Rangga Prakoso

secara resmi melarang

ekspor bijih nikel pada awal 2020, lebih cepat dari ketentuan relaksasi ekspor sebelumnya yakni pada 2022. Hal itu seiring dengan keluarnya peraturan yang diterbitkan oleh Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan. Dalam beleid itu menyebutkan izin ekspor nikel mentah diberikan hingga akhir 2019.

Sebelumnya, ekspor bijih nikel sudah dilarang pemerintah pada awal 2014 silam. Namun pada 2017 pemerintah memberikan relaksasi melalui Peraturan Menteri ESDM

2017. Dalam beleid itu bijih nikel kadar rendah diizinkan ekspor selama lima tahun alias hingga 2022. Izin ekspor pun diberikan kepada perusahaan tambang yang membangun fasilitas pemurnian mineral (smelter) nikel. Dengan begitu hasil penjualan ekspor menjadi penyokong

Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM

Agung Pribadi mengatakan larangan ekspor

nikel telah diterbitkan oleh Menteri ESDM.

Namun dia enggan membeberkan isi peraturan tersebut. Menurutnya akan ada

penjelasan secara komprehensif pada Senin

(2/9). "Besok Senin ada konferensi pers

Page 10: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

mengenai hal itu," kata Agung di Jakarta,

akhir pekan lalu.

Menanggapi hal itu, Sekretaris Asosiasi Penambang Nikel Indonesia (APNI) Meidy

Katrin Lengkey mengatakan relaksasi ekspor bijih nikel diberikan bagi pelaku

tambang yang membangun smelter

demikian, kata dia,...

Thus, he said, if the relaxation wasaccelerated it would affect the smelter construction process. Because the nickel ore export activities become development capital. Therefore, he asked the government to be consistent in implementing the ore relaxation policy until 2022.

"Building a smelter from 2017 to 2022, in 2019 the government said that it could not (export), even though it had jufoundation. This is what we asked the government to commit, because we had already carried out development activities. Where did the capital come from? Export quota," he said.

Meidy said, as many as 51 companies were working on smelters in the cthese, around 15 smelters are operational. This means that there are still 36 smelters that will be affected if ore export relaxation is accelerated. Though investmentcertainty is very much needed for business actors. "If there is already an (epolicy) we will only give up, at least we will have a voice," he said.

He said the smelter that was operating at the moment could actually absorb nickel ore. But he said the trade system for selling nickel ore in the country was less attractive. From the price factor forexample, the selling price of nickel ore in the domestic market is lower than exports. Domestic prices are around US$ 11/ton while the export market is priced at US$ 34/ton.

mengenai hal itu," kata Agung di Jakarta,

Menanggapi hal itu, Sekretaris Asosiasi Penambang Nikel Indonesia (APNI) Meidy

atakan relaksasi ekspor bijih nikel diberikan bagi pelaku

smelter. Dengan

Thus, he said, if the relaxation was accelerated it would affect the smelter construction process. Because the nickel

ties become development capital. Therefore, he asked the govern-ment to be consistent in implementing the ore relaxation policy until 2022.

"Building a smelter from 2017 to 2022, in 2019 the government said that it could not (export), even though it had just built a foundation. This is what we asked the government to commit, because we had already carried out development activities. Where did the capital come from? Export

Meidy said, as many as 51 companies were working on smelters in the country. Of these, around 15 smelters are operational. This means that there are still 36 smelters that will be affected if ore export relaxation is accelerated. Though investment certainty is very much needed for business actors. "If there is already an (export ban policy) we will only give up, at least we will

He said the smelter that was operating at the moment could actually absorb nickel ore. But he said the trade system for selling nickel ore in the country was less

From the price factor for example, the selling price of nickel ore in the domestic market is lower than exports. Domestic prices are around US$ 11/ton while the export market is priced at US$

In addition, the levels of nickel ore also differ between the domestic and foreign markets. For the domestic market, it absorbs nickel ore at 1.8% and above. If the level is lower then the price is getting eroded. While the sale of nickel ore in the export market may not exceed 1.7% as stipulated by the governmmention the payment process takes months. Meanwhile, if exported,

Dengan demikian, kata dia, bila relaksasi itu dipercepat maka akan berpengaruh pada proses pembangunan Pasalnya kegiatan ekspor ore nikel menjadi modal pembangunan. Oleh sebab itupihaknya meminta pemerintah konsisten dalam menerapkan kebijakan relaksasi ore hingga 2022.

"Bangun smelter dari 2017 sampai 2022, di 2019 pemerintah bilang eh enggak boleh (ekspor), padahal baru bangun pondasi. Inilah yang kita minta pemerintah komit, karena kami sudah melakukan kegiatan pembangunan. Modal dari mana? Kuota ekspor," ujarnya.

Meidy menuturkan, sebanyak 51 perusahaan yang sedang menggarap dalam negeri. Dari jumlah tersebut sekitar 15 smelter sudah beroperasimasih ada 36 smelter imbas bila relaksasi ekspor ore dipercepat. Padahal kepastian investasi sangat diperlukan bagi pelaku usaha. "Kalau sudah ada (kebijakan larangan ekspor) kita juga menyerah minimal kita sudah bersuara," tuturnya.

Dikatakannya smelter

operasi saat ini sebenarnya bisa menyerap bijih nikel. Namun dia menyebut tata niaga penjualan bijih nikel dalam negeri kurang menarik. Dari faktor harga misalnya, harga jual bijih nikel di pasar domestik lebihrendah ketimbang ekspor. Harga di dalam negeri sekitar US$11/ton sedangkan pasar ekspor dibandrol US$34/ton.

Page 10

In addition, the levels of nickel ore also n the domestic and foreign

markets. For the domestic market, it absorbs nickel ore at 1.8% and above. If the level is lower then the price is getting eroded. While the sale of nickel ore in the export market may not exceed 1.7% as stipulated by the government. Not to mention the payment process takes

Meanwhile, if exported,...

Dengan demikian, kata dia, bila relaksasi itu dipercepat maka akan berpengaruh pada proses pembangunan smelter tersebut. Pasalnya kegiatan ekspor ore nikel menjadi

ngunan. Oleh sebab itu pihaknya meminta pemerintah konsisten dalam menerapkan kebijakan relaksasi ore

dari 2017 sampai 2022, di 2019 pemerintah bilang eh enggak boleh (ekspor), padahal baru bangun pondasi.

a pemerintah komit, karena kami sudah melakukan kegiatan pembangunan. Modal dari mana? Kuota

Meidy menuturkan, sebanyak 51 per-usahaan yang sedang menggarap smelter di dalam negeri. Dari jumlah tersebut sekitar 15 smelter sudah beroperasi. Artiannya

yang bakal terkena imbas bila relaksasi ekspor ore dipercepat. Padahal kepastian investasi sangat di-perlukan bagi pelaku usaha. "Kalau sudah ada (kebijakan larangan ekspor) kita juga menyerah minimal kita sudah bersuara,"

smelter yang sudah ber-operasi saat ini sebenarnya bisa menyerap bijih nikel. Namun dia menyebut tata niaga penjualan bijih nikel dalam negeri kurang menarik. Dari faktor harga misalnya, harga jual bijih nikel di pasar domestik lebih rendah ketimbang ekspor. Harga di dalam negeri sekitar US$11/ton sedangkan pasar ekspor dibandrol US$34/ton.

Page 11: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

Selain itu tingkat kadar bijih nikel pun berbeda antara pasar dalam negeri dan luar negeri. Untuk pasar domestik menyerap ore nikel dengan kadar 1,8% ke atas. Bila kadar lebih rendah maka harga pun semakin terkikis. Sementara penjualan bijih nikel di pasar ekspor tidak boleh melebihi 1,7% sebagaimana diatur pemerintah. Belum lagi dalam proses pembayarannya butuh waktu berbulan-bulan. Sementara jika

Meanwhile, if exported, business actors can

get a Letter of Credit (LOC) so they can get

back funds for investment or further

operational activities.

However, a different matter was stated by

the founder of the Indonesian Mineral

Processing and Purification Association

(AP3I) Jonatan Handoyo. He regretted the

government's attitude from the beginning,

which provided relaxation for exports of

raw nickel. According to him the provision

of relaxation only makes nickel ore more

dredged and sent abroad without the

process of increasing added value.

According to him the export ban should be

given in a short time.

Bumi Resources (BUMI) Entered Coal Downstream

PT BUMI Resources Tbk will diversify its

business into the coal downstream industry. This is done to increase the sale value of coal. Now the issuer coded BUMI shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is conducting a feasibility study.

This coal gasification is also claimed as support for the government's plan to reduce the import of Liquefed Petroleum Gas (LPG),

Selain itu tingkat kadar bijih nikel pun berbeda antara pasar dalam negeri dan luar negeri. Untuk pasar domestik menyerap ore

,8% ke atas. Bila kadar lebih rendah maka harga pun semakin terkikis. Sementara penjualan bijih nikel di pasar ekspor tidak boleh melebihi 1,7% sebagaimana diatur pemerintah. Belum lagi dalam proses pembayarannya butuh waktu

Sementara jika diekspor...

Meanwhile, if exported, business actors can

get a Letter of Credit (LOC) so they can get

back funds for investment or further

However, a different matter was stated by

the founder of the Indonesian Mineral

Purification Association

(AP3I) Jonatan Handoyo. He regretted the

government's attitude from the beginning,

which provided relaxation for exports of

raw nickel. According to him the provision

of relaxation only makes nickel ore more

d without the

process of increasing added value.

According to him the export ban should be

"In my opinion, it is better to quickly close.

The government is taking the right steps

because it is 5 years late," he said.

Sementara jika diekspor para pelaku usaha bisa mendapatkan Letter of Credit (LOC) sehingga bisa kembali mendapatkan dana untuk investasi atau kegiatan operasional selanjutnya.

Namun hal berbeda dikemukakan pendiri Asosiasi Perusahaan Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Mineral IndJonatan Handoyo. Dia sejak awal justru menyayangkan sikap pemerintah yang memberikan relaksasi ekspor nikel mentah. Menurutnya pemberian relaksasi hanya membuat bijih nikel semakin banyak dikeruk dan dikirim ke luar negeri tanpa proses peningkatan nilai tambah. Menurutnya larangan ekspor tersebut seharusnya diberikan dalam waktu singkat.

"Menurut pendapat saya, lebih cepat ditutup. Pemerintah mengambil langkah yang paling betul karena sudah terlambat 5

tahun," tegasnya.♦

Bumi Resources (BUMI) Entered Coal Downstream

Resources Tbk will diversify its

business into the coal downstream industry. This is done to increase the sale value of

coded BUMI shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is

This coal gasification is also claimed as support for the government's plan to reduce the import of Liquefed Petroleum Gas (LPG),

by using coal as a substitute for or downstream coal.

BUMI Director and Corporate Secretary, Dileep Srivastava said that the downplan is still under company discussion.

Bumi Resources (BUMI) Masuk Hilirisasi Batubara

PT BUMI Resources Tbk bakal mendiver

sifikasi bisnisnya ke industri hilirisasi batubara. Hal ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai jual batubara. Sekarang emiten berkode

Page 11

"In my opinion, it is better to quickly close.

The government is taking the right steps

because it is 5 years late," he said.♦

diekspor para pelaku usaha bisa mendapatkan Letter of Credit (LOC) sehingga bisa kembali mendapatkan dana untuk investasi atau kegiatan operasional

Namun hal berbeda dikemukakan pendiri Asosiasi Perusahaan Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Mineral Indonesia (AP3I) Jonatan Handoyo. Dia sejak awal justru menyayangkan sikap pemerintah yang memberikan relaksasi ekspor nikel mentah. Menurutnya pemberian relaksasi hanya membuat bijih nikel semakin banyak di-keruk dan dikirim ke luar negeri tanpa

gkatan nilai tambah. Menurut-nya larangan ekspor tersebut seharusnya diberikan dalam waktu singkat.

"Menurut pendapat saya, lebih cepat di-tutup. Pemerintah mengambil langkah yang paling betul karena sudah terlambat 5

by using coal as a substitute for gasification

BUMI Director and Corporate Secretary, Dileep Srivastava said that the down-stream plan is still under company discussion.

Bumi Resources (BUMI) Masuk Hilirisasi Batubara

Resources Tbk bakal mendiver-

bisnisnya ke industri hilirisasi batu-bara. Hal ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai jual batubara. Sekarang emiten berkode

Page 12: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

saham BUMI di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) itu sedang melakukan studi kelayakan.

Gasifikasi batubara ini juga diklaim sebagai dukungan atas rencana pemerintah untuk mengurangi impor Liquifed Petroleum Gas

(LPG), dengan menggunakan bahan baku batubara sebagai pengganti melalui gasifikasi atau hilirisasi batubara ini.

Direktur dan Corporate Secretary

Srivastava menyampaikan, bahwa rencana hilirisasi ini masih dalam bahasan perusahaan.

"The downstream project is currently in

the feasibility study stage, hopefully it will

be completed soon," he told KONTAN,

Friday (30/8). But unfortunately, Dileep

has not been able to convey the investment

they have prepared to work on this

downstream project.

Just so you know, through gasification

technology, coal will be transformed into a

high value final product. This technology

will convert young coal into syngas to be

processed into dimethyl ether (DME) as a

substitute for LPG, urea as fertilizer, and

polypropylene as a plastic raw material.

Thus, in addition to coal downstreaming,

BUMI also has plans to diversify their

sources of income by starting gold

production. "From Citra Palu this

zinc production from Dairi Prima Mineral,"

he said.

While increasing business lines, now BUMI

continues to optimize operational

activities. This year BUMI is targeting

production of 87 million metric tons to 90

million metric tons. Until June 2019

yesterday, production from PT Kaltim

Prima Coal (KPC) was 27.2 million tons

while from PT Arutmin Indonesia was 13.3

million tons, making a total of 40.5 million

tons of coal. "We also continue to

strengthen market share and prioritize

saham BUMI di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) itu sedang melakukan studi kelayakan.

Gasifikasi batubara ini juga diklaim sebagai gan atas rencana pemerintah untuk

Liquifed Petroleum Gas (LPG), dengan menggunakan bahan baku batubara sebagai pengganti melalui gasifikasi

Corporate Secretary BUMI, Dileep n, bahwa rencana

hilirisasi ini masih dalam bahasan perusahaan.

"The downstream project is currently in

the feasibility study stage, hopefully it will

be completed soon," he told KONTAN,

Friday (30/8). But unfortunately, Dileep

the investment

they have prepared to work on this

Just so you know, through gasification

technology, coal will be transformed into a

high value final product. This technology

will convert young coal into syngas to be

thyl ether (DME) as a

substitute for LPG, urea as fertilizer, and

polypropylene as a plastic raw material.

Thus, in addition to coal downstreaming,

BUMI also has plans to diversify their

sources of income by starting gold

production. "From Citra Palu this year and

zinc production from Dairi Prima Mineral,"

While increasing business lines, now BUMI

continues to optimize operational

activities. This year BUMI is targeting

production of 87 million metric tons to 90

million metric tons. Until June 2019

yesterday, production from PT Kaltim

Prima Coal (KPC) was 27.2 million tons

while from PT Arutmin Indonesia was 13.3

million tons, making a total of 40.5 million

tons of coal. "We also continue to

strengthen market share and prioritize

coal supply to the domestic market," he


BUMI also seeks to obtain a long

contract in supplying coal to the nearest

PLN power plant. Reporter: Ika Puspitasari,

Editor: Yuwono triatmojo

"Proyek hilirisasi saat ini sedang tahap

studi kelayakan, semoga selesai

nya," ujarnya kepada KONTAN, Jumat

(30/8). Namun sayangnya, Dileep belum

dapat menyampaikan investasi yang

mereka siapkan untuk menggarap proyek

hilirisasi ini.

Asal tahu saja, melalui teknologi gasifikasi,

batubara akan diubah menjadi produk

akhir yang bernilai tinggi. Teknologi ini

akan mengonversi batubara muda menjadi

syngas untuk kemudian diproses menjadi

dimethyl ether (DME) sebagai substitusi

LPG, urea sebagai pupuk, dan

sebagai bahan baku plastik.

Dus, selain hilirisasi batubara itu, BUMI

juga mempunyai rencana untuk melakukan

diversifikasi sumber pendapatan mereka

dengan memulai produksi emas. "Dari

Citra Palu pada tahun ini dan produksi

seng dari Dairi Prima Mineral," katanya.

Sambil memperbanyak lini bisnis,

sekarang ini BUMI terus mengoptimalkan

aktivitas operasional. Pada tahun ini BUMI

membidik produksi sebesar 87 juta metrik

ton hingga 90 juta metrik ton. Sampai Juni

2019 kemarin, produksi dari PT Kaltim

Prima Coal (KPC) sebesar 27,2 juta ton

sementara dari PT

sebanyak 13,3 juta ton, sehingga total 40,5

juta ton batubara. "Kami juga terus mem

perkuat pangsa pasar dan memprioritas

kan pasokan batubara ke pasar domestik,


Page 12

domestic market," he

BUMI also seeks to obtain a long-term

contract in supplying coal to the nearest

Reporter: Ika Puspitasari,

Editor: Yuwono triatmojo

"Proyek hilirisasi saat ini sedang tahap

studi kelayakan, semoga selesai secepat-

nya," ujarnya kepada KONTAN, Jumat

(30/8). Namun sayangnya, Dileep belum

dapat menyampaikan investasi yang

mereka siapkan untuk menggarap proyek

Asal tahu saja, melalui teknologi gasifikasi,

batubara akan diubah menjadi produk

akhir yang bernilai tinggi. Teknologi ini

akan mengonversi batubara muda menjadi

untuk kemudian diproses menjadi

(DME) sebagai substitusi

gai pupuk, dan polipropilena

sebagai bahan baku plastik.

Dus, selain hilirisasi batubara itu, BUMI

juga mempunyai rencana untuk melakukan

diversifikasi sumber pendapatan mereka

dengan memulai produksi emas. "Dari

Citra Palu pada tahun ini dan produksi

g dari Dairi Prima Mineral," katanya.

Sambil memperbanyak lini bisnis,

sekarang ini BUMI terus mengoptimalkan

aktivitas operasional. Pada tahun ini BUMI

membidik produksi sebesar 87 juta metrik

ton hingga 90 juta metrik ton. Sampai Juni

uksi dari PT Kaltim

Prima Coal (KPC) sebesar 27,2 juta ton

sementara dari PT Arutmin Indonesia

sebanyak 13,3 juta ton, sehingga total 40,5

juta ton batubara. "Kami juga terus mem-

perkuat pangsa pasar dan memprioritas-

kan pasokan batubara ke pasar domestik,"

Page 13: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

BUMI pun berupaya untuk memperoleh

kontrak jangka panjang dalam memasok

batubara ke pembangkit PLN terdekat.

Nickel ore exports stoPresident Director of Antam: No

significant impact

THE GOVERNMENT'S move through the

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) accelerates the export ban on nickel or ore ore which will end in December 2019 through the Minister of ESDM Regulation (Permen), in fact it does not have a significant impact on Antam (ANTM).

Aneka Tambang's President Director Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo admitted that he did not yet know the news regarding the signing of the Permen, but he ensured that it would not be a problem for ANTM's smelter development plan.

"Everything is still on schedule," Arie said when contacted by, Miggu (1/9). Just so you know, ANTM has a nickel smelter construction project located in West Papua, they hope to start the projecin 2020.

Arie further confirmed that ANTM will continue to boost performance especially in the coming year. Moreover, Arie said, the revenue obtained through nickel ore in a year is only 7% or around Rp 2 trillion of total revenue.

In 2020, ANTM will increase a number of company targets such as increasing bauxite exports to reach 3.8 million tons. "We are also targeting gold sales to rise to 36 tons," explained Arie. One of the factors driving

BUMI pun berupaya untuk memperoleh

kontrak jangka panjang dalam memasok

batubara ke pembangkit PLN terdekat.

Reporter: Ika Puspitasari, Editor: Yuwono


Nickel ore exports stopped, President Director of Antam: No

significant impact

move through the

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) accelerates the export ban on nickel or ore ore which will end in December 2019 through the Minister of

Regulation (Permen), in fact it does not have a significant impact on Antam

Aneka Tambang's President Director Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo admitted that he did not yet know the news regarding the signing of the Permen, but he ensured that

e a problem for ANTM's

"Everything is still on schedule," Arie said when contacted by, Miggu (1/9). Just so you know, ANTM has a nickel smelter construction project located in West Papua, they hope to start the project

Arie further confirmed that ANTM will continue to boost performance especially in the coming year. Moreover, Arie said, the revenue obtained through nickel ore in a year is only 7% or around Rp 2 trillion of

rease a number of company targets such as increasing bauxite exports to reach 3.8 million tons. "We are also targeting gold sales to rise to 36 tons," explained Arie. One of the factors driving

ANTM's confidence is the projected increase in nickel prices.

Citing's notes, as of the first semester of this year, Antam's unaudited sales grew 22% to Rp 14.43 trillion.

Ekspor ore nikel distop, Dirut Antam: Tidak ada dampak


LANGKAH pemerintah melalui Kemen

terian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mi(ESDM) mempercepat pelarangan ekspor bijih nikel atau nikel ore yang akan berakhir pada Desember 2019 melalui Peraturan Menteri (Permen) ESDM nyatanya tidak begitu berdampak signifikan bagi Antam (ANTM).

Direktur Utama AnekaPrabowo Ariotedjo mengaku belum mengetahui kabar mengenai ditekennya Permen tersebut, namun ia memastikan hal tersebut tak jadi soal bagi rencana pengembangan smelter milik ANTM.

"Semuanya masih on schedule

ketika dihubungi, Miggu (1/9). Asal tahu saja, ANTM memiliki proyek pembangunan smelter nikel yang berlokasi di Papua Barat, mereka mengharapkan dapat memulai proyek itu pada tahun 2020.

Lebih jauh Arie memastikan ANTM akan terus menggenjot kinerja khususnya ptahun mendatang. Apalagi kata Arie, pendapatan yang diperoleh lewat bijih nikel dalam setahun hanya sebesar 7% atau sekitar Rp 2 triliun dari total pendapatan.

Page 13

Reporter: Ika Puspitasari, Editor: Yuwono

ANTM's confidence is the projected increase in nickel prices.

Citing's notes, as of the first semester of this year, Antam's unaudited sales grew 22% to Rp 14.43 trillion.

Ekspor ore nikel distop, Dirut Antam: Tidak ada dampak


pemerintah melalui Kemen-

terian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mempercepat pelarangan ekspor bijih nikel atau nikel ore yang akan berakhir pada Desember 2019 melalui Peraturan Menteri (Permen) ESDM nyatanya tidak begitu berdampak signifikan bagi Antam

Direktur Utama Aneka Tambang Arie mengaku belum menge-

tahui kabar mengenai ditekennya Permen tersebut, namun ia memastikan hal tersebut tak jadi soal bagi rencana pengembangan

on schedule saja," ujar Arie, Miggu (1/9).

Asal tahu saja, ANTM memiliki proyek pembangunan smelter nikel yang berlokasi di Papua Barat, mereka mengharapkan dapat memulai proyek itu pada tahun 2020.

Lebih jauh Arie memastikan ANTM akan terus menggenjot kinerja khususnya pada tahun mendatang. Apalagi kata Arie, pendapatan yang diperoleh lewat bijih nikel dalam setahun hanya sebesar 7% atau sekitar Rp 2 triliun dari total pendapatan.

Page 14: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

Pada tahun 2020, ANTM meningkatkan sejumlah target perseroan seperti peningkatan ekspor bauksit yang mencapai 3,8 juta ton. "Kita juga targetkan penjualan emas naik ke 36 ton," terang Arie. Salah satu faktor yang mendorong keyakinan ANTM adalah proyeksi kenaikan harga nikel.

Mengutip catatan, Hingga semester I tahun ini, penjualan uAntam tumbuh 22% menjadi Rp 14,43 triliun.

Gold, silver and precious metal refining

services still contributed the largest sales,

namely 67% or the equivalent of Rp 9.72


While ferronickel and nickel contributed

29%, equivalent to Rp 4.07

Therefore, going forward, Antam will

develop a nickel smelter. This company has

signed a partnership with two Chinese


First, cooperation with Shandong Xinhai to

work on nickel on Gag Island, Papua. Arie

said, the results of the smelter would be

40,000 tons of ferronickel and 500,000

tons of stainless steel in the initial stages.

"The location of the smelter is in Sorong or

Halmahera," he explained, some time ago.

Here, Antam will own a majority of shares

or more than 51%. Investment value of

US$ 1.2 billion. Second, Antam cooperates

with Huayou Cobalt Co. Ltd. to produce

raw materials for electric car batteries and


The investment value of this project is US$

6 billion. In this project, Inalum as the

parent of Antam will participate in funding.

"The funds can be from bonds, bank loans

and shareholders," explained Arie.

The expansion will not use capital

expenditure this year. This year, Antam

Pada tahun 2020, ANTM meningkatkan sejumlah target perseroan seperti pening-

ksit yang mencapai 3,8 juta ton. "Kita juga targetkan penjualan emas naik ke 36 ton," terang Arie. Salah satu faktor yang mendorong keyakinan ANTM adalah proyeksi kenaikan harga nikel.

Mengutip catatan, Hingga semester I tahun ini, penjualan unaudited Antam tumbuh 22% menjadi Rp 14,43

Gold, silver and precious metal refining

services still contributed the largest sales,

namely 67% or the equivalent of Rp 9.72

While ferronickel and nickel contributed

equivalent to Rp 4.07 tril lion.

Therefore, going forward, Antam will

develop a nickel smelter. This company has

signed a partnership with two Chinese

First, cooperation with Shandong Xinhai to

work on nickel on Gag Island, Papua. Arie

smelter would be

40,000 tons of ferronickel and 500,000

tons of stainless steel in the initial stages.

"The location of the smelter is in Sorong or

Halmahera," he explained, some time ago.

Here, Antam will own a majority of shares

ent value of

US$ 1.2 billion. Second, Antam cooperates

with Huayou Cobalt Co. Ltd. to produce

raw materials for electric car batteries and

The investment value of this project is US$

6 billion. In this project, Inalum as the

ll participate in funding.

"The funds can be from bonds, bank loans

and shareholders," explained Arie.

The expansion will not use capital

expenditure this year. This year, Antam

will focus on working on a chemical grade

alumina (CGA) project that will be g

breaking in early September 2019.

The investment value of the project in

Mempawah, West Kalimantan, is around

US$ 900 million. In the first semester,

Antam used capex of Rp 685.14 billion

from a total of Rp 3.39 trillion.

Filemon Agung, Editor: Azis Husaini

Emas, perak dan jasa pemurnian logam

mulia masih memberi kontribusi penjualan

terbesar, yakni 67% atau setara Rp 9,72


Sedang feronikel dan nikel berkontribusi

29%, setara Rp 4,07 triliun. Karena itu, ke

depan, Antam akan mengemb

smelter nikel. Perusahaan ini telah

meneken kerja sama dengan dua per

usahaan China.

Pertama, kerja sama dengan Shandong

Xinhai untuk menggarap nikel di Pulau

Gag, Papua. Arie menyebut, hasil dari

smelter nantinya adalah 40.000 ton

feronikel dan 500.000 ton stainless steel

pada tahap awal. "Lokasi

Sorong atau Halmahera," terang dia,

beberapa waktu lalu.

Di sini, Antam akan memiliki mayoritas

saham atau lebih dari 51%. Nilai i

US$ 1,2 miliar. Kedua, Antam

kerja sama dengan Huayou Cobalt Co Ltd

untuk memproduksi bahan baku baterai

mobil listrik dan motor.

Nilai investasi proyek ini US$ 6 miliar.

Dalam proyek ini, Inalum sebagai induk

Antam akan ikut mendanai. "Dananya bisa

dari obligasi, pinjaman bank dan

holder," terang Arie.

Ekspansi tersebut tak akan menggunakan

belanja modal tahun ini. Tahun ini, Antam

fokus menggarap proyek

Page 14

will focus on working on a chemical grade

alumina (CGA) project that will be ground-

breaking in early September 2019.

The investment value of the project in

Mempawah, West Kalimantan, is around

US$ 900 million. In the first semester,

Antam used capex of Rp 685.14 billion

from a total of Rp 3.39 trillion. Reporter:

tor: Azis Husaini

Emas, perak dan jasa pemurnian logam

mulia masih memberi kontribusi penjualan

terbesar, yakni 67% atau setara Rp 9,72

Sedang feronikel dan nikel berkontribusi

29%, setara Rp 4,07 triliun. Karena itu, ke

akan mengembangkan

Perusahaan ini telah

meneken kerja sama dengan dua per-

rja sama dengan Shandong

untuk menggarap nikel di Pulau

apua. Arie menyebut, hasil dari

nantinya adalah 40.000 ton

0.000 ton stainless steel

pada tahap awal. "Lokasi smelter ada di

Sorong atau Halmahera," terang dia,

Di sini, Antam akan memiliki mayoritas

saham atau lebih dari 51%. Nilai investasi

US$ 1,2 miliar. Kedua, Antam menjalin

ngan Huayou Cobalt Co Ltd

untuk memproduksi bahan baku baterai

mobil listrik dan motor.

Nilai investasi proyek ini US$ 6 miliar.

royek ini, Inalum sebagai induk

akan ikut mendanai. "Dananya bisa

ari obligasi, pinjaman bank dan share-

Ekspansi tersebut tak akan menggunakan

un ini. Tahun ini, Antam

fokus menggarap proyek chemical grade

Page 15: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

alumina (CGA) yang akan groundbreaking

awal September 2019.

Nilai investasi proyek di Mempawah,

Kalimantan Barat tersebut sekitar US$ 900

The Government Will Simplify the Procedure for Utilizing

Mining WasteCNN Indonesia

THE GOVERNMENT will make it easier for

mining companies to reuse solid waste (slag) from their processing and refining facilities. For this convenience, they are currently compiling the rules.

During this time, the slag is in the category of toxic and hazardous substances (B3). "We are not just changing the rules but simplifying, the important thing is that there may be testing to decide that (smelter waste) is not B3," saiCoordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution in his office, Friday (30/8).

Darmin said smelter waste was included in the B3 category because of its large volume. However, that does not mean that all the contents in solid waste are dangerous to use.

"For example nickel, at most in the soil it is around 2 to 3 percent (which is obtained) by the heating method. The rest, so that the garbage piles up," he said.

Because it is categorized as B3 waste, the company cannot immediately reuse it. In the end, the waste will be piled up in the mining area.

alumina (CGA) yang akan groundbreaking

Nilai investasi proyek di Mempawah,

ekitar US$ 900

juta. Di semester I, Antam telah mengguna

kan capex Rp 685,14 miliar dari total Rp

3,39 triliun. Reporter: Filemon Agung, Editor:

Azis Husaini

The Government Will Simplify the Procedure for Utilizing

Mining Waste

will make it easier for

mining companies to reuse solid waste (slag) from their processing and refining facilities. For this convenience, they are

During this time, the slag is in the category of toxic and hazardous substances (B3). "We are not just changing the rules but simplifying, the important thing is that there may be testing to decide that (smelter waste) is not B3," said Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution in his office, Friday

Darmin said smelter waste was included in the B3 category because of its large volume. However, that does not mean that all the contents in solid waste are

"For example nickel, at most in the soil it is around 2 to 3 percent (which is obtained) by the heating method. The rest, so that the

Because it is categorized as B3 waste, the company cannot immediately reuse it. In

, the waste will be piled up in the

Considering the government is pushing for downstreaming, the number of smelters in the country will increase. That is, the slag has the potential to increasingly booming. This will certainly be difficult if slag must be stockpiled because the amount of land is limited.

Pemerintah Akan Permudah Prosedur Pemanfaatan Limbah

TambangCNN Indonesia

PEMERINTAH akan mempermudah per

usahaan tambang untuk memanfaatkan kembali limbah padat (pengolahan dan pemurnian mereka. Untuk kemudahan tersebut, mereka saat ini tengah menyusun aturan.

Selama ini, slag tersebut masuk kategori bahan beracun dan berbahaya (B3). "Kami tidak sekedar mengubah aturan tetapi menyederhanakan, yang penting boleh ada pengujian untuk memutuskan bahwa (limbah smelter) itu bukan B3," ujar Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Darmin Nasution di kantornya, Jumat (30/8).

Darmin mengungkapkan limbah smelter masuk ke dalam kategori B3 karena volumenya yang banyak. Namun,bukan berarti seluruh kandungan di dalam limbah padat tersebut berbahaya untuk digunak

Page 15

ster I, Antam telah mengguna-

Rp 685,14 miliar dari total Rp

Reporter: Filemon Agung, Editor:

Considering the government is pushing for downstreaming, the number of smelters in the country will increase. That is, the slag has the potential to increasingly booming. This will certainly be difficult if the entire slag must be stockpiled because the amount of land is limited.

Pemerintah Akan Permudah Prosedur Pemanfaatan Limbah

Tambang CNN Indonesia

akan mempermudah per-

untuk memanfaatkan padat (slag) dari fasilitas

pengolahan dan pemurnian mereka. Untuk kemudahan tersebut, mereka saat ini tengah

Selama ini, slag tersebut masuk kategori bahan beracun dan berbahaya (B3). "Kami tidak sekedar mengubah aturan tetapi menyederhanakan, yang penting boleh ada pengujian untuk memutuskan bahwa (limbah smelter) itu bukan B3," ujar Menteri

nator Bidang Perekonomian Darmin Nasution di kantornya, Jumat (30/8).

Darmin mengungkapkan limbah smelter masuk ke dalam kategori B3 karena volume-nya yang banyak. Namun,bukan berarti seluruh kandungan di dalam limbah padat tersebut berbahaya untuk digunakan.

Page 16: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

"Misalnya nikel, paling-paling di dalam tanahnya itu sekitar 2 sampai 3 persen (yang diperoleh) dengan metode pemanasan. Sisanya, jadi sampah sehingga menumpuk," ujarnya.

Karena dikategorikan sebagai limbah B3, perusahaan tidak bisa serta merta memanfaatkannya kembali. Ujunglimbah tersebut ditimbun di area tambang.

Mengingat pemerintah tengah mendorong hilirisasi, jumlah smelter di dalam negeri akan semakin banyak. Artinya, slag berpotensi semakin membludak. Hal ini tentu akan menyulitkan jika seluruh slag

ditimbun karena jumlah lahan terbatas.

Meanwhile, the permit to process waste

again is a long and complicated process. In

fact, abroad, smelter waste can already be

used for building materials, road coatings,

and a mixture of cement materials.

Smelter waste can also be reused during

post-mining reclamation. "In us

(Indonesia) because of hazardous waste,

(slag) we cannot do anything," he said.

Seeing that, during the last two months, the

government discussed the opportunities

for the utilization of waste, including

relaxation of B3 processing

regulations regulated by the Ministry of

Environment and Forestry.

"It's not all (solid waste that can be

utilized), only nickel and iron steel waste

because it's lighter," he said.

Separately, the Director of Mineral

Exploitation Development at the

Directorate General of Mineral and Coal at

the Ministry of ESDM, Yunus Saefulhak,

revealed that within a year the remaining

slag of processed smelters could reach 20

paling di dalam tanahnya itu sekitar 2 sampai 3 persen (yang diperoleh) dengan metode pemanas-an. Sisanya, jadi sampah sehingga menum-

Karena dikategorikan sebagai limbah B3, perusahaan tidak bisa serta merta me-manfaatkannya kembali. Ujung-ujungnya, limbah tersebut ditimbun di area tambang.

Mengingat pemerintah tengah mendorong hilirisasi, jumlah smelter di dalam negeri akan semakin banyak. Artinya, slag ber-potensi semakin membludak. Hal ini tentu

slag itu harus ditimbun karena jumlah lahan terbatas.

Meanwhile, the permit to process waste

again is a long and complicated process. In

fact, abroad, smelter waste can already be

used for building materials, road coatings,

of cement materials.

Smelter waste can also be reused during

mining reclamation. "In us

(Indonesia) because of hazardous waste,

(slag) we cannot do anything," he said.

Seeing that, during the last two months, the

government discussed the opportunities

of waste, including

relaxation of B3 processing licensing

regulations regulated by the Ministry of

that can be

utilized), only nickel and iron steel waste

Separately, the Director of Mineral

Exploitation Development at the

Directorate General of Mineral and Coal at

the Ministry of ESDM, Yunus Saefulhak,

in a year the remaining

slag of processed smelters could reach 20

million tons. With more smelters, slag is

expected to increase to 35 million tons.

Therefore, the institution is ready to

support the process of utilizing slag in the

future. For example, in

administering an addendum to the

reclamation plan document related to the

use of slag in the post


"Formerly maybe there was no slag that

entered (reclamation), now there is a

study, slag can enter," he said.

Sementara, perizinan untuk mengolah limbah kembali prosesnya panjang dan

rumit. Padahal, di luar negeri, limbah

smelter sudah bisa dimanfaatkan untuk

bahan bangunan, bahan pelapis jalan, dan

campuran bahan semen.

Limbah smelter juga bisa digunakan kembali saat reklamasi pascatambang. "Di

kita (Indonesia) karena limbah berbahaya, (slag) itu tidak bisa diapa


Melihat hal itu, selama dua bulan terakhir, pemerintah membahas mengenai peluang

pemanfaatan limbah tersebut, termasuk

diantaranya relaksasi regulasi perizinan

pengolahan B3 yang diatur oleh

Kementerian Lingkungan HidupKehutanan.

"Memang (limbah padat yang bisa dimanfaatkan) belum semua, baru limbah

nikel dan besi baja karena ini lebih ringan,"


Secara terpisah, Direktur Pembinaan Pengusahaan Mineral Direktorat Jenderal

Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementerian ESDM

Yunus Saefulhak mengungkapkan dalam

setahun slag sisa olahan smelter bisa mencapai 20 juta ton. Dengan semakin banyak

Page 16

million tons. With more smelters, slag is

expected to increase to 35 million tons.

Therefore, the institution is ready to

support the process of utilizing slag in the

For example, in the case of

administering an addendum to the

reclamation plan document related to the

use of slag in the post-mining reclamation

"Formerly maybe there was no slag that

entered (reclamation), now there is a

study, slag can enter," he said. (sfr/agt)

Sementara, perizinan untuk mengolah limbah kembali prosesnya panjang dan

rumit. Padahal, di luar negeri, limbah

smelter sudah bisa dimanfaatkan untuk

bahan bangunan, bahan pelapis jalan, dan

campuran bahan semen.

Limbah smelter juga bisa digunakan ali saat reklamasi pascatambang. "Di

kita (Indonesia) karena limbah berbahaya, ) itu tidak bisa diapa-apakan," kata-

Melihat hal itu, selama dua bulan terakhir, pemerintah membahas mengenai peluang

pemanfaatan limbah tersebut, termasuk

relaksasi regulasi perizinan

pengolahan B3 yang diatur oleh

Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan

"Memang (limbah padat yang bisa di-manfaatkan) belum semua, baru limbah

nikel dan besi baja karena ini lebih ringan,"

Secara terpisah, Direktur Pembinaan Pengusahaan Mineral Direktorat Jenderal

Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementerian ESDM

Yunus Saefulhak mengungkapkan dalam

sisa olahan smelter bisa men-capai 20 juta ton. Dengan semakin banyak-

Page 17: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

nya smelter, slag diperkirakan bakal

meningkat menjadi 35 juta ton ton.

Untuk itu, instansinya siap mendukung proses pemanfaatan slag ke depan. Misal

nya, dalam hal pengurusan addendum dokumen rencana reklamasi terkait peng

Antam's Gold Price Continues to Rise

Ade Hapsari Lestarini

THE MOVEMENT of the gold

Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) earlier this

week climbed again. Although local gold prices do not follow in the footsteps of

world gold prices.

Citing Antam's Precious Metals page, Monday, September 2, 2019, the price of

Antam's gold at the LM Antam

Boutique Building was recorded at Rp. 755

thousand per gram. This gold price

strengthened Rp2,000 per gram compared to the previous trade.

Similarly, the price of gold buyback moved higher to Rp.695 thousand per gram or

rose Rp5,000 per gram.

The price of gold at PT Pos Indonesia refers to the price of the nearest LM Gold

Boutique. The price of gold bars includes

PPh 22 at 0.9 percent. You must include a

TIN to get a lower tax cut (0.45 percent).

Earlier, gold futures prices on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile

Exchange fell for the third day in a row at the end of trading Friday (local time WIB).

The weakening occurred because the

rkirakan bakal

meningkat menjadi 35 juta ton ton.

Untuk itu, instansinya siap mendukung ke depan. Misal-

nya, dalam hal pengurusan addendum dokumen rencana reklamasi terkait peng-

gunaan slag dalam proses reklamasi pasca


"Dulunya mungkin tidak ada masuk (reklamasi), sekarang ada kajian

slag bisa masuk," ujarnya.

Antam's Gold Price Continues to

Ade Hapsari Lestarini

of the gold price of PT

Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) earlier this

week climbed again. Although local gold prices do not follow in the footsteps of

Citing Antam's Precious Metals page, Monday, September 2, 2019, the price of

Antam's gold at the LM Antam Gold

Boutique Building was recorded at Rp. 755

thousand per gram. This gold price

strengthened Rp2,000 per gram compared

Similarly, the price of gold buyback moved higher to Rp.695 thousand per gram or

ce of gold at PT Pos Indonesia refers to the price of the nearest LM Gold

Boutique. The price of gold bars includes

PPh 22 at 0.9 percent. You must include a

TIN to get a lower tax cut (0.45 percent).

Earlier, gold futures prices on the Comex he New York Mercantile

Exchange fell for the third day in a row at the end of trading Friday (local time WIB).

The weakening occurred because the

United States dollar (USD) maintained its

bullish momentum.

Citing Antara, Saturday, August 31, 2019, the most active gold contract for December

delivery fell USD7.50 or 0.49 percent to

USD1,529.40 an ounce. The USD index, a

measure of the greenback against a basket

of other major currencies, rose 0.44 percent to 98.94 shortly before the

completion of gold trading

Harga Emas Antam Terus Menanjak

Ade Hapsari Lestarini

PERGERAKAN harga emas milik PT Aneka

Tambang Tbk (Antam) pada awal pekan ini kembali menanjak. Kendati harga emas lokal tidak mengikuti jejak harga emas dunia.

Mengutip laman Logam Mulia Antam

Senin, 2 September 2019, harga emas Antam di Butik Emas LM Gedung Antam tercatat berada di level Rp755 ribu per gram. Harga emas ini menguat Rp2.000 per gram dibandingkan perdagangan sebelumnya.

Senada, harga pembelian kembali(buyback) emas bergerak menguat kposisi Rp695 ribu per gram atau naik Rp5.000 per gram.

Page 17

gunaan slag dalam proses reklamasi pasca-

lunya mungkin tidak ada slag yang masuk (reklamasi), sekarang ada kajian

slag bisa masuk," ujarnya. (sfr/agt)

United States dollar (USD) maintained its

Citing Antara, Saturday, August 31, 2019, active gold contract for December

delivery fell USD7.50 or 0.49 percent to

USD1,529.40 an ounce. The USD index, a

measure of the greenback against a basket

of other major currencies, rose 0.44 percent to 98.94 shortly before the

completion of gold trading.

Harga Emas Antam Terus Menanjak

Ade Hapsari Lestarini

harga emas milik PT Aneka

Tambang Tbk (Antam) pada awal pekan ini kembali menanjak. Kendati harga emas lokal tidak mengikuti jejak harga emas

Logam Mulia Antam, , 2 September 2019, harga emas

Antam di Butik Emas LM Gedung Antam tercatat berada di level Rp755 ribu per gram. Harga emas ini menguat Rp2.000 per gram dibandingkan perdagangan sebelum-

Senada, harga pembelian kembali ) emas bergerak menguat ke

posisi Rp695 ribu per gram atau naik

Page 18: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

Adapun harga emas di PT Pos Indonesia mengacu pada harga Butik Emas LM terdekat. Harga emas batangan sudah termasuk PPh 22 di 0,9 persen. Anda harus menyertakan NPWP untuk memperoleh potongan pajak lebih rendah (0,45 persen).

Sebelumnya harga emas berjangka di divisi Comex New York Mercantile Exchange turun untuk hari ketiga berturutpada akhir perdagangan Jumat waktu setempat (Sabtu WIB). Pelemahan terjadi karena dolar Amerika Serikat (USD) mempertahankan momentum bullish

Mengutip Antara, Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2019, kontrak emas paling aktif untukpengiriman Desember turun USD7,50 atau 0,49 persen menjadi USD1.529,40 per ons. Indeks USD, ukuran greenback

sekeranjang mata uang utama la0,44 persen menjadi 98,94 tak lama sebelum penyelesaian perdagangan emas.

While other precious metals, silver for December delivery rose as much as 1.9 cents, or 0.1 percent, to USD18,322 per ounce. While platinum for October delivery

Indonesia ore ban spurs nickel to 5

NICKEL prices soared to five

producer Indonesia said the country would ban ore exports from December, fanning fears of shrinking supplies and deficits.

Benchmark nickel on the London Metal Exchange (LME) tonne, its biggest one-day gain since 2009. Prices of the stainless steel ingredient have climbed nearly 70% so far this year, outperforming other base metals.

"The tide is turning and there are a few things behind that. Oores from Indonesia followed by the announcement of the export ban from December 2019," said ING analyst Wenyu Yao.

"Depletion of ore and mines closing in the Philippines, supply disruptions in Papua New Guinea and funds adding to long positions are other things behind the nickel price rally."

Adapun harga emas di PT Pos Indonesia mengacu pada harga Butik Emas LM terdekat. Harga emas batangan sudah termasuk PPh 22 di 0,9 persen. Anda harus menyertakan NPWP untuk memperoleh

ebih rendah (0,45 persen).

Sebelumnya harga emas berjangka di divisi Comex New York Mercantile Exchange turun untuk hari ketiga berturut-turut pada akhir perdagangan Jumat waktu setempat (Sabtu WIB). Pelemahan terjadi karena dolar Amerika Serikat (USD) mem-pertahankan momentum bullish-nya.

, Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2019, kontrak emas paling aktif untuk pengiriman Desember turun USD7,50 atau 0,49 persen menjadi USD1.529,40 per ons.

greenback terhadap sekeranjang mata uang utama lainnya, naik 0,44 persen menjadi 98,94 tak lama sebelum penyelesaian perdagangan emas.

While other precious metals, silver for December delivery rose as much as 1.9 cents, or 0.1 percent, to USD18,322 per ounce. While platinum for October delivery

rose as much as USD11, 70 or 1.27 percent to USD931.70 per ounce.

When the USD strengthens, gold that is priced in USD will usually go down because it becomes more expensive for investors holding other currencies. Although gold fell on the last trading day of Augusended the month with a full month increase of more than six percent.

Sementara logam mulia lainnya, perak untuk pengiriman Desember naik sebanyak 1,9 sen atau 0,1 persen menjadi USD18,322 per ons. Sedangkan platinum untuk pengiriman Oktober naik sebanyak USD11,70 atau 1,27 persen menjadi USD931,70 per ons.

Ketika USD menguat, emas yang dihargakan dalam USD biasanya akan turun karena menjadi lebih mahal bagi investor yang memegang mata uang lainnya. Meskipun emas turun pada hari perdagangan teAgustus, emas mengakhiri bulan ini dengan kenaikan sebulan penuh mencapai lebih dari enam persen. (AHL)

Indonesia ore ban spurs nickel to 5-year highBy Zandi Shabalala

prices soared to five-year highs on Friday after a government official at major

producer Indonesia said the country would ban ore exports from December, fanning fears of shrinking supplies and deficits.

Benchmark nickel on the London Metal Exchange (LME) ended 8.8% higher at $17,900 per day gain since 2009. Prices of the stainless steel ingredient have

climbed nearly 70% so far this year, outperforming other base metals.

"The tide is turning and there are a few things behind that. One is the reduced supply of nickel ores from Indonesia followed by the announcement of the export ban from December 2019,"

"Depletion of ore and mines closing in the Philippines, supply disruptions in Papua New adding to long positions are other things behind the nickel price rally."

Page 18

uch as USD11, 70 or 1.27 percent to USD931.70 per ounce.

When the USD strengthens, gold that is priced in USD will usually go down because it becomes more expensive for investors holding other currencies. Although gold fell on the last trading day of August, gold ended the month with a full month increase of more than six percent. (AHL)

Sementara logam mulia lainnya, perak untuk pengiriman Desember naik sebanyak 1,9 sen atau 0,1 persen menjadi USD18,322 per ons. Sedangkan platinum untuk pengiriman

naik sebanyak USD11,70 atau 1,27 persen menjadi USD931,70 per ons.

Ketika USD menguat, emas yang dihargakan dalam USD biasanya akan turun karena menjadi lebih mahal bagi investor yang memegang mata uang lainnya. Meskipun emas turun pada hari perdagangan terakhir Agustus, emas mengakhiri bulan ini dengan kenaikan sebulan penuh mencapai lebih dari

year high

year highs on Friday after a government official at major

producer Indonesia said the country would ban ore exports from December, fanning fears of

ended 8.8% higher at $17,900 per day gain since 2009. Prices of the stainless steel ingredient have

ne is the reduced supply of nickel ores from Indonesia followed by the announcement of the export ban from December 2019,"

"Depletion of ore and mines closing in the Philippines, supply disruptions in Papua New adding to long positions are other things behind the nickel price rally."

Page 19: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

Long nickel positions on the LME held by investment funds stand at nearly 40,000 lots, their highest since June 2018, according to the Citi LME nickel speculative positioning indica

Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan signed a new regulation to restrict ore exports, according to a voice recording verified by a ministry spokesman. The original ban on ore exports in 2014 was lifted for certain minerals time to build smelters to process minerals such as nickel, bauxite and copper.

Indonesia now only allows miners to export low

On the LME market, worries about nearby supplies have been reinforced by one entity holding between 50% and 79% of nickel warrants .

Falling nickel stocks in LME-registered warehouses at 109,950 tonnes, down 20% so far this year, have added to those worries. This can be seen in the premium for the LME's cash nickel over the three-month contract, wdecade.

The global nickel market estimated at 14 million tonnes has been in deficit for some years now and expectations were for a more balanced market next year.

The International Nickel Study Groupthan last year, expects a shortage of 84,000 tonnes in 2019. Adding to supply concerns was a waste spill from a nickel plant in Papua New Guinea which raised fears of a shutdown and plans by African Rainbow Minerals to shutter its lossother metals, copper closed 0.8% lower at $5,680 per tonne, aluminium was flat at $1,743, zinc fell 2.6% to its lowest since August 2016 at $2,209.

Lead shed 2.1% to $2,017, while

(Additional reporting by Pratima Desai; editing by David Evans and Emelia Sithole

Ramu sends nickel price to 5

EXPECTATIONS of booming demand for electric vehicles have bolstered the longer term bull

case for nickel, and a supply crunch, following threats of a shutdown of a major Asian supplier only added fuel to the fire on Friday.

Nickel is now up 65% since the

tonne in London on Friday, the highest since September 2014. As an indication of just how

tight supply has become, in London the spread between spot prices and nickel for delivery in three months spiked to the highest in a decade.

The nickel price jumped to a record high in Shanghai to the equivalent of $18,342 per tonne,

surpassing the value of tin on that futures market for the first time.

Long nickel positions on the LME held by investment funds stand at nearly 40,000 lots, their highest since June 2018, according to the Citi LME nickel speculative positioning indica

Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan signed a new regulation to restrict ore exports, according to a voice recording verified by a ministry spokesman. The original ban on ore exports in 2014 was lifted for certain minerals in 2017 to give miners time to build smelters to process minerals such as nickel, bauxite and copper.

Indonesia now only allows miners to export low-grade nickel.

On the LME market, worries about nearby supplies have been reinforced by one entity etween 50% and 79% of nickel warrants .

registered warehouses at 109,950 tonnes, down 20% so far this year, have added to those worries. This can be seen in the premium for the LME's cash nickel

month contract, which rose above $100 a tonne, its highest in more than a

The global nickel market estimated at 14 million tonnes has been in deficit for some years now and expectations were for a more balanced market next year.

The International Nickel Study Group (INSG), which so far this year shows a narrower deficit than last year, expects a shortage of 84,000 tonnes in 2019. Adding to supply concerns was a waste spill from a nickel plant in Papua New Guinea which raised fears of a shutdown and

Rainbow Minerals to shutter its loss-making nickel mine in South Africa. In other metals, copper closed 0.8% lower at $5,680 per tonne, aluminium was flat at $1,743, zinc fell 2.6% to its lowest since August 2016 at $2,209.

Lead shed 2.1% to $2,017, while tin jumped 3.5% to $16,350.

(Additional reporting by Pratima Desai; editing by David Evans and Emelia Sithole

Ramu sends nickel price to 5-year high amid tightest market in decade Frik Els

of booming demand for electric vehicles have bolstered the longer term bull

case for nickel, and a supply crunch, following threats of a shutdown of a major Asian supplier only added fuel to the fire on Friday.

Nickel is now up 65% since the start of the year, rocketing more than 8% to $17,695 per

tonne in London on Friday, the highest since September 2014. As an indication of just how

tight supply has become, in London the spread between spot prices and nickel for delivery in iked to the highest in a decade.

The nickel price jumped to a record high in Shanghai to the equivalent of $18,342 per tonne,

surpassing the value of tin on that futures market for the first time.

Page 19

Long nickel positions on the LME held by investment funds stand at nearly 40,000 lots, their highest since June 2018, according to the Citi LME nickel speculative positioning indicator.

Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan signed a new regulation to restrict ore exports, according to a voice recording verified by a ministry spokesman. The

in 2017 to give miners time to build smelters to process minerals such as nickel, bauxite and copper.

On the LME market, worries about nearby supplies have been reinforced by one entity

registered warehouses at 109,950 tonnes, down 20% so far this year, have added to those worries. This can be seen in the premium for the LME's cash nickel

hich rose above $100 a tonne, its highest in more than a

The global nickel market estimated at 14 million tonnes has been in deficit for some years

(INSG), which so far this year shows a narrower deficit than last year, expects a shortage of 84,000 tonnes in 2019. Adding to supply concerns was a waste spill from a nickel plant in Papua New Guinea which raised fears of a shutdown and

making nickel mine in South Africa. In other metals, copper closed 0.8% lower at $5,680 per tonne, aluminium was flat at $1,743,

(Additional reporting by Pratima Desai; editing by David Evans and Emelia Sithole-Matarise)

year high amid tightest market in

of booming demand for electric vehicles have bolstered the longer term bull

case for nickel, and a supply crunch, following threats of a shutdown of a major Asian supplier

start of the year, rocketing more than 8% to $17,695 per

tonne in London on Friday, the highest since September 2014. As an indication of just how

tight supply has become, in London the spread between spot prices and nickel for delivery in

The nickel price jumped to a record high in Shanghai to the equivalent of $18,342 per tonne,

Page 20: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

Friday’s move comes after the mines ministry of Papua New

plant owned by Metallurgical Corp of China (MCC) that spilled

Guinea’s Basamuk Bay may face closure

“The (Ramu) operation produces approximately 35,000 tonnes of nickel, equivalent to 23% of

the metal held in London Metal Exchange inventories,” antipodean investment bank ANZ said

in a note quoted by Reuters.

The price received another boost on Friday after Indonesia’s mine minister said the country my expedite the reinstatement of a ban

China’s nickel pig iron (NPI) production fed from Indonesian and Philippine mines dominate the global industry, and despite the eco

of the world’s nickel, stainless steel production is growing rapidly.

Bloomberg also reported on Friday that USyears-long attempt to untangle an elaborate nickel w

around $300 million that ensnared major metals brokerages.

Miners of the devil’s copper are used to wild swings in price. From the lbelow $9,000 a tonne to around this time last year, the metal gained 79%, only to slump by

nearly a third to its opening levels of 2019. And who can forget that in March 2007, nickel peaked at $51,780 per tonne.

Jolt by Jakarta

When Jakarta enforced the ban to encourage the building of domestic smelters from 2014 to 2016 the price gained initially, but Chinese NPI producers were able to switch to Philippine

Friday’s move comes after the mines ministry of Papua New Guinea said a nickel processing

plant owned by Metallurgical Corp of China (MCC) that spilled mine waste into Papua New

e closure.

“The (Ramu) operation produces approximately 35,000 tonnes of nickel, equivalent to 23% of

the metal held in London Metal Exchange inventories,” antipodean investment bank ANZ said

The price received another boost on Friday after Indonesia’s mine minister said the country expedite the reinstatement of a ban on unprocessed ore exports first mooted for 2022.

China’s nickel pig iron (NPI) production fed from Indonesian and Philippine mines dominate the global industry, and despite the economic slowdown in China, which imports some 50%

of the world’s nickel, stainless steel production is growing rapidly.

Bloomberg also reported on Friday that US-based Carlyle Group has been caught up in a long attempt to untangle an elaborate nickel warehousing fraud in Hong Kong worth

around $300 million that ensnared major metals brokerages.

are used to wild swings in price. From the lbelow $9,000 a tonne to around this time last year, the metal gained 79%, only to slump by

nearly a third to its opening levels of 2019. And who can forget that in March 2007, nickel

ta enforced the ban to encourage the building of domestic smelters from 2014 to 2016 the price gained initially, but Chinese NPI producers were able to switch to Philippine

Page 20

Guinea said a nickel processing

waste into Papua New

“The (Ramu) operation produces approximately 35,000 tonnes of nickel, equivalent to 23% of

the metal held in London Metal Exchange inventories,” antipodean investment bank ANZ said

The price received another boost on Friday after Indonesia’s mine minister said the country on unprocessed ore exports first mooted for 2022.

China’s nickel pig iron (NPI) production fed from Indonesian and Philippine mines dominate nomic slowdown in China, which imports some 50%

based Carlyle Group has been caught up in a arehousing fraud in Hong Kong worth

are used to wild swings in price. From the lows of mid-2017 below $9,000 a tonne to around this time last year, the metal gained 79%, only to slump by

nearly a third to its opening levels of 2019. And who can forget that in March 2007, nickel

ta enforced the ban to encourage the building of domestic smelters from 2014 to 2016 the price gained initially, but Chinese NPI producers were able to switch to Philippine

Page 21: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

miners in a relatively short time, so it’s unclear the impact of export restriction

time around.

NPI contains only 8–12% nickel and less than half of the total1 product, which is suitable for conversion into nickel sulphate used in battery


Class 1 nickel powder for sulphate

for miners to switch to battery grade material requires huge investments to upgrade refining and processing facilities.

But confidence in future demand is such that BHP decided last year to hold onto Nafter many attempts to offload it, and is now spending hundreds of millions of dollars switching its Australian operations to battery

The electric vehicle (EV) narrative is an exciting one for the metal, but it is still early dLast year, only around 6% of nickel ended up in EV batteries, as 70% of supply goes into

making stainless steel.♦

Australian Vanadium teams up with Metso for test work

AUSTRALIAN Vanadium has announced the selection of Metso for the next phase of

definitive feasibility study pilot testing at its Australian Vanadium project.

Metso was chosen because of its worldsolutions, the ASX-listed company said.

“AVL and Metso are committed to working together to develop an improved thermal processing solution involving pelletising of the vanadium rich iron concentrate produced at the Australian Vanadium project,” Australian Vanadium said.

The solution will involve pelletising the concentrate and processing it through a GK system. Pelletising has been used previously in Europe and China for the processing of primary vanadium-titanium-iron ores, with the benefits including:

• Improved roasting reaction;

• Minimal dusting, and;

• Reduced build-up of residues within the kiln.

Bench-scale tests have already been completed by the company on its pelletised vanadiumrich iron concentrate and have confirmed that pelletised concentrate roasting offers a substantial advantage to the traditional rotary kiln technology currently employed by all primary vanadium producers, AVL said.

miners in a relatively short time, so it’s unclear the impact of export restriction

12% nickel and less than half of the total nickel output is so1 product, which is suitable for conversion into nickel sulphate used in battery

Class 1 nickel powder for sulphate production enjoys a large premium over LME prices, but

for miners to switch to battery grade material requires huge investments to upgrade refining

But confidence in future demand is such that BHP decided last year to hold onto Nafter many attempts to offload it, and is now spending hundreds of millions of dollars switching its Australian operations to battery-grade production.

The electric vehicle (EV) narrative is an exciting one for the metal, but it is still early dLast year, only around 6% of nickel ended up in EV batteries, as 70% of supply goes into

Australian Vanadium teams up with Metso for test workPosted by Daniel Gleeson

Vanadium has announced the selection of Metso for the next phase of

definitive feasibility study pilot testing at its Australian Vanadium project.

Metso was chosen because of its world-renowned expertise in Grate Kiln (GK) processing sted company said.

“AVL and Metso are committed to working together to develop an improved thermal processing solution involving pelletising of the vanadium rich iron concentrate produced at the Australian Vanadium project,” Australian Vanadium said.

olution will involve pelletising the concentrate and processing it through a GK system. Pelletising has been used previously in Europe and China for the processing of primary

iron ores, with the benefits including:

up of residues within the kiln.

scale tests have already been completed by the company on its pelletised vanadiumrich iron concentrate and have confirmed that pelletised concentrate roasting offers a

bstantial advantage to the traditional rotary kiln technology currently employed by all primary vanadium producers, AVL said.

Page 21

miners in a relatively short time, so it’s unclear the impact of export restrictions would be this

nickel output is so-called Class 1 product, which is suitable for conversion into nickel sulphate used in battery

production enjoys a large premium over LME prices, but

for miners to switch to battery grade material requires huge investments to upgrade refining

But confidence in future demand is such that BHP decided last year to hold onto Nickel West after many attempts to offload it, and is now spending hundreds of millions of dollars

The electric vehicle (EV) narrative is an exciting one for the metal, but it is still early days. Last year, only around 6% of nickel ended up in EV batteries, as 70% of supply goes into

Australian Vanadium teams up with Metso for test work

Vanadium has announced the selection of Metso for the next phase of

definitive feasibility study pilot testing at its Australian Vanadium project.

renowned expertise in Grate Kiln (GK) processing

“AVL and Metso are committed to working together to develop an improved thermal processing solution involving pelletising of the vanadium rich iron concentrate produced at

olution will involve pelletising the concentrate and processing it through a GK system. Pelletising has been used previously in Europe and China for the processing of primary

scale tests have already been completed by the company on its pelletised vanadium-rich iron concentrate and have confirmed that pelletised concentrate roasting offers a

bstantial advantage to the traditional rotary kiln technology currently employed by all

Page 22: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

AVL’s pelletised roasting tests have shown vanadium extraction results averaging 95.4%, versus a rotary kiln extraction of 85technologies, according to the company.

The next phase calls for pilot scale testing to simulate and optimise the GK process.

“The GK system is a combination of a travelling grate furnace for prekiln for final roasting,” AVL said. “The feed concentrate is formed into pellets of a particular size that are well-suited for the process. The pellets are then loaded onto the traveling grate and pass through multiple furnace heating zones whfrom the kiln are forced through the bed of pellets.”

This process accomplishes gradual and controlled drying and preheating of the pellets while

recouping much of the energy from the hot kiln exhaust gases, accord

The rotary kiln is then dedicated to the final roasting of the pellets after they’ve been dried

and preheated and can be controlled independently to achieve thermal profiles which result

in higher levels of vanadium extraction.

AVL said: “Although the GK technology is more commonly used for indurating iron ore pellets,

it has also been successfully applied to similar roasting applications because of its unique

ability to improve upon conventional rotary kiln processing.”

The pilot scale testing will be conducted at Metso’s Pyro Technology laboratory located in

Danville, Pennsylvania, USA, where over 120 GK testing programs have previously been

performed, according to the company.

Todd Richardson, AVL’s Chief Operating Officer, said: “Vana

changed much since the 1930s, when cement kiln technology was adapted for salt roasting

vanadium bearing ores. Since that time, the technology has gone largely unchanged.

“By partnering with Metso, a world leader in pyromet

that the roasting process can be greatly improved.”

Local miners chase surging nickel price amid jitters over Indonesian

Stuart McKinnon

SHARES in ASX-listed nickel miners have rallied strongly this morning after the price of the

steel-hardening commodity hit a five

Nickel prices have soared on reports Indonesia is exports to the end of December.

The reports prompted an 8.8 per cent rally for the metal on the London Metal Exchange on Friday, representing its biggest one

AVL’s pelletised roasting tests have shown vanadium extraction results averaging 95.4%, versus a rotary kiln extraction of 85-88%, which is typical of standard vanadium roasting technologies, according to the company.

The next phase calls for pilot scale testing to simulate and optimise the GK process.

“The GK system is a combination of a travelling grate furnace for pre-processing wkiln for final roasting,” AVL said. “The feed concentrate is formed into pellets of a particular

suited for the process. The pellets are then loaded onto the traveling grate and pass through multiple furnace heating zones where progressively hotter and hotter gases from the kiln are forced through the bed of pellets.”

This process accomplishes gradual and controlled drying and preheating of the pellets while

recouping much of the energy from the hot kiln exhaust gases, according to the company.

The rotary kiln is then dedicated to the final roasting of the pellets after they’ve been dried

and preheated and can be controlled independently to achieve thermal profiles which result

in higher levels of vanadium extraction.

: “Although the GK technology is more commonly used for indurating iron ore pellets,

it has also been successfully applied to similar roasting applications because of its unique

ability to improve upon conventional rotary kiln processing.”

testing will be conducted at Metso’s Pyro Technology laboratory located in

Danville, Pennsylvania, USA, where over 120 GK testing programs have previously been

performed, according to the company.

Todd Richardson, AVL’s Chief Operating Officer, said: “Vanadium roasting technology has not

changed much since the 1930s, when cement kiln technology was adapted for salt roasting

vanadium bearing ores. Since that time, the technology has gone largely unchanged.

“By partnering with Metso, a world leader in pyrometallurgical processing, AVL is confident

that the roasting process can be greatly improved.”♦

Local miners chase surging nickel price amid jitters over Indonesian export ban

Stuart McKinnon | The West Australian

listed nickel miners have rallied strongly this morning after the price of the

hardening commodity hit a five-year high above $US18,000 a tonne over the weekend.

Nickel prices have soared on reports Indonesia is set to bring forward a proposed ban on its exports to the end of December.

The reports prompted an 8.8 per cent rally for the metal on the London Metal Exchange on Friday, representing its biggest one-day gain since 2009.

Page 22

AVL’s pelletised roasting tests have shown vanadium extraction results averaging 95.4%, which is typical of standard vanadium roasting

The next phase calls for pilot scale testing to simulate and optimise the GK process.

processing with a rotary kiln for final roasting,” AVL said. “The feed concentrate is formed into pellets of a particular

suited for the process. The pellets are then loaded onto the traveling grate ere progressively hotter and hotter gases

This process accomplishes gradual and controlled drying and preheating of the pellets while

ing to the company.

The rotary kiln is then dedicated to the final roasting of the pellets after they’ve been dried

and preheated and can be controlled independently to achieve thermal profiles which result

: “Although the GK technology is more commonly used for indurating iron ore pellets,

it has also been successfully applied to similar roasting applications because of its unique

testing will be conducted at Metso’s Pyro Technology laboratory located in

Danville, Pennsylvania, USA, where over 120 GK testing programs have previously been

dium roasting technology has not

changed much since the 1930s, when cement kiln technology was adapted for salt roasting

vanadium bearing ores. Since that time, the technology has gone largely unchanged.

allurgical processing, AVL is confident

Local miners chase surging nickel price amid jitters over Indonesian

listed nickel miners have rallied strongly this morning after the price of the

year high above $US18,000 a tonne over the weekend.

set to bring forward a proposed ban on its

The reports prompted an 8.8 per cent rally for the metal on the London Metal Exchange on

Page 23: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

Nickel prices have been moving stetrading for around $US11,000/t.

Prices have also been pushed higher by falling LME stockpiles.

Investors are also bullish on the metal’s importance in the emerging electric vehicle battery market, with nickel representing a significant component in the chemical makelithium-ion batteries.

Listed nickel plays were up sharply this morning with Western Areas up 22.5¢, or 9 per cent, to $2.705, Independence Group up 43.5¢, or 8 per cent, to 7.8 per cent, to 69.5¢ at 11.40am.

Shares in nickel explorer St George Mining rallied 2.5¢, or 18 per cent, to 16.5¢ after it reported a new, shallow nickel-

The John Prineas-led company reported a 7.5m thick mineralised interval from 44.2m downhole from the first drilling at the newly named Radar prospect.

St George reported nickel grades of up to 6 per cent and copper of up to 1.92 per cent using

portable, hand-held XRF analysis. Laboratory assays are pending.

CIL’s domestic dominance unlikely to changeBy: Ajoy K Das

STATE-run miner Coal India Limited’s (CIL’s) dominant

unlikely to change any time soon even though the Indian government has permitted 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in coal mining, paving the way for the entry of global resource companies.

The 100% FDI will be permitmajors to invest in commercial coal mining in the country through wholly owned subsidiaries and permitting free pricing and free sale of production from their Indian mining projects.

Though this would theoretically enable global companies to participate at coal block auctions through their dedicated Indian subsidiaries, the possible entry of foreign investors into Indian coal mining is unlikely to make a difference to the dominant position of CIL, wh607-million tons of dry fuel, meeting over 80% of the country’s dry fuel requirement.

A CIL CEO noted that foreign-owned operations would take years to achieve the economies of scale needed to compete with CIL in terms of volumes offered to coterm contracts and to achieve any significant market share.

He also pointed out that the Statepreferential allotment, or for free, while foreign miners would need to bid at the auction aany successful bidder would need to amortise the large upfront payments at the auction with comparatively limited volume production.

Nickel prices have been moving steadily higher since the start of the year when the metal was trading for around $US11,000/t.

Prices have also been pushed higher by falling LME stockpiles.

Investors are also bullish on the metal’s importance in the emerging electric vehicle battery with nickel representing a significant component in the chemical make

Listed nickel plays were up sharply this morning with Western Areas up 22.5¢, or 9 per cent, to $2.705, Independence Group up 43.5¢, or 8 per cent, to $5.875 and Mincor rallying 5¢, or 7.8 per cent, to 69.5¢ at 11.40am.

Shares in nickel explorer St George Mining rallied 2.5¢, or 18 per cent, to 16.5¢ after it -copper sulphide discovery at its Mt Alexander project.

led company reported a 7.5m thick mineralised interval from 44.2m downhole from the first drilling at the newly named Radar prospect.

St George reported nickel grades of up to 6 per cent and copper of up to 1.92 per cent using

F analysis. Laboratory assays are pending.♦

CIL’s domestic dominance unlikely to changeAjoy K Das, Creamer Media Correspondent

run miner Coal India Limited’s (CIL’s) dominant position in the domestic market is

unlikely to change any time soon even though the Indian government has permitted 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in coal mining, paving the way for the entry of global resource

The 100% FDI will be permitted through the automatic route, allowing global resource majors to invest in commercial coal mining in the country through wholly owned subsidiaries and permitting free pricing and free sale of production from their Indian mining projects.

ld theoretically enable global companies to participate at coal block auctions through their dedicated Indian subsidiaries, the possible entry of foreign investors into Indian coal mining is unlikely to make a difference to the dominant position of CIL, wh

million tons of dry fuel, meeting over 80% of the country’s dry fuel requirement.

owned operations would take years to achieve the economies of scale needed to compete with CIL in terms of volumes offered to consumers through longterm contracts and to achieve any significant market share.

He also pointed out that the State-run miner was allocated new coal blocks through preferential allotment, or for free, while foreign miners would need to bid at the auction aany successful bidder would need to amortise the large upfront payments at the auction with comparatively limited volume production.

Page 23

adily higher since the start of the year when the metal was

Investors are also bullish on the metal’s importance in the emerging electric vehicle battery with nickel representing a significant component in the chemical make-up of many

Listed nickel plays were up sharply this morning with Western Areas up 22.5¢, or 9 per cent, $5.875 and Mincor rallying 5¢, or

Shares in nickel explorer St George Mining rallied 2.5¢, or 18 per cent, to 16.5¢ after it copper sulphide discovery at its Mt Alexander project.

led company reported a 7.5m thick mineralised interval from 44.2m

St George reported nickel grades of up to 6 per cent and copper of up to 1.92 per cent using

CIL’s domestic dominance unlikely to change

position in the domestic market is

unlikely to change any time soon even though the Indian government has permitted 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in coal mining, paving the way for the entry of global resource

ted through the automatic route, allowing global resource majors to invest in commercial coal mining in the country through wholly owned subsidiaries and permitting free pricing and free sale of production from their Indian mining projects.

ld theoretically enable global companies to participate at coal block auctions through their dedicated Indian subsidiaries, the possible entry of foreign investors into Indian coal mining is unlikely to make a difference to the dominant position of CIL, which produces

million tons of dry fuel, meeting over 80% of the country’s dry fuel requirement.

owned operations would take years to achieve the economies of nsumers through long-

run miner was allocated new coal blocks through preferential allotment, or for free, while foreign miners would need to bid at the auction and any successful bidder would need to amortise the large upfront payments at the auction with

Page 24: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

According to another CIL official, while it was true that several global resource majors were reducing their coal mining operations as the world moved away from the fossil fuel, investments in India would need to hedge against peculiarities of the country.

He said it would be interesting to note whether foreign investors could finalize project reports in India where the timaverage of six years, and generally foreign miners are "not too comfortable with such timelines".

Furthermore, the fact that around 30% to 45% of global coal production was accounted for from underground mines, posed the question of whether international miners would invest in India, where 94% of production was sourced from opencast mines.

It was pointed out by the official that CIL’s competitive strength was its ability to enter into

long-term supply agreements with thermal power companies, leveraging its large production


Another crucial potential hurdle for FDI in Indian coal mining would be the funding of

projects conceived by global miners. As per published reports, over 100 major in

lending institutions had divested of thermal coal project investments as of February 2019.

Under the circumstances, foreign miners would be largely dependent on funding for their

projects from Indian financial institutions which, at present, we

from existing non-performing assets with State

recapitalization to make provisions on their books.

Rather than foreign miners, CIL’s most notable competition would be NTPC, the country’s

largest thermal power producer and CIL's largest customer, drawing up plans to become the

second largest coal producer in the country.

NTPC, which currently sourced an estimated 170

had targeted production of 100

Increased availability of coal from its own mines and a commensurate reduction in offtake

from CIL were more of an immediate challenge than foreign coal miners’ entry into the

country, officials added.♦

Freeport’s Cerro Verde expansion not touching farmland

AFTER some villagers expressed concern before local authorities, the management team of

Freeport-McMoRan’s (NYSE:FCX)

planning to acquire farmland and other terrains that are in use to expand its operations.

According to another CIL official, while it was true that several global resource majors were operations as the world moved away from the fossil fuel,

investments in India would need to hedge against peculiarities of the country.

He said it would be interesting to note whether foreign investors could finalize project reports in India where the time taken from allocation of a block to production takes an average of six years, and generally foreign miners are "not too comfortable with such

Furthermore, the fact that around 30% to 45% of global coal production was accounted for round mines, posed the question of whether international miners would invest in

India, where 94% of production was sourced from opencast mines.

It was pointed out by the official that CIL’s competitive strength was its ability to enter into

supply agreements with thermal power companies, leveraging its large production

Another crucial potential hurdle for FDI in Indian coal mining would be the funding of

projects conceived by global miners. As per published reports, over 100 major in

lending institutions had divested of thermal coal project investments as of February 2019.

Under the circumstances, foreign miners would be largely dependent on funding for their

projects from Indian financial institutions which, at present, were all facing severe stress

performing assets with State-run banks dependent on government

recapitalization to make provisions on their books.

Rather than foreign miners, CIL’s most notable competition would be NTPC, the country’s

thermal power producer and CIL's largest customer, drawing up plans to become the

second largest coal producer in the country.

NTPC, which currently sourced an estimated 170-million to 200-million tonnes a year of coal

had targeted production of 100-million tonnes a year from 11 coal blocks allotted to it.

Increased availability of coal from its own mines and a commensurate reduction in offtake

from CIL were more of an immediate challenge than foreign coal miners’ entry into the

Freeport’s Cerro Verde expansion not touching farmland report

Valentina Ruiz Leotaud

some villagers expressed concern before local authorities, the management team of

oRan’s (NYSE:FCX) Cerro Verde copper mine in Peru said the company is not

planning to acquire farmland and other terrains that are in use to expand its operations.

Page 24

According to another CIL official, while it was true that several global resource majors were operations as the world moved away from the fossil fuel,

investments in India would need to hedge against peculiarities of the country.

He said it would be interesting to note whether foreign investors could finalize project e taken from allocation of a block to production takes an

average of six years, and generally foreign miners are "not too comfortable with such

Furthermore, the fact that around 30% to 45% of global coal production was accounted for round mines, posed the question of whether international miners would invest in

It was pointed out by the official that CIL’s competitive strength was its ability to enter into

supply agreements with thermal power companies, leveraging its large production

Another crucial potential hurdle for FDI in Indian coal mining would be the funding of

projects conceived by global miners. As per published reports, over 100 major international

lending institutions had divested of thermal coal project investments as of February 2019.

Under the circumstances, foreign miners would be largely dependent on funding for their

re all facing severe stress

run banks dependent on government

Rather than foreign miners, CIL’s most notable competition would be NTPC, the country’s

thermal power producer and CIL's largest customer, drawing up plans to become the

million tonnes a year of coal

on tonnes a year from 11 coal blocks allotted to it.

Increased availability of coal from its own mines and a commensurate reduction in offtake

from CIL were more of an immediate challenge than foreign coal miners’ entry into the

Freeport’s Cerro Verde expansion not touching farmland – media

some villagers expressed concern before local authorities, the management team of

in Peru said the company is not

planning to acquire farmland and other terrains that are in use to expand its operations.

Page 25: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

Neighbours’ associations from the towns of

and Yarabamba raised the alarm following th

issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mines. In the document, Cerro Verde’s expansion

project, which aims at tripling the concentrator’s capacity from its current output of 409,500

tonnes per day, was deemed of

to purchase the terrains that would allow it to complete the job. However, such pieces of land

must be considered wasteland and third parties’ rights must be respected.

Yet, La República newspaper

Government Planning Office, the claims that Cerro

the oversight of some neighbours’ associations.

According to the news outlet, the mayor of Tiabaya, Miguel Cuadros Paredes, forwarded the resolution to his legal team and sent a notification to the miner promptingdetails on its plans. Similarly, the mayor of Mollebaya, Jaime Tueros, will ask Cerro Verde to join a meeting with seven other local authorities to discuss the issue.

Cerro Verde is an open-pit operation that produces one billion pounds of located approximately 30 kilometres southwest of the city of Arequipa and it is controlled by

Freeport-McMoRan with a 53.6% stake, Sumitomo Metal (21%) and Buenaventura (19.6%).

Macmahon confident of resolving Telfer dispute w

MACMAHON Holdings expects an “acceptable agreement” will be made with Newcrest

Mining in the near future regarding an increase in revenue from contracts at the Telfer gold mine in Western Australia.

The Perth-based contractor had been seeking Newcrest’s agreement over work rates at Telfer, as it entered and extended trading halts on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) earlier this week.

Macmahon reported that while facilitated negotiations with Newcrest did not initially reach a resolution, progress in recent discussions had provided renewed optimism of pay increases.

Given this progress, Mcmahon revealed that its assessment was the present value of incremental cash flows from the Telfer contract was likely to be positive over the remaiterm of the project.

Despite this positive step, the company pointed out that its assessment could change in the future.

Macmahon is pursuing increased contract rates to recover the additional cost of operating under changed conditions, including volurequired.

Neighbours’ associations from the towns of La Joya, Hunter, Tiabaya, Uchumayo, Mollebaya

and Yarabamba raised the alarm following the publication of ordinance 541

issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mines. In the document, Cerro Verde’s expansion

project, which aims at tripling the concentrator’s capacity from its current output of 409,500

tonnes per day, was deemed of national interest, which means that the miner has permission

to purchase the terrains that would allow it to complete the job. However, such pieces of land

must be considered wasteland and third parties’ rights must be respected.

er reports that, based on documentation from the Regional

Government Planning Office, the claims that Cerro Verde is eyeing overlap with those under

the oversight of some neighbours’ associations.

According to the news outlet, the mayor of Tiabaya, Miguel Cuadros Paredes, forwarded the resolution to his legal team and sent a notification to the miner promptingdetails on its plans. Similarly, the mayor of Mollebaya, Jaime Tueros, will ask Cerro Verde to join a meeting with seven other local authorities to discuss the issue.

pit operation that produces one billion pounds of located approximately 30 kilometres southwest of the city of Arequipa and it is controlled by

McMoRan with a 53.6% stake, Sumitomo Metal (21%) and Buenaventura (19.6%).

Macmahon confident of resolving Telfer dispute with NewcrestAlex Gluyas

Holdings expects an “acceptable agreement” will be made with Newcrest

Mining in the near future regarding an increase in revenue from contracts at the Telfer gold

based contractor had been seeking Newcrest’s agreement to proceed to litigation over work rates at Telfer, as it entered and extended trading halts on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) earlier this week.

Macmahon reported that while facilitated negotiations with Newcrest did not initially reach a tion, progress in recent discussions had provided renewed optimism of pay increases.

Given this progress, Mcmahon revealed that its assessment was the present value of incremental cash flows from the Telfer contract was likely to be positive over the remai

Despite this positive step, the company pointed out that its assessment could change in the

Macmahon is pursuing increased contract rates to recover the additional cost of operating under changed conditions, including volume changes and manner and sequence of mining

Page 25

La Joya, Hunter, Tiabaya, Uchumayo, Mollebaya

e publication of ordinance 541-2014, which was

issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mines. In the document, Cerro Verde’s expansion

project, which aims at tripling the concentrator’s capacity from its current output of 409,500

national interest, which means that the miner has permission

to purchase the terrains that would allow it to complete the job. However, such pieces of land

must be considered wasteland and third parties’ rights must be respected.

that, based on documentation from the Regional

Verde is eyeing overlap with those under

According to the news outlet, the mayor of Tiabaya, Miguel Cuadros Paredes, forwarded the resolution to his legal team and sent a notification to the miner prompting it to provide details on its plans. Similarly, the mayor of Mollebaya, Jaime Tueros, will ask Cerro Verde to

pit operation that produces one billion pounds of copper per year. It is located approximately 30 kilometres southwest of the city of Arequipa and it is controlled by

McMoRan with a 53.6% stake, Sumitomo Metal (21%) and Buenaventura (19.6%).♦

ith Newcrest

Holdings expects an “acceptable agreement” will be made with Newcrest

Mining in the near future regarding an increase in revenue from contracts at the Telfer gold

to proceed to litigation over work rates at Telfer, as it entered and extended trading halts on the Australian Securities

Macmahon reported that while facilitated negotiations with Newcrest did not initially reach a tion, progress in recent discussions had provided renewed optimism of pay increases.

Given this progress, Mcmahon revealed that its assessment was the present value of incremental cash flows from the Telfer contract was likely to be positive over the remaining

Despite this positive step, the company pointed out that its assessment could change in the

Macmahon is pursuing increased contract rates to recover the additional cost of operating me changes and manner and sequence of mining

Page 26: Benchmark Export Prices of September 2019: 5 Products Up, … · 2019. 9. 2. · revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia. Reporter: Ridwan Nand Yuwono

IMA-Daily Update

The contractor flagged a provision in the order of $25continuing the contract.

Macmahon had previously planned to bypass the mediation process that usually precedes litigation in place of past negotiations with Newcrest.

As previously announced, Macmahon plans to continue to perform its Telfer contract responsibilities. The contract is set to run until January 2023.

The announcement comes as Macmahon reported on its 201strong earnings uplift.

This includes a 55 per cent increase in revenue to $1.103 billion as the company increased activities across its contract mining projects in Australia and Indonesia.

The results coincide with a surg2018 financial year to $46.1 million in the 2019 period.

Macmahon chief executive officer Michael Finnegan said the strong results reflect the company’s ability to execute on its large order b

“I am pleased we have delivered significant revenue and earnings growth in financial year 2019, with our performance demonstrating Macmahon’s ability to deliver value for both our clients and shareholders,” he said.

“This reliable performance and the good revenue visibility provided by our $4.7 billion orderbook has underpinned the Board’s decision to reinstate dividends to Macmahon shareholders.’

The 2019 financial year final dividend of 0.5 cents per share is the company’s firsseven years with the board aiming to pay dividends on a “sustainable basis going forward.”

Going forward, Macmahon said it is well positioned for growth in the 2020 financial year with secured work in hand of $1.2 billion.

“The acquisition of GBF, our $4.7 billion order book, and significant tender pipeline means the Company is well positioned to deliver further earnings and cash flow growth in financial year

2020,” Finnegan said.♦

The contractor flagged a provision in the order of $25–35 million to cover the costs of

Macmahon had previously planned to bypass the mediation process that usually precedes tigation in place of past negotiations with Newcrest.

As previously announced, Macmahon plans to continue to perform its Telfer contract responsibilities. The contract is set to run until January 2023.

The announcement comes as Macmahon reported on its 2019 financial year which featured a

This includes a 55 per cent increase in revenue to $1.103 billion as the company increased activities across its contract mining projects in Australia and Indonesia.

The results coincide with a surge in net profit after tax, increasing from $33.2 million in the 2018 financial year to $46.1 million in the 2019 period.

Macmahon chief executive officer Michael Finnegan said the strong results reflect the company’s ability to execute on its large order book for its mining clients.

“I am pleased we have delivered significant revenue and earnings growth in financial year 2019, with our performance demonstrating Macmahon’s ability to deliver value for both our clients and shareholders,” he said.

le performance and the good revenue visibility provided by our $4.7 billion orderbook has underpinned the Board’s decision to reinstate dividends to Macmahon

The 2019 financial year final dividend of 0.5 cents per share is the company’s firsseven years with the board aiming to pay dividends on a “sustainable basis going forward.”

Going forward, Macmahon said it is well positioned for growth in the 2020 financial year with secured work in hand of $1.2 billion.

GBF, our $4.7 billion order book, and significant tender pipeline means the Company is well positioned to deliver further earnings and cash flow growth in financial year

Page 26

35 million to cover the costs of

Macmahon had previously planned to bypass the mediation process that usually precedes

As previously announced, Macmahon plans to continue to perform its Telfer contract

9 financial year which featured a

This includes a 55 per cent increase in revenue to $1.103 billion as the company increased

e in net profit after tax, increasing from $33.2 million in the

Macmahon chief executive officer Michael Finnegan said the strong results reflect the ook for its mining clients.

“I am pleased we have delivered significant revenue and earnings growth in financial year 2019, with our performance demonstrating Macmahon’s ability to deliver value for both our

le performance and the good revenue visibility provided by our $4.7 billion orderbook has underpinned the Board’s decision to reinstate dividends to Macmahon

The 2019 financial year final dividend of 0.5 cents per share is the company’s first dividend in seven years with the board aiming to pay dividends on a “sustainable basis going forward.”

Going forward, Macmahon said it is well positioned for growth in the 2020 financial year with

GBF, our $4.7 billion order book, and significant tender pipeline means the Company is well positioned to deliver further earnings and cash flow growth in financial year
