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  • 7/31/2019 Beloved Issue #1



    NOVEMBER 2012 ISSUE #1

    Welcome 1

    Kids 2

    Fashion 3

    Relationships 4

    God Space 5

    Organising 6

    Careers 6

    Cleaning 7

    Food 7


    Welcome to the first edition of Beloved! This magazine is designed with YOU in mind real

    women living real lives. In a world where all signs point to our inadequacy, I felt it was

    important to provide a resource that encourages women and reminds us that we are so loved

    by our families, friends, and most importantly (and unconditionally) by God!

    I will endeavor to keep the content fresh, inspiring and down-to-earth, but I look forward to

    your feedback, because YOU are the reason this magazine exists!

    To be honest, I have heard a lot of women recently express doubts about their worth, value

    and place in society, and I am very frustrated!!! We have all been magnificently created and

    placed strategically in each others worlds to remind each other of the strengths and triumphs

    that we may otherwise dismiss. We are all so important, and I am sending out a challenge to

    women today: when we feel gossip on your lips, swap it for praise; when we feel a snide

    remark coming on; search for something good to say! As woman, we have enough enemies

    lets be each others allies! God loves us so much and has things in store for us that we cant

    even imagine! So dont waste another minute feeling inferior we are BELOVED!

    For I know the plans I

    have for you, declares

    the LORD, Plans to

    prosper you and not to

    harm you, plans to give

    you hope and a future.

    - Jeremiah 29:11

  • 7/31/2019 Beloved Issue #1


    A Single Mom Takes Off the Superwoman CapeHi. My name is Crystal and Im a single mom.

    I do not set an alarm to wake up before my son. I dont volunteer at his preschool. I do n

    make my own toothpaste and I have not cooked from scratch in weeks. My email inbox

    and my laundry pile are both out of control and I have no plans to tame either. If I

    remember to bring something to a church potluck, it is rarely homemade. While Im on a

    roll, Ill add a real confession: I used to judge single parents whether they were divorc

    or notI judged them and I made assumptions I had no right to make.

    Oh wait. This isnt Single Parents Anonymous? Thats right, this is Simple Mom. So howdoes a single mom also figure out how to be a simple mom? Or at the very least, how do

    incorporate a bit more simplicity into daily life? Because that list of things I dont do

    those are good things I would like to be able to do. Im no single parenting expert. Im

    just in the trenches with a toddler. I know theres got to be many of you in this commun

    who may not have the tax filing status, but you still function as a single parent much of t

    time. Whether youre a military mom or dad, married to someone who is unable to or

    has chosen not to be engaged in parenting, your experience and challenges are similar

    And I also know that not every single parenting scenario is the same. We all have differe

    financial and custody situations, not to mention children at various stages with unique

    personalities. We all have different paths that resulted in our entrance to this strange lan

    called single parenting.

    No spoiler alert needed. Parenting and running a household alone is hard. Add to that

    working and in some cases being the only financial provider, and it equals exhaustion.

    As we all know, parenting (whether alone or not) is a 24/7 marathon, not an occasionaside hobby you fit in when time permits.Its the most incredible, most valuable marath

    youll ever run, but that doesnt mean youre not exhausted, needing some cheerleader

    and good coaches while youre in it.

    As a single parent, I know I make it harder on myself by expecting that I should be able t

    accomplish the same things as a stay-at-home-mom who has a healthy relationship with

    her employed husband. I have to daily accept my limitations, and deal with the

    disappointment that I am unable to have the experience of motherhood I had always

    imagined. There are many things Im in the process of learning because of these

    limitations. Being a single mom has forced me to concentrate on what matters and not

    get distracted by what might please or appease those around me.I simply cant raise m

    son, work full time, and also execute incredible, Martha-Stewart-worthy childrens

    birthday parties, rotate my house dcor with the seasons, and also find time to

    occasionally sleep.

    But you know what? Thats okay. Ive recently decided to permanently take off my supwoman cape. I am going to cease the super human expectations, take a breath and focu

    on one thing I can do. Sometimes that one thing involves playing with legos or dump

    trucks with a beautiful little boy. But sometimes that means putting on a movie for him,

    I can spend some time journaling and clearing my head. Sometimes it means accepting

    offered help from friends. Sometimes that means showing up at a birthday party witho

    a gift or a card and trusting that my friend actually does value my presence more than

    those polite gestures. Im not saying I exist in this clarity all the time. Or that I dont nee

    hourly reminders to let go of the expectations that others and myself place on me. I do

    not always float around in a cloud of peaceful acceptance. Not at all. Im tired. I grieve.

    get sad, Ipray and reach out to friends. Eventually, I get reminded that what matters arthe essentials and its okay if I cant do it all. For me the essentials is a very, very sho

    list that involves food, water and making sure my son is wearing mostly-clean

    underwear. I cant do it all. And comparing the things I am able to achieve as a parent to

    people in different circumstances doesnt help my son or me. But, its not only singleparents that feel this pressure, right?

    I invite you to take off your super mom or super dad cape, too. Focus on one thing you

    can do, instead of being overwhelmed by everything your circumstances and energy

    limitations prevent you from doing. I may not get be able to spend the whole day with m

    son creating the full-size sidewalk chalk fire truck mural we both dream of, but I can spe

    ten meaningful minutes colouring with him after breakfast before work.Being at peaceand enjoying the time I do have with my son matters more than being supermom.


    Written by Simple Mom contributor

    Crystal Hadidian

    Taken from Simple Mom:

    What are your thoughts on this article? Please let me know your opinion via email at

    [email protected] your comments may be posted in next months Feedback section.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/31/2019 Beloved Issue #1


    Spring Dos & DontsWell hello my fashionistas! I thought we would start with some

    basic fashion dos and donts for this gorgeous spring season


    The flowers are blooming in the garden and on the fabrics! Florals

    are a must-have in every girls spring/summer collection. Think

    fitted mini, long maxi, or a floaty dress - get one piece in either of

    the two hot colour palettes into your wardrobe. What palettes,

    you ask? Either the bold pop colours, or the pastels! Whichever is

    more YOU, makes you comfortable and makes you feel great! Be

    comfortable while experimenting. By mixing the new flavours into

    your existing wardrobe, its an inexpensive way to feel the part this

    season. Try to get out of the black and grey and go for a colour if

    you can. Choose one block colour out of your floral piece and

    accessorize accordingly. You will have noticed colour blocking in all

    fashion retailers - which of course makes it ok!Dont be afraid to

    put your favourites together! All old fashion no-nos are gone.

    Putting coral and hot pink together, orange and canary yellow,

    even navy & black are back together for an evening look! There are

    no two colours you cant put together! Cobalt blue, turquoise

    green, lime and red all favourites are in!Alternatively, adding the same feel in a pastel is just as hot right

    now. Lemon, mint, powder pink and baby blue are the four mostpopular shades, with lavender just behind them.

    When it comes to pants, whether it be skinny or straight leg capri

    jeans, 3/4 or 7/8 length is IN! (Or do the long jeans folded up


    Skinny belts in a strong bold block over over your skirts, jeans and

    dresses are a crucial must-have. Dont forget to accessorize! Wear

    a belt on the thinnest part of your waist. If its a chilly morning or

    night, wear it over your cardigan or jacket. Yes! The humble belt is

    no longer just to keep your pants up! Teaming denim washed or

    traditionalis definitely the way to go if youre feeling

    overwhelmed by the idea of a coral cardi over a bright floral. Ease

    yourway into the spring look byadding onefloral piece tocombine with your already-have favourite top colour palette.Donts

    Dont wear your leggings as pants (although this should always be

    a rule).

    Dont forget to layer your outfit, e.g. a belt,summer scarf,necklace, 3/4 sleeve cardi.

    Dont be overpowered by your outfit! Theres nothing more

    disappointing than having a brand new outfit or look, and feeling

    self-conscious! Own your new look, have fun with it and enjoy

    yourself! A good outfit should make you feel good!


    Shape Bib Necklace

    Colette, $14.95

    Olivia Rose Gold

    Roc Eyewear $89.95

    Verali Metal-Plated Sandal

    The Iconic $59.95

    Written by Kristen Fazzari

    What are your thoughts on this article? Please let me know your opinion via email at

    [email protected] your comments may be posted in next months Feedback section.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/31/2019 Beloved Issue #1


    Created For Fellowship

    We are made for relationships. We need people similar to us,

    different than us, from different cultures, life stages and ages. We

    crave just one person to get us, the real us; someone wholl take our

    late night calls.

    And yet many of us settle for the convenient or the absent. We maylook for a while, but we give up when its not easy. We chalk it up to a

    challenging stage in life (little ones in the house), an environment

    thats not exactlywhat wed prefer (this church isnt as perfect as Id

    like), or simply a difference in personality (I dont really click with

    anyone I know).

    Our lives are fuller and sweeter when there are kindred spirits to

    walk alongside. We find meaning and purpose when we have people

    to serve. God speaks to us in many ways, but in my life, He often likes

    to usepeoplewe miss out on a unique perspective from Him if we

    dont let others in our life.

    This looks different for all of us, of course. Some of us would be

    overwhelmed with more than one comrade in our life, while others

    may need a veritable entourage. But Id hate for any of us to missout on true companionship because we didnt look for it.

    Here are ways Ive found my lifes dearest friends:

    1. Be a friend.

    Know that corny phrase, The best way to find a friend is to be a

    friend? Its actually kinda true. Practice the lovely art of listening,

    serving, and caringnot to get something back, but just because.

    These acts alone will fill your cup.

    2. Open up.

    Take a chance and share your heart. As you know someone longer,

    share with them deeper. Dont hold on to needless fear when it

    would mean missing out on soul care from a friend.

    3. Be open to new things.

    Drive yourself to that book club, as difficult it might be. Call a new

    neighbour over for coffee, even though youd wish someone would

    invite you for a change. Register for that conference and see what

    happens. Create that playgroup so that you can find the adult

    conversation you crave.

    Ive made the most surprising friends in the most unexpected

    places, all because I dared to do something new.

    4. Take care of yourself.

    Dont expect your friends to solve your problems, never fail you, or

    be God. Practice the fine art of taking care of yourself, so that you are

    able to be a thriving, functioning adult. Let your friends care for you

    when its needed, but dont ask more from a fellow human whentheyre just not made to give it.


    Written by Simple Mom contributor:Tsh

    Taken from Simple Mom:

    What are your thoughts on this article? Please let me know your opinion via email at

    [email protected] your comments may be posted in next months Feedback section.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/31/2019 Beloved Issue #1


    ThankfulnessThe Key to Having the Life You Really Want

    I recently spent some time thinking about what bad attitude bothers God

    the most. I believe its an ungrateful attitude. If youre a parent, you can

    probably relate to that. You work hard to do all you can for your kids and

    youd jump at the chance to do it all over again if theyd just say, Thanks,

    Mom or Thanks, Dad. I sure do appreciate the things you do for me.

    But not all children display that kind of maturity.Many times theyll come home murmuring and complaining, I want this

    and I want that and Why wont you do this one thing for me? Thats

    pretty aggravating, isnt it?

    As Gods children, many Christians probably sound the same way to Him!

    Thats why I believe we need to take a fresh look at ourselves and theimportance of having a thankful attitude toward God.

    Now, think about the things in your life that you were so excited about

    when God first blessed youthe baby you were praying for, the spouse

    you longed for, that promotion you tried so hard to get. They may be the

    very thing you complain about today!

    The nature of human flesh, if it is not disciplined and controlled by the

    Holy Spirit, will always drift toward the negative. You never have to try to

    complain, but it does take a lot of faith and effort to maintain a grateful,thankful attitude.

    You may think its a little bit strange to say this, but I think we need to

    learn to appreciate our trials a lot more than we do because theyre what

    make us grow and mature in godly character.

    You see, in hard times, we tend to experience more of His nearness and

    power in our lives. Its in those times that we really come to know Him.

    Complaining actually opens a door for the devil. We need to learn to

    thank God in everything.

    Dont go to lunch with someone and spend the whole time talking about

    your problems. Remember, recall and recount the good things God is

    doing in your life.

    Talk about your Red Sea moments. Remember the manna He gave you

    last week. Remember the resurrections youve had in your life. The Bible

    says to fix your mind on those things that are worthy of praise (seePhilippians 4:8). Remember those things. Talk about those things.

    Im not telling you its going to be easy to do. Its much easier to make

    excuses and feel sorry for yourself because things will happen to you that

    dont seem fair. The key is to keep saying, I trust You, God, and I believe

    You will work it all out for my good.

    Its a wonderful thing that God has done for us to be able to look at a

    negative thing in a positive way and actually say, You cannot defeat me

    because God is on my side.

    I want to have a good attitude because thats what will glorify God. He

    has promised that if we will do three simple thingscontinue to pray, to

    love Him, and to want His willthat all things will work together for our

    good(see Romans 8:28). Thats a 100 percent ironclad guarantee that no

    matter how messy life gets, God will make good out of it. If you want

    victory in your life, all you have to do is adopt a lifestyle of thanksgiving.If you can manage to be thankful in every situation, really believing that

    God is working everything out for your good, you will end up with the

    victory every single time.


    What are your thoughts on this article? Please let me know your opinion via email at

    [email protected] your comments may be posted in next months Feedback section.

    Written by Joyce MeyerTaken from Joyce Meyer Everyday Answers:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/31/2019 Beloved Issue #1



    Miss 7s Wardrobe Miss 9s Wardrobe

    How To Stay Healthy At Work1. Eat a good breakfast: Kick-start your day with a nutritious, filling breakfast that

    will carry you through to lunch. Many popular cereals are loaded with sugar so try

    unsweetened muesli with yoghurt and honey, oatmeal, or wholemeal toast with

    eggs or beans the extra protein will keep hunger at bay and keep your energy

    evels steady. Whatever you do, avoid doing the coffee-and-danish after the

    nitial hit your sugar levels will plummet and youll be gnawing on your arm by


    2. Get off your chair: You dont have to be an avid gym junkie to get exercise

    any incidental movement throughout the day helps. Apparently its all about

    muscle contractionanything as long as youre not just sitting in your chair. That

    means you should get up and walk ar ound regularly, even if its just for a stretch

    and a jaunt down the hallway. Walk over to your colleagues desk rather than

    sending an email, and take the stairs rather than the lift, especially if its just for a

    floor or two. Some workplaces are even introducing height-adjustable desks so

    people can stand while theyre working, which could become a common

    workplace practice in the future.

    3. Make healthy lunch choices: There are many healthy lunch choices available at

    most delis and cafes, from sushi to salad and wholegrain sandwiches. Be sure tonclude some protein in your lunch, as this will fill you up more. Even better, make

    your own lunch and bring it in. Leftovers from the previous nights dinner are

    always a good option. You can prepare your food just how you li ke it, avoid rich

    dressings and sauces, and save money whileyoure at it.4. Choose healthy snacks: As tempting as it is to reach into the biccie tin for a

    sweet snack break, highly processed foods full of sugar or fat are a sure-fire recipe

    for Expanding Waist Syndrome. Try snacking on fresh fruit, sliced vegetables with

    hummus, low-fat yoghurt or a handful of nuts. Remember that going for

    something sweet and insubstantial wont fill you up and will cause your blood

    sugar level to crash later.

    5. Drink plenty of water: Its important to drink plenty of water, especially in dry,

    air-conditioned office environments. It will help keep you hydrated and will also

    help stave off hunger.

    6. Avoid sugary drinks: Sipping on soft drink or sports drinks all day can add an alarm

    number of calories to your daily load. With an average of 150 to 200 calories per bot

    these sugary drinks wont do your waistline any favours.

    7. Get out at lunchtime: As easy as it may be to eat lunch at your desk and work stra

    through, its always a good idea to get out for some fresh air and a little walk. Find

    yourself a walking buddy and meet up for lunchtime outings. Even better would be t

    to a gym or yoga classyoull come back to the office feeling energised and refr esh

    8. Manage your stress: Many people tend to eat more and indulge in comfort eating

    when theyre stressed so its important to manage your stress and learn to relax for

    sake of your mental and physical wellbeing. Stress hormones c ontribute to weight g

    especially in the abdominal area, as well as food cravings so meditation, exercise a

    anything else that helps you relax will benefit you both internally and externally.

    9. Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is obviously important for us to stay healthy a

    alert at work, but recent research has shown that lack of sleep leads to reduced leve

    leptin, an appetite-suppressing hormone, and increased levels of ghrelin, a hormone

    which increases appetite. Not surprisingly, those who dont sleep e nough (less than

    seven or eight hours) are more prone to weight gain, obesity and also diabetes. Tha

    should give you more than enough reason to get to bed at a decent hour youll bointo work bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, get more done a nd eat less!

    10. Make exercise part of your routine: This is an obvious one but is always worth

    reiterating. Choose an activity that you enjoy and will feel motivated to continue j

    gym or other sporting group, or start up an activity at work like team soccer, or a wa

    or running group. And make the most of the weekends go for a walk, swim or bike

    and enjoy the fresh air. Youll look and feel so much better for it.

    Staying healthy and trim while working in an office requires commitment a nd effort

    it doesnt have to be about fanaticism and deprivation. If your daily habits are health

    ones, you can afford the occasional indulgence a drink or two, a nice meal, some d

    chocolateits all about balance. If you find foods and activities that you enjoy, you

    new habits wont feel like a chore at all, and youll love the benefits you reap.


    Organised Kids WardrobesDuring the 20 Days to Organise & Clean your

    home challenge, I shared with you some before

    photos of my daughters wardrobes. The

    organising hanger we were using was falling apart

    and couldnt be easily fixed. We had used this

    hanger for a good few years and it was time for an

    upgrade, although I really liked how organised theclothes were in the hanger and I wanted

    something similar - solid and sturdy. TheClosetMaid storage organisers from Masterswere

    my answer. I used a3 cube ClosetMaid organiser

    and8 cube ClosetMaid organiserin each of the

    kids cupboards. I put rubber stoppers on the

    bottom of the 3 cubes to stop them from moving

    and placed the 8 cube on its side which allowed

    enough room for dresses and t-shirts to hang. I am

    so pleased with the end result!

    I used theClosetMaid fabric drawerswhich hold

    the kids socks, undies and swimmers. The beauty

    with these drawers is that I can just throw in clean

    items - I dont fold the underwear, as they usuallysearch through the pile and mess it up anyway and

    the drawers keep it all tidy!

    Written by Katrina

    Taken from The Organised Housewife:


    What are your thoughts on this article? Please let me know your opinion via email at

    [email protected] and your comments may be posted in next months Feedback section.[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/31/2019 Beloved Issue #1


    Come FLY with me

    FLYing means Finally Loving Yourself. I want you to have what I have: peace of mind, pride in my home and a passion for living. FLYing works for

    everyone. It doesn't matter if you work outside of your home, stay home with children, are retired, work from home or a combination of any of

    these. You can FLY and we are here to help you establish routines and build a basic weekly plan.

    It all starts with that first baby step. Shine your kitchen sink. Continue these baby steps and learn how to FLY.

    It is my hope that I can impress upon you that this is not an overnight fix. You have to take one task at a time and build upon it. What worked for me

    may have to be altered to fit your family. But there are a few things that remain the same. You have to get up and get dressed every day, do yourmorning and before bed routines. Keep your kitchen clean and your sink shiny. You will be blessing yourself, your family and your home. You CAN do

    this! Come FLY with me. Lets start with Morning & Before Bed Routines:

    Morning Routine:

    Get dressed including hair/face, brush teeth Make bed Swish & swipe Wash and put away dishes, clean sink Reboot laundry (a load a day keeps chaos away) Check your calendar What's for dinner? Drink your water De-clutter for 15 minutes 15 minutes of loving movement (exercise)

    Before Bed Routine:

    Lay out your clothes for tomorrow Check your calendar Put things needed for tomorrow at the launch pad Where are your keys? Spend two minutes clearing off a hot spot Wash and put away dishes, clean sink Wash face/brush teeth Go to bed at a decent hour

    Remember, start simple, dont overcomplicate it, and FLY! Next week, well look at Step 1 Go Shine Your Sink!

    Written by FLYLADY

    Taken from FLYLADY:

    Asparagus and Prawn Stir-FryIngredients:

    1 tbsp vegetable/peanut oil2 cloves garlic, sliced/chopped

    200g prawns, peeled, deveined and tails intact

    2 bundles asparagus, woody ends snapped off, halved crossways

    2-3 bird's eye chillies, sliced


    1 tbsp oyster sauce

    1 tbsp fish sauce

    1 tbsp palm sugar (or to taste)

    1 tbsp Thai sweet chilli sauce

    3 tbsp water


    Heat oil in a wok on high heat. Add the garlic, followed by the prawns.

    Let the prawns cook on one side, then flip them over to cook the other side.When the prawns are almost cooked, remove and transfer them to a plate

    and leave the oil in the wok. Next, add the asparagus to the wok and fry for

    30 seconds, then push them aside. Add thechillies and pour the sauceingredients down the side of the wok into the centre and bring to a boil.

    Toss the prawns in with the asparagus and sauce, and stir-fry briefly until

    everything is well coated, and sauce is slightly reduced. Turn off the heat

    and transfer to a serving plate. Serve with steamed jasmine rice.

    Written by Fern

    Taken from To Food With Love:



    What are your thoughts on this article? Please let me know your opinion via email at

    [email protected] and your comments may be posted in next months Feedback section.[email protected]:[email protected]://