
Forward Diary Dates 2017 DECEMBER:

24 December – Advent 4 Choir presentation Christmas Eve Family Service 7.00pm, Preacher - Rev. Lesley & Joy K. Christmas Day Service 9.00am, Preacher Rev. Lesley 31 December – First Sunday after Christmas, Preacher Rev. Billy Kelly Christmas services on website The Christmas Service 2017 page on the Uniting Church WA website can be viewed B-IUC –Office will be closed from Wednesday 27 Dec’17 - Friday 5 Jan’18

DIARY NOTE’S FOR 2018: 8 Jan – BELC Meeting at the church 7.30pm 18-20 Jan – Leaders and others from the Beldon-Iluka Community who would like to be more in-volved with the community are invited to the Retreat New Norcia; to discuss and plan directions for the next five years 4 Feb- Commissioning of the B-IUC Leaders and BELC Team for 2018 14 Feb - 31 March 2018: UNITINGWORLD - LENT EVENT; Together we change the World Faith in Action.

TEAR Useful Gifts Praise God for the Sunday School who have raised enough to give the gift of a goat! I have a new supply of cards, including the popular chickens, and can now organise credit card payments as requested by some. On sale at church from Sunday 10 December. Thank you for remembering some of the most marginalised people in the world with your gifts, Susan Turnbull

The Christmas Bowl 2017

In a world where too many people are facing pain, suffering and injustice, supporting the

Act for Peace Christmas Bowl appeal is still an essential act of compassion. This year, Act

for Peace are helping hard working farming families in Zimbabwe who are struggling to

feed their children after suffering the worst drought in 35 years. In the next few weeks

please place your offering into the CHRISTMAS BOWL


December 10th 2017 December 17th 2017

Worship Rev. Lesley Rev. Billy Kelly

Books M Mathie, E Lynch M Mathie, E Lynch

Lessons A Calverley M Hackling

Communion Prep M Bizzell

HC Stewards Anne L , Anne C, Kevin T,Traian T

Crèche J Nash R Saxon

Count Collection M Hackling , D Blanch M Jervis, G Ross

Coffee J Perriam, M Bizzell C & J Shallcross

Church Set -Up S & D Jongeling Jeffrey Burain

READINGS 10th December Isaiah 40:1-11 Mark 1:1-8 2 Peter 3:8-15a Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 17th December Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 Mark 1:1-8 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 John 1:6-8, 19-28

9am: Preacher Rev. Lesley de Grussa Worship Leader: Lyn McLachlin

Sunday School Presentation Welcome to any visitors. Please make yourself known and join us for

morning tea in the courtyard.

10.30am Multicultural meeting in the chapel led by Rev. Pastor Traian Troaca (Maranatha Romanian Christian Church)

11.30am Korean Fellowship led by Rev. Jacob Cho (Baptist Church of Korea)


Email: [email protected]

MINISTER:- Rev Lesley de Grussa Manse P: 93005180 Church P: 9401-0754

M: 0459 762994


“Our mission is to be a living presence of God in the community

and to follow the example of Christ so that God’s transforming

love may be experienced by all.”

10th December 2017

Advent 2

Our first function for the season is to invite you to join us for the ‘Messy/Advent’ Family Christmas Carols & Dinner Saturday 16 December 2017 Dinner at 6.00pm Carols at 7.00pm Meal Provided :) Please, also bring a basket with your own drinks, glasses/cups, plates & cutlery; too lessen the kitchen duties e.g. Washing-up :)

RSVP – by Monday 11 December for catering purposes (sign-up sheet in foyer) or con-

tact Rev. Lesley & Margaret Bizzell.

B-IUC Events This week: 11th Dec—17th Dec 2017 For Emergencies Please Phone Rev Lesley M:0459762994

Monday 11th December: Office Closed

7.00pm - Prayer meeting B-IUC Chapel, Info. Milan Usko-kovic on 0417 183 532.

7.30pm - Joondalup Christmas Day luncheon Meeting Tuesday 12th December: Office Open 9.00- 3.00pm

9.30-11.00am - Beldon-Iluka Playgroup Wednesday 13th December: Office Open 9.00- 3.00pm 9.30-10.30am - Weekly Bible Study, WLTW’ in the Chapel. 7.30-9.00pm – Final, Advent Bible Study ‘Unwrapping Joy’, 5 journeys into Joy. Talmage home Thursday 14th December: Office Open 9.00-5.00pm 3.00-5.00pm - Messy Church Christmas Workshop 7.30pm - Beldon Choir (new members always welcome) Friday 15th December: Office Closed Term 4 School Holidays – First Day Saturday 16h December: Office Closed 9.30am – Volunteers Joondalup Christmas Day luncheon Orientation 6.00pm - Family Messy Christmas, Carols and Meal Sunday 17 December 9.00am ADVENT 3 Preacher – Rev. Billy Kelly (Communion) Worship Leader – Lyn McLachlan 12noon 2017 Festival of Lessons and Carols at Uniting Church in the City, Trinity Perth

CONTACTS Minister: Rev Lesley de Grussa Manse P: 08 93005180 M: 0459 762994 Chairperson of Council: Kevin Talmage P: 93072639 Secretary of Council: Mark Hackling P:94012426 Sunday School: Jessica Shallcross M: 0401 727 116 Pastoral Carer Co-Coordinator: Anne Holland P: 94077747 Multicultural Contacts Rev. Pastor Traian Troaca M: 0450928116 Rev. Jacob Cho M: 0447 639 011 (Korean Fel-lowship), Milan Uskokovic M: 0417183 532 Playgroup: Carina O’Mara M: 0407 469 204 Choir: Margy Talmage P: 93072639 Messy Church - Joy Kelly M: 0450101951 Church Bookings/ Use — C Kubank M: 0413847344 Rosters - Sandra Pinkerton M: 0418847703 E: [email protected] Newsletter: Lyn McLachlan - E: [email protected] / P: 9401 0444/ M: 0408952403 Jeffrey Burain E: [email protected] M: 0468 945 607

Prayers for Our Beldon-Iluka People and the Wider Church Community Synod – for the week commencing Sunday 10 December: North Midlands Shared Ministry (Carnamah, Coorow All Saints and Three Springs congregations). Please also pray for the Methodist Church of Samoa. Others who may be unwell in our Church Community – we pray for you and ask that if you are unwell and would like a pastoral visit please phone Anne Holland (Pastoral Care Co-ordinator), who can arrange a visit or place your name on the prayer list, (we can only be supportive if you share your concerns etc.). Anne H. P: 9407 7747, or Rev. Lesley M: 0459 762 994

Joondalup Christmas lunch. On your own this CHRISTMAS – come and join us for lunch. For more information and registra-tion, log onto – or 0466 252 076 or see Rev. Lesley

Social Justice WA Synod reflection: "There's really no such thing as the 'voiceless'. There are only the deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard." Arundhati Roy, author and activist

Advent 2 Year B Sunday 10 December 2017

Prayer: Theme: God’s Way of Love Lasts Forever On this second Sunday of Advent we are chal­lenged, O God, to focus less on ourselves and more on those around us, especially those who are searching for hope and grace in this holy season. Amen.

Focus for Worship, Learning, and Serving By and large, unless we are descended from indigenous peoples, we are all immigrants, we have all come from somewhere else. Maybe our grandparents were displaced by war; maybe our ancestors fled an exile of famine and joblessness, maybe it was a matter of escaping from re­ligious/political/economic oppression. But our families came to places with which they were unfamiliar, having to develop new customs and skills, perhaps even learn a new language. When they travelled, was the way smooth or rocky; did they experience welcome or rejection; were there neighbours, employers, faith communities, strangers who offered them comfort and hope? Or was their journey so difficult, was the path so hard, was the time seemingly so short, that they wondered why they ever left that former place? This week, encourage one another to learn more about the journeys of the ones who came be-fore them. Invite them to imagine the fears, the worries, the doubts, the conversations which might have taken place. Challenge them to put the faces and names of their ancestors to the images and pictures in the media of those who are seeking to find new hope, new comfort, new life, and new communities around the world. On this second Sunday of Advent, when many churches light a candle for hope, how can the simple act of offering comfort to others begin to bring about peace and hope for others?


Isaiah 40:1–11 People of privilege may have trouble relat­ing to the notion of exile and being

called to new life. But residents of Syria, Somalia, and other places can relate to this reading. How are we to be involved in the process of making/ preparing a way for refugees?

Blessings Rev. Lesley (Adapted - Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Season of Creation p.51-53 Advent, Epiphany 2017-2018)

Team Members RETREAT at New Norcia (18-20 January’18): to discuss and plan directions for the next five years. How will we live out our mission in being a living presence of God in the commu-nity? Given the revised WA Synod strategic plan, we need to consider how we fit and can work with other congregations in the northern suburbs. Partial subsidy available for this two nights away plan-ning sessions. Planning Facilitator - Mark Illingworth from Synod Office. Please register NOW your interest with Margaret Bizzell ASAP as places are limited.

Advent Workshops: A huge thank you to all those who assisted on Thursday for our third Advent Workshop. Again, a great success with 21 young people, and 17 adults (inc. leaders). The final ADVENT WORKSHOP will be on Thursday 15 Dec. 3-5pm (after school – afternoon tea provided). For more details please see Rev. Les-ley or Joy Kelly. Please remember to register for the Dinner and Carols on Saturday 16 December from 6.00pm

Please wear your NAME BADGE on Sunday’s
