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Page 1: Behind closed doors

Digital photography storyboard

Behind Closed DoorsJazz Brown West

Page 2: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) No dialogue Shot description: As Steven is in bed we have a feeling that there’s something not right about the atmosphere. The high angled shot of Steven is meant to give off a feeling as if he is being watched as he is sleeping, showing he may not be alone. The blue lighting gives off a sort of cold and supernatural feel to it, and the darkness of the photo represents a dark shadow or dark force surrounding him.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Soft breathing sounds coming from Steven.

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) An eerie but quite high pitched noise, preferably strings being played to create a sinister atmosphere. The music escalates and becomes higher in volume and pitch.

Shot duration:

7 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

INT: Day.

Steven’s bedroom

Page 3: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue)

Steven: “What?”

Shot description: Steven is woken up by a scream and leans up out of bed, after a sudden panic, he finally calms down and sits in silence, we instantly see here that there is something wrong. The medium close up of Steven allows the viewers to see the expression on Steven’s face from the point of view that he is still being watched.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects)

There’s static noises in the back ground, as if there’s a TV on somewhere.

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) There is a sudden high pitched scream. And the music cuts off and the sound of wind lingers quietly.

Shot duration:

4 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

Page 4: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) No dialogue Shot description : This shot establishes that the lighting isn't actually super natural but mislead the audience to believe it was, but it was really a TV. Steven is shown as even more saddened than we saw before and this leaves the audience wanting to know what’s wrong with him.Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) the static noise from a to

continues as the TV is revealed, and the sound of Steven breathing is louder.

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) The wind sound continues,.

Shot duration:

4 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Fade to white

Page 5: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) No dialogue Shot description: A close up of the fire place shows the sudden change in the images. From blue to black and white, the black and white images are made to represent flashbacks hat Steven has, where as the coloured images represent the present.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) The sound of the fire flicking and crackling is all that can be heard. After a second the sound of people talking on TV fades in.

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) No sound effects.

Shot duration:

4 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

INT: Night.

Steven’s Living Room.

Page 6: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) No dialogue Shot description: The camera slowly pans across from the fire to the couch left. We notice that the couple is in the living room watching TV (you see the TV as it pans across). The fire brings a warm lovable feeling to the sequence which contrasts with the actual plot of the story.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) the sound of the television.

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) The eerie sound of strings kicks back in again but very quietly. Each note lingers as it plays.

Shot duration:

7 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

Page 7: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) No dialogue Shot description: Steven walks out of his bedroom. This medium long shot allows you too see the lighting coming from one room, and the lighting is a symbol of purity and Steven is covering his face from it, suggesting he is sinful, so he reaches for the light switch.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects)

Ambient sound.

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects)

The eerie music continues.

Shot duration:

4 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

INT: Day.

Steven’s Hallway

Page 8: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue)Steven - “I’m just going toilet yeah?“

Marie –”Ok, I’ll miss you”

Steven – “Yeah yeah”

Shot description: Two shot of Marie and Steven walking out of the room. This shot allows us to view both characters, and their hands joined. Notice that Marie’s hand is lingering longer.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects)The TV in the background is still going.

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) The sound of the eerie music continues, however, this time the sound of the wind comes back gently.

Shot duration:

6 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

INT: Night.

Steven’s Living Room.

Page 9: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) No dialogue Shot description: There’s a mid shot of Marie reaching for the phone after the phone vibrates three times. It’s Steven’s phone, and Marie stares at it when it vibrates once, then twice, then reaches for it the third time.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Sound of the vibrating phone.

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) The music cut soft by the vibration of the phone, but the sound of the wind still continues gently.

Shot duration:

6 Seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

Page 10: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) No dialogue Shot description: After turning on the light to the hall Steven walks down stairs. The high angle shot of Steven shows us he is about to step down from the light into a pool of darkness. Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Ambient


Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects)

The wind starts to get a little louder, but still sounds gentle.

Shot duration:

3 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

INT: Day.

Steven’s Stairway

Page 11: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) Mumbling from Marie reading the message.

Shot description: Marie looks at Steven’s phone. An over the shoulder shot is used here so we can see the phone but also for it to seem as if someone's watching her read it.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) TV still on in the back ground, but slowly fades out.

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) The sound of the wind slowly fades out and gets replaced with soft strings.

Shot duration:

4 seconds

Editing transition to next shot:

INT: Night.

Steven’s Living Room.

Page 12: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) Steven – “What do you think your doing?”

Shot description: Medium long shot of Steven walking through door allows us to actually see him walking through the door and the camera not having to move.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Ambient sound

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) Strings get a little bit more aggressive, but still quite.

Shot duration:

5 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

INT: Night.

Steven’s Living Room.

Page 13: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) Steven – “Hello” Shot description: Low angle shot of Steven walking down stairs. The bars on the banister can symbolise a jail cell, so this could foreshadow what’s to come.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Ambient sound

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) When Steven says house, a sudden sound of a bass drum bangs.

Shot duration:

3 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

INT: Day.

Steven’s StairCase

Page 14: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) Marie – “What am I doing? What do you think this is? Your cheating on me again. I can’t believe you’ve done this again. I've had it. That’s the last straw. Get out”

Shot description: After reading the message and Steven walking back in Marie gets up to speak to Steven about what she read. An over the shoulder shot allows the audience to see only Marie’s facial expression at the time, and the deep depth of field, blurring out Steven and only focusing on Marie.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Ambient sound

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) Bass drum bangs every other 2 seconds.

Shot duration:

10 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

INT: Night.

Steven’s Living Room.

Page 15: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) Steven - “What do you mean get out? This is my house too. If anyone’s getting out it’s you...(pause) Did you hear me? This is my house. Get Out”

Shot description: Shot reverse shot used to show both characters facial expressions during the argument. The focus is all on Steven so there is a deep depth of focus, and Marie is blurred.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Ambient sound

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) Bass drum bangs every other 2 seconds.

Shot duration:

10 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

INT: Night.

Steven’s Living Room.

Page 16: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) Steven – “Hello” Shot description: Medium shot of Steven at the bottom of the stairs, looking toward the living room door. The shot shows that he is reach the bottom of the stairs, but it also makes it look as if he is searching for something a the end of the corridor.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) No sound

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects)

Marie whispers “Make me” (continues from previous shot) and thre bass drum bangs once and echoes after she says make me.

Shot duration:

5 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

INT: Day.

Steven’s Hallway

Page 17: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) Marie (Muffled) – “No you listen to me, you get out of my house. Now.”

Shot description: Shot of the bat, we can already see something's going to happen with the bat cause its on its own and seen as an iconic item seeing as other parts are blurred.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Ambient sound

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) The wind starts to seep back in, view gently, along with strings.

Shot duration:

2 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

INT: Night.

Steven’s Living Room.

Page 18: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) Marie – (Muffled) – “Steven?”

Shot description: The use of shallow depth of focus allows the image to focus mainly on the bat and Stevens hat, because that’s the iconic thing about the image, the background doesn't matter as much.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Ambient sound

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) The sound of the wind and strings continues but escalates.

Shot duration:

3 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut

INT: Night.

Steven’s Living Room.

Page 19: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) “What are you doing? Put the bat down. Steven? Please.”

Shot description: Over the shoulder shot, mid shot of Steven with a bat, and a deep depth of focus, so we mainly pay attention to Steven, but see Marie’s blurred reaction.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Ambient sound

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) The wind and strings get even louder, until it cuts off at the end of the clip with a bass drum bang.

Shot duration:

5 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Fade to black

INT: Night.

Steven’s Living Room.

Page 20: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) Steven – “Marie?” Shot description: Medium long shot of Steven looking into the living room. Notice all the lighting coming from the living room now, and we can see the outline of Steven’s body.Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Sound of the

TV fades back in, quietly.

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) A high pitched ringing noise plays.

Shot duration:

3 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Fade to black

INT: Day.

Steven’s Ground floor Hallway

Page 21: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) No dialogue Shot description: Over the shoulder shot of Steven looking down on Marie. We see she is now in focus and Steven isn't showing she is more important in this shot.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Ambient sound

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) Ringing sound continues.

Marie – (whispering) – “Your fault”

Shot duration:

4 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Fade to black

INT: Night.

Steven’s Living Room.

Page 22: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) Steven – (quietly) – “Oh no”

Shot description: Back to reality, Steven realises he killed Marie and it’s all come back to him. The over the shoulder shot allows us to see that she is once again the main focus, and Steven isn’t as important in the shot.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Sound of the television

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) Ringing noise continues.

Shot duration:

4 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Fade to black

INT: Steven’s Living Room

Page 23: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) No dialogue Shot description: Low angle shot of Steven looking down on the camera. The main focus is on his face as he looks down (suggests he’s looking at Marie’s body) and the bat is out of focus, so we see it but pay more attention to Steven.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Ambient sound

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) Ringing sound counties but becomes more eerie.

Shot duration:

4 Seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Fade to black

INT: Steven’s Living Room

Page 24: Behind closed doors

Sound. Track 1 (dialogue) Steven – (whispers) – “It’s my fault”

Shot description: We see a mid shot of Steven walking away upset from the living room. However, behind him we can see a ghost like figure of Marie, suggesting she's come back to haunt him.

Sound. Track 2 (diegetic sound effects) Ambient sound

Sound. Track 3 (non diegetic sound effects) A sudden bass drum kicks in at the start of the shot. The ringing noise continues and the sound of wind is now added in.

Shot duration:

4 seconds

Editing transition to next shot: Cut to black

INT: Day.

Steven’s Ground floor Hallway
