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1a. What extra activities are you doing at work that is not in your job description? Have you done anything that you did not expect you would have to do?Although software development being the main focus, I have indulged myself in the following: Testing and validation of various SoC modules. Have also approached other team members, whenever bandwidth permitted, to reduce their workload. Have been an active participant in promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education among middle school students representing Freescale. Part of the organizing team at Freescale Cup Robotic Car Race competition for middle/ high school students. Represented Freescale at various university career fairs within Texas.

1b. Have you done anything that you did not expect you would have to do?During one of the rotations, I have solely handled a massive project with minimal guidance and successfully completed it within 17 weeks which was not expected out of my profile.2. What types of changes have you initiated in your current role?I have a habit of forwarding any type of knowledge that I come across, to the team, be it as small as discovering a new shortcut in VI text editor or as big as finding a new code library. This has now become a practice within the entire team as Tips to Remember will everybodys contribution.3. Are you an ideas person, or an ideas implementor?I think I am a mix of both. I have, on various occasions, suggested ideas to improve code efficiency or add simplicity. On the other hand, I have proactively implemented ideas suggested from other team members.4. How have they dealt with failures?

In case of failures, I try to find out the root cause and analyze the mistake followed by documenting it for future references. The next step is to try new ways to find a solution without dwelling at the failure.

5. How do they deal with pressure situations, especially related to having to do too much?

I approach the situation by dividing the problem into modules, prioritize them and handle them one after the other. I believe that even a simple TODO list can help structure the problem and provide way to overcome stress.