Page 1: Behavioral Theories of Learning. Behavioral Learning Theory O Behavioral learning theory- focus on the ways in which pleasurable or unpleasant consequences

Behavioral Theories of Learning

Page 2: Behavioral Theories of Learning. Behavioral Learning Theory O Behavioral learning theory- focus on the ways in which pleasurable or unpleasant consequences

Behavioral Learning TheoryO Behavioral learning theory- focus on

the ways in which pleasurable or unpleasant consequences of behavior change individuals’ behavior over time

O Behavioral theories of learning focus on:O Reinforcers and punishersO Observable actionsO Environment over genetics

O A common criticism of behavioral methods is that they can result in decreased interest in learning when rewards are unavailable

Page 3: Behavioral Theories of Learning. Behavioral Learning Theory O Behavioral learning theory- focus on the ways in which pleasurable or unpleasant consequences

Behavioral TheoristsO Pavlov: Classical Conditioning (pairing a

neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus and gains that power of that stimulus to cause a response)O

Page 4: Behavioral Theories of Learning. Behavioral Learning Theory O Behavioral learning theory- focus on the ways in which pleasurable or unpleasant consequences

Behavioral Theorists

O Skinner: Operant Conditioning (the use of pleasant and unpleasant consequences to change behavior)O http://

Page 5: Behavioral Theories of Learning. Behavioral Learning Theory O Behavioral learning theory- focus on the ways in which pleasurable or unpleasant consequences

Behavioral Theorists

O Watson: “Little Albert” experimentO

