Page 1: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,





Page 2: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“This past year has been extremely stressful for me. A new line seemed to appear on my face just about every week. I was very distraught and alarmed every time I looked in the mirror. Just a few weeks after I started using REDEFINE, I noticed MY SKIN LOOKED BRIGHTER, CLEARER, SILKY SMOOTH AND HAD A HEALTHY TONE TO IT. My family and friends noticed it right away and told me how great my face was looking. The amazing part is that after about two months some of the lines were no longer noticeable.And since then the lines around my eyes, mouth and forehead keep looking smoother and softer. Really!”



Page 3: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 4: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“Not only was my skin sagging into jowls, but I was developing deep creases around my mouth that were aging my appearance far more than the crow’s-feet had ever done. So, I started using the REDEFINE Regimen. Ten days later, the results were stunning! Where my cheek had looked like it was starting to collapse, it looked like it was filled in and had lifted dramatically. THE DEEP CREASES APPEARED GREATLY IMPROVED AND MY SKIN TONE WAS CONSIDERABLY SMOOTHER.”



Page 5: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 6: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“Until I reached my early 40s I did not have trouble with my skin. But after several years of neglect caused by being a mother of two very young children, I started noticing wrinkles, especially around my eyes. I started trying products, including department store and drug store brands, and nothing really worked. A friend introduced me to REDEFINE. I AM SIMPLY AMAZED AT THE RESULTS!”



Page 7: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 8: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“I used to use whatever skincare came in the amenities kits on airlines—or what I found in duty-free sites in the airports. And, despite the fact my father suffered from melanoma twice, I rarely used sunscreen. Then I had moles removed from my face. It left scars, but I was too busy to take notice even then. Menopause was taking its toll on my skin and I couldn’t ignore it any longer. Just at the right time, REDEFINE entered the scene. I NOTICED A DIFFERENCE WITHIN A WEEK.”



Page 9: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 10: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

Premature wrinkles are a sad side effect of my family genes. I have had noticeable, deep-set wrinkles in my forehead since my 20s. I began using the Rodan + Fields® REDEFINE Regimen and within three weeks, the wrinkles on my forehead were much less visible. I FEEL LIKE I LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER! I’m ecstatic and not as fearful about aging now.”



Page 11: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 12: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“When I started using the Rodan + Fields REDEFINE Regimen, I noticed a difference in my skin right away. It felt cleaner and smoother and looked more even. After a few months my skin appears even toned, all the redness appears to be gone and my pores look smaller. The best part is, I no longer have to spend so much time and energy trying to cover up my skin BECAUSE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, I ACTUALLY LIKE HOW I LOOK! Thank you, Rodan + Fields.”



Page 13: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 14: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“I started using REVERSE because I had sun spots that were looking larger the closer I got to age 40, and I just didn’t think my freckles were cute anymore. My biggest problem, however, were my large pores but I really didn’t think there was anything I could do for them. I was amazed that ONLY TWO WEEKS INTO USING REVERSE, THE SPOTS APPEARED TO FADE and three months later it was apparent that my pores looked like they were shrinking too.”



Page 15: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 16: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“After years of sunburn and not taking great care of my skin, I had developed deep freckles and discolorations. Within the first 60 days of using the REVERSE Regimen, I noticed the DISCOLORATIONS APPEARED MUCH LIGHTER AND MY SKIN TONE LOOKED MORE EVEN. After 120 days, my skin looks and feels better than it has in years.”



Page 17: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 18: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“I tried every product imaginable, but nothing diminished the appearance of age spots, sun damage and uneven pigmentation. After starting REVERSE, my results were noticeable within the first week. MY SKIN WAS BRIGHTER. MY COMPLEXION HAD A HEALTHY GLOW. THE AGE SPOTS AND SUN DAMAGE APPEARED TO HAVE FADED.”



Page 19: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 20: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“I’ve always had some freckles, ever since I was a little girl. As I got older, after many years being in the sun and two pregnancies that left me with pregnancy mask, my skin had gotten very bad. So, I started using REVERSE. After only eight weeks of use, I haven’t felt so good about my skin in years. I feel comfortable leaving the house without wearing makeup. Plus I’VE BEEN GETTING TONS OF COMPLIMENTS ON HOW GREAT MY SKIN LOOKS from friends and strangers on the street.”



Page 21: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 22: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“After having children, I developed sun spots, age spots and liver spots. They just kept getting worse year after year. I tried many expensive regimens that didn’t work at all. My friend and I went on vacation and she told me to use her REVERSE products while we were there for the week, and if I didn’t like them, give them back. I saw results on the second day! I AM SO THANKFUL FOR REVERSE; IT CHANGED MY FACE COMPLETELY.”



Page 23: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 24: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“I’ve spent the last 30+ years working outside as a timber consultant, and my skin has seen way too many hours of sun exposure. My daughter is a Consultant and she introduced me to the Rodan + Fields REVERSE Regimen. It worked better than I expected—after two months my skin is brighter and appears more even. MY RESULTS ARE AMAZING AND MY SKIN HASN’T LOOKED THIS GREAT IN YEARS!”



Page 25: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 26: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“I had dark spots for about five years and tried everything on the market. I began to receive compliments from others within the first three weeks of using REVERSE. Today, I get compliments all the time on how bright and radiant my skin looks. REVERSE HAS LITERALLY CHANGED MY SELF-ESTEEM!”



Page 27: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 28: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“The skin on my nose and cheeks was always itchy and dry and looked red and bumpy. I would dream of leaving the house without lots of foundation to even out my skin tone and cover up my redness. After two months on the SOOTHE Regimen my skin was looking so good I ACCIDENTALLY LEFT THE HOUSE WITHOUT APPLYING ANY MAKEUP – SOMETHING I WOULD NEVER HAVE DONE BEFORE!”



Page 29: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 30: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“My 8-month-old son, Zeke, had eczema. His skin looked red and irritated on the back of his knee. I have not wanted to use steroid creams because he is so little, so I applied SOOTHE every day for three days. THE LOOK OF REDNESS AND IRRITATION HAS ALMOST COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED.”



Page 31: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 32: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“My daughter decided SOOTHE was perfect for my reddish face. I am not a fan of any type of lotions on my face but decided I would give SOOTHE a try. I didn’t think I would see a difference, let alone this one. I was amazed at the difference in the appearance of my face in such a short time. I will continue using this amazing product. NOT ONLY DO I SEE A DIFFERENCE, BUT OTHERS HAVE COMMENTED AS WELL.”



Page 33: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 34: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“I have eczema on the webbing of my hands, and it is especially bad on both of my ring fingers. I can’t even describe how itchy it felt, and I had to stop wearing my engagement and wedding rings, which made me so sad. After using SOOTHE, my hands look much better, but that isn’t even THE BEST THING—THEY FEEL AMAZING!”



Page 35: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 36: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“My skin, prior to SOOTHE, was red, uneven and splotchy with lingering red marks due to acne. I’m allergic and sensitive to so many things that I truly thought there was no hope for me. To my surprise, SOOTHE GOT RID OF THE REDNESS! I actually have to use blush now because of my light skin.”



Page 37: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 38: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“I have always had problem skin and to add a double whammy, I have nut allergies. I have tried every product, in every price range under the sun, with no positive changes. My friend introduced me to SOOTHE, and I was a big skeptic since nothing else had ever worked. WITHIN 10 DAYS, MY SKIN FELT HYDRATED (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER) AND THAT IS HUGE FOR ME.”



Page 39: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 40: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“Considering my experience with other products, I wasn’t sure if UNBLEMISH was going to work. However, I was pleasantly surprised. After six weeks, I NOTICED A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN HOW MY ACNE LOOKED. NOW IT APPEARS TO HAVE COMPLETELY CLEARED UP. I have been impressed by how quickly UNBLEMISH has worked. I would recommend it to anyone struggling with acne.”



Page 41: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 42: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes, I was always embarrassed by them. After using the UNBLEMISH Regimen, my acne looked like it was fading immediately. IT MADE ME MORE CONFIDENT AND I’M NO LONGER TRYING TO HIDE MY FACE.”



Page 43: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 44: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“Before UNBLEMISH, I tried several other popular brand treatments and still felt self-conscious about my skin. I often hid under a hat and felt wearing foundation just emphasized my flaws. Since using UNBLEMISH, I FEEL MORE CONFIDENT.”



Page 45: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 46: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“Prior to using UNBLEMISH, my 14-year-old son, Nathan, was using prescription medication to control his acne. His skin became dry and looked red and he still had acne. He began using UNBLEMISH and saw significant improvement after three weeks. Encouraged by the results, he has stuck with it and HAS CONTROL OVER HIS ACNE INSTEAD OF BEING CONTROLLED BY IT.”



Page 47: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 48: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“For over 10 years I fought a battle with acne. I tried all kinds of products including homemade treatments, over-the-counter products and prescribed medication. Nothing helped. In April 2012 I was introduced to UNBLEMISH. I began seeing results two weeks later. I COULDN’T BELIEVE 10 YEARS OF SCARS APPEARED TO BE FADING FROM MY FACE. I feel free!”



Page 49: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 50: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

“I have struggled with acne since I was 13 years old. After countless visits to the dermatologist and two rounds of Accutane, my acne persisted. Now that I am 25, I HAVE FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING THAT WORKS! I am so thankful for UNBLEMISH and how it’s changed my life. My incredible results are the reason why I decided to become a Rodan + Fields Independent Consultant. Now I am able to help other people see the potential in their skin as well.”



Page 51: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,


Page 52: BEFORE AFTERS · “My acne, before UNBLEMISH, was visible all over my face. Many products I used never worked, no matter how long I used them. Though I never covered up my blemishes,

Disclaimer: The information in this brochure is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice. Results may vary depending upon the individual and will depend on multiple factors including your age, gender, skin type and condition, concomitant products used, health history, where you live (climate, humidity), lifestyle and diet.

© 2/2013 Rodan & Fields, LLC. All rights reserved. 6000-08-0410-0A
