Page 1: Beekeeping Secrets 20121224

Beekeeping Secrets

Page 2: Beekeeping Secrets 20121224

Do you really enjoy honey? Did you know that it's fairly simple to maintain bees and produce your very own honey?

With this tutorial, I'll examine the various steps needed to start your own beekeeping hobby or enterprise for either fun

or profit, maybe even both.

Page 3: Beekeeping Secrets 20121224

Bees live in a colony. Think borg. They can be a collective that truly does whatever the queen needs. Most of the bees collective are female workers. They do the best part of the

work, gathering nectar, water, along with other items needed for the survival of the colony. After that, there are drones,

and finally the queen. There exists only one queen for each colony, and she can lay up to 2,000 eggs each day. If an additional queen is hatched, she can begin her very own


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A colony of bees might have anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 individuals. The good part of these members tend to be female workers. The life span of these tragic workers is a bit over a month, as they simply work until finally they cannot

work any longer. Tragic, I know, but it is the circle of life. There are usually several hundred male drones. The female laborers will go from the hive and forage for supplies to bring

back, so in most cases, whenever you see bees buzzing around, they are most times female workers.

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Your first step is going to be learning a little something about bees, if you don't already know about the subject. It is known as the discipline of entomology. Google and examine some

of the information. Perhaps even get a good book on the subject. It will be well worth it. You'll learn about the assorted

varieties of honeybees, just how bees deal with different times of year, as well as just how honey is gathered from the


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Beekeeping can be enjoyable as well as rewarding, if done right. If you are planning to keep bees, be sure that you

purchase your initial set of bees in your area, because they are incredibly susceptible to climate differences, and bees from other locations might not fare as well as local ones. A significantly different environment, could be the demise of your hive, so be cautious with your choice of bees. Picking the correct breeder is important. You need to make certain the bees you acquire are healthy as well as free of disease. Think in terms of spring as the ideal time to commence your

colony. Spring is also the time when harvesting happens.

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For a basic setup, begin with six combs, a fertile queen, and some workers and drones. A portable frame hive is really

important to great beekeeping, and don't obtain a used one. You never know what's been in it, and there exists a chance

that it can be disease-ridden. Buy new. For yourself, you will need protective clothing, such as a veil, boiler suit, and gloves. Some more items are going to be required, such as a smoker, hive tool, and a feeder. This is the basic kit you

will need to start your own colony. To find out where you can get the very best equipment, there are various sites on the

web where you can study reviews. Once you locate a nearby supplier, check out the products they provide to see what

other individuals are saying.

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Harvesting honey is among the wondrous facets of keeping a beehive. There are very few things superior to raw,

unadultered honey right from the hive. You want to ensure that enough honey has been generated during the season so there may be extra. You only want to take the excess,

leaving sufficient stock for the hive to survive. Depending on the local flora, the honey will have a distinctive taste as well as smell. If you are fortunate, the honey produced will not

only be delicious, but also unique. This uniqueness will help to market it, if that is your desire.

Take a look at

to learn more on beekeeping secrets.
