
BEEHIVE HONEY CUPcaKESCreate the perfect sticky snack to fuel an afternoon of fun.

YOU WILL NEED:IngrediEnts:


• 230g Yeo Valley Organic Unsalted Butter

• 100g Organic honey• 400g Icing sugar

• Large mixing bowl• Wooden spoon/mixer• Cupcake cases• 12 cup cupcake tin• Wire cooling tray• Piping bag with round tip

• 200g Plain flour• 1½ Tsp baking powder• ¼ Tsp salt• 100g Sugar• 115g Yeo Valley Organic

Unsalted Butter• 2 Large organic eggs• 90g Organic honey• 1 Tsp freshly grated lemon zest• 1 Tsp vanilla extract• 170ml Yeo Valley Organic Milk

For the icing:



1. Ask an adult to preheat your oven to 175ºC/fan 160ºC/gas mark 4.

2. Mix the Yeo Valley Organic Unsalted Butter and sugar in a large bowl.

3. Add eggs one at a time, beating well each time.

4. Beat in the honey, lemon zest and vanilla.

5. Mix the flour, baking powder, and salt in a separate bowl.

6. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet cake mixture a bit at a time.

7. Place your cupcake cases into the cupcake tray.

8. Ask an adult to bake your cakes for 18-20 minutes until golden brown.

9. Once cooked, ask an adult to carefully remove from the oven and transfer to a wire tray to cool. Leave for at least an hour before icing.

10. Whilst cooling, make your delicious icing ready to decorate!

1. Combine the Yeo Valley Organic Unsalted Butter and honey in large bowl until well mixed.

2. Gradually add icing sugar, mix together until creamy and smooth.

3. Spoon the icing into a piping bag fitted with a large round tip and pipe the icing onto the cupcakes to look like a beehive.

4. Drizzle with honey as desired.

• 230g Yeo Valley Organic Unsalted Butter

• 100g Organic honey• 400g Icing sugar
