
Installation and Technical Manual

9487 Dielman Rock Island Ind Dr, St. Louis, MO 63132

Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10


Warnings ............................................................................. 1 Unpacking ........................................................................... 2 General Guidelines ............................................................. 2 Firmware Version ............................................................... 2 Environmental Conditions .................................................. 3 Electrical Specifications ...................................................... 3 Applicable Sensor Operating Ranges.................................. 3 Section A: Mounting the BECSys3 Controller .................. 4

A – 1: Mounting the Controller ...................................... 4 A – 2: Wrapping the Fittings .......................................... 4 A – 3: Assembling the Flow cell .................................... 4 A – 4: Plumbing the Sample Stream .............................. 4 A – 5: Free Chlorine Sensor ........................................... 5

A – 5.1: CCS140 ........................................................ 5 A – 5.2: ECL6 ............................................................ 5

A – 6: Sensor Preparations ............................................. 6 A – 6.1: Sensors ......................................................... 6

A – 7: Opening the Sample Stream Valve ..................... 6 A – 8: Plugging in the Sensors ....................................... 6

Section B: Wiring the BECSys3 Controller ....................... 7 B – 1: Wiring the Unit ................................................... 7 B – 2: Opening the Cover .............................................. 7 B – 3: Removing the Safety Shield ................................ 7 B – 4: Disconnecting the Ribbon Cable ......................... 8 B – 5: Wiring Directly to the Unit ................................. 8 B – 6: Wiring Power ...................................................... 8 B – 7: Supplying Power To The Relays ......................... 8 B – 8: Wiring Relay 1 .................................................... 9

B – 8.1: Line Powered ............................................... 9 B – 8.2: Common Powered ........................................ 9

B – 9: Wiring Relay 2 .................................................... 9 B – 9.1: Line Powered ............................................... 9 B – 9.2 Common Powered .......................................... 9

B – 10: Wiring Relay 3 ................................................ 10 B – 10.1: Line Powered ........................................... 10 B – 10.2: Common Powered .................................... 10

B – 11: Wiring a Flow Switch ..................................... 10 B – 11.1: Paddlewheel Flow Switch ........................ 10 B – 11.2: Reed Flow Switch .................................... 11

B – 12: Wiring a Timer ................................................ 11 B – 13: Wiring the Temperature Sensor ...................... 11 B – 14: Wiring a Free Chlorine Sensor ........................ 11

B – 14.1: CCS140 .................................................... 11 B – 14.2: ECL6 ........................................................ 11

B – 15: RS485 Network ............................................... 12 B – 15.1: BECSys RCM .......................................... 12

B – 16: Fuses ................................................................ 12 Section C: Dip Switch Settings ........................................ 13

C – 1: Choosing pH Feed Direction ............................. 13 C – 2: Choosing On/Off Control or TBP ..................... 13 C – 3: Relay 3 Functions .............................................. 13

C – 3.1: Probe Wash ................................................ 13

C – 3.2: Alarm Relay ................................................ 13 C – 3.3: Dual pH Control ......................................... 14 C – 3.4: Cl/Br Booster .............................................. 14

C – 4: Temperature ....................................................... 14 C – 5: Replacing the Cover .......................................... 14

Section D: Programming the Controller ........................... 15 D – 1: The Program Menu ............................................ 15

D – 1.1: Entering the Program Menu ....................... 15 D – 1.2: Selecting Language .................................... 15 D – 1.3: pH High Alarm Point .................................. 15 D – 1.4: pH Low Alarm Point .................................. 15 D – 1.5: ORP High Alarm Point ............................... 15 D – 1.6: ORP Low Alarm Point ............................... 15 D – 1.7: Temperature High Alarm Point .................. 16 D – 1.8: Temperature Low Alarm Point ................... 16 D – 1.9: ORP/ppm Set point ..................................... 16 D – 1.10: ppm High Alarm ....................................... 16 D – 1.11: ppm Low Alarm ....................................... 16 D – 1.12: Exiting the Menu ...................................... 16

D – 2: The System Settings Menu ................................ 17 D – 2.1: Entering the System Settings Menu ............ 17 D – 2.2: ORP Span ................................................... 17 D – 2.3: pH Span ...................................................... 17 D – 2.4: Time Base ................................................... 17 D – 2.5: pH Calibration (2 Point) ............................. 18 D – 2.6: ORP Calibration (2 Point) .......................... 18 D – 2.7: Feed Delay .................................................. 18 D – 2.8: Enable ppm Set point Selection .................. 19 D – 2.9: Failsafe Timers ........................................... 19

D – 2.9.1: Booster Failsafe ................................... 19 D – 2.9.2: pH Failsafe .......................................... 19 D – 2.9.3: Chlorine/Bromine Failsafe .................. 19

D – 2.10: pH Dead-zone ........................................... 20 D – 2.11: Relay Test ................................................. 20 D – 2.12: ppm Probe Calibration .............................. 20

D – 2.12.1: CCS140 ............................................. 20 D – 2.12.2: ECL6 ................................................. 20

D – 2.13: Temperature Enable .................................. 20 D – 2.14: ORP Enable .............................................. 20 D – 2.15: Access Codes ............................................ 21

D – 2.15.1: Operator Access Code ....................... 21 D – 2.15.2: Rep Access Code ............................... 21 D – 2.15.3: Recovering Lost Access Codes ......... 21

D – 2.16: Exiting The Menu ..................................... 21 Section E: Normal Operation ........................................... 22

E – 1: Set points ........................................................... 22 E – 1.1: Displaying the Set points ............................ 22 E – 1.2: Modifying the Set points ............................. 22

E – 1.2.1: pH Set Point ......................................... 22 E – 1.2.2: Chlorine Set Point ................................ 22

E – ORP Control .................................. 22 E – ppm Control (Calculated) .............. 22 9487 Dielman Rock Island Ind Dr, St. Louis, MO 63132

Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10 E – ppm Control (Probe) ..................... 22

E – 1.2.3: Booster Trigger Point .......................... 22 E – 1.2.4: Booster End Point ................................ 22

E – 2: Single Point Calibration .................................... 23 E – 2.1: Single Point Calibration - pH ..................... 23 E – 2.2: Single Point Calibration - Temp ................. 23 E – 2.3: Single Point Calibration – ppm .................. 23

E – 2.3.1: Calculated ppm .................................... 23 E – 2.3.2: ppm Probe ............................................ 23

E – 2.4: Probe Error ................................................. 23 E – 3: Alarms ............................................................... 23

E – 3.1: pH High/Low alarms .................................. 23 E – 3.2: ORP High/Low alarms ............................... 23 E – 3.3: ppm High/Low alarms ................................ 23 E – 3.4: Temperature High/Low alarms ................... 23 E – 3.5: No Flow Alarm ........................................... 24 E – 3.6: Flow Restored Delay .................................. 24 E – 3.7: Cl/Br Lockout ............................................. 24 E – 3.8: pH Failsafe ................................................. 24 E – 3.9: Cl/Br Failsafe ............................................. 24 E – 3.10: Booster FAILSAFE .................................. 24

E – 4: Resetting a Failsafe Alarm ................................ 24 Section F: Troubleshooting .............................................. 25

F – 1: Calibration Error ................................................ 25 F – 2: Probe Error ........................................................ 25

Section G: Upgrading Firmware ...................................... 25 Section H: Maintenance ................................................... 26

H – 1: Potentiometric Sensors (pH and ORP) .............. 26 H – 1.1: Electrode Cleaning: .................................... 26 H – 1.2: Long-Term Storage: ................................... 26

H – 2: CCS140 Free Chlorine Sensor .......................... 26 H – 2.1: Cleaning ..................................................... 26 H – 2.2: Long-Term Storage .................................... 26 H – 2.3: Filling electrolyte ....................................... 26

Section I: Feed Charts ...................................................... 27 I – 1: Spa Feed Charts .................................................. 27 I – 2: Pool Feed Charts ................................................. 28

Section J: Installation Diagrams ...................................... 29 J – 1: Pressure Filter Installation .................................. 29 J – 2: Vacuum Filter Installation .................................. 29

Section K: Replacement Parts .......................................... 30 Section L: Warranty ......................................................... 31

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

WWaarrnniinnggss Pay particular attention to the following warnings encountered in the pages of the

BECSys3 Installation and Technical Manual:

Warning: Various other warning boxes may be found throughout the manual text.

Caution: Various other caution boxes may be found throughout the manual text.

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

UUnnppaacckkiinngg Your Shipping package should contain these items: A. The BECSys3 Controller B. pH Sensor D. Flow Cell Kit E. Rotary or Reed flow switch F. This manual (not shown) G. Optional Sensors (not shown) A B C D

GGeenneerraall GGuuiiddeelliinneess Proper installation and use of the BECSys controller depends on the specific needs of the application. Read the manual completely before starting the installation and ensure all guidelines and recommendations are followed. All components should be mounted and the flow cell plumbing installed and pressure tested before wiring the controller. Ensure compliance with all applicable plumbing and electrical codes during the installation as well.

FFiirrmmwwaarree VVeerrssiioonn This manual was written for firmware v2.06. If you received newer firmware but did not receive a copy of the manual covering that version of firmware, please contact your distributor.

Warning: The Sensors are very fragile and must be handled with care. The tips of the probes must be kept wet at all times, requiring the wetting caps to remain in place until they are ready to be installed. The probes

must be stored in temperatures above freezing.




Caution: The BECSys controller should not be installed where it is accessible to the public.

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall CCoonnddiittiioonnss The BECSys3 is housed in a NEMA 4X (IP65) enclosure. It should not be used in explosive environments. The BECSys3 should be mounted so that adequate ventilation is provided around the enclosure, preventing general environmental specifications from being exceeded (see table below).

Environmental Specifications Specification Rating Storage Temperature -30 to 60 Deg C Ambient Operating Temperature -18 to 40 Deg C Ambient Humidity 95% non condensing maximum humidity

EElleeccttrriiccaall SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss

The BECSys3 may be ordered in either an 115VAC model or a 230VAC model. Following are the electrical specifications for each model:

Controller Ratings 115VAC Model 230VAC Model Voltage: 115VAC 60Hz 230VAC 50Hz Phase: Single Single Current: 9.25 Amps Full Load 4.625 Amps Full Load

(¼ Amp – Controller) (⅛ Amp – Controller) (9 Amps – Relay Outputs, 3A X 3) (4.5 Amps – Relay Outputs, 1.5A X 3)

Relay Output Ratings

115VAC Model 230VAC Model Relay 1 (K1) 115VAC (max) – 3 Amps 250VAC (max) – 1.5 Amps Relay 2 (K2) 115VAC (max) – 3 Amps 250VAC (max) – 1.5 Amps Relay 3 (K3) 115VAC (max) – 3 Amps 250VAC (max) – 1.5 Amps

AApppplliiccaabbllee SSeennssoorr OOppeerraattiinngg RRaannggeess

Standard Sensors pH 0.0 to 14.0 pH Reed Flow Switch Switch Point (On): 2.0 gpm Rotary Flow Switch Switch Point (On): 1.5 gpm

Optional Sensors Temperature 32°F to 212°F (0°C to 100°C) ORP -1500mV to 1500mV Amperometric ppm 0 ppm to 20 ppm

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

SSeeccttiioonn AA:: MMoouunnttiinngg tthhee BBEECCSSyyss33 CCoonnttrroolllleerr

A – 1: Mounting the Controller The BECSys3 Controller and flow cell are mounted separately. The BECSys3 enclosure should be mounted to the wall with four anchor bolts, one installed in each corner of the enclosure base. To mount the BECSys3 properly, please use the included mounting template and hardware. Drill the holes for the anchors using a 3/16” drill bit. Install the anchors in the wall. Remove the lid from the unit and place the included screws in the four corners of the box. Attach the screws into the anchors. The BECSys3 and flow cell should be mounted in a location that is free from chemical fumes and excessive heat, isolated from electrical interference, and near a power source protected by a ground fault interrupter. The BECSys3 has a NEMA4 weather resistant enclosure but should still be protected if mounted outdoors.

A – 2: Wrapping the Fittings When assembling the flow cell, first open the bag of flow cell fittings and wrap each fitting two times around clockwise with Teflon tape.

A – 3: Assembling the Flow cell Assemble the flow cell as shown below:

When installing the pH or ORP (if included) sensors, remove the wetting cap, and then remove any existing Teflon tape from the sensor threads. Re-wrap the threads with new Teflon tape. Rinse the sensor tip in de-ionized water and install as shown.

A – 4: Plumbing the Sample Stream Install the sample stream; ½-inch tubing is recommended for sample stream pickup and return. Make sure that you tap the supply off the discharge side of the recirculation pump, upstream of the chemical injection points. The sample should be filtered water. Connect the sample stream pickup line to the flow cell and run the sample stream return line from the flow cell to the suction side of the main recirculation pump. Install ½-inch ball valves to allow isolation of the sample lines.

Warning: These sensors should be hand-tightened only. Tools are not necessary for

installing the pH or ORP sensor and will damage the sensor housing.

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

A – 5: Free Chlorine Sensor

The BECSys3 can be ordered to accept two different Free Chlorine Sensors: the CCS140 or the ECL6. A – 5.1: CCS140

The CCS140 Free Chlorine Sensor can be connected to the BECSys3 using the appropriate option board. The CCS140 Free Chlorine Sensor is mounted in a flow cell which includes a flow and psi restrictor assembly as shown below:

The CCS140 Free Chlorine Sensor requires a constant flow rate and a constant pressure. This helps ensure that the ppm level will remain stable.

Here is the recommended method for plumbing the free chlorine sensor flow cell:

Admission pressure must be above the regulated pressure (15 psi is the limit on the sensor). Run

the sample stream through a flow restrictor valve (to maintain flow rate, minimum flow rate requirement is 8 gph). Take the stream through the flow cell. Discharge the sample stream to a free outlet (for example into a surge tank). The CCS140 Free Chlorine Sensor is supplied with a yellow protective cap. This cap has an inner sponge that is used to keep the sensor membrane hydrated. This cap should be saved for long-term storage. The sensor can remain in the flow cell for short-term interruptions in measurement. To prevent membrane dehydration, the flow cell must not drain off. If this is not ensured, then remove the sensor from the flow cell and slide the yellow protective cap, moistened at the inner sponge, onto the measuring end of the sensor. The voltage applied by the controller to the CCS140 Free Chlorine Sensor polarizes the surface of the gold cathode. The polarization period (30 minutes) must elapse before calibration is performed based on the results acquired through the use of a DPD test kit. See Section H - 2.3 for filling the electrolyte.

A – 5.2: ECL6 The ECL6 Free Chlorine Sensor can be connected to the BECSys3 using the appropriate option board.

Caution: Amperometric chlorine sensors require the use of a temperature sensor and a properly calibrated pH sensor. Refer to the instruction pamphlet included with the

sensor at the time of installation.

Warning: Negative pressure will damage the sensor membrane.

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

A – 6: Sensor Preparations NOTE: As soon as you install the sensors, immediately move on to the next step to insure that they always stay wet. A – 6.1: Sensors

The pH and ORP (if included) sensors are shipped with a wetting cap covering the measuring end. This cap contains a solution of pH 4 buffer saturated with potassium chloride (KCl). Gently remove the wetting cap by unscrewing the sensor and sliding the cap off of the sensor body.

It is a good idea to save the wetting cap and the box that the sensor came in for future long-term storage.

During shipping, the air space inside the pH glass may have moved into the bulb. Grasp the sensor near the cable end and gently swing it through an arc to force the internal electrolyte into the pH bulb. Rinse the measuring ends of potentiometric sensors with de-ionized or distilled water before installation into a flow cell.

A – 7: Opening the Sample Stream Valve Open the sample stream valve and check for leaks. Note the reading on the compound pressure gauge and make sure that it shows a positive and steady pressure. The sample stream should be about 2-20 psi at the flow cell. If this is not the case, then adjust the valves or relocate the point at which the sample stream is connected to the recirculation system. Negative pressure will destroy the sensors. Once you have a positive and steady pressure, open the wet test valve and make sure that it generates a vigorous stream.

A – 8: Plugging in the Sensors Remove the protective covers from the BNCs. Plug the pH sensor into the coded BNC jack and the ORP (if included) sensor into the coded BNC jack on the bottom of the BECSys3 controller by twisting them a quarter of a turn. Allow the sensors to rinse in the sample water while you do the wiring (Section B).

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

SSeeccttiioonn BB:: WWiirriinngg tthhee BBEECCSSyyss33 CCoonnttrroolllleerr

B – 1: Wiring the Unit

There are several ways that you can wire the relays and power to the unit. The easiest is to use the cords already installed in the unit. Plug the AC Cord into a GFCI outlet (only for low voltage 110VAC-120VAC applications) and connect the chemical feeders to the female power cords (pigtails). The pigtails are labeled with the below warning tags. Be sure to connect the correct pigtail to the correct chemical feeder. You must still remove the cover to install the Flow Switch, and any other optional components.

The second way is to discard the pre-installed cords and wire the unit directly.

B – 2: Opening the Cover In order to wire the unit directly or attach the Flow Switch (and any optional components), you must open the cover. Remove the cover by loosening the four screws at the corners with a screwdriver as shown. NOTE: The screws do not need to be totally removed, but only loosened. Once the screws are loosened, carefully lift the top cover off of the unit. The cover will still be connected to the base by the ribbon cable. Set the moisture absorbent packet found inside aside for now.

B – 3: Removing the Safety Shield To remove the shield, remove the four screws using a Philips screwdriver. Gently lift the cover straight up and set it to the side.

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

B – 4: Disconnecting the Ribbon Cable We recommend that you disconnect the ribbon cable by spreading the two holders at the end of the cable attached to the cover as shown, unplugging the cable and removing the cover.

NOTE: Be sure to store the cover in a safe, dry place while you wire and set up the unit.

B – 5: Wiring Directly to the Unit To wire the unit directly, you must remove the pigtails already installed. You may use the ½-inch holes in the casing to enable you to easily run wires to Terminal Block 1 (TB1) inside the base of the unit.

NOTE: There are Terminal Blocks labeled TB1 and TB2 in both the cover and base of the unit and they serve different functions.

Use the ½-inch cord grips provided and whatever holes are convenient, but when you are all finished wiring the unit, be sure to plug any unused holes with a ½-inch NEMA 4x plug.

B – 6: Wiring Power The main power input should be wired to TB1. The black wire goes into the position labeled Line, the white wire goes into the position labeled Neutral, and the green wire goes into the position labeled Earth Ground.

NOTE: The black and white wires are colored brown and blue outside North America.

B – 7: Supplying Power To The Relays

All three of the relays may be configured to be powered from either the L (Line) connection which the controller itself is powered from, or their individual C (Common) connections. As shipped from the factory, all three relays are configured to be powered from the L (Line) power connection. If you wish to use the C (Common) input instead (commonly used to interlock feeds with the recirculation pump), you will need to move the black hat jumpers located above TB2 to their upper position for the desired relays.

NOTE: The relays inside the controller are solid-state and can only switch AC signals. If you need to switch DC power, an external Mechanical Relay must be used.

Warning: Make sure power is disconnected while you wire the unit

Warning: Unless specified at time of order, controllers are configured for 115VAC and

should not be used at 230VAC. Always contact BECS Technology, Inc. before attempting to

reconfigure a controller’s input supply voltage.

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B – 8: Wiring Relay 1 Relay 1 controls pH. You can configure the relay to be powered from the same Line voltage as the controller or from its own separate voltage input.

B – 8.1: Line Powered

Make sure the hat jumper is in the lower position “L”. The black wire goes into the position labeled pH Feed, the white wire goes into the Neutral position next to that, and the green wire goes into Earth Ground position next to that. Nothing should be connected to the pH COM terminal.

NOTE: The black and white wires are colored brown and blue outside North America.

B – 8.2: Common Powered

Connect the incoming power to the pH COM terminal (the red wire shown below) and move the hat jumper for the pH relay to the upper position “C”. The black wire goes into the position labeled pH Feed. Leave the Neutral and Earth Ground terminals unconnected inside the controller. The Neutral and Earth Grounds from the feeder must be connected to the Neutral and Earth Ground of the power source supplying this relay.

B – 9: Wiring Relay 2 Relay 2 controls ORP. You can configure the relay to be powered from the same Line voltage as the controller or from its own separate voltage input.

B – 9.1: Line Powered Make sure the hat jumper is in the lower position “L”. The black wire goes into the position labeled Cl/Br Feed, the white wire goes into the Neutral position next to that, and the green wire goes into the Earth Ground position next to that. Nothing should be connected to the Cl/Br COM terminal.

NOTE: The black and white wires are colored brown and blue outside North America.

B – 9.2 Common Powered

Connect the incoming power to the Cl/Br COM terminal (the red wire shown below) and move the hat jumper for the Cl/Br relay to the upper position “C”. The black wire goes into the position labeled Cl/Br Feed. Leave the Neutral and Earth Ground terminals unconnected inside the controller. The Neutral and Earth Grounds from the feeder must be connected to the Neutral and Earth Ground of the power source supplying this relay.

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

B – 10: Wiring Relay 3 Relay 3 may be used for Dual pH control, Alarm, Cl/Br Booster, or Sensor Wash (Refer to Section C on how to configure this). You can configure the relay to be powered from the same Line voltage as the controller or from its own separate voltage input. B – 10.1: Line Powered

Make sure the hat jumper is in the lower position “L”. The black wire goes into the position labeled Auxiliary, the white wire goes into the Neutral position next to that, and the green wire goes into Earth Ground position next to that. Nothing should be connected to the AUX COM terminal.

NOTE: The black and white wires are colored brown and blue outside North America.

B – 10.2: Common Powered

Connect the incoming power to the AUX COM terminal (the red wire shown below) and move the hat jumper for the Aux relay to the upper position “C”. The black wire goes into the position labeled Auxiliary. Leave the Neutral and Earth Ground terminals unconnected inside the controller. The Neutral and Earth Grounds from the feeder/device must be connected to the Neutral and Earth Ground of the power source supplying this relay.

B – 11: Wiring a Flow Switch A Flow Switch must be used in the operation of a BECSys3 Controller. A paddlewheel flow switch or reed flow switch is incorporated into the flow cell to disable chemical feed in the event of loss of flow. B – 11.1: Paddlewheel Flow Switch

Connect the wires to CN5 in the cover of the unit. The black wire goes to Ground, the white wire goes to Flow, and the red wire goes to +12V. With the paddlewheel flow switch, whenever the wheel spins, the green “flow” light on the flow switch will be on.


The Flow Switch is a critical safety device which prevents uncontrolled chemical feed.

Uncontrolled feeding of chemicals can result in injury or death.

Warning: Failure to incorporate a Flow Switch and Flowcell into the sample

Stream of your BECSys chemical controller can result in injury or death to swimmers in or

around the pool if the recirculation pump should fail or shut down.

Warning: A check valve must be installed with the paddlewheel flow switch to prevent backflow when the system is shut down. If a check valve is not installed, backflow could give the controller a

false reading of flow and continue to pump chemicals into the pool.

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10 B – 11.2: Reed Flow Switch

The reed flow switch is a (2) two-wire switch. Connect the wires to CN5 in the cover of the unit. The black wire goes to the terminal labeled Flow, and the red wire goes to the terminal labeled + 12.

NOTE: Unlike the paddlewheel flow switch, the reed flow switch is a directional switch. Make sure it is installed with the flow arrow in the proper direction. No check valve is required with the reed flow switch.

B – 12: Wiring a Timer

One advantage of the BECSys3 Controller is that the unit can be used with a timer to control the feeder and still not lose power to the sensor. Most controllers work with a timer by cutting all power, which then means that the sensor goes through an erratic period (up to two minutes) every time power is restored. With BECS units, the sensor continues to function even when the timer cuts power to the feeder so there is never a loss in accuracy. If you have decided to use a timer to interrupt the chemical feed, wire the timer in parallel with the flow lead of the flow switch.


Flow Switch

B – 13: Wiring the Temperature Sensor

The optional temperature sensor is wired to CN5 in the cover of the unit. The white wire goes to the terminal labeled "+", and the black wire goes to the terminal labeled "-".

B – 14: Wiring a Free Chlorine Sensor B – 14.1: CCS140

The CCS140 Free Chlorine Sensor is wired to the option board inside the controller. If you ordered your controller with the option board, it is located on the lower left side of the lid. There is a three position pluggable terminal block where the wires will be connected. Connect the red "A" wire to the A terminal, the "K" white tip with transparent wire to the K terminal, and the thick unlabeled wire to the ground terminal.

B – 14.2: ECL6 The ECL6 Free Chlorine Sensor is wired to the option board inside the controller. If you ordered your controller with the option board, it is located on the lower left side of the lid. There is a two position pluggable terminal block where the wires will be connected. The red wire goes to the position labeled “red” and the black wire goes to the position labeled “black”.

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B – 15: RS485 Network B – 15.1: BECSys RCM

If you have ordered a BECSys RCM, or the site has a BECSys RCM already installed, you may connect your BECSys3 to it. The BECSys RCM provides data logging and remote access of up to 32 BECSys3 controllers per site. Recommended wire: 22 gauge shielded twisted pair (1 pair: 2 conductors + shield). For outdoor use, use NEC type PLTC. For indoor use, use NEC type CMG general, CMR riser (through floors), or CMP plenum as required by the local wiring code. Connect the wires to CN4 in the cover of the unit. There are two RS485 terminal blocks to allow daisy chaining of units. It doesn’t matter which connector you use – whichever is easiest. For each unit, wire as follows:

From BECSys3 To BECSys RCM A A B B SH Shield

Refer to the BECSys RCM manual (included with your BECSys RCM) for more information on how to configure the network.

B – 16: Fuses 115VAC Model (F4):

¼ Amp 250V Time Lag Fuse (¼” x 1¼”) BECS Part Number: 8140086

230VAC Model (F4):

¼ Amp 250V Time Lag Fuse (¼” x 1¼”) BECS Part Number: 8140086

Relay Fuses (F1 – F3):

3 Amp 250V Time Lag Fuse (¼” x 1¼”) BECS Part Number: 9140088

RS485 Fuse (F1 CPU Board):

¼ Amp 250V Time Lag Microfuse (5.08mm) BECS Part Number: 8140059

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

SSeeccttiioonn CC:: DDiipp SSwwiittcchh SSeettttiinnggssThe BECSys3 controller comes preprogrammed for pH feed down (acid or CO2), Time Based Proportional feed mode, Probe Wash, and temperature shown in °F. These factory settings are appropriate for most systems. If you would like to change these settings, you must change the internal dipswitches. To change the dipswitches, first unplug the BECSys3 power cord and open the cover of the unit (as explained in Section B - 2). The photograph shows the dipswitch bank (SW5) in the cover of the unit.

The following chart indicates the positions and functions of the switches. Dip Switch OFF ON

1 pH Feed Down pH Feed Up 2 pH TBP Control pH On/Off Control 3 ORP TBP Control ORP On/Off Control 4 NOT USED 5 NOT USED 6 Relay 3 Function* 7 Relay 3 Function* 8 Temperature °C Temperature °F

* See Section C – 3 C – 1: Choosing pH Feed Direction

Relay 1 controls pH. It can be set to feed down (acid) for use with chemicals such as carbon dioxide or muriatic acid, or to feed up (base) for use with chemicals such as caustic soda or soda ash. (If you are using Dual pH then Relay#1 is set as Feed Up and Relay#3 is set as Feed Down).

C – 2: Choosing On/Off Control or TBP In general, if you are using a motor driven chemical feeder then you should choose the On/Off option. If you are using a solenoid driven or pulsed diaphragm chemical feeder (such as Pulsatron, most LMI models or most Prominent Models), you should choose the TBP (Time-Based Proportional) option. This feature helps to hold a set point and to minimize over-shoot by making a standard feeder

mimic the action of more sophisticated modulating feeders. If you choose the On/Off option and are feeding up then the controller will activate the chemical feeder whenever the pH or ORP falls below the set point and continue to feed until the pH or ORP rises above the set point plus hysteresis at which point it will stop. If you choose the TBP option the controller will activate the chemical feeder whenever the pH or ORP falls below the set point and will feed for a fraction of the Time Base depending on the amount of deviation from set point. The balance of the Time Base, the feeder will be paused. The smaller the deviation, the less time the feeder is ON. The feeder will continue this feed and pause cycle until the BECSys3 achieves the set point plus hysteresis.

C – 3: Relay 3 Functions Relay 3 can be used for several different functions. To select the function of Relay 3 move switches 6 and 7 to the positions shown in the following chart: Dip Switch 6 Dip Switch 7 Function Off Off Probe Wash Off On Alarm On Off Dual pH On On Cl/Br Booster

NOTE: You will only have an Alarm Relay when the dip switches are set accordingly. The Alarm LED will still flash when the controller is in Alarm.

C – 3.1: Probe Wash

Setting Dip Switches 6 and 7 to the off position configures Relay 3 for Probe Wash. The Probe Wash will begin 12 hours from power-up, run for approximately 2 minutes, and then come on again every 24 hours after that running for 2 minutes.

C – 3.2: Alarm Relay Setting Dip Switch 6 to the off position and Dip Switch 7 to the on position configures Relay 3 for Alarm. The Alarm Relay will turn on any time there is an alarm state (No Flow, pH High, etc). Alarm points are set in the Programming Section of this manual (Section D).

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C – 3.3: Dual pH Control Setting Dip Switch 6 to the on position and Dip Switch 7 to the off position configures Relay 3 for dual pH control (pH feed down).

C – 3.4: Cl/Br Booster Setting Dip Switches 6 and 7 to the on position configures Relay 3 for a sanitizer booster. When the ORP level drops to the Cl/Br Booster Trigger point, Relay 3 will activate an alternate sanitizer feed until the ORP reaches the Cl/Br Booster End point.

C – 4: Temperature With Dip Switch 8 On, temperature is displayed in Fahrenheit. With the Dip Switch Off, temperature is displayed in Celsius.

C – 5: Replacing the Cover Now it is time to put the cover back on the unit. But before you do, give your wiring one last check and make sure that you reconnect the ribbon cable (as shown). Line up the small holes in the cable end with the pins attached to the cover and gently press the cable into place. Make sure the two holders attached to the cover close back over the cable end to hold it firmly in place.

Replace the safety shield using the screws that were removed. Be sure to align the holes with the fuse holders. You may have to adjust the fuse holders slightly to align the shield properly. Finally, place the cover back on the unit and tighten the four screws at the corners to secure it in place.

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SSeeccttiioonn DD:: PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg tthhee CCoonnttrroolllleerr

D – 1: The Program Menu D – 1.1: Entering the Program Menu

To enter the program menu, press and hold both the Cal and Up key for three seconds. At the end of three seconds, one of two things will happen.

If the Operator and Rep access codes have been set, the unit will prompt you for an access code. Use the Arrow keys to change the current digit, and press the Set Points key to go to the next digit. Press the Enter key when you have finished entering your code. Once the access code has been entered, the controller will either display the first menu item or display "Access denied" if the code you entered is invalid.

When the LCD screen clears, release the keys and “Program Menu” should appear at the top of the display.

Once in the program menu, use the Arrow keys to scroll to the setting you wish to change. Press the Enter key to select the setting, and then use the Arrow keys to modify the value. Press the Enter key again to enter the new value and return to the menu. To exit the program menu, scroll to the “Exit menu” option and press the Enter key.

NOTE: After five minutes of no programming

activity, the Time-Out feature will automatically exit the programming menu.

D – 1.2: Selecting Language

The BECSys3 can be programmed to display in three different languages. Pressing the Enter key will display “Modify Value” and the current selected language. Use the Arrow keys to select between ENG (English), ESP (Spanish), and FRA (French), and press the Enter key to select the language you would like to use for the display.

D – 1.3: pH High Alarm Point

Pressing the Down Arrow displays pH High Alarm followed by the current pH high alarm point. To change this setting, press the Enter key, use the Arrow keys to input the value you would like, and then press the Enter key again to save the new value.

D – 1.4: pH Low Alarm Point

Pressing the Down arrow displays pH Low Alarm followed by the current pH low alarm point. To change this setting, press the Enter key, use the Arrow keys to input the value you would like, and then press the Enter key again to save the new value.

D – 1.5: ORP High Alarm Point

Pressing the Down arrow displays ORP High Alarm followed by the current ORP high alarm point. To change this setting, press the Enter key, use the Arrow keys to input the value you would like, and then press the Enter key again to save the new value.

D – 1.6: ORP Low Alarm Point

Pressing the Down arrow displays ORP Low Alarm followed by the current ORP low alarm point. To change this setting, press the Enter key, use the Arrow keys to input the value you would like, and then press the Enter key again to save the new value.

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D – 1.7: Temperature High Alarm Point

Pressing the Down arrow displays Temp High Alarm followed by the current temperature high alarm point. To change this setting, press the Enter key, use the Arrow keys to input the value you would like, and then press the Enter key again to save the new value.

D – 1.8: Temperature Low Alarm Point

Pressing the Down arrow displays Temp Low Alarm followed by the current temperature low alarm point. To change this setting, press the Enter key, use the Arrow keys to input the value you would like, and then press the Enter key again to save the new value.

D – 1.9: ORP/ppm Set point

This option is only shown if the controller is configured for ppm control. Pressing the Down arrow displays ORP/ppm SP followed by the current setting. This option selects whether to use an ORP set point or a ppm set point for the main Cl/Br feed control. It is set to ORP by default. To change this setting, press the Enter key, use the Arrow keys to change between ORP and ppm, and then press the Enter key again to save the new value.

D – 1.10: ppm High Alarm

This option is only shown if the controller is configured for ppm control. Pressing the Down arrow displays ppm High Alarm. If the controller is configured with a ppm probe, the current ppm high alarm point will be displayed on the screen. If the controller is using calculated ppm, the current ppm high alarm point will be displayed using the LEDs. To change this setting, press the Enter key, use the Arrow keys to input the value you would like, and then press the Enter key again to save the new value.

D – 1.11: ppm Low Alarm

This option is only shown if the controller is configured for ppm control. Pressing the Down arrow displays ppm Low Alarm. If the controller is configured with a ppm probe, the current ppm low alarm point will be displayed on the screen. If the controller is using calculated ppm, the current ppm low alarm point will be displayed using the LEDs. To change this setting, press the Enter key, use the Arrow keys to input the value you would like, and then press the Enter key again to save the new value.

D – 1.12: Exiting the Menu

Pressing the down arrow displays Exit menu. Pressing the Enter key exits the menu.

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D – 2: The System Settings Menu D – 2.1: Entering the System Settings Menu

To enter the System Settings Menu, hold the Cal, Up, and Down keys at the same time for 3 seconds. When the LCD screen clears, release the keys. If the Rep code has been set, you will be prompted to enter in the Rep code, otherwise the first menu item and its current setting will appear. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the menus. Pressing the Enter key enters the menu. For help entering your access code, see D - 1.1: Entering the Program Menu.

D – 2.2: ORP Span

This option is only shown if the control type is Time Based Proportional and the ORP set point is used. This value sets the span (distance) from the set point that the output will be proportionally controlled (the range is from 0 to 500mV). When the reading reaches this point, the Cl/Br Feed will be on for the entire Time Base (Set point – Span). To change this value, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to change the value. Once the desired value has been selected, press the Enter key to store the value.

D – 2.3: pH Span

This option is only shown if the control type is Time Based Proportional. This value sets the span (distance) from the set point that the output will be proportionally controlled (the range is from 0.0 to 3.0pH). When the reading reaches this point, the pH feed will be on for the entire Time Base (Set point – Span). To change this value, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to change the value. Once the desired value has been selected, press the Enter key to store the value.

D – 2.4: Time Base

This option is only shown if the control type is Time Based Proportional. This sets the total time that control is based on. During this time, the feeder will turn on for a percentage of the time base and turn off for the remainder (the range is from 15 seconds to 2 minutes). The controller waits until the time has expired before deciding how long to feed for the next cycle. To change the time base, press the Enter key. Use the arrow keys to change the value. Once the desired value has been selected, press the Enter key to store the value.

Warning: Increasing or decreasing the time base may cause the feed to severely overshoot or never achieve setpoint. Adjust this option

only when recommended to do so by a Factory Representative.

Warning: Increasing or decreasing the span may cause the feed to severely overshoot or

never achieve setpoint. Adjust this option only when recommended to do so by a Factory


Warning: Increasing or decreasing the span may cause the feed to severely overshoot or

never achieve setpoint. Adjust this option only when recommended to do so by a Factory


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D – 2.5: pH Calibration (2 Point)

To perform a two-point calibration of the pH input: 1) Connect a pH signal generator, for example

the BECSysHRC-1, to the pH input and press the Enter key.

2) will now be displayed. Set the signal generator to 2.00 and after several seconds, press the Enter key.

3) will now be displayed. Set the signal generator to 12.24 and after several seconds, press the Enter key.

4) Calibration is complete. If during calibration the following screen is displayed:

This indicates the calibration was not successful. See the troubleshooting section at the end of this manual for more information.

NOTE: It is recommended to do the 2 Point pH Calibration only when instructed to do so by a Factory Representative.

D – 2.6: ORP Calibration (2 Point) Pressing the down arrow displays:

To perform a two-point calibration of the ORP input: 1) Connect an ORP signal generator, for

example the BECSysHRC-1, to the ORP input and press the Enter key.

2) will now be displayed. Set the signal generator to 0 and after several seconds, press the Enter key.

3) will now be displayed. Set the signal generator to 1024 and after several seconds, press the Enter key.

4) Calibration is complete. If during calibration the following screen is displayed:

This indicates the calibration was not successful. See the troubleshooting section at the end of this manual for more information.

NOTE: It is recommended to do the 2 Point ORP Calibration only when instructed to do so by a Factory Representative.

D – 2.7: Feed Delay

Pressing the down arrow displays Feed Delay 10. When flow is disrupted and then restored, activation of feeds will be delayed for the specified time (in minutes). The valid range is 0 (disabled) to 60 minutes. Press the Enter key and the value will start to flash. Use the up and down keys to reach the desired number, and then press the Enter key again to set the value.

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10 D – 2.8: Enable ppm Set point Selection

Pressing the Down arrow key will display: ORP/ppm SetPt. With this value set to “Show”, an operator can choose between using ppm or ORP for the Cl Relay set point. With this set to “Hide”, the “ORP/ppm SetPt” selection will not be available under the Program menu.

D – 2.9: Failsafe Timers The most common failures of automated chemical feed systems are depletion of the chemical supply and/or chemical feeder failure. Both problems result in the controller being unable to reach set point in a reasonable period of time. The failsafe timer sets the maximum length of time the feeder can run continuously. If the feeder has been trying to achieve set point without success for the selected time, the controller will cut power to the feeder, flash the Alarm LED (and turn on the Alarm Relay if configured) and display a message to alert the operator. An operator must reset the failsafe by pressing the Up and Down arrow keys at the same time. All of the failsafe timers are displayed in minutes on the BECSys3 controller.

D – 2.9.1: Booster Failsafe

This option is only shown if the Cl/Br Booster feed is enabled. If Relay 3 is configured for Cl/Br Booster, pressing the Down arrow key will display the Failsafe timer for the Booster. This value is displayed in minutes. Press the Enter key to modify the failsafe timer. Use the Arrow keys to change the numbers and the Set Points key to move to the right. When you have entered the desired value, press the Enter key to store the value.

D – 2.9.2: pH Failsafe

Pressing the Down arrow key will display the pH feed failsafe timer. The displayed value is in minutes. Press the Enter key to modify the failsafe timer. Use the Arrow keys to change the numbers and the Set Points key to move to the right. When you have entered the desired value, press the Enter key to store the value.

D – 2.9.3: Chlorine/Bromine Failsafe

Pressing the Down arrow key will display the Chlorine/Bromine feed failsafe timer. The displayed value is in minutes. Press the Enter key to modify the failsafe timer. Use the Arrow keys to change the numbers and the Set Points key to move to the right. When you have entered the desired value, press the Enter key to store the value.

Warning: Disabling the failsafe timers is highly discouraged. They are an important safety feature to protect against dangerous

chemical overfeeds and will protect the equipment from running continuously if it runs

out of chemical.

Warning: Disabling the failsafe timers is highly discouraged. They are an important safety feature to protect against dangerous

chemical overfeeds and will protect the equipment from running continuously if it runs

out of chemical.

Warning: Disabling the failsafe timers is highly discouraged. They are an important safety feature to protect against dangerous

chemical overfeeds and will protect the equipment from running continuously if it runs

out of chemical.

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D – 2.10: pH Dead-zone

Pressing the down arrow displays pH Dead-zone and its current setting. The Dead-zone is used for Dual pH control. Dead-zone is how far the pH reading must fall below or rise above the set point before switching feed relays. To change this setting, press the Enter key, use the arrow keys to input the value you would like, and then press the Enter key again to save the new value.

D – 2.11: Relay Test

Pressing the Down arrow key allows you to select Relay Test. Relay test is used to test a relay or prime a pump. To start the Relay Test, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to select which relay you want to test. Press the Enter key to start the test. The selected relay will be on for a period of two minutes and then will turn off automatically. To cancel the test, press the Down arrow key. Exit will be displayed, press the Enter key to exit and cancel the relay test.

D – 2.12: ppm Probe Calibration

D – 2.12.1: CCS140 The voltage applied by the controller to the CCS140 Free Chlorine Sensor polarizes the surface of the cathode. The polarization period (30 minutes) must elapse before calibration is performed. 1) Allow the polarization period (30 minutes)

to elapse

2) Next press the Down arrow key and select

“ppm Cal High” a. Take a DPD reading b. Enter that value into the

controller using the Arrow keys (this value must be between 1.0 and 16.0 ppm). Press Enter to store the value.

D – 2.12.2: ECL6

1) Select “ppm 0 Point” from the menu. 2) Turn off flow to the ECL6 sensor. 3) Press the Enter key to store the 0 point. 4) Restore flow.

5) Next press the Down arrow key and select

“ppm Cal High” a. Take a DPD reading b. Enter that value into the

controller using the Arrow keys (this value must be between 1.0 and 10.0 ppm). Press Enter to store the value.

D – 2.13: Temperature Enable

This option is only shown if a ppm probe is not

installed. Pressing the Down arrow key displays “Temp In Enable”. This allows you to disable the temperature input. Because the ppm probe requires the temperature probe, this menu is displayed only when a ppm probe is not installed.

To disable temperature, press the Enter key. Use the arrow keys to select “No” from the menu. Press the Enter key again to store the value. Temperature will no longer be displayed on the controller.

D – 2.14: ORP Enable

This option is only shown if a ppm probe is installed. Pressing the Down arrow key displays “ORP In Enable”. This allows you to disable the ORP probe input. To disable the ORP probe input, press the Enter key. Use the arrow keys to select “No” from the menu. Press the Enter key again to store the value. ORP will no longer be displayed on the controller.

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10 D – 2.15: Access Codes

The BECSys3 controller ships from the factory with all access codes disabled. There are two levels of access codes: Rep and Operator. If the Rep code is set, you will not be able to enter the Rep menu without entering the code. If both the Rep and Operator codes are set, you cannot enter the Program menu without entering the access code.

D – 2.15.1: Operator Access Code

Pressing the Down arrow key allows you to set the Operator Access Code. To set the access code, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to change the number displayed and the Set Points key to move to the next digit. Once the access code has been set, press the Enter key.

D – 2.15.2: Rep Access Code

Pressing the Down arrow key allows you to set the Factory Representative Access Code. To set the access code, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to change the number displayed and the Set Points key to move to the next digit. Once the access code has been set, press the Enter key.

D – 2.15.3: Recovering Lost Access Codes If the Rep or Operator access codes are forgotten, the codes can be recovered by the following procedure:

While in the Normal Display, press and hold the Cal and Set Point keys. Write down the encrypted value displayed. The Rep code is preceded by the letter “A” and the Operator code is preceded by the letter “D”. BECS Technology can be contacted for decryption of this code, providing the original access code.

D – 2.16: Exiting The Menu

Pressing the Down arrow key will give you the option to exit the menu. Press the Enter key to exit the menu.

Warning: It is strongly recommended to set a Rep Access Code. By not setting a Rep Access

Code, anyone can access Rep Menus.

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SSeeccttiioonn EE:: NNoorrmmaall OOppeerraattiioonn

E – 1: Set points E – 1.1: Displaying the Set points

To display the set points, press the Set Points key briefly. The set points will be displayed for three seconds.

E – 1.2: Modifying the Set points To modify the set points press the Set Points key for three seconds. If the Operator and Rep access codes have been set, the unit will prompt you for your access code, otherwise the display will change to pH Set Point followed by the current pH set point. For help entering your access code, see D - 1.1: Entering the Program Menu.

E – 1.2.1: pH Set Point

To change the pH Set Point, press the Enter key to enter the menu. Use the Arrow keys to input the desired value and then press the Enter key to save the value.

E – 1.2.2: Chlorine Set Point E – ORP Control

This option is shown if the controller is configured to use ORP as the Set point. The screen will display ORP Set Point followed by the current ORP set point. To change this setting, press the Enter key to enter the menu. Use the Arrow keys to input the new value and then press the Enter key to save the value.

E – ppm Control (Calculated)

This option is only shown if the controller is configured to use calculated ppm. The screen will display ppm Set Point and the current ppm set point on the LED bar graph will be flashing (the high and low alarms will be displayed by red LEDs). To change the calculated ppm set point, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to adjust the value shown on the LED bar graph and press the Enter key to save the new value.

E – ppm Control (Probe)

This option is only shown if the controller is configured with a ppm Probe. The screen will display ppm Set Point and the current ppm set point. To change the ppm set point, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to adjust the value shown and press the Enter key to save the new value.

E – 1.2.3: Booster Trigger Point This option is only shown if the Cl/Br Booster feed is enabled. With relay 3 configured for Cl/Br Booster control, the screen will display the current trigger point. To change this setting, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to input the new value, and then press the Enter key to save the value.

E – 1.2.4: Booster End Point This option is only shown if the Cl/Br Booster feed is enabled. With relay 3 configured for Cl/Br Booster control, the screen will display the current booster end point. To change this setting, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to input the new value, and then press the Enter key to save the value.

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E – 2: Single Point Calibration To enter the calibration menu, press and hold the Cal key for three seconds. If the Operator and Rep access codes have been set, the unit will prompt you for your access code, otherwise the display clears followed by Cal pH and the current pH reading. For help entering your access code, see D - 1.1: Entering the Program Menu. E – 2.1: Single Point Calibration - pH

The display should now read Cal pH followed by the current pH reading. To calibrate the pH, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to adjust the displayed value to match your test kit reading, and then press the Enter key to save it.

E – 2.2: Single Point Calibration - Temp

This is only shown if the controller is configured to monitor temperature. Pressing the Down arrow key, the display will show Cal Temp followed by the current Temp reading. To calibrate the temperature, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to adjust the displayed value to the measured value then press the Enter key to save it.

E – 2.3: Single Point Calibration – ppm

E – 2.3.1: Calculated ppm

This is only shown if the controller is configured to use calculated ppm. Pressing the Down arrow key, the display will show Cal ppm and the ppm LED's will be flashing. To calibrate the ppm, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to adjust the LED bar graph to match your test kit reading, and then press the Enter key to save the value.

E – 2.3.2: ppm Probe

This is only shown if the controller is configured to use a ppm probe. Pressing the Down arrow key, the display will show Cal ppm followed by the current ppm reading. To calibrate the ppm, press the Enter key. Use the Arrow keys to adjust the displayed value to match your test kit reading, and then press the Enter key to save the value.

E – 2.4: Probe Error

Probe error indicates the value attempting to be calibrated is out of range. See the troubleshooting section at the end of this manual for more information.

E – 3: Alarms

During normal operation, the following alarms may be displayed. Some alarms will not be shown depending on the system's configuration. E – 3.1: pH High/Low alarms

This is displayed when the pH input has risen above/fallen below the pH high/low alarm point. These alarms will also trigger the Cl/Br Lockout alarm.

E – 3.2: ORP High/Low alarms These alarms are displayed if the controller is configured to control off the ORP input. This is displayed when the ORP input has risen above/fallen below the ORP high/low alarm point.

E – 3.3: ppm High/Low alarms These alarms are displayed if the controller is configured to control off the ppm input. This is displayed when the ppm input has risen above/fallen below the ppm high/low alarm point.

E – 3.4: Temperature High/Low alarms

These alarms are displayed when the controller is configured to monitor temperature. This is displayed when the Temperature input has risen above/fallen below the Temperature high/low alarm point.

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E – 3.5: No Flow Alarm This is displayed when the controller does not detect a flow signal. This alarm disables all chemical feeds.

E – 3.6: Flow Restored Delay This is displayed when flow is disrupted and then restored. The BECSys3 will delay restarting feeds for a programmed duration in order to prevent operating feeds based on readings from stagnant water.

E – 3.7: Cl/Br Lockout This is triggered whenever there is a pH high or low alarm. This message indicates that the Cl/Br feed (relay 2) and the optional Cl/Br Booster (relay 3) are disabled in order to prevent the Cl/Br feeds from driving the pH even further out of range.

E – 3.8: pH Failsafe This is displayed when the active pH feed (feed up or feed down) attempted to feed continuously for the selected failsafe duration. The active pH feed is disabled until one of the following conditions occurs: 1) The pH input reaches the programmed set

point. 2) Disruption of flow 3) User manually resets the failsafe.

E – 3.9: Cl/Br Failsafe

This is displayed when the Cl/Br feed attempted to feed continuously for the selected failsafe duration. The Cl/Br feed is disabled until one of the following conditions occurs: 1) The ORP/ppm input reaches the

programmed set point. 2) Disruption of flow 3) User manually resets the failsafe.

E – 3.10: Booster FAILSAFE This is displayed when the optional Cl/Br Booster feed attempted to feed continuously for the selected failsafe duration. The Cl/Br Booster feed is disabled until one of the following conditions occurs: 1) The ORP input reaches the Cl/Br Booster set

point. 2) Disruption of flow 3) User manually resets the failsafe.

E – 4: Resetting a Failsafe Alarm

To reset a failsafe alarm, press and hold the Up and Down arrow keys momentarily.

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SSeeccttiioonn FF:: TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg

F – 1: Calibration Error If during calibration of the inputs you receive the message “Calibration Error” check the following: 1) Try calibrating again, allowing more time

between the 1st and 2nd point calibration. 2) If you are using a BECSys HRC-1 make sure the

Hi-Z switch is in the off position. 3) Double check to make sure you have the proper

wires connected to the input.

F – 2: Probe Error The BECSys3 has some limits in place to help detect a bad probe. As probes are used, the electrolyte is depleted and the readings become farther off. The “Probe Error” message indicates the probe has been calibrated too far away from these safety limits. When you see a “Probe Error” it is time to change the probe.

SSeeccttiioonn GG:: UUppggrraaddiinngg FFiirrmmwwaarree

The BECSys3 Firmware can be upgraded in the field. To do so you order the upgrade Firmware, this comes on an 8 pin dip IC and then complete the following steps:

1) Remove power from the unit. 2) Install the 8 pin dip IC into the socket labeled “Firmware Upgrade” at the top of the BECSys3 CPU board. Make

sure pin 1 is aligned properly. 3) Reapply power. 4) The unit will display the current Firmware Version followed by “Found Firmware“ and the Firmware Version on

the upgrade IC. 5) Next the BECSys3 will display “Do Not Interrupt” followed by “Upgrading Firmware” and the percentage

complete. 6) Once the Firmware upgrade is complete, the unit will display “Do Not Interrupt” followed by “Restoring Cal

Data” and the percentage complete. This restores the calibration data. 7) Finally, the BECSys3 will display “Do Not Interrupt” followed by “Upgrade Complete”. Once the upgrade has

finished, the unit will reset and start up normally.

Once the upgrade is complete, remove power from the BECSys3 and remove the Firmware Upgrade IC from the controller. At this point, you may discard the Firmware Upgrade IC.

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SSeeccttiioonn HH:: MMaaiinntteennaannccee The BECSys3 requires no maintenance other than a periodic calibration check and sensor cleaning. H – 1: Potentiometric Sensors (pH and ORP)

H – 1.1: Electrode Cleaning: Slow response time and large offsets may indicate the electrode has become coated. The nature of the coating will dictate the type of cleaning technique that should be used. Soft coatings, like bacterial films, are best removed

using a squirt bottle or the water jet from a faucet. If this is not successful, then gently wipe with a soft wet cloth.

For a more severe coating, first try a strong detergent (something similar to Dawn liquid detergent) and warm water, using a soft brush (like a toothbrush). Isopropyl alcohol on a Q-tip is another good choice. Rinse the measuring end in distilled water before reinstallation.

Greasy and oily coatings are best removed with a detergent solution or a solvent that will not attack the sensor body. Methanol and isopropyl alcohol are good choices for solvents. Acetone, MEK, THF, or trichloroethane will irreparably harm the electrode.

Hard coatings, like calcium or lime scale, are best removed with a solvent appropriate for the particular coating. A 5% solution of hydrochloric acid (HCl) would be a good choice for calcium scale. If unsure of the proper solvent to remove a hard mineral coating, then alternate between a 5% hydrochloric acid and a 4% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for 10 minutes each. After treating the electrode with these strong acids or bases, rinse the electrode with water and soak it in a pH 4 buffer for at least 1/2 hour.

The platinum tip of an ORP sensor can be cleaned with an abrasive as a last resort. Gently scour the platinum with a 600 grit wet emery cloth, or preferably, a 1-3 micron alumina polishing powder.

H – 1.2: Long-Term Storage:

Save the wetting cap that came with the sensor for long-term storage. After removing the sensor from the flow-cell, clean it as in routine maintenance, and then store it in the wetting cap

using a pH 4 buffer saturated with potassium chloride (KCl). The potassium chloride will prevent electrolyte from leaching out of the sensors reference cell. The wetting cap only needs to be half full. If a number of sites are going to be serviced, for example, at the end of a season, then it might be a good idea to carry a pint of 4.0/KCl storage solution.

H – 2: CCS140 Free Chlorine Sensor Check the sensor measurement at regular intervals (at least once a month), and perform a recalibration if necessary. As a rule of thumb, refill the measuring cell with electrolyte once per season (or every 12 months). H – 2.1: Cleaning If the sensor membrane is visibly soiled, then

remove the sensor from the flow cell and clean the membrane with a gentle water jet, or soak the membrane for a few minutes in a 1% to 10% hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution. Avoid chemical additives as they may damage the membrane.

Replace a heavily soiled or damaged membrane. H – 2.2: Long-Term Storage

Save the yellow protective cap that came with the sensor for long-term storage. After removing the sensor from the flow cell, empty the measuring cell of electrolyte (particularly if dehydration of the membrane is possible). Rinse the measuring chamber and electrode shaft with cold water and let them dry. Then screw the measuring cell down loosely and not to the stop, so that the membrane remains unstressed. When the sensor is put back into service, it will have to be refilled with electrolyte and run through an initial polarization before calibration.

H – 2.3: Filling electrolyte Unscrew the measuring chamber from the shaft. Hold the measuring chamber at an angle and fill

with approximately 7 to 8 ml electrolyte, up to approximately 1 cm under the top edge.

Tap the filled chamber several times on a flat surface to release any air bubbles. Screw the electrode shaft into the measuring chamber vertically from above, displacing all air from inside. Tighten slowly to the stop.

Warning: You may lightly blot the water On a pH sensor tip on a paper towel, but never vigorously rub or wipe the pH bulb because this may scratch the delicate outer layer on the pH

glass impairing its response.

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

SSeeccttiioonn II:: FFeeeedd CChhaarrttss Use the charts on the following pages to determine the correct amount of chemical to add to spa or pool water to achieve desired conditions. Choose which chart to use by the chemical indicated and the number of gallons to be treated. I – 1: Spa Feed Charts

Quantity of Muriatic Acid Needed to Lower Total Alkalinity

Desired Decrease In ppm

Gallons in Spa

100 150 250 500 750 1000 10 1.25 ts 2.00 ts 1.00 tb 2.00 tb 3.00 tp 0.25 cp 20 2.50 ts 4.00 ts 2.00 tb 0.25 cp 0.33 cp 0.50 cp 30 1.25 tb 2.00 tb 3.00 tb 0.33 cp 0.67 cp 0.75 cp 40 5.00 ts 2.50 tb 0.25 cp 0.50 cp 0.75 cp 1.00 cp 50 2.00 tb 3.00 tb 5.00 tb 0.67 cp 1.00 cp 1.33 cp 60 2.50 tb 0.25 cp 0.33 cp 0.75 cp 1.00 cp 1.50 cp 70 3.00 tb 0.25 cp 0.50 cp 1.00 cp 1.33 cp 1.75 cp 80 3.50 tb 0.33 cp 0.50 cp 1.00 cp 1.50 cp 2.00 cp 90 0.25 cp 0.33 cp 0.67 cp 1.00 cp 1.67 cp 2.33 cp 100 0.25 cp 0.50 cp 0.67 cp 1.33 cp 2.00 cp 2.50 cp

ts = teaspoon tb = tablespoon cp = one cup (8 fl oz)

Quantity of Sodium Bisulfate Needed to Lower Total Alkalinity

Desired Decrease In ppm

Gallons in Spa

100 150 250 500 750 1000 10 1.50 ts 2.50 ts 1.00 tb 2.50 tb 0.25 cp 0.33 cp 20 1.00 tb 1.50 tb 2.50 tb 0.33 cp 0.50 cp 0.67 cp 30 1.50 tb 2.50 tb 0.25 cp 0.50 cp 0.75 cp 1.00 cp 40 2.00 tb 3.00 tb 0.33 cp 0.67 cp 1.00 cp 1.25 cp 50 2.50 tb 0.25 cp 0.50 cp 0.75 cp 1.25 cp 1.50 cp 60 3.00 tb 4.50 tb 0.50 cp 1.00 cp 1.50 cp 2.00 cp 70 0.25 cp 0.33 cp 0.50 cp 1.00 cp 1.67 cp 2.25 cp 80 0.25 cp 0.33 cp 0.67 cp 1.25 cp 2.00 cp 2.50 cp 90 0.33 cp 0.50 cp 0.75 cp 1.50 cp 2.25 cp 3.00 cp 100 0.33 cp 0.50 cp 0.75 cp 1.67 cp 2.50 cp 3.25 cp

ts = teaspoon tb = tablespoon cp = one cup (8 fl oz)

Quantity of Bicarbonate of Soda Needed to Raise Total Alkalinity

Desired Increase In ppm

Gallons in Spa

100 150 250 500 750 1000 10 1.25 ts 2.00 ts 4.00 ts 2.50 tb 0.25 cp 0.33 cp 20 1.00 tb 1.50 tb 2.50 tb 5.00 tb 0.50 cp 0.50 cp 30 1.50 tb 2.00 tb 3.50 tb 0.50 cp 0.67 cp 1.00 cp 40 2.00 tb 3.00 tb 0.33 cp 0.50 cp 1.00 cp 1.00 cp 50 2.50 tb 3.50 tb 6.00 tb 0.75 cp 1.00 cp 1.50 cp 60 3.00 tb 0.25 tb 0.50 cp 1.00 cp 1.33 cp 1.75 cp 70 3.50 tp 0.35 cp 0.50 cp 1.00 cp 1.50 cp 2.00 cp 80 0.25 cp 0.33 cp 0.50 cp 1.25 cp 1.75 cp 2.50 cp 90 0.33 cp 0.50 cp 0.67 cp 1.33 cp 2.05 cp 2.75 cp 100 0.33 cp 0.50 cp 0.75 cp 1.50 cp 2.25 cp 3.00 cp

ts = teaspoon tb = tablespoon cp = one cup (8 fl oz)

Quantity of Calcium Chloride Needed to Increase Calcium Hardness

Desired Increase In ppm

Gallons in Spa

100 150 250 500 750 1000 10 1.25 ts 2.00 ts 1.00 tb 2.00 tb 3.00 tb 0.25 cp 20 2.50 ts 4.00 ts 2.00 tb 0.25 cp 0.33 cp 0.50 cp 30 1.25 tb 2.00 tb 3.00 tb 0.33 cp 0.67 cp 0.75 cp 40 4.00 ts 2.50 tb 0.25 cp 0.50 cp 0.75 cp 1.00 cp 50 2.00 tb 3.00 tb 5.00 tb 0.67 cp 1.00 cp 1.33 cp 60 2.50 tb 0.25 cp 0.33 cp 0.75 cp 1.00 cp 1.50 cp 70 3.00 tp 0.25 cp 0.50 cp 1.00 cp 1.33 cp 1.75 cp 80 3.50 tp 0.25 cp 0.50 cp 1.00 cp 1.50 cp 2.00 cp 90 0.25 cp 0.33 cp 0.33 cp 1.00 cp 1.67 cp 2.33 cp 100 0.25 cp 0.50 cp 0.67 cp 1.33 cp 2.00 cp 2.50 cp

ts = teaspoon tb = tablespoon cp = one cup (8 fl oz)

Quantity of Chlorine Compound Needed to Increase 1 ppm

Percent Chlorine In


Gallons in Spa

100 150 250 500 750 1000 5 0.50 tb 2.00 ts 1.25 tb 2.50 tb 0.25 cp 0.33 cp 10 0.25 tb 1.00 ts 2.00 ts 1.25 tb 2.00 tb 2.50 tb 12 0.25 tb 1.00 ts 0.50 tb 1.00 tb 1.50 tb 2.00 tb 30 0.25 tb 0.33 ts 0.75 ts 1.25 ts 2.00 ts 2.50 ts 40 0.167 ts 0.25 ts 0.500 ts 1.00 ts 1.50 ts 2.00 ts 50 0.167 ts 0.25 ts 0.375 ts 0.75 ts 1.25 ts 1.50 ts 60 0.167 tb 0.200 ts 0.375 ts 0.50 ts 1.00 ts 1.25 ts 65 0.100 ts 0.167 ts 0.250 ts 0.50 ts 0.75 ts 1.00 ts

ts = teaspoon tb = tablespoon cp = one cup (8 fl oz)

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

I – 2: Pool Feed Charts

Quantity of Muriatic Acid Needed to Lower Total Alkalinity Desired Decrease

In ppm Gallons in Pool

10,000 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 200,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 10 1.30 pt 1.62 qt 3.25 qt 1.22 gl 1.62 gl 3.25 gl 8.13 gl 12.20 gl 16.25 gl 20 1.30 pt 3.25 qt 1.62 gl 2.43 gl 3.25 gl 7.50 gl 16.20 gl 24.30 gl 32.50 gl 30 1.95 qt 1.22 gl 2.44 gl 3.86 gl 4.98 gl 9.76 gl 24.40 gl 36.60 gl 48.80 gl 40 2.80 qt 1.63 gl 3.25 gl 4.87 gl 6.50 gl 13.00 gl 32.50 gl 48.80 gl 65.00 gl 50 3.25 qt 2.03 gl 4.07 gl 6.10 gl 8.14 gl 16.28 gl 40.70 gl 61.00 gl 81.40 gl 60 3.90 qt 2.44 gl 4.88 gl 7.32 gl 9.76 gl 19.52 gl 48.80 gl 73.20 gl 97.80 gl 70 1.14 gl 2.84 gl 5.69 gl 8.54 gl 11.38 gl 22.76 gl 56.90 gl 85.45 gl 113.80 gl 80 1.30 gl 3.25 gl 6.50 gl 9.75 gl 13.00 gl 26.00 gl 65.00 gl 97.50 gl 138.00 gl 90 1.48 gl 3.66 gl 7.31 gl 10.96 gl 14.82 gl 29.24 gl 73.10 gl 109.60 gl 146.20 gl 100 1.63 gl 4.06 gl 8.12 gl 12.18 gl 16.24 gl 32.48 gl 81.20 gl 121.80 gl 162.40 gl 120 1.96 gl 4.88 gl 9.76 gl 14.64 gl 19.52 gl 39.00 gl 97.80 gl 148.40 gl 196.20 gl 150 2.44 gl 6.09 gl 12.18 gl 18.27 gl 24.40 gl 48.80 gl 121.80 gl 182.70 gl 244.00 gl 200 3.25 gl 8.12 gl 18.24 gl 24.36 gl 32.50 gl 65.00 gl 162.40 gl 243.80 gl 325.00 gl

pt = one pt (16 fl oz) qt = one quart (32 fl oz) gl = one gallon (128 fl oz)

Quantity of Bicarbonate of Soda Needed to Raise Total Alkalinity Desired Increase

In ppm Gallons in Pool

10,000 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 200,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 10 1.50 lb 3.75 lb 7.50 lb 11.25 lb 15.00 lb 30.00 lb 75.00 lb 112.50 lb 150.00 lb 20 3.00 lb 7.50 lb 15.00 lb 22.50 lb 30.00 lb 60.00 lb 150.00 lb 225.00 lb 300.00 lb 30 4.50 lb 11.25 lb 22.50 lb 33.75 lb 45.00 lb 90.00 lb 225.00 lb 337.50 lb 450.00 lb 40 6.00 lb 15.00 lb 30.00 lb 45.00 lb 60.00 lb 120.00 lb 300.00 lb 450.00 lb 600.00 lb 50 7.50 lb 18.75 lb 37.50 lb 56.25 lb 75.00 lb 150.00 lb 375.00 lb 562.50 lb 750.00 lb 60 9.00 lb 22.50 lb 45.00 lb 67.50 lb 90.00 lb 180.00 lb 450.00 lb 675.00 lb 900.00 lb 70 10.50 lb 26.25 lb 52.50 lb 78.75 lb 105.00 lb 210.00 lb 525.00 lb 787.50 lb 1050.00 lb 80 12.00 lb 30.00 lb 60.00 lb 90.00 lb 120.00 lb 240.00 lb 600.00 lb 900.00 lb 1200.00 lb 90 13.50 lb 33.75 lb 67.50 lb 101.25 lb 135.00 lb 270.00 lb 675.00 lb 1012.50 lb 1350.00 lb 100 15.00 lb 37.50 lb 75.00 lb 112.50 lb 150.00 lb 300.00 lb 750.00 lb 1125.00 lb 1500.00 lb

lb =pounds of dry chemical

Quantity of Calcium Chloride Needed to Increase Calcium Hardness

Desired Increase In ppm

Gallons in Pool 10,000 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 200,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000

lb oz lb oz lb oz lb oz lb oz lb lb oz lb oz lb 10 1 4 3 2 6 4 9 6 12 8 25 62 8 93 12 125 20 2 8 6 4 12 8 18 12 25 0 50 125 0 197 8 250 30 3 12 9 6 18 12 28 2 37 8 75 187 8 281 4 375 40 5 0 12 8 25 0 37 8 50 0 100 250 0 375 0 500 50 6 4 15 10 31 4 46 14 62 8 125 312 8 468 12 625 60 7 8 18 12 37 8 56 4 75 0 150 375 0 562 8 750 70 8 12 21 14 43 12 65 10 87 8 175 437 8 658 4 875 80 10 0 25 0 50 0 75 0 100 0 200 500 0 750 0 1,000 90 11 4 28 2 56 4 84 6 112 8 225 562 8 843 12 1,125 100 12 8 31 4 62 8 93 12 125 0 250 625 0 937 8 1,250 150 18 12 46 14 93 12 104 10 187 8 375 937 8 1,406 4 1,875 200 25 0 62 8 125 0 187 8 250 0 500 1,250 0 1,875 0 2,500

Quantity of Chlorine Compound Needed to Increase 1 ppm

Percent Chlorine In Product

Gallons in Pool 10,000 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 200,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000

5 3.2 cp 2 qt 1 gl 1.5 gl 2 gl 4 gl 10 gl 15 gl 20 gl 10 1.6 cp 1 qt 2 qt 3 qt 1 gl 2 gl 5 gl 7.5 gl 10 gl 12 1.33 cp 1.67 pt 1.517 qt 2.276 pt 3.33 qt 1.665 gl 4.163 gl 6.245 gl 8.326 gl 30 0.278 lb 0.665 lb 1.390 lb 2.085 lb 2.780 lb 5.580 lb 13.900 lb 20.850 lb 27.800 lb 40 0.209 lb 0.521 lb 1.043 lb 1.565 lb 2.086 lb 4.172lb 10.430 lb 15.645 lb 20.860 lb 50 0.167 lb 0.417 lb 0.834 lb 1.251 lb 1.668 lb 3.336lb 8.340lb 12.511 lb 16.680 lb 60 0.139 lb 0.348 lb 0.695 lb 1.043 lb 1.390 lb 2.780lb 6.950 lb 10.425 lb 13.900 lb 65 0.128 lb 0.321 lb 0.642 lb 0.963 lb 1.284 lb 2.568lb 6.420 lb 9.630lb 12.840 lb 70 0.119 lb 0.298 lb 0.596 lb 0.894 lb 1.192 lb 2.384lb 5.960lb 8.940 lb 11.920 lb 75 0.111 lb 0.278 lb 0.556 lb 0.834 lb 1.112 lb 2.224 lb 5.560 lb 8.340 lb 11.120 lb 80 0.104 lb 0.261 lb 0.521 lb 0.782 lb 1.042 lb 2.064 lb 5.210 lb 7.815 lb 10.420 lb 85 0.096 lb 0.417 lb 0.491 lb 0.737 lb 0.982 lb 1.964 lb 4.910 lb 7.365 lb 9.829 lb 90 0.093 lb 0.232 lb 0.463 lb 0.695 lb 0.926 lb 1.852 lb 4.630 lb 6.945 lb 9.260 lb 100 0.083 lb 0.209 lb 0.417 lb 0.626 lb 0.634 lb 1..668 lb 4.170 lb 6.225lb 8.340 lb

cp = one cup (8 fl oz) pt = one pt (16 fl oz) qt = one quart (32 fl oz) gl = one gallon (128 fl oz) lb =pounds of dry chemical

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

SSeeccttiioonn JJ:: IInnssttaallllaattiioonn DDiiaaggrraammss

J – 1: Pressure Filter Installation

J – 2: Vacuum Filter Installation

Page 30 9487 Dielman Rock Island Ind Dr, St. Louis, MO 63132

Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

SSeeccttiioonn KK:: RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttssFuses 8140086 Main Fuse Time Lag 250mA 250V 9140088 Relays 1-3 Time Lag 3A 250V 8140059 RS485 Fuse Time Lag 250mA 250V 8320053 Fuse Cap Sensors pH Sensors 9660013 BECSys pH Sensor (30” cable) [range: 0 to 14.0 pH] 9660010 BECSys pH Sensor (10’ cable) [range: 0 to 14.0 pH] ORP Sensors 9660022 BECSys ORP Sensor Platinum Band (30” cable)

[range: 0 to 1000mV] 9660023 BECSys ORP Sensor Platinum Band (10’ cable)

[range: 0 to 1000mV] 9660038 BECSys ORP Sensor Solid Gold Band (30” cable)

[range: 0 to 1000mV] 9660040 BECSys ORP Sensor Solid Gold Band (10’ cable)

[range: 0 to 1000mV] pH/ORP Sensor Accessories 8500061 4/KCl solution (pint); for long-term storage of sensors 8680015 ½” Wetting Cap for pH and ORP sensors Temperature Sensors 9660016 Temperature Sensor (30” cable)

[range: 32°F to 212°F (0°C to 100°C)] 9660003 Temperature Sensor (10’ cable)

[range: 32°F to 212°F (0°C to 100°C)] Flow Switches 9660006 Reed flow switch [Switch Point (On): 2.0 gpm] 9660007 Rotary flow switch [Switch Point (On): 1.5 gpm] 9060547 Spring Check Valve 8680019 Rotary Flow Switch Replacement Kit includes: 1 Pin,

1 Cover, 1 Wheel, 1 O-ring 8060663 Rotary Flow Switch Replacement Pin 8060664 Rotary Flow Switch Replacement Cover 8060665 Rotary Flow Switch Replacement Wheel 8060666 Rotary Flow Switch Replacement O-Ring Amperometric ppm (Cl) 9660005 Amperometric Sensor only, no flow cell

[range: 0 to 20 ppm] 8680016 Replacement Membranes (2 pieces) for Chlorine

Sensor 9660005 8680017 Electrolyte (50 ml) for Chlorine Sensor 9660005 Boards 1200556 BECSys3 CPU PCB 1200407 BECSys3 Relay PCB 1200554 Free Chlorine (CCS140) Option Board 1200566 Free Chlorine (ECL6) Option Board

Software M000104 BECSys3 Firmware Upgrade IC Documentation 8620044 BECSys3 Operator’s Manual 8620045 BECSys3 Installation/Technical Manual 8620046 BECSys3 (no ppm scale) Quick Reference Sheet 8620047 BECSys3 (0.2 – 16.0 scale) Quick Reference Sheet Misc Enclosure Parts M000099 BECSys3 Lid Assembly no ppm scale M000101 BECSys3 Lid Assembly 0.2 – 16.0 ppm scale 8440199 BECSys3 Overlay no ppm scale 8440200 BECSys3 Overlay 0.2 – 16.0 ppm scale 9520027 Single BNC cable assembly Internal Components 8041102 2 Position Pluggable Terminal Block (Temperature) 8041103 3 Position Pluggable Terminal Block (Flow Switch,

RS485) 8380650 RS485 IC 9060533 Shield Screws 9520034 Ribbon Cable Flow Cell Replacement Parts Round Flow Cell 1220210 Round Flow Cell Body 1220205 Acrylic Cover for Round Flow Cell 8060626 O-Ring for Round Flow Cell 1220207 PVC Mounting Plate for Round Flow Cell 8080625 Screws – Mounting Plate Rectangular Flow Cell 1220201 2-Sensor Rectangular Flow Cell Body 1220200 Acrylic Cover for 2-Sensor Rectangular Flow Cell 8060669 O-Ring for 2-Sensor Rectangular Flow Cell Common Flow Cell Components 9060189 Screws – Acrylic Cover 8060623 Elbow, 90° PVC 8060624 Elbow, 45° PVC 9060538 Plug, ¼” PVC 9060541 Nipple, ½” Close 8060621 Sample Valve, ¼” Ball Cock 9060546 Ball Valve ½” PVC 9060549 S80 Bushing, PVC ¾ x ½ 9060544 Pressure Gauge 8060673 Pressure Regulator Amperometric Flow Cell Components 1210255 Flow Cell for Amperometric Sensor (9660005) 8060671 Flow Meter used in Amperometric Flow Cell 1210253

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Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

SSeeccttiioonn LL:: WWaarrrraannttyy

LIMITED WARRANTY BECS warrants the controller electronics and flow cell against any defect in workmanship or materials for a period of five years from the date of shipment. BECS warrants the pH and ORP sensors against any defect in workmanship or materials for a period of two years from the date of shipment. In the event of a component failure due to any defect in workmanship or materials, BECS will repair, or if repair is not possible, replace the defective part or parts of the BECSys controller. BECS will have the sole right to determine whether to repair or replace a product. BECS will not be responsible for any expense associated with installation of repaired or replacement parts. LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS This is a LIMITED WARRANTY. BECS makes NO WARRANTIES other than those contained herein. The LIMITED WARRANTY replaces and is in lieu of any WARRANTIES of MERCHANTABILITY or of FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE which are expressly DISCLAIMED. All GENERAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL AND/OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARE EXCLUDED AND DISCLAIMED. This Limited Warranty is governed by Missouri Law and all disputes related to or arising from this transaction or Limited Warranty shall be resolved in Circuit Court of St. Louis County, Missouri. Any claims under this Limited Warranty must be brought within ONE YEAR after the cause of action accrued.

Document Part Number: 8620045-H10

August 2010 9487 Dielman Rock Island Industrial Dr. St. Louis, MO 63132 Tel:(314) 567-0088

Installation and Technical Manual Rev: H10

has been designing and manufacturing the industry’s most reliable water chemistry controller for over 20 years. Our 24,000 ft2 facility in Saint Louis, Missouri is home to an exceptional design team, and all manufacturing is performed onsite at this facility where we can personally assure the quality of our products. The BECS commitment to excellence drives the most innovative new products and unparalleled customer service.
