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Page 1: Beauty at the Crossroads

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. . . demonstrates many of the qualities produced

by Geon polyvinyl resins

Upholstery material is Boltaflex, made by The Bolta Co , New Yot F

STEP into the Crossroads Restau rant at Miami Beach, Florida, and

you'll be struck instantly by the beauty of the upholstery. The colors are clear and inviting, it has a smoothness and texture that means quality.

But to the Crossroads' owner, the upholstery material he has used is even more than beautiful. It is made from Geon polyvinyl resins and has many properties other than sheer looks, i t resists scratching or scuffing, it won't mildew or become "tacky", it will take t h e weather as it finds it, and it will refuse to support a flame even should a

careless customer drop a match on it. And wear! Upholstery material made from Geon resins will rake both wear and age in stride, rewarding its user in actual dollars saved over a period of years.

We're telling you about this appli­cation of Geon polyvinyl resins be­cause it may give you ideas. Uphol­stery is only one producr that has been made better and more economical, longer lasting and more beautiful, thanks to Geon. Realize that Geon can be molded, extruded or used as an imprégnant, can b e firm or flexible as

you choose. You call the characteristics you want Î

We make no finished products from Geon or any of our other raw mate­rials. However, we are always glad to supply information and to assist in any special p rob lems . Write B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company, Dept. B-12, Rose B u i ld in g , Cleveland 15, Ohio. In Canada: Kitchener, Ontario.

B· F. Goodrich Chemical Company A DIVISION OF THE B. F. GOODRICH COMPANY

GEON polyvinyl materials · HYCAR American rubber · KRISTON thermosetting resins · GOOD-RITE chemicals

3330 C H E M I C A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G N E W S

Benii Svwwo/nafcucza