


Downtown:It’s all GOULASH, baby.

Last year, we asked for your feedback.

59%of respondents said they consider downtown to be a destination.

of respondents said they are proud of and/or encouraged by the vitality of downtown.


59% of you said yes

I am proud of downtown because of how far we’ve come and the amazing efforts of all involved. Thank you for all you do!! I am also proud of theincreasing potential. It’s getting better every year!

59% of you said yes

There’s lots of variety of shops and activities. Changes & improvements are always happening!

I am proud of downtown. I feel like it has really improved in the last 5 years. I love the local restaurants and the community feel at fundraisers or after an event at Turtle Bay or Cascade Theater.

Public art and flowers/plants - small additions to improve the aesthetics of downtown.

Would like to see efforts made to improve customer service to be consistently positive throughout the area.

More, regular events throughout the year, not just in summertime.

Not enough attractions and/or family-related activities.

Improve foot traffic - there’s not enough activity to encourage people to walk and engage with the downtown area.

So, what does all this mean?

Across the country, downtowns are seen as vital epicenters, but

often struggle with the same issues we face here.

The downtown struggles often feel like an unfair comparison


what downtown should be...

...and what it is

It’s all GOULASH, baby.

What are your thoughts?

Let us know.