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  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK



    SULUR, COIMBATORE – 641 402.1

    A Road Map for BusinSuccess


    This lecture provides an introduc

    concepts and methods that are

    understanding the fundame

    different types of business decis

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    Business 1

    Liane and Shannan ofTasty Brand

    Given the current obsessreading and organic surely there must be dozbaby food brands, right?

    That's what Los Angelefriends) Liane (far left)

    (left) thought!"ut they were wrong!

    The #air started ma$ing for their own babies believe how few o#tions in stores!

    o Liane, %&, a local Thannan, , a *ordonchef and former coo$olfgang -uc$'s restins#ired to #rovide one!

    Today the brand is car.oods, .airway, To#s, an

    The com#any turned a #rafter its founding, and it

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    Business 2

    Chris Zane of Zane's Cycles

     *hris 3ane + e4#eriehether he's selling *onnecticut store or /llcor#orate rewards #rogram

    successful business is ab 5ust selling stu6!

     3ane, %7, got his start abi$es in his #arents' *onnecticut, garage!

     At 87, he #ersuaded his #ata$e over the lease of a b

    out of business, borrowinhis grandfather at 81 #erce

    :is mother tended the stoat school in the mornings!

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    Business 3

    Limor Fried of Adafruit


      ,it+yourself electronics

    .or every $it Adafrui #osts design /les, sccircuit boards, and acode needed! he wel

    to use the informationas a way to foster inno

      >-eo#le want to sebecome a better #lscience and engineesays! >e're going current and future geget ins#ired!>

    .ried launched her &;;1 with 08;,;;;su##osed to go to  Anytime she made amade a tuition #aymen

    Today, the com#any

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    Business 4

    George of Oak StreetBoot makers

    s o# o s ne saturday!

     ohn lagos, a Gree$was ho#ing to show wor$ing with your hanand that he should /n

     #rofession!ell, it bac$/red! hehow hard it was to /uality shoes to wear  5obs that reuired thbac$ into the family

    design his own!Today, there is a si4+wfor a #air!


  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    Business 5enny Lao and !a"id #e$er

    of %ic&sha !umplin(

    • Eenny Lao (far left) and Favin &;;& when they were tern chool of "usiness!

    • They 5oined forces to enconce#t in a business+#lan c(They #laced second behincom#any that was never hefar as they $now!)

    • The #artners o#ened their /oon after, they o#ened a se #roved too ambitious! > Lao says! >

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    Business )

    Erin Baker's Wholesome

    Baked Goods

     ,as$ing for the nutrwere selling them na$Muality .ood *enters,"a$er (and yes, thalast name)!

    • The woman /gurecoo$ies were only atchers #oints, ands#read! :ow uic$ly?

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    Business *

    cott :arrison of *harityN water 

    • :e thought he had ewantedN model giHole4, a "=!

    • "ut he wasn't satis/e

    • :e didn't li$e the facli$e tooth#aste mar$eting cam#alifesaving causes! Tfew other things hecould change! o at founded *harityN wbrings clean drin$in

    develo#ing nations! to ma$e sure that wouldn't suc$! To dwater has funded  #ro5ects, #roviding clean, safe drin$ing

    8J,K%,K #eo#le in :arrison's goal now

    l l i

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    Business +

     Jason Toews and ustin!ou"al of GasBudd#$%om

    local gas #rices aGas"uddy!com in une

    • At the time, Toews waa com#uter #rogr*ou#al was an eye  #artners nurtured

    over the course odecade, #ersuading din and share gas #ideal situation, of cou&;;K, they realized of mobile a##s! o

    launched Android andlater that year, instantly #o#ular!

    • Today, si4 million downloaded the a##sthe website still

    tra@c, the number ocome to Gas"uddy

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    Business ,

    ren "loostein of ren's

    Faily Hoast *o6ee and Tea

    • After graduating from th-ennsylvania, ren "lo

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    Business 1-

     oanna =eiseles of ni#+its

     hen oanna =eiseles tonow &;, for his /rst haircuto be s#ecial!

    • he even brought along ma$e videos to show his gwasn't so much a bad e4=eiseles! >"ut it wasn't evit would be!>

    • o =eiseles set out to cramazing #lace for a $id to

    • ni#+its is now the larges

    on children's haircuts in th7 locations and #lans forin the wor$s!

    • "ac$ in 8KK1, when the /o#ened in .ramingham, =eiseles saw it as aimmediately saw somethinbig,> she says

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    Steps of new Business

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK



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  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK



    What do you understand by Business Environment?

    - "usiness is an integral #art ofN 9cological and ocial system

    - "usiness Fecisions li$eO

    hat business to do?

    hich should be the customer segments to hat business strategies to be ado#ted?

    here, hen and :ow to do the business?

    hether to continue the business?

    hether to e4#and the business?

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    Significance of Business Environment

    Why Business Environment is important?

      - "usiness environment analysis  + "usiness decision


  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    :ow general economic conditions a6ect business

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK



    uccessful managers tend toN

    "e active"e aggressive

    Fis#lay a high degree of orientation

    =anagerial commitment is critical because m

     #enetration reuires a vast amount of

    develo#ment activity, sensitivity toward envir

    research, and innovation!• "ecome aware of business o##ortunities!

    • Fetermine the degree of the /rmPs internationalization!

    • Fecide the timing of when to start the #rocess and how uic$ly  #rogress!

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    -roactive =otivations

    • -ro/t advantage

    • niue #roducts• Technological advantage• 94clusive information• Ta4 bene/t • 9conomies of scale

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    • Heactive =otivations

    *om#etitive #ressures

    ver#roductionFeclining domestic sales

    94cess ca#acity 

    aturated domestic mar$ets

    -ro4imity to customers and #orts

  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK


    What do you do for business success?


    8! *onsumer Analysis

    &! -roductQerviceQ"rand (o6ering) Analysis

    ! -rice Analysis

     %! FistributionQu##ly *hain Analysis

    1! -romotionQ=ar$eting

    *ommunications Analysis7! 9m#loyeesQta6 Analysis


  • 8/18/2019 BE DESK

