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CONTENTS1. How to know if you are doing well in life2. Live a life3. How to break a bad habit4. How to get out of your comfort zone5. How your food habits are causing anxiety6. How to be a good student7. Be kind to a stranger8. Be successful in business9. Master your time10. Self-improvement11. Laugh more12. How to get rich with less effort13. Take more risks14. Earn extra money even if you have a full time job15. Be a better parent16. How to make long distance relationship work17. How to get over a breakup18. How to be a good and true friend19. How to travel on a budget20. Keep your cool21. How to excel in life regardless of obstacles22. Sleep less23. Habits that can change your lifestyle forever24. Have a family meal time25. Mistakes people make when travelling26. Listen to music daily27. Things to do to start being happy28. What to do if you can’t sleep29. Life lessons you should have learnt by now30. Live life to the fullest so that you can die happily

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I dedicate this e-book to all the readers. I hope that all the tips and lessons you will learn will make a difference in your life and you will also help other people that are facing difficulties.

How to know if you are doing well in life?

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Sometimes in life you feel that you have not achieved anything, you feel worthless as if you existence means nothing to the world. I am going to hit you with some motivational facts and I am going to remind you that you my friend are not worthless-you can achieve more than you can imagine. You say that you have achieved nothing in life but you are wrong! How to know if you are doing well in life- there is no yardstick or scale to measure that but if you satisfy all these criteria below, then you are definitely not a loser:

1. You have a bed to sleep- You should be really grateful to life that you are lucky to have a bed to sleep comfortably. There are many kids in Africa and many homeless people living on the street and in dirt and they are left all alone. They used paper or cardboard as a bed and when-ever it rains, they have to move their "bed" to another place!

2. You have/had a job- If you have a job right now, that is really awesome and always work hard so as to get any promotion whatsoever. But if you had recently lost your job, do not get discouraged. Tell yourself that i did have one job before and I will surely have another job soon. Life gives you all types of opportunities and some of them are in disguised forms- maybe losing your job is one chance for you to start afresh and to do something that you really like!

3. You have food to eat- Sometimes we tend to overlook the importance of food in our life and we start throwing them away or you waste them- yet when we miss our food time, we start craving for that same food. Always remember that each morsel of food you eat is like enjoying the little things that life is giving to you and remember that you are lucky if you get to enjoy that!

4. You have a dream - The power to dream is a really great thing in life. We all have dreams but few of us actually go the extra mile to make it happen- either we are scared of failure or we are lazy! Never give up on your dreams even if it is a crazy one- the guy that had the idea of one day man will fly was thought to be a crazy guy, right?

5. You have clothes on you- Every-day when you get up, you spend more than one hour choosing what clothes should you wear today- sometimes you don't realize it but that is

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actually a blessing in disguise- you have the money to buy clothes and the bottom line is that you don't have to go naked on the street or you will not die of cold, right?

6. You know how to forgive- The power to forgive is not given to everyone- few are those who are blessed with that power. Without forgiveness the world would be chaotic-full of hate and pain. Forgiveness is what differentiates you between a bad guy and a good guy! Sometime it is difficult to forgive especially when you feel cheated but you need to if you want to move on in life!

7. You have a life partner- It is a really blessing to have a partner that stands by your side and that will always help you morally whenever you feel down. Not everybody has this chance and if you form part of the lucky group of people, always stick to your partner and never let him or her go- build trust- without trust a relationship means nothing!

I know that not all of you will definitely satisfy all these criteria but I want to tell you something really important and you have to apply this in your life- Life is going to be hard sometimes… it is going to throw challenges and obstacles in your way but when you overcome all these challenges, you will become stronger and you will become wise. Embrace those challenges because they are blessings in your life.

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Live a lifeWhen film star Kevin Costner was asked about the ups and down of his career, he responded with these words: "I am living a life". I believe that his answer is quite deep since instead of living a life full of remorse and to think that only bad things had and are happening to him, he adopted a neutral stance and decided to accept the situations the way they are and to move on in life.

We all travel on different paths in order to attain our ultimate destination-for some of us the road is full of thorns and for others, it is much easier. But irrespective of who you are, rich or poor, we don't reach the end without facing some form of adversity. Instead of taking these situations as a drag and to everyday curse yourself, why not tell yourself that's the way of life. Why don't you simply experience every circumstance of the moments of your life and live it to the fullest? Take all the pain and failures and convert them into motivation to be successful and enjoy each and every single bit of your moment of happiness. It is not the destination that matters but the struggle to get there and the "never give up" moment that you experienced.

Remember, there are no real failures in life, only results and there are no true tragedies, only lessons and there are no problems only opportunities waiting to be recognized as solutions.

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How to break a bad habit?Bad habits are caused by either stress or boredom and I know that breaking a bad habit is a really difficult task but it is not impossible. Boredom contributes to most of our bad habits- we bite our nails because we are bored. Some of your family members and friends get really annoyed when you start biting your nails in the public and trust me that really leaves a bad impression of yourself to all these people. I know that you want to really stop and so I am going to give you some tricks that will help:

1. Replace your bad habit- You should know how to fight boredom instead of biting your nails- you should have a plan that when you know you are getting bored, you just do that thing instead like instead of biting your nails you can play with the Rubix cube! When you are feeling the urge of smoking, try to think about something else or you may do certain breathing exercises. For every bad habit you have, make a good plan of something which you would do instead!

2. Take help from others- If you smoke a lot and you want to quit, do it with someone who has the same ambition as you and quit together. When you know you have someone by your side, you will be stronger and your will to succeed will take a huge boost because you don't want your partner to see you failing, right?

3. See yourself successful- Ask yourself how life would have been if I stop smoking or to stop performing all the bad habits i am doing right now and once you see the bigger picture, stick to it- each time you are about to perform your bad habit, visualize the picture and this will prevent you from performing it- Build a new identity.

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4. Just be who you once were- If you think to get over your bad habit, you have to transform yourself into somebody new, you are totally wrong. You just have to return to who you once were- if you are smoker, return to be a non-smoker. If you had been able to be a non-smoker for many years, I am sure that you will be able to do the same one more time right?

5. Cut the temptations- What i mean by that is that you should avoid the things that cause the bad habits- if you smoke when you drink, avoid going to the bar. All you need to do is change your environment and once you change that, life will become easier for you and your bad habits will definitely vanish!

To eradicate your bad habits, time and patience are the two things that you need to have because they are not going to vanish today or tomorrow- so try the tips I have given you above and gradually you will start seeing the results.

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How to get out of your comfort zone?It is really a bad process to always stay in your comfort zone since you are never going to know what your true potential is and what you can really achieve in life. To be scared to change is quite normal but sometime you need to step outside your box and to see what new opportunities life is offering to you. Your comfort zone will prevent you to live your life to the fullest. I know that sometimes you tend to stay in comfort zone because you think you will be safe in it but sometimes risks are what make you grow and become more mature. If this is what you want, I am going to show you how to get out of your “prison cell” and to enjoy all the opportunities life has to offer:

1. Start a one month challenge- Write down all the things that you are afraid of doing and tell yourself that within 1 month, each day I will try to overcome those fears that I

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have noted down. At first, it will be really tough but you should never give up and you should continue to try each day- even if you are able to overcome one fear that will be a great accomplishment for you. This challenge will push you to your limits and you will see that you will do certain things that you have never thought of.

2. Develop a will power- To stay in your comfort zone is entirely you choice and therefore tell yourself that I will be able to get out of it. Make it your commitment and every-day when you get up, tell yourself that it is my life and it’s only me who has control over it and I will live it to the fullest. The greatest fear that mankind experiences is the fear of failure- tell yourself that I will not fail in what I do, failure does not exist- either you win or you learn. Once you overcome that fear, life as you once saw it would change radically and always ask yourself: "What the worst could happen if I do that?"-maybe I will fall down but I will never stay down and I will always get back up!

3. Keep a journal- This journal will be used to celebrate the things you have accomplished and after completing the one month challenge, set new boundaries and new goals that you will definitely achieve. This journal will motivate you to continue in your endeavor because each time you take a look about how far you have achieved, you will tell yourself that you want to achieve more- the journal acts like a fuel to ignite completely the fire of success inside of you!

4. Find your mentor- You can read motivational books like Robin Sharma and the more you read, the more your desire to succeed will increase. Look for someone who was facing the same situation as you and who now has finally succeeding in getting out of his comfort zone and ask him for tips or you can even ask him to be your mentor and to help you till the end. It is really important to have a mentor because when you are feeling low, he will always be there for you and will always cheer and motivate you! Always remember that your mentor could either be dead or alive,

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but their motivational words should always stay in your memory!

You should always remember that to get out of your comfort zone does not depend solely on your mind but on your body also- so you have a good meal every-day and you should perform your daily activities and these processes will give you strength and will help you get out of your comfort zone more easily and quickly!

How your food habits are causing anxiety?Anxiety is one of the factors that are causing the death of many people around the world due to the fact that they are taking overdose of certain medicines.  If you are suffering from anxiety, the last thing that you will want is that you eat a food that will aggravate your situation. Every-day we consume different and large amount of food and without knowing it, the food that we are eating are actually causing our anxiety level to rise. The question that you are asking is: “what are these food?”- Below you will see the list of food that are actually causing damage to your body:

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1. AVOID TOO MUCH COFFEE- You should never fall in the "coffee" trap- when you feel tired and that you have loads amount of homework to do, drinking coffee will boost your energy but for a short term only!  But you should always remember that coffee suppresses the hormone serotonin which helps you to feel relaxed. I am not saying that coffee is not a good stimulant but coffee is also a diuretic which forces you to go to the toilet more often and so drinking less coffee will help save time and also will allow you to feel relaxed!

2. Sugar is not always "sweet"- Our body needs sugar since it uses sugar as a fuel to carry out activities like respiration or even heartbeat. But too much is not always good and the most common problem as you know is diabetes- but that's only the problem- large amount of sugar causes the release of the hormone cortisol which means that you are going to get anxious more quickly- one important tip that you should remember is that you SHOULD TAKE ONLY ABOUT 10 TEASPOONS OF SUGAR DAILY as recommended by the USDA!

3. Always take your breakfast properly- I know some of you don't have enough time to take a breakfast but skipping breakfast will really increase your anxiety level. If you don't your meal at the proper time, this may cause your blood sugar level to decrease and you will start getting headache and you will feel more anxious. What i recommend is that you should eat at least one of these foods during your breakfast and also they prevent you from being anxious: 1) dark chocolate 2) oranges 3) avocado 4) spinach 5) oatmeal 6) asparagus.

4. Decrease your salt intake- An increase in blood pressure will lead to an increase in anxiety and if you eat a salty snack, this will further increase your blood pressure and your heart has to work even harder thereby releasing more adrenaline thus increasing anxiety!

5. Too much alcohol does no good- Alcohol cannot act as a depressant and still reduces anxiety and tension, right? When you drink alcohol, you get a sense of wellbeing at first but the bad news is that it is only temporary! Alcohol tends

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to suppress the hormone serotonin and thereby preventing you from relaxing. Important tip: If you feeling anxious or depressed, do not take alcohol because it will only worsen your situation!

I am not saying that you should not consume at all these food mentioned above but you should take them in moderation if you want to enjoy a good and healthy life and if you want to diminish you risk of anxiety.

How to be a good student?

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To be a good student is not a really difficult as most of you think it is. Some of you even hate to go to school because you think that is a pure waste of time and energy but one thing that you need to remember that education is the only thing that money cannot buy. We should be lucky to have a good system of education which are free and accessible to all of us. There is one quote that I always like concerning education and it goes as follows: “The root of education is bitter but the fruit is sweet”. If you want to a successful student, follow the tips I am giving below:

1. Be attentive - Listening to what the teachers are saying is really important if you want to get good grades- I know that sometime we get bored in listening to these talks and we get distracted but I have tried something and it works- what you need to do is that whenever your teacher is explaining a new chapter or if he is performing an experiment, ask yourself about what is going to happen next and this will keep you focused because you want to know the result and that is how you will be more attentive in class and always remember that your grades are based mainly on how attentive you are in class!

2. Jot down everything- Whenever your teacher says something important, write it down- not the whole thing but put it in simple terms (terms which you would understand)-my advice to you is that you should note down only the main word- the keyword- because when you will be revising and you see the keyword you will automatically know to what topic it was referring to!

3. Make the right choice- We all have choices to make in life and being a student is no different- you have two choices - be successful in life by working hard or just spend your time enjoying every-day- the choice you make will decide what type of person you will be in the future- if you have chosen the path of success, stick to and meditate on it! Always remember that enjoyment and partying can be done at any time but to pass the exams, that chance comes only once in your life!

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4. Don't bunk classes- Sometime the temptation to bunk class and to spend that time in the gym or on the playground is really high but try not to bunk your classes or bunk only the least important classes! Who says bunking classes says also missing what the teacher has explained and this means that you will not know how to tackle the problem during the exams but if you are really keen on knowing the lesson that you have missed, take the notes from your friend and copy them and learn them also.

5. Always do your homework- When your teacher has finished a chapter and he gives you homework on that chapter, it is really important to do them because homework is a practice to better understand the chapter and you know that practice makes perfect, right? So, when you will be doing the homework you will become perfect and master that particular chapter.

6. Revision is the key- When you return home after school, you should revise what you have learnt on that day and if you don't understand something, write it down and ask your teacher the next day. The same technique should be applied to your homework after your teacher has corrected it so that you know about the mistakes you have made and that you should never repeat them again!

You want to be really successful as a student- you should definitely try these steps that I have given and you will need to follow them every-day because success is an every-day process.

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Be kind to a strangerBefore dying, Aldous Huxley said these seven simple words: "Let us be kind to one another". Sometimes we tend to believe that in order to lead a successful life we need to be on the front page of magazines, having the highest number of twitter or instagram followers or be just like a Kardashian! This is far from the truth, believe me! To lead a true and meaningful life, you just have to daily carry out decent and kind acts and you will see that in the long run, this will add up to something exceptionally great, greater than having all the luxuries on this planet!

Each and every single person that enters your life has a special and definite role to play, a story to tell and a lesson to be learnt from that person.  You should show more compassion and courtesy to any person you had met or you will meet during your stay on this planet. You should start by being more of a person you truly are during your days and do more to enrich the world around you. It is more than enough to make even one person smile during your day or to bring a smile to a homeless or to an elderly person- this will show that your day was a worthwhile one. We all need to pay tax or rent to be able to live in the society, so kindness and compassion are the rent we need to pay to stay on this planet!

Use your imagination to find ways to show kindness to other people like tipping the waiter at the restaurant or giving your place to someone in need on the metro or to greet the person sitting next to you telling him or her that you are looking beautiful today and hope you have a nice day! These simple acts are not meant for publicity but for yourself! This will definitely bring joy and peace in your life!

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Be successful in businessTo be successful in business you should know how to be successful in life first because the path of life which you follow applies more or less to business. You want to a master in managing your business, I am going to show you how but first of all you need to know whether your life is going in the right direction and whether you are happy with your life right now. If your answer is yes, here are the tips and tricks you need to be successful in business:

1. Make a proper plan- Before setting any business you should visualize clearly how you want it to be and note down every single aspect and key points that you want to be implemented. A plan will definitely make you less tense and you will know where to start. Don't be that guy that stops the work in middle and says that you want to add this now instead of this-this shows your lack of proper planning and you know that your business will not last long. So, sit down and clear your mind and start making a proper planning!

2. Set your goals- It is quite logic and rational to think that you are not going to make loads amount of money today or tomorrow but if you have taken a loan to make the business, tell yourself that you at least need to cover up that loan in a definite amount of time-say one and a half year. Do not just work like a mad guy, stop and see whether the business is going on the right track and if not and you are making losses, change your strategy!

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3. Go the extra mile-  What I mean by that is that you should do certain things that others don't do-assume you have started a little supermarket and you know that people do not generally buy a certain type of chocolate because of its price or maybe because they have never eaten it, what you do is that when the customers have paid for their products, give them one chocolate for free and let them try-you will see the result! Apply that technique for your business and you will see the result!

4. Always be optimistic- Don't get disheartened if you don't meet your expectations- just keep the business going-patience is a great virtue- Rome was not built in a day (always remember that)-your customers will come slowly by slowly!

5. Make a good advertising- Advertising is the key of a successful business and you should master the technique. You should always bear in mind that customers will come as long as they are pleased and satisfied with the product and so, your advertising is the main feature that will determine the future of your company.

6. Ace at your presentation- You should ensure that the look of your business or outlet should not be an eyesore and when the customers see your outlet, they should be attracted to enter it. Make a proper arrangement so that the customers are not confused where to go and make sure that everything is controlled with technology-professionalism counts and definitely makes an impact. When a customer asks you if you have a certain product, don't make him wait, just use your technological device and let him know or else the customer will never return!

You want to be successful in business, you need to start small and you need to have a solid base and if you want that to happen, you should adopt those tricks that I have stated above and implement them in your business life.

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Master your timeMany people actually say that if I had some more time I would definitely do this and this and I actually find that to be ironic because every-day, they lose their time doing unimportant stuffs and just loitering around. Each person is allotted the same amount of time each day that is 24 hours. What separates the successful people from the non-successful ones are the way they use these hours.

You just think that you have plenty of time in your life to carry out the important tasks and you just post-pone them for later. But time is one factor that we don’t have control over and when your time is up, all you have accomplished is living a life of regrets- a life where you have put your dreams on hold.

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Nobody know when they will die and sometimes we tend to think that life is an inexhaustible well. There will come a day that you will forget all those little things you did instead of spending all your time achieving the great things. Commit yourself to managing your time more effectively. Don’t waste it on baseless things and invest your time in activities that truly count. Always remember that you get only one shot a life- you decide how you want to use it.

Self-improvementAll of us have the desire to be good emotionally and intellectually and we want to be able to overcome our stress and past failures. We want to improve ourselves and become better- that is called self-improvement. If that is your wish, I am going to give you tips to turn yourself into a better version of yourself and all you need to do is follow the steps below:

1. Overcome your inner fears- We all have something we are afraid of like the fear of talking to your crush or raising your hands in class but sometimes it is important to take the risk. You fear that your crush will make fun of you or that you will be asking a stupid question if you raise your hands,

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but you will not know if you don't take the risk right? You might get a spontaneous rejection but this rejection will help you grow. Don't forget that fear reflects ideas where you can grow!

2. Leave your comfort zone- It gets sort of boring when you do the same thing again and again every-day and you know you excel in it. So why not try something new- why not try a new sport, a new hobby...? Being too good at something doesn't make you grow. By exposing yourself to new environment and new problems, this will make you grow intellectually and emotionally!

3. Discover the things you are not good at- We all have certain things which we lack knowledge- we are not all geniuses- some are not at chemistry or algebra and some are not good at sports. These things sometimes make people lose confidence and some of them go to the point of forsaking their dreams. Just discover the things you lack and work on them- practice makes perfect- work and only work till you get it right!

4. Avoid haters- Life is full of haters and what you need to do is to forget and avoid them. They are here just to slow you down and deviate you from your goal. If they tell you that you can’t do something, show them that you can- Prove them wrong.

5. Learn a strategy game-Games like chess hone your brain power. They are not only really fun to play, but they increase your analytical skills and Chess games help you make tough decisions in life!

6. Forget the past- If you have any grievances or unhappiness from the past, it’s time to let them go. Holding on to them will prevent you from moving on in life and to be successful. Forgive yourself and other people that have hurt you and delete any photos that will remind you of them and this will definitely give you a sense of happiness!

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If your desire is to improve yourself, I want to share with you something really important that you should always remember: “Be so busy improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others”. Work on yourself more than you do on your other job.

Laugh moreAccording to a survey carried out, it is seen that the average four-year old laughs three hundred times a day while the average

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adult laughs about fifteen times a day. We live in a really stressful and competitive world where people do not have time to even laugh a bit. It has been proven that daily laughter helps to elevate our moods and to provide us with more energy. Laughter therapy has also helped people suffering from serious illnesses. We do not laugh because we are happy- we are happy because we laugh.

We like to set new-year’s resolutions- so why don’t we say that this year I am going to laugh more and be happy. When you have some free time you can go to a local store and buy a comedy movie. Go to comedy shows and laugh with your kids and trust me you will start seeing the brighter side of life and stress will no longer be a problem for you. This will definitely take you to a whole new level.

Why don’t you try this method starting today and feel the results? Life is meant to be spent happily and every-day before you go to work, look at yourself in the mirror and smile for no reason and believe me, you will rock the day.

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How to get rich with less effort?I know that for some people when they receive their salaries at the end of the month, nothing is left because all the money has been spent to pay bills and hence very little is left for personal expenses. Money is a really important commodity in our life and without it, we can’t enjoy life to the fullest. Some of us are blessed with loads of money while others have to work really hard to obtain some money- so if you follow the tips I am giving below, you will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and make a difference in your life:

1. Make a plan- Making a plan is the best way to start saving money. Write down all your monthly expenses and see how much you spend each month. If you see that the amount of monthly salary you get is smaller than your monthly wages, you should know that it is now time to cut some expenses. Do not buy unnecessary things especially on credit and do not invest your money anywhere unless you are sure that you will be able to pay for them and that you are able to pay your monthly bills. Being in debt will prevent you from reaching your full financial potential- Always remember that you should always stick to your plan and take it seriously!

2. Obtain more than one income- It is okay to obtain only your monthly salary but if you want to make more money, it is important that you obtain more than one income. This can be done by performing part jobs or even by doing some overtime if it is possible. Take the neighbor's dog for a walk or cut the grass. Why not start your own brand? Many people have done that and my famous example is Fraser Doherty who took his grand-mother's recipe of jam and he made a fortune out of it by selling it. In the same way you can start a business by converting your hobby into your monthly income!

3. Save as much as you can- You may think that it’s quite tough to do that but it is really simple- you can just start saving as low as $25 per month and you just put it in your savings account-little by little you will see that this will definitely make a difference. You should also find ways to

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save some money like decreasing the amount of fast food you buy or to stop buying clothes more often. You can later take all the money you have saved and invest it into a business or even stock market. Always remember that all the millionaires have started by saving small amount of money!

Remember that these tips will definitely help you to make both ends meet at the end of each month and if you work really hard, you can start your own business empire and generate loads of money.

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Take more risksI can guarantee you that on your deathbed, it’s not the risks that you had taken that you will regret the most but the risks that you should have taken and the risky opportunities you should have seized and all those fears that you did not face. Life is nothing more than a game of numbers- the more risks you take, the better you will be.

To enjoy life to the fullest, take more risks and start walking on the path of uncertainty. Life is not always filled with sunshine and rainbows- sometimes you will fall but that is the only way you will get somewhere and do something meaningful in your life. Stop searching for security and start looking for opportunity. In life either you win or you learn- there is nothing known as failure.

Life is all about making choices. All the successful people you see out there have all taken some risks in their life. You can choose to spend the day of your life on the shore or you can take some chances and dive deep into the sea to get the pearls that are waiting for you. I want to share with you guys one of the greatest quote I have seen and which has got me inspired-it is from Theodore Roosevelt and it goes as follows: “Nothing in life is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain and difficulty… I have never in my life envied a person who led an easy life.”

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Earn extra money even if you have a full time job?In today's contemporary society where everything is extremely expensive, it is important to make some extra money so as to make both ends meet. Sometimes your full time job is not sufficient to carry out that task and then you start fighting with your partner because you can’t afford to buy what she wants and in most cases, that end in a divorce. If that is your case, before it happens to that situation, try these steps below and save your relationship:

1. BECOME AN ONLINE TUTOR- If you love teaching students or if you are job is a teacher you should consider giving tuition online to students. One website that I recommend is You should just create an account and you select the category of students which are going to teach and which subject and if you are doing your job well, you will get a good salary and students will recommend other students to join your tuition!

2. BECOME A YOUTUBER- If you have a creative idea and you want the world to see, you should definitely create a youtube channel and start posting videos. Youtube is a really good panel to advertise your products and at the

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same time earning fame and money. If your videos are really awesome, you will get sponsorship and this will definitely make a boost in your monthly income. At first it is quite obvious to have 1 or 2 subscriber but once you start posting like 20 videos, you will start getting more subscribers!

3. BECOME A BABYSITTER- The advantage of becoming a babysitter is that you can bring your laptop and continue your office work and at the same time, you can keep an eye on the baby. It is also an easy job and it is a really cool way of earning money. But if you are more a hot tempered guy, do not become a babysitter because you will not be able to withstand the cries of the baby!

4. BECOME AN INTERNET MARKETER- Internet marketing has become a really lucrative business online and many people have earned a six digit figure with it- the only thing that you should know if where to start- what I recommend is traffic monsoon and you can easily register. I have my friend who has made like $40k on traffic monsoon in just 90 days so why not you?

5. SELL ON EBAY- It is really easy to start on ebay- create a seller account, link your paypal and you are done. You can make loads amount of money on ebay and you can sell all your old stuffs. Do not exaggerate on the price and try to keep it as low as possible!

If you master these steps, trust me you will not just make both ends meet at the end of each month, you will make a living out of it. Patience is a great virtue when you start on these platforms and slowly you will see your bank balance getting full.

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Be a better parentIt is rightly said that the way you raise your children is the way you raise your future generations. Some of the parents treat their children the same way their parents treated them but these methods are outdated in today’s society. Being a parent is a great joy but it also comes with loads of responsibilities. Every parent says that he will do anything for his children but that is not enough to raise them.

Stop believing that the way you are raising your kids is the right way and expect them to become thoughtful, caring and wise. You should take the initiatives to attend conferences and seminars

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about how to improve parenting abilities. I know all of us are living a busy life and you are busy making money and be successful and you are doing that for your kids. But the childhood days of your children will never return and in the process of busy making money, you forget about your kids. You should see them grow up and you should cherish those golden moments. When you kid tell you to give them a piggyback, you should never say later-one day when you want to give them a piggyback you will realize that is too late and they have already grown into adults.

How to make distance relationship work?I believe some of you have heard of this small quote or poem:” Together forever, never apart. Sometimes in distance, but never in heart.” This is really beautiful but for some of us, this is not the case and it is really difficult to make distance relationship work. The tips below will definitely strengthen your relationship with your partner:

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1. ALWAYS STAY IN CONTACT- You know that you will not be able to see each other at a coffee shop or whatever, so it’s important that you learn about how you will be able to talk to your partner using known methods like Skype. Keeping contact and asking about small stuffs like: 'how are studies going' will definitely make your relationship stronger and this will show that your partner really cares about you! Also it is important to know about your partner's schedule and try not to disturb him or her frequently.

2. VISIT OFTEN- If you have the money and time you should definitely visit your partner and if possible - give him/her a surprise visit-that will be more romantic. Sometime face-to-face communication is as important as trust and commitment. When you visit your partner, visit new places or go to a candlelight dinner or you may just stay at home, watching a really good movie while cuddling each other! My advice is that if it is not a surprise visit, you should plan all the interesting places you will visit or as I do sometimes, get over all these plans and go with the flow and just be crazy!!

3. GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER - whether it is distance relationship or any relationship, listening to your partner and knowing what his likes and dislikes are really important-this shows that you actually care about your partner. Once you know about his/her preferences, you can exchange gifts. I think gifts exchange is the best way to tell your partner how much you love him/her.

4. ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOUR PARTNER EVEN IF HE IS FAR AWAY- if your partner is ill or has landed into serious problems- try NO be there for him or her. If your partner has solved this problem alone, this will show that you have no significance in his/her life and this will eventually end in a break-up. So, if your partner tells you he has some problems, tell him/her that your will be there as soon as possible and Together we will find a solution! This will definitely make the bond between you grow even stronger.

5. CREATE TRUST- trust is what will keep the relationship strong- I know that abroad, the temptations are omnipresent and sometimes you drift away but try to be

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faithful and if you do make a mistake, don't be a total di*k-swallow your ego and say sorry to your partner! There is always a chance that your partner will forgive you.

If you try these steps, believe me your relationship will be taken to a next level and you partner will always trust you and as always- a relationship which is filled with trust, will always last a lifetime.

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How to get over a breakup?Break up is one of the most serious problems affecting youngsters today and breakup sometimes leads to dreadful consequences like committing suicide. One thing you should always remember is that if a person is not meant to be with you, whatever you try to do, the person will eventually leave you. Sometimes you get attached to that particular person and when you get separated, it really hurts. Sometimes, you have to move on and get over it and the tips below will show you how:

1. keep your distance- Breaking up with your ex does not mean that you should remove him or her from your facebook friends or stop sending him or her birthday wishes but if these little things make you uncomfortable, it’s better to avoid them. Do not take his/her phone calls even if he/she wants to get back together. Just keep away from him/her as long as it takes to get completely over your ex!

2. Remove and forget all your memories with your ex- There are certain things like a song, the gift he/she offered you on valentine that are associated with your ex and it is better to erase them or to return the gift. These painful memories will prevent you from moving on in life and you will always be stuck in one place. So, don't waste any more time and delete all the photos you took with you ex and I promise you, you will experience and immediate feeling of well-being!

3. Go out and do things- If your partner has left you, this does not mean the end of your life, right? Make plans with your friends or go on a long vacation so as to get over it fully-try new activities like sky-diving. At first, this may seem awkward but this will definitely help you feel better and enjoy your freedom completely. Do not forget that it is also important to maintain a social network even after a breakup and make sure that you do not lose the good friends you have!

4. Cope with your emotional pain- Tell yourself that it is quite normal to go through a phase where you will experience anger, sadness and other mixed feeling and that

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your friends and family are here for you and together we will go through that tough part of life!

5. Take a break from your daily activities- It is important that you take a short break from your daily routine after a breakup. This will help you know where you are and process all your feelings and you will be more judgmental. But you need to make sure that you do everything within a certain limits so that this does not affect you and your other relationships like do not take a vacation like for more than one year!

There is one important quote that I want you to remember if you are going through that phase of life: “Sometime you must forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.”

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How to be a good and true friend?We all say that friendship is a sacred bond and that bond is not broken easily but actions speak louder than words and sometimes we break that bond intentionally. We say that this boy or girl is my “bff” but do you really mean it? Will you do anything for your best friend? I always say to others that it is better to have only one friend that you will always stand by his/her side and always help him/her than to have loads of friends. If you want to be a true friends, the tips below will help you:

1. Don't spend time with them only when you need something- when you reach out your phone, it’s never to see how your friend is doing. There is always a reason to call or text him or her and you always ask "what do you need?" This shows a lack of caring and your view your friend as a liability. Make unprepared plans and hang out more often. Buy something for him or her, even a small gift, without expecting something in return.

2. Do more than helping them- When they ask you for your help, this shows that they value you and your opinions. Show them that you are interested in helping them by performing small actions like correcting their mistakes and explaining how it should have been done. Never half ass things when it comes to your friends and always be committed in helping them!

3. Always mean and respect what you say- Remind them that you are and will always be there for them and that always have their back no matter what the situation might be. Always cheer them up whenever they are going through

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a tough and don't rub salt on their wounds. Don't waste time-go and tell them that!

4. Respect their boundaries- You should realize that your friends cannot stay with you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You should not get upset if they say 'no' to you. You should know where and when to ask them to hang out and don't be pushy!

5. Learn to say sorry- Nobody is perfect right? It takes time to admit that you made a mistake and to say that you are wrong but you should never be afraid to say that you messed up if that is important to save the bond between you. Messing up happens to the best of us and someone who can man up and swallow his pride is definitely a great friend!

There is one famous quote that I always like to say and maybe you have forgotten it which summarizes everything that I have stated above: “Good friends are like stars; you don’t always see them but you know they are always there.”

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How to travel on a budget?We all acknowledge that if travelling was free, we would all have travelled around the world a million times, right? Unfortunately, travelling is not free and some of us do have the money to travel 2 or 3 times in a year while others do not have that much money. But it is not always necessary to travel in first class or to go to 5 star hotels to enjoy travelling- the tips given below will show you how to travel on a budget and at the same time enjoying the voyage:

1. Travel on economy and cheap airlines- Do not book your tickets directly on emirates or any airline of your choice- go on skyscanner and input your details and choose the cheapest flight. Also, you should not forget to claim your miles and this will surely come in handy in the future!!

2. Choose an apartment- If you have more than 3 travelers, do not book a hotel because the maximum number of people in a room is 2 people and therefore you have to book 2+ rooms. Just book an apartment on any one of these recommended websites: homeaway or wimdu. Also, an apartment is much more comfortable and you are more liable to do anything you like as compared to a hotel with all its restrictions.

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3. Try to cook instead of purchasing at a restaurant- Cooking food in your apart will surely save you some money and the advantage of cooking is that you can eat any-time you like and you put anything you want. You just need to buy some ingredients at your local supermarket and you are ready to go! This is much better than buying food on the small stalls because most of them are unhygienic.

4. Do a list- Before setting out for your trip, try to note down as much as possible the things that you want to buy and the things that you are going to visit and google their prices and if they exceed your budget, do the PRIORITY list and neglect the least important ones. As far as possible, try to find attractions that are free like museums!

5. Always look for shops which have lots of sales- In most countries and especially during the end of year seasons, shops put lots of sales and also on days like black Friday or boxing-day. Visit these shops on these days where the prices decrease by more than 50%. But you should not do impulsive buying or in the end you will buy something that you will eventually not use!

These tips will definitely help you save huge amount of money and you will be able to carry out your passion more effectively.

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Keep your coolAristotle once said: “Anyone can become angry-that’s easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way-that is not easy.” Every-day we face large amount of problems and stress at work or in our life in general. The problems and stress are reflected when we lose our cool at the slightest irritation. We scream to the driver because he is driving too slowly. We scream at the grocery store when we do not find the necessary ingredients.

One thing you do not realize is that if you lose your temper on a daily basis, it will become a habit. Then things will start to deteriorate for you- relationships will be broken and you will become less competent at work. Leaders and winners always keep their cool during moments of crisis. Keeping your cool

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during tough times can save you years of pain and anguish. Words that are said during moments of anger have led to many broken friendships.

To control your anger all you need to do is count to 100 before you respond to someone. Before replying to someone ask yourself: “Are these words necessary?” You should always treat other people the way you want them to treat you and always remember: “words are like arrows- once they are released, there is no way to bring them back.”

How to excel in life regardless of obstacles?What’s the difference between people who excel in life, and people who never seem to get ahead? Successful people tend to have daily practices that build over time, with consistency and determination. You can excel in life, regardless of any obstacles you come across, by following these five practices:

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1. Morning Routines Create Your Future

Does it have to be morning? YES. If you want to set your day up right, you need to set the tone with daily routines. Starting your day with a positive routine such as meditating, gentle stretching or visualizing can set you up for success in whatever you do. Add goal setting to this potent time of the day in order to achieve what you want. A morning routine can be as simple as rolling out of bed, sitting on the floor and lighting a candle. You could use this time to write down your dreams, or journal your thoughts, hopes, wishes and dreams.

2. Successful People Meditate

Many celebrities and high profile humans take the time to meditate every day. Meditation allows you to treat each day as a new one, and to reset your thinking from yesterday. When you take the time to sit quietly, you allow yourself to start the day restfully and with awareness, and you give yourself the opportunity for a fresh beginning. A few meditative celebrities: Clint Eastwood, Liv Tyler and Steve Jobs.

3. Successful People Who Struggled

Many people who are successful did not start out that way. In fact, many of them were hit by rejection, denial, and near-defeat. Some of these include: Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Jim Carey,

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Oprah Winfrey and Fred Astaire, to name a few. What would our world be like if these formidable humans had quit before they realized their potential? Do not quit before the race is over. Get yourself on the starting line and keep going, no matter what.

4. Know What You Want – Review Goals Daily

Having a vision for your life is perhaps the greatest tool that you can utilize in order to get what you want. Identifying what gets you excited can be a complicated process, but the secret is that your needs and wants will change as time goes on. This is a necessary part of the process to figure out what you want and don’t want in your life. In short, you are not going to make a mistake by creating a vision, because it is supposed to change as you grow and evolve.

5. Be Stubborn and Control Your Memories

Get knocked down 4 times, get up 5 times. Ignore the “No’s”, and focus on the successes in your life. When you focus on all of the good things that are coming to you, effectively you are asking the Universe for more of the same. You cannot always ignore the things in your life that are going wrong. However, you do have the power to change your perspective and your thought process.

You should always remember that successful people do not allow external factors like haters and people telling them they can’t do

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it to influence their lives. If you know that you can do it, you are right and you should pursue your goals and dreams. If you want to succeed as bad as you breathe, then you will be successful.

Sleep Less

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Once a wise man said the following:” Sleep is like a drug. Take too much at a time and it makes you dopey. You lose time, vitality and opportunities.” The majority of us sleep more than we need. I always say that it is not the amount of hours of sleep you have that count but the quality and richness of your sleep.

When things were working smoothly in your life and when you started making success, did you oversleep? No. Rather you get up early because you were so eager to start working more and be more successful in life. You were overflowing with energy and passionate about getting up early and do what you like to do. As a matter of fact, there was so much to do that you did not even think of oversleeping. Now, when things are not going so well in your life, your job is exhausting and you do not have time for yourself because of your kids and family, you start sleeping longer than usual. You start using sleep as a way to escape reality. But how do you feel when you get up? Uninspired and still tired.

So, it does not depend on how much you sleep but how rich and deep your sleep is. Fatigue is created by your mind and once you prepare yourself mentally, you will definitely overcome all the obstacles in life.

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Habits that can change your lifestyle foreverHave you ever heard of the phrase:” Live a life of intention?” If you want to attain all the goals of your life, whether personally or professionally, you should institute the habits required to achieve them. You might have the necessary motivation but you lack the long term focus to achieve these goals. Success doesn’t depend on getting every single thing right, but instead relies on identifying a few priorities and fashioning them into powerful levers. The tips below will show you how you can change your lifestyle forever:

1. Live a Healthy Lifestyle

I do not know of a habit change that will have more of a positive impact on your life than exercise and healthy eating. Once you make the decision to live a healthy lifestyle many other parts of your life will begin to change.  Your mind will be more focused and your confidence will grow. And most importantly, your body begin to feel better. During this transition, you will learn that you are capable of more which will catapult you toward greater heights.  There is mental power in seeing your pants fitting differently. The confidence one gains from losing weight exceeds any other that you will experience!

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2. Live a Goal-Oriented Life

I don’t know any successful people that live their life void of goals. Dave Ramsey produced a list several years ago highlighting the key differences between successful and unsuccessful people.  At the top of that list was having written goals and focusing on one single life goal; 67% of the wealthy have written goals and 80% focus on one single goal.  What I learned from this list was invaluable.  I had never been a fan of written goals and I had also always felt like an underachiever. I determined that I would choose one life goal, write down my goals and then work diligently until I reached my goal of becoming a full-time writer. I developed the habit of using a 4-item daily To Do list which supported my long-term goals.  Once I wrote down my 6 month and long-term goals, I posted them on my refrigerator so that I would be forced to face them every day. It was a constant reminder to remain focused.  Having a singular life focus and written goals to gauge my success have been one of the most important habit changes of my entire life!

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3. Live a Life of Charity

 There is no greater perspective changer than to volunteer one’s time working at a local food bank, men’s or women’s shelter, nursing home or orphanage.  In our world, people are becoming more and more suspicious of strangers, fearing that criminals await around every corner.  This is resulting in a society that is becoming more and more selfish and self-focused.  If you want to begin opening up your world and change your life forever, apply to work at a local charity.  It is my belief that until you put the self-focused You in its place and begin focusing part of your life on adding value to the world around you, you will not experience any type of true joy, happiness or fulfillment. Living the life you dream of does not happen by chance. You must determine what it is that you want, develop a plan and then live a life of intention. It is time for you to stop allowing life to happen to you and begin to design your life in order to aim you in the direction of more personal and professional success. Once you adopt this mindset and focus on these keystone habits you will notice your life slowly begin to change.

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If you adopt those habits, you will find a new sensation in your life and you will start feeling that your existence matters and will discover the true meaning of your life

Have a family meal timeThe special tradition of a daily family meal brings the family closer and will provide you with many happy memories. You can ask your children how they had spent the day and what they had learnt or you can start reading a story from the newspaper and ask your children about their opinions. The family meal time helps to strengthen the relationship between parents and their children and also the children will feel protected and listened.

Your family meal time does not need to be dinner. We live in a busy world. We all have certain jobs to do- you need to look after your kids and make sure that they go to their tuitions and learn well. But the family meal time could be at breakfast time where all of you are gathered and you discuss how you are going to face the day. It might even be a quick snack. What matters is that you find some time every-day to talk to your loved ones and consistently work to build a richer and meaningful family life.

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Mistakes people make when travellingTraveling is so much fun until something happens like sickness, getting bitten by something or just some very simple annoyance occurs which ruins your trip. One of the best things you can do is to learn what not to do and realize that a little prevention goes a long way. I have outlined 10 mistakes that most people make and how you can avoid a catastrophe by simply using preventive measures.

1. Hand Sanitizer

One thing I would never leave home without is hand sanitizer. You see, here is the thing: Most of our diseases come via our nose, mouth and eyes – so how does it get to there? From our hands! Most people never stop to think about being out and about, touching things, picking up things and inspecting them and then touching our face. You

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will not always have access to soap and water so pull out that hand sanitizer and put it to use! Remember this especially when shaking people’s hands, you never know where those hands have been!

2. Drink Bottled Water

I practice this the world over even in countries where they tell me that it is safe to drink tap water. One thing that it is always good to remember is that when you go abroad it is already a shock to the system so, drinking water that is clean and healthy is an absolute must! While you are drinking bottled water, do not forget that ice comes from tap water. So, if you like your ice, better to avoid it all costs when traveling as you never know what water was used to make it and it does have to melt! By the way, do drink a lot of water as it will help keep you from suffering with dehydration especially in places where it is very hot and humid.

3. Wearing Shoes

Not only can you get a lot of diseases through your face via your hands, one of the big mistakes that people make is not wearing shoes, especially when visiting a beach town. Diseases also come up through your feet; walking in streets where people spit, animals urinate, and many other things I

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care not to imagine can cause ill health. One of the worst things you can do is to walk through water, even when it looks clean. Wear your shoes and you will avoid a lot of health risks.

4. Injections

I always make sure I know about any health risks of a country before traveling especially when going to areas which are heavily mosquito-populated. A shot only hurts a little while and then it is over and it could save you from getting seriously ill while traveling overseas. Mosquito bites bring on malaria in many cases and some people are allergic to them as well. As a matter of fact, some countries make it a requirement in order to enter the country. For example, my husband and I traveled to Ghana, Africa two years ago and we had to have a yellow fever injection two weeks before leaving our country of England. We even had to show the shot record upon arrival. Always check before entering a country.

5. First Aid Kit

An absolute must for every traveler. Different countries or even local cities may or may not carry things that you need in an emergency as it depends on where you are at the time. Having a kit packed with all of the essential such as, band

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aids, scissors, tweezers for tick removal or any other insect necessary, gauze, and basic headache pills and antiseptics will put your mind at ease.

6. Familiar Food

Having traveled all of my life, inevitably you will end up going somewhere where you do not really like the food. The first thing you are inclined to do is to refrain from eating and then you begin to dehydrate which can then lead to health issues. A very wise old traveler used to tell me from a young age, always carry something familiar with you from home to eat, like granola bars, health bars, fruit bars – even chocolate bars. This is because if you should get sick, this gives you an opportunity to eat something you are used to eating. After all, many times once you get to that point, what your body needs is nutrition from something that you will enjoy so you can start to recuperate.

7. Sunscreen

Some of the sickest people that I have seen are those who thought that it was perfectly fine to be out in the sun with no sunscreen. It really does not matter what skin color you

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are, you can still burn and end up very sick. The first thing is to investigate how close a country is to the equator and if you are going to be on the coast, then you will know how heavily exposed to the sun you are going to be. You should use an SPF 15 or greater and always check the expiration date. The other thing to keep in mind is to not be out in the hottest part of the day which is between 11am – 3pm.

8. Street Food

Unless you are used to eating the food from this particular area or country, avoid eating out in the street at all costs. All of us have stomachs that adjust to the way we eat and how we feed it. If, for example, you are used to eating processed food and microwaveable food, eating lots of fresh produce, fruit and other ingredients can make you sick very much in the same way one can become very ill when the opposite occurs. In some countries, the health restrictions are not very strict, therefore, you could be eating food which has not been chilled properly, or not been cleaned properly. Even eating off of a plate or with silverware that has been washed in dirty water can greatly affect your health. Be smart and eat where you know exactly how the food was prepared (where and when).

9. Emergency

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What kind of health insurance do you have and can it be used overseas? The best thing you can do is to call and let them know where you will be going and find out what exactly will happen if there is a serious injury or accident. Find out if you will be transported back to your home country and/or what hospitals and doctors they work with in that country. What is the procedure when an emergency occurs? It is always good to know this so that you can relax and know that you will still be well taken care of.

10. Be Alert

The idea of traveling somewhere is to get away and be able to relax and enjoy yourself. It is very hard to do that if you are not aware of your surroundings. When we go into a place we always check out the area around our hotel or wherever we will be staying. We find out about any stores or restaurants and pharmacies. It is just smart to be alert and aware of what is going on around you and to have emergency numbers in your wallet or purse/handbag.

Follow all of the above guidelines to ensure that we have a great time and a healthy time. Always be wise and then you can go and have a great time knowing all is well.

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Listen to music dailyDo you remember the times when you heard the right song at the right time? You started singing out loud and you started dancing as if life was all prefect. In those moments, you felt fully alive, full of energy and truly happy- this phenomenon happened because you heard only some notes playing. Music has the power to do such things to you- it can lift your mood, put a smile back to your face and it can improve the quality of your life.

Get serious about listening to music that inspires you. Build a playlist and nowadays this can easily be done on “youtube.” Build a collection that will fill your heart with joy each time you listen to those songs. When you travel, put on the music in the car or listen to your “ipod” while contemplating the beauty of nature. Music will make you feel free and make you realize that life is not so bad after all.

Listening to music, even for a few minutes every-day, is a powerful and exceptional tool to help you manage your moods and keep you happy to a certain extent.

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Things to do to start being happyHappiness can seem fleeting and momentary at times. What is it that happy people do differently? Happy people developed a habit of being and only doing those things that bring them happiness. Here are the things that happy people frequently do to bring happiness into their lives. And these are things you can start doing today:

1. Decide to Be Happy.

Happiness really is a choice you have to make. Many of us get it wrong: We think that happiness is a byproduct of success, be it a high-paying job, a successful business, raising a family, or achieving a goal. Ever heard of this old saying? If I have the money, then I will do the things I want. Finally, I will be happy. Yet, dissatisfaction and sadness often keep us from doing the things we want. We lack the enthusiasm and the vigor to do those things in the first place that we think will ultimately bring us happiness. I want to challenge your thinking a bit, and turn it around: I will decide to be happy. Then I will do the things I want. Finally, I will get the money.

2. Practice Gratitude Daily.

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When you start practicing gratitude, you re-frame your perception of the world. Whereas in the past, we tend to look at opportunities and resources as scarce, practicing gratitude helps us see limitless abundance. By being grateful for the here and the now–even in the absence of the very thing you desire–you put yourself in harmony with the good that you desire.

In other words you, start moving towards what you want. You have to first come from the place of your dreams. You have to first believe in it in order to see it. Gratitude gets you believing it so that one day you will see it. Spend a few minutes in the morning, afternoon, and just before you go to bed, writing out 5 things each time for which you are grateful.

3. Practice Affirmations Daily.

Affirmations are simply positive, proactive statements you say to yourself. Personally, I’d rather hear the recording of my brain tell me why I can do something instead of why I cannot. These statements can be something as simple as…

I am deserving of success and a good life.

I enjoy exercising and eating healthy foods.

I release [insert name of someone who really bugs you here] to his/her higher good and me to mine.

What’s important when saying these affirmations is to say them every-day. We learn through repetition. Also, be emotionally

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vested when you compose your own affirmations and recite them. They should make you happy, excited, passionate, appreciative, blissful, and in general feel good.

4. Laugh More.

Find things to laugh at daily, whether it be putting on your favorite comedy while eating dinner, reading satire, or just playing with your pet. You might even consider laughing for the sake of laughing, as a change in your body affects your brain chemistry, which ultimately affects your mood. Laugh and you will find yourself actually feeling better, even if you have been a sourpuss for hours beforehand. Consider joining a laugh yoga group and surrounding yourself with positive, upbeat people. Laughing also helps you look for the good in things.

5. Enjoy the Little Things.

The ability to express gratitude and joy for the little things is important in achieving more happiness your life. Simple things include a smile someone gave you, a cup of hot coffee on a cold day, a walk around the block to stretch your legs, a call from

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someone you love, and even just finding a dollar or two in the jacket you last wore months ago. As you can also guess, finding joy in the little things opens your awareness to the abundance in the world. In this case, the abundance of things that bring you joy and bliss.

6. Spend Quality Time With Your Loved Ones.

Part of practicing gratitude, laughing more, and enjoying the little things is to spend quality time with the people you care about. They could be your lover, your children, your parents, your friends, or just your pets.

After all, life is mainly about serving others and helping to bring value into their lives. We are all fundamentally the same and want the same things. When you realize this, you will eventually learn to stop judging others for their appearance and start developing your compassion.

7. Make Time for Yourself.

While it’s important to spend time with loved ones, it’s also important to carve out time for yourself to rest, relax, and recharge your batteries. Spend time exercising, reading a good book, listening to music, meditating, writing, cooking, hiking, practicing your craft, or whatever it is that makes you happy. Master your craft. When you master something, your self-esteem

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and confidence grows. In the process of doing so, you learn more about yourself while you develop greater focus, intuition, will, reason, awareness, and perception.

While you’re doing all these things, remember to laugh more, and enjoy the little things as they come along. Remember that while life is best lived in the service of others that you have to take care of number one. Big changes will come when you start applying small things and so you should definitely implement those tips in your daily life.

What to do if you can’t sleep?Can’t sleep? Don’t worry. Insomnia is more common than you think. Since sleep is an important part of our overall health and happiness, it is essential to develop some strategies to combat insomnia. After all, we sleep for around 1/3 of our lives. So, let’s take insomnia more seriously and change some of the bad habits we have that prevent us from getting a good night’s sleep. Here is a list of 20 easy solutions you can try to help cure your insomnia, fall asleep

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faster, and even wake up in a good mood and fresh in the morning:

1. Fix your sleeping schedule.

It all starts here. Our body and mind needs to know when it is time to go to bed and when to wake up. It is ideal to have a routine and go to sleep at the same time every day. You can slowly get into the right sleeping schedule by waking up a little earlier every morning. This will make you sleepy a bit earlier.

2. Exercise.

The benefits of exercising daily, even if it’s a quick workout at home, are amazing. It has a therapeutic effect and can help make us naturally tired in the evening. However, try not to exercise at night. Work out in the earlier part of the day so your body has time to wind down before bedtime.

3. Have a bedtime ritual.

Have a set of actions that you can do each evening that will tell your mind it’s time for sleep. This may be preparing your food and clothes for tomorrow, taking a long bath, or listening to some relaxing music.

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4. Eat better.

Needless to say, junk food won’t help you sleep like a baby. Processed fats and sugar will ruin your rest. Instead, choose foods that give you energy and are nutritious.

5. Avoid caffeine in the second part of the day.

For the best results, stop drinking coffee after lunch. It may be hard for some coffee lovers to do that, so start small and ditch it just an hour earlier today.

6. Don’t get too emotional in the evening.

Heavy noises and parties before bed won’t help you get to sleep anytime soon. The same goes for having important conversations or watching highly emotional movies. When you get worked up, your mind isn’t allowed to rest. So, leave it for tomorrow morning and save your peace of mind tonight.

7. Ditch technology at least an hour before bed.

Using devices right before bedtime is bad for you. The light that comes from them doesn’t let your brain turn off, and they make noise even when you’re not using them. So, make sure you put all

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your devices away from your bed when you’re about to go to sleep and stop using them an hour before bedtime.

The tips above will definitely try to minimize your risks of insomnia but if you are still not able to sleep well at night, I suggest you visit a doctor immediately.

Life lessons you should have learnt by nowI believe that life gives you obstacles along the way for a reason. Overcoming these obstacles is another step towards moving

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forward in your life. Lessons are a part of life, the good, the bad and the ones we will never understand. Here are the life lessons you should have already learnt by now:

1. Money does not buy happiness.

2. Save your money.

3. Work hard for your money.

4. Family always comes first.

5. Pick a career you will love, the money will follow.

6. Put your phone down once in a while.

7. Enjoy the moments with the ones you love.

8. Save your money.

9. Make new friends.

10. Take up many hobbies.

11. Get out of the house, and go for long walks

12. Turn off your phone once in a while.

13. Look after your health, you are going to want to be on earth for a long time.

14. Spend more time with family.

15. Get more sleep.

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16. Write in a journal, so you can look back on it one day and smile.

17. Relationships will come and go but your friends will always be there.

18. Work hard, and play hard.

19. Treat yourself once in a while

20. Live each moment one step at a time, nothing worth waiting for was ever rushed.

21. Learn patience, I know this seems hard, but it will be good for you.

22. Experience as many things as you can before you have kids.

23. Learn how to invest your money.

24. Find your passion, and never look back.

These are some of the life lessons you should have learnt by now and if you have not yet experienced those lessons, don’t worry. Things in life will happen the day they are meant to happen and when the day happens, you should definitely make the most of it.

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Live life to the fullest so that you can die happilyThe majority of us do not know what their purpose of life is about until just before they die. While we are young all that we care is to be accepted in the society and so as not to become a laughing stock. We are so busy chasing life’s big pleasures that we miss out the small ones. We live in an era in which we need to accomplish great things and to obtain large amount of money. We keep on striving hard and make more money without spending the money on small, joyful things like taking the kids on holidays.

Later in life when you want to enjoy yourself it will be too late- you have become old enough and your health doesn’t allow you to do so. On your deathbed when you ask yourself:” What did I do in my life?”- the answer will be:” I was busy making money.” Get busy living or get busy dying. Only money will not make you happy- you should also know how to spend it on the small pleasures of life.

Always remember- the purpose of life is a life of purpose.

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Since it is the end of the part 1 of this e-book, I want to wish you all a great life filled with wisdom, happiness and fulfillment. Life your life in such a way that it will inspire others to do so. Always tell yourself: “I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. The harder I work, the more I live. Life is like a torch- I want it to burn as brightly as possible before I pass it to the next generation.”

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