Download pdf - BCockpit - Tutorial (EN)


Turning Contacts into Valuable Relationships


Disclaimer: BCockpit is under development. Alfa version. Continuous improvements on the way.

1. Login

2. User Profile

3. Import Contacts

4. My Contacts

5. Contacts Map

6. Geolocation

7. Street View

8. New Contact

9. Search

10. Company Profile / Edit

11. Send Email

12. Social Media

13. Early Birds

14. Angels & Investors

15. Coming Soon

16. Benefits

Tutorial for Early Birds

BCockpit will be a B2B Social Geo SRM - Stakeholder Relationship Management

platform, i.e., it will be a much simpler CRM based on corporate stakeholder´s


Login – Demo

1. Watch Tutorial

User Profile

3. Change your password4. Edit your profile (Address)

2. Click on photo

5. Click here

Import Contacts

7. Upload a complete .XLS file(the more, the better)

File´s name = tag

6. Download template .XLS

My Contacts

File´s name = tag

Contacts Map

8. Click here


9. Click here10. Get directions

Street View

11. Zoom in andposition yellowman very close

This icon indicatesdestination is close

Add New Contact – 1 by 1

12. Click here

13. Complete all fields(the more, the better)


14. Type here

15. PressEnter or

click here

Send email


Edit Contact

Company Profile

17. Click here

Company Profile - Edit

18. Click here

19. Complete all fields(the more, the better)

Send Email

20. Send email

Company profile updated

Cc own user´s email also included

Several options

Recipient´s email already inserted

Early Birds

If you see ourunique value

proposition, pleaseCLICK HERE andinvite your peers

& friends to become EarlyBirds as well

Angels & Investors

Dear Sir / Madam,

In order to speed up development,

we are open to talk to potential

angels and investors.

May you wish to seriously support

our growth, please contact us so that

we will send you the investor´s deck

for your analysis.

Thanks in advance for your interest.

Top 13 Benefits*

1. Geolocalize contacts of interest (address required)

2. Tag imported files

3. Contacts segmentation via tagging

4. Organize messy contact databasis in one single point

5. Accessible via smartphone / tablets (Android version)

6. Develop a good habit of keeping contacts updated

7. Help managing sales efforts and time by region

8. Get directions on Google Maps / Street View

9. Search and reach contact details promptly

10. Send emails with automatic copy to own user

11. Recover all contacts in case of phone loss /damage

12. Export contacts databasis (all, by tag, by company)

13. Benefit job seekers, professionals, entrepreneurs and managers

* Subject to databasis quality. The more complete, the better