Page 1: bbc news articulo sobre academia idiomas inglesgarantizado murcia madrid


InglesGarantizado Makes Learning English Easy

In 1989 Seth Green left England to move to the city of Murcia Spain because his girlfriend Isabel was from that city.There Seth started teaching English to students at the University of Murcia.A small group as back then English was second fiddle to French in Spain. Nowadays InglesGarantizado has 37 teachers in Murcia 6 centres plus has teachers in 5 other Spanish cities.

Most english language schools in Murcia form groups of 6 where each student pays 8 euros an hour and that generates 48 euros an hour.The academia pays 12 to the teacher and pockets 36 euros an hour for the owner.InglesGarantizado is different.It charges 25 euros an hour for private classes in its quite small classrooms and pays its teachers the motherload or 20 euros an hour.This explains why even in the best academy of groups half fail their exams while in InglesGarantizado 100% pass theses difficult official exams.

We spoke to Seth Green in his office in Madrid and the interview plus video is here in our facebook