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2010/11 Baycrest

and Baycrest foundatIon

annual report

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ImagIne BeIng aBle to go home agaIn

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ImagIne puBlIshIng your fIrst novel at 84

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ImagIne a world where age is just a number

where most people live long, active and socially engaged lives

where bodies remain strong and brains sharp

where a nursing home, if needed, is a place to spend the last three days of life, not the last three years

where wisdom is respected and passed on

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our Know-how

where new products, technologies and practices support better aging worldwide and provide an additional revenue source for baycrest.

finding answers where innovation creates,

drives and transfers new practices, knowledge

and products from baycrest health sciences to baycrest’s

commercialization arm.

Baycrest health


Baycrest’s commercial-ization arm

Baycrest Innovation


thIs Is the next generatIonof Baycrest. thIs Is Baycrest now.

transforming care where clinicians, scientists

and educators work in concert to develop and share with

the world “next” practices in seniors’ care.

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now Is the tIme to transform the future

message from the chair of the baycrest board of directors and the president and chief executive officer of baycrest

every great achievement starts in the imagination. this past year, the best minds at baycrest have been imagining nothing short of a transformation in the experience of aging for millions worldwide. how would that be achieved? in leading this transformation, what does baycrest have to offer that no other organization in our field can match?

Our examination of these critical questions, which involved measuring our strengths and identifying areas for improvement, has resulted in a bold new organizational structure we are calling the “Next Generation of Baycrest”. Outlined in this report, this new approach will enhance the integration of care, research and education at Baycrest and create new sources of revenue by commercializing our science and care innovations through business partnerships.

Why Next Generation? Because whenever the time was right over the course of our almost 100-year history, we adapted to changing needs to remain at the forefront of seniors’ care, research and education.

Today is such a time.

The world is bracing for an unprecedented demo-graphic shift that will see the number of persons over age 60 grow by 1.2 billion in the next 40 years, with those aged 80 and up growing at the fastest rate.

A declining birth rate and rising life expectancy have combined to create this trend. While many seniors will remain healthy enough to enjoy greater longevity, there are serious challenges inherent in this shift, one of the most notable being a sharp increase in the rate of dementia. The social and economic demands of Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and other brain disorders will put an enormous strain on individuals, families and health-care systems everywhere.

We currently provide a comprehensive suite of evidence-based services to 2500 seniors a day. We believe we are uniquely positioned to expand those services on a national and international scale not just to share our excellence in aging care but to create new sources of revenue for the development of Baycrest. An independent benchmarking study has validated our readiness for this role. The study found that while global peers that focus on aging and cognition demonstrate excellence in research and clinical care, few match the breadth and uniqueness of the inte-grated models of service delivery and the calibre of translational research at Baycrest.

To view this report online, visit

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Our new Next Generation orga-nizational structure will advance our vision of being the global leader in aging and brain health by:

• driving innovation through a model of integrated care, research and education that links patients, family care-givers, health-care workers, research and industry;

• allowing for the development, evaluation, commercialization and dissemination of our care models, supportive technolo-gies and evidence-based ap-proaches for the prevention, early diagnosis, intervention, rehabilitation and treatment of age-related disorders.

Our goal is to take promising ideas that emerge from our day-to-day work, and that of our partners and collaborators, and refine them into the scientifically-validated products, goods and services the market is seeking. The revenue from our commercial enterprise will be used to support our present activities and grow our capacity to influence the best possible care of seniors, first and foremost in our local community, but also across Canada and around the globe.

We will build on our considerable strengths to develop innovations and “next” practices that will consolidate our international reputation and attract to our doorstep more of the world’s top neuroscientists, geriatric medicine specialists, educators, and global partners.

This past year, we have been working with the Ontario govern-ment on a number of senior care initiatives. We are partnering, for example, with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and the Institute for Clinical Evalua-tive Sciences to develop a provin-cial framework for the evaluation of health innovations.

Baycrest was also invited by the Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI) to develop an international symposium on brain health innovations. Dr. Paul Katz, chief of staff and vice-president of Medical Services at Baycrest, has been invited by the Alzheimer Society of Canada to co-lead an initiative to develop best practices in client-centred care for nursing homes.

Baycrest has also been invited by the Community for Excellence in Health Governance to lead a national seniors collaborative initiative that will result in a consortium of up to 12 North American senior care organiza-tions coming together to achieve higher performance in quality and safety. In March, the Neuro-logical Health Charities of Canada honoured Baycrest with a national award for innovation and leadership in aging and brain health.

Baycrest is also making its mark internationally. Following a trade mission to China, led by the MRI, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ontario government and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China to promote scientific, technological and industrial research and commer-cialization co-operation has

paved the way for the Baycrest-Beijing discussions around developing a seniors’ hospital in China (see page 19).

In the end, the successes outlined in this report add up to better care for the aging population, including our own community. At Baycrest, we are not just imagining a better experience of aging; we are promising one.

dr. anthony melmanChair, Baycrest Board

of Directors

dr. william reichman President and Chief Executive

Officer, Baycrest

Whenever the time was right over our almost 100-year history, we adapted to changing needs to remain at the forefront of seniors’ care, research and education. Today is such a time.

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ImagIne startIng your dream career In your 60s

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In January 2011, we unveiled the Next Generation of Baycrest, a bold new organizational approach that builds on current strengths to create a future where Baycrest leads the world in aging and brain health.

This new direction is driven by the imperative to find solutions to the challenges posed by a rapidly aging global population. A shift in thinking is demanding a more proactive, concerted and economically sustain-able approach to improving the health, well-being and autonomy of individuals as they age.

When we benchmarked Baycrest against other “like” organizations, we found that we are a unique global leader in our field. Our combination of assets — a continuum of care dedicated entirely to aging popula-tions, a world-renowned research institute focused on aging and brain health, and unsurpassed clinical training programs in geriatric care — gives us the strengths needed to bring aging and brain health to a new level of excellence for our community, our nation and people around the world.

Baycrest Health Sciences (BHS) integrates care, research and edu-cation to meet the needs of older adults using novel, cost-effective and transformative methods. BHS provides evidence-based clinical programs and services to defined populations. The research compo-nent of BHS, Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute, one of top five brain institutes in the world, leads groundbreaking studies in cognitive neuroscience. The Centre for Educa-tion and Knowledge Exchange in Aging at Baycrest, through its local and globally focused efforts, serves as a vital bridge to translate knowl-edge from the “bench” to clinical care at the bedside, in the commu-nity and around the world.

The Baycrest Innovation Engine develops, evaluates and transfers new practices, knowledge and products from our health sciences platform to the division at Baycrest responsible for bringing products to market, and has a system-wide impact on care delivery, quality of life and health and wellness.

Baycrest’s commercialization arm is the catalyst for adopting and marketing Baycrest’s innovations in aging, including breakthrough technologies, systems, products, processes and new knowledge. Through its various product lines, this arm will market its products and expertise directly to govern-ments, life sciences corporations, consumers, professionals, students and health systems around the world. Revenue generated will be a new and additional source of fund-ing for Baycrest Health Sciences.

BuIldIng the future of agInga new approach sets the foundation

the next generation of baycrest is composed of three pillars that work in concert to make Baycrest the global leader in aging and brain health.

Baycrest health




Baycrest’s commercial-ization arm

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Read more about the Next Generation of Baycrest in this report.

ImagIne learnIng a fIfth language at 92

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Ask Karima Velji to describe how she imag-ines the geriatric care facility of the not-too-distant future and the first words that come to her mind are mobility, participation and engagement.

In choosing these words, the vice-president of Clinical and Residential Programs and chief nursing executive at Baycrest is describing a place where seniors are fully engaged in life — keep-ing physically and mentally fit; learning new skills; interacting with others; making choices about how they want to live the remain-der of their lives; and having their culture, history and individuality honoured and respected.

The future of aging is being cre-ated at Baycrest today. Introduced this year, Baycrest Health Sciences (BHS) is an academic health-care delivery system designed to take our vision of successful aging and turn it into a reality for millions, at home and around the world. Enhancement of mobility is one of eight “big dot” measures we will be using to assess how well the new system is performing for those we serve at Baycrest.

The new system enhances the integration of clinical care, research and education in patient

population-focused, interdisci-plinary centres and programs that provide a continuum of health care, wellness and preven-tion. Patients, family caregivers, health-care providers, scientists, educators and industry are linked in a model that will drive the development of innovative “next” practices in geriatric medicine globally.

BHS has been identified by the Ontario government as its strategic partner for the introduction and testing of innovative models of care delivery and services to the senior population.

Baycrest Health Sciences is comprised of the Rotman Re-search Institute, The Centre for Knowledge Exchange in Aging (see page 13), and the following clinical centres and programs:

centre for memory and


It is expected that dementia will have affected 115.4 million people by 2050. This Centre’s integrated research, clinical and educational programs provide insights to help identify the “next generation” of interventions for maintaining healthy memory and other cogni-tive functions.

centre for mental health

This Centre investigates the causes and effects of mood dis-orders and develops and applies new prevention and treatment techniques. A specialized mental health team works closely with practitioners who are provid-ing primary care in community settings. The team also offers technology-enabled consultation province-wide, as well as patient assessments.

residential and aging

at home program

This Program provides an array of community-based services that serve as models of care to enable seniors to successfully “age at home.” Combining residential care at Baycrest with programs we provide to the community enhances that all-important continuum of care for seniors, some of whom will eventually move from their community to either an assistive living facility like the Terraces at Baycrest or a long-term care home, such as Baycrest’s Apotex Centre.

continued on page 10

IntroducIng Baycrest health scIencesnew model enhances integration of care, research and education

“It is a basic paradigm of treating geriatric patients that you need a team.”


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acute care program benefits seniors and the system

Since its introduction in 2009,

an innovative program at Baycrest

Hospital, Ben and Hilda Katz

Building, has provided highly

specialized care to more than

500 patients and saved the

Ontario health-care system an

estimated $9.3 million.

The Acute Care and Transition

(ACT) Unit provides an inpatient

program that diverts patients from

hospital emergency departments.

Patients with heart problems,

pneumonia, infections or other

acute conditions are assessed,

treated and monitored in the ACT

Unit by an interdisciplinary team

of geriatric care experts.

Patients are admitted from across

the Baycrest campus, from the

community at large, and from

hospital emergency departments.

The ACT model of care is more

appropriate for these patients

than admitting them to acute care

hospitals or having them wait for

care in busy emergency rooms,

a stressful experience for the frail

elderly and costly for the system.

The ACT program has so far

diverted more than 400 emer-

gency department visits and close

to 400 acute care admissions,

and has now been expanded for

greater system impact. ACT part-

nerships have been developed with

provincial long-term care homes

such as Villa Colombo, and with

geriatric emergency management

nurses in acute care hospitals,

geriatric assessment teams, and

community outreach teams.

continued from page 9

rehabilitation program

Having a healthy mind and body is fundamental to successful aging. Following a serious illness — a stroke, for example — appropriate and timely rehabilitation, both physical and cognitive, is key to helping patients return to health and independent living when-ever possible. The Rehabilitation Program combines both high- and low-intensity rehabilitation for patients on one floor of Baycrest Hospital. This allows our students to experience the continuum of rehabilitation care to acquire their competencies, and allows our scientists to conduct research that spans the rehabilitation care continuum.

complex and specialized

geriatric care program

This Program is the hub for developing and delivering new models of integrated, interpro-fessional collaborative care. Our expertise in the care of frail, elderly individuals has historically placed Baycrest at the forefront in this field. We have combined the complex care program with the specialized geriatrics program

we deliver to seniors as out-patients or in their homes. The integration of these two services allows our health-care provid-ers to follow patients through the various levels of wellness and illness across the continuum. Seniors benefit from the program through better access to timely and appropriate care, reduced wait times for care, and being able to live longer in communities rather than in institutions.

The centres and programs are interdisciplinary because, as Dr. Paul Katz explains, “it is a basic paradigm of treating geriatric patients that you need a team.” Katz is vice-president of Medical Services and chief medical officer at Baycrest. “These patients problems are complex and bio-psychosocial,” he adds. “For example, the physician is not going to know all of the social issues that come up with a patient – they have expertise in the medical side, but they need access to this other expertise as well, so it is about working together.”

Programs and services also focus on the specific needs of particular

patient populations. For example, the Rehabilitation Program will include the full continuum of care services from inpatient to out-patient rehabilitation. Speaking to the cognitive neuroscience component of the new health sciences platform, Baycrest’s vice-president of Research Dr. Randy McIntosh points out that the new organi-zational structure means “people who rely on Baycrest will know that we provide excellent clinical care, but also do the latest and greatest research to make sure that their clinical care is at the forefront.”

Because “Baycrest is an academic health science centre, the promise we have made to the people we serve is that the care they receive will be top notch,” says Karima Velji. “That means when a patient comes to Baycrest, they should know that the assessments and interventions we provide here are like no other.”

See the 2010/11 Baycrest Research Annual Report for more information on the integral role scientific discovery and its application plays in the Next Generation of Baycrest.

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new rehab program provides a specialized approach for frail seniors

Baycrest recently opened the Charlotte and Lewis Steinberg Slow Stream Rehabilitation Unit. The 30-bed unit combines low intensity therapy with a longer stay (on average 90 days) for rehabilitating patients who have suffered an acute illness, such as a stroke or a heart attack.

The slow stream program helps fill the gap in services for a frail and elderly population that can’t be treated through traditional rehabilitation. A team of interpro-fessional health-care providers delivers patient-centred rehabili-tation to improve the physiologi-cal, physical and cognitive health of these patients.

With the population of seniors in Ontario expected to double in the next 20 years, the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care requested that Baycrest develop slow stream rehabilitation because it recog-nizes our unique expertise in delivering highly specialized geriatric care.

Gently paced to maximize success, the program offers the best chance of recovery for frail

seniors, enabling them to return home or to another residential setting. At the system level, the unit helps to reduce visits to hos-pital emergency departments and unnecessary early admission to long-term care.

Both the slow stream and high tolerance units (the latter is higher intensity, shorter stay) are located on the same floor of the hospital and form the integrated Baycrest Rehabilitation Program. The goal is to create a stream-lined, seamless program for patients, focused on rehabilitation care, education and research.

Critical to the overall program’s strength are our outpatient services, which continue to sup-port patients after they leave the hospital.

The program is also being struc-tured to test emerging strategies in cognitive neurorehabilitation based on research.

“The entire rehabilitation pro-gram is a base for exceptional care, clinical research and teach-ing,” said Dr. William Reichman, president and chief executive officer of Baycrest. “It will serve to foster the development of innovative rehabilitation strate-gies for medically and cognitively frail seniors who are in need of highly specialized approaches to care.”

2xPopulation of seniors in

Ontario expected to double in next 20 years.

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ImagIne earnIng a ph.d at 65

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teachIng and learnIng In the next generatIon new strategy strengthens baycrest’s commitment to education excellence

A growing need for expertise in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of age-related disorders is challenging health-care systems worldwide.

The statistics tell the story. Today, some 4.8 million Canadians are 65 or older, a number expected to grow to 10.4 million by 2036. Yet we currently rely on fewer than 300 geriatricians, 200 geriatric psychia-trists and an insufficient number of family physicians trained in geriatric medicine to provide the special-ized knowledge and expertise demanded by this global demographic shift.

Baycrest is responding to this challenge head on. Under a new five-year strategic plan, we are organiz-ing and integrating the different components of our education enterprise into The Centre for Education and Knowledge Exchange in Aging. A key goal of the plan is to recruit and train the best and the brightest and encourage them to focus their practice on the older adult.

Baycrest is already home to the greatest number of trainees of any leading institution focused on aging. Each year, more than 800 students from 24 univer-sities and colleges are trained in a wide variety of health disciplines on our campus. More than 200 members of our staff have academic appointments. We host a number of provincial, national and inter-national educational programs each year, and we are an emerging hub for global tele-education in aging, collaborating with close to 50 institutions around the world. We also provide educational programs for staff, clients, families and caregivers, as well as the general public.

The Centre for Education and Knowledge Exchange in Aging brings all of these endeavours together, providing infrastructure and co-ordination, and supporting both educators and learners.

Through the establishment of a state-of-the-art learning simulation lab and recruitment of edu-cational researchers and clinician educators, the Centre will enable Baycrest scientists and clinicians – together with our collaborators and partners – to communicate breakthroughs and discoveries across the province and beyond; teach trainees, patients and families about the latest knowledge regarding seniors’ care; and provide consultation services to organizations in need.

Educational excellence is a strategic priority at Baycrest, notes Dr. David Conn, vice-president of Education and medical director of the Mood and Related Disorders Clinic. “In the first phase of imple-menting our new strategic plan, we are looking at enhancing the student experience here, and asking how are we doing with our students and trainees [in geriatric medicine and psychiatry, and family practice with additional training in the care of the elderly]. We have to be sure we don’t just give them a good experience, but a wonderful experience so that they will want to stay in geriatrics.”

continued on page 15


Canadians are 65 or older, a number

expected to grow to


by 2036

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ImagIne rIdIng a BIcycle across france when you retIre

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continued from page 13

Now more closely integrated with clinical care and research, education is a key component of the new Baycrest Health Sciences model introduced this year. The Centre for Education and Knowledge Exchange in Aging provides a vital bridge for translating knowledge into clinical practice. “How do you move knowledge from basic research to the bedside? How does it actually get there? You do it with educa-tion and the right kind of education, actually helping people to change the way they practice, based on new discoveries in research,” says Dr. Conn.

lecture series has global reach

In January, The Centre for Education and Knowledge Exchange in Aging launched the Visiting Professor Lecture Series as a way to expand and exchange pro-fessional and scientific knowledge.

“We’re seeing an increase in the number of guest clinicians, researchers and academics who come through Baycrest, so the lecture series is a wonderful opportunity for us to capture and share this broad range of expertise with our staff,” says Dr. Conn. “The series is a tangible way to advance our strategic focus of integrating care, education and research. It is designed to have broad appeal and to enlighten and inspire attendees.”

Endorsed by the International Psychogeriatric Association, the program has so far hosted lecturers from Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. The lectures are also broadcast on the Ontario Telemedicine Network and webcast around the world.

it’s bacK to school for members of the community

In May, the Centre introduced a “mini-medical” school for members of the community interested in a crash course in how to maintain good health, navigate the health-care system, and better manage chronic conditions that come with age.

An innovator in aging, Baycrest trains students and fellows from around the world on best practices for caring for older patients and optimizing their health and well-being. The Insights into Aging 101 program is a way to bring this vital knowledge to the broader community. The extensive curriculum has been repackaged into concise teaching modules for a general consumer audience. The classes cover 10 topics, including advice on how to age successfully; navigate the health-care system; deal with pain; prevent falls; care for an ill family member; and understand the causes and risks of cognitive impairment. At each class, two Baycrest experts discuss the topic of the evening. Speakers represent a wide variety of disciplines, including medicine, psychiatry, neurology, ethics and pharmacy.

“The concept of a mini medical school for the general public was initially developed at the University of Colorado and has been replicated around the globe,” notes Dr. Conn. “We are very excited to offer this program, which is designed to focus specifically on issues related to the challenges of aging.” Dr. Conn, who is also medical director of the Mood and Related Disorders Clinic, was a guest speaker at a class that discussed how to maintain a positive mood as we age.

After completing Insights in Aging 101, participants can expect to know how to access community re-sources and critically appraise the barrage of health and science news headlines they see every day.

“We’re seeing an increase in the number of guest clinicians, researchers and academics who come through Baycrest, so the lecture series is a wonderful opportunity for us to capture and share this broad range of expertise with our staff.”

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ImagIne playIng hopscotch wIth your grand-daughters

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As a world-leading academic health sciences centre focused on aging and brain health, Baycrest is fertile ground for producing and validat-ing new and innovative products and services aimed at improving care delivery across the continuum and enhancing the health and well-being of older adults.

A key part of the new organizational structure, the Baycrest Innovation Engine is taking the most promising ideas that emerge from Baycrest Health Sciences (BHS) and developing them as care models, supportive technologies and evidence-based approaches for the prevention, early diagnosis, rehabilitation and treatment of age-related disorders.

The Innovation Engine is a bridge between BHS and the new company we have launched to commer-cialize and bring to the international marketplace our innovations in aging, including breakthrough technologies, systems, products, processes and new knowledge. Working with partners, the company will respond to the growing need for solutions to the challenges associated with a rapidly aging global population. In so doing, it will provide a new and ongoing source of revenue (in addition to govern-ment and philanthropic funding) to sustain Baycrest Health Sciences well into the future.

The Baycrest Innovation Engine has three components:

• Aging Innovation and Technology Laboratory• Centre for Brain Fitness• Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied and Evaluative Research Unit (KLAERU)

design thinKing

In a process known as design thinking, the Aging Innovation and Technology Laboratory brings together scientists, engineers, architects, designers, clinicians and health-care consumers to inform, evaluate and develop new products, technologies and processes that enable successful aging at home and improve the care environment within the institutional setting. This year, the laboratory has appointed a designer-in-residence and an artist- in-residence, and has explored best practices in design laboratories with other leading organizations.

brain fitness

The Centre for Brain Fitness (CBF) serves as a catalyst for the commercialization of evidence-based tech-nologies and interventions aimed at early detection and prevention of aging-related memory decline, repair and rehabilitation of function. To that end, CBF scientists and clinicians work with entrepre-neurs to develop and market life-changing products and services. The first two entrepreneurs came on board this year, working on three projects over six months to build commercialization plans and explore market opportunities.

One diagnostic prototype is INCAS, a computer tablet testing platform for conducting neurological assessments of patients. The tablet-based interface is convenient for both clinicians and patients and allows for more accurate and timely assessment of cognitive function.

In the brain training field, Dr. Sylvain Moreno, a lead scientist at the CBF, is developing a “virtual game” product to improve intelligence, memory, decision-making, reaction time, attention and language skills.

continued on page 19

InnovatIon engIne BrIngIng great Ideas to lIfe

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ImagIne runnIng for mayor In your 70s

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continued from page 17

applying research to care

The Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied and Evaluative Research Unit (KLAERU) plays a pivotal role in the Baycrest Innovation Engine. It provides evaluative science expertise and clinical research support services to the research enterprise, essential elements in the translation of knowledge from discovery to application in patient care. Working at a program-matic level of analysis, KLAERU scientists build on, contribute to and extrapolate from the world-renowned expertise in basic cognitive neuroscience found at Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute.

For more information about KLAERU and Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute, see the 2010/11 Baycrest Research Annual Report.

baycrest in china

With a population of more than 1.3 billion, China has chosen Baycrest as the appropriate partner to help develop a “best practices” care model for its growing number of seniors. By 2025, one in five people who live in urban areas in China will be 60 or older.

After surveying different models around the world, Chinese officials came to Baycrest to explore how to develop the first dedicated health system for the elderly in their country.

“Baycrest is excited by this extraordinary opportu-nity to do business with China and share our leading-edge knowledge and expertise in seniors’ care,” said Dr. William Reichman, Baycrest’s president and chief executive officer.

In November 2011, Baycrest and the Chinese Enterprise Hospital Association will co-host a sym-posium in Beijing to share Ontario’s best practices in seniors’ care with Chinese government officials and leaders of health-care organizations in China.

A Memorandum of Understanding between the Ontario government and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China to promote scientific, technological and industrial research and commercialization co-operation has paved the way for the Baycrest-Beijing discussions around developing a seniors’ hospital.

Ontario and Beijing have each contributed $200,000 to fund a feasibility study for the development of a seniors-focused facility. The building is already constructed in Beijing’s most populated district, Chaoyang, where 3.2 million people live. In April, members of Baycrest’s executive team visited with Chinese health officials and toured the area. Chinese officials have also visited Baycrest.

partnering with microsoft

Baycrest has partnered with Microsoft Canada and consulting company Orangutech to create a mechanism for health-care organizations to conveniently share electronic documents using cloud computing. Beginning this year, eHealth2Share will serve as an online hub for the time- and cost-saving sharing of electronic forms and workflow templates, best practices in patient care, clinical user groups, e-Learning, international collaboration, and shareware applications such as a Freedom of Information tracking system.

Membership of e2HealthShare will be open to health-care organizations around the world. An annual subscription fee will cover the cost of maintaining the site, with potential for increased revenue for Baycrest as membership and content volumes grow.

next generation products and diagnostic tools

Cogniciti is a for-profit company with majority ownership by Baycrest that develops and markets brain games, employee assistance memory work-shops, smart phone and on-line applications for brain fitness, and clinical cognitive diagnostic tools. The company takes innovations developed in the Centre for Brain Fitness and turns them into market-competitive products that benefit the brain health of end-users.

baycrest’s president and chief executive officer dr. william reichman in beijing with dr. ze guang wang, exploring opportunities to bring our expertise in seniors’ health-care to china.

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board of directors

Jordan Banks

Jane Barratt

Jeffrey Blidner

Bonnie Freedman

Paul Godfrey

Daphna Grossman

Ellis Jacob

Paul Katz

Warren Kimel

Manfred Koo

Anthony Melman

Sioban Nelson

William Reichman

Craig Rimer

Stuart Schipper

Marla Shapiro

Honey Sherman

Pekka Sinervo

Karima Velji

Catharine Whiteside


Chair, Board of Directors

Baycrest Centre

Anthony Melman

Vice Chair

Baycrest Centre

Paul Godfrey


Stuart Schipper


Ellis Jacob

President and Chief

Executive Officer

William Reichman

Honourary Directors

Tobie Bekhor

Stephen Cole

Sydney C. Cooper

Ephraim Dimond*

Edwin Goldstein

Edwin A. Goodman*

Fred Karp

Sydney Loftus*

Geoffrey Matus

Florence Minz

Wilfred Posluns*

Sam Ross*

Joseph Rotman

Sam Ruth*

Marvin Sadowski

Lionel Schipper

Norman Schipper

Barry Sherman

Honey Sherman

Louis Siminovitch

Fran Sonshine

Honourary Governors

Walter Bick

Sydney C. Cooper

Edmond Creed

Leonard Davies

William Davis

Herbert Epstein

Alan Posluns

Sydney Robins

Monty Simmonds

Immediate Past Chair,

Board of Directors

Fran Sonshine

* deceased

executive team

President and Chief

Executive Officer

William Reichman

Vice President, Medical

Services and Chief of Staff

Paul Katz

Vice-President, Education

David Conn

Vice-President, Corporate

Services and Chief Financial


Laurie Harrison

Vice-President, Human

Resources and Organizational


Joni Kent

Vice-President, Research

and Director, Rotman

Research Institute

Randy McIntosh

Vice-President, Clinical

and Residential Programs and

Chief Nursing Executive

Karima Velji

Vice-President, Development

and Interim President, Baycrest

Centre Foundation

Florence Weinberger

Vice-President, Public Affairs

and Stakeholders Relations

Nancy Webb

medical advisory



Paul Katz

Daphna Grossman


Howard Dombrower

Sid Feldman

Terumi Izukawa

Rita Kandel

Randy McIntosh

William Reichman

Matthew Robillard

Gili Rosen

Karima Velji

Jon Ween

2010/11 baycrest board of directors, board of governors, executive team and medical staff

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2010/11 Baycrest fInancIal summaryyear ended march 31, 2011

revenue by organization

revenues by source

expenses by organization

expenses by type

55% Hospital

62% Provincial grants

52% Hospital

73% Salaries & benefits

12% Research

6% Other grants

15% Client revenues

11% Research

5% Depreciation

24% Apotex

10% Foundation grants

27% Apotex

18% Operating expenses

3% Other

5% Other revenue

4% Other

1% Interest expense

6% Terraces/Wagman

2% Commercial activities

6% Terraces/Wagman

3% Medical supplies/drugs

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research division revenues 2010/11

growth in peer-reviewed grants 2001–2011

research peer-reviewed grantsGrowth in external sources of research grant funding from 2001 to 2011.

* Fiscal 2007 includes equivalent of 18 months of funding for multi-institutional project.











06 $6,269







1 0


1 1


29% Foundation general grants8% Other funding

14% Foundation restricted grants

6% Commercialization & innovation funding

43% Peer-reviewed grants

baycrest financial summary 2010/11

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2010/11 Baycrest foundatIon fInancIal summary

sources of fundraising revenues

total assets 2006-2011

number of donors











1 1

1 1

38% Events24% Donor designated gifts

27% Annual Campaign & Planned Giving11% Additions to endowment capital













total revenues 2006-2011






1 1







year ended march 31, 2011

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now Is the tIme to support the future

message from the baycrest foundation board chair and interim president

in every generation and in every decade since it was founded on the values of judaism almost 100 years ago, baycrest has made remarkable contributions to the field of aging and seniors’ health care, both locally and globally.

International governments, universities, hospitals and long-term care facilities, from Beijing to Reykjavik, are looking to Baycrest for its expertise to help meet the escalating needs of the world’s aging population.

The Baycrest Foundation is extremely proud of Baycrest’s considerable achievements and the place it has earned on the world stage, and we are excited to support Baycrest’s aspiration to become the global leader in aging and the brain.

The strategic directions set out in the Next Generation of Baycrest are the same for both Baycrest and the Baycrest Foundation: leverage our strengths in order to enhance our ability to care for seniors; increase our impact worldwide; and generate revenue.

Just as Baycrest is seeking ways to commercialize its “know how” to achieve greater financial stability, the foundation is making headway in our endeavours to move beyond our traditional donor base and find new avenues of support.

The growth of our hockey tournament, the Scotiabank Pro-Am for Alzheimer’s, exemplifies our efforts to gain national exposure for Baycrest while raising funds in new markets. With tournaments in Toronto, Edmonton and Calgary this year, the Pro-Am has raised more than $16 million since 2006. Expansion to Ottawa and Vancouver next year, and Montreal in 2013, will generate critical new revenue for Alzheimer’s disease research and care.

Women of Baycrest (WB) is also raising Baycrest’s profile and garnering support from new individuals and corporations interested in finding ways to help women’s brains stay healthy longer. This year’s first academic symposium and upcoming public forum are introducing Baycrest to more people and gaining support for the WB’s $5 million campaign. In two short years, this incredible initiative has raised close to $2 million.

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Events as diverse as tennis, golf, cycling and dancing with stars continue to attract new participants and sponsors. This year, even with the tight competition for donor dollars, our events raised more than $7.5 million – a one per cent increase over last year – and our total number of donors rose by 18 per cent.

With donations coming in from 49 different countries around the globe, it is evident that Baycrest has made its mark far beyond our local community. However, the importance of our community donors, leaders and volunteers is indisputable. They are absolutely crucial to Baycrest’s ongoing success and we are extraordinarily grateful for their generosity and commitment.

Baycrest would not be where it is today without the formidable and constant support of our commu-nity, but a global leader requires global support. The Baycrest Foundation will continue to build on our strengths to ensure Baycrest fulfils its vision to bring innovations in aging and brain health to people around the world.

warren KimelChair, Baycrest Foundation Board of Directors

florence weinberger Interim President, Baycrest Foundation


Warren Kimel

President (until

January 14, 2011)

Mark Gryfe

Interim President

(as of January 17, 2011)

Florence Weinberger

Immediate Past Chair

Ronald Appleby

Chair, Women of


Lynn Posluns

Board of Directors

Cheryl Appleby Jackson

Karen Baruch

Tobie Bekhor

Golda Brown

Joseph Burnett

Hilda Cohen

David Cynamon

Aubrey Dan

John Doig

Andrew Duckman

Susan Fenwick

Garry Foster

Harvey Frisch

Laurence Goldstein

Mark Goodman

Joseph Gottdenker

Carole Grafstein

Molline Green

Robert Harlang

Mira Koschitzky

Anita Lapidus

Michael Levy

Randolph Masters

Harley Mintz

William Moir

Margaret Nightingale

Neville Pather

Gerald Pulvermacher

Philip Reichmann

Ian Rosmarin

Gerald Ross

Jeffery Ross

Shari Silverstein

Gerald Slan

Peter Slan

Fran Sonshine

Leonard Waldman

Carol Weinbaum

Nelly Zagdanski



Edwin Goldstein

Harry Gorman

Barbara Hania

Wilfred Posluns*

Barry Sherman

Ex Officio

Laurie Harrison

Geoffrey Matus

Anthony Melman

William Reichman

Craig Rimer

2010 event chairs



David Markowitz

Faye Markowitz

Strokes Fore


Perry Steiner

Ron Steiner

Leonard Waldman

Aces for


Andrew Duckman

Laurence Goldstein

Dancing With

Our Stars

David Cynamon

Stacey Cynamon

* deceased

2010/11 baycrest foundation board of directors

“The strategic directions set out in the Next Generation of Baycrest are the same for both Baycrest and the Baycrest Foundation: leverage our strengths in order to enhance our ability to care for seniors; increase our impact worldwide; and generate revenue.”


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ImagIne playIng professIonalhockey for fIve decades, havIng your Best season at age 48, and playIng wIth your two sons for seven seasons

gordie howe

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An innovative Baycrest hockey fundraiser launched in Toronto in 2006 with an ambitious goal to “Stick it to Alzheimer’s” is now becoming a national event, taking the Baycrest name across Canada and raising more than $16 million for Alzheimer’s disease research and care. Sponsored by Scotiabank, the tour-nament expanded to Edmonton in 2010, Calgary in 2011, and is expected to arrive in Ottawa and Vancouver in 2012 and Montreal in 2013. Gaining support and awareness nationwide and beyond is central to Baycrest’s new vision to become the global leader in aging and the brain.

“Baycrest’s history has been marked by unique ambition, remarkable accomplishment and

unrivalled leadership in our field,” says Dr. William Reichman, president and chief executive officer of Baycrest. “Our new strategic plan, The Next Genera-tion of Baycrest, includes rethink-ing our current business model and finding new, creative ways to bring in revenue so that we do not merely survive, but really thrive and instill a legacy that is national and global in scope. The Scotiabank Pro-Am for Alzheimer’s is one excellent example of that reinvigorated business model at work.”

corporate partnerships

Scotiabank came on board as the Pro-Am title sponsor in 2008, recognizing the potential of associating its brand not only with Baycrest, but with such an innovative event. Beyond supporting the Pro-Am’s national expansion, the partnership has enabled Baycrest to reach a new donor base through Scotiabank’s in-branch marketing initiatives.

“The Scotiabank Pro-Am com-bines our love of hockey with the fight against Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders – a health concern affecting half a million Canadians and their families, and, as our population ages, many more will be affected,” says Duncan Hannay, senior vice-president of Canadian Marketing at Scotiabank. “We believe very strongly in supporting the communities in which we live and work, with a focus on initiatives that are important to our customers and employees.”

association partnerships

Association partnerships have also been vital in helping grow the profile and reach of the event. The unique relationship with the NHL Alumni Association is the reason a roster of hockey stars is lacing up for the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. Those play-ers, and the chance to skate and stickhandle with them, drive the impressive fundraising numbers year over year. continued on page 28

takIng to the Ice for a great causescotiabanK pro-am for alzheimer’s goes national

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continued from page 27

Mark Napier, executive director of the NHL Alumni Association, knows personally from the experiences of his father-in-law the challenge of Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia and how expert diagnosis, followup and care at Baycrest can make a huge difference. “We play the tournament to raise money for Alzheimer’s research and, hope-fully, we can do our small part to help eradicate this awful disease. Every year we get a little bit closer and raise more and more money.”

Newly minted relationships with the Alzheimer Society of Canada and regional Alzheimer societies are helping expand the event’s reach as well. The Pro-Am launched successfully in both Edmonton and Calgary in partnership with the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories. Proceeds benefit the

Gordie and Colleen Howe Fund for Alzheimer’s, which supports research funded by the local Alzheimer society, and research and care at Baycrest. Expansion to other Canadian cities will build on that model.

the power of players

In 2011 alone, more than 1,500 amateur players – 15 teams in Calgary, 26 in Edmonton and 48 in Toronto – raised money for Baycrest. Many players are spreading the message through their fundraising networks.

“Because it’s hockey, this event has amazing potential to expose Baycrest to people who are out-side its traditional scope of influ-ence,” says Jay Waks, co-chair of the Toronto Scotiabank Pro-Am. “People play, raise money and come back year after year because of the energy of the event, the universal love of hockey and the

chance to support Baycrest doing something that is so unique.” That was certainly Josh Mosko’s experience. A lifelong hockey fan and avid player, he participated for the first time in 2010. It was such an amazing and meaningful experience that he captained a team in May 2011. But it’s not only the hockey that draws him to the event; it’s the chance to raise money for research into Alzheimer’s, a disease that has affected a number of his family members, both past and present.

“As one of the top 20 fundraisers last year, I got to play in the all star game and fulfil a childhood dream of playing with my brother alongside some of our hockey heroes, including Wendel Clark and Gary Roberts,” says Mosko. “My goal for this year was to raise even more money for Alzheimer’s research and create more lifelong memories.”



“The Scotiabank Pro-Am combines our love of hockey with the fight against Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders – a health concern affecting half a million Canadians and their families, and as our population ages, many more will be affected.”

raised for Alzheimer’s research and care

amateur players raised money for Baycrest

Page 31: Baycrest Annual Report 2010 2011

Women of Baycrest aim to raise $5 millionwomen of baycrest (wb) is making great strides in its efforts to raise $5 million for a new research chair in women’s brain health and aging, as well as innova-tive education initiatives. Through memberships, corporate support and special events, WB has now raised close to $2 million and is supporting the work of Baycrest researchers Drs. Tiffany Chow and Norman Farb.

This year, WB membership increased by 42 per cent from 242 members to 349, and Young Women of Baycrest (under age 35) grew by 38 per cent.

On April 6, 2011, WB held its first full-day academic symposium featuring scientists from across North America, with a focus on women’s brain health. A one-day public conference, The Women’s Brain Health Symposium, on October 18, 2011 will feature CTV News anchor Christine Bentley as emcee and guest speaker, and actress and women’s health advocate Hilary Swank. Materials from the symposia will be published in A Guide to Women’s Brain Health. WB is also working on the first Brain Health Cookbook. For more information, visit

Tennis tournament a smashing successthe second annual Aces for Alzheimer’s tennis tournament was a smashing success, raising $135,000 for Alzheimer’s disease research and care at Baycrest. On April 25, 2010, Mayfair Clubs once again graciously hosted and sponsored the event, which was co-chaired by Andrew Duckman and Laurence Goldstein.

Of the 48 registered players, the top fundraiser was Steve Miller, who was honoured with the Harold Soupcoff Memorial Trophy. Sign-up is about to start for the 2011 tournament, which takes place on October 16. Visit for more information.

2010/11 foundatIon hIghlIghts of the year

at the women’s brain health symposium launch, from left, Karen baruch, diane mavrinac-ross, simmie antflick, lynn posluns and ellen goldstein.

the 2010 aces for alzheimer’s committee presents a “big” cheque to dr. william reichman (right), president and chief executive officer of baycrest.

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biKe riders chalK up the miles for baycrest

on september 12, 2010, 134 cyclists

geared up for the 15th annual

Barrie to Baycrest/B2B 100-

kilometre bicycle ride, raising

$560,000 to bring the event’s

grand total to $8.6 million.

Proceeds from the 2010 ride

helped fund important brain

health and fitness initiatives at

Baycrest. All the cyclists are

committed to Baycrest and most

are repeat participants who often

ride with relatives and friends.

Two annual awards are presented

to cyclists who demonstrate

outstanding contributions and

ongoing support. This year’s

Harold Lederman Award went to

Lisa Draper and Michael Bregman,

and the Sam Ruth Award was

presented to Michael Diamond.

B2B celebrates its “Sweet 16” on

September 11, 2011 and is opening

spots for new riders. For informa-

tion, visit

Dancing stars light up the nightafter winning the wildy successful, inaugural Dancing with Our Stars fundraiser in 2009, David Cynamon was back, along with his wife Stacey, to co-chair season two in November 2010. Five community leaders – Zane Cohen, Eliot Muzzo, Honey Sherman, Anton Rabie and Linda Waks – performed complex dance routines with their professional dance partners, dazzling a cheering crowd of 900 supporters and celebrity judges including Bruno Tonioli from the popular television show Dancing with the Stars.

Hosted by actor-comedian Howie Mandel, the highly anticipated event raised an astounding $2.1 million to support Baycrest’s Centres for Innovations in Aging. Honey “Hip Hop” Sherman, who alone raised $725,000, was crowned the champion.

swinging into action for stroKe research and care

last fall, 60 lucKy golfers

swung into action at the 21st

annual Strokes Fore Stroke

golf tournament at the exclu-

sive Redtail Golf Course near

St. Thomas, Ontario and raised

$315,000 for stroke research

and care at Baycrest.

Larry Glazer received the Syd

Loftus Cup as top fundraiser for

the event, which was co-chaired

by Perry Steiner, Ronnie Steiner

and Lenny Waldman. Special

thanks to event sponsors C. A.

Delaney Capital Management Ltd.

and Allan and Susan Fenwick.

The 2011 Golf Classic is on

July 25 at the renowned

St. George’s Golf and Country

Club, host of the 2010 Canadian

Open. For more details, visit

barrie to baycrest co-founders larry saltsman and his wife, michelle lavine (left), celebrate at the finish line with michelle’s sister lesley sas.

dancing star honey sherman with dance partner, mikhail zaslavskiy (left), accepts the disco ball trophy from ed sonshine, ceo of evening sponsor, riocan.

at the 2010 strokes fore stroke (from left) co-chair perry steiner, committee member richard sherman and joey arfin give a lift to their fourth – professional golfer and stroke survivor andrew parr.

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thank you toall our Baycrest supporterswe would liKe to express our sincere appreciation to all those who made donations to baycrest during the period of april 1, 2010 to march 31, 2011. we are extremely grateful for your commitment and ongoing support.

pillars$1 million plusBen & Hilda Katz Charitable Foundation

builders$500,000 - $999,999The Kimel Family

founders$250,000 - $499,999David & Emily DurbinBarry & Honey ShermanLewis & Charlotte Steinberg Family Foundation

benefactors$100,000 - $249,999Allergan Inc.Lorne & Carol GoldsteinJoseph GottdenkerShirley GranovskyAnthony & Valerie Melman & FamilyDonald & Elaine RafelmanRioCan Real Estate Investment TrustRose Family FundJoseph & Sandra RotmanRoyal de Versailles Jewellers Inc.Louis SavlovJack & Anne WeinbaumIrving & Sylvia Wortsman

trustees$50,000 - $99,999Herb AbramsonC.A. Delaney Capital Management Ltd.Phillip & Peggy DeZwirekHarryetta HoldingsThe Koschitzky FamilyThe Joseph Lebovic Charitable FoundationSheila LoftusAllan MarkinMedical Pharmacies Group Inc.Bill MoirOZZ Electric Inc.Edward & Fran SonshineLawrence & Judith Tanenbaum Family Foundation

sponsors$36,000 - $49,999Canaccord GenuityDavid & Stacey CynamonAllan & Susan FenwickZoltan & Yetta FreemanHarvey & Leah FruitmanRobert & Edie HarlangThe Maxwell & Ruth Leroy FoundationPhillip & Barbara LevMacquarie Group FoundationMarel ContractorsAgnes MosesNancy PencerAnton & Ilana RabieRayjo Charitable TrustScotiabankTD SecuritiesWatson Building Supplies Inc.

guardians$18,000 - $35,999Agrium Inc.Bitove FoundationCanadian Direct InsuranceCanadian GypsumPaula CohenSydney & Florence CooperDeloitte & Touche Foundation CanadaCarey Diamond & Tina UrmanErnst & Young LLPFabricland Distributors Inc.Ken & Rachel FloodAron & Miriam FrankelGluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.The George & Kay Goldlist FoundationGoodmans LLPHarry & Sara GormanJoel & Ruth GreismanGeorge & Kitty GrossmanHSBC Bank CanadaBuschie KaminJack & Pat KayKenair Apartments LimitedHenrietta KostmanKPMG LLPAlbert & Temmy Latner Family FoundationThe Wolf Lebovic FoundationRobert & Sheila MastersMDC Partners Inc.Alan & Elise MecklingerThe Mendelson Family FoundationMetropiaMinto Foundation Inc

Barry & Esther NaibergPenn West Petroleum Ltd.Prominent Homes Ltd.Ellen & Martin Prosserman FoundationRBC FoundationRedev Properties Ltd.Reimer ConstructionRiocan Management Inc.Robins Appleby Charitable Foundation

Rolex Canada Ltd.Sam & Ida Ross FoundationJeff Ross & Diane Mavrinac-RossRoyal Painting & Contracting LimitedBill & Judith RubinsteinMichael SchayerMichael & Orna SerruyaAlex & Simona ShnaiderMark & Marla ShoomAllan & Hinda Silber

ways of giving

planned gift provides financial security to baycrest

After seeing the benefits his mother-in-law derived from living at the Terraces of Baycrest, David Durbin decided he wanted to make a meaningful contribution to Baycrest through a planned gift. “I could see how important this place was to my mother-in-law,” he explains, “so I chose to establish a charitable remainder trust as a bequest to Baycrest and to honour my late parents and brother.” A charitable remainder trust allows a donor to make a gift to a charity that will be realized in the future, yet they can continue to earn income on the money during their lifetime and receive an immediate tax credit. The Durbins add to the charitable remainder trust each year, provid-ing important financial security to Baycrest. In recognition of their support, a third floor wing in Baycrest Hospital was named in their honour.

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The Philip Smith FoundationSolutions With Impact Inc.Karen SoupcoffBryna & Fred SteinerJoey & Toby TanenbaumTrinity Development Group Inc.Harold VickersEvelyn Burns WeinribMilton & Florence WinbergHoward & Nancy Wise

patrons$10,000 - $17,999Adams & Waks ConstructionAlbi Homes LtdAlzheimers Society of Sarnia-LambtonAthletic KnitBarry & Eleanor ApplebyB. A. Beresh Professional CorporationAmnon & Karen BaruchBrian BereshBlake, Cassels & Graydon LLPJack & Kathy BloomLawrence & Frances BloombergMichael BregmanThe Brettler Mintz Charitable FoundationAllan & Lisa BrownBudds’ Imported CarsByron Developments LimitedCanadian Traffic NetworkBrett ChorneyChristenson DevelopmentsChristenson Equities Ltd.Cineplex Entertainment LPZane & Joan CohenSidney & Judith CohenStephen & Wendy ColeRichard & Sophia CrenianDavna InvestmentsColin DevineMichael & Janette DiamondMark & Shelley DiamondStephen & Karen DiamondPhil & Pearl EhrlichElite ConstructionEsro Construction LimitedH. Lawrence & Beverley FeinMinda Feldman & FamilyStephen & Rose FishmanAb & Phyllis FlattMichael & Sandra FlorenceGarry & Joanne FosterGeorge & Judy FrankfortSydney FrankfortCindy Freeman GordonDov & Nancy FriedbergGeorge FriedmannHarvey & Annice FrischNaomi FromsteinGBH Supply Inc.Max & Gianna GlassmanDavid L. Goldberg FamilyGoldman, Sachs & Co.Pearl GoodmanMichael Gordon & Gilda BergerJerry & Carole GrafsteinGrundy Holdings Inc.Harold R Vickers Prof. Corp.Harry Rosen Inc.William & Linda HechterBernard Herman & Sharon FlancmanHolcim (Canada) Inc.Home Trust CompanyIgloo Building Supplies

Interior Systems Contractors AssociationNorman & Gloria JacobsThe Jay & Barbara Hennick Family FoundationJoseph KerznerKIK Custom ProductsReuben KleinMurray & Marvelle KofflerKorn/Ferry InternationalGraeme MacGregorMarilyn MaheuxManulife Asset ManagementThe Marder Family FoundationJames MccoyEliot MuzzoNat Frankel Construction Ltd.Fred & Elaine NewmanWilliam & Gertrude NymanPals Surveys & Associates Ltd.Paul PapeParkview BMWPembina Pipeline CorporationMorris & Sarah PerlisPharmx Rexall Drug Stores Ltd.Alan & Sandra PoslunsPostmedia NetworkQuinn Corp Holdings Inc.Reinders Family FoundationThe Morris & Goldie Reiss Family Charitable FoundationLaurence & Helen ReissKurt & Edith RothschildDanny & Vivienne SaltzmanSambenco CorporationThe Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman FoundationPhineas & Francine SchwartzScotia Capital Inc.Scotiabank GroupAllen & Mary ShechtmanPhil ShnierS. Sigler Family Charitable FoundationNathan & Lily Silver Family FoundationAlbert SilverSheldon & Vivian SilverbergHoward Sokolowski & Linda Frum-SokolowskiJoseph SorenMynne SoupcoffSouthgate Buick GMCSpin Master Ltd.State of Israel BondsAndrew & Gaye SteinLouis StraussThe Joseph Tanenbaum Charitable FoundationTD Commercial BankingTech-Star Fluid Systems Inc.The Clyr Charitable FoundationThe Jodamada FoundationTim HortonsTorkin Manes LLPJohn & Lori UlmerGloria UngermanRhoda VynerFred & Linda WaksErnest & Susan WernerBurton & Marilyn WinbergChuck & Libby WinogradHarold & Carole WolfeHeather WoodsGerald & Elaine YaffeRochelle Zubcov

donors & supporters$5,000 - $9,999A.B.C. Recycling Ltd.Leonard & Marcy AbramskyAcme Scrap IronMarc & Karen AdlerAll Weather WindowsAllardyce Bower Consulting Inc.Keith Allin & Jan Loftus-AllinAlterra Developments 2000 LimitedArc Financial Corp.Avanzar Janitorial Services Ltd.Lewis & Elaine BakerHenry & Barbara BankRose BaumTed & Tobie BekhorBenclairAustin & Nani BeutelWalter B. BickBiltmore Inc.Roy & Ronna BirnboimBlankenstein Family FoundationAbraham Bleeman FoundationDavid & Molly BloomGary Bluestein Charitable FoundationBMO Capital MarketsBrad BolandSamuel & Rita BreslerBroadstreet Properties Ltd.Morley BrownBrownlee LLPJack & Marlene BrudnerMichael & Rena BucksteinIrwin & Shirley CadeskyCambridge GroupDavid & Vivian CampbellCamrost-Felcorp Inc.Canada West LimitedCanadian Western BankJordan CaplanSheldon & Bonni CarrCasimir CapitalCedarglen HomesRobert ChaissonMark & Gloria CharnessMarty CheyneCivil UndergroundArthur CohenGerald & Hilda CohenRichard & Clara CooperKen Crystal & Lynn PoslunsJack & Elaine CulinerCamille DanDanier Leather inc.Brian & Lois DemonePhil & Lisa DraperDavid DubeDuff & Phelps Canada LimitedDavid & Risa DulbergTom & Karen EhrlichElliott & Wendy EisenAnita EksteinElinchrom Ltd.Elktone Interiors LtdEmpire Health Distribution Inc.Enable Capital CorporationEnvyrozoneExcel HomesFalconcrest HomesDavid FarbermanKurt FeigelSusan & Stan FeldmanJon & Roberta FidlerFiera Sceptre Inc.Bernard FishbeinSteven & Susan ForbergStephen & Helen FreedhoffHarvey & Miriam Freedman

Jeremy Freedman & Judith Finer-FreedmanJoe & Budgie FriebergJoseph FriedBarry & Joy GalesGiftcraft Ltd.Edward & Heather GilbertLarry & Lynn GlazerLeonard & Eileen GoldRon & Anne GoldenMel GoldsteinMilli GouldHerman & Marya GradIrving & Toddy GranovskyGrant MacEwan UniversityThe Patrick & Freda Hart Green FoundationAl & Malka Green & FamilyDavid & Molline GreenMorton GreenbergMark & Pearl GryfeJack GwartzAnne HandelmanHarris, Scheaffer LLPDavid Helman & Gilda Goodman-HelmanAgnes HerczegHerzig Eye InstituteGary Himel & Risa MintzHKMB Hub International LimitedJoel & Lisa HockIbero-American Cultural SocietyInternational Forest Products LimitedAvrom IsaacsIvanhoe CambridgeEllis & Sharyn JacobMorris Justein & Myrna RossMarvin & Bernyce KaliferDavid Kassie & Susan HarrisRuth KerbelKilbarry Holding CorporationShawn KimelKRG Children’s Charitable FoundationMichael KrylovSy & Libby Ann LangerLeon & Anita LapidusLavtor Holdings (Alberta) LtdGary & Leila Lax and Bella GoldsteinLegacy KitchensMel & Helen LeidermanNathan & Glennie LindenbergBernie & Bev LittleLorex Canada Inc.Mackenzie Financial CorporationMadison Bathurst LimitedDavid & Faye MarkowitzJulia MarkowitzMauro Realty Ltd.Helen McinnisShelly & Sema MecklingerMurray & Pauline MenkesStephen MillerThe Peter & Melanie Munk Charitable FoundationLou & Wendy MylesJoseph & Freda NaimanDavid & Lorraine NakelskyYetta OrfusMartin & Myrna OssipPekarsky Stein Ltd.Shaya PetroffSheila PollockPopeyes Supplements CanadaPosluns Family FoundationPrairie Merchant CorporationPricewaterhouse Coopers LLPPrincipal Mortgage Group

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Provident Energy Ltd.Oskar RajskyDavid & Shanea RakowskiDarin RayburnThe Linda Judith Reed FoundationBill & Nancy ReichmanKevin ReinhartLouie & Marla ReznickElsie RichAndrew RivkinRon Hodgson Chevrolet-BuickJack Rose & Judith Megow-RoseIan & Pamela RosmarinJohn & Susan RothschildRobert RubinoffS.R.T. Med-Staff International Inc.Marvin & Victoria SadowskiSal InvestmentsLarry & Michelle SaltsmanSanderling Developments Ltd.Rosino SantoTom & Marjorie SchwartzCharles & Mina SchwarzRobert & Doreen ScolnickSeligman & AssociatesMarvin & Carole SherkinMilton & Joyce ShierRoberta ShnierDorothy ShoichetShoppers Drug Mart Life FoundationSilver Family Charitable FoundationLeonard Simpson & Micki Moore SimpsonThe Ernest & Helen Singer Family FoundationState Building CorporationHelen StollarHarvey & Lilyan StorkStuart Olson Dominion Construction Ltd.Avrom & Reesa SudSuper-Glide CanadaTailwind Capital Inc.Howard & Carole TanenbaumTerco Construction LimitedThe Cambridge ClubThe Lillian & Norman Glowinsky Family FoundationElliot & Sandra TitleStephen & Carole TitleMurray & Janice TkatchBenjamin & Sarah TorchinskyFreddie WaksWilliam WalkerWilliam & Phyllis WatersThe Meyer & Idelle Weinstock Charitable FoundationMark & Susan WeisbarthAllan & Terese WeisbergThe Weitz Family FoundationGord WiebeJerold & Gale WinterSidney WolbromThe Leonard Wolfe Family Charitable FoundationIrwin & Elayne WortsmanJay Wunder & Leesa AvrithDaniel & Shayna YolleckBernie & Carole Zucker

donors & supporters$1,800 - $4,999411 Local Search Corp.411.caIda AbramsAcumen Capital PartnersDoris Lee AdamsHoward AdamsAgincourt Roofing Ltd.Agnico-Eagle Mines LimitedAl - Terra Engineering Ltd.Michael & Pam AlbertKeith & Sheila AlexanderElsa AllenCory AlmquistStephen & Heshy AltbaumSamuel & Anne AlterAlzheimer Society of CanadaAlzheimer Society PeterboroughIrene AmramWalter & Edie ArbibARC Resources Ltd.Patrick Assaraf & Elise Latner AssarafATE Contracting Co. Ltd.Allan & Gila BadnerRichard & Harriet BainJudith BakerLarry & Arna BanackMark & Debbie BankJordan & Faith BanksBarb Morel FoundationDanny & Shelley BaruchBoyd BasarabaBeaverhall HomesGodfrey & Daryl BederLarry & Pearl BellBrent & Lynn BelzbergMurray & Cathy BelzbergBenedek FamilyRobert & Vivian BenmerguiThe Bennett Family FoundationDonald BennettDennis & Laura BennieGary & Rosa BenskyRalph & Fiona BensonJohn & Gay BergerIrving & Susan BergerRobert Berger & Marla ShapiroEric & Sheryl BerkeStuart BerkowitzRoy & Naomi BermanHarvey & Joan BernsteinFrank & Ellen BialystokDonald & Helen BibackBilly Bee Honey Products LtdHerb & Fran BinderBirchwood Properties Corp.Jack & Doris BistricerJeff & Ilsa BlidnerGerald & Pearl BloomMr. Leon Bloom & Dr. Bernita YoungBlue Bird DressJeffrey BlyBMO Harris Private BankingB’nai B’rith FoundationOliver BockGary & Harriett BomzaGary Bourgeois & Sheilah Wallin-BourgeoisMarc Boyman & Tiana Koffler BoymanBratty & Partners, LLPCecil & Elaine BrauerBarbara BregmanHarry & Bernice BregmanMike BroadfootAaron & Toby BrotmanBrown Window Corporation

Paul BrownHoward & Kim BrownVivien BrownMorton BrownsteinLisa BrushLois BucksteinTheodore & Esther BurnettBarry & Debra CampbellCanCare Health Services Inc.Rosanne CancianCanon Canada Inc.Martin & Fran CaplanMelvyn CaplanLorne & Trudy CappellCare Plus PharmacyCarl Orbach FoundationCascade Energy Services L.P.CB Richard Ellis LimitedCentron Group Of CompaniesCentury Home Fashions Inc.Rod CheresnuikCIR General Contracting Inc.Alec ClarkMarshall & Sandra ClavirCody ClaytonMarie ClippertonMickey Cohen & Judith Loeb CohenTrevor & Andrea CohenHilliard & Barbara CohenElliot & Maura CohenBob & Marilyn CohenAlan & Sharon LermanEsther ColeRichard & Gloria ColeConam Charitable FoundationIrving Cooper & Verna Wagman-CooperErnie & Barbra CooperJoel & Lorraine CooperJoseph CosentinoMal CovenDavid & Ellen CowanLaureen CowieBrian CraigRonald & Rene DaiterD’Angelo BrandsStuart & Andrea HytmanThe John & Myrna Daniels Charitable FoundationHugh Schure & Gayle DanzigerDaniel Daviau & Karine KriegerDecoriumIan & Kiki DelaneyDelbridge Contracting LimitedDeloitte & Touche LLPIfa DemonMarvin & Judy DemoneAlan & Joan DessauJason & Audrey DeZwirekShirley DiamondDivine Hardwood FlooringEleanor DoverDownsview Healthcare Inc.Downsview Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd.Downsview Plumbing LimitedDr. Norman Aurlick Dentistry Professional Corporation.Cyril & Risa DrabinskyJoseph & Angela DubrofskyDUCA Financial ServicesPhilip DuchenLindsay DvornikDynamic Tire Corp.Mr. Samuel EcklerRon & Honey EdelsteinEffort TrustMel & Sylvia EhrlichBeatrice Eisen

Joyce EisenRobert & Ellen EisenbergThe Mariano Elia FoundationEndeavour Promotions Inc.Stan EngelbergThe Edith & Bernard Ennis FoundationErin D. Wright Professional CorporationCharles ErlichmanAnnette ExtonHershell Ezrin & Sharyn Salsberg EzrinFabricville Co.Donald & Toby FarbAlan & Adele FarberPeter FariaFeature Foods International Inc.Rochelle FeldbergSaul & Toby FeldbergDavid & Angela FeldmanGoldie R. FeldmanRoni FeldmanFlorence FenwickBrad FergusonKenneth FieldGary & Tamara FineGeorge Fine & Lois Friedman FineSheldon & Norma FinkelsteinMichael & Judy FirestoneFirst Canadian Properties LtdEdward & Sylvia FischGeorge Fischer & Karen GreenAbe & Marcy FishMurray FlegelRussell & Mandy FleischerTed FoxPatrick FranceyFreedom International Brokerage CompanyJack Frieberg & Sandra HerlickDavid & Kathy FriebergAlan & Kelli FriedmanNorma FromerHugh Furneaux & Penny FineG4S Cash Solutions (Canada) Ltd.The Sam & Gitta Ganz Family FoundationHarvey & Sylvia GefenRay & Rhonda GelgootGenworth Financial CanadaThe Frank Gerstein Charitable FoundationBertrand Gerstein Family FoundationJon GilbertJohn GillMuriel GinsbergMartin & Shirley GlickGlobal Egg CorporationGlobal Machine & Supply IncClaire GlowinskyLeonard & Eleanor GodfreyCharles Goldberg & Carole GrusonMark & Esther GoldenbergNaomi & Gerald Goldenberg and Family Charitable FoundationStanley & Sue GoldfarbMarvin & Lillian GoldmanLarry & Anette GoldsteinGrace & Gilbert GoodmanMarvin & Diana GoodmanSheldon & Lindy GoodmanAlan & Renee GozlanJerry & Helen GradHarold GrammerRenata GrantGreat Gulf Homes

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Greatwest Kenworth Ltd.Bob & Lisa GrebenBarry & Lisa GreenDavid & Daphne GreenLindy GreenLou & Shirley GreenbaumJack & Anita GreenbergSidney & Reggie GreenbergGreenrock Investments Ltd.Norma GreenspanAllan & Rachel GreenspoonLorne & Iris GreenspoonMel & Mimi GreenspoonPaul & Debbie GreenspoonMark GrenvilleMichael GrobinHelen GrossDouglas GrundmanJan Gutter & Lauren GutterHoward Hacker & Lisa FeldRalph & Roslyn HalbertStephen & Andrea HalperinStephen & Carol HandelmanSam & Pam HandelsmanSteffany HanlenDale HansenPeter & Beverly HarrisJay & Janet HarrisJoseph & Linda HarrisHarvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd.Doug HaugheyFaryl HausmanHelp Eliminate Disease & Addiction CanadaDouglas & Judy HendlerBarbara & Jay Hennick Family FundHeritage Pointe Properties IncLarry & Simone HermanTodd & Carol HerzogB.A. Himel Family FoundationMory & Hindy HirtRonald & Heather HoffmanHopewell Residential Communities LPIvor & Este HughesHutton Forest Products Inc.Jarome IginlaIngot Metal Company Ltd.Jack Chisvin Holdings LimitedThe Jackman FoundationRosemary JaffaresHenry JakubovicJatec ElectricJokabe Oilfield Services Ltd.Harvey & Marsha JosephHillel & Donna KaganBruno & Christine KaiserAllen & Sharon KarpMarty & Sandra KarpToby KasnerEdward KasselMarvin & Estelle KatesFred Kaufman & Donna Soble KaufmanJay KellermanMarty Kelman & Gilda TanzNorman & Ellin KertRoey & Wendy KertMorris & Miriam KerznerBarbro KimelCharles KirkPatti KirkKen Kirsh & Faith Roebuck-KirshPaula KirshSarah KirznerKatie KlasnerAllan & Christine KlassenStuart & Francie KleinZelda Korenblum

David & Marla KormanIsrael Koschitzky Family Charitable FoundationHenry & Julia KoschitzkyBernard & Nancy KraftKenneth KramerHenry & Barbara KriegerJohn KrillKeith KrokerKubikLorn & Karen KutnerL. E. Glazer Architect LimitedLagover Mutual Benefit SocietyJoel & Elizabeth LandauJack & Ferne LangerRene LapradeFrank & Nancy LaurieKaryn LazareckMarlyne LazerBruce & Lianne LeboffHarry LebovicRob LeoneJudith LeranbaumAlan & Ellen LevineLarry & Cecily LevineMurray & Sandy LevineMichael & Caren LevySally LibmanRena LichtblauPhillip & Fauna LidskyLincolnberg Homes Ltd.Lions Club of StreetsvilleMarc Lipton & Carolyn NaimanHenry & Burtha LissMichael & Rayna LitchenPaul & Marilyn LittleMark & Beth LitwinFred & Mary LitwinLoyaltex Sourcing, Inc.Ben & Jill LustigJeff & Sandy LyonsRuth MagderMagna IV EngineeringNatie MaisterJudith MandelMin MandelSeth MandellManulife FinancialLeora MarcovitzAnita MarcusMalcolm & Andrea MarcusZoe MargolisIvan MarkMarkio Designs Inc.Frank MarkusLaurie MarkusMartin & Judith MarkusStanley MartinMaster Property Consultant GroupMasters Insurance LimitedRandolph & Risa MastersTony MateraDavid & Leanne MatlowIrving & Esther MatlowJames McintyreMyra MerkurKen & Renee MetrickHoward MeyerAlbert & Esther MichaelsTom MihalikMark & Susan MilchmanEarl & Eleanor MillerRon & Lesley MillerMurray & Susy MillerHarley Mintz & Judy NymanSaul & Evelyn MintzFaye MinukSam & Michal MizrahiModern Granite & Marble Inc.

Mosaic Studios IncMr. Submarine LimitedMulmer Services Ltd.Allan & Esther NadlerBerl & Rebecca NadlerEleanor NadlerHarvey & Barbara NaglieQuentin NanningaMartin & Georgine NashNexen Inc.NickelodeonAb & Frances NiskerNeil & Rachel NiskerNortown AirNova Services Group Inc.Leon & Paula NussbaumLeland OberstAnnette F. OelbaumOf Things Past Inc.Albert & Margi OksnerBenson OrensteinMark & Zippy OrlandFred & Marty PanetScott & Linda ParisEric Paul & Risa RotenbergAl PearlsteinEd & Deanna PeransonVictor & Esther PetersSteven & Wendy PezimPicov Farms Inc.Jack & Marti PilzRichard Pivnick & Annette PivnickAdam & Karen PivnickDanny PivnickJillian PivnickSaul & Sandra PlenerJoseph PodemskiGary & Alison PolanDavid & Felicia PoslunsIrving & Elissa PoslunsNancy PoslunsLewis Mitz & Wendy PoslunsAndrew PringlePrior Construction CorporationProbyn Eastman Ltd.Miriam PruskyMorton & Sylvia PullanWayne & Marlene PulverQualico LandQuince Flowers Ltd.Harry & Karen RadomskiLeonard & Carol RaizinEsterita RajskyRealm Developments Ltd.Linda ReedFred ReismanJoel & Jill ReitmanRichard RennickRESULTS.comGarnet & Lisa RichRichard S. Rennick Professional CorporationLuba RichardsonRigsat CommunicationsCraig Rimer & Elyse ZelunkaRiva Plumbing Ltd.Paul RivettMark Rivkin & Jenny SolurshMonica RobertsThe Lionel Robins FoundationMarvin & Natalie RoebuckRomspen Investment CorporationThe Rose CorporationRose E. Dee (International) LtdArthur & Helen RoseHarry & Evelyn RosenLarry Rosen & Susan JacksonElliott & Rina RosenbergDavid Ross

David P. RossGraeme RossBarry & Chris RotenbergNorman & Ronda RothRonald & Lynda RothJohn Rothstein & Dionne KleinEarl Rotman & Ariella RohringerMichael RoulstonNeville Rozowsky & Penny PetroffJeff & Honey RubensteinFred RubinoffLloyd RubinoffJordan RumanekNancy RuthSamuel J. & Jean Sable FamilySusan SacchiRichard & Honi SacksMark & Susan SagerAndrew & Judith SandersHans & Arlene SandersLouis & Fern SandersJohn SandersSarasota Homes Ltd.George & Lesley SasDavid & Mary SaundersBob & Marlene SavlovMichael & Julia SaxStewart & Dianne SaxeStuart & Jayne SchipperPaul Schnier & Liz WolfeScotiabank AlbertaLawrence & Kesa SendersSerenity Funeral ServiceDean SetoguchiSF Partnership, LLPSGNC Charitable TrustDavid & Wendy ShapiraDavid ShareShaRna FoundationSteven & Ricki SharpeMarvin & Elaine ShedletzkyStan & Donna ShenkmanRobert & Mona SherkinLeslie & Freida ShermanWilliam & Gwen ShermanLisa ShiffMendel & Anita ShoreJudi ShostackGloria ShulmanAlan & Monelle SiegalJulie SilverLouis & Roz SilversteinRon & Shari SilversteinFred & Rene SkurkaGerald & Judith SlanPeter & Neri SlanJames & Elaine SlaterPaul & Carol SlavensSMS EquipmentSniderman InvestmentsSoberman LLPFrancine SocketEthel SolomonHarvey & Renee SolurshSorrell Financial Inc.Sylvia SoykaSaul & Hermi SpearsPaul & Roseanne SpiarHarold SpringYittie StarkmanSteeles Memorial ChapelBernard SteinbergRonald Steinberg & Nancy PrusskyJay & Carole SterlingRobert & Dorothy SterlingGary & Julie SternZan & Sylvia SternLou & Edith StillmanBert & Barbara Stitt

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Dorothy StoneJoan StosselErwin & Debra StuartMartha SudBarbara SugarSupplements Canada WestEric & Lynn SutkiewiczBob SuttonRay & Helen SweigSusan SzainwaldGabriella SzantoSheldon & Susan TaerkCarol TanenbaumTDL Group CorpTeamsters Local Union No. 362Paul & Kitty TeppermanThe Cupcake ShoppeThe Leslie Group LimitedThe Manson Family FoundationThe Metrick SystemThe Pickle Barrel RestaurantsThe Reisler Group Inc.The Shandex GroupThe Tiffen CompanyStephen & Christine TileBernie TishmanBarry & Maxine TissenbaumGary & Evelyn TitleMoses & Temara Tobe Foundation Inc.Erwin TonnTrail AppliancesTundra Boiler & InstrumentationTurner Fleischer Architects Inc.Nadine TytelUBS Securities Canada Inc.Alan & Sally UngermanUp Media Group Inc.Darryl Ura & Joanne NiskerJoel & Helen ValeDavid & Susan Van Der HoutHerbert & Andrea VeismanRichard Venn & Carol MitchellViewmark Homes Ltd.Village Auto Of AncasterVistek Ltd.Brett VynerJoanne WaddingtonBeulah WagmanElliott & Helene WahleLionel & Sandra WaldmanPaul & Sandra WalfishSteven Warsh & Debra AlexanderWasser Holdings LimitedGary WassermanStephen & Janet WassermanMargaret WayneLen & Adele WechslerGeorge & Florence WeinbergerHank & Jo-Anne WeinsteinLucy WeinsteinMyrna WeinsteinMoss Weinstock & Michelle PorepaStephen & Terri WeintraubPhil & Cecilia WynnWeisz Family FoundationThe Eddie & Marilyn Weisz Family FoundationThomas & Sasha WeiszWellington West Capital Inc.Judith WellsAllen & Janet WergerWest Coast Classic Invitational Golf TournamentWhissell Contracting Calgary Ltd.Whitecastle Investments LimitedMorris & Audrey WilsonFrank & Judith WilsonDaniel Wilton

Jack & Judy WinbergHerbert & Fern WisebrodJack & Nan WisemanBarbara & Harvey Wolfe Family Charitable FoundationRalph & Renée WolfeRichard WolfeSheila WolfishHenry WolfondSimon & Liora YakubowiczHoward & Felice YesovitchMarvin Yontef & Fran TopplinRochelle ZabitskyHarold & Beverley ZacksIan & Sara ZagdanskiTim ZarownyAlan & Michelle ZelunkaOscar Zimmerman & Anna DayZolty Charitable FoundationWalter & Helen Zwig

donors & supporters$1,000 - $1,7993Haus Photographics659825 Alberta Ltd.751492 Alberta Ltd.794334 Alberta Ltd.ABG Ontario Inc.Sam AbouhassanAbsolute Interiors Inc.Absolute Mechanical Ltd.ACL Student BenfitsAdvanced ChiropracticJack AgriosSteven & Rosanne AinAlarmForce Industries Inc.Alberta NeonAlpa Stairs & Railings Inc.Ampere LimitedAnn Love InteriorsAntamex International Inc.Brad AntoniukArcom EnterprisesJoey & Sandy ArfinTimothy ArnettAspen Ridge HoldingsJoshua Auslander & Karen Glenn-AuslanderPaul & Pamela AustinAvcon ConstructionAvenex Energy CorpAvison Young Property Advisors & Managers Inc.Avoca Technologies IncorporatedBaagwating Community AssociationGlenn BabcockGeoff BadgerBailey’s Ice CreamBakonyi & CompanyRobert BalfourWilliam BallardMeyer & Anita BalterAllan & Anne BankBarclays Bank PLCAllan & Stacey BarishEleanor Barlin-DanielsJeff Barnes & Marcia ZukerMarvin & Linda BarnettDTZ Barnicke LimitedDavid Barth & Sheryl GutzinPeter & Jeannie BarthaJoseff & Susan BaruchRon & Sharon BaruchSaniout BassiliousBateman FoodsBayview Summer Homes LimitedBayview Summit Development Ltd.

Edwin & Elaine BeallorTodd & Catherine BeallorHoward & Delores BeckBeckett Electrical Inc.Adam BederPaul BeestonAbe & Simmie BekerRobert Beliak & Tamara GliedBelrock Design Build Inc.Benefit Strategies Inc.Alan & Wendy BergerPaul & Barbara BernsteinGeoff BertramMurray & Mary BetelBird Mountain Homes IncRonald & Bonnie BirkenBistro On AvenueBistro on DufferinBKDI ArchitectsBlack Diamond Group LimitedThe Norman Black FoundationJim BladonMurray & Ellen BlanksteinLeon & Terry BleiwasDavid & Cheryl BlinickNed & Doris BlinickElaine BloombergStan Bobrow Projects Inc.Paul BodnarchukNorman BoersmaHarvey S. BordenAndrew & Marlene BorinsSheldon Bornstein & Marla Levant-BornsteinBoss LubricantsBoston PizzaDavid BowmanBrampton Brick LimitedWilliam BreretonHildegard BreuerSarah BrickmanRobert BridelLeif BristowBritco StructuresDavid BroadhurstChristina BroekerMarsha BronfmanRick BronsonJudi BrotmanDavid W. BrownGary & Gail BrownLinda BrownMel BrownMorris & Freda BrownSidney BrownSid & Gina BrownBudget Brake & Muffler Distributors Ltd.Mike BullardJoseph Burnett/Burnac Corp.Craig ButlerCabinet Doors and MoreHugh CameronScott CameronCamp New MoonMichael CampbellCanada Brokerlink Inc.Canada LifeCanadian Forest Oil Ltd.Canadian Mortgage Capital CorporationCanadian Tech Air Systems Inc.Canyon Spring Master BuilderCarbecca ConstructionCarma Developers LPGreer CarterCash Store FinancialBryan CathcartCedar Creek General ContractingCentury Hospitality Group

Chaitons LLPChallenger Homes Inc.Rafael & Linda CharykIndraneal ChatterjeeAki & Gail ChencinskiJ.S. Cheng & Partners Inc.Joy Cherry WeinbergChisholm Mechanical Contractors Ltd.Andrew ChisholmJeff & Shawna CitronMichael ClaytonCLC Construction Ltd.Judith CohenPeter & Ricky CohenBeverley & Samuel H. CohenGeorge & Susan CohonPeter CohosJudith ColdoffClifford ColeJeffrey & Dianne ColeColliers InternationalJason CollinsColonial Building RestorationTony ComperWilliam ComrieContact Chemicals Inc.Michael CooperRose CooperCorby Distilleries LimitedCoreydale Contracting Co.David CotterchioCougar Contractors LtdCougar Fuels Ltd.Collin & Marian CraigPurdy CrawfordJudy CsillagCST CorporationBernie CugelmanCulloden HoldingsCushman & Wakefield LepageLawrence & Elizabeth CynaEd & Lorraine CyrankiewiczVern Da ReSteve & Pearl DacksDaiter’s Creamery & AppetizerThe Gussie & Thomas Dale FoundationDalson Marketing 79 Ltd.Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPSean & Jennifer DebowLyndon DecoreDale DegnerGeno Della RoccaPerry DellelceAllan Detsky & Rena MendelsonHoward & Mirah DetskyDiamond CorpJules & Reesa DiamondWilliam DicksonJoseph DicksteinDMS Financial ManagementJohn DomsyMiriam DorfmanDouble R Building Products LtdDoug’s Place Collision Repair Inc.Arthur DowntonDrain-Tite Industries Inc.Karyn DrewnowskyRuth DruxermanDuncan Homes LimitedArthur & Agi DunecDuron Ontario Ltd.E & S Mechanical LimitedE Construction LtdBernice EcklerNorman & Ellen EcklerJim & Kaitlin EcklerEcoh Management Inc.

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Eecol Electric Corp.David EhrlichAlex & Olga EisenElite Roofing & Contractors LimitedElliott & Rina Rosenberg Charitable FoundationElliott & Parr (Peterborough) Ltd.Encore SalesBeatrice EndlerSheila Engel CohenEngelite Charitable FoundationEpson CanadaPaul EveredExport Metal Salvage Ltd.Export Packers Company LimitedHaron & Irene EzerFaithfull Friends FoundationJay FefermanFeigelsohn KellarBernard & Barbara Feinstein

Alan & Beverlee FeldmanAllen & Marilyn FeldmanGail FieldsJoseph FierroFillmore ConstructionFinningJack FiremanWarren & Courtney FiremanMartin & Marilyn Firestone

Frank & Deborah FisherKevin FisherFlatt FoundationHoward & Nancy FleischerJackie FlorenceKen & Melanie FlorenceDavid & Anita FranklinJanet FranklinFraser Milner Casgrain LLPJay FreemanJeremy & Elayne FreemanHerb & Betty FriebergAlan & Janice FriedmanPeter & Eva FriedmannRobert & Toba FrimetSandra B. FruitmanSheldon & Sharron FruitmanD H Gales Family Charitable FoundationSteven & Debbi GallenArthur & Shelley Gans

Ed & Pauline GarberGardiner Roberts LLPGates Canada Inc.Howard & Carole GelfandGem Campbell Terrazzo & Tile Inc.Genumark Promotional Merchandise Inc.Rick GiammarinoFaye Gitter

Richard GlattDavid & Marilyn GlickEddie Glick & Susan Rapoport GlickWilliam & Marika GliedGlobal Accident Legal Services Professional Corp.Global EdmontonNorman Glowinsky & Lillian Vine GlowinskyPaul & Gina GodfreyStanley & JoAnn GoldAllan & Linda GoldCharles & Marilyn GoldHoward & Denise GoldBernat & Jennie GoldbergerMalka GoldenbergErika GoldfarbHarry & Gayle GoldgutDavid & Marilyn GoldharLeo & Sala GoldharCal & Donna GoldmanGary & Wendy GoldmanDavid & Bonnie GoldsteinDavid GoldsteinNorman & Ellen GoldsteinMarvin GordLindsay GordonPhilip & Rachel GordonHoward GormanIrwin & Judith GouldMichael & Dianne GouldJonathan & Hannah GraffCecil & Lee GraffMark & Cheryl GrammerShawn GrantFred GreenTerry & Mimi GreenMark & Corin GreenbergRichard Greene & Shelly HaberBrian Greenspan & Marla BergerMark & Susan GreenspanHarry & Ruthe GreenspanBen & Jacqui GrosmanPegi Lee Gross & Associates Inc.Sheldon GrossRob GrundlegerGS HoldingsDan GundersenIna GurofskyChris Guthrie & Elisabeth WigmoreGary & Myrna GutmannH & M HospitalityBrent HalarewichGerald & Tootsie HalbertMark & Cindy HalperinHenry HammAdrian & Shirley HanickMark HanleyMatt HanleyJay HaralsonHarbour Mortgage Corp.Cheryl HargraveHarris RebarElaine HarrisBarry HeckJoel HeftAlexander HefterHelard Investments LimitedRickey HennickStephen W. & Marcia HerbertAubrey HermanPeter & Janet HermanHigh Standard LandscapeDavid & Cathy HimelfarbSheldon HirschAllen & Celia HirshHM HospitalityJoseph & Helen Hochberg

Jo Ann HoffmanAlan & Jennifer HoffmannMichael HoggAudrey HolgateMel & Marlyn HorowitzGary HudsonHumford Management Inc.Hunt Design Associates Inc.Tally HutchinsonHydro One Employee’s & Pensioner’s Charity Trust FundKaren HymanJill Wagman & Warren IkemanIndustrial Electrical Contractors LimitedIntact Insurance CompanyInvar Building CorporationIress CanadaArthur & Sandra IrvingDavid Isenman & Jacqueline SegallPeter JacksonJudy JacobsJardine Lloyd Thompson CanadaCarson JenJoachim JeschkeIsaac & Basia JesinVadim JivovJones DesLauriers Insurance Management Inc.David JuvetAlfred KalkeBrian & Alison KashinWilliam & Carol KasselHarvey & Helene KatzPaul Katz & Laurel PfeilTony KatzDavid & Sarah KaufmanNathan & Carol KaufmanThe Henry & Berenice Kaufmann FoundationIser KayKatherine KayRoland KeiperMichael KennedyMichael & Rachel KerbelTheodor KerznerMichael & Henrietta KestenbaumPerry KieferAndrew KimRodney KingThe Dianne & Irving Kipnes FoundationKirschner, Swanson & Kane LLPAnne KirshJoel KirshEric KirznerFred & Joan KlapJoe KlassenHenry KlecanLes Klein & Toby RoseDale KleinSamuel KleinbergKeith KloverMelvin KlugMichael KochShirley KofmanRyan KonotopskyMarc & Joy KoplowitzMarshall & Tami KorenblumClifford & Katy KormanHoward & Linda KornblumJoel & Judy KornblumAlan & Shayndee KornblumAlexander KossmanBrandon KotGordon KotlerKott LumberJack KovenKraft Berger LLP

annual campaign funds the most urgent needs

Max and Gianna Glassman feel a sense of respon-sibility for the frail elderly who require the kind of care only available at an organization like Baycrest. They know each patient and resident is an individual who was once vibrant and ener-getic with a joie de vivre that may have been suppressed by illness or the effects of aging. “It could, and possibly will, happen to us,” Max reflects, “so we owe it to them to help.” For this reason, the Glassmans are long-standing Baycrest supporters and founding members of our presti-gious Circle of Honour — donors who make a four-year commitment to the Baycrest Foundation Annual Campaign, which provides unrestricted funds for Baycrest’s most urgent needs. This year, the Glassmans made their second four-year pledge to ensure Baycrest has the funding it needs to help those who need it most.

ways of giving

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Paul & Rhonda KrandelDanny & Myra KrangleKrauss Family Charitable TrustRobert KriscunasGordon & Deborah KrofchickKronis Rotsztain Margles CappelKrylov & CompanyBill KucharukKwinter Packers Ltd.Candace KwinterBobby KyleChris LachancePhilip & Caryn LadovskyBernard & Ryna LangerDonna LarkinWilliam LarkinCarl & Randy LaskinAlbert Latowsky & Faye ArnoldLaurentian Bank of CanadaClifford & Joan LaxMike LeeAllan & Barbara LeibelJerry & Lily LeidermanMark LeierBob & Judy LesterKaren LevensteinThe Ruth & Irving Levine FoundationMichael Levitt & Barbi Benjamin-LevittThe Abner Levy FoundationRichard & Rena LevyRandy LewisRhoda LewisStephen LewisLeon Liffmann & Miriam ShiellLawrence LightLincolnberg Communities Inc.Ken LindsayHarvey & Sharon LipmanPhilip Lipsey & Arlene AckermanNorton Lithwick & Adele RichSheldon & Marilyn LittleRobbie & Mindy LittleEinat LitvinovLoblaws Inc.Don & Lorraine LoebNorty & Geraldine LongertLund Propane Ltd.Ian & Elaine LurieMichael & Vikki LyonsM & A GabaeeM.A. Reuter Benefits IncRonald & Diana MacFeetersSerena MachatMacleod Dixon LLPGary MacneilSherry MailoMichael MajorHoward & Fran MalachGerald & Susan MaldoffMalen CapitalHoward ManleyMaplebank Homes LimitedGreg MartinLarry MartinRonald MasleckMastermind ToysJoel MatlinRobert MattacottMattamy Homes LimitedJonathan & Beverly MatthewsDebra MauroArlene MayersMayfair Tennis Courts LimitedMCAP Commercial LPMcDonald’s Restaurant of Canada Ltd.Peter McdougallMike Mcinnis

Rod McinnisJames MckelvieBrian MclachlanMcLennan Ross LLPMcMillan Family FoundationMcnish Steel LtdBrian MedjuckHeidi MedlineJames Meekison & Carolyn KeystoneRonald & Wendy MelvinAlan & Patti MenkesMerck FrosstEphry & Barbara MerkurPeter MertzMarty & Sharyn MiddlestadtMidwest Propane IncMilestone Property Management LimitedMichael & Ellen MillerEric MillerMint Homes Inc.Anil MitalManny Mitchell & Merle FriedmanModern Niagara Toronto Inc.Molinaro’s Fine Italian Foods Ltd.James More & Bonnie ShoreMori Lee LLCDavid MorrowPaul & Karen MortonDavid MoseleyAlex MosesEldon MosesMilton & Sandra MoskowitzHelen MosoffMoulding & MillworkMr. Greenjeans RestaurantBarry MunroRick MurrayRobert MuschampMutual Propane LtdAndy MyersDavid & Sharon NaibergAndrei NemirovskiDennis NerlandNew Securities LPChrista NicholsonMac & Faye NiskerNomad Editing Company, Inc.Nordic Mechanical ServicesDerrick & Louise NovisMark & Barbara NusinoffOdyssey America Reinsurance CorporationJordan & Barbara OelbaumAdrienne M. OffmanAllan & Lesley OffmanOnex CorporationOptus Capital Corp.Max & Marlene OrenbachThelma OrzeckJack OslandPacesetter Homes Ltd.Correen PachtPal Insurance Services LimitedMarie PallLarry PalsVic PamenskyJ. E. Panneton Family FoundationGary ParkRichard & Ellen PaulinMayeer & Stacey PearlGeoff & Linda PearlsteinElliott Peranson & Sharon CohenReynah PereiraGary & Corinne PerlmutarJoseph & Judy PernicaPetrocom Construction Ltd.Pfizer Canada Inc.PGA Architects

Steve & Paula PippertMartin & Debbie PivnickSheldon & Nonie PlenerDavid PodmoreLarry PollockBob PomerantzPopeye’s Supplements CalgaryPopeye’s Supplements OttawaPopeye’s Supplements TorontoRick & Debra PottensPowerone Capital Markets LimitedLeonard PowersPPSA.CAPrairie Mud ServicePremform LimitedStephen & Susan PustilMark PytoshQuest Window Systems Inc.Ranchman’s RenegadesBernard RaschMichael RayfieldHarvey & Linda RechtsmanSeth ReichmanPaul & Lea ReichmannReitmans (Canada) LimitedRussell & Janie RendelyGary RichVerona RichardsSteven & Estelle RichmondJack RitchieLisa RitchieJay RobinsonFran RodnessRogers Cable Communications Inc.Rose, Persiko, Rakowsky, Melvin LLPJordan & Gina RoseRobert RoseIrving L. Rosen FoundationHerb & Riva RosenfeldWilliam & Bertha RosengartenMichael & Deanna RosenswigRonald & Cynthia RosenthalJeff & Lori RosenthalRosmar Drywall LtdRoss Clair ContractorsGerald & Pauline RossAvie & Fonda RothMarvin & Sybil RothschildKen Rotman & Amy KaiserThe Royal Canadian Legion General Wingate (Ontario No. 256)RRMG Professional CorporationAlan & Elaine RubinoffDaniel Rumack & Gail BurnettDean RutledgeJeffrey SackMark & Fern SadowskiMarian SaltsmanFrank SammeroffSamper Developments Ltd.Lawrence & Kay SandyMichael & Joan SaronSaskatchewan Minerals Inc.Ruth SchacterLes & Judy ScheiningerLionel & Carol SchipperNorman & Honey SchipperOskar Ascher Schmidt Charitable FoundationBrian & Ellen SchneidmanAbe & Pearl SchwartzCarol SchwartzMorry SchwartzJack SchwartzbergEarl & Joanne SchwebelScor Canada

Seaspan Marine CorporationMarianne SegerJoel & Tammy SeigelRobert SellarsHarry & Betty SendersSennheiserSentinel Storage CorporationZev & Susan ShainhouseShanked Computer Recycling Inc.Robert & Naomi ShaperoShaw’s Enterprises Ltd.Barbara ShefskyShepherd’s Care FoundationSherman & Cappell Investments LimitedHarry ShermanDavid & Francine Shields Family Charitable FoundationArthur & Margaret ShiffGary ShiffRandy & Donna ShiffDavid & Edna ShiffmanShimmerman Penn LLPSolomon ShinerMark & Mira ShnierPaul & Elissa ShnierSaul & Thelma ShulmanCary & Ruth SilberSilcom Interiors & Contracting Inc.Esther SilverLarry & Carolyn SilverbergLarry Silverberg & Judi GottliebSid & Sue SilverbergThe Saul A. Silverman Family FoundationChoc & Gail SilversteinHarvey SilversteinJeff & Rhoda SimbrowSimplexGrinnellHelen SimpsonPekka SinervoHenry & Sueann SingerAdrienne & Joel SlanSlavens & Associates Real Estate Inc.Barry SlawskySam & Marilyn SliwinDavid Smith & Amy GaskinJerry & Christine SmithJohn SmithSam & Joyce SnidermanTony & Eliza SolomonIan & Dahlia SolomonHenry SolowGary & Carole SolwayCam SonnenbergSOROCSoul Integrated SolutionsRodrigo SousaStan Spencer & Maryam LevitanWayne SquibbSRS Restoration LimitedLaurie StarkmanRita StarkmanStay Kleen Services & Contracting Ltd.Steel-Craft Door Products Ltd.Michael & Joanne SteinbergWilf & Susan SteinbergJoseph & Elaine SteinerMark & Cheryl SteinerRonnie & Sandy SteinerBarbara StepakStephenson Engineering Ltd.Michael StewartMartin & Francie StormStrategic OutdoorRobert L. StromSugardale Homes Limited

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Richard SugarmanConstance SugiyamaSuperior Medical LimitedSureway Construction GroupSussexwest Developments Inc.Suzi-Q Textiles (1998) Ltd.Martin & Barbara SverskyCarol SwallowMalcolm & Marjorie SwartzSweetner Homes LimitedPhilip SwiftSwim TimeT.I. Marketing Inc.Rose & Charles TabachnickNeil & Lauren TabatznikBryan TannenbaumArthur & Harriet TarshisLorne & Sharon TarshisEnzo TatangeloRobert TatangeloMartin & Ruth TauberMichael & Ronda TaylorSydney & Ethel TaylorTD Waterhouse Private BankingTD Williamson Canada ULCTechnicoil CorporationTenkorn HoldingsTeskey Construction LimitedStan & Dorothy TessisTeva CanadaTGM InvestmentsThe Bridge Network Inc.The Bridle Bash FoundationThe Group Connect Ltd.The Herzig Eye InstituteThe Liquor Depot Charitable FoundationThe Plan Group Inc.The Sovereign General Insurance CompanyDan ThemigSam ThiermanAdam ThomasMary ThroopTim HortonsTnt High PressureEsther TockSherie TonerLance TorgersonToronto Residents in PartnershipTorys LLPTotten Group InsuranceTrans American Customs Brokers of Canada Ltd.Travelers Guarantee Company of CanadaTreeview Homes LimitedTridel CorporationTrimor Capital CorporationSteven TrosterAndrew TylmanDavid & Chantal UlmerUniversity CityUrbanscapesDavid UsherVantage Asset ManagementVencor Production Testing Ltd.Verdiroc Development CorporationGeorge VertesVictoria Park PropertiesDavid VinokurSam ViseViterraVolker Stevin Contracting Ltd.Vulcan Electrical Ltd.Mark & Valarie WaferWilliam WagmanLorie WaisbergJeffrey Walderman & Eva Schilling

Mike WalkerRichard WallinWalton Capital ManagementKing WardMary WardLarry & Marla WasserNorman WattRobert & Rochelle WaxmanBernard & Belle WeinsteinMichael WekerleMarvin & Lynda WengerRichard & Wendy WengleSteven WesfieldMichael & Cheryl WestGary WestmanWetaskiwin Credit UnionLeon & Iris WevermanGerald WhitesideMitchell & Lilian WhyneWilliam Wiener & Lillyann GoldsteinDouglas & Ruth WilanskyWilbur-EllisWildeboer Dellelce LLPMark WilderRobert WilkinsWilliams Engineering CanadaBernice WilsonCarrol WilsonDavid & Jan WilsonWin-Bar Insurance Brokers Inc.Sam & Julie WinbergHoward & Donna WinickGerald WiseJoshua WisePaul & Ellen WiseJerry & Stacy WiseblottWJ PropertiesMichael Wolfish & Holly BickAllan WolinskyWorks Alberta Ltd.World Wide Electric Inc.WRD Borger Construction Ltd.John WrightPhil & Eileen WunchAri & Vanessa YakobsonYellow Pages GroupLeon & Dora Yolles Charitable FoundationDavid Young & Ellen YoungGregory YoungSveta ZaidmanMark Zaretsky & Lindy ZaretskyRick Zarnett & Janice WeissRay & Michelle ZatzmanZehr Kalman Levesque Inc.Don ZehrKarol & Stella ZenwirtDanny & Joy ZigelmanMax Zive & Harriette Kahn-ZiveAlexandre ZlottaRena Zolty

---We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following community organizations who facilitate the distribution of donor gifts to The Baycrest Foundation

The Benjamin FoundationJewish Community Foundation of MontrealToronto Community FoundationUnited Jewish Welfare Fund of TorontoUnited Way of Greater TorontoUnited Way of Winnipeg

Planned Gifts receivedfrom the estates of:Anne JaffeyBenjamin BirsteinShirley CaplanTheodora DansonCelia EisenbergFreda WeinerMorris G. GoldenbergDr. Leon GoldenbergIlona GondorFlorence GordonAnne Eleanor GoughGeorge GrossmanBen & Hilda KatzHarry HershAnnemarie KentRose KirshJean LeaBert LevIrving & Molly Levins FoundationEarl Mandell

David MeltzerLea MichaelsThomas Cyril MooreNorman MorrisonH. Albert MortonBeverley NisenboimWilliam H. OwenSara RatneyHelen RotbergJudith SandersLouis SavlovJack SiegalMax J. SingerAlice StanfordPearl StoneHelen SugarLouis SwartzMurray SweigmanJ.E. WagmanIlona WelleszAlan N. WinnickToby Wintraub

planned giving

Planned Giving is simply gift planning from an array of assets. Gifts may be made through a bequest in a will, life insurance, RRSP or RRIF, annuities, marketable securities, trusts, or property such as real estate. Gifts may be made today or promised now to be given some time in the future. This type of giving allows a donor to make a gift much larger than they ever thought possible. This source of revenue is crititcal for Baycrest to meet the changing and growing needs of the elderly we serve.

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visionary$5 million plusBen & Hilda Katz Research, Education and CareSam & Ida Ross Fund for Alzheimer’s Research

pillar$1 million plusElkie Adler MS ClinicBen BirsteinMarla & Aubrey DanRobert & Maxine Fish*Al Hertz Family Advanced Practice Nurse in Pain ManagementBen & Hilda Katz Chair in Gerontological NursingBen & Hilda Katz Centre for Gerontological Social WorkBen & Hilda Katz TransportationKunin-Lunenfeld Applied ResearchThe Reva James Leeds Chair in Neuroscience & Research LeadershipSam & Ida Ross International Prize in Alzheimer’s ResearchSandra A. Rotman Chair In NeuropsychiatrySaul & Rae Saltzman Community Programming

builder$500,000 - $999,999Toby BattleWomen’s AuxiliaryMen’s Service GroupSidney Jessel Cohen & Judy Weissenberg CohenMorris Goldenberg Medical ResearchAlbert & Sadye Jessel Community OutreachMorris & Sally Justein Heritage MuseumBen & Hilda Katz Postdoctoral ResearchBen & Hilda Katz International Visiting Scientist

founder$250,000 - $499,999Irving Acenberg ResearchBaycrest Foundation General PurposeBaycrest Hydrotherapy Pool ProgrammeBaycrest Leadership Development GroupBaycrest Special NeedsLynn & Brent Belzberg and FamilyFinkler International Visiting ScientistGerber Greenhouse & Horticultural CentreLouis LasowskySamuel Lunenfeld Special DaycareLouis Savlov Medical ResearchSavlov FamilyHy & Bertha Shore and Harry & Sara Gorman AwardMynne & Harold Soupcoff Studentship with Hebrew University

benefactor$100,000 - $249,999Ackerman FamilyBaycrest Foundation Women of Baycrest*Baycrest Men’s Service Group Graduate Student TrainingBaycrest Men’s Service Group Hydrotherapy Pool Baycrest Palliative CareBaycrest Women’s Auxiliary Alzheimer’s ResearchArthur & Essie CohenStephen & Wendy Cole Dorothy & William DrevnigNancy Ida FieldRoy Foss Joseph Garfinkel FamilyMax & Roslyn Gordon Al & Malka Green Pinchas & Dorothy GutterHarry Guzick & Gayle GuzickHSBC Bank CanadaSelma Jelinek Kenneth & Mildred KelmanLeon Koffler Harry & Henrietta KostmanLandsman FamilyRose LasowskyMaxwell A. & Fanny LevyFela & Saul Lichtblau

Lokash Summer StudentEarl & Renee Lyons Sidney & Zillah MatusFrances & Jack MelmanCarol Moir Simon MuskatBella and Irving NaibergElsie & Lawrence PifkoDr. Ira PollockStanley & Tanya Rossby Harry & Pearl Rotenberg Lidsky/Rotterman FamilyNancy & Sam Ruth Family Samuel & Jean SableSavlov FamilySavlov FamilySavlov Family Gertrude & David SherAllan Silber FamilyTauba & Solomon Spiro Family Helena & Samuel StrasserMurray & Florence SweigmanMorris & Freda TabachnickSonia & Manley Tessler FamilyMorris UrovitzMax & Sala WalersteinBert & Marilyn Winberg Florence WinbergMax & Ruth WisemanMax & Beatrice Wolfe Tillie & Maurice Wolfe Rose & Henry WolkoffLeon S. & Dora Yolles

trustee$50,000 - $99,999Harry & Ethel AbramskyLily & David E. BarrBaycrest ArtBaycrest Community Day CentreBaycrest Program EnrichmentKarl & Hilde BreuerEdward Bronfman Family Michael & Rena BucksteinPhillip DeZwirek FamilyKathleen McGuire Eastman William & Celia EisenbergMorris & Sarah Feldman Barbara Meissner FishbeinRose & William FishmanIsrael & Yetta FruitmanMyra & Albert Gallander Samuel & Anne Gans Lou, Al & Jack Gilbert and Ruth & Perry ShermanRose & Jonas GlowinskyMarilyn & David GluskinAll GoldNathan & Eva GoldGoldgrub Family Minnie & Robert GrafsteinJoel & Ruth Greisman Fay Florence Grobin & Dr. Wulf GrobinHelen & Morris GrosmanJack & Buschie KaminMagda KleinArthur & Sadye KrangleAlfred & Helen Krieser FamilyFrida & Irving LeboviciReva James LeedsHertel Leibovici Joseph B. Lubotta Markowitz FamilyWilliam & Blima Martin Sheila & Robert Masters FamilySarah & Gordon MendlyFaye & Al Mintz FamilyBecky & Koppel Pancer

Izzie & Annie PetroffAnne & Louis PritzkerSam & Luba RichardsonRonnie & Marty RichmanRossi Rosenthal FamilyToby & Ben Roth Roth Family Eva Schutz Serruya FamilyCarol Sharyn Tanenbaum Family David & Edna Shiffman Norman & Roberta Shnier FamilyDr. Abraham & David Shore Fanny & Sol Sky Morris Slivka FamilyHarry Sonshine Helen & Benjamin SonshineGrace & Joseph Soren FamilyAda Starkman Philip & Pearl Stone Rose & Karl Stork FamilyHarry & Ruth TaterChave & Burnett Thall Yetta Ungerman Rebecca Van Der Hout Stan & Helen VineJune WadeLionel & Sandra WaldmanEsther & Samuel Wallin Mollie & Jack WeinbergerMaurice Joseph Weisfeld & Louis Weisfeld Stephanie & Leslie WeiszLouis & Dora White Sylvia WinestockBlanche Wolbrom FamilyDavid Wolfish

sponsor$36,000 - $49,999Adolph & Rose BainBaycrest EquipmentBaycrest ResearchBaycrest Special GiftsBaycrest SynagogueBaycrest Terrace ImprovementBaycrest Wagman Centre Physical Fitness & Stroke Norman Black Albert & Celia Bleiwas FamilyAndrew & Toby BoasLisa & Allan Brown & FamilyRose Storfer Citry & Dr. Edgar CitryAsher & Mildred Cohen Irving Bloomberg and Sarah & Karl CohenStuart & Paula Cohen Pearl & Carl Cole Beatrice CollisHarold & Pearl CooperMorris & Ifa DemonGordon EdelstoneGinger & Max Eisen Morris & Rose FeldmanSylvia FeldmanPhyllis & Ab FlattBudgie FriebergNorma & Sidney FromerHoward Gitter & FamilyGolden Age RecreationCharles & Charlotte GoldlistSally & Jack GoldsteinLouis & Pearl GoodmanAl & Sorcy Gorlick FamilyZelda & Simon HarrisHimel FamilyDr. Arnold & Ruth Iscove

family of fundholdersHonouring the Past, Enriching the Present, Securing the Future

endowment funds An Endowment Fund at Baycrest is a meaningful expression of honour and support. The name of the fund endures, providing a lasting tribute to beloved family members or admired individuals. Donations to a fund provide crucial financial stability and ongoing support for Baycrest’s important client services and programs, cutting-edge research and educational initiatives. With a minimum donation of $10,000, you can establish an endowment fund and have the name permanently inscribed in the Gottdenker Hall of Honour. All donations are eligible to receive receipts for income tax purposes.

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Rona & Joshua Nathan Katz FamilyDaniel & Marion KertDebbie Kimel*Henrietta Kostman Sidney LaxAaron & Ruth LeidermanBarbara & Phillip Lev*Jacob & Sara, Murray & Adrienne Levinter Honey & Sam LipsonSyd LoftusWalter Lyons Natie & Esther MaisterJean & Bert MendelsonSam & Becky MilgromJacob & Frida MollMargaret Nightingale Dr. William Pascoe Persiko Family Pickard & Kofman Family Betty PodemskiElsie & Abe PoslunsJoyce Posluns Julius Rosen & Harry SilverbergRabbi Dr. Samuel Rosenblum Vivienne & Danny SaltzmanAnna & Frank SchipperPeter Seligman FamilyFred & Roselind Shapero FamilySamuel Louis & Edith Shields Eleanor & Irving Shnier FamilyHarry & Anne SilvermanFannie SmithFran Sonshine Sara Thier Gloria & Kievy UngermanMurray WaldermanEvelyn (Burns) Weinrib for Brendel FrimerPercy Weinstein Florence & Jack William WeintraubGabi Weisfeld Pearl & Label Wetstein Berty & Leon (Ben) Wittlin Frank J. Wolff

guardian$18,000 - $35,999Mollie & Harry AlexandroffFreda & Sidney AltfestIrene & Lucien Amram FamilyNathan & Rina Arback & FamilyLeon & Honey ArthursHarry & Tillie BakerEva & Jack Baltman Faigel & Leo BarkinLil & Harry BarkinEva & Mary BarrerSophie & Joseph BassinBaycrest Behaviour Neurology Baycrest Community Day CentreBaycrest Wagman CentreSylvia BeckwithAllen & Judy BergSandra & Irving Berger FamilyHarold & Esther Berk Dorothy & Murray BibackSarah Lois Binder & Beverley Ann NisenboimAaron & Beverley BlackJenny & Joseph Bloom M. Frederick & Helen BochnerMeilech & Chana BookSadie & Irving Bowman*Freda & Max BregmanIrving & Sarah BrothmanDr. Reuben Brown

Rose BrownSidney & Gina BrownSol & Ruth Brown FamilyRuth BurnettFred & Celia Chapnick Family Samuel & Minnie CharendoffEsther & Harold CherryBill Clarfield Family Andrea & Trevor Cohen* Cohen & Morrison Sylvia & Joseph Cohen FamilyDavid & Beck CollinsHyman, Doris & Mervin CooperLouis CooperSydney & Florence CooperCorbin FamilyBertha CozmanCecil R. & Faye CrollJack & Elaine Culiner Cyna FamilyFay & Harry Daiter Hazel & Murray Davis William G. DavisDessau FamilyLouis & Anne Dubrofsky Sophia Vera & Jack Bernard EllisAaron & Madzia ErlichmanFlorence & Harold Fagan Alice & Joseph Falk Jaime & Herminia FariaDiana & John FarroFederman & Levenstein FamilyDorothy & Nathan FeldmanIssie & Annie FeldmanStan & Susan Feldman and Sidney & Lillian ManheimAllan & Susan FenwickSue & Lewis E. FieldIzzie & Helen FineMoses & Anne FlattMannis Frankel & Merle Prager Sidney & Ivy FreemanRuth & Irving FrischDr. Juliusz, Dorota, Zofia Frist Helaine & Harold Gallander Ruth & Manny GansBetty & Solly GelfundMarye & Al Ginsburg Lillian Vine Glowinsky Jean & Frank Godfrey Samuel Gold & FamilyAbraham & Elizabeth (Lizzie) GoldbergJennie & Bernat Goldberger FamilyMarian GoldblattHarry & Gertrude Golden FamilyHenry & Helen Goldenberg David & Sonia GoldfarbEric & Fay Goldlist FamilyAl & Gert GoldsteinBella Goldstein Jean & Milton Goldstein and FamilyManny GoldsteinShirley & Morris GoldsteinGilda & Henry GoodmanSarah & Jacob GordonJoseph Gottdenker & Family Simon & Esther GottliebMilton & Sara GraffHelen Rose GrafsteinMoishe & Goldie GrafsteinFred GreenJudi Green & Elsie GreenDavid & Della Greenberg FamilyKay & David GreengartenHelen & Sid Greenwald Polly & Bill Gryfe Family Lilyan Gutmann

Harvey & Esther HackerAnne & Joseph HalpernFrances Soble HarnickFrances & Harvey HarnickAnne & Albert Harris Ronald & Aviva HellerRickey & Harry HennickLillian & Isadore Hertz Charles Hilary & Dianne Ingles David & Rae HildebrandHollend FamilyJudith & Philip Hooper Judith & Philip HooperJean & Ben IsaacsRobert William & Dorothy Beatrice Jackson & FamilyProf Andrzej, Karolina, Ludwik, Estelle Jus Sam & Esther KaimanBernyce & Marvin Kalifer FamiliesSaul & Mildred Kelman Izzy & Betty KirshenbaumSarah & Paul KirznerSheila & Arthur Klarman Family*Michael Jay KleinbergBelle & Harry Kochen FamilyFred KolinLeib & Toby Krieger Ladovsky Family/United BakersMilton (Mickey) LambertFrances & Al LaPorter FamilyJack & Elise Latner Allan Lax Jean & Charles Lea and Gloria Ellen LeaE. Harry & Hazel Lepofsky Ruth & Irving Lerman Polly & Mannie LeviAbe & Ethyle Levine Evelyn & Frank Levine FamilyFreda & Murray Levine Norman & Shelley Levine FamilySydney & May Levitt Caren & Michael Levy Family Joel H. LewisTed & Lorraine Libfeld FamilySally & Louis J. LibmanNathan & Frances LiebermanRose & Manny Lipman and Shari SugarSidney & Natalie Liswood David & Betty Little Netty LoftusBess & Hy LustigMolka & Joseph L. LyonsSamuel, Joseph & Lyndsay LyonsJack & Pearl MandelJulius & Margaret MarcusMarshall MargolisBarnet & Gert Markson FamilyDr. Charles Markson Judith & Martin Markus and FamilyLyla Gutzin Markus Jack MarmerLillian & Elliott MarrusLillian & Haskell MastersMendelson Holiday & FestivalDr. Marvin Miller Sol Miller Harold & Maxine Minden Riva MintzMitz FamilyHelen & Philip MosoffFlorence & Melvyn NaimerJack & Dorothy NewmanAnnie & Albert NightingaleEmma & Jack OelbaumJ. Irving Oelbaum

Fay & Norman OsterRae & Joseph Louis PancerJack & Susan PasternakJeffry Alan PennerPetroff FamilyHinda Annie PicovEdwin & Charlotte Pivnick FamilyNancy PoslunsGoldie Potashin Benjamin David & Ethel RachlinRamstein Family Norman & Rae Rebick Rosalie RichJack & Ritta RitchieAlexander & Bernice RobinsSophie & Max RochmanAllan & Elizabeth RoddaLionel & Martin Roher Sam & Ethel RoherArnold & Lillian Rose Bea & Carl RosenbloomFreda & Joe RosenfeldWillie & Bertha RosengartenGeorge & Ethel RothIsrael & Ray Rothbart Molly & Morris Rubenstein Iz & Sophie Rumack Samuel J. & Jean Sable FamilyMarvin & Ruth Fine Sadowski and FamilyNew Fraternal Jewish Association’s J.B. SalsbergAllan & Marian SaltsmanRuth & Leo SchacterEsther & Mark Schipper Laura and Sidney Schipper Jack Schwartz, Ida Schwartz, Bertha Schwartz Katzman & Murray SchwartzRuth & Charles Schwartz Carrie SchwarzFrank J. SegerLiba & Israel Senderowitz (Senders)Andrew & Magdi SenyiRobert & Naomi Shapero FamilyEva & A. Morris ShapiraMorris & Rose Shear Samuel & Rose ShendroffLou & Esther SherHarry & Sarah ShermanTheodore & Donna ShermanSylvia & Murray Shiffman FamilyBernice & Mac ShoreRebecca & Sam Shore Becky & Irvin Shulman Harry & Jean Silver FamilyJoseph & Bertha Silverberg FamilySaul SimonPhilip & Esther SkovronekRobert & Rose Slan Annita SlochowskiFreda & Louis Slotnick FamilyBen & Sylvia SmithSam & Minka SmithAnne & Harold Sniderman Harry & Molly SnidermanCantor Max & Mina Snyder Harry L. SolomonRose & Louis SoupcoffDonna & Ronald Steinberg FamilyEric Stone Rose Storfer CitryRuth & Jacob StreinerDr. Donald Stuss and Family David & Fern SugarmanLouis Swartz Yhetta Swartz-Lewis & Charles Lewis

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Hetty & David SwartzmanJoseph & Sally SwitzerBella & Jakob SzterenlichtJoseph & Dena Tessis FamilyLloyd & Lillian Title FamilyMoses & Temara Tobe Toronto Hebrew Benevolent SocietyIzzy & Fanny (Faye) TreflerHarry & Yetta Ungerman United Families Peggy VogelMadelin & Harry WaisbergAlma & Ted Waldman Max & Sala WalersteinJudith WaltersWarsaw Lodzer Mutual Benefit Saul & Jean WeisbrodMax & Ida Rose Weisfield Rose & Henry WeissburstBenjamin & Sarah Weverman FamilyLouis & Dora White Molly & Ben WillerMary & Percy WilnerAb & Kate Witkin FamilyBeatrice & Max WolfeRegina Wolff Elizabeth & Joseph YollesJack E. Young*

patron$10,000 - $17,999Irving & Helen AaronSarah & Sam Adams & Ruth AdamsSusan & Simon AdamsSam AdelkindJohn Alexander*Alexander & Verk FamiliesSheila J. AllenFaye & Morris AlterArthur & Sonia AnismanRose & Israel AppelMorris & Fanny ApplebaumNechemiah & Esther Shaindel Applebaum Family*Jennie & Moishe Appleby and Family*Rena Lillian & Max ApplebyIda & Jack AshrowDeborah & Nathan Austin FamilySara & Lionel AxlerEddie BakerMathilda Bald Larry & Arna Banack and FamilyMorris & Frances BasenFanny & Nathan BaumsteinBaycrest Department of Psychiatry Baycrest Rotman ResearchBaycrest Tuition ReimbursementBaycrest Volunteer Services Baycrest Wagman Centre ImprovementBaycrest Wagman Centre Program EnrichmentMary BeallorAnnette & Sid Bearg Family Esther & Morris BeargJack B. BedderEthel Benoway & FamilyRebecca BerenzonIra & Celia Berg & Sam & Helen MandelIda BermanAllen & Ann Bernick FamilyLouis & Jean BernsteinMax & Sarah Bernstein Stan & Syrelle Bernstein FamilyFrank & Edith Birnbaum

Joseph & Anne BlackSydney & Hilda BlackmanFreda & Ralph BlankierBelle (Berlin) BlimanLeah & Joseph BlinickMary & Sydney Blinick Mary & Sydney Blinick Hattie & Martin BloomMax & Yetta Bluestein and Willi Karpel*Joseph & Carla BlumAbraham & Jennie BogomolnySaul BookspanSara & Morris BotnikHarry & Sarah BrandesMax & Bella BrandrissHarry & Pearl BrandweinSidney BrickmanFlorence & Edward BrillCharlotte Pauline BrodyBrown Family*Fannie & Ruben BrownIda & Benjamin BrownJean BrownD. Nathan Buckler Ada & Ben CaplanBlanche & Herb Caplan Sally Caplan*Dr. Sol & Mary CappeSam & Celia Carr Hillis Cass Harry CasseHarry (Morris) ChaimMax & Beckie ChapnickJoseph & Janet Chapnik Family Berel & Ruth CohenBeverley & Samuel H. CohenClara & Benjamin Cohen/ Pauline & Joseph Kline Eileen & Louis Cohen FamilyMax & Mary CohenRose & Louis CohenPhil & Adele CohlRena & Arthur ConeAbraham & Rose ConskyJack & Gussie ConstantBessie & Harry CooperDaisy (Deborah) & Max CooperMargaret CooperLibbie L. CowanHy & Layah Day*Leah & Isaac DaySean & Jennifer DebowC. A. Delaney Faigel & Abba DiamondSarah DiamondLena DicksteinSamuel Z. & Lillian DonnenfieldDover FamilyIrving & Fanny DryerMarvin & Miriam DryerChippy & Danny Dubinsky and FamilyEvelyn & Joseph DunkelmanHelen & Luzer DzialoszynskiFred & Bea Eisen FamilySam & Sarah ElkindFreda & Mailey EllenzweigWilliam & Gertrude Engel FamilyJeannette EnkinMurray Etlin FamilyNathan & Freda Farb Reuben & Dorothy FarbermanShirley Farberman*Gurston Sidney Allen & Laya Fauman AllenHarry & Molly FedermanDavid & Cara FeldmanJoe & Anita Feldman And FamilyMorris & Rebecca Feldman

Henry & Mali Fenigstein FamilyJudith Fine & Avrom H. FineLois & George FineSamuel & Natalie FineJeffrey & Barbara FinebergSala & Morris FinkelsteinFinkelstein & Levine FamilyHarry & Shirley FirestoneJoseph & Faye FirestoneCivia FischerAlbert FlorenceHarry Fogler Joanne & Garry FosterMorris & Ida FrankfortSydney G. FrankfortDr. Samuel & Pearl Freedhoff Albert & Charlotte Freedman FamilyEsther & Jack FreemanHilda & Myer Freeman Claire & Isadore Frilegh*Molly Frimer-KaminkerJack & Celia FrimetBessie & Harry FrischMorris & Ethel FruitmanJoy & Barry GalesSarah & Phillip GangbarMamie & Max GarfinkelBetty Garnet Family Martin & Harriet Gelb FamilySamuel GellerHarry & Marion Gilbert Etta Ginsberg Etta Ginsberg Israel & Mildred Ginsburg Shirley & Sid GladstoneMorris & Rose Glick*Max and Lillian GlickmanMurray “Bucky” GlicksmanMax & Freda GodfreyDavid & Enid GoldHarry, Grace & Blanche GoldbergTillie & Wolfe Goldberg Jack & Sylvia GoldenTuty & Adolph GoldenbergRose & Sam GoldharGeorge & Kay GoldlistJack & Marilyn GoldmanMax & Mania Goldmintz FamilyAnne & Harry GoldsteinEdwin & Joyce GoldsteinLena & Sam GoldsteinMuriel & Archie GoldsteinSylvia & Gordon Goldstein*Ben & Julia Golinsky Atkin GoodisAda & Saul Goodman Chana Faiga & Izzie Goodman Daisy & Max GoodmanGarry, Shirley, Jason & Helen GoodmanEve & Joseph GordonHarry & Ida Gordon Philip & Lillian GordonEthel & Ben GorlickJoseph Gottdenker & Family Bernhard & Rachel GottliebMilli Gould Abe & Rose GranatsteinHarry & Millie GreenspoonMimi & Mel GreenspoonJack & Jean Gringorten Ben & Freda Gryfe FamilyGurau FamilyJudy & Jack Gwartz FamilyHailman & Horowitz FamilyGeorge & Merele HamellBella Zeifman HandelsmanDiane & Gary HarrisStella & Max Haubenstock

Anna & Edmund Hefner Rose HeiselMickey & Eunice HellerMilton Henry Marcia & Stephen HerbertRebecca Sonia Hershoran Elaine Herzog FamilyDr. Henry & Ella Himel Phillip HirschFayga & Louis Hochberg Aranka HofstedterKalman & Ray HoltzmanSamuel & Olga HonigDeirdre Hopkins Bebe Isha Husain Family*Irving & Mina Ingber Mollie Isaacson*Albert & Sarah IsenbergAnnie & Joseph IsenmanHarry & Zelda Jonas and FamilyHarry & Toby Jordan Marshall & Esther Jubas FamilySiegmund & Sofie KamnitzerEdith & Jack KaplanAllen & Sharon Karp and FamilyToba (Toby) & Harry KashKaufman FamilyDavid & Golda Kazdan FamilyHarry & Rose KestenIrving M. KeyfitzJoseph & Jean KichlerDavid & Rose KirshPearl & Herman KlebanoffOscar & Edith Kochberg Max & Minnie KoffmanShirley Kofman Avrum & Golda KohlKoralek FamilyMorris & Ruth Korman Harry & Mary KorolnekJack & Ida KoskieJack & Gertrude KosoyRose & Ben KozierokMolly & John Jacob KramerAnna & David Kulas Geist Adele Kuperstein Anne & Sam KuretzkyBetty & Samuel Kwinter FamilyLagover Mutual Benefit Society*Oscar & Selma LangHarvey LangerSara & Hyman Langer and Toba & Mendel Weinrib*Anita & Leon Lapidus Family*Adele & Saul LaskinNathan LastmanJessica Lax Jonathan LaxPauline & Julius LaywineMax & Myna LazerMel J. & Marlyne Lazer*Harry & Ida LesterDr. Joseph & Rita Leventhal and Family Polly Levi Phyllis & Murray L. Levin Bessie LevineMorris & Ruth LevineRuth & Irving Levine FamilyFlorye & Percy LevyPauline & Harvey LewisJonah Aaron & Faigie Miriam LibmanLipman FamilySam & Manya LipshitzThe Isadore Lipson Family FundEvalyn & Arthur Lipton FamilyRuth & Norem Litvak and Louis & Lillian BloomHarry & Tillie Litwin

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Louis & Pearl LitwinSylvia & Willy Lobel Florence & Joseph LokashFay and Fred MalemudRivka (Regina) & Max MalesAouali (Hatchouel) MalkaMatatia MalkaErica Elayne Schiller MammonDorothy Sarner Manace & Dr. Bernard Abraham Manace & FamilyAbraham & Dora Mandel Joseph & Min MandelMax & Sophie MandelGordon & Ethel Mandell Dr. John J. & Ruthe MannMarsha & Paul S. MansonRose & Jack Manson and Goldie & John RosenMarkslan Endowment, Ben & Sylvia MarksAnne & Lewis Markus Mildred Mazin FamilyDorie McKittrick & Family Zelda & Samuel Mednick Olga & Sam Meister & FamilyAlbert & Elsie MendSarah & Gordon Mendly Ann & Samuel MeyersIrwin & Mariel Michael Family Hadassah & Henry MilchmanHarold & Eleanor Miller*Jack & Dora MillerHarold & Ruth MilneBeatrice & Arthur Minden FamilyDr. Howard Mitchell Cindy & Joel MoldaverFaggie & Albert MolsonRose, James & Mela MontagnesSylvia Moore Rose MusicarAnnette & Arnold Naiman FamilyHershel & Hela Naiman*Ann & Alter NakelskyHilda & Irving NashmanBernie & Anna NewtonEstelle Klasner-Nimni*Samuel & Frances Nissenbaum*Olga & Leslie NyiriBill & Gert Nyman*Alex & Shirley Ogden Maurice & Fanny OrenbachJoel A. Organek Jacob and Jenny OstrowLeon & Elsie PapePauline & Al Pattenick FamilyLilyan & Albert PearlMary & Moishe PerlmutarPerlmutter FamilyHarry & Dina Phillips FamilyNorman and Lynda PicovEsther & Harry PikeSelma Plaut EducationGeorge & Marley Pollock Joseph & Bessie Pollock Dr. M.A./Clara Pollock Bertha & Irving PomotovArna & Harry PotashinLillian & David PowellDaniel PrenickMoniek & Genia Prusznowski FamilyDavid & Brenda RafalovitzLeo & Hilda RaiderOskar & Esterita RajskyLily & Kuba RakusinEsther & Gerald RayHarry & Joyce RaymondReuben & Lillian ReikenLaurie & Helen Nussbaum Reiss

Morris & Goldie Reiss*Morris & Lillie Resnick FamilyLouis & Rose RevitchDonald H. RichAbraham Richman Helen & Alex RichmondTed & Miki Richmond Selma RobinsFanny RoffErnest & Clara RogerMary & Murray RoseAbie & Sarah RosenHarvey & Alma Rosen Minnie & Joseph RosenHynda & Joseph RosenbergRivka Rachel Rosenberg & Ala Rosenberg AckermanSam & Sarah RosenbergFlorence & Maury RosenblattFrances RosenfieldDanny & Marilyn Rosenzweig Family Rosmarin Family Ida & Sam RossLouis & Minnie RotenbergMartin & Rose RothRothschild Family*Dov Rozenmutter FamilyMaude & Jack RumackSophie RygierRose & Gordon SaltzmanMinn SandlerJacob & Libbie Sandy Maria Santo & Family*Selim SassoonBeatrice & Joseph Schipper Sigmund & Gabriella SchmidtRubin (Ruven) & Fradel SchneiderJulius & Else ScholemBenjamin & Katy Schwartz and FamilyJack & Bertha Schwartz FamilyFae ScolnikIrving & Shirley ScolnikSidney & Merle SeligmanEdward & Helen Sheffman Family Sherkin FamilyGertrude ShermanSherman FamilyIsie Golombek & Doris SherwinNat & Ethel Sherwin William & Ethel Shiman Morris ShoomAnne & William Shore*Harry Tochterman Shuber & Annie ShuberYetta & Maurice ShullyMichael & Jackie ShulmanSara (Sal) & Ted Sidon & FamilyMary & George SilverNathan & Mollie SilverHarry & Evelyn Silverberg FamilyMaurice & Rose SilversteinDr. Murray SimonKalman & Devorah Gitel Sinaberg Polly E. Singer Betty & Joseph SkolnikBeth & Jack SkyAdrienne & Joel SlanBenjamin Slatt Blanche (Salsberg) & Garfield P. SmithClara & Gerald SmithHy & Rose SmithIrene & Gerald SmithSara & Leonard C. SmithAaron Sokalsky FamilySarah & Eddie SolishHoney Soll

Dr. Coleman Solursh Gasner/SolurshJerry Solway Albert & Frances SonenbergLouis & Ruth SpencerMort & Doris SpiarAnnie & Harry SpringMinna & Abe SquiresJoseph & Rose Stahl Samuel Stark FamilySid & Yittie StarkmanIsadore & Fay SteinbergSidney & Shirley SteinbergAnne & Jerry Steiner*Dorothy & Bob Sterling Jacob & Minnie Sterling Samuel & Ruth Sterling FamilyMyrna & Irving Stern FamilyLouis & Edith Stillman FamilyDr. Meyers & Belle StittLilyan and Harvey Stork*Francie & Martin Storm FamilyLouis & Susan StraussAnne & Robert StromIrving & Doreen Strom FamilyJennie StuppNorman & Rachel SuckonicAvrom & Reesa Sud Family*Pearl & Sam SugarmanTilly Sugarman*Jack, Min & Joanne Swadron FamilyErnest & Bertha Swirsky ReligiousMiklos & Ilonka (Seder) SzabolcsiMiklos & Gabriella SzantoMimi SzekelyGoldie TannerBert & Anne TaradashDr. Jacob & Rose Tarshis Family*Moses & Anne TartickBrunina TassoneLuigi TatangeloHarold N. & Catherine Taube Arthur Abraham TenenJack & Ida TeplitskyIrene & Sydney Tepperman FamilyGittel & Abraham Tessis Dora Anna Till & Morris Sanford Till Rita & Myron Tobias Rubin & Elaine Todres FamilyRose & Joseph Trefler Michael & Sue TurkNadine TytelLadislav VernyBrian & Bunny Vyner*Etta Wagman Goldie WagmanHarvey & Beulah Wagman*Isadore & Rachel Wagman Rose & Henry Wagman and Harry HorowitzSol & Lilyan WainbergTillie & Jack Wainberg Harry J. & Mari WaisglassHenry & Selma Walfish*Irwin A. & Frances WallaceToby & Murray WaltmanHarry & Ester WarshBetty & Morris and Brian & Joel Wasser Family*Ethel Wasserman & Martin WassermanSam & Sarah Waxman Sara Gertrude WaymanMargaret & Irving Wayne FamilyAnne & Moe Weiner Maurice & Mary WeisdorfAube & Fae Weisman

Emma WeissIsidore, Giselle & Magda WeissEva Weissenberg & Leslie WeissenbergSamuel & Minnie Wexler & Bernard GurofskyDr. Samuel Marcus Wigser Fanny & Jack Wineberg and Esther & Bernard YaleBernice & Jack WinnickMinnie WinocurJack & Betty Winston FamilyMax & Sally WintraubAlbert & Gertrude WiseHoney & Julie Wise and Family*Gertrude & Hyman WisebrodRuby WohlBeatrice Wolfe Joyce & Jack WolfeMorris & Pauline Wolfman FamilySamuel & Esther WolfmanDr. Solomon Jacob & Kate WoolfsonIrwin & Elayne Wortsman and FamilySylvia & Irving WortsmanMoishe & Ettie Wosnick & FamilyElaine Yaffe*Israel & Perla YakubowiczBessie Yolleck*Cecil & Annette (Denny) YollesChaim Yontef FamilyZabitsky Family*Anna & Morris ZaidmanHelen & Harold Zamon Eliezer & Itta Zeisler Betty & Noel ZeldinHarry & Celia Zener Zuckerman FamilyOscar Zuker Ruth & Oscar Zuker*Freda & Michael ZulaufRobert I. Zweig Therese Zwetschkenbaum

supporter$2,000 - $9,999Louis & Esther AbellaShina & William AbramsSam & Esther AckermanJudge Joseph L. Addison Belle Adler Allan Albert Irving S. AlbertNettie Albert Barbara & Marshall Alexander FamilyBertha Allen Lillian Samuels Appel Louis & Fanny ApplebaumAgnes ArmstrongJoyce ArshawskyBernard ArshoffEthel & David Atlas Bernie AuerbackHadassah & Label BachstTillie & Barney Bader and Sally & Earl BaderCharles BainMargaret & Louis Barany & Tibor RottmannJudah H. & Rachel BarcessatRose BardensteinBryna & Leonard BarkinHarry L. & Pauline Barkin and Alan BerkJack & Freda BarkinSarah & Pinkus BarthHerb Baskin

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Baycrest Department of PsychologyBaycrest EducationBaycrest Eim B’Israel Baycrest Health Care Education & LectureBaycrest Mazel TovBaycrest Terrace Health CareBaycrest Terrace Shabbat Tea Baycrest Wagman Centre Creative ArtsThomas & Laurie BeckermanFrances & Alex Beder Simmie & Abe BekerGoldie & Morris BellackHarriett Belzberg-Reppas

Frankie & Oscar Bender FamilyJane BerenbaumStanley & Sylvia BergmanPauline & Jack Berman Family Bella Bernstein Mayer BialoglowskyAnn & David BidermanMorris & Minnie BidermanRose Biderman Sam & Cecille Bidner Laura & Abraham BienHarry & Faye Bierstock FamilyJennie & Joe Birenbaum FamilyAllan BlackstienMax & Sophie BlackstienRoslyn Bleiweis

Dorothea R. “Dofy” BloomHilda & Jack Bluestein FamilyCelia, Louis & Barry Blumenfeld & Allan BrooksHy & Sadie Bocknek Sadie BoltmanHarriett BomzaAdeline & Norman BorinsFanny & Jacob Borinsky FamilyJoseph & Sadie (Syd) BornsteinMartin BornsteinMorris & Esther Bornstein Sam H. & Renee Borovoy Soorah & Sid Borovoy Jack & Edith BrahamsDorothy BrasselJoe BrennerSadie & Sam BrodkinMeyer & Gertrude Bromberg Olia BrownstoneHelen BursteinAnne & Lou CadeskySamuel CamelgarVivian & David CampbellRuth & Harry Caplan FamilySam & Shirley CaplanReuben A. & Pearl CappeRose Leah CappeRose & Nathan CappeCappe FamilyRon, Gail & Gary Carbell FamilyFanny Cardish/Jennie Shoot-AustinChandler Holocaust Resource ProjectDr. Morris & Hudy CharendoffEvelyn & Louis CharlesHerb Charles Jack Charles & Lorne ChouskyJack & Rose ChelskyFreda Chernovsky FamilyJoel Alan CherrySonya & Michael (Church) ChuchuraBeatrice & Henry CiemanSam CiglenRose & Abraham Citron Harry Clairman Albert & Sylvia ClausnerTanya & Jack Clement FamilyRoslyn ClimansAbe & Eva CohenDebbie & Farley CohenHarold & Kay Cohen FamilyHarry CohenMax & Rebecca CohenRose & Ida Cohen Ruth CohenSara Cohen Sonnee Ruben CohenCelia & Elliott CollinsEtta & Sam CollinsMin & William CollinsJean & Garson ConnBert & Esther CooperJack & Sybil CooperJack & Lillian CooperMartin CooperMurray CooperAllen G. Copnick FamilyCornish FamilyNorman & Bertha CowanSamuel CowanJohn & Freda Cozman FamilyWilliam A. Crocker Sally E. Croll Senator & Mrs. David A. CrollSenator David A. CrollSylvia & Marvin DanielsGrace V. Davey

Anna David Susan Centner DavidsonWilfred R. Davis Ralph & Dorothy De Sola Harry & Lola DerlachterRochelle & Charles DiamondShirley & Eph Diamond FamilyIrene DickLeon & Golda DienerAnnie Hilda DillickEmanuel DonSzlomo Zelman Don/Joseph Fraidenraich/David LiebermanEthel & Moses DonenfeldDonin FamilyLisa & Philip DraperSarah & Louis DrewHarry & Sarah DubinskyPearle & Morris Duckman Oscar DuskesNorm & Millie Egelnick/ Al & Ray RabinMurray & Edythe EhrlickDavid & Eva (Chavala) EisenSarah & Issie EisenMax & Rose EisenbergVincent James & Leona EquableGoldie & Irving Erenberg FamilyFairbloom FamilyFaith FamilyGertrude & Ralph M. FarberSammy FedermanGert FenkellFara FenwickLillian & Myer FineMorris FingrutJoel FinkMary & Wilfred FinkDavid & Sadie Finkelberg FamilyGertrude & David FinkelsteinLouis FinkelsteinRozalia & Berek Finkelstein FamilyMorris Finsten Sam FiremanLouis Firestone FamilyKate & Phil FischmanJoseph & Fannie Fish Henry David FisherHy & Rita FisherJacob & Sarah FisherAnnie & Eddie FleisherMendel & Malka FlintLillian FogleAnnie & Hymie FormanToni FrancoMinnie & Simon FrankelBelle & Saul FreedmanDora FreedmanGilda & Sam FreedmanEli & Sylvia FreemanMorris & Kate FreemanJeffrey Steven Friedland Jeshua & Gitla FriedlandPat & Allan Friedland FamilySophie Fromovitz BirthdayRuth & Joe Fruchtman FamilyJoy Gales Sam Galinsky Philip & Eva GantmanSam GarberCharles GardnerRobert & Ethel GarfinkelNorman Garnet Marvin & Terry Geist Benjamin & Thelma GelgootIda & Isaac Gelman Isaac GelmanDevin Lauter GersteinLee Zwig Gerstein

centenarian expresses gratitude to baycrest in her will

Rose Piper may have been slight of stature, but her spirit was large and effervescent. Her friends remember her most fondly for her intelligence, dignity and devotion. Rose was particularly devoted to her husband, Alex, who was a resident of the Apotex Centre for five months before he died in 2007 at age 102. That’s when Rose moved to the Terraces of Baycrest where she was comfortable, happy and active for the remaining four years of her life. She passed away in October 2010 at 101 years. In appreciation of the compassionate care her husband received at the Apotex Centre, Rose left a significant bequest to Baycrest in her will which she designated to Alzheimer’s research. Her gift will have a lasting impact on the lives of others and Rose will be remembered in perpetuity as a member of the Sam Ruth Legacy Society, a special group of thoughtful donors who have made a planned gift to Baycrest.

ways of giving

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Gilinsky FamilyHarry & Ettie GilmanEtta Ginsberg Etta Ginsberg Givertz FamilySarah & Henry GladstoneMax GlazerManuel & Muriel GodfreyRae GodfreyBen & Rae Gold FamilyHarry Goldberg Wolfe & Tillie Goldberg Wolfe & Tillie Goldberg FamilySandor Goldberger FamilyGoldblatt Family Irvin & Etta Golden FamilyLouis & Ethel GoldenbergPearl & Benjamin W. GoldenbergGertrude (Snider) Goldfarb & Shep SniderIsaac Goldkorn Bella GoldmacherAlbert & Katie GoldmanFanny & Jacob Goldman FamilyJack & Lil Goldman FamilyMiriam GoldmanZalman & Shaindel Gittel GoldmintzPhyl Goldner Phyl & Roy Goldner David & Helen GoldsilverManny GoldsmithEdward & Mildred GoldsteinJohn & Sylvia GoldsteinNorman & Trudy Goldstein Rose & Sydney GoldsteinGolvin FamilyMoe & Bertha GoodmanNathan GoodmanFrank & Hilda GouldSarah GrammerGertie & Morris Granatstein FamilyNathan GrayGilbert & Pearl GreenPhilip GreenThelma GreenHarry & Sonia Greenberg FamilyToby GreenbergBetty & David GreenglassMordechai & Rose GreenspanRabbi Abraham Greenspan William & Toby GreenspoonGroman FamilyHarold & Dinah GrossMurray & Bessie Grossman FamilyShirley GrotellFaye & Sol GruppHilda GrushcowMichele Lecker-Gryfe & Moishe GryfeRuth & Arthur GryfeFrank Gula and Dorothy KurtzChaim GurfinkelFrank & Jolan GuttmanJacob & Adela GuttmanNathan & Barbara Haber Lila & Saul HalpernHandelman FamilyMinabelle & Irving HanefordMary HarrisEthel HebscherSonia Hershman Marion & Alex Hertzman FamilyHillel & Asher FamilyDavid & Toby HimelfarbLorraine & Aubie HimmelRebecca HochArnold & Frania HochbergJoe & Helen Hochberg

Goldie & Louis HoffmanMollie HoffmanRuth HoleshRobert & Leona Hurwitz Edwin & Sylvia Hyde FamilyHarry & Eleanor Hyde Rose & Irving InglesHarold & Samuel Isenberg Saul & Bev IsenbergFrances JacoberChava & David N. JacobsonDora & Frank JacobsonBernard H. JaffeeTor & Pearl JakobsonElaine & Jules JamesJesion Family Goldie JosephConnie & Ben Kachuck FamilyRita & William Kagan Sadie KaganWilliam Kagan Edith KallesMary & David Kalnitzsky FamilyHy & Bella KamanPhilip & Lena Kandel & Joseph KandelFrank & Sarah Kappy Robert & Leatrice Karmazin May & Fred Karp Morris KasmanAaron & Marion KatesEsther & David Kates FamilyGertie KatesJules & Dorothy KatesEthel & William KathronWilliam KatzWoolf & Freda KatzBenjamin & Annie KatzmanRose & Charles KaySylvia KellermannCharles Aaron KentSam & Sarah KerznerHarry & Ida KeshenMargaret & Murray KeyfetzPearle & Carl Keyfetz Alex & Helen KielishKipper FamilyRalph & Bessie KirshSheldon Kirsh & Esther KirshLily & Jack KirshenblattIrene & Morley KlaymanKlebanoff FamilyBelle & Joseph (Lucky) KleinA. Sol & Rebecca KlingBernard KoffmanHelen & Irving Kofsky Edward Kohn Meta & Henri KolinKon & Szpigiel FamilyToby & Jules KopmanKorentager & Yellin FamiliesEdythe and Myron KornLouis & Florence Krandel FamilySolly KriegerMichael & Shirley KrofchickSam & Funia KrongoldBarney & Fanny KronisGeraldine (Gerri) KronisCharlotte & William KrosselKrugel FamilyRose Lagunoff FamilySteve & Heather LamaszJules & Toby LambertSylvia & Philip LampertLillian LangerRose LangerSamuel & Mary Langer FamilyRose Lastman Lillian Lavine Baumwald Ross-Lederman

Sam & Gert Leich FamilyFred & Estelle LepofskyHarry & Annie Lerner Ben & Ruth LevantLillian Levine LandmanFrances Levinsky Isaac & Jennie LevyHarry LewisSadie LieffSigmund (Sigi) LightmanMarion LimAllan LindzonToby & Alfred LipmanAl Lipson & Sylvia BursteinJeffrey & Beverly LipsonArthur & Isabell (Belle) Liss FamilyJoseph & Gertrude Litvak and Lewis & Rebecca GoldblattBeverley Colman LokashAnn & Harry LondonBill & Fannie LoveJoseph LucatchBen & Vera Lyons Irwin & Katherine LyonsL Z A Senior CitizensElsie Maclean FamilyMina & Reuben Madesker Lottie & Jack Magder Olga & Leslie Maibaum Hanna-Maria Maijala-Root Toby MalamudDr. Bernard & Ida MandelHilda & Max Mandel Tillie Penwick MandelGilda & Philip MandelbaumFrances & Morrey ManillaLouis & Anne ManleyNorman & Fanny ManlyLouis ManpelAdele MansonLouis & Helen MarcovitchHaya & Chaim Marcovitz Lillian MarcusFreda & Irving Margles Peter MargolisMary & Morris MarksProfessor Nathan Markus Willie MartinDavid & Sylvia MatlowMaven-Thornhill Lodge B’nai BrithAnn & Manuel MayersJack & Sara Mazin FamilyArnold MedadAnn & Samuel MeltzArthur & Lillian Messinger Rowena Meyer Louis MilgramArthur & Sylvia MillerJack (Whitey) & Gertrude MillsLily & Hyman MilsteinGary & Genia MinzDr. Sidney MollJoseph & Helen Morgan & Family Fay & Gerry MorrisBettye MortonFay & Alex MosoffMuller & Hirsch Families Agnes Murphy FamilyMinnie Myers Sally MyersMiriam NaimanEsther & Hyman NaisteinRose Nash & Herschel FriedmanIda NefskyRose Nepom New Fraternal Jewish AssociationLouis & Frieda Newman Jessie & Charles NormanNorthwood Country Club

Rita OffmanLou & Ida OifferLillian & Louis OkunJerry & Shirley OlchBelle & Lou OnrotJoel A. OrganekThora & Fred Ornstein Eva & Henry OstroAnnie Page Esther & George Panzer Parlow Family Jack ParrYona PattenickEsther & Irving PearlSamuel Pelchovitz Rivy & Murray PerelmanMark PerlmutterPesce FamilyMarsha PezimArnold & Florence PhillipsHoward Arnold Phillips Rosa PinhasSylvia & Max Plant and Paul & Fanny FeldAvrum & Ida PlattPoizner FamilyDr. Edward M. Pollak & FamilyMillie (Tobenstein) & Sidney PollockBelle & Joseph Posluns Richard PoslunsSam & Rebecca PoslunsWinnie & Sam PosnerIrvine PotashRolf & Regina PowerDr. William PrusinCharles & Fanny Prussky & Sydney Prussky FamilyDavid & Ida PulverDannie & Tilly RabinowitzMax & Annie Rabinowitz Rose Rabovsky & Frances DeutschRebecca Rafalovitch Dr. David RakowskiDr. Harry RakowskiHarry & Goldie RashDr. Norman RaskyMax & Vera Rasminsky FamilyIsaac & Molly Ray Redhill FamilyRose ReissEthel RenslerLeah & Saul ResnickEsther & Samuel Richardson Ben & Sunny RichmanSamuel & Bella RichmanIrene & Irving Rife FamilyDavid RiglerEleonora RindeAbraham & Sarah RitchieNathan Rochwerg Steven RodnessMax & Dorothy RoherDenise RoseEva & Morris RoseDr. Barry RosenBella & Joseph RosenCarl & Rebecca RosenHimey & Helen RosenLouis Rosen FamilyGertrude RosenbergBen Rosenberg & Hilda RosenbergJudy & Morris RosenbergNorman and Rita Rosenberg Doris & Sam RosenblatRuth RosenblumRiva & Herb RosenfeldSam & Gert Rosenthal

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Mendel RosnerHenry & Ann RossHarry & Sara RotbardBill Rotenberg Matys Rotenberg & Ita RotenbergPeretz & Chanka RotenbergToby Roth Nathan, Sara & Morris RotmanLillian RotsteinMolly RubinoffSafron Ruderman FamilyEthel & Alex RumianikEsther & Joseph Rutman Martin RynskiJoseph Herman SadowskiAnne Salem Sam & Anne Salem Sam & Anne Salem Kenneth & Toby SaltzmanSaltzman Family Jennie SamuelsLucy & Louis Jules SamuelsBertha & William SavlovAileen SaxHelen F. SchacterIrving & Mae SchacterAnne & Kalman SchaffranIzzy & Yetta SchattenRuth & Herb ScheinmanHannah Ambrose SchiffFrank & Florence Schipper Irvin SchipperKamilla A. SchonbergSol & Eva SchulmanLouis & Pearl Schwartz Bessie Schweitzer Eva & Irving SeligmanHy & Esther Seligman Jessica & Tonya SeltzerRae & Abe ShachterRose ShainSam & Trudy Shain Gerald & Hannah ShaneBeck Shapiro Dr. Ernest K. ShapiroHarry & Clara ShapiroHarry & Eva ShefmanAl Shendale Louis ShermanStanley & Sally Sherman

Anshei ShidlovEsther & Sam Shilling FamilyManny & Sadye ShinehoftSam & Elsie Shulman Jack SibulashIrving Siegel FamilyMollie & Max SigalHarry Silverberg James & Marie SilverbergSam & Molly Silverberg Samuel J. SilverbergHarry & Bessie SilverhartAnnalee SilvermanJoseph Louis & Celia SilvermanDr. Harry & Tannis SilversteinHarry & Jennie SilversteinMurray & Joanne SilversteinBernice & Percy SingerFred & Belle SingerFred & Ann Singer FamilyJoseph, Reta & Bruce SipperSally & Max Skrow Sam & Fanny SkurkaPearl & Jack SlanHarry SlavnerRachel SliwinskaLou SloanRabbi Reuben & Rita Slonim William (Bill) SluserBen & Sally Smith Isadore & Ruth SmithJennie SniderSam SniderBetty & Boris SokoloffLillian SolesSam & Inez SolishSone Family Rose & Louis SonenbergYoung Women’s Branch of The Sons of Jacob Mindy SoubermanRaizel (Aronovitch) SpectorRose & Tommy SpeismanMunja SpiegelBill SprackmanMae Stein & Dorothy SchoenbergerMary Stein Renee & Mel SteinAlte & Edgar Steinberg

William & Ida SteinbergFanny SternMax & Ruth SternPearl & Albert StevensPearl & Jerome StoneSamuel Stone Harry & Sophie StransmanMorris & Rebecca Stulberg Bob & Goldie SugarRose & Aaron SugarCharles, Rose & Ann Sutton Edith and Leo Szigeti Goldie & Louis TalskyEsther & Harry TatorCelia & Henry TaubeJack & Bernice Taylor FamilyHenry and Ruth TenserRhoda & Benjamin TepperMorris & Lily TeppermanRose & Jack TesherRose Ticktin & Carole Marilyn FisherFred TittelRita & Myron Tobias Louis & Rose TobisJaakov & Lilli Toporek and FamilyEze & Alice TorkinRuth TorneckSydney & Ruth TozmanMax Trachter Sylvia & Philip TragerStephen & Maura TurkHarry & Mary Unger Kopel & Lilian UngerBessie UrowitzLillian & Ben Valin Samuel Verman VisenbergStanley Vyner and Millie AbramovitzArthur & Sue WagmanDebbie Wagman William Wagman Morris & Zena Waldman FamilyReva & Mark WaldmanAnnette & Jack Walman FamilyDora WaltmanIrving WaltmanSarah & Samuel Warner Clara WarshDavid & Mary Wasserman

Harry WassermanMoishe & Rayla Wasserman FamilyBetty & Max WeinbergYaacov & Freda WeinbergSam Weiner & Marci WeinerJulie & Michael Weingarten FamilyNorman Weingarten FamilyEsther & Ben Weinrib Rita & Ralph Weinstein FamilyEmma & Irving WeintraubRose WeisblattHarry WeisfeldHerbert J. WeissStephen WeissAndrew & Margaret WeiszSamuel & Rose WienerMina WierzchowskiMorris & Muriel Wilensky Sol & Anne WilksMolly & Max WingustIrving & Frances WintrobMorris (Moishe) & Pauline WiseBenjamin & Nellie WisleskiFaye Wohl Kover & Anne WohlRose WohlgelernterEdward Wolfish Phyllis & Saul Wolfish-MortonRose & Harry WolfsonS. David & Rose WolfsonLena WolinskyAbe Woolf Bernice & Abe WygodnyBelle & Wilf YapheYoung Men’s Hebrew AssociationSam & Norma YurmanLeslie & Gertrude ZackMorris Zaretsky Anne and Joseph ZarnettFanny & Thomas ZelinJohn Ziner (Czinner) & FamilyZucker/Zinman Betty Zweig Dinah & David Zweig Family

* Indicates new funds opened between April 1, 2010 and March 31, 2011.

covenant funds

Covenant Funds provide another opportunity to create an enduring testament to a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion. Established with a minimum commit-ment of $1,000, these named funds are designed so that the capital of the fund is invested and the interest generated each year is directed toward your choice of Client Care, Research, Education, or “Baycrest’s most pressing needs.” In this way, the name of the fund becomes a lasting legacy, while the capital provides ongoing support for important programs and services at Baycrest, now and into the future. All donations to the fund are eligible to receive receipts for income tax purposes.

covenant funds$1,000 - $9,999Sid & Lil Abel Joseph M. Abraham Dr. John & Frances Ackerman Harvey & Frances Adelman Gerald Herbert Albert Dr. Max & Rhona Alexandroff Goldy Alexandroff Elsa Allen Lillian Allen Eve & Mickey Alter Mary Alter

Phillip Alter & Family Lauren Amato Ronnie & Bunnie Appleby/Robins Appleby & Taub LLP Murray & Joyce Arlin Michele Andrea Arshawsky Fine Dr. Harvey Atin Cantor David & Klara Bagley Bert Bainerman Irving Bain Louis Bain*Mildred & David Bakan Bill Baker

Sophie & Sid Baker Alex Bakerspigel Ethel Tamas Balint Samuel & Ruth Banks Joseff & Susan Baruch Karen & Amnon Baruch Genia & Kalman Baum Rose Bayer & Alexander Bayer Morris & Lena Bederman Sara & Leo Beliak Vela Belsky Leonard & Goldie Berger Sam & Sara Berger

Morton Bernholtz Rebeka Bialystok*Ronald & Bonnie Birken*Philip Birman Lillian Bobkin Guta Boimal Milton Book Celia Bookman*Anton Braun*Bella Bricks Frances Bromstein Sarah BrothmanBSDSamuel Burman Rebecca Burstein Rose & Carl Calmenson Calvin Cappell Harry Carsley Carrie & Martin Cash Tom Cash Mania Chaikof Esther Clairmont Yetta Cohen*Anna Cojocariu Domenico & Maria Colaiacovo Farrel & Rhoda Cole Ruth & William Coldoff

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Albert & Rose Cooper Goldie (Yarmouth) Cooper*Joseph Cooper Mervis & Horace Crosswell Ede (Teddy) Csillag & Irene Blasz Csillag & Family*Shirley Cutler Cecil & Barbara Davidson Harold & Bunny Davidson*Charles H. Davis Sammy Davis Elizabeth de Roode Edward Donnenfield Marshall Drewnowsky Belle & George Drutz Chaim & Fira Dunec Sarah (Sally) Dzialoszynski Miriam (Micky) Ebedes & Family Howard J. Edelson Frances & Murray Eisen Leon Elfan Ethel & Sidney Elias*Beatrice Elkind Philip, Edith & Martin Ely Mary Ernest Faye & Sydney Faibish Family Ida & Fishel Farber Nettie Favor Mina & Julius Feder Gizella Fein Allen & Marilyn Feldman Bess Feldman Claire FeldmanGert & Syd Fink Anna Flancman*Nancy & Howard Fleischer Stephen Foldy Solomon & Marlene Fox Jean Frankel Harold & Gitta Frazer Max & Yetta Freedman Sarah Freedman The Freedman Family Alfred & Mary Freeman Harvey Freeman Herb & Betty Frieberg Family Yetta Friedman Esther Fridson Israel & Rachel Frydberg Ben Gangbar*Sheppard & Geraldine Gangbar Arthur & Shelley Gans Saul & Lilly Garden Karen Garscadden Faye Gewarter Hilda Giddens Ella & Daniel Gilbert*Anne & Ben Ginsberg*Bess & Philip Godfrey Margaret Rich Godfrey Freda Goldberg Jack Goldberg Ernest Goldberger Joseph & Renee Goldhar Family Nathan & Anne Goldman Jack Goldstein Evelyn Gollin Louis & Esther Gomberg Harry & Fanny Goodman Dr. Jack M. Goodman Philip Greenspan Moe and Sylvia Greenspoon Sandra Mae Greenspoon David & Matilda Grossman Joseph Grossman Dora Grunwald Magda & Arie Grunwald Abraham & Chana Grynberg; Karolyn (Grynberg) Karten

Ben Gussack Bernice Guziker David Gwartz Martin Halberstadt Morris & Eudy Halberstadt Jack & Amy Hauer Sophie Hausman Saba Hecht Joseph & Gertrude Helfand Sylvia Herberman Elyse & Lawrence Hildebrand Family Tillie (Shier) Himel Alfred Ho Judy Horowitz Ann & Ben Houpt Kelly & Daniel Isakow Daisy & Sydney Jacobs Family Leo & Sadye Jacobs Jeanette Jacobsen David & Nacia Kaczka Sarah & Percy Kassel Pearl (Katz) Kates Abe & Bunny Katz Jane & Israel Katz Sara Katz Minnie & Samuel Katzman Carol & Nat Kaufman Jack & Zita Kaufman Richard & Anne Gertrude Kay*Daniel Kayfetz Sam & Rita Kenigsberg Philip Kerbel Norman & Ellin Kert Isadore & Sarah Kerzner Laura & Jack Kirk*Alex Kirsh Edith Kirsh Murray & Lila Kirsh Family Lou & Esther Kirshenblatt Ruth Kirshner Ileana Klein Leo & Blossom (Bluma) Klein Family Sylvia Klein Leon Kluger Bertha Komaromi Leo Kon Allan & Esther Konikoff Harold Korenblum Koven Family Nathan Kozloff Esther Bluma Krakowski George & Bess Kreser Beatrice & Bernard Krestell Gail & Fred Krofchick Blanka Kronenberg Freda & Chaim Kuper Moshe Kurtz Jean & Bert Lams Brenda and Brian Lass Family Anne Lebow Raye Filderman Lebow Jessie Leffell Eklove Henrietta Leinwol Anna & Harvey Lerner Judy & Bob Lester Family*Evelyn & Charles Levenstein Rae Levine William & Minora Levine Nathan Levinne Nye Levy Harry Lewkowicz Miriam & Bernie Liberman Benjamin & Rita Libman Paula & Rachmil Licht Family*Morris & Cyla Lieberman Alice Light Ida & Jack Linetsky

Shirley Luft Molly Lustman Mendy and Marilyn Maierovitz Sharron (Sherry) Mandell & FamilyJeanette and Max Manes Molly Manly Fran Mann Rose & Jack Manson Clarence & Bernice Marcus Alter & Chaya Fradel Markus Frank & Pearl Maron Arlene Mayers*Seymour & Evelyn Mayers Sara Mazin Margaret G. McCreight Anthony McGregor*Moishe Mendlowitz Paul & Lily Menceles Jacqueline Michaels Bella & Abe Miller Jonathan & Ursula Miller Mary Miller Samuel & Sophie Milgram William J. Mimms Thelma Mintz Bessie & Morris Mock Eva and Nathan Mogil Shirley Moldaver Freda & Sam Morgenstern Ruth Morayniss & Leland Harris Family*Murray Morgenthau*Joseph and Molly Moses Gertrude Most Doris Naiman Sue and Max Naiman Jack & Sue Nelson Schlomo Neugebauer Oscar & Rae Newman Family Jack & Dorothy Nightingale Arnold Nirenberg Ura - Nisker Family Charles & Minnie Nochomovitz Jacob Nusinowitz*Perla Ohana Jack & Sala Ordynans Herbert & Ida Orliffe Joseph C. Pardo Jack & Marie Parker Lester Parks Earl Parnes Alvin Pearson Mary Pencer Sarah & Joe Pinkus Sheldon & Nonie Plener Family Audrey Radden Harry Ralston Helen Rauchwerger Gilbert and Reingold Family Emil Remez Bella Rich Betty & Mitchell Richler Family David Risen Bella & Chaim Rochwerg Samuel Brian Rodgers Trudie Roebuck Murray & Annette Roher Golden Rosen Family Mona Rosenbaum Sidney Rosenblum Joseph & Beatrice (Joe & Bea) Rosenberg Fanny & Arthur Rosenblum Josef & Fela Rosenthal Florence Ross Aaron & Jessica Rotenberg Aaron & Sarah Rotenberg Nellie Rothman

Patti & Sheldon Rotman Family Meyer & Rose Rotstein Edith Rowan Berte & Alex Rubin Rubenzahl Family*Harry Rubenstein Sam & Goldie Rubin Morris & Julia Ruby Albert Rudolph Sara & Phil Rutman Charles Sager Sophie Salutin Esther Sandberg Tom Sankey*Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Schachter Dr. Ricky Kanee Schachter Minka Schaeffer Beverley & Leonard Schechtman Brian Scholl Adolf & Alice Schmid and Amanda & Jordana Irwin Helen & Benny Schreiber Harriet & Benjamin Seaton Lily Poss Segar Toby Seligman Renee & Sydney Shapiro Adele Sharpe Harris Sheaffer LLP*Kaelen Sherman David & Dorothy Shessel*Ida and Ben Shore Ray Shore Bebe Shreiber & David Lipman Belle Shub Abe & Gertrude Shuman Jean Siegel*Sonia Siegal Philip Simon Fran Simms* Miriam Singer*Myer Harold Singer Lottie & Harry Slotnick Lena Smolack Family Percy Smith Dora & Isaac Sobel Max Soberman Beatrice & Sam Solomon Queenie Solomon Greta Sonshine Anne Spetter Orna Spiegel Sarah Spiel*Sarah Spitz Dr. Manuel & Phyllis Spivak Allan Spring Claire Spring Myrle & Nathan Spring Bella & Charles Springer Ben & Elly Springer Family Lillian T. Starkman Minnie Starkman*Gussie & Moe Starr Dorothy Sterling Nathan & Clara Stein Frances Titel Steinberg Rose Steckler Lily & Fred Stoll Dorothy & Eddie Stossel*Bea & Al Swartz Edith Swartz Erzsebet Szabo Jack & Dvora Szmeiser Tanny Family Claire Tapiero Helen Tator *Dean Jordan Taylor Sy Techner Anna Tencer Minnie Tishler

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472010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report

Elliot & Sandra Title Family*Meyer & Marnie Toben Lou & Ida Tohn Ruth & Norman Trachter Nat & Jeanette Train Albert Treibitsch Samuel & Mollie Troster Molly & Irving Trostin Toby Tuvel Helen Urbach John & Shirley Vanderheym*Verrall - Barsony Eva & George Vertes Family Jack & Lillian Vinokur Libby Waese Dr. Ben & Ruth Wagman Zelda Wagman Chana Wallace Samuel Wang Mary Warszawski Belle Green Wax Philip & Shirley Waxman Rose W. Weiner Mietek Weinreich Harold Weinrib Ada & Willie Weinstein Family Lucy & Isadore (Gus) Weinstein Eddie Weisberg Alice Wiener Bertha Wilenczyk Faygie & Benny Winbaum Alex & Eva Winick Howard & Donna Winick Jerold & Gale Winter David Wise Violet Wolf Jacob & Fanny Wolfe Milton Wolfe Betty & Max Wolfman Family Tamara Wolman Yacht Family Hy & Ruth Young Jack & Bea Young*Arthur Zabinski Szoszana Zaide Mary Zealley Edward Zeit Jacob & Anna Zigelman Ziga Zimmerman Olga & Andy Zober

* Indicates new funds opened between April 1, 2010 and March 31, 2011

baycrest friends forever $36,000+ endowmentIn Honour of Mildred CohenBudgie FriebergJoy GalesLillian Vine GlowinskyDebbie KimelHenrietta KostmanIn Honour of Bella GoldsteinBarbara LevSheila LoftusIn Honour of Carol MoirMargaret NightingaleJoyce PoslunsFran SonshineGabi Weisfeld

leading women of baycrest$3,600 - $35,999 annuallyPamela AustinTobie BekhorHarriett BomzaAndrea CohenFlorence CooperPeggy DeZwirekBeverley FeinMinda FeldmanSusan FenwickRose FishmanSharon FlancmanGitta GanzMaxine Granovsky GluskinGina GodfreyMilli GouldMolline GreenEdie HarlangElise KallesRuth KerbelAnita LapidusBurtha LissDiane Mavrinac-RossJudith Megow-RosePauline MenkesCarol MitchellLynn PoslunsLinda ReedGaye SteinCarole TanenbaumSusan Weisbarth

women of baycrest$1,800 - $3,599 annuallySheila AlexanderSimmie AntflickBunnie ApplebyDebbie BankFaith BanksSharron Barlin-FruitmanKaren BaruchShelley BaruchRose BaumDaryl BeberHolly Pencer BellmanLynn BelzbergGay BergerIrene BerkowitzMolly BloomVivien BrownLisa BrushOrah BuckLois BucksteinBeverley BurdeyneyEsther BurnettDebra CampbellRosanne CancianTiffany ChowSandra ClavirKimberly CohenMarilyn CohenClara CooperLorraine CooperCarole CowperElaine CulinerStacey CynamonCamille Dan Kiki DelaneyLori Di MonteShirley DiamondLisa DraperKaren EhrlichBeatrice EisenWendy EisenAnita EksteinEvelyn Ernest-TitleSharyn Salsberg EzrinToby FarbRachel FarberToby FeldbergAngela FeldmanRoni FeldmanRoberta FidlerNorma FinkelsteinSylvia FischPhyllis FlattMandy Fleischer

Nancy Dover FleischerSandi FlorenceJoanne FosterYetta FreemanLois Friedman FineNorma FromerLinda FrumSylvia GefenGail GersteinLynn GlazerShirley GlickEleanor GodfreyYvonne GoldbergNaomi GoldenbergLibby GoldgrubLillian GoldmanEllen GoldsteinDiana GoodmanGrace GoodmanBonnie Goodman-BloomGilda Goodman-HelmanCindy GordonSara GormanHelen GradCarol GrafsteinRenata GrantLisa GreenMalka GreenReggie GreenbergDebbie GreenspoonMimi GreenspoonRachel GreenspoonMichelle GrossKitty GrossmanRisa GrossmanFran GrundmanPearl GryfeRoz HalbertAndrea HalperinPam HandelsmanDiane HarrisJanet HarrisFaryl HausmanCatherine HimelfarbSusan JacksonRosemary Little JeffaresBernyce KaliferMay KarpToby KasnerMiriam KerznerAitana KleinAnna KofflerJulia KoschitzkyMerilyn LeanRena LichtblauKaryn LipmanJan Loftus-AllinRuth MagderLeora MarcovitzFaye MarkowitzJean MarmoreoEllen MarrRoxanne McEwanValerie MelmanOfra MenkesMyra MerkurRenee MetrickEsther MichaelsFaye MinukWendy Switzer MylesEleanor NadlerLorraine NakelskyJanice NathansonLouise Novis

women of baycrest members

Women of Baycrest is leading an ambitious $5 million campaign in support of the Women’s Brain Health Research Fund to raise money for a new Research Chair in Women’s Brain Health & Aging as well as innovative education initiatives. The objective is to increase the amount of scientific knowledge about women’s brain health and aging, and disseminate this knowledge for the benefit of women everywhere. Listed below are the Women of Baycrest members who have already invested in their own futures, and the future of genera-tions of women to come. For more information, visit

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48 2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report

Judy NymanAnnette OelbaumMargi OksnerCindy OrfusJudy PencerNancy PencerSarah PerlisPenny PetroffNonie PlenerElissa PoslunsFelicia PoslunsNancy PoslunsWendy PoslunsNancy PrusskyEsterita Chananie RajskyFern ReichRonnie RichmanAriella RohringerSusan RoseMyrna RossRisa RotenbergLynda Roth Rochelle RubinsteinDianne SaxeHoney SchipperMarjorie SchwartzMina SchwarzDoreen ScolnickMarla ShapiroRicki Robins SharpeElaine ShedletzkyBonnie ShoreHilda ShoreJudi ShostackHinda SilberRuth SilberJulie SilverVivian SilverbergHelen SilversteinRoslyn SilversteinKaren SimpsonBeth SingerHelen SingerCarol SlattFrancine SocketSylvia SoykaRodeen SteinCarole SterlingJulie SternJoan StosselDebra StuartMartha SudReesa SudBarbara SugarSusan SzainwaldSusan TaerkJeannie TanenbaumJudy TanenbaumCharlotte TessisJanice TkatchGloria UngermanHelen ValeSusan Van Der HoutDebbie WaksLinda WaksSandy WaldmanSheilah Wallin - BourgeoisFlorence WeinbergerMyrna WeinsteinSharon WeintraubTerri WeintraubMarilyn WeiszKaren WhitneyElizabeth WolfeRenée WolfeElayne WortsmanCecilia WynnLiora YakubowiczNelly ZagdanskiSara ZagdanskiLibby ZnaimerCarole Herman Zucker

young women of baycrest$365 annuallyJoanna AlexandroffShelly ArbibElissa AtlinLeah BaruchCasey Gorman BelzbergRikki BennieShawna BrandJennifer BrodliebLeah BrownEmily CharykShaina DavisStephanie DiGiuseppeLindsay FarberAshley FaustDaphne FenwickFara FenwickJodi FenwickCourtney FiremanClaudia FleischerSamantha Margolis Fogle Haley FrimermanMichelle FrostAmanda GalesNatalie GeeLesley GlowinskyLaura Stern GoldsilverSari GoodmanCandice GordonJaime GreenspoonLani GreenspoonLauren GreismanJoanna GryfeNaomi Gryfe-SaperiaJordana JosephJodi KaplovitchSamantha KimelAlana KonopnyDana LernerBarbi Benjamin LevittAmy LittleAlexa MarrLisa MarvinKailee MecklingerJustine MelmanKirsten MenkesTamara Mimran Rebecca MintzAlex MitzJulie MitzLexi MitzRebecca Berkowitz MoffsLauren MoirDary NgemRebecca OksnerCara OrzechVictoria PhanJulia PoslunsDara RamesJoanna RichlerKatherine RossSara Ann RossJoanne SallayMacy ScharfsteinNicole SchwartzMeytal Algranti Shekhter Lauren Charyk SilverbergCydney SimpsonJessica SnowShelley SonshineAlexandra Charyk SpinnerErin SternbergBrittany SudRiva TurnerDebra WeintraubRobyn WeintraubLauren Kimel WiseSara Zborovski

art donations

Ahron BezalelDrew CohenJane CorkinJack CulinerRouhama DantoDr. Murray FinkelsteinStephen FreedhoffYetta FreemanDoug GameroffJoe GottdenkerNorman GriesdorfSandra HalbertLeo KamenSol KoschitzkyJohn KazanjianWalter Ross MurrayGorden NodwellAnna OrenHayla PrenickDr. Joel RayLawrence RosenfieldMichael RuscettaDavid SaundersDavid ShaulShaun SingerBernice StarkmanJay TeitelDavid UrbanSue WeinsteinJack and Betty Winston

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our thanks to all donors who support Baycrest, IncludIng those requestIng anonymIty.

every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this list. if we have erred, please accept our sincere apologies. if you have any questions, please contact carol berns in the baycrest foundation at 416-785-2500, x 2035 or [email protected].

baycrest gratefully acknowledges the funding we receive from the province of ontario and the government of canada as well as all other funding agencies. for a full list, please go to

funding support for baycrest provided by the toronto central local health integration network.

for more information about baycrest’s programs and services, please visit

Produced by Public Affairs, Baycrest

Concept and design by Clear Space

Portrait photography by Malcolm Taylor

Printed by Exodus Graphics Corp.

to view this report online, visit

baycrest is an academic health sciences centre affiliated with the university of toronto

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the next generatIon

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