Page 1: Battery Lifetime-Aware Automotive Climate Control for · Fig. 2. Battery Lifetime-aware Automotive Climate Control Methodology

Battery Lifetime-Aware Automotive Climate Controlfor Electric Vehicles

Korosh Vatanparvar, Mohammad Abdullah Al FaruqueDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California, USA{kvatanpa, alfaruqu}

Abstract—Electric Vehicle (EV) optimization involves stringent con-straints on driving range and battery lifetime. Sophisticated embeddedsystems and huge number of computing resources have enabled re-searchers to implement advanced Battery Management Systems (BMS)for optimizing the driving range and battery lifetime. However, theHeating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) control and BMS havenot been considered together in this optimization. This paper presents anovel automotive climate control methodology that manages the HVACpower consumption to improve the battery lifetime and driving range.Our experiments demonstrate that the HVAC consumption is considerableand flexible in an EV which significantly influences the driving range andbattery lifetime. Hence, this influence on the above-mentioned constraintshas been modeled and analyzed precisely, then it has been consideredthoroughly in the EV optimization process. Our methodology providessignificant improvement in battery lifetime (on average 14%) and averagepower consumption (on average 39% reduction) compared to the state-of-the-art methodologies.


Electric Vehicles (EVs) have been accepted as sustainable solutionand a new paradigm of transportation [1] to address the environmentalissues caused by greenhouse gases and other pollutants coming fromroad transportation [2]. Despite the incentives provided by govern-ments to promote EV deployment [3], EVs pose new challengesin the trade-off between costs and performance [4]. The drivingrange and battery lifetime are the challenges that have become majordesign objectives for EVs. The cost, volume, and weight constraintsin battery pack design make them the major bottleneck restrictingthe amount of energy stored for driving [5]. On the other hand, thebattery lifetime is directly related to the State-of-Health (SoH) whichrepresents the battery capability to store and deliver energy. The SoHdegrades over time according to the battery usage pattern and thebattery will become useless when it degrades for about 20% [6].In order to alleviate the driving range and battery lifetime issue,a Battery Management System (BMS) is typically implemented tomonitor and control the battery cells [1]. The BMS prevents over-charging, overdischarging, overheating, and imbalance of battery cellsto improve their energy efficiency and lifetime. By presenting HybridEnergy Storage System (HESS) [3] that may consist of ultracapacitorsaccompanied with battery cells, the BMS evolved to handle thecharge management for heterogeneous energy storage to improveenergy efficiency and battery lifetime. Other components inside EV,e.g. power converters, inverters, electrical motor, etc. demonstratedifferent efficiency in various conditions. Hence, the BMS mayoptimize the battery or HESS usage based on the components’efficiency map. Also, [3][7] have illustrated that the BMS may predictand optimize the energy consumption more efficiently by having theroute information.In the process of optimizing the energy efficiency and battery lifetimeby the BMS, the electrical motor power consumption has beenPermission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACMmust be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or afee. Request permissions from [email protected] ’15, June 07 - 11, 2015, San Francisco, CA, USACopyright 2015 ACM 978-1-4503-3520-1/15/06$15.00

considered in a fine-grained level. While, up until now, the power con-sumption of the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)has been assumed to be constant. On the other hand, controlling theHVAC (automotive climate control) is mostly done using switchingOn/Off the system or fuzzy-based methodologies implemented onProportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers [8][9][10]. Thesemethodologies typically try to stabilize the temperature and humidityinside the cabin within the comfort zone [11] without considering thebattery lifetime. Therefore, the HVAC and the BMS have not beenconsidered together in the optimization process. Recently, researchhas been done to analyze the HVAC power consumption influenceon the driving range [12]. The HVAC in an EV may consume upto6KW and reduce the driving range upto 50% depending on the outsideweather conditions [13]. Hence, the HVAC power consumption is asignificant factor affecting the driving range and battery lifetime, andmay be controlled more easily as opposed to the electrical motor.In summary, the above-mentioned state-of-the-art methodologies suf-fer from the following three major limitations:1) The HVAC control has not been considered together with the

BMS for optimizing the driving range and/or battery lifetime.2) They have all considered HVAC power consumption as a constant

for modeling and estimation.3) The effect of the HVAC power consumption on the battery

lifetime has not been accounted.

Fig. 1. Percentages of Three Types of Power Consumption in EV [14] andICE Vehicle [15] for Different Ambient Temperatures.

A. Motivational Case Study on HVAC Load AnalysisAccording to existing data, we have analyzed the power con-

sumption in an EV (Tesla Motor S 60KWh [14]) and an InternalCombustion Engine (ICE) vehicle (Toyota Corolla [15]) when theHVAC is powered on, for different ambient temperatures (Fig. 1).Although the electrical motor efficiency in EVs and engine efficiencyin ICE vehicles change for different ambient temperatures, theirconsumption is almost similar for different temperatures. Also, theaccessories (e.g. entertainment system) in EVs and ICE vehiclesconsume the same small amount for different ambient temperatures.However, the HVAC consumption demonstrates different behavior forEVs and ICE vehicles. In lower temperatures, the HVAC in ICEvehicles uses the heat generated from the engine to warm up thecabin, resulting in almost no fuel consumption except for the fan.While, in higher temperatures, the HVAC has to consume power/fuelto cool down the air. On the other hand, in EVs, since almost no heatis generated from the electrical motor, the HVAC has to consumepower in both cases to warm up or cool down the cabin. Moreoverthe percentage, the HVAC contributes to the total power consumptionin EVs (upto 20%), is more significant than in ICE vehicles (upto 9%).

Page 2: Battery Lifetime-Aware Automotive Climate Control for · Fig. 2. Battery Lifetime-aware Automotive Climate Control Methodology

Therefore, this may affect the battery lifetime and EV driving rangesignificantly, and due to the longer recharging time and relatively lessnumber of charging stations, it may further worsen the situation forthe driver and causes range anxiety [7].Summary and conclusion from observations: the above analysisillustrates that HVAC power consumption is a significant factor in EVsand varies based on the ambient temperature. Hence, not consideringthe HVAC and BMS while optimizing the battery lifetime and drivingrange, may not give the optimal solution. Having a detailed HVACmodel which describes its behavior and characteristics in variousstates and with respect to different inputs, may help us to estimatethe HVAC power consumption in the EV and analyze its effect onthe battery lifetime [16]. In this way, we may control the HVAC andits power consumption in an optimum way to improve the drivingrange and reduce the SoH degradation. Hence, our novel automotiveclimate control methodology optimizes the driving range and batterylifetime using the co-ordination between the HVAC and BMS.

B. Problem and Research ChallengesThe problem of improving the battery lifetime and driving range

poses the following key challenges:

1) Having an accurate modeling and estimation for HVAC’s dynam-ics, power consumption, and influence on the battery lifetime.

2) Co-ordination between the HVAC and the BMS for optimizing thebattery lifetime and driving range.

C. Our Novel Contributions and Concept OverviewTo address the above-mentioned challenges, a novel automotive

climate control methodology for optimizing battery lifetime anddriving range is proposed that employs:

1) Modeling and Estimation of HVAC (Section II-C) which de-scribes the instantaneous power consumption and thermodynamicbehavior of a HVAC in different states and conditions.

2) Modeling and Estimation of Battery Lifetime (Section II-D)that measures the battery SoH degradation by predicting theEV power consumption during a driving period which can bedone by integrating the HVAC, power train, and battery lifetimedegradation models into an EV model.

3) Optimized Battery Lifetime-aware Automotive Climate Con-trol (Section III) that reduces the HVAC power consumptionwhen the electrical motor is estimated to consume more. Onthe other hand, when the electrical motor power consumptionis estimated to be low, there is enough slack for the HVAC toadjust the cabin temperature again or precool/preheat the cabinbefore the next peak in power consumption arrives. Therefore,the SoC deviation and the SoC average in a discharging/chargingcycle will decrease and thereby improve the driving range andthe battery lifetime. This controlling methodology is formulatedusing Model Predictive Control (MPC). Fig. 2 describes our novelbattery lifetime-aware automotive climate control methodology.

Fig. 2. Battery Lifetime-aware Automotive Climate Control Methodology.


As we have stated in Section I, the overall power consumption inEVs is categorized into three types; the electrical motor, HVAC, andaccessories. The power train inside the EV, in which the electricalmotor is the main component, contributes to driving. Hence, theelectrical motor power consumption is mainly influenced by thevehicle speed, acceleration, and road slope (see Section II-B). TheHVAC is another significant flexible power consumer inside theEV. The outside climate, e.g. the ambient temperature and solarradiation, influence the HVAC power consumption significantly (seeSection II-C). However, the accessories power consumption is fixedand small compared to other two types.Characteristics of the components inside an EV are modeled usingOrdinary Differential Equations (ODE) to estimate their behavior andpower consumption in different time instances. Also, the time-varyingfactors influencing the consumption, e.g. vehicle speed, acceleration,road slope, and ambient temperature, are modeled as a multi-variableinput to the above-mentioned models (see Section II-A).

A. Drive ProfileThe total EV power consumption is mainly influenced by the sur-

rounding environment. For instance, the HVAC power consumptionis influenced by the ambient temperature and the electrical motorpower consumption is affected by the vehicle speed, acceleration,and road slope. We define the term drive profile to model these time-varying factors as a multi-variable input data. A drive profile is adiscrete-time sampled data from the environment, the EV is drivingin. Nowadays, most drivers use GPS navigation systems to selectthe most appropriate route to their destinations. Hence, the routeinformation and the parameters of each route segment such as: roadslope, average vehicle speed, and average vehicle acceleration, areknown accurately before driving. Also, there are existing databasesthat provide the information needed for generating real-life driveprofiles. [17] provides the traffic flow information and the averagevehicle speed in each route segment. The elevation at differentcoordination in the route is measured to calculate the road slopes[17]. The ambient temperature at each route segment is extracted fromthe existing climate databases [18]. On the other hand, there existsstandard driving cycles, e.g. NEDC, EUDC, etc. [3]. These drivingcycles are mainly used for simulation, verification, and comparisonof the EV efficiency, driving range, and battery lifetime.

B. Power Train ModelThe power train in EV is responsible for generating the required

power using the electrical motor and transferring it to the wheels(see Fig. 3 for an example of a power train in EV, modeled byAMESim [19]).In an EV, the main propulsion force - the tractive force (Ftr) - isprovided by the electrical motor to overcome the road load force (Frd)to propel the vehicle forward at a desired speed and acceleration [20].Frd consists of the aerodynamic drag, the gravitational force, and therolling resistance:Frd = Fgr + Faero + Froll (1)The aerodynamic drag (Faero) is the viscous resistance of the airworking against the vehicle motion which is quadratically propor-tional to the vehicle speed (v). The force is calculated as:

Faero =1

2ρairCxA (v + vwind)

2 (2)

where ρair is the air density, Cx is the aerodynamic drag coefficient,A is the effective frontal area of the vehicle, and vwind is the head-wind velocity.The gravitational force (Fgr) is the force caused by the gravity andis mainly dependent on the road slope. The force is calculated as:

Page 3: Battery Lifetime-Aware Automotive Climate Control for · Fig. 2. Battery Lifetime-aware Automotive Climate Control Methodology

Fgr = mg sin(arctan

( α



where m is the total mass of the vehicle, g is the gravitationalacceleration constant, and α is the percentage of the road slope; 100%represents the slope of 45◦.The rolling resistance (Froll) is produced by the flattening of the tireat the contact surface of the road and it is calculated as:Froll = mg

(c0 + c1v

2) (4)where c0 and c1 are the rolling resistance coefficients.Ftr is generated by the electrical motor to overcome Frd so that thevehicle maintains the desired acceleration (a) and speed:Ftr = Frd +ma (5)The electrical motor power consumption (Pe) is calculated as:

Pe =Ftrv


where ηm represents the electrical motor efficiency when convertingelectrical to mechanical energy in the motor mode and convertingmechanical to electrical energy in the generator mode (regenerativebreak). ηm is highly dependent on the motor rotational speed and thegenerated torque.The model parameters are adjusted based on the specifications ofNissan Leaf [12]. Its driving range and power consumption have beenverified in different conditions by our model.

Fig. 3. Diagram of a Power Train in an EV Modeled by AMESim [19].

C. HVAC ModelThe HVAC in modern vehicles mainly uses the Variable Air

Volume (VAV) system [10]. The advantage of this system is theprecise control of the temperature and humidity in multi-zone orsingle-zone with lower energy consumption [10]. The HVAC structure[8][9] in an EV is depicted in Fig. 4. The system contains a variable-speed fan to provide the supply air to the zone(s). A valve damperis used to control the mix of the outside air and the recirculated airback into the system. The cooler and the heater will control the airtemperature by exchanging heat. In this paper, we assume a single-zone HVAC and model the corresponding behavior and dynamicsin different parts of the system using low-order ODEs. Despite thesimplicity (compared to higher-order thermodynamic equations), themodel provides sufficient information for analyzing the transientbehavior of the system. The humidity can be an important factoraffecting the HVAC power consumption, but it is not typically directlymeasured or controlled [21]. Therefore, in this paper, the temperaturerepresents an equivalent dry air temperature at which the dry air hasthe same specific enthalpy as the actual moist air mixture.The temperature inside the cabin (zone) (Tz) is influenced by thesupply air to the cabin, the heat exchange with outside, and the solar

Fig. 4. The Structure of a Single-zone HVAC in an EV.

radiation. The energy balance in the cabin model is described as:


= Q+ mzcp(Ts − Tz) (7)

where Mc is the thermal capacitance of the air, wall, and the seatsinside the cabin and cp is the heat capacity of the air. The cabintemperature changing rate ( dTz

dt) is also controlled by the air flow

rate into the cabin (mz).The exchanged heat with outside and the solar radiation are modeledas thermal loads Q:Q = Qsolar + cxAx(To − Tz) (8)

where the solar radiation (Qsolar) and outside temperature (To)are time-varying factors. The value of To is provided by the driveprofile and Qsolar is assumed to be constant during driving (thermalload offset). The heat exchange through the walls with outside isproportional to the difference between Tz and To, the heat exchangecoefficient cx, and the area separating the cabin and outside (Ax).The air returned from the cabin is mixed with the outside air andrecirculated back to the system. The fraction of the returned air fromthe cabin is dr , which is controlled by a damper. Then, the energybalance in the air mixer gives the temperature of the system inlet air(Tm) as follows:Tm = (1− dr)To + drTz (9)where Tz is the returned air temperature which is as same as the

cabin temperature in a single-zone HVAC.We consider the cooling and heating coil power consumption interms of the energy difference between their inlet and outlet air flow.Moreover, the heat exchange between the coolant/evaporator and airis modeled as efficiency parameters:

Ph =cpηhmz(Ts − Tc) (10)

Pc =cpηcmz(Tm − Tc) (11)

where Pc and Ph are cooling coil and heating coil power consump-tion, respectively. ηh and ηc are the efficiency parameters describingthe operating characteristics of the heating and cooling processes. Thefan power consumption (Pf ) is quadratically related to mz:Pf = kf (mz)

2 (12)where kf is a parameter that captures the fan efficiency and the duct

pressure losses.The parameters for the model have been set based on an HVACspecifications [8][9] and to match the thermodynamic behavior indifferent conditions accurately [15][22].

D. Battery Lifetime ModelLithium-ion batteries which are widely used as the primary elec-

trical energy storage [23], demonstrate less usable capacity in higherdischarge rates (rate-capacity effect). This characteristic is describedusing the Peukert’s Law [3] and battery SoC is calculated as:

SoCt = SoC0 − 100×∫ t



dt (13)

Page 4: Battery Lifetime-Aware Automotive Climate Control for · Fig. 2. Battery Lifetime-aware Automotive Climate Control Methodology

Ieff = I





where Cn is the nominal capacity of the battery measured atthe nominal current (In) predefined by the battery manufacturer.Ieff represents the effective current draining the chemical energy.pc is the Peukert’s constant which is typically measured empiricallyfor each type of battery cell. SoCt represents the SoC at time t.Moreover, SoH - the ratio of the current capacity to the nominalcapacity - degrades over time in Lithium-ion battery cells (capacityfade effect). The SoH degradation (5SoH) is mainly influenced bythe stress on the battery cell which may be modeled as SoC deviation(SoCdev) and the SoC average (SoCavg) [6]. 5SoH is measuredbased on the SoC pattern over a time period:5SoH = f (SoCdev, SoCavg)

= (a1eαSoCdev + a2)(a3e

βSoCavg ) (15)where α, β, a1, a2, and a3 are the parameters for estimating 5SoH

accurately based on the battery type. Consideration of the batterytemperature for estimating 5SoH is out of the scope of the paperand is modeled as a constant in Eq. 15. SoCdev and SoCavg arecalculated based on a discharging/charging cycle as:

SoC2dev =




(SoC(t)− SoCavg)2dt (16)

SoCavg =1



SoC(t)dt (17)

where T is the period of the discharging/charging cycle. However,in this paper, the charging part of the cycle is assumed to have fixedpattern and duration and the effect of it on SoCdev and SoCavgare modeled as constants. The battery cell capacity decreases withthe rate of 5SoH . When the battery capacity reaches the 80% ofits nominal capacity, it will be useless [6]. Therefore the numberof discharging/charging cycles, the battery can be used (the batterylifetime), is dependent on 5SoH .


The HVAC has multiple state variables that define the currentcondition of the system. Control inputs are adjusted by the automotiveclimate control to maintain the system output and state variables in aspecific range and target. The evaluation of 5SoH requires estimat-ing the power consumption of the electrical motor and the HVAC. Theestimation is done by inputting the drive profile (see Section II-A) intothe models of the components (see Section II). A Model PredictiveControl (MPC) [24] may be used for controlling the input variablesof the HVAC. The MPC enables us to look into a receding horizon(control window) of the discharging cycle (driving cycle) and decideon the state variables and control inputs for minimizing the costfunction, e.g. minimizing 5SoH . The larger the control window, themore variables there are to optimize and much more flexibility forconsidering the EV (physical plant) variations. In each time step, theMPC optimizes the state and input variables involved in the controlwindow and tries to minimize the cost function which is also basedon the state and output variables. The system model equations arenonlinear and non-convex, therefore the best option might be to applySequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) [21] as the optimizationalgorithm for the MPC in each time step.

A. Optimal Control FormulationSince the control is done in discrete-time, the model equations

also need to be defined in discrete-time. For instance, Eq. 7 and 8that model the cabin dynamics and solar radiation, are discretized as:

McT+z − Tz4t = Q+ mzcp(Ts −

T+z + Tz

2) (18)

Q = Qsolar + cxAx(To −T+z + Tz

2) (19)

where T+z represents the corresponding value at the next time step

t+4t. Here, 4t is a time step duration (sample period).The input variables to the power train model are v, α, and a (seeSection II-B). Let dt = [v, α, a]′ be the value of the input vector tothe power train model at time t and Pe

t be the estimated value ofthe electrical motor power consumption.In the HVAC, let xk|t be the value of the state variable Tz , ik|t bethe value of the controlling input vector [Ts, Tc, dr, mz]

′, and uk|t bethe vector of auxiliary variables [Tm, Ph, Pc, Pf , Pe, SoC]′ at timet+ k4 t, predicted at time t.The control requirements and restrictions state the following time-varying constraints on control inputs and state variables:

C1: mz ≤ mz ≤ mz maximum and minimum air flow to the cabinC2: Tz ≤ Tz ≤ Tz comfort zone restrictions on cabin temperatureC3: Tc ≤ Ts heater always increases the temperatureC4: Tc ≤ Tm cooler always decreases the temperatureC5: T c ≤ Tc minimum outlet air temperature by coolerC6: Ts ≤ Th maximum outlet air temperature by heaterC7: 0 ≤ dr ≤ dr limitation on recirculated air fractionC8: Ph ≤ Ph heater maximum power outputC9: Pc ≤ P c cooler maximum power output

C10: Pm ≤ Pm fan maximum power outputalso, inside the control window, the predicted value for T+

z at timet + k 4 t should be equal to Tz at the next predicted time stept+(k+1)4t. The initial condition for Tz is described by x0|t = T tz .The model equations, system dynamics, and constraints can all beexpressed in the following form:






= 0 Ak|t





≤ bk|t (20)

where Fj is the jth non-linear equality constraint function for theoptimization problem. The matrices Ak|t and bk|t define the linearinequality constraints at time t+ k4 t.The discretized cost function for the optimization problem is modeledthrough the following quadratic equation:

C =


w1(Pf + Pc + Ph) + w2(SoC − SoCavg)2

+ w3(Tz − Ttarget)2 (21)where N is the number of time steps in the control window of

the MPC, w1(Pf + Pc + Ph) is for optimizing the HVAC powerconsumption with the weight value of w1, w2(SoC − SoCavg)optimizes 5SoH by minimizing SoCdev with the weight value ofw2, and w3(Tz − Ttarget)2 stabilizes the cabin temperature aroundthe target temperature (Ttarget) with the weight value of w3. It needsto be mentioned that the direct equation of 5SoH is not used inthe cost function, since its non-linearity caused the optimizer not toconverge most of the time.B. MPC Control Algorithm

The algorithm in our automotive climate control methodology cal-culates the electrical motor power consumption using the input driveprofile, and solves the optimization problem based on Eq. 20 and 21at each time step, to find the optimum input control values.Algorithm 1 illustrates a pseudo-code to simulate the driving-timecontrolling process of a HVAC inside an EV considering the batterylifetime for a given drive profile D.

Page 5: Battery Lifetime-Aware Automotive Climate Control for · Fig. 2. Battery Lifetime-aware Automotive Climate Control Methodology

Algorithm 1: Battery Lifetime-aware Automotive Climate Control

Input: Drive profile DOutput: Estimated 5SoH

1 T = length (D)// extract route information for power train

2 d← D[v, a, α]3 for t = 1 to T do4 et = PowerTrain (dt)5 // measure electrical motor power consumption

6 N = control window duration7 x = N × 1 matrix // state variable8 i = N × 4 matrix // control inputs9 u = N × 6 matrix // auxiliary variables

10 x+ = N × 1 matrix // state variable11 x0 ← Tinit // initial cabin temperature

// control window optimization variables12 z ← [x, i, u, x+]′

// driving-time HVAC controlling starts13 for t = 1 to T do14 Pe ← {ek|t ≤ k ≤ t+N}15 To ← {D[To]k|t ≤ k ≤ t+N}16 zopt = Optimize (z) // call optimizer17 // apply control inputs & measure the states18 [T+

z , Pf , Pc, Ph] = HVAC (zopt)19 P t ← Pe + Pf + Pc + Ph20 SoC+ = BMS (P t) // measure next SoC by BMS21 x0 ← T+

z // next time step cabin temperature22 u0[SoC]← SoC+ // next time step SoC

23 return 5SoH = Battery (P )

First, the route information is extracted from the drive profile (line 2)to measure the electrical motor power consumption, vector e (lines3-5). The number of the time steps in the control window for MPC isdefined in line 6. The state variables (x, x+), control inputs (i), andauxiliary variables (u) for the control window are defined (lines 7-10) and combined in a vector as optimization variables (z) (lines 12).The cabin temperature, the state variable (x) at the starting time, isinitialized (line 11). In lines 13-22, the driving-time controlling of theHVAC is in progress. The electrical motor power consumption andthe ambient temperature for the control window which have beenestimated are stored in Pe and To, respectively (lines 14-15). Theoptimizer is called to solve the optimization problem stated in Eq.20 and 21 and returns the optimum solution (line 16). The optimumsolution is applied to the HVAC (physical plant) and the new cabintemperature and HVAC power consumption are measured (line 18).The total EV power consumption is calculated and stored at index tof the vector P (line 19). The battery SoC is measured by the BMSusing Eq. 13 (line 20). The cabin temperature and battery SoC at timet is used as the initial condition for the next time instance (t + 1)(lines 21-22). Finally, 5SoH for the drive profile is calculated byinputting the vector P to the battery model described in Eq. 15 andreturned (line 23).


A. Experimental SetupThe model equations defined in Section II contain multiple

parameters which are mostly defined by the real-life specificationsof the system. The values of the parameters are set and adjustedso that the system dynamics are verified by the experimental datagathered from the existing references. Our battery lifetime-awareautomotive climate control in Section II and III is implementedin MATLAB/Simulink [25] and an EV is modeled using AMESim(commercial system-level automotive design tool) [19] as the physicalplant of the MPC. For evaluation, we use multiple standard drivingcycles as the drive profiles and conduct co-simulation using these twoplatforms.

B. Comparison to State-of-the-ArtWe compare our battery lifetime-aware automotive climate con-

trol methodology with 1) switching On/Off methodology [8][9] and2) fuzzy-based methodology [10]. As our methodology is dependenton the drive profile, for fairness of the comparisons, all methodologieshave been applied for the same system model, drive profile, andcomfort zone.

1) Cabin Temperature Analysis: in each methodology, the controllersets the variables in the HVAC for optimizing the cost function andreaching a target. As shown in Fig. 5, the controllers manage the cabintemperature during driving-time differently. For instance, as shown inFig. 5, the cabin temperature fluctuates the maximum when using theswitching On/Off methodology, while the fuzzy-based methodologystabilizes the temperature as far as possible.
















0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Cabin Tem

perature (˚C)

Cabin Tem

perature (˚C)

Time (s)

Our Battery Lifetime‐aware Fuzzy‐based [10] On/Off [8, 9]

Fig. 5. Cabin Temperature Analysis for Different Controllers [right Y-axis isfor On/Off methodology and left Y-axis is for our battery lifetime-aware andfuzzy-based methodologies].

On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 6, our methodology demonstratesdifferent temperature management; it reduces the HVAC consumptionwhen the electrical motor is consuming high power and it wouldprecool the cabin (in this case outside is warmer) before the electricalmotor consumption gets higher. In this way, the electrical motorconsumption would be complemented by the HVAC consumption.











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Cabin Tem

perature (˚C)


us Power (KW)

Time (s)

Electrical Motor Power (KW) Cabin Temperature

reduce HVAC powerwhen electrical motoris consuming more

precool the cabinwhen electrical motoris consuming less

Fig. 6. Illustrating the Precool Process using Our Algorithm.

2) Battery Lifetime Analysis: SoH degradation may vary basedon the methodologies. We have set the same ambient temperature,comfort zone, and target temperature for all the methodologies. Then,we have compared the 5SoH and listed their ratios with respect tothe first controller (switching On/Off) in Fig. 7. As shown in thefigure, the 5SoH has been improved the most in ECE EUDC driveprofile. The improvement (on average 14%) in our methodology isdue to the controller that is trying to minimize the SoC deviation byadjusting the HVAC power consumption (as shown in Fig. 6).







SoH Degradation (%)

Drive Profiles

On/Off [8, 9] Fuzzy‐based [10] Our Battery Lifetime‐aware

Fig. 7. Battery Lifetime Comparison for Different Drive Profiles.

Page 6: Battery Lifetime-Aware Automotive Climate Control for · Fig. 2. Battery Lifetime-aware Automotive Climate Control Methodology

3) HVAC Power Consumption Analysis: the average HVAC powerconsumption may vary by the methodology used and its variables.We have set the same ambient temperature, comfort zone, and targettemperature for all the methodologies. Then, we have been able tocompare the average HVAC power consumption and illustrate it inFig. 8. As shown in the figure, our methodology minimizes the powerconsumption as far as possible (on average 39%). Although this im-provement is marginal compared to the fuzzy-based methodology (onaverage 6%), our methodology has improved 5SoH by minimizingthe SoC deviation (see Fig. 7).







Drive Profiles

On/Off [8, 9] Fuzzy‐based [10] Our Battery Lifetime‐aware

Average HVAC Power (KW)

Fig. 8. HVAC Power Consumption Analysis for Different Drive Profiles.

4) Ambient Temperature Analysis: the controllers for differentmethodologies must maintain the cabin temperature in the comfortzone regardless of the outside temperature. However, they showdifferent efficiency and 5SoH in different conditions. We comparethe 5SoH and HVAC power consumption in different ambienttemperatures. In this comparison, ECE EUDC drive profile has beenused and the results for the HVAC power consumption and 5SoHimprovement compared to the respective methodology, are listed inTable I. Results show that in the conditions when the HVAC powerconsumption is more considerable, our methodology demonstratesmore improvement in 5SoH (as high as 36%).



[8, 9]



Our Battery 



[8, 9]



43˚C 5.44 3.51 3.59 19.57 1.18

35˚C 3.20 2.11 1.97 16.24 6.08

32˚C 2.12 1.59 1.40 14.92 7.54

21˚C 0.90 0.58 0.29 12.33 9.36

10˚C 4.71 1.85 1.68 32.83 4.89

0˚C 6.08 5.12 2.84 31.82 36.48

Average HVAC Powe Consumption (KW)Ambient 


SoH Degradation Improvement (%)


Based on our experiments, we have noticed that inside an EV, theHVAC consumes the most power after the electrical motor. However,its consumption is flexible and controllable by adjusting the HVACvariables. Therefore, we have presented a novel battery lifetime-awareautomotive climate control methodology which is based on the co-ordination between the HVAC and BMS. The methodology employsa controller based on MPC to estimate and optimize the batterylifetime. The controller reduces the HVAC power consumption whenthe electrical motor is consuming significantly. When the electricalmotor is consuming less or generating, the HVAC may consume morein order to maintain the temperature and precool/preheat the cabin.This methodology may reduce the stress on the battery and improvethe battery lifetime and driving range. Our methodology demonstratessignificant improvement in battery lifetime (on average 14%) andaverage power consumption (on average 39% reduction) compared tothe state-of-the-art methodologies. The battery lifetime improvementmay vary based on drive profiles and ambient temperature. In theconditions when the HVAC power consumption is more considerable,5SoH improvement is more significant (as high as 36%).


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