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  • 7/31/2019 Batman Heroes Will Rise



    Shipping boat sits out in the massive ocean.


    A dozen armed men stir in the dim light. A desk sits near a wall

    with ROMAN SIONIS(BLACK MASK) feet propped on it. At the

    opposite end of the hull a door swings open allowing the decks

    light to seep in. Sionis sits up in his chair as a man wearing a

    trench coat enters. The trench coat man slowly walks toward

    Sionis desk passing the armed men.

    Sionis stands: Floyd Lawton, do you have something for me?

    Lawton: Depends, do you have something for me?

    Sionis nods and one of the men holds up a briefcase. Lawton

    takes notice and tosses a cloth sack onto Sionis desk. Sionis

    turns the sack upside down spilling diamonds.

    Sionis: Did you have any problems?

    Sionis holds a diamond up inspecting it with a magnifying glass.

    Lawton: Some of the locals attempted a resistance but they

    quickly changed their minds.

    While looking through the magnifying glass Sionis black face

    gains an angry expression. He violently throws the diamond on

    his desk.

    Sionis: Are you trying to play me by bringing fake diamonds?!

    Lawtons face is stone: Thats what youll get when you pay

    with fake money.

    Sionis: Youve played your last game Lawton!

    The armed men cock their guns stepping closer to Lawton. Beforeany of them take another step Lawton raises his arms revealing

    wrist guns and mows down the entire room. In fear for his life,

    Sionis tosses several duffle bags, filled with money, on the


    Sionis: Here! Take it all! Its three times our original deal!


  • 7/31/2019 Batman Heroes Will Rise


    Lawton walks over to the desk putting his wrist gun at Sionis

    head: I dont want your money Roman.

    Lawtons wrist gun goes off.



    Board members and contractors sit at the large conference table

    with BRUCE WAYNE and LUCIOUS FOX. They sit to the attention of a

    nervous consultant MR. RUSSEL giving a presentation.

    Russell: After losing the Ricon and Chandler deal were looking

    at a 39% drop bringing us into the negative on Wall Street.

    Weve hit stagnate waters and early reports believe we will

    continue to fall.(pause) To put it simply Wayne Enterprise is nolonger a big player in the game.

    Board member 1: What about the international market?

    Russell: We are even less relevant. With the unstable economy

    everyone is staying in house. Its a dead zone.

    Board member 2: Are we seeing the finals days of Wayne

    Enterprise? Possibly a merger?

    Fox quickly spins his chair around facing the table

    Fox: People we are getting ahead of ourselves. Wayne Enterprise

    has been a global giant for decades. We will wait the storm out

    and return to prominence as always. Im not going to sit around

    and wait for Armageddon. If anyone feels different you are free

    to leave.


    Wayne and Fox walk down to the stone steps leading to the busy


    Wayne: That went well.

    Fox: People see a little smoke and assume the whole forest is

    in flames. We went through the same doubts with your father.


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    Wayne: Maybe so but my father and I shared a slightly different

    passion in life.

    Fox: True but thats where I come in.

    Alfred drives up in front of the two men

    Wayne: Need a ride?

    Fox: No thanks, Ive got my own.

    Fox gestures to a black Rolls Royce Phantom parked in front of


    Wayne smiles: I must pay well.

    Fox smiles back: That you do Mr. Wayne.

    The two men enter their cars and drive off.


    Alfred: I presume your meeting went well Master Bruce?

    Wayne: Going well is a very loose term these days.

    Alfred: On a lighter note Ms. Madison is on the line for you.

    Wayne picks up the phone

    Wayne: Hello beautiful

    Madison (over the phone): How was your meeting?

    Wayne: It had a beginning, middle, and end.

    Madison (over the phone): Oh one of those?

    Wayne: One of those.

    Madison (over the phone): Well it turns out my sister wont be

    coming to Gotham after all. How about a night out?

    Wayne: Sounds good.

    Before Wayne can finish that sentence a semi-truck runs a red

    light ramming into Foxs car. Alfred slams on the breaks.

    Wayne: Was that Fox?! Hey Ive got to let you go.


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    Wayne drops the phone and quickly exits his car sprinting to the

    Foxs crumpled car. He finds Fox covered in broken glass with

    blood dripping from his head. Waynes eye catches a steady

    stream of gasoline leaking onto the pavement. Wayne begins to

    panic shaking his unconscious friend.

    Wayne: Fox! Wake up!

    Suddenly a loud explosion engulfs the car into flames knocking

    Wayne back. The raging fire leaves Wayne helpless as once again

    he is unable to save the lives of the people closest to him.


    A large gathering of people, dressed in black, pay their

    respects to the deceased icon. A beautiful forest of flowers

    covers the wooden casket. Bruce stands, beside Julie Madison andAlfred, with a heavy heart as Foxs eulogy is read.



    Sitting on Stranges desk are files upon files. Names on the

    files include Joker, Waylon Jones (Killer Croc), Harley Quinn,

    Harvey Dent, Victor Fries (Mr. Freeze), Edward Nigma, and

    Jonathan Crane. Strange studies each one, taking notes, along

    with replaying interview tapes over and over again.



    Wayne sits at the massive computer watching a well respected

    economic strategist, OSWALD COBBLEPOT, perform an interview on

    60 Minutes with Bob Simon. Cobblepot does not appear as short

    rounded man but a more realistic businessman Phillip Seymour


    Simon: Mr. Cobblepot you are renowned as the single most

    influential man on Wall Street when it comes to predicting the

    winners and losers. With that, many people consider you a

    prodigy. What do you say to those statements?


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    Cobblepot flattered by the remarks: Ive never considered

    myself a prodigy or even an expert. I simply enjoy the ends and

    outs of economics. I constantly soak up every fabric of

    information I come across. With that knowledge I make

    predictions based solely on the best interest of that company.

    The name of the game is making money and people make the choices

    that bring in a revenue stream.

    Simon: Im sure you have seen the recent decline in Wayne

    Enterprise. What do you believe has caused the fall of such a


    Cobblepot surprised at the bluntness of the question: Wow you

    really are putting me on the spot. To answer your question I

    believe time is responsible. This world is evolving at an

    unprecedented pace that no one can realistically keep up with.Thomas Wayne, Bruce Wayne, and Luscious Fox did an outstanding

    job creating the empire but eventually new blood with new ideas

    are needed.

    Simon: When you say new blood are you referring to yourself?

    Cobblepot laughs: Lets not get ahead of ourselves.

    Simon: Seriously if Bruce Wayne walked through that door with a

    job do you take it?

    Cobblepot pauses for a moment considering the questions: Lets

    just say I would listen.

    Wayne pauses the tape on Cobblepots face. He leans back in his

    chair pondering the notion of Bob Simons question.


    Batman sits perched on the head of a gargoyle statue panning the

    skyline. The sound of police sirens fill the air. In a brief

    moment Batman sours from the building top into the night.


    A single hanger is surrounded by police cars and cops collecting

    evidence. COMMISIONER JIM GORDON stands inside the hanger

    panning over the dead bodies. Forensics teams take photographs

    of the brutal act.


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    Batman: How many?

    The sudden voice startles Gordon.

    Gordon: I hate when you do that.

    Gordon gives the forensic team a look: Take 5

    The hanger clears leaving Batman and Gordon alone

    Gordon: Fourteen, but this one over here will really surprise


    The two walk over to a body lying next to a smashed chair. The

    body is wearing a green suit.

    Batman: Nigma

    Gordon: He solved his last riddle.

    Batman: Any idea who did this?

    Gordon: I was hoping you could tell us. So far no prints have

    shown up. No eye witness, nothing.

    Batman examines Nigmas dead body for clues. He then takes a

    final glance at the other bodies.

    Batman: Let me know what you find.

    Gordon: Always do



    Wayne sits at his desk deep in thought. Contemplating the next

    move for Wayne Enterprise along with the mystery of who was

    finally able to knock off the Riddler. Mr. Russells knock on

    door pulls Wayne back to reality.

    Russell: You wanted to see me?

    Wayne: Yes, come in and shut the door behind you.

    Russell enters the office, closing the door behind, and takes a



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    Wayne: Ive been thinking about where we go from here. Have you

    heard of Oswald Cobblepot?

    Russell immediately recognizes the name: The new hot shot who

    brought Wall Street to its knees?

    Wayne: Thats the one.

    Russell: You would be hard pressed to find anyone who hasnt.

    Hes been on the cover of every newspaper and magazine for the

    past 6 months. Are you wanting to bring him on board?

    Wayne: I want to meet this guy first. See what hes all about.

    Russell: Hes about making money. Taking yesterdays trash and

    turning it to gold. You believe Cobblepot can do the same for


    Wayne stands from his chair and walks over to a large window

    viewing Gothams vast skyscrapers.

    Wayne: This Company has been through a lot with its recent

    decline and Fox now gone. He was the backbone of Wayne

    Enterprise, never settling for anything less. Its time for a

    new mind with new ideas. Wayne Enterprise still has so much to

    offer this city and world.

    Wayne turns back toward Russell

    Wayne: And I believe this man can continue that purpose.


    The overweight cynical Detective HARVEY BULLOCK sits at his

    clutter filled desk reviewing photographs of the homicide

    involving the Riddler. One by one Bullock flips through the

    pictures taking notice that each victim died from a single

    gunshot wound.

    Detective JAMIE HARPER, the newest member of Gothams police

    force, comes over to Bullocks desk.

    Harper: You wanted to see me?

    Bullock not taking his eyes off the photos


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    Bullock: Take a seat.

    Harper sits curiously waiting for Bullocks request.

    Bullock: Did you get your hands on the ballistics report?

    Harper scrambles in the folder, she his holding, retrieving the


    Harper: I did. Each victim was murdered by the same gun.

    Bullock interrupting: You mean the same model.

    Harper: No the same gun shot each man. Every firearm leaves its

    own signature on the bullet casings primer. Every recovered

    casing had the same signature.

    Bullocks face, no longer buried in photos, is completely lockedon Harper.

    Bullock: Youre telling me a single man was able to knock off

    one of the most elusive criminals in Gotham?

    Harper: Looks that way.

    Bullock: Does Gordon know?

    Harper: He needs to.


    Gordon sits at his desk reviewing the ballistics file Harper had

    previously given to Bullock. After several moments Gordon tosses

    the file on his desk.

    Gordon: No wonder we didnt find any prints. It was just one

    man. Who in the world is capable of this?

    Bullock and Harper sit across from the Commissioners desk

    Bullock: Considering the common link with each victim receiving

    a single fatal gunshot wound. Id say someone with highly

    advanced training with a firearm.

    Gordon: The good news is they gave us one less criminal to

    worry about but by performing a 14 body homicide they also

    jumped to the top of the most wanted list.


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    Gordon stands from his chair and repositions himself on the

    desks front corner.

    Harper: Could it be rival gangs or someone new trying to make a


    Gordon: Weve had gang wars before but nothing of this

    magnitude. Edward Nigma was a heavy hitter. He wouldnt fall to

    some rank amateur.

    Bullock: You dont think.

    Gordon: Dont even finish that Bullock. Im not making him

    public enemy one just yet.

    Bullock: Whether youre ready to or not you know the Batman is

    bound to snap. Who else could pull off a stunt like this?

    Gordon leans down into Bullocks face with an angered scowl.

    Gordon: Bullock I do not have time for your personal vendettas

    on this case. Your job is to collect evidence and present a case

    off that evidence, nothing more.

    Bullock returns with an equally angered scowl

    Bullock: Understood



    The eerie lab showcases dim lighting and surgical steal

    instruments aligned across gray walls. Amongst the large shelves

    are boxes upon boxes of research notes while newspaper clippings

    of various Batman headlines clutter the walls. A large window

    fills the center of a wall with a distant view of Gothams city

    lights. Strange works at a table and from the shadow emerges

    Floyd Lawton (Deadshot).

    Strange: Deadshot, are you ready for another night on the town?

    Deadshot: Give me a name.

    Strange hands Deadshot a Joker card


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    Strange: Basement of the Quarter building in the Narrows. Watch

    yourself hes got a sense of humor.

    Deadshot takes the card from Strange exiting the lab


    The blackest of nights, streets littered with graffiti, homeless

    men with garbage fires. A picture of suffering and desperate,

    where the evil go to die.


    Built on the struggles of life. Broken windows, rusting steel,

    and stench of corruption make up its exterior.


    The Joker and his henchmen sit at rusted table.

    Joker: It is time to get back in the game boys. No more hiding.


    Joker puts his hands over his face and quickly pulls them away:

    The peak-a-boo game is over! HAHAHA

    The henchmen SHOUT in agreement

    Henchmen: Where do we start?

    Joker leaps on the table and grabs the mans collar pulling him

    in: HAHAHA I thought youd never ask!

    The power suddenly shuts off leaving the men in darkness

    The Jokers laugh slowly builds: H-A-H-A-H-A is the Batman

    paying us a visit?

    In the darkness a menacing voice comes forth: Worse

    Joker: Ok boys time to welcome our guest.

    Silence continues as none of the henchman make a move. The

    lights quickly cut on. Jokers finds himself staring down

    barrels of his henchmens guns. At the rooms center stands

    Deadshot dropping a thousand yard stair on the clown.

    Joker: Not me you fools, him!


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    The henchmen dont bat an eye at the Jokers request.

    Deadshot: Your men work for me now.

    Joker nonchalantly hops down from the table walking toward

    Deadshot: I can see that. So the Batman has you doing his dirty

    work. Cant say I blame the guy. Hes a little obsessive.

    Deadshot: Not exactly.

    Deadshot pulls a pistol from his coat and puts a bullet between

    the Jokers eyes. Jokers limp body falls to the floor dead,

    blood trickles down his face.



    Wayne sits at the end of the large table. Oswald Cobblepot

    enters the room. Wayne very happy to see the man stands to greet

    his guest.

    Wayne: Mr. Cobblepot, great to finally meet you.

    Cobblepot nearly star struck: The Bruce Wayne himself. It is

    truly an honor.

    The two take their seats.

    Wayne: Thank you for coming on such short notice.

    Cobblepot: Believe me Mr. Wayne this is the opportunity of a

    lifetime. Sorry to hear about Mr. Fox. He was a titan in this


    Wayne: Thats why I brought you here. Wayne Enterprise is in

    unfamiliar territory. Stocks are dropping, contracts are

    falling, and our CEO just died. I saw your interview on 60

    Minutes. What you told Simon, do you believe it?

    Cobblepot takes in a deep breath letting out half of it: Mr.

    Wayne I believe Wayne Enterprise is the gateway to the future.

    The assets, reputation, shear resources outweigh your closet

    competitors by a land slide. This company can and will lead our

    world into the centuries to come. You are capable of changing

    lives and redefining how we look at energy production, weapons,


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    agriculture, medicine, space travel. There is no limit. Someone

    just has to open that gate.

    Wayne ponders Cobblepots statement for moment: And you can

    accomplish that?

    Cobblepot opens his briefcase and pulls out a folder handing it

    to Wayne.

    Cobblepot: A successful man is a prepared man. Here is an

    action plan of how Wayne Enterprise can reclaim its rightful

    place atop the world. Just a little something I cooked up on the

    way here.

    Wayne takes several moments flipping through the folder. He

    drops it onto the table.

    Wayne begins to crack a smile: Im sold. How would you like to

    become the CEO of Wayne Enterprise effective immediately?

    Cobblepot taken back by the offer: Youre serious?

    Wayne: Its time we have new blood in this place. I think

    youre the man for the job.

    Cobblepot smiles: Where do I sign?



    A typical morgue lab with stainless steel operating tables,

    tools, and body bags. Gordon enters walking over to DR. FIELDS

    standing next body covered with a sheet.

    Gordon: Is it him?

    Fields pulls down the sheet revealing the Joker DNA is a match.

    Somebody finally got him.

    Gordon shaking his head in amazement: I honestly never thought

    this day would come. Now weve just got to find out whos doing


    Fields:I may be able to answer that.

    She points to a stab wound on the Jokers chest.


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    Fields: Although he died from a gunshot to the head I found a

    stab wound in the upper chest.

    Fields reaches onto a table revealing a Batarang fragment to

    Gordon: And this is what caused it. It was sticking out of him

    when he came in.

    Gordon in utter disbelief at what he is seeing: Has anyone else

    seen this?

    Fields: Youre the first to know.

    Gordon: Keep it that way for now.


    Gordon stands next to a Bat Signal shooting high in the sky.

    Batman: What do you got?

    Gordon quickly turns toward the Dark Knight: The Joker is dead.

    Batman: How?

    Gordon: He took a bullet between the eyes but we found this in

    his chest.

    Gordon reveals the Batarang fragment to Batman.

    Gordon: Look familiar?

    Batman takes a closer look at the fragment recognizing the

    design: Who killed the Joker?

    Gordon taking a deep breath: No official leads yet but this

    doesnt look good. Ive been on your side since day one but I

    cant if youre becoming an executioner.

    Batman: I did not kill the Joker. This is a distraction.

    Gordon: How did they get this though?

    Batman: I dont know.


    Wayne sporting a cowlless batsuit, sits at the massive computer

    analyzing the Batarang fragment. He manipulates several controls


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    dissecting the dimensions and materials of the fragment. Alfred

    walks up behind Wayne carrying tea.

    Alfred: Tea Master Bruce?

    Wayne not taking his eyes from the computer: Just put it on the


    Alfred takes notice of the Batarang fragment on screen:

    Designing a new Batarang?

    Wayne: Its one of mine.

    Alfred not expecting such an answer: Excuse me?

    Wayne: I have an impersonator Alfred. Someone is out there

    killing with my weapons.

    Alfred: Any idea who?

    Wayne: Not a clue. Theres not so much as a fingerprint on this

    thing. Ive got to find out who before its too late.

    Alfred: Will this be changing your dinner celebration for Mr.


    Wayne: No, he is far too important to Wayne Enterprises

    future. Just like Batman, Bruce Wayne has duties as well.


    A party atmosphere outside the mansion as guest make their way



    Some of Gothams most important people treat themselves to fine

    wining and dining. Soft music plays in the background as guest

    mingle and enjoy company. A well dressed Bruce Wayne walks over

    to another well dressed man and his colleges.

    Wayne: Mayor Grange nice to see you again.

    Grange shaking Waynes hand: Always a pleasure Bruce.

    Wayne turns to see Gordon with his wife SARAH GORDON and

    daughter BARBRA GORDON


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    Gordon:Fine party Mr. Wayne.

    Wayne: Thank you sir.

    Wayne taking notice of Gordons daughter: Barbra you looking

    stunning as always just like your mother.

    Sarah and Barbra share a flattering smile: Thank you

    Wayne notices a gorgeous woman wearing a beautiful black dress

    who has just entering the room.

    Wayne: If you would excuse me.

    Wayne walks over to the woman handing her a drink and sharing a


    Wayne: You bring a whole new meaning to the little black dress.

    Madison smiles: You dont clean up so bad yourself. Is the man

    of the hour here yet?

    Wayne: Not yet, you now these people can be shy at first.

    Madison: Youre not making it easy on him inviting Gothams

    dream team of citizens.

    Wayne chuckles: The man needs to know how to carry himself in a

    room. Wayne Enterprise isnt a quickie store off the interstate.

    Cobblepot: I would not be taking the job if it was Mr. Wayne.

    Wayne happy to see the man: Oswald glad you finally arrived at

    your own party.

    Cobblepot: My party. Kind of hard to say that when I dont know


    Madison: Thats what I said.

    Wayne: Oswald I would like you to meet my boss Julie Madison.

    Cobblepot: A pleasure Ms. Madison.

    Mayor Grange walks up the trio.

    Grange: This must be the man of the hour.


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    Cobblepot shaking the Mayors hand: Oswald Cobblepot

    Grange: I knew your grandfather when he was Mayor.

    Wayne: Grandfather?

    Cobblepot: Theodore Cobblepot, he was here in Gotham years ago,

    small world.

    Grange: Indeed it is. Mr. Cobblepot I wish the best of luck to

    you and welcome to Gotham.

    Grange walks away

    Cobblepot: So what can I expect from tonight?

    Wayne: Hopefully nothing too daunting a couple hundred

    handshakes, pictures, interviews; just the usual.

    As Wayne finishes that statement a gunshot goes off in the room.

    People scream and panic scattering toward the exits. Several

    more shots are fired. Amongst the frantic guest emerges Deadshot

    in his trench coat along with his henchmen in tuxedos. Wayne

    grabs Madisons hand.

    Wayne: You know where to go. Get there!

    Madison acknowledges in agreement and scampers away. Wayne then

    turns his attention toward Cobblepot.

    Wayne: Find a man named Jim Gordon and stay with him.

    Cobblepot: What about you?

    Wayne: Dont worry about me.

    Cobblepot runs off with the wave of people. Wayne exits behind

    them into an alternate room. Deadshot and his men have each exit

    covered preventing the people from escaping.

    Deadshot addressing the trapped prisoners: Where is the one

    they call Bruce Wayne?

    No one answers until Grange steps forward. What do you want

    with us?

    Deadshot: Your soul


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    Deadshot raises his arm revealing a double barreled wrist gun

    pointing it at the Grange. Just before a shot is fired Batman

    leaps into action knocking Deadshot to the ground. Batman on top

    of Deadshot lands a punch to his face followed by another.

    Batman: Its me you want.

    Batmans next punch is blocked by Deadshot: Youre right Mr.

    Wayne it is you.

    Batmans concentration broken for a moment with that statement.

    Deadshot takes the chance kicking Batman off. Batman now

    surrounded by six henchmen, throws down a smoke bomb and

    unleashed furry on his enemy. Through a cloud of smoke he

    smashes his fist into Henchmen 1s face followed by an elbow to

    the back of Henchmen 2s head. With 4 left Batman round house

    kicks Henchmen 3 and puts his knee in Henchmen 4s stomach

    followed by slamming his fist to the neck. Henchmen 5 charges

    Batman with his sword aimlessly swinging. Batman catches the

    blade with his sharp wrist bracers putting Henchmen 5 in a

    headlock and kicks Henchmen 6 knocking him back. Finally Batman

    picks Henchmen 5 over his head whaling him at Henchmen 6

    finishing them off. Batman hears a familiar scream. He turns

    toward its direction to see Madison held at gun point by


    Deadshot: Its no use! Tonight your world will be turned upside


    Batman: Who are you?

    Deadshot: Someone like you, someone trying to make a


    A tank like truck crashes through the wall between Batman and

    Deadshot. People scream and scurry in fear. Before Batman can

    get to the truck it drives away. Batman throws a tracking beacon

    to its exterior. The truck exits leaving behind destruction with

    no sign of Deadshot, henchmen, or Madison. Batman scampers away

    from the distracted crowd.



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    A loud roar takes the environment as the tumblers lights cut

    on. The tumbler speeds out of the Batcave headed toward Gotham.

    Batman manipulates the controls displaying a schematic of

    Gotham. On the schematic a blinking light appears.


    The henchmen load their multitude of guns as Deadshot sharpens

    his sword blade. Madison is terrified for her life.

    Madison: What do you want with me?

    Deadshot pauses his sharpener: To show Gotham their beloved

    Batman is no immortal.


    The tumbler speeds down the busy street dipping and dodging



    The schematic reveals Batman closing in on the truck.


    Driver looks in his side mirror seeing the tumbler closing in.Get ready boys. Hes here.

    Deadshot and the henchmen cock their guns. The trucks top hatch

    opens. A henchmen climbs out with a bazooka firing it at the

    tumbler. Batman is able to dodge the massive explosion and

    continues his pursuit.


    Batman manipulates controls firing mini guns at the trucks

    tires blowing out the back left.


    Driver struggles but regains control continuing down the highway.

    Deadshot: The bridge is up ahead.


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    The two approach a bridge over pass. The tank truck makes it

    under but as the tumbler approaches an Apache chopper emerges

    firing multiple missiles creating a large explosion.


    Driver sees the explosion from the side mirror.

    Driver: No way he survived that.

    Deadshot: I want him alive.


    Batman emerges from the destroyed tumbler. He sees the tank

    truck cut a sharp left into a parking garage. Using a grapple

    gun the Dark Knight explodes into the night toward his enemy.


    The tank truck roars to the top coming to a screeching halt. The

    cargo door opens with Deadshot, Madison, and the henchmen filing

    out. Batman glides in joining them in a standoff.

    Deadshot: Youre a resilient man. Ill have to give you that.

    Batman: Let the girl go.

    Deadshot: I cant do that. I first need to understand youBatman. You have the singular rule of maintaining life at all

    cost. For years you have slapped Gothams bottom feeders on the

    hand with your fear gimmicks. Because of your unwillingness to

    act someone had to clean up your mess. The Joker and Riddler met

    their long overdue death by my hand. It was the only way to make

    a statement. An example needed to be made.

    Deadshot turns to look at the terrified Madison: And now

    another example is to be made Bruce.

    Deadshots wrist gun goes off killing Madison. Her limp body

    falls to the ground.

    Batman: Julie!!!

    Batman, overcome with anger, chargers toward Deadshot. Henchmen

    create a wall in front of their leader. Batman violently begins


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    kicking and punching the men keeping them off guard. Henchmen 1

    pulls out a lead pipe swinging it at Batman. He blocks his first

    swing and takes it away from him slugging Henchmen 2 and 3 to

    the ground with it. Henchmen 4 and 5 come at Batman. He blocks

    henchman 4s punches then lands a blow to his ribs. Henchman 5

    pulls out a pistol but Batman is able to block it shooting him

    in the foot followed by an upper cut knocking him to the ground.

    Henchman 5 comes back at Batman but is punched in the jaw

    followed by a kick breaking his knee. Batman lands an earth

    shattering punch to henchman 7s temporal followed by bone

    crushing round house kick to henchmen 8s head. The once army of

    henchmen now lay scattered on the ground. Deadshot has

    disappeared. Batman runs over to the lifeless Madison. He holds

    her close devastated at his loss.


    Vale: Reports are coming in that Waylon Jones better known as

    Killer Croc washed up on a Gotham City shoreline this morning.

    Investigators are still determining cause of death while they

    continue to form leads.


    Rider: We interrupt your regularly scheduled program with

    breaking news that Harvey Two Face Dent, former Gotham City

    district attorney, was gunned down last night. Once again

    investigators are still building evidence toward the killer.


    Vale looks disturbed as to what she must say.

    Vale: I encourage small children and the faint of heart to

    excuse themselves from this broadcast. Moments ago police

    discovered the bodies of Harley Quinn, Victor Fires, and

    Jonathan Crane suspended from a tree in Gotham City Park. The

    one responsible for the brutality is unknown at this time.


    Bullock outraged: Weve got to get Batman off the streets! Hes

    turned into some kind of mercenary.


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    Gordon: Shut it Bullock! We have no evidence linking him to the


    Bullock: And we have nothing saying hes innocent.

    Harper: What about the Batarang in the Jokers body?

    Gordon rolls his eyes in disgust thinking no one else knew.

    Bullock: Batarang? What Batarang?

    Grange: Are you withholding evidence Gordon?

    Gordon takes a deep breath realizing his job could be on the


    Gordon: Dr. Fields found what appeared to be a Batarang

    fragment in the Jokers chest. It was investigated. Batmandenied being at the scene.

    Bullock: Of course he denied it! Why do you trust him! Were


    Grange: Thats enough detective. Jim effective immediately you

    are relieved as Commissioner on the account of tampering with

    evidence. Chief Inspector VANE will assume Commissioner Duties

    until further notice. Assemble a team and bring in the Batman.

    Vane: Yes sir



    Cobblepot stands in front of the board members giving an update.

    Cobblepot: Alonzo Kurstov owns 90% of the water and oil supply

    in Russia. Nickolie Jenner, Kurstovs partner of 13 years, has

    moved on due to no longer being able to pull his weight.

    Russell: I thought Jenner retired because of a heart condition?

    Cobblepot: Call it what you will but Jenner was a leach.



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    Cobblepot (continued): This is the opportunity weve been

    looking for. Kurstov is an international power house. If we take

    Jenners place Wayne Enterprise would regain global dominance.

    Wayne: Sounds like a bold move. Do we know if Kurstov is even

    interested in doing business with the West?

    Cobblepot: After dealing with Jenners excuses and lack of

    motivation Kurstov is willing to work with a professional

    organization as ourselves.

    Wayne: Lets meet Mr. Kurstov and go from there.

    The meeting is over and board members exit the room leaving

    Cobblepot and Wayne.

    Cobblepot: The board seemed a little reluctant to my idea.

    Wayne: Todays international market is definitely outside the

    box for them.

    Cobblepot: I know Luscious Fox would not have approved but I

    feel like thats how Wayne Enterprise got in this mess.

    Wayne defending Fox: Fox was the first person to make Wayne

    Enterprise relevant since my father. Do not put the blame on


    Cobblepot: My mistake Mr. Wayne. I did not mean to attack his



    Wayne sits at the master computer viewing inside the police

    station via their security cameras. He notices Gordons name is

    no longer on his office door. It now reads Commissioner Anthony




    Gordon has the hood of his car up while he works on it.

    Batman: Out of a job?

    Gordon startled, bangs his head on the hood.


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    Gordon grimaces in pain rubbing his head: I thought we talked

    about the sneaking up thing.

    Gordon scans the area making sure no one is watching: Something

    like that. Grange fired me for keeping that Batarang fragment a

    secret. Theyre coming for you though. Youre the prime suspect.

    Batman: I didnt kill those men Gordon. Its a set up, some

    kind of distraction.

    Gordon: Well its working.


    Two undercover cops watch Gordon and Batman through binoculars.

    A hearing amplifier allows them to listen in.

    Gordon: Any idea whos behind this?

    Batman: I have a feeling the one who crashed the Cobblepot


    Police cars come to screeching halts around Gordon and Batman.

    Guns aimed directly at them. Batman quickly uses his grapple gun

    exploding from the scene.

    Bullock picks up his radio: Batman is headed east. Repeat

    Batman going east through the air need chopper assistance.

    Radio: Copy that.


    Three choppers flying through the night. Using infrared radar

    one pilot spots Batman.

    Pilot 1: Ive got him on radar atop the Scott Building.

    Swat member: Copy that. Go live. We take him alive...if


    Swat member fires several pepper spray bombs toward Batman. The

    roof feels with a cloud of pepper spray. Batman quickly covers

    his face with his cape making his way towards the buildings


    Swat member: Ive lost visual. Anyone see him?


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    Pilot 2: Ive got him. Hes in the alley. Get ground support.


    Batman coughing and disoriented makes his way to the alleys

    end. Swat members repel down the building walls to Batmans

    position raising their weapons. Batman now finds himself

    surrounded by a dozen guns.

    Swat member: Get on the ground and place your hands behind your


    Batman does so but before cuffs can be placed on him several

    gunshots are fired dropping Swat members. Deadshot and his

    henchmen arrive gunning down the entire Swat team. Batman slowlygets to his feet still feeling the pepper sprays effect.

    Deadshot and the henchman look upon the wounded Bat. Deadshot

    walks over and knocks Batman to the ground with a punch.

    Deadshot: I couldnt let Gothams finest take you just yet. We

    still have much for you to see.

    Batman: Who are you?

    Deadshot: Patience never has been your strong suit Bruce. In

    time all your questions will be answered. Oh and by the wayJulies funeral was beautiful

    Deadshot tosses a flower from the funeral on Batman and gives

    him a final kick to the ribs then leaves.


    Gordon sits handcuffed to the table in the brightly lit room.

    Bullock enters sitting in front of Gordon.

    Bullock: Jim this doesnt have to be difficult. Do you or do

    you not have information on the Batman murders?

    Gordon: I dont know anything.

    Bullock: You dont know anything? What was the visit for?

    Needed help changing the oil?


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    Gordon: He wanted to know why I was relieved as Commissioner.

    Bullock: So he brought you a sympathy card.

    Bullock stands kicking his chair against the wall in anger: Im

    tired of the games Gordon! Batman killed an entire Swat team

    tonight! I told you we would become the target and now its

    personal! Where is the Batman?!

    Bullock punches the table in anger. Several officers and

    Commissioner Vane enter the room.

    Vane: Harvey thats enough.

    Bullock gives Gordon a menacing look as he exits.

    Vane: Put Gordon in a cell. Well try again later.


    Wayne looks upon the rising sun with Alfred.

    Alfred: Master Bruce will you be staying in today?

    Wayne: No, Cobblepot set up a meeting with Russian billionaire,

    Alonzo Kurstov. If hes going to be a potential partner with

    Wayne Enterprise I want to meet him.

    Alfred: Very well, I will prepare your breakfast.

    Wayne: Thanks Alfred.

    Alfred exits the balcony leaving Wayne. After a moment Wayne

    grabs a framed picture of Madison from the balcony shelf. Wayne

    looks at the picture with heavy heart as he misses the one

    person in the world that gave him a normal life.



    Wayne enters to an empty room. Wayne expecting a meeting with

    Kurstov his surprised and heads for Cobblepots office.


    Wayne: Wheres Kurstov?


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    Cobblepot sitting at his desk: There was a change in plan. Mr.

    Kurstov had a scheduling conflict and couldnt make it. He

    already wanted to do the deal so we signed on it.

    Wayne stunned: You signed the deal?

    Cobblepot: It was our only chance. People like Kurstov dont

    have time to wait.

    Wayne shuts the door: Oswald I may have appointed you CEO but

    its still my name on the front of the building. Its my money

    and my company. Cancel the deal.

    Cobblepot: You cant cancel the deal. Well lose Kurstov

    completely not to mention the buyout clause.

    Wayne: What clause?

    Cobblepot: If either partner terminates the contract an amount

    of 100 billion dollars will be paid. Its standard.

    Wayne clinches his jaw in anger but pauses for a moment

    regaining his composure: This better work Oswald.

    Cobblepot gives a menacing look to Wayne as he leaves the office.


    Strange sits at a computer typing notes while reviewing others.Deadshot stands in the shadowy corner.

    Strange: Everything is coming together as planned. Begin the

    final phase.

    Deadshot: As you wish


    Wayne manipulates controls of the main frame computer finishing

    restoration of a new tumbler. Wayne walks over to the new


    Wayne: Begin diagnostics

    Computer: Diagnostics commencing


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    Wayne goes back to the main frame manipulating controls bringing

    up a news site. A breaking news headline reads Kurstov Bankrupt

    Wayne Enterprise Sunk. Waynes eyes widen in disbelief. He

    clicks on the story discovering its truth.

    Computer: Diagnostics complete, tumbler fully operational.



    Wayne storms down the hall looking for Cobblepot.


    Wayne enters holding up the front page of the Gothams Time


    Wayne: What is this all about?

    Cobblepot: Its a minor setback

    Wayne: Minor setback? Theyre predicting the end of Wayne


    Cobblepot: Its blown out of proportion Bruce, media talk. I

    really wouldnt worry.

    Wayne: Who do you think you are coming into my company andthinking you can do whatever you want?

    Cobblepot stands from his desk angered: You wanted this Wayne.

    You wanted this the moment your little family business became

    irrelevant. Im doing my job!

    Wayne: You no longer have one.

    Cobblepot: On the contrary Mr. Wayne you dont have one.

    Kurstov going bankrupt put us in the same boat. The government

    now owns Wayne Enterprise and their first act was putting meatop the corporate ladder.

    Wayne slams Cobblepot against the wall putting his hands around

    his throat.

    Wayne: You will pay for this.


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    Cobblepot: Now Now dont make me throw you out of my building.

    Wayne looks like he wants kill Cobblepot. He releases his grip,

    straightens his suit, and walks out.



    Alfred stands at the sink washing dishes when he hears a noise

    coming from the hall. He goes to investigate.

    Alfred: Master Bruce is that you?

    When Alfred turns the corner he is met by Deadshots double

    barreled wrist guns.

    Deadshot: Hello Butler

    A punch to the back of Alfreds head puts him on the floor




    People are running around in a panic, phones ringing off the


    Bullock: Is the airport secured?

    Harper: Not yet. Security is working on it.

    Bullock: Whats taking them so long?


    Henchmen are throughout the airport where security guards lie

    dead on the ground. Hundreds of innocent people sit huddled in

    corners. Several henchmen converge with Deadshot.

    Deadshot: Bombs in place?

    Henchmen: Just as you asked.

    Deadshot: What about the Butler?

    Henchmen: Hes in position.


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    Wayne walks around the halls looking for Alfred. He walks up on

    a note where Alfred was abducted. The note reads Its time

    Bruce Wayne crumbles up the note in anger. He enters the

    library pulling back a book for the wall to slide open revealing

    an elevator.


    Wayne exits the elevator and makes his way to a sealed vault. As

    he opens the vault a dart sticks in his neck. Wayne pulls out

    the dart examining it and slowly becomes woozy falling to the

    ground. Several henchmen pick up Waynes body carrying it.

    One henchman speaks into a radio: We have Wayne.



    Gordon sits alone in his cell staring at the floor and hears

    footsteps coming down the hall. Harper enters and walks to

    Gordons cell holding keys.

    Gordon: What are you doing?

    Harper unlocks the door opening it.

    Harper: Not everyone thinks youre guilty. Heres your stuff.

    Gordon takes the bag from Harper and steps out of the cell

    Harper: The airport has been taken over and with a bomb threat.

    No one knows what to do. Youre the expert.


    Wayne lies on a medical table with restraints on arms, legs,

    chest, and across his forehead. He slowly regains consciousness.

    Strange: Ah Mr. Wayne nice to see you show a little life.

    Strange walks over to where Wayne can see him and cuts on a

    bright light. Wayne squints his eyes in discomfort.


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    Strange: First off I am Dr. Hugo Strange director of psychology

    at Arkham Asylum.

    Wayne: I know who you are.

    Strange: Very well then we will forgo formalities. Im sure

    youre wondering why youre here?

    Wayne: The question crossed my mind. Wheres Alfred?

    Strange: No worries, Mr. Pennyworth is safe. You have always

    been a fascinating creature to me. The death of your parents

    projected you into a crime fighting Batman. You are a world

    renowned billionaire, a celebrity, yet you choose to live life

    fighting Gothams trash. I never had an encounter with you

    personally but my line of work allowed me to see you through the

    eyes of the ones you dedicated your life to stopping. Criminalslike Crane, Quinn, Joker, Nigma all gave in depth accounts of

    your strengths, weaknesses, tendencies. After reviewing each

    detailed interview I realized the Batman was truly

    indestructible with no equal. But what I did realize even though

    Batman and Bruce Wayne are two separate people they still in

    habitat the same body. A person does not defeat Batman they

    defeat Bruce Wayne.

    Waynes face turns to fear realizing what Strange has done.

    Wayne: You were behind the murders.

    Strange: You live up to your reputation detective. The truth is

    this is a hard town to standout in. I needed to clean out the

    cupboard to get your full attention. And that Batarang worked

    perfectly turning the attention of Gothams finest on

    apprehending you. Gordon losing his job was not in the plan but

    worked toward the cause.

    Wayne: Cobblepot works for you.

    Cobblepot emerges from the shadows walking with umbrella across

    his shoulder: Right you are Mr. Wayne. Ive done some thinking,

    and since the name Wayne Enterprise would now fall under false

    advertisement, how does Oswald Enterprise sound? I think it

    rolls off the tongue nicely.


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    Wayne gives Cobblepot an angered look. Cobblepot leans the

    umbrella against the chair.

    Strange: After Mr. Foxs accident the perfect opportunity to

    infiltrate Bruce Wayne presented itself. I look at Oswald like a

    Penguin. Harmless to the naked eye but get too close and theyllturn on you.

    Wayne: Youve proven your point. What now?

    Strange: Not yet. You see Gothams airport currently has enough

    C4 to create the Grand Canyon. Once I set it off and kill

    somewhere in the neighborhood of two thousand people only then

    will Gotham see how blind it is. Gotham has been under your

    pathetic watch far too long. You never have or will truly make

    this city safe. See how easy it was to dispose of Gothams

    filth yet you could never do so. Its time for a new class of

    crime fighters.

    Wayne: Youre no different than the rest of them. Taking

    innocent lives to prove your point, Youre not fighting crime

    youre part of it.

    With Cobblepot focused on Strange, Wayne discretely releases a

    wrist restraint.

    Strange: Its matter of perspective Mr. Wayne.

    Wayne quickly grabs the umbrella smashing it across Stranges

    face then Cobblepots. Wayne frees himself. He stands over the

    drossy Strange.

    Wayne: This is why youre like the others because you lose.

    He picks up Strange slamming him against the wall unleashing

    punch after punch leaving a face covered in blood. Strange falls

    to the floor. Wayne turns to see Cobblepot running for the door.

    Wayne quickly grabs him, both hands around the neck.

    Wayne: This time Im gonna throw you out of the building.

    Wayne throws Cobblepot out of the large window into the water




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    Wayne manipulates his watch. A moment passes and the Batwing

    arrives jettisoning a vault. The vault opens revealing his

    Batsuit. Batman enters the Batwing.


    Batman manipulates the computer: Gotham Airport.

    A GPS appears signaling the airports location. The Batwing flies

    off toward the airport.


    Police and SWAT teams surround the area. GCPD choppers fly over

    with spot lights.

    Vane: Do we have eyes inside yet?

    Bullock: No sir, cameras are down.

    Vane frustrated: Then what do we have?

    Bullock: Snipers are in the tower and bomb squad cleared the

    perimeter. Other than that theyve got the building sealed like

    a fort.


    Harper, with Gordon, drives up to the airport.

    Gordon: You know youre going to jail for this.

    Harper: Not after you save two thousand lives. So please dont

    mess this up.



    Batman manipulates controls going into stealth mode has he

    approaches the airport.


    Six commercial aircraft begin moving toward the terminal gaits.



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    The mass of hostages has been divided up and placed at different

    boarding gates.

    Henchmen: Were ready to board.

    Deadshot: Board

    The henchmen begin herding the frantic hostages through the

    concourse gaits to the plane.


    Officer: Commissioner, choppers are reporting that six planes

    have been moved to the terminal gates.

    Vane: What are they doing?


    Deadshot: Is the chopper ready?

    Henchman: Awaiting your command

    Deadshot: Do it


    The crowd of police and rescue scamper around unsure of their

    plan of attack. An Apache chopper emerges from the runway.

    Bullock: Is that one of ours?

    Officer: I dont think so.

    The Apache turns toward the GCPD choppers and shoots them out of

    the sky. The flaming aircraft crash in the police perimeter

    causing everyone to scatter.


    Snipers bust out the window returning fire. Their rifles pepperthe chopper but cause no damage. The Apache fires a missile

    blowing up the tower.

    CUT TO:

    Gordon and Harper, near the perimeter, take cover from the



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    The Apache begins to make another pass to finish them off. The

    Batwing appears on scene.

    CUT TO:

    Batwing radar pinpoints all police in area giving ID through

    face recognition. Off in the distance Jamie Harper and Jim

    Gordons IDs match. Batman takes a second glance at Gordons

    name. He then switches gears to the weapons radar putting the

    Apaches tail rotor in its crosshairs. Batman fires off several

    rounds causing the chopper to spin out of control crashing to

    the ground. Police swarm the chopper to arrest the henchmen


    Police: Freeze!

    The pilots hold pistols to their own heads killing themselves.

    CUT TO:

    Gordon and Harper arrive at the devastated scene. They spot

    Vane, Bullock, and other officers stirring amongst the debris.

    Gordon helps Vane up.

    Gordon: Commissioner, are you ok?

    Vane reorients himself: Yeah, what are you doing here?

    Gordon: Heard you needed some help.

    Vane turns to see the extent of the damage: We need a miracle.

    CUT TO:

    Harper helps Bullock to his feet. Bullock spots Gordon with Vane.

    Bullock: Where to he come from?

    Harper: Well talk about it later.

    CUT TO:

    The Batwing hovers above the airports glass ceiling. Batman

    drops through the ceiling in the airport.



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    Batman quickly scans the area to find no one present except the

    ceilings broken glass.


    Vane walks over to an officer: What do we have left?

    Officer (unoptimistic): We lost the snipers in the tower and

    the two choppers. Were dead in the water.

    Vane: Any idea on the hostages?

    Officer: None

    Vane aggravated at the losses: This cant be happening!

    Officer: SWAT is still on stand by sir.

    Vane unsure of his next move looks at Gordon

    Gordon: Send them in


    Batman slowly enters to find Deadshot standing in the middle of

    the room.

    Deadshot: Glad to see you could make it.

    Batman: Strange and Cobblepot are finished. Its over Lawton.

    Deadshot laughs: You put me in the same breath of those

    worthless posers. Im insulted.

    Batman: I put you in the same breath with every lowlife trying

    to bring harm to Gotham.

    Without Deadshot seeing, Batman manipulates a control on his

    utility belt.

    CUT TO:

    Gordons beeper goes off. He checks it and recognizes the

    number. He quickly grabs his radio adjusting the channel. After

    several moments of static it clears and Gordon hears Deadshots

    voice through Batmans ear piece.

    Gordon: Listen up! Ive got ears in the airport.


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    Vane and Bullock rush to Gordon

    Bullock: How are you doing that?

    Gordon: Its a secure channel we use.

    Vane and Bullock give Gordon a suspicious look

    Gordon: It was his idea.


    Deadshot: I think you underestimate me. After all Ive managed

    to kill two of the people you care most about. Fox and Madison

    never stood a chance when they walked into your life.

    Batman tightly clinches his fist with anger: And Ill

    personally see that you pay for each one.

    Deadshot: Before you take the final count let me update you on

    the situation. There are six planes full of innocent bystanders

    men, women, children, families a bunch of nobodies. However,

    there is one person you might know.

    Batman: Alfred

    CUT TO:

    Gordons eyes quickly cut to the radio wondering if he heardwhat he thinks he just heard.


    Deadshot cracks an evil smile: The most important person in

    your life. The man who raised you to be the upstanding citizen

    you are.

    Batman: If you....

    Deadshot: Before you start with the threats hear me out. Each

    plane is rigged with enough explosives to blow us sky high.

    Deadshot holds out two switches: Its quite simple. The switch

    here in my right hand is to five of the planes while the one in

    my left is to your butlers plane. Im only going to use one of


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    them and Ill let you choose. Two thousand innocent lives or


    CUT TO:

    Gordon: Hostages are on the planes! SWAT is clear to engage!

    CUT TO:

    SWAT members blow through the airports entrance to an empty



    The team spreads out clearing the area. Once member walks up on

    sheet covering a doorway. Using his rifle, he pushes the sheet

    to the side finding a bomb in the corner.


    Before anyone can move the lobby explodes into flames killing

    the team.


    Everyone scampers back as flames engulf the airports entrance.

    Bullock screaming into his radio: Pettit! Pettit come in!

    He hears nothing but static. Bullock throws it down in


    Bullock: What are we doing?!


    The explosion shakes the entire building.

    Deadshot: Sounds like they attempted the front door. One thing

    Strange kept telling me is the Batman has no physical equal.

    A dozen henchmen emerge from the gaits.

    Deadshot: Im personally not a believer that but Id like to

    see it for myself.

    The dozen aggressive men surround Batman. He raises his arms

    into a fighting position as the first man lunges. Batman cracks


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    his fist across the mans skull dropping him. The other eleven

    all jump in at once. Batman flips over the crowd and lands a

    roundhouse kick to henchman 2. Henchman 3 has his punch blocked,

    arm twisted, and finished with a headbutt. Batman picks up

    henchman 4 by the throat slamming into the floor. Henchman 5

    violently swings a wooden bat unable to land a hit. Batman

    blocks the bat breaking it and throws the fragments blinding

    henchmen 6 and 7. Batman finishes off henchman 5 with a punch to

    the ribs followed by an uppercut to the chin. Batman smashes

    henchman 6 and 7s heads together dropping them. From behind,

    henchman 8 wraps his arms around Batman while henchmen 9 and 10

    land punches. Still bound Batman lands kicks to henchmen 9 and

    10 and then breaks henchman 8s grip knocking him out. Henchmen

    11 raises a gun to the Bat who uses henchmen 9 and 10 for cover.

    The gun goes off wounding the two henchmen. Batman takes the gun

    knocking out the henchman and finishes the group by roundhouse

    kicking henchman 12 to the ground. Batman turns his eyes toward

    a furious Deadshot.

    Batman: The doctor was right.


    Gordon: The planes have the hostages and bombs. The airport

    only has the bomb controls.

    Vane: How do we take out both?

    Gordon hesitates for a moment: An air strike. We blow up the

    airport with an air strike.

    Bullock: We do what?

    Gordon: We have no one else to send in. If we dont act now it

    could be too late.

    Harper: Batman is in there.

    Gordon: I know.

    Vane: How do we disable the bombs?

    Gordon: We use an E-Bomb. Its a high power microwave that

    fries any electrical device within a five mile radius.


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    Bullock: So we are gonna blow up the entire airport and then

    knockout a five mile power grid? Are you crazy?!

    Gordon: What else can we do Harvey?! No matter what happens

    people will die! Someone has to make a choice....even if theres

    no good one.


    Deadshot takes off his trench coat.

    Deadshot: Why dont you just kill me and end this? I know the

    battle going on inside you. Bruce Wayne saves Alfred but with so

    many casualties Gotham loses its faith in Batman. Batman saves

    five planes but Bruce Wayne will be responsible for the death

    every person he ever cared for.

    Batman can hear Gordon through his earpiece: An airstrike is

    going level the airport in 2 minutes. Its gonna happen with or

    without you in it.

    Batman begins walking toward Deadshot: Thats not a decision I

    will have to make because Im not Gothams only savior. Its

    full of people willing to do the right thing and make the hard

    decision. Im just one of many.

    Deadshot shoots Batman with his wrist gun knocking him back.

    Batman holding his side gets back to his knees.

    Deadshot: If there are so many then Im gonna be busy.

    Deadshot raises his wrist guns. Batman quickly throws a Batarang

    damaging both guns. Batman charges knocking Deadshot to the

    ground. He lands several punches. Deadshot grabs Batmans head

    slamming it into the floor and kicks him off. Deadshot lands

    several punches to Batmans ribs. He prepares to land a knock

    blow but Batman catches the punch. Batman twists his arm, puts a

    knee to his stomach, and grabs him by the throat slamming him

    against the wall. Deadshot is physically beaten. Batman turns to

    see more henchmen coming out of the terminal gaits toward him.

    Batman: Batman and Bruce Wayne do more than occupy the same

    body they occupy the same soul. This mask is not to hide an

    identity but a symbol of hope. Gotham cannot be torn down by

    evil because there will always be heroes to rise and defend it.


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    As Batman finishes that sentence the airport goes up in flames

    as the planes fly by.


    Mammoth flames engulf the environment as the airport is


    Gordon: Activate the E-Bomb!

    CUT TO:

    Each airplanes controls go dark and power down. Military

    personal cut through each planes hull rescuing hostages and

    taking down the henchmen. Alfred walks off a plane unharmed.


    Vane walks up to Gordon: The hostages are safe and accounted

    for. Any sign of Batman?

    Gordons face expresses relief along with sadness: No sign yet

    but were looking.

    Mayor Grange walks up: Gentlemen that was an exceptional job.

    Grange turns to Gordon: Commissioner Vane told me what happened

    and upon his request and my recommendation you are to continue

    your duties as Commissioner.

    Gordon: Thank you sir.

    Grange and Vane walk away attending to other business. Harper

    walks up.

    Gordon sarcastically: Thank you for breaking me out of jail.

    Harper smiles: Had a hunch you could handle this. Do you think

    well ever find Batman or know who is?

    Gordon pauses for a moment remembering what he heard on the

    radio: Anything is possible.


    A cargo plane flies through stormy weather.



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    A doctor along with men wearing black ninja suits stand around a

    table. On the table lies a body covered by a sheet. RAS AL GHUL

    walks over to the body. He pulls back the sheet revealing the

    battered and burned body of Bruce Wayne.

    Al Ghul: Is he dead?

    Doctor: Yes, the explosion caused severe burns to the body and


    Al Ghul examines Wayne for a moment then forms a smirk: That

    wont be a problem.

    From outside the window Lazarus Pit becomes visible.