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Crochet Hook

Granny Square Blanket

The most common crocheted blanket is the granny square blanket. Each square is crocheted individually; then they are joined together to form the blanket. Granny squares are worked from the center outwards; often, each ring is a different color, to create an overall pattern.

Chevron Stitch

Another common crocheted blanket is the chevron stitch blanket.

Knitting Needles

Knitting needles may be straight or connected by a cord.

Knitting Stitches

Knitting only has two stitches: knit and purl. The combination of the two creates topographic patterns, and the addition of different-colored yarn creates pictorial patterns. On the right you can see a pattern which clearly shows what an all-knit stitch section looks like, and what an all-purl stitch section looks like.


Textured Patterns

Left: simple cable pattern. Middle: lace pattern. Right: bobble pattern. Patterns may also combine any of these three types, creating even more complex designs.

Intarsia Knitting

Patterns that use color are often called intarsia patterns, or by some version of a Scandinavian country's name (ie Norwegian patterns, Fair Isle patterns). They are worked using a chart like the one on the left.
