Page 1: Barton Publishing - Amazon S3...Barton Publishing 4 About Sam I’ve had the privilege of talking to many customers and reviewing many cases. On the pages that follow, I’m going
Page 2: Barton Publishing - Amazon S3...Barton Publishing 4 About Sam I’ve had the privilege of talking to many customers and reviewing many cases. On the pages that follow, I’m going

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Fatloss Remedy Solutions

Sam’s Story & Words of Motivation


The material in this report is provided for motivational, educational, and informational purposes

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Please consult your physician or appropriate health care provider about the applicability of any

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Fatloss Remedy Solutions: Sam’s Story & Words of Motivation


Table of Contents

About Sam ...................................................................................................................................... 4

It’s not your fault ........................................................................................................................ 4

The aftermath .............................................................................................................................. 4

Sam’s Interview .............................................................................................................................. 6

Customer Success Stories ............................................................................................................... 9

Advice and Some Helpful Encouragement ................................................................................. 9

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About Sam

I’ve had the privilege of talking to many customers and reviewing many cases. On the pages that

follow, I’m going to share with you my interview with Sam and his story. But first, I need to give

you a little background about his situation, which highly likely very similar to yours.

And please pay close attention — this is an important story that I’m taking the time to share with

you because...

Sam’s a fellow who’s enjoyed significant success with the Diabetes Solution Kit.

Sam was on traditional drugs and had no luck in stopping let alone curing his diabetes.

He was fed up with this disease and nearly lost hope when he finally discovered the Diabetes

Solution Kit. Now, I won’t tell you how old Sam is... but he’s probably closer in age to you than

he is to me.

He had problems with his weight — up and down but mostly up... if you know what I mean. He

also had a history of diabetes that surfaced in a handful of relatives throughout his family tree. You

might say these factors alone doomed him from birth. Some of this is part of your story too, and

just like Sam...

It’s not your fault

Sam’s diabetes wasn’t necessarily his fault either. Diabetes was just kinda “built in.”

Thing is, Sam never thought it would happen to him... after all he was a runner in his youth.

So, he ate and drank whatever he wanted with no regard for what was waiting for him right around

the corner. Out of the blue — during a normal, physical exam, Sam’s doctor came back with those

words you’re probably all too familiar with — “you have type-2 diabetes.”

The aftermath

Because Sam thought he was different... once a fit, younger man he still didn’t need to follow any

dietary restrictions. After all he felt fine before... and with the pills he was prescribed he thought

he was protected. (Sam, if only I could’ve met you then).

So he continued on with is regular lifestyle and eating habits, but, that was at the beginning. After

a while he started feeling sluggish, weaker and people (especially his wife) noticed changes in his

mood. With each passing week his dependence for artificial, lab-created pills grew.

Sam was miserable, desperate and now on the verge of needing insulin injections to manage his

diabetes. He knew something had to change, and that change had to come from him, but he was

unsure how to start.

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Fatloss Remedy Solutions: Sam’s Story & Words of Motivation


Then Sam found the Diabetes Solution Kit while Googling natural diabetes treatments — because

he started to see that he needed a real solution — not a pacifier. So Sam — like you — made a

commitment to himself and to his family... he was skeptical but hopeful.

Little did he know he was about to restore his health and take his life back.

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Sam’s Interview

Joe: Sam thank you for letting us share your private experience today.

Sam: My pleasure, Joe. If it wasn’t for the Diabetes Solution Kit, I wouldn’t have anything to

share anyway!

Joe: (laughs) Well thanks again — that’s very inspiring. So, Sam tell me... what was one of the

major hardships you faced in the beginning and did it get better for you?

Sam: Let me start by saying that yes — it got better — lots better, in fact. For me, it was the hunger

that damn near kicked me off the wagon. It was almost enough to make me give up. See, the

Diabetes Solution Kit gives you a whole new lifestyle that ain’t always easy but you know, it’s the

only way to really beat this diabetes so you tighten up your boot-straps and get it done any way

you can.

Joe: So, what did you do about the hunger?

Sam: You mean before or after I got up off the floor?

Joe: (laughs)

Sam: Well, I ate a lot of dill pickles Joe and chewed on ice cubes. Sounds funny but it works. I

drank a lake’s worth of water and when it got real bad, I exercised my head off.

Joe: Yes, exercise is a huge part of successful diabetes management, and I’ll get you the answer

to your question you emailed before our call, but I’ve got to ask, where did you hear about the

pickles and ice cubes thing? That wasn’t in the Diabetes Solution Kit. Bet it helps with weight loss


Sam: Yes! And I got it from... you know how they have pregnant women chew ice when they’re

having contractions? I figured if it was good enough for pain like that, then a few waves of hunger

would be short work. And dill (or sour) pickles... well I love’em and they’re a good, low-carb


And to complement the Diabetes Solution Kit, I used cinnamon to control my blood sugar. It acts

like insulin, you know...your body doesn’t know the difference. I read the article by Dr. Saunders

and to be honest I was skeptical.

Joe: Yes... don’t worry about it.

Sam: Well, at first, I thought, I would start off by adding to my tea. A whole teaspoon! But the

funny thing is Joe, cinnamon isn’t that tasty. I mean, I love cinnamon buns and sprinkling it on

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Fatloss Remedy Solutions: Sam’s Story & Words of Motivation


food, but a whole teaspoon is way too much. And the truth is I thought it would be like sugar and

just make my tea sweeter, but the flavor was too overbearing.

Joe: So that’s when you decided to try CinnaChroma?

Sam: Yes. At first, I took you up on your free bottle offer, but very quickly I started the autoship.

It’s great. It comes just when I’m running low and I keep a bottle in the kitchen next to my teapot.

And so when I’m boiling water in the morning, I drink a glass of water with a CinnaChroma pill.

It’s such an easy habit to develop. Now I focus on more serious issues, like eating!

Joe: That’s funny! I’m glad you took the free offer. I fully believe in the product and seeing is

believing, so that’s why I offer it for free — so people like you can easily get to try it. Great story.

So what do you eat now that was different from your regular diet?

Sam: Well it wasn’t easy... hard road to go down. I cheated and felt awful guilty more than once

you know? Sometimes I cried because I knew I’d set myself back a couple steps. But I got back in

the saddle... when you’ve eaten a certain way all your life... carefree... and all of a sudden you

have to watch what you eat or it could kill you well that’s a mind opening experience.

Luckily the Diabetes Solution Kit shows you how to get nourished while still controlling your blood

sugar. Only then can the healing take place.

So I ate plain, skinless chicken breast, a lot of salads, and the recipe book was my bible for keeping

things interesting. I also ate a lot of bok choy, celery, and miso soup with plenty of sea vegetables.

It’s pretty flavorful. I got used to it quick.

To satisfy my sweet tooth, I chewed gum and made sure to drink plenty of water. I walked a half-

hour or so before every meal. That gets the blood and juices flowin’ you know Joe?

Joe: Did you try any of the recipes in the Low Blood Sugar Cookbook?

Sam: Absolutely, that book is chock-full of really great recipes. I used it to find out what I liked,

and what I could stick with.

Joe: Definitely! Great stuff... well thank you Sam — you’ve helped me out greatly today. One last

question — are you still using the Diabetes Solution Kit?

Sam: Well... I’ll be completely honest, Joe. I only bought it because I thought it could help me out,

you know — while I stormed through some rough financial times and couldn’t afford my meds.

Once I get back on my feet I can’t really say for sure... I mean, I know it’s not going to cure me,

but taking my prescriptions is so much easier than changing my life at my age. You know... maybe

I’m just not strong enough for this.

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So I woke up and decided to give it another know — win one for the Gipper, so to speak.

Well, wouldn’t you know it was easier to pick it back up — easier than I thought. And I started

feeling healthier. Less sluggish... no more mood swings... and I had energy that I didn’t have since

before I was diagnosed. So, I decided to stick with it and never look back. And the exercise part...

I thought, “pfft — I hate exercise,” but now I even park as far away as I can when I go anywhere

so I get some extra walking time. It’s really not as big a deal as I expected.

Joe: Awesome! What a great success story. Thank you, Sam, and keep up the good work — you’re

doing an excellent job.

Sam: Thanks Joe — I owe it all to the Diabetes Solution Kit, being open to all the amazing

solutions you offer — both in your reports and physical products — and whole lotta people rootin’

for me! You take care.

Joe: You too Sam, bye now.

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Fatloss Remedy Solutions: Sam’s Story & Words of Motivation


Customer Success Stories

Advice and Some Helpful Encouragement

“I have been using the right foods and most important, one quarter teaspoon of cinnamon twice a

day in probiotic yogurt. My sugar responded almost immediately. I test fasting in the morning and

administer insulin through injection once a day. I have Type 2 Diabetes. Over the last four days

my insulin intake has reduced 25%. My numbers have dropped below 100 with a high of 117. I

feel terrific and I DO NOT FEEL HUNGRY. I have already shared this with my family and friends.

Connecting with you has been one of the best things that I have ever done!!”

– S.

“Two years ago, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I have been controlling it without meds. I

have only been on phase 1 for four days, but so far, so good. 99 has been my highest reading (it

was not specified when to take the reading... I have been using the 2 hr after eating rule, except for

1 random reading.) I did one fasting reading of 89. For the most part my readings have been 90. I

have been using chia seeds to help with control & feel that they were helping & so I have continued

their use since I started phase 1. I am encouraged by your Reversal plan and really hope that it

works for Me.”

– Pearl M.

“I was taking various meds for High Blood Glucose, High BP and High Cholesterol. Don’t know

about the High Cholesterol yet, but the BP and glucose are BETTER THAN NORMAL. I stopped

taking meds last year and started to research Diabetes Mellitus and changed my diet when I signed

with your program and downloaded the book. Any and all Green veggies, Radishes, Turnips,

Cactus, Carrots and so on for the passed two weeks and ‘0’ dairy using soy milk for drinking since

I love milk. My BP no more than 128/88, which used to be 160/105 or more. My Glucose could

get up to 409; ready for a Diabetic coma right? And is now 147, maybe 160 two hours after eating.

When I get hungry my diet will consist of a Banana and or Red Apple with Lemon. I am so glad I

signed up!!

– Gary

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“Dear Mr. Barton, I’m 4th week on the diet recommended by Diabetes Reversal Resource Guide.

Before starting the program my blood sugar test taken on the local lab was as follows: fasting

blood glucose - 11.6 mmol/L; two hours after eating - 13.4; three hours after eating - 8.1. My

current readings are as follows:

- Fasting blood glucose - 6.4-6.8;

- Postprandial - 6.9-7.8 (rarely 8.0-8.5);

- Three hours after eating - 4.7-6.3 (rarely 6.6).

“I’m combining the diet with jogging (two times of 25-30 min) and exercising (one or two times

daily of 15-20 min each, depending on the time available) and yoga breathing at evenings. Besides,

I’m taking DIABEKAN (extract of cinnamon) and DIABETIKER VITAMINE). What’s sure is

that in my case the program is working! As a byproduct of practicing the program I was able to

reduce smoking from almost two boxes a day to 12-15 cigs a day without any effort. Thanks God

I found it! Thank you for developing it! I strongly recommend your program to anybody facing

this ugly situation called DIABETES provided they would strictly stick to it. Pls excuse my

English which is not my mother tongue.”

– Svetoslav










– Jean

“The first 4 weeks were extremely tough. Nevertheless, the results are great and I am very happy

to have participated in the program. The best return on the investment of my life. My glucose count

is still high compared to where I want it to be, but it went down about 60 to 70 points and I lost 10

pounds in the process. After exercising (3-4 miles at 3.5 miles per hour walking every day) some

of the readings were below 100 for the first time in the last three years. Now my count is steadily

under 150 at worst, instead of over 200, with an average count of about 130. My blood pressure

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went back to normal, actually better than normal for me, at around 120/70 as opposed to 150/90. I

have to admit that, initially, it was super tough to change my eating habits, but now I am very

happy that I have achieved the ‘unachievable’ at least in my mind. So, I am grateful to you for the

results you have promised me I will achieve. What’s amazing is that if I did not get your e-mail, I

would not be in this situation. Timing is everything. Thank you so much!”

– Armando

“I recently purchased the Diabetes Remedy Report. I am a type I and have been for over 20 years.

I have been on insulin for 16 years.

“That means I had a ‘honeymoon’ period of about 4 years. The report helped me understand why

I was able to stave off having insulin so long and even now; I have the level of insulin of a child,

not an adult. I take 20-25 unites a day most of the time because I have been exercising (walking

for 30 minutes a day/ 5 days a week) for the last 20 years. So the report helped me understand why

I am in as good of shape as I am. I don’t know if any of the other suggestions will help at all. I

now know what to tell my children if any of them get to the pre- diabetic stage. It makes a lot of

sense to do the low carbohydrate diet: I didn’t know that when I was becoming diabetic at 30 but

I wish I would have tried it and avoided having to take insulin even longer.”





– John R.

“I am 44 years old. I have never been diagnosed as a diabetic, but started checking my blood levels

on my own. I was shocked when my sugar level was at 340 on Feb 8. I had been having some

headaches, so I decided to check it. That’s when I started looking on the internet and discovered

your program. So far everything seems to be working. I have been trying your program for 12 days

now and my morning sugar levels have decreased daily. It spiked up once due to my going to this

new Italian restaurant on the 14th for Valentine’s Day. I tried to eat conservative there, but still

had a small helping of pasta and a couple of pieces of bread with dipping oil. Also, I have only

made it to the gym for my workout on 5 occasions, but I do notice that my sugar levels drop when

I workout. I will continue to follow your program of eating low carb, etc. I would appreciate any

other helpful meal ideas. I am currently eating a lot of broiled fish, chicken, and lots of salads. I

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have switched to turkey sausage and eggs for breakfast. I typically use nuts and raw veggies with

organic salsa for my snacks. But I could always use fresh new ideas for meals.”

– Larry

“My blood sugar has been in average since several months higher from upper limit, despite of

taking medication regularly. The values in the morning were mainly higher as well, although from

last night’s supper were 12 hours gone. Still very seldom it happened to be almost inside limits –

6.1 mmol/L (we use that scale in Europe). The report gave me more convenience that this was

depending on how much carbohydrate foods I ate last night. I can confirm, that reduction of

carbohydrates level is very much affecting blood sugar level. But still we should ponder of adding

nutrition supplements to intake. Ionized water to drink is also to consider - there are a lot of articles

on Internet.”

– Avigdor

“Dear Friends at Barton,

“I have recently received the info packet from you folks and appreciate it so much. I am in the

learning stage and at present do not have diabetes; although my grandfather, mother and just

recently my brother was diagnosed with it. So, realizing that it does run in the family, I want to

know more about it. I am thankful that I have found you folks that have made me feel as if you

truly have a heart for your clients. Thank you.

– Dale

“The first week I lost four pounds and my average morning sugar numbers came down from 144

to 112 and my blood pressure dropped from 144/90 to 125/75 so I’m very happy and can see that

I will be able to achieve my goals on this program. Thanks!”

– John L.

“I started the program August 1st. My blood sugar readings were all over the scale. They read from

136 to 206. On August 2nd, my average reading for the 7 times that I take my blood sugar readings

was 102. I hope that within the next 60 days I will be able to get off of my diabetic medication

completely. I am on Glipizide ER 10mg twice daily. The report was easily downloaded and very

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Fatloss Remedy Solutions: Sam’s Story & Words of Motivation


understandable. I would highly recommend this report to anyone that has high blood sugar reading

while on medications. The program really works.”

– Herbert M

“I’ve had blood work done after only being on the herbal remedies for 2.5 weeks and found out

my numbers had substantially gotten better!! The “Diabetes Solution Kit” as published by Barton

Publishing is proving to be worth its weight in gold to me. I love you Mr. Barton! And recommend

all your products to anyone with health problems.”

– Rick D.

“My doctor told that the results of my glucose tolerance test were not good. She told me to check

my blood sugar twice a day using a diabetes meter blood sugar tester. I immediately started

searching the internet for more information on diabetes.... diet’s... blood sugar information. A

relative sent me a link to Barton’s publishing. I reviewed their information and made the purchase.

I have found the information to be extremely valuable. Well worth the $19.95... Anyhow, I would

highly recommend you not only purchase the download but also read it and follow it!!! My blood

sugar has only been over 100 twice and it was only 103 and 105. Most readings are in the 70’s and

80’s. I discovered that my body does not handle carbs very well and as long as I limit the amount

of carbs that I take in my blood sugar is quite normal. I have lost 10 lbs. already and have about

15 to go. I will be looking at the blood pressure info because yes I have high BP as well.”

– JR

“This is my second day on the Barton Diabetic program. I find decrease appetite after new and

exciding meals, also new energy level that wasn’t there before. Very happy and looking forward

to new Diabetic Me.”

– Eva

“Joe, A few weeks ago I got my bad news. My blood sugar had been averaging around 250 for the

three-month average. My vision was getting blurry, my feet were almost black, my hands shook,

and my legs hurt so bad that I could not sleep or walk across a parking lot. I started having TIA

strokes and thought I needed to say goodbye to my three daughters. Then I saw your diabetes kit.

I thought you talked too much but you were making sense. For less than the cost of dinner with a

full year guarantee, why not give it a try? In less than two weeks my blood sugar is below 100

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almost every time! Even shortly after eating!!! My vision has cleared. My feet have their natural

color back. My legs still hurt some but it is less each day. Best of all, the TIA strokes stopped!

Now, instead of calling my daughters and saying goodbye, I am planning visits. [And get this...]

“My blood pressure is way down. I no longer get that horrible reaction from the diabetes drugs. I

just know that my cholesterol will be under control on my next doctor’s visit. My mental outlook

is great. I have lost a few pounds. My friends and business associates keep commenting on the


“It is hard to believe that I bought my life back for $20! Thank you, Joe.”

– Alan

“Yes! I’m having great results. I lost four pounds in 5 days and am still losing. My sugar readings,

which were running from 175 to 233 with the maximum meds, have dropped to 100 to 122 with

the maximum of 157 after eating. I’m very excited about my results and the supplements help not

only to manage the diabetes but also curb my appetite.”

– Janet B.

“I have been working w/the diabetes remedy report and my numbers have gone from the mid 100’s

to high 80’s & low 90’s. This is quite a breakthrough for me since I got this disease in 1992... my

doctor is VERY pleased w/the results I have gotten & I am anticipating my next A1C test... it

should be the lowest yet! Thank you so very much for this information... I’m sharing it w/several

other diabetics I know.”

– Patricia C.

“My blood sugars ran mostly between 100-200 all year, even with expensive prescribed drugs. I

even had a day were my blood sugar was 437 after I was stupid enough to drink a regular soda. It

took two weeks after starting the "Barton treatment" and my blood sugar came down to 100-125,

presently. I’m very happy with the results! Thank you!”

– Betty S

“I’ve been following the diet & supplement regimen for 10 days now & my fasting blood sugar is

now around 114 the last 3 mornings compared to over 180 with 45 mg. actos & 1500 mgs of

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Fatloss Remedy Solutions: Sam’s Story & Words of Motivation


metformin. My energy level has gone back to pre-diabetes levels & I’ve lost 10 lbs. Thanks so


– Shawn

“Your Diabetes report is the best thing I have ever read on this disease and the dietary steps to take

to halt its progression.”

– Philip

“A week before I went to see my doctor, I got the Diabetes report in the mail. It made a lot of sense

to me and I started following the program right away. Taking my blood sugar every morning, the

reading were under what they had been while I took medicine for my diabetes problem. I then saw

my doctor, and told her about your program and the fact that I was off my diabetes medicine. I

showed her my blood sugar reading, which was very good. She agreed with me and both of us are

watching my sugars. I had this diabetes problem for the last 15 years, I am so happy not to be

taking any medicine at this time. On the Plus side I also lost around six pounds (I am in phase one

still, but working hard to get to phase two.”

– Lottie

“My name is Cheryl from Brooklyn NY. I purchase the Diabetes Reversal Kit because my blood

sugar was 268 I was taking Metformin. I was so happy when a friend told me about the kit I made

a quick response to get it and it was very easy to download and understand I got every thing to get.

The job done in 3months my blood sugar readings were 92. 97. 104 102 since then I told my doctor

about the reversal kit and I also told him I am off the medication and he said at those numbers keep

doing what I am doing I would recommend this diabetes kit to all who have diabetes and stick to

it not only help you to get normal levels but to repair those organs that are so critical due to the

diabetes thank you thank you could not do it without you.” - Cheryl

“Dear Joe, I have been following your Diabetes Remedy for about two months. My results have

nothing less than incredible. My daily sugar readings have come down dramatically and so has my

weight. I am due for a routine diabetes check up in about 6 weeks and until then I would rather not

share my results. However, I will contact you at that time. I should also mention that my blood

pressure has also improved. Thanks a million, I’ll be in touch soon.”

– Armand

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“As soon as I found out that I might be getting type 2 diabetes I started doing some research. I

came across the Barton Publishing information and ordered it right away. Within 30 days I had

lost 20+ lbs. and my blood sugar never really got above 100 very often and never near the danger

point of 14-150. I feel much better and now know what I can and cannot eat. My sister is also pre-

diabetic and I referred her to the information. Once you learn what diabetes can do to you it will

change your mind and you will be committed to a healthy lifestyle. Barton’s Publication can

definitely help you get there!”

– John R.

“I started the Diabetes reversal in December. Within 3 days my am readings were down from 160

on meds to 120 on nothing. They are now continuously 95 to 115 and my afternoon readings are

always 85 to 95. I have lost 20 lbs. as a result of watching my sugar levels and carb intakes.

Currently I am eating 25-40 grams of carbs per day. I seldom cheat. Last night I had a small dinner

roll. The first since I started the eating plan. I am very active and I am 57 years old. I have had

type 2 for 2 years. Haven’t felt better in years.”

– A

“Been following the recommended diet for a week and increased my exercise. My tests 3 times a

day have been mostly 90 and below. Had 3 over 100 but not bad since my A1C was 8.3 when I

had it done a few days before I got the book. Will stick with it and hopefully keep the numbers

down. The doctor will be monitoring my blood sugars for the next 6 weeks so this book came at a

good time.”

– Raymond P.

“In the week that I have followed the eating plan, my blood sugar has dropped from the 160 range

to the normal range, around 111 - 107. I have ordered some of the recommended vitamins and

hope that with that I will be able to keep my blood sugar within the normal range, so that I do not

have to start any medications. I had eaten a lot of sugary products and gained weight over the

holidays. In addition to lowering my blood sugar, it also helped me loose the weight that I had

gained. I do intent to continue to follow the eating plan, but will increase my carb level before long

because the 20 carbs. Per day is difficult.”

– Charles M.