Page 1: Barter and Trade · people get things they need. • People of a country will trade goods and services with people in other countries. Assess REVIEW—Answers 1. What to Know People

Barter and Trade

In the past, people would exchange their goods or services with others to get things they needed. They would barter with each other. To barter is to exchange things without using money.


What to KnowHow does trade

help people meet their needs?




Bartering long ago

Categorizeand Classify

SXENL07ASE2X_U6L5_CG 308 1/25/06 7:15:09 PM1 Introduce


When minutes count, look for the EXPRESS PATH to focus on the lesson’s main ideas.

This lesson explains how and why people use barter-ing and money to get what they need. People barter by trading the extra things they have or use money in exchange for things they need. Individuals, as well as other countries, trade with each other.

Practice and Extend

Lesson 5PAGES 308–311

■ Define and identify barter and the use of money as types of trade.

■ Understand reasons why using money is considered a more efficient means of buying and selling.

■ Understand the concept of trade with other countries.

barter p. 308 trade p. 309

pp. 268–269, 311

Homework and Practice Book, p. 59; Reading Support and Intervention, pp. 106–109; Success for English Learners, pp. 111–114; Vocabulary Transparency 6-5; Focus Skills Transparency 6; Categorize and Classify Graphic Organizer Write-On/Wipe-Off Card; Activity Pattern A14; Unit 6 Audiotext CD Collection; Internet Resources

What to Know Have a volunteer read aloud the What to Know question. Explain that people have always had needs they couldn’t meet and extra items they couldn’t use, and they looked for ways to solve this problem. Remind children to look for answers to the question as they read the lesson.

Build Background Organize the class into groups. Provide each group with a single good—pencils, paper, paper clips, and erasers. Have groups make trades with each other. Invite children to recall times they traded with friends.

308 ■ UNIT 6

Page 2: Barter and Trade · people get things they need. • People of a country will trade goods and services with people in other countries. Assess REVIEW—Answers 1. What to Know People

2 Teach



Using MoneyIt can be hard to find people to barter

with for the goods and services you need when you need them. Over time, people began to use money to buy and sell their goods and services. The buyer and seller agree on a fair price for a good or service.

Barter and money are both used to make a trade. A trade is the exchange of one thing for another.

What can people use to make trades with each other?

Money now has different forms.

People using money today

They can barter and use money.

SXENL07ASE2X_U6L5_CG 309 1/25/06 7:15:51 PM

2 TeachTeachT




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Vocabulary Transparency 6-5

Unit 6 Lesson 5

1. barterCLASSIFY/CATEGORIZE Would you classify barter under purchase or trade?


2. tradeWORD FAMILIES Trade, trader, trading, and trades all have the same root word. Write it.


3. tradeSYNONYMS Think of words that mean about the same thing as trade. Add them to the chart.

Possible answers:

barter To exchange something without using money. p. 308trade The exchange of one thing for another. p. 309

MINI-GLOSSARY Read each term, and study its defi nition.

WORD WORK Complete the activities below.







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Success for English Learners

CReading Support and Intervention


Using MoneyCONTENT FOCUS People barter and use money to get the goods and services they need.

Ask children to examine the photographs and captions in this section. Then have them write a sentence that describes the main idea.

Correct Misconceptions Children might think bartering only took place long ago. Explain that people still barter today. For example, a child may trade a baseball card to a friend for a toy.

1Economics Explain that money is the most common medium used for trading goods and services. Have chil-dren study the pictures. Explain how credit cards, debit cards, and checks represent money transferred from one account to another. Discuss the conve-nience of carrying cards instead of cash.

Q What types of coins and bills do we use in this country?

A Possible answers: penny; nickel; dime; quarter; one-dollar bill

LESSON 5 ■ 309


For alternate teaching strategies, use pages 106–109 of Reading Support and Intervention to:

■ identify phonemes

■ practice phonics

■ reinforce vocabulary

■ build text comprehension

■ build fluency

For English Language Learners strategies to support this lesson, see Success for English Learners pages 111–114.

■ English-language development activities

■ background and concepts

■ vocabulary extension


Page 3: Barter and Trade · people get things they need. • People of a country will trade goods and services with people in other countries. Assess REVIEW—Answers 1. What to Know People


Trading with Other CountriesThe people of a country cannot always

provide all the goods and services that citizens want. These people can trade with people in other countries to get raw materials, goods, or services. To get those, they may give other raw materials, goods, services, or money.

Why do the people of a country trade with people of another country?

Products come into and go out of this port in New Jersey.

To get goods and services the people of a country do not have enough of.

SXENL07ASE2X_U6L5_CG 310 1/16/06 11:15:27 AM


Practice and Extend

Trading with Other CountriesCONTENT FOCUS Countries trade with each other to get goods and services the citizens need.

Direct children to use the illustrations as a springboard to discuss the main idea of the section.

2Link Economics and Geography Point out that we trade what people in other countries want for the things we want. Elicit that people in other coun-tries can supply us with certain items.

Q Why might we need to trade with another country to get a certain item?

A Possible answer: The item may not be available here.

3Visual Literacy: Diagram Distribute copies of Activity Pattern A14. Have children look at the diagram on page 311. Ask them to identify prod-ucts in their homes that come from one or more of the countries shown. Direct them to check labels on items or ask family members to help them iden-tify each item’s country of origin. Invite children to use the Activity Pattern to make a table of these goods, showing which country the items came from.

Interactive in the enhanced Interactive in the enhanced Interactive in the enhanced online student eBook

310 ■ UNIT 6

Leveled Practice Discuss trade with other countries.

Basic Ask children to name an item that we might trade with another country.

Proficient Invite children to draw and label pictures of items countries might trade.

Advanced Have children look at labels or tags on classroom items to find where they were made. Direct them to list the countries.

MATHEMATICS On the board, write the names for

various denominations of U.S. coins and paper money. Pass around play-money examples of each denomination. Have children practice using the terminology in sentences that describe amounts. For example, Five pennies is the same as one nickel. Two nickels equal one dime. Four quarters and one dollar are the same amount. Monetary Units

Page 4: Barter and Trade · people get things they need. • People of a country will trade goods and services with people in other countries. Assess REVIEW—Answers 1. What to Know People

3 Close


People can trade raw materials, goods, services, or money with one another.

What to Know How does trade help people meet

their needs?

Vocabulary What do you do when you barter?

Activity Draw pictures and write labels that

show goods you would be willing to trade.

FocusSkill Categorize and Classify Make a list of goods

and services you and your classmates could use to

barter. Circle the services.

What is a product that the United States gets from another country?

Trade with the United States

From Germany

From Japan

From Mexico

To Germany

To Japan

To Mexico

SXENL07ASE2X_U6L5_CG 311 1/25/06 7:17:14 PM

3 Close

Advanced Point out that other countries use different forms of money. Encourage children to use reference sources to research and find pictures of different kinds of foreign currency. Invite them to share their findings with the class.

SummaryHave children read the lesson sum-mary and review the lesson’s key points.

• Bartering or using money are ways people get things they need.

• People of a country will trade goods and services with people in other countries.


1. What to Know People trade something that they have enough of to get some-thing that they need.

2. Vocabulary When you barter, you trade a good or service with someone for another good or service.

3. Activity Assessment Guidelines See Performance Rubric. This activity can be used with the Unit Project.

4. Categorize and Classify Children should list goods and services they can easily provide. Children should demonstrate an understanding of the difference between goods and services.

Use Focus Skills Transparency 6 or Categorize and Classify Graphic Organizer Write-On/Wipe-Off Card.

LESSON 5 ■ 311

page 59

Score 4• rich description is provided• labels are creative

Score 3• some description is provided• labels are mostly creative

Score 2• little description is provided• labels are somewhat creative

Score 1• no description is provided• labels are not creative


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Homework and Practice Book � 59

Partners in TradeThe map shows three countries and some products

they trade. Use the map to answer the questions.







Car parts





Map Key

1 Henry, in the United States, loves bananas. From which

country do bananas come? Mexico

2 Jamie’s mother, in Canada, wants to buy a car.

From where might her new car come? United States

3 Carlos, in Mexico, wants to build a house. From which

country might the lumber come? Canada

Use after reading Unit 6, Lesson 5, pages 308–311.

