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Institute for Women’s Health and Body

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Seth J. Herbst, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.Keith A. Aqua, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.Ingrid L. Isdith, D.O., F.A.C.O.G.Glenn M. Collins, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.Moises A. Virelles, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.George J. Emerick, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.Stephen H. Livingston, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.Kimberly A. Heroux, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.Stacea N. Bowen, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.Kimberly S. Leyendecker, A.R.N.P.

Gina M. Parks, A.R.N.P.Karen S. Bradshaw, A.R.N.P.

Susan M. Cohen, A.R.N.P., C.N.M.

Cosmetic GynecologyNovela


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G. G.

A few months before the summer Olympics, I fell off my horse and completely shattered my knee. When the doctors told me I needed surgery, I was devastated. How could I recover in time to qualify for the U.S. team? To give me my best shot, I needed a stellar orthopedic team and found it at Wellington Regional.

My surgery was on January 14 and by April, I was back in the saddle. Thanks to specialized care, I qualified for the Olympic team and went on to compete in London. I am living proof of first-class orthopedics at Wellington Regional.

I am living proof.

McLain WardOlympic Gold Medalist

To read more of McLain’s story,

Orthopedic Program

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www.banzaiwellnessmag.com4 December 2013

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For pricing and deadline information with regards to advertising with BanzaiWellness magazine, email us at [email protected]. Banzai Wellnessis a publication focusing on health and wellness in Palm Beach County, Florida.We want to hear from you! email all news, editorial submissions, article topicsuggestions and ideas and feedback to [email protected] email must include your name, address and a telephone number so that wecan contact you. We reserve the right to select which submissions are publishedand to edit all submissions prior to publishing.

2013 by Banzai Wellness magazine, Banzai Wellness, Inc. All rights reserved. Banzai Wellness magazine is acomplimentary publication supported solely by our advertisers and distributed throughout locations are generallyseen. Banzai Wellness magazine called “publisher” hereafter does not necessarily endorse the views expressed inthe articles and advertisements. Advertisers are solely responsible for the contents of advertising; including photos,images, artwork and all creative works submitted for publications. All advertisers must agree to protect and indemnify'publisher” against any and all legal action. This includes any and all liability, loss or expense arising from claims ofliable;unfair competition; unfair trade practice; infringement of trademarks; trade names; patents; copyrights;violations of rights of privacy and any other claims accepted for publication in the journals.







ello, Banzai readers!

I've been away for a few months, adjusting to some major lifechanges. The biggest event has been getting married. On July 16, Imarried my high school sweetheart, Andy. It was a momentousoccasion as we have been waiting and planning for years for this timein our lives. We had a small, intimate ceremony, then planned areception where we could celebrate with our family and friends. Fourmonths later, we had our wedding. It was perfect. My husband and Ienjoyed every moment of that day and we feel very blessed that wehad so many of our loved ones right there with us.

Now that life is back to normal, I plan to continue writing articles forthis publication that has been near and dear to my heart for such along time. Most of all, I look forward to re-connecting with our loyalreaders.

Banzai!(Long life and happiness!)

Saajida Shakeer Ellis


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By Alyssa Ann Photography

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www.banzaiwellnessmag.com6 December 2013

lu season is upon us and so is theconstant badgering by “healthcare”

providers that we “should” get the flu shot. It seems like everywhere you turn is anotherreminder to “Get your Flu Shot Today!” Howdid this campaign start? Why is everyoneconstantly pushing the flu shot? After all,doesn’t it only cover 3 or 4 strains of the fluvirus? And aren’t there countless strains thatexist? What is the likelihood that the strain of virus we encounter is one of the strainscontained within the vaccine? I wouldn’t beton it. People are always asking me why wedon’t offer the flu shot at My CommunityPharmacy. It would have actually brought inpretty good revenue. Most people wouldhave been sold on the idea even if it was justbecause their trusted pharmacist wasrecommending it. Those who are familiar withour pharmacy know that we are notmotivated by dollar signs. We are in thebusiness of healthcare and we take our jobvery seriously.

Let’s talk numbers. If the vaccine onlycontains a couple of the strains of the virus,usually older strains, and the virus isconstantly mutating, does it make any senseto vaccinate the masses in the hopes that wewill only encounter the strains in thevaccine? It doesn’t make sense to me. And infact, lot’s of people who get vaccinated

still end up getting the flu. Why? Because thewhole thing is a giant guessing game. Agroup of scientists sit around and try topredict which strains will be most popular forthe upcoming season, which is months awayfrom production date. On the CDC website,they state that the flu vaccine does not workfor everyone; that it works best for “healthyadults and older children.” Really? you meanit works best for those less likely to getsick in the first place. Impressive. They alsostate that while the vaccine doesn’t work aswell for older adults or those with chronicillness, “it may provide some protection.”( So those who may actually need to bevaccinated due to weakened immunefunction are least likely to see benefit fromgetting vaccinated.

How about side-effects? I mean besides thegeneral side-effects like site redness andsoreness for the injection and nasal irritationfor the inhaled version. Have youwondered what the “other ingredients” are inthe vaccine? Let me tell you! Mercury. yes,mercury, a well-known neurotoxin, is used asa preservative in most flu vaccines, in theform of thimerosal. In fact, let me stop here torecommend that if you still plan on gettingvaccinated after reading this article, pleaseinsist on the thimerosal-free, single dosevial. There is a very nice video showing theeffects of mercury on brain cells at:

In addition, other ingredients in the vaccinecan cause a dip in the immune function bycausing inflammation.

What’s in it for the big boys? MONey! Didyou ever wonder why the flu vaccine hasbecome so easily attainable? you can getone during a visit at the other pharmacies.Heck, you can even have flu vaccination daysat your workplace. It couldn’t be anyeasier to become vaccinated. I actually gotcertified to vaccinate, largely to giveimmunizations for travel purposes, only tofind out that in the state of Florida,pharmacists can only administer the fluvaccine, the pneumovax and shinglesvaccine.

The flu vaccine campaign is nearlyimpossible to resist. I feel like I am constantlystruggling to convince people not to buy intothe hype. My recommendation to mostpeople is the same. For prevention, keepunwashed hands off your face; maintain adiet rich in fruits and vegetables; take theright supplements (like probiotics); exerciseregularly; get enough sleep regularly; anddrink half your weight in ounces of waterdaily. For treatment, maintain a diet rich inantioxidants; drink your whole weight inounces of water; sleep as much as possible;do not exercise; and take the right herbalremedies (such as xymogen’s IgG 2000 orImmunotix and enzymedica’s virastop 2x).Stop in at My Community Pharmacy and wewill help you through the flu season whilecaring for your health.


So what’s my beef with the flu vaccine?It’s simple: 1. It’s usually ineffective; 2. It may be harmful; and 3. It’s one ofBig Pharma’s babies.

by Meroe Rabieifar, PharmD - My Community Pharmacy

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www.banzaiwellnessmag.com8 December 2013

David and developed a plan for treatmentthat included conferring with Dr. Lawrenceeinhorn, Lance Armstrong’s oncologist, aswell as physicians at the renowned MemorialSloan-kettering Hospital in New york City.

In addition to bringing in top physicians as apart of David’s treatment, Dr. Gersten alsorecognized and honored David’s commitmentto his education. After an early andsuccessful career as a real estate investmentanalyst, David had just begun pursuing a lawdegree when he was diagnosed.Chemotherapy and even surgeries werescheduled around David’s law school exams,because David was adamant that he was notgoing to lose his #1 standing in law schooljust because he had cancer.

After three months of initial chemotherapy,David’s tumor had shrunk; however, asecond tumor had now appeared near hiscolon. “Dr. Gersten told us it was time tobring out the big guns,” Rona remembers.He scheduled David at Memorial Sloan-kettering for a Retroperitoneal LymphDissection (RPLND), a risky and complicatedsix-and-a half hour surgery that cut Davidfrom his neck to below his bellybutton. Therecovery was slow and painful, but Rona wasby David’s side every day… and, accordingto Rona, so was Dr. Gersten and the entire

magine being blindsided by the worstnews possible. Palm Beach County

resident Rona klein doesn’t have to imaginebecause she lived through that veryexperience when her 31 year old son Davidwas diagnosed with cancer. On a Sundaymorning in December of 2008, David, whohad been active and healthy all his life,began experiencing excruciating pain in hislower back and groin. A walk-in clinic referredhim to the emergency Room where doctorsbegan treating him with fluids and looking forany sign of kidney or bladder stones;however, a scan revealed something moreserious. A mass was detected behind David’spancreas. But with no family history of cancerand because he was so young, the doctorsbegan treating David for pancreatitis,suspecting that the mass was nothing morethan a pseudo-cyst. It was not until a followup scan three months later that the mass wasidentified as germ cell testicular cancer.

“I wanted to fall to the floor,” Rona recalls,when she learned of her son’s cancerdiagnosis from a doctor in Miami. Rona wasdevastated, but she knew she had to bestrong for her son… and because David wasRona’s only child, she knew she would movemountains doing whatever it would take tohelp her son fight the battle that lay ahead.

A friend recommended Dr. Todd Gersten, amedical oncologist with Florida CancerSpecialists. From their very firstconversation, just days after his diagnosis,Rona says she immediately knew he was theright doctor for her son.

“Dr. Gersten told me to bring David in thatMonday afternoon”, Rona says, “and that hewould have all the results on his desk, andwe would talk about options.”

That first visit set the tone for David’s entiretreatment. Dr. Gersten met with Rona and

staff at Florida Cancer Specialists.

“everyone in the office was fabulous,” saysRona. “every time a phone call was made toDr. Gersten – he got back to us immediately.”

This kind of personal care, coupled withDavid’s fighting spirit, and the dedication ofhis mother, helped David conquer intensivechemotherapy regimen that kept him in thehospital one week out of every month.

“He’s my baby,” says Rona. “ As a mom, Iwanted to do everything I could to help him.”And with Rona’s support and the expertise ofhis doctors, David was able to successfullybattle his cancer. Today, David klein is asuccessful real estate attorney, havinggraduated in May 2012, Suma Cum Laude atthe top of his class.

A cancer diagnosis can be one of life’s mostdevastating moments for a patient and hisfamily. But Rona klein and her son David aregreat examples of how to survive thistraumatizing experience. “It made me realizewhat is important,” says Rona. Her advice forparents in a similar situation: “Just make theworld about your child and what you have todo for the two of you to get through it… therest of the world will still be there on the otherend of the battle.”


Surviving Cancer… A Mother’s Story

"What makes Dr. Gersten so great,"David says, "is that he not only has theexpertise a patient seeks when facingcancer, but he also has a relaxed andconfident demeanor about him that istruly unique.Throughout my battle with cancer, Dr.Gersten always presented my testresults and treatment courses in amanner that was very reassuring. Hislaidback attitude coupled with hissuperior knowledge provided me theconfidence I needed to get through mytreatments as comfortable as possible.I always felt that as long as I did whatDr. Gersten recommended, everythingwould eventually work out for the best.This reassurance was extremelyhelpful to me, as it allowed me to notfixate on my cancer as much, thereforeallowing me to focus on my law schoolstudies."

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www.banzaiwellnessmag.com10 December 2013

ou flirt with death, but you want to are afraid to keep using, but youare afraid to stop. you may not know

what life is without drugs, but you might bewilling to try. you fool yourself into thinkingrecovery is unattainable for you, but maybeyou’re wrong. Maybe you think you knoweverything about recovery. Chances are, youare unaware to some degree even if you havebeen in recovery and relapsed several times.And while a lasting recovery is attainable, truthis, it can be tricky.There are triggers so subtle they go unnoticedconsciously, but that does not mean they havegone unnoticed by the subconscious. Therereally are times when your mind has a mind of itsown. Do you know that one of the big things thataddiction took from you was choice? Supposeyou were convinced you could regain choice. Alasting recovery would be easier, attainable,wouldn’t it? A walk in the park- certainly not, butdoable. Why not, indeed. Why not, with a heartfull of renewed hope, begin to put into practicethe control that is required to take back choice?Why not just begin?Without developing your awareness torecognize and take control of subtleties, you areunknowingly on the path to relapse. Therefore,it is critical that you not only think about how youthink, but you must also pay attention to howyou feel even if you do not know why you arefeeling a certain way. There is a reason, butperhaps it has simply bypassed your consciousawareness. The part of your mind that isaffected by addition not only recognizes thesesubconscious subtleties, but also immediatelygoes into action to get you to use. This is whatcraving is. It is an automatic response to atrigger known as conditioned behavior. We,

humans are creatures of habit. A habit is amatter of repetition. It doesn’t matter what therepetition is about; we are programmingourselves.Understand a trigger can be a multitude ofthings, real or imagined. It can be subtle orcome at you like a tornado. For our purposes,let’s just call all triggers stress. When stressoccurs, whether you are aware of the stressor ornot, you have awakened a sleeping giant. Thegiant is conditioned by the stressor to sit up andtake notice and await its expected habitualreward. Remember, it matters not if you areaware of this or not; your subconscious, which Icall the tape recorder, has perceived an event ora situation, which it automatically interprets as towhat it means or recalls or wants.This interpretation can create a feeling, and thefeeling creates a physical event. It matters not ifthe feeling is a good feeling or bad feeling.either way, you have created a reminder. If youare addicted, you remind yourself to crave. youcrave because you have turned on theconditioned response that wakes up thesleeping giant. This is a big, hungry giant, and itwants what it wants what it wants right now. Ifyou do not have plan in place to fight this giant,you will use/lose. Remember, relapse does notcome out of the blue. And, if you have been inrecovery for a while and you choose/decide torelapse, it does not mean you go back tobeginning usage doses. No, you pick up whereyou left off, and usually your starved appetitedemands more. This is dangerous becauseyour body many have gone back into balance towhatever degree, and it cannot tolerate theamount that you think you can handle. Haveyou herd the term overdose?If you’ve been in recovery and have relapsed,

take heart. A single defeat is not a final defeat.Maybe the first or the second or the third is notthe charm, but never, never give up. This hasbeen done. Why not by you? Again, why not, know you are scared to keep using, but youare also scared to stop/ Maybe you were shockto find yourself putting a needle in your arm.This what addiction is: progression. you usemore now or more often. Progression.Some of you are not ready to stop using. youhaven’t had enough. you’ve described usingheroin, as just like being in love, wishing youcould use forever, but still knowing you had tostop. Maybe you have not suffered enough yet.Maybe the consequences have not yet beenhorrific. Not yet.If only one idea, one lightbulb illuminated in oneperson’s head, can help someone to heal, torecover, to have hope, to save their life, thentruly a blessing will be bestowed. Justremember, you do not have to do this alone.There is an army of us out here waiting to helpyou. Come to us.

Arlene J. ShermanStress Management Consultant,

Certified Hypnotist, Addiction Recovery Coach at Angel's Recovery

YIntroduction to the Addict

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www.banzaiwellnessmag.com12 December 2013

Childhood Ear Infections and Chiropractic:hild ear infections have always been aconcern, however, in recent years the

growing number of cases and long termaffects have greatly increased. According tothe Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital morethan 80% of children under the age of 3 willexperience a middle ear infection, commonlyknown an otitis media infection. Out of thesechildren 50% of them with have three or moreear infections by the time they reach 3 yearsold. ear infection office visits account for 25-35% of visits to the pediatric offices in theUnited States. A lot of children will continue toget chronic ear infections growing up. Majorconcerns with chronic ear infections arepermanent damage to the ear that can occurduring the infection itself or from scar tissuewhen healing takes place, and the overuse ofantibiotics, creating antibiotic resistantbacteria.

Otitis media usually is due to a complicationwith the eustachian tube. The eustachiantube is a canal that connects the middle earto the throat. This structure is what allows usto equalize the pressure in our ears, allowingfluids from our inner ear to drain out throughour nasal passage. In children theeustachian tube is narrow, short and flat,where in adults the tube is wider, longer andmore angular, this anatomical difference in

adults is a major reason adults are less proneto ear infections. The structural differenceseen in adults allows for better ear drainage.In children the complication usually resultsafter a virus or bacterial infection, largelybecause of it connecting to the throat.

Chiropractic comes into play here.Chiropractic is a non-surgical, non-invasiveway to treat the body. Our goal is to allowyour body to function at its optimal capacityby making sure bones, muscles, and nervesare free of any impingent or misalignment.This then allows your nervous system to workat its peak performance. your nervoussystem is in charge of your entire body frommuscle contraction, hormone control, andimmune system responses.

When it comes to ear infections, chiropractichelps by removing any interference from themusculoskeletal and nervous system thatdirectly correlates to the ears anatomicalstructure and physiological function. We dothis by correcting misalignments in the spinalcolumn which houses some of the mainnerves that goes to the ear, correct alignmentof the jaw, and reduce muscle spasm whichsurround and attach to structures that affectthe ear. This then allows for better mobility,increase nerve flow, decrease in

inflammation, aids in lymphatic drainage, andincrease immune response. In a study printedin the Journal of manipulative in physiologicaltherapies a group of forty five children underthe age of 5 with chronic ear infectionshowed a 93% improvement in symptomsunder chiropractic care.

Other ways thought to aid and prevent earinfections in children include: staying awayfrom second hand smoke, feeding naturalbreast milk to allow natural antibiotics, tryyour best to eliminate or allow minimal sugar,artificial dyes, and preservatives in food, andmassaging behind the ears. For any moreinformation regarding how chiropractic mightaid in your life or the life of your loved onesplease contact us, Weiss Family ChiropracticCenter. Learn about the variety of techniquesand treatments we offer to benefit each of ourpatients needs on a personalized andindividualized level.

Dr. Arianne Weiss is a chiropractor, graduatefrom Palmer College of Chiropractic, she isan associate at the Weiss Family ChiropracticCenter along with Dr. Cetty Weiss and Dr.Bradley Weiss. The Weiss FamilyChiropractic Center has been serving peoplein Practice for over 25 years in Palm BeachCounty.

CBy Dr. Arianne Weiss

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Your posture may be a� ecting MORE THAN YOU THINK

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Dr. Arianne WeissDr. Brad WeissDr. Cetty Weiss

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www.banzaiwellnessmag.com14 December 2013

Heat Stroke, HyperthermiaPets cannot tolerate high temperatures aswell as people can and they rely on rapidbreathing to exchange hot air for cool air.Pets' temperatures are higher than ours -- adog and cat have an average temperature of101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Common situations and features that canpredispose a pet to overheating:

1. Being left in a car in warm Florida weather,even if the windows are left slightly open.(This is an absolute NO! No exceptions!)

2. Having a muzzle on while a pet is beinggroomed, and/or leaving the muzzle onwhile a pet is put in a drying cage.

3. Short-nosed breeds such as pugs,bulldogs, boxers and Persian cats.

4. Any pet with an airway disease.5. Being confined outside without shade or an

adequate supply of fresh water.

Suggested treatment when this conditionoccurs: 1. Mild hyperthermia can sometimes be

treated by simply removing a pet from thesituation and/or environment whereoverheating has occurred, and placing it ina cool place in the shade or in an air-conditioned room.

2. If a pet is unsteady on its feet and youhave moved it to a cooler location, you canstart cooling it by placing cool water on thefeet. Rubbing alcohol on the skin of yourpet's stomach (with a fan blowing on thepet) can also aid in cooling.

3. While these steps are in progress, havesomeone call your veterinarian so that theycan determine if you should bring your petin for treatment.

Note: it is very dangerous to cool anoverheated pet too quickly. Never put a pet inan ice bath, or use ice cold water, unlessunder the direct supervision of yourveterinarian. Cool water is best. The mostcommon sign of hyperthermia is restlessnessand agitation, with vigorous panting. A pet'ssaliva may be thick, and the gums andtongue may be bright red. Depending on theseverity of the hyperthermia, the gums canalso be very pale and a pet may be lyingdown with its head, neck, and limbs extendedand thick saliva coming from the mouth andnose. Always call your veterinarian, even ifthe pet appears to have recovered fromhyperthermia, after you have administeredany of the treatments above. yourveterinarian may not want to see your pet if ithas recovered, but it is always best for themto determine whether or not your pet needs tobe examined.

ChokingChoking is caused by a foreign object beinglodged in the pet's airway and addingpressure to the trachea or windpipe. To avoida choking incident, always provide your petwith toys that are the appropriate size. Toysthat are too small (relative to your pet's size)can be easily swallowed and becomewedged in your pet's airway. It's important to provide supervision when anedible treat is being chewed. Some treatsthat dogs enjoy, such as rawhide, cowhooves, and pig ears, can break off in piecesand may not be small enough for your pet toswallow completely. Always remove strings, foil, and feathers fromcat toys -- these items can be enjoyable toyour cat but may potentially become caughtin its throat or intestinal tract.

indications of choking: 1. Noisy and labored breathing sounds – your

pet will have difficulty inhaling2. Pawing at the nose and mouth3. Gums may be white or blue4. excessive drooling5. Unconsciousness

Determine if your pet's airway is able to becleared by performing a finger swipe of themouth -- this is accomplished by placing yourfinger on the side of the pet's mouth andsliding it down and toward the center of thethroat. If no foreign object or substance isremoved and your pet is still having breathingdifficulties, contact your veterinarian forimmediate instructions and care. Do not tryand perform CPR or the Heimlich methodunless instructed by your veterinarian.

Do You Know When It’s An Emergency?Know the Symptoms in Your Pet That Require Immediate Action!

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December 2013

BleedingA physical trauma can cause pets to sufferblood loss. Regardless of what caused thetrauma to your pet, immediate attention toblood loss is required.

Pressure:Apply gentle pressure to the bleeding; do notremove a cloth or bandage even if it becomessaturated, simply apply additional layers. Thebandage can be held in place by bandagematerial if you need to free your hands.elevation can be used to aid in stopping thebleeding, but try to continue applying directpressure to the wound. Try to keep your petcalm, and contact your veterinarianimmediately, or if the situation warrants it,begin transporting your pet to the veterinarianwhile controlling the bleeding.

Tourniquet:The use of tourniquets can be dangerous andcause damage to the limb if appliedincorrectly. A tourniquet should only be usedif the pet is experiencing a life threateningsituation, due to the amount of blood loss thatis occurring from a limb or tail.

Snake BitesThe first thing you must do if you think yourpet has been bitten by a snake is to staycalm. Do not add any additional excitement tothe situation. your pet will need to beexamined to determine if and where thesnake bite occurred, and there may be morethan one location, so examine carefully. Aconstrictive bandage can be placed on thelimb involved, above the bite. A bandage willneed to fit firmly on the leg, but not too tightly. If possible, try to identify the snake – youshould attempt to determine the size, color,the shape of the head, and if there was arattle at the end of the snake's tail. Do notrisk injury to yourself in attempting to get thisinformation. Carry the pet to the vehicle or, if too large tocarry, walk it slowly to your vehicle and go tothe nearest veterinary hospital. (This may notbe the hospital that you regularly use, butimmediate care is required for a snake bite.)In the meantime, keep your pet as calm aspossible. Contact your veterinarian if you think a snakebite may have occurred, but you are unableto find the fang marks. your veterinarian maywant to examine your pet to ensure a bitemark was not accidentally overlooked.

Spider Bitesveterinary treatment is required for anyspider bite. Unfortunately, you will probablynot know when your pet has received aspider bite. Spider bites can be painlesswhen they occur. What you may see is apatch of skin where the hair has thinned;there may be a single hole visible, with skindiscoloration around the hole. The skin maybe a dark purple or black in color. There might be lameness in the limb otherthan where the bite occurred, as well as fever

and chills. Spider bites can be life threateningto you and your pets. Research the area where you live todetermine which poisonous spiders areprevalent, and always examine the areaswhere spiders like to build nests. Contact anexterminator to remove spiders from yourhome. How to Move and Transport an Injured PetAn injured pet is unpredictable, regardless of its personality. When pets are in pain, they react instinctively and unpredictably and cannot be held responsible for theiractions. Always take precautions to protectyourself, and your pet, from further injurywhen transporting to the veterinarian. Anemergency muzzle can be made from aneck tie, silk stocking, a section of linenfabric, or other strong material. Using themiddle of the material, make a loop andplace it around your pet's muzzle. Bring theends under the chin and tie snuggly aroundthe back of the head under the ears. If your pet is unable to walk, or you havedetermined that walking may cause furtherinjury or damage, a blanket can be used asa transport device. Gently lift the pet ontothe blanket, and grip the edges of theblanket to lift and place the pet in thevehicle. Covering your pet is important toprevent heat loss and can create a calmingeffect. Smaller pets can be transported in a carrieror a box (with holes large enough for air toallow for adequate breathing) with a lid.

Try to minimize the amount of movement,and make your pet as comfortable aspossible. Always try to contact yourveterinarian, in advance, to share as manydetails as possible, and the estimated timethat you will arrive at the clinic.

You must not rely on the information from onthis page as an alternative to medical advicefrom your veterinarian, call 561-790-6464 formore information or visit

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www.banzaiwellnessmag.com16 December 2013

Dr. Randy’s Prescription

Drug-Free Athletic Performance verybody wants to do better. And Dr.Randy Laurich wants to help.

At the Wellness experience center at theeastern edge of Wellington that he operateswith his wife Lorraine, (an M.A. in HealthCare Administration), he’s been helpingpeople with techniques based on the theoryvertebral subluxation, techniques of thescience and art of chiropractic he learned atSherman College.

His mission is to provide drug-freeperformance enhancement and treat sportsinjury with spinal adjustments. It seems to beworking.

“I feel like a million dollars when I walk out of

there,” says Bill Sowers, the nationally rankedwater-skier. He believes Laurich’s treatmenthas also significantly enhanced hisperformance. Sowers credits the Wellnessexperience treatments with enabling him to“add three more buoys to my score.”

Water skiing puts a lot of stress on the neckand when the neck is bad, it affectseverything else, says Sowers. And, Laurich,he says “is as good a neck man as there is.”That’s the foundation of the theory ofvertebral subluxation, Laurich explained.When nerve pathways that travel through thespine to the muscles are blocked, the rightmessages don’t flow smoothly from brain tobody, hindering heath and performance.

The media is filled with stories of drugenhanced athletic performance and sportsinjuries. Unfortunately, the news has not beenvery good. Champion bicyclist LanceArmstrong’s part confession, part sort-of-admission to Oprah about blood doping hascost him his heroic status as a source ofinspiration and his hard-won titles, not tomention millions of dollars in endorsementsand the foundation he formed to provide“everyday practical support to cancersurvivors.”

Though the big league baseball steroidscandal seems to be fading, professional andcollege – and even high school age andyounger- football players are coming underthe microscope for injuries, particularly

By Myles ludwig


By G25 iNC Photography

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December 2013

concussions, that can lead to Chronic Trauma encephalopathy (CTe),Alzheimer related symptoms and early death.

Parents are alarmed about the consequences of concussions in theirchildren’s contact sports. young girls who play soccer are especiallyvulnerable. According to the American Journal of Sports Medicine,they suffer possible brain-damaging concussions at nearly twice therate of young men in the so-called “beautiful game.”

And what about the equestrian athletes increasingly drawn tocompete in Wellington's sports activities ranging from jumping topolo? Will it take a son or daughter of a celeb like Bruce Springsteen,Jerry Seinfeld, and former New york City Mayor Michael Bloomberg tofocus attention on the problem?

Not if Laurich can help it.

“I like helping people and putting my hands on them, help get themout of pain and help changing their lives.”

He’s a big man with big hands, but the Wellness experience also hasthe latest high-tech equipment like the ProAdjuster which looks like across between a hobby horse and a massage chair. The machine isconnected to a computer which projects graphic images of the health– or not –of the spine and its connections to the nervous and musclesystems. There’s also a subluxation traction device which patients sayis like being stretched out on the old fashioned rack, “But with lesspain,” he laughs.

The Wellness experiences also has staff and facilities for physicaltherapy, massage, acupuncture and even aestheticians for total healthcare.

Dr. Randy, as he’s familiarly known, has felt a calling to help improvethe health and performance of people since he was in 7th grade andwrote an essay on chiropractic.

“I believe if you can help other be more successful, you can besuccessful with them. I love seeing people change.”

He started treating young athletes alongside the Pitcher’s Coach atThe king’s Academy years ago and still works with youngsters as wellas professional and weekend athletes.

He’s deeply committed to the health and wellness of the communityand the upcoming Winterfest in conjunction with Wellington’sChamber of Commerce.

“Wellness is a lifestyle,” he said.

“Wellness is a lifestyle”

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www.banzaiwellnessmag.com18 December 2013

Avoiding Holiday Weight GainBy Cheryl Martin

t’s that time of year again when wewill all eat lush holiday meals that

are stocked with calories. Most of us will puton an average of 1-3 pounds that can take along time to shed. But the holiday seasondoes not have to create havoc with yourweight. With a little pre-planning, you canenjoy your holiday favorites and still be ableto buckle your belt.

lose a few to Gain a fewBefore the holidays arrive, start cuttingcalories from your regular diet. Serve smallerportions, avoid heavy sauces and skip on thesweets. Cut back on alcohol, which is high incalories and drink plenty of water.

Add more time to your exercise regimen toboost your metabolism and get lean. If youdon’t have time to get to the gym, addexercise boosters whenever you can.

• Park your car a bit farther in the parking lotso you have to walk more

• Take a stroll after dinner, it also helps getyour digestion moving

• Skip the elevator and take the stairs• March in place when you’re doing standing

activities like cooking• Make circles with your feet while you’re

sitting at your computer• Plan active outings with friends & family.

Play miniature golf instead of seeing amovie.

Cook lighterIf you are the cook for your holiday meals,you can make substitutions to cut calories inyour dishes. There are many recipes onlineto guide you or you can seek the assistanceof nutrition specialists. If you’re attending anevent, offer to bring along a lean dish. Mosthosts will gladly allow a guest to supply oneof the side dishes.

• Add plain yogurt, fat free sour cream or nondairy milks in mashed potatoes, casserolesand dips.

• Switch to butter substitutes, use non sticksprays and choose lower calories oils

• Baste with fat free broths instead of butter• Add more vegetables to the menu and less

carbohydrates• Serve dark breads

Don’t Arrive HungryPlan your day in advance before you sit downto a hearty dinner. Make sure you have hadyour breakfast and lunch so you don’t arrivefeeling like you’re starving. By eating lowcalorie meals during the day, you are settingyour body with a healthy metabolism and willhave more control of your diet. Start with a small breakfast- such as a bowlof oatmeal, an egg with whole wheat toast ora bowl whole grain cereal. enjoy a salad forlunch with some grilled chicken or a smallportion of salmon with brown rice. If you feellike snacking, choose celery with peanutbutter or apple slices and crackers.

Modify your plateIt has always been an American tradition tocreate heaping plates with a taste ofeverything on the menu. What most people

don’t know is that the typical Thanksgivingdinner is packed with a whopping 3,500calories! When we overload our plates, wecreate a desire not to waste food and weempty them. Break this pattern by trimmingthe portions you put on your plate. you canalways go back for more. Don’t feel like youneed to try everything on the menu or eat abit of each thing to be polite. Avoid lettingothers serve for you or speak up and tellthem you only want a small taste.

Decide which foods are worth the weight.Many of the items on the menu are items youeat all the time. Don’t allow yourself to getcaught up in the belief that you have to eat itbecause it’s part of the traditional meal.Drink lots of water which will make yourstomach feel fuller and help you control whatyou consume.

Choose the best foods on the table. Selectthe skinless white turkey meat which hasmuch less fat. Roasted vegetables are ahealthy choice over casseroles. Wholebaked sweet potatoes are a better choicethen mashed potatoes. Do your best to avoidsecond helpings. If you are feeling weak- putyour fork down, drink your water and wait aminute before you decide.

Create a Paceexperts advise that the easiest way to feelsatisfied and keep your diet under control isto eat slowly. you can get into this habit bysavoring each mouthful, put your fork downbetween bites and keep sipping your water.

Take a walk after dinner before you considerdessert. you’ll feel good about the walkbecause you’re burning off some of thecalories from the meal. This smart move mayboost your confidence in your healthy choicesand get you to skip dessert altogether. Ifyou’re still pining for that piece of pie, you canfeel good about yourself that you’ve earned itby trading a bit of exercise for the treat.

Avoid AlcoholMany people do not realize how manycalories are in alcoholic beverages. Some ofthe drink mixes have enough calories tooutweigh the healthy salad you had at lunch. • Switch your glass of wine for a wine spritzer• Substitute sparkling water in drinks that

blend with sodas• Add more ice to your glass to reduce the

liquids that fit inside• Avoid the eggnog drinks that are packed

with calories


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December 2013

or people who suffer from chronicheadaches, the winter holiday months

are a time that can cause a worsening of theirsymptoms. While many attribute the problemto cold winter months or holiday stress, someresearchers are finding a physical cause inthe top part of the spine called the atlas.Researchers in New york and Calgary areusing advanced MRI imaging to pinpoint howthe atlas can be altering the flow of blood and

cerebral spinal fluid(CSF) causing symptomsof chronic headaches.

What they’ve found is that a structural shift inthe top part of the neck can disrupt criticalfluids from exiting the brain properly. Whenfluids in the brain get backed up, it canincrease the pressure in the head and lead toa backup of waste products in the braincausing headaches and even migraines.When these small shifts of the atlas werecorrected, new MRI scans showedimprovement in head pressure and CSF flow.Additionally, many of the test patients showedsignificant improvement in their headacheintensity.

While this is great news for some headachesufferers, there are two main problems. It is asmall study, and only about 1200 doctors inthe country are trained to take the necessaryx-rays and deliver the correction properly.Though more research needs to be done,some neurologists are finding these structuraldoctors helpful for their patients with longstanding chronic headaches.

Holiday Headaches?Researchers New Cause and Correction

Dr. Jonathan Chung is a Doctor ofChiropractic who focuses on StructuralCorrection and is primarily concerned withStructural Shifts of the spine. He graduatedfrom the University of Central Florida with aB.S. in Microbiology and Molecular Biology.Dr. Chung then went on and received hisdoctorate from Life University's College ofChiropractic. Dr. Chung is certified inpediatrics from the International ChiropracticPediatric Association, and is a StructuralChiropractic Researcher who has beenpublished in scientific peer-reviewed journals.


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www.banzaiwellnessmag.com20 December 2013

pon entering Tresses Color Bar Salon, one would think they had been transported toSoHo in NyC. The Ambiance and the vibe are glamorous and hip with a dash of


After being a stylist for twelve years and an educator for L’Oreal in Florida and New york,and being a native, Bri wanted a salon that was different from the others in the area. Shewanted an individualistic, creative, high-voltage atmosphere for her unique setting. With it’smusic going strong and the stylists hand-picked for their knowledge and skills… they are alldressed according to their own personalities. Tresses resonates SoHo to a tee!!!

Brianne’s specialty is baliage which is a painting method forhighlighting. This makes the hair look “sun-kissed” andkeeps the regrowth at bay between processes. Bri is also amaster at color correction and Haute Couture styling.

Their services can be obtained either on or off location andSpecial Event Hair & Makeup is their niche. For furtherinformation, please call (561)

13873 Wellington Trace, Suite B4Wellington, Florida 33414


l to R Dina igoshkina, Amanda Scherl, Ashley Miller, Sandy Besse, Brianne Purnell, katarina Culbertson, lorraine Brophy.

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(561) 333-5200(561) 405-9380

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Take advantage of our holiday’s specialsGet $100 discount on any cosmetic procedure with a free consultation.

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www.banzaiwellnessmag.com24 December 2013

s the end of 2013 draws near, the firstthing I look towards is my “Jar of

Gratitude”. I think I came across this ideafrom a posting on Pinterest last year. Theidea was to jot down a memorable notebased upon circumstances surroundingpeople or situations in your life. It’s amazinghow full it quickly becomes, when you takemoments such, as a smile, word ofencouragement, a phone call when youneeded someone to listen. Blessings arearound all of us every day.

It’s easy to get stuck in the day to day, butwhen I see this jar overflowing, the realizationthat there are many more moments of loveand joy. It’s our choice everyday…what dowe want? more importantly, “What do youwant?”

These two women, made their choice in2012, and here they are today!!!! I want to

take this time to honor them, for standing intheir power and deciding that they were goingto change their lives the moment they walkedin the clinic.

yamilka and Maryant are 100% authentic.They are like most of us: have children, havejobs, and have MANy responsibilities. Theyget overwhelmed. Last October, yamilkacame into our office. She was in the processof completing her x-Ray Tech license andwas at a crossroads with her health.Prompted by the threat of diabetes shestarted to make changes in her diet andexercise. However, she found herselfstagnant and knew she had to find a way toovercome her plateau.

After getting started (her first day wasOctober 31, 2012, the day she took her Stateexam), yamilka’s health and wellness rapidlychanged. As of this date, she has lost 63

“I would like to thank Dr. G's Weight Loss &Wellness for all of their support andassistance. Thanks to them I can say thattoday I'm a different person, I'm healthierand more confident in myself. Alwaysremember that if you want something it canbe achieved if you truly believe in yourselfand God.”


“ I've tried many meal plans and wasskeptical to go and hear about a new planthat would "transform my body" and make melose weight. In fact, it was the first thing I toldthem during my initial consultation. I'm sohappy I made this decision, since I startedlosing weight the very first week. My life hasdramatically changed, many people don'teven recognize me. I now lost 54 pounds.

The staff is very nice, especially Lisa, she ismy partner, and has always providedencouragement to help me through thejourney. No meal plan, no shakes, nothinglike it, just a mind set change. It works!!!Thank you Dr. G's!!!”


Honors The Dedication and Commitent of Yamilka and Maryant


Lisa M. Butcher - Wellness Coach

pounds, over 11 inches in her waist, and over11 inches in her hips. She no longer has toworry about the threat of diabetes. Herpicture says more than 1000 words!!!

As Maryant stated, she was skeptical. Likemany of our patients, she tried otherprograms, tried to do it on her own, butfrustration prevailed. I am just in awe, whenshe walks in the door today, I have to do a“double-take”, as I can hardly believe it’s thesame person. Her beauty truly shines fromthe inside-out!!!

So to yamilka and Maryant, I want to sendyou all my love and gratitude. you givemeaning to my job, my values, and theinspiration you will provide to others!!

May All of you Be Blessed With All yourHeart’s Desires!!

Here’s to you and 2014!!!

Let Dr G’s help you fulfill your dreams. Call 561-370-6484 today for a free consultation

Yamilka and Maryant After

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December 2013

4595 Okeechobee Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33417



Coming soon



he holiday season is upon us. Where did this year go? With all ofour busy schedules it’s nice to have recipes that are quick, easy

and yet still impressive. Pork Tenderloin with Cinnamon Apples andRoasted Haricot vert fits the bill perfectly. Set a festive table and enjoya great meal for Christmas or New year’s eve.

Serves 4 but can be doubled or tripled easily if needed.

for the pork:

2 pork tenderloins, 1.5 pounds each2 tablespoons hot red New Mexico chile powder kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Line a rimmed sheet pan with foiland place pork on top of foil. Season generously on all sides with salt,pepper and chile powder. Roast in preheated oven for 10 minutes.Reduce heat to 400 degrees F, turn pork over and roast for anadditional 20 minutes. Allow to rest for 5-10 minutes tented with foil.Slice into 1/2 inch thick slices. Serve with glaze spooned over porktenderloin slices.

for the glaze:

1/4 cup Dijon Mustard3 tablespoons molasses1/2 cup apple juicekosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Heat all of the ingredients in a small pan whisking until blended. Allowto thicken slightly and spoon over roasted pork tenderloin.

for the haricot vert (french green beans):

Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil. Toss a pound of haricot vert in abowl with 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoonpepper. Place on prepared sheet pan and spread out to a single layer.When you reduce the heat to 400 degrees F for the pork place theharicot vert in the oven with the pork for 20 minutes.

for the apples:

4 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and sliced 4 tablespoons unsalted butter3 tablespoons brown sugar1 tablespoon cinnamon1 cup apple juice2 tablespoons cider vinegar 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

Melt the butter in a largesaute pan over mediumheat. Place the apples inthe pan and saute for 2-3minutes. Add the brownsugar, cinnamon, applejuice, cider vinegar andsalt. Cook until the applesare soft, about 15 minutes.This can be done earlier inthe day and kept coveredat room temperature. Justreheat before serving.


Pork Tenderloin with Dijon MolassesGlaze Cinnamon Apples for the Holidays


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PetLife offers our community pet owners the same ease and affordability inobtaining pet health care, as has been available in the human sector for almost

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www.banzaiwellnessmag.com28 December 2013

Healthy Vision

t may surprise you to know that what you eat during thisfestive time of year can affect the health of your eyes and the

quality of your vision.

Fat is an important part of the diet. It insulates nerves allowing forconduction of signals in the brain; it plays a role in the inflammatoryprocesses in the body; and it provides a basic ingredient for tearproduction.

The good fats are Omega-3-Fatty Acids found in fish, olive oil,avocado, nuts, and flax seed, for example.

Bad fats create bad tears resulting in dry eyes, including burning,watering, blurred vision that clears upon blinking, and that annoyingfeeling of having something in your eye.

Lubricating drops to alleviate dry eye symptoms supplement your owntears with artificial ones. They often provide comfort that does not last.

Carbohydrates are sugars when broken down into their most basicform, and sugar can wreak havoc on blood sugar levels, even in anon-diabetic person. Large servings of carbohydrates or sugarscause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels, followed immediately by arapid drop which leaves you feeling sluggish in mind and body.

A non-diabetic can regulate blood sugar levels, but a diabetic requiresoral medication or insulin for regulation to insure critical bodilyfunctions continue.

In diabetics, high blood sugar levels can result in bleeding andscarring inside the eye, known as retinopathy, and resulting in visionloss. This is the reason why all diabetics should have an annual eyeexamination.

even if you’re not a diabetic, you should still pay attention to yoursugar intake. Some evidence suggests that diets high incarbohydrates put you at a greater risk for cardiovascular disease,macular degeneration, and cataracts.

Watch what you Eat

Excellent Eye Care for the Entire FamilyStandard single vision and lined bifocal lenses are FREE with the purc hase of a frame

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Dr. Amanda WeissOptometrist


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“Bad fats create bad tears”

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December 2013


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www.banzaiwellnessmag.com30 December 2013

By Cheryl Alker

have decided to officially name fall asthe Fitness New year! Why? Well

how many New year’s eves have youproclaimed to the world that you are going toget fit and healthy in the coming year? Andhow many times have you failed to followthrough?

December 31st over a glass of champagne istoo late to set goals and make promises withregard to your health, unfortunately thedamage has already been done. From theend of October onwards we hit a plethora ofparties, buffets, meals out, family gatheringswith one thing all in common; FOOD andoften drink. Wouldn’t it make sense,therefore, to make your fitness resolution inthe fall? Seriously, it is a great time to start afitness program because you will havealready started to create good habits beforethe holiday season begins. Let’s face it, withso many parties going on surely this is thetime to look and feel your best, wowing yourfriends and family with a new streamline andradiant you will make this year’s holidayseason the best ever!

With the change of seasons comes arenewed time to rethink and restart, after theheat of summer, fall no matter where you live,is often a breath of fresh air.

So how about this year you navigate yourselfthrough the party season in much bettershape than when you started it and leaveNew year’s eve as a time of celebration, notthe same old declaration.

Here’s how…

1. Take advantage of the weather. Thesemonths are a great time to exercise outdoorsand enjoy cooler temperatures.

For those of us in Florida the beach is a greattime for activities as it is so much lesscrowded. What about a game of volleyball,Frisbee, or playing a vigorous game of fetchwith your dog. If you're near a lake, try paddleboarding, kayaking or canoeing, for anexcellent whole-body workout and a greatchange of pace.

Discover park trails and take in some newscenery, whether you're walking, biking, or in-line skating.

In places where snow falls early, try crosscountry skiing or snowshoeing. And remember, it doesn't have to seem likeexercise to be a great workout just rakingleaves or doing some fall outdoor yard workis a great way to get the heart pumping, andit's a great way to calorie-burn.

2. Try something new. Fall is a great timeto learn something new.

Many classes at gyms and elsewhere getstarted in the fall so look around and see ifsomething intrigues you.

For all of you with children, the fall is aperfect time to sign up for something new,children in school means more time for you.

3. integrate exercise into your life. youalready know the obvious suggestions: parkfarther away from your destination; take stairsinstead of elevators; take a walk during yourlunch break. Why not walking around theoutside of the field while your son or daughterhas their practice?

Health & Fitness

Fall FitnessI

Cheryl Alkerspecializes inflexibility training,facial exercisesand posturalalignment. Her 30year career startedas a group fitnessand personaltrainer, she haslectured anddirected fitnesstraining programsin both Europe and the USA and was anadvisor for a Governmental health promotionprogram. Alker and her company StretchResults International continues to work with aselect clientele from a base in Palm BeachCounty, Florida, certifying healthprofessionals in her results based stretchingprogram, educating consumers throughpublic speaking and offering consultation toclients who wish to lose their muscular painand gain flexibility to achieve full and activelifestyles. Alker has a proven totally naturalprogram that alleviates back pain For moreinformation about professional continuingeducation and consultation options, e-booksor DVD’s please call Cheryl on 561 889 3738or visit

Maybe try "walking meetings," brainstormingduring a vigorous walk with colleagues maynot only get things achieved much morequickly but everyone will feel better for doingit. The usual afternoon lull could become athing of the past.

4. Remember the 30-day rule. It takes aboutfour weeks for the body to adapt to lifestylechanges, that’s why people who give up ontheir fitness programs tend to do so within thefirst 30 days.

So, when the alarm goes off in the morningand it's darker and colder, don't roll over andhit the snooze button.

Try to stick with a program for a month, aftera month, behavior patterns will have adaptedand it will be much easier to stick with it afterthat.

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hursday, October 17th was the annual Pink Petals and BowsParty where breast cancer survivors, friends and loved ones

came out to celebrate the victories of those who have survived, and tocreate awareness of the disease within the Palm Beach area. Theevent is hosted by Alan Pillersdorf MD, Dov eidelman MD, ernestoHayn, MD and J. Alberto Navarro MD.

The purpose of this special event is to better educate people about thesymptoms, causes, and treatments associated with breast cancer. It isalso a way to strengthen the men and women who have been directlyaffected by the disease. The experience of the Pink Petals and BowsParty is a bonding and memorable one where survivors and relativescan celebrate with music, dance, share personal stories and tales oftriumph within a peaceful atmosphere. We thank everyone that cameout to make this another successful event this year.


December 2013

Pink Petals Party

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network of independently owned and operated franchises. ©2012 Massage Envy Franchising, LLC.Rates and services may vary by location. Additional local taxes and fees may applyOne-hour session consists of a 50-minute massage or facial and time for consultation and dr


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network of independently owned and operated franchises. ©2012 Massage Envy Franchising, LLC.. Each clinic is a member of the Massage Envy Rates and services may vary by location. Additional local taxes and fees may apply

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