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Banner Query for Finance Forms

Making The Transition From FRS To Banner

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Training Goals

• Review of FOAPAL

• Login to Banner

• General Querying in Banner

• Navigate Banner Forms and Explore Functionality

– FGIBSUM – Organization Budget Summary Form

– FGIBDST – Organization Budget Status Form

– FGITRND – Detail Transaction Activity Form

• Demonstrate Data Extract Function

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Review of FOAPAL

FOAPALAcronym identifying the old FRS account number or budget code in Banner Finance and Human


Fund = FRS general ledger account number in Banner (0-19005 – Academic Affairs) Hierarchy Information on Banner Form FTIFNDH

Organization (ORG) = FRS budget code in Banner (1-30101 – VP Academic Affairs)

Hierarchy Information on Banner Form FTIORGH

Account = FRS object Code (1131 – Classified Salaries)

Program = Functional category of an expense for reporting purposes.

Instruction, Research, Public Service, etc. Similar to expense line in FRS.

Activity is not being used at VCU

Location is used for fixed assets only

Index - The link to the pastThe Index, which is the same as the ORG in Banner, is a short-cut key to assist users in transitioning to

Banner. The Index is, in most cases, your old FRS budget code.

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Review of FOAPALCrosswalk to Banner

FRS Account to Index & Organization

FRS Ledger Type of FRS Account Banner Organization Range1 Education & General Operating 1XXXXX1 Qatar Operating Accounts HQXXXX2 FACR 2XXXXX2 HEETF EFTXXX3 Auxiliary Enterprises 3XXXXX4 Unrestricted Local 4XXXXX5 Sponsored Programs 5XXXXX5 General Fund Appropriations AXXXXX5 Service CXXXXX5 General Fund Scholarships FAXXXX5 Eminent Scholars General Fund SAXXXX5 Eminent Scholars Foundation SSXXXX5 Pool Accounts TXXXXX 5 Work Study WXXXXX6 Restricted Local 6XXXXX6 Federal Financial Aid FFXXXX7 Moving and Relocation Accounts PRXXXX8 Agency Fund 8XXXXX8 Hospital Services H8XXXX

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Review of FOAPALAccount in the COA

• Similar to object codes (revenues and expenses) and account controls (assets, liabilities and fund balances) in FRS

• Major difference –

– 6 positions instead of 4 positions

– Major revision for revenues and expenses

• 1XXXXX = Assets

• 2XXXXX = Liabilities

• 3XXXXX = Fund balances and control accounts

• 4XXXXX = Revenues

• 5XXXXX = Labor – New faculty types in SOM

• 6XXXXX = Other costs (Supplies, services, non-labor costs)

• 7XXXXX = Equipment and capital project construction costs

• 9XXXXX = Transfers

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Review of FOAPALCrosswalk to Banner

FRS Object Code to Account FRS BannerObject Code Range FRS Object Code Category Account Range

0010-09999 Revenue 4XXXXX9942-9944 Transfers Revenue 4XXXXX1100 – 1197 Personal Services 5XXXXX1281 Moving & Relocation 5XXXXX1556 Insurance & Group Life 5XXXXX1424, 1428 & 1429 Tuition Waivers 5XXXXX 1470 – 1476 Insurance/Workers Compensation 5XXXXX1200 – 1297 Contractual Services 6XXXXX1300 – 1396 Supplies 6XXXXX1400 – 1455 Honorariums & Stipends 6XXXXX1500 – 1574 Rent, Lease payments & Insurance 6XXXXX1600 – 1644 Utilities 6XXXXX1700 – 1781 Postage, Telecommunications 6XXXXX2100 – 2499 Equipment & Construction costs 7XXXXX3000 – 3131 Debt & Interest Payments 6XXXXX49XX, 97X Recoveries/Expenditure Transfers 6XXXXX8700 – 8712 Indirect Cost Expense 6XXXXX9811 – 9961 Transfers 9XXXXX

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CrosswalkFRS Account to Banner Organization FRS Object Code to Banner Account

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Login to Banner At Work or HomeBanner runs on a browser by displaying Oracle FormsFirst-time Banner users:

Follow “First Time Setup Instructions”Requires Administrative rights to computer being usedTurn off the “pop-up” blocker

Start INB Banner by going to on INB TRNG

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Login to Banner at Work or at Home

Username – trng15Password – trng15Database – Trng (Not Required)

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FGIBSUMOrganization Budget Summary Form

Summarizes budget information by Account Type for a selected Fund/OrganizationProvides a view of Adjusted Budget, YTD Activity, Commitments and Available BalanceSummarizes Information by major category type – Revenue, Labor and Direct ExpendituresUsing the Go method:

Type FGIBSUM in the Go field.Press key; FGIBSUM form appears

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FGIBSUMKey Block Area – Navigate from one field to the next by pressing the key

Field Name Field ValuesCOA VFiscal Year Current Fiscal Year (06)Organization Enter Organization ValueFund Enter Fund Value or Leave Blank if Organization Value enteredCommit Indicator Both (Default Value)

U – UncommittedC – Committed

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Enter an Organization value, for training purposes use 140101Click (Next Block Icon) or press + Displays Data Block with information

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View Budget Status InformationOn the Banner Menu Bar, select “Options”, “Budget Status Information (FGIBDST)”


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Click on selection and the FGIBDST form is displayed.Note: Only Organization and Fund values appear. The drop down boxes are gray. No further selections

or queries can be made on this form.

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View Various Drill Down OptionsOn the Banner Menu Bar, select “Options”

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From the Banner Menu BarSelect “Options”, “Budget Summary Information (FGIBSUM)” - return to FBIBSUM

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From the Banner Menu BarSelect “Options”, “Organization Encumbrances (FGIOENC)” for a list of encumbrances

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View Encumbrance DetailFrom the Banner Menu BarSelect “Options”, “Query Detail Encumbrance Info (FGIENCD)”Displays encumbrance detail for the encumbrance highlighted on FGIOENC

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Return to FBIBDST by closing encumbrance formsOn the Icon Bar, Click , FGIENCD closes

On the Icon Bar, Click , FGIOENC closes Form FGIBDST appears

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View Transaction DetailFrom the Banner Menu Bar, Select “Options”, “Transaction Detail Information (FGITRND)”

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Displays the transaction detail for the account highlighted on FGIBDST

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View Document InformationFrom the Banner Menu Bar, Select “Options”, “Query Document [By Type]

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Displays the Document Retrieval Inquiry FGIDOCR form

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Click on the (Next Block Icon) or press + Displays detail document information

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FGIBDSTOrganization Budget Status Form

Shows the status of Accounts – Similar to FRS screen 019Displays Adjusted Budget, YTD Actual, Commitments and Available BalanceShows Available Balance by Account for each FOAPAL combinationNote: This form is not to be used for Funds associated with a GrantUsing the Go method:

Type FGIBDST in the Go field.Press key; FGIBDST form appears

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Key Block Area – Navigate from one field to the next by pressing the key

Field Name Field ValuesCOA VFiscal Year Current Fiscal Year (06)Index Enter Index CodeQuery Specific Account Leave Blank (Default Value) or Check Box to SelectInclude Revenue Accounts Box Is Checked (Default Value) –

If Checked – the Net Total for Available Balance is BlankIf not Checked – a Net Total for Available Balance is Displayed

Commit Type Both (Default Value)U – UncommittedC - Committed

Organization Populated by IndexFund Populated by IndexProgram Populated by IndexAccount Leave Blank For All Accounts or

Enter a valid Account for values beginning with that AccountAccount Type Leave Blank or Select an Account Category

Note: Do not use when an Account has been selected.Activity Leave Blank (Not used at VCU)Location Leave Blank (used for Fixed Assets Only)

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View the budget status for all AccountsEnter an Index - for training purposes use 140101Leave the Account field blankClick (Next Block Icon) or press +

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View Various Drill Down OptionsOn the Banner Menu Bar, select “Options”

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From the Banner Menu BarSelect “Options”, “Budget Summary Information (FGIBSUM)” - return to FBIBSUM

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From the Banner Menu BarSelect “Options”, “Organization Encumbrances (FGIOENC)” for a list of encumbrances

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FGIBDSTView Encumbrance DetailFrom the Banner Menu BarSelect “Options”, “Query Detail Encumbrance Info (FGIENCD)”Displays encumbrance detail for the encumbrance highlighted on FGIOENC

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FGIBDSTReturn to FBIBDST by closing encumbrance formsOn the Icon Bar, Click , FGIENCD closes

On the Icon Bar, Click , FGIOENC closes Form FGIBDST appears

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View Transaction DetailFrom the Banner Menu Bar, Select “Options”, “Transaction Detail Information (FGITRND)”

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Displays the transaction detail for the account highlighted on FGIBDST

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FGIBDSTView the budget status for a specific AccountUse the (Rollback Icon) to return to the Key Block AreaIn Key Block Area Enter an Index - for training purposes use 140101Press the key; Click on “Query Specific Account”; to “Account” fieldEnter an Account value – for training purposes use 60000Click (Next Block Icon) or press + Displays balances for specific account

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FGIBDSTView the budget status beginning with a specific AccountIn Key Block Area Enter an Index - for training purposes use 140101Press the key to the “Account” fieldEnter an Account value – for training purposes use 60000Click (Next Block Icon) or press + Displays balances beginning with a specific account

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FGITRNDDetail Transaction Activity Form

Displays detailed transaction activity for Accounts – i.e. Revenues, Labor, and ExpendituresShows all transactions posted to any FOAPAL combination queried – Similar to FRS screen 023Look up transaction source documentsNote: This form is not to be used for Funds associated with a GrantUsing the Go method:

Type FGITRND in the Go field.Press key; FGITRND form appears

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Key Block Area – Navigate from one field to the next by pressing the key

Field Name Field ValuesCOA VFiscal Year Current Fiscal Year (06)Index Enter Index CodeFund Populated by IndexOrganization Populated by IndexAccount Leave Blank for All Transactions in All Accounts; or

Enter a Specific Account CodeProgram Populated by IndexActivity Leave Blank (Not used at VCU)Location Leave Blank (Used for Fixed Assets Only)Period Leave Blank for Year-To-Date Transactions (Similar to FBM091); or

Ender a Specific Fiscal Month (i.e. 01 = July, 02 = August, 03 = September…12 = June)Query Type Populated - if Account field is left blank or a specific Account code is entered. R – Relative Starting Point (Account Field is left blank.)

S – Specific Account (A specific Account code is entered.)Commit Type U – Uncommitted (Default Value)

C – Committed

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FGITRNDEnter Index, for training purposes use 140101Leave Account field blankClick or press + Note: All fields in the Data Block are shaded. Banner is prompting you to execute a query.

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Click (Execute Query Icon) or press the F8 key on the keyboard Displays transaction information by Account for posted activity. Use the horizontal scroll bar to view the hidden columns, i.e. Document, Description, Commit Type and so forth. Note: Total amount at the bottom of the form changes as all records retrieved have been displayed.

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FGITRNDView details of the transaction Document From the Banner Menu Bar select “Options”, “Query Document [By Type]” or press the F3 key on the keyboardDisplays document information in the Key Block Area of the Document Retrieval Inquiry FGIDOCR

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FGITRNDView Document detailsClick (Next Block Icon) or press + Displays document information in the Header Information and Detail Information Data BlocksNote: In the lower left corner, “Record 1/2” is displayed. All lines in journal voucher are displayed.

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FGITRNDView Document with multiple linesReturn to FGITRND by closing the formOn the Icon Bar, Click , FGIDOCR closesOn FGITRND – move cursor down to “Account” 51110From the Banner Menu Bar select “Options”, “Query Document [By Type]” or press the F3 key on the keyboard Click Next Block Icon) or press + Displays document information in the Header Information and Detail Information Data BlocksNote: In the lower left corner, “Record 1/?” is displayed. Not all lines in journal voucher are displayed.

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FGITRNDView Multiple linesPress (Next Record Icon) or the down arrow key to move through the document form

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Query by Date and Field Code ValueEnter Index, for training purposes us 140101, Click (Next Block Icon) or press + Press the key to get to the Activity Date field enter >01-Jan-2006; Press the to the Field Code field enter YTD, Click (Execute Query Icon)

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FGITRNDDisplays YTD Transactions Occurring after January 1, 2006

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Data Security(No Audio-information only)

• New State data privacy and protection standards

– Prohibit downloads of sensitive data to unsecured computers

– May impact users who extract data from Banner or other software applications to meet ad hoc reporting needs

– Not a result of conversion to Banner• Types of Sensitive Information

– Student Information

– Employee Data, such as SSNs and personal information

– Protected Health Information

– Research or Intellectual Property Information• Relevant Websites

– Information Management Security Program


– VCU Security Policy Implementation Procedures


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Need Additional Help with Banner Finance?(No Audio-Information Only)

• Call the Banner Finance Help Desk at 828-0388 or [email protected]

• Grants & Contracts Help Desk at 828-8104 or [email protected]

• Procurement & Payment Help Desk at 828-1077 extensions 164 or 138 or [email protected]
