
Banasura Hill Resort

Banasura Hill Resort is Asia's largest eco-friendly resort made wholly out of mud and one of the most economical resorts in Wayanad..

Banasura Hill Resort – Log Hut

The Log Hut is the most chosen one by honeymooners. Located over a lake its an ideal place for couples to be.

Banasura Hill Resort –Suite Room

The Suite Room is large and spacious. For nature lovers these rooms provide a feast of flora and fauna outside and ample of time to unwind

Banasura Hill Resort –Suite Room

One of the best places to be where quiet evenings can be spent with close relatives or friends. The twin villa is best suited for large groups or families.

Banasura Hill Resort –Family Spa

Indulge in some special ayurvedictreatment and pamper your body at the Spa. You'll surely love it!

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