Page 1: BACTERIA Basic structure: –Prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles) –Single-celled –Single circular piece of DNA –May have pili (attachment)


• Basic structure:– Prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound

organelles)– Single-celled– Single circular piece of DNA– May have pili (attachment) or flagella


Page 2: BACTERIA Basic structure: –Prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles) –Single-celled –Single circular piece of DNA –May have pili (attachment)


Know the basic structure of a prokaryotic cell

Page 3: BACTERIA Basic structure: –Prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles) –Single-celled –Single circular piece of DNA –May have pili (attachment)

BACTERIABasic cell shapes:

• Bacillus: Rod- shaped cells:

• Coccus: Round-shaped cells:

• Spirillum: Spiral cells:

Be able to draw or recognize bacterial shapes by their names.

Draw these shapes in your notes.

Page 4: BACTERIA Basic structure: –Prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles) –Single-celled –Single circular piece of DNA –May have pili (attachment)

BACTERIANamed by arrangement

• Strepto: bacteria that form filaments are identified by this prefix. Example: streptococcus and streptobacillus

• Staphylo: species that form clusters are indicated by this prefix. Example: staphylococcus.

Page 5: BACTERIA Basic structure: –Prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles) –Single-celled –Single circular piece of DNA –May have pili (attachment)


• Capsules: outside of cell wall, gel-like layer• Types of cell walls:

– Gram positive: treatable with antibiotics– Gram negative: difficult to treat with antibiotics

• Endospores: some form thick walls around their chromosomes when exposed to harsh conditions.– May germinate years after they were formed

• Pili: adhere to surfaces and aid in conjugation– Exchange of genetic material with another bacterium

Page 6: BACTERIA Basic structure: –Prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles) –Single-celled –Single circular piece of DNA –May have pili (attachment)

BACTERIAObtaining energy

• Photosynthetic: – Cyanobacteria which are thought to have made

the Earth’s oxygen atmosphere

• Chemoautotrophic: obtain energy from inorganic molecules such as ammonia, or organic such as methane.– Many live in soil and help to fix nitrogen to a

form commonly used by plants

Page 7: BACTERIA Basic structure: –Prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles) –Single-celled –Single circular piece of DNA –May have pili (attachment)

BACTERIAObtaining energy, cont.

• Heterotrophic: Most bacteria– these bacteria are the principle decomposers

on Earth.– Can be aerobic or anaerobic– Both helpful and harmful

Page 8: BACTERIA Basic structure: –Prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles) –Single-celled –Single circular piece of DNA –May have pili (attachment)


• How do they harm us? By1. Metabolizing the host- breaking down organic

material of the host (i.e.. your tissue) and absorbing them.

2. Metabolizing secretions of the host- the bacteria that cause acne live in oil glands and feed off the oil produced by these glands. Bacterial growth causes pimples and blackheads

Page 9: BACTERIA Basic structure: –Prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles) –Single-celled –Single circular piece of DNA –May have pili (attachment)


3. By secreting toxins that cause illness in the host.

• Staph. aureus causes food poisoning

• Clostridium botulinum release toxins that affect nervous system (Botulism)

• E. coli 0157:H7 is found in raw or improperly cooked meat.

• Good news! Most bacteria are killed by boiling water, hot, soapy water, (washing hands) or by cooking food properly.

Page 10: BACTERIA Basic structure: –Prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles) –Single-celled –Single circular piece of DNA –May have pili (attachment)


1. Decay: without the actions of bacteria, most organic material would not decay, and there would be no recycling of nutrients in the ecosystem

2. Food Production: Yogurt. Many foods a product of fermentation (pickles, buttermilk, cheese, sourdough bread)

Page 11: BACTERIA Basic structure: –Prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles) –Single-celled –Single circular piece of DNA –May have pili (attachment)


3. Industrial uses: production of acetone and butanol for use in the production of other chemicals

4. Mining: reduce the amount of waste produced from certain ores. Also to convert sulfur in ore, leaving the desirable mineral behind

5. Environmental: Cleaning up oil spills
