Page 1: Backs Ruml A Picture Taken in Africa Change in …...te, Seemto rnd Art department progtwin *4 the Si ate. of No" was under the supervision of Mr, Jersey lieu,' so impressed with Edith

L y n d h u r s t P u b l i c L i b r a r y , V a l l e y B r o o k A v e . , L y n Ä u r ^ t , . ’ï .

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M m m *

Buy NewW a r B o n d s !

a n d T H E S O U T H B E R G E N R E V I E W

Vol. XXII., No. 37 room sum. i-wi LYNDHURST, N. J.t THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1943 MS « O X . I I O \ D Five C#nti

S u p erv isin g P rin c ip a l H o m er P S h ltp tie rd d eserves a v a c a tio n for h is w o rk on th e food reg is tra tio n la s t w eek . His te a c h e rs a n d high school g ir ls a lso ra te a b ig vote o f th a n k s fp r th e five nerve w ra c k in g d ay s w h e n 17,POO cou­pon books w ere d is tr ib u te d in the T ow n H gll' T he d is tr ib u tio n p lan w a s not

S h e p h e rd ’*, and I # shou ld n o t be b lam ed for th e co n fu sio n and long w a i t T he p la n cam e from th e R a tio n in g B o a rd w ho claim cd th a t th e c e n tra l d is tr ib u tio n sys­tem w a s the o n ly feasib le m e th ­o d to pass o u t th e new books

T he R atio n in g B oard d id fall d« w n c n th e pub lic ity releases.N o o n e here k n ew w h e re th ”book* w e re to b e g iven o u t un til th e d a y befo re re g is tra tio n . Some ohe m issed u p o n th a t a n d we hkve a good idea w ho it w as.

Je sse T h o rn e an d C o rd Lol:* m an n h ad th e B o ard of C om m is­sio n e rs on a v e ry h o t g r id d le last M onday n ig h t a t th e h e a r in g on th e n e w budget. L o h m a n n su r­p rised ev e ry o n e by com ing to the m ee tin g a rm ed w ith re c o rd s that, ■went back to 1935. H e th e n pro­ceeded to ta k e th e b u d g e t apart piece b y piece, an d had everyone sq u irm in g , inc lu d in g th e Town­sh ip au d ito r R ichard Ashton L oh m an n suggested a good idea w h en h e a sk ed th a t th e budget be m o re specific so th a t a laym an could u n d e rs ta n d it.

T h e boys in se rv ice who r e ­ce ive free copies of th is paper h av e w ritte n in n u m e ra b le le tte rs ex p ress in g th e ir th a n k s but P r i­v a te S inopoli, now sta tio n e d in E ng land , sh o w ed his th a n k s by m a ilin g ' * p ack ag e of English n ew sp ap ers to th e editor. It was. a th o u g h tfu l g es tu re an d th e p a p e rs a re in te re s tin g . A* you know , E ng lish p a p e rs a r e lim ited tn f f u r page«, a n d It is curious to see som e of th e se fam ous ¿ a llie s » m a lle i th an ev en Mm "C in w n c rc la t L ead er.” S o now M B « r o u s in g 1 about these six "rfleM l?” p a i e s . If i t ’s good en o u g h fo r L ondon, it is good en o u g h for L y n d h u rs t.

The office g irl who addresses a n d wrsps the papers sent to the men in service handed the editor a report the.,other day. She say* that of the 1500 Lyndhurst boys in uniform, over 1,000 of them read this p ioe r regularly Local news is read in such places as Newfoundland, Iceland Ireland, England. Scotland. North, Central an d South Africa, India, Austral ia. Guadalcanal. New Zealand N ew Caledonia. Hawaii, unnamed islands in the Pacific, Cuba. P an ­am a . Alaska. Canada, on ships in all the seas, and in over ton camps in the U S A ahd a couple of places we can’t think of off hand.

News is so scarce in the far-off p laces, the boys report, that th* p a p e r is handed about to mem­bers of their entire com pany who sit „down and very seriously read every page, noting the w ines a n d comings, the ups and down:; th * p rob lem s and jovs, uf “ good old Lyndhurst. U .S .A .”

Backs Ruml Plan, A sk s

Q u ick A ctionSavino Says Municipali­ties Must Take a Hand

in FightEndorsement of the Ruml Plan

for federal income tax collections was voted Monday niRht by the Board of Commissioners after P u l lie Affa irs Commissioner Car- j mine Savino, S r detlared tint municipal governments TSay be affected seriously unless the fed- ! eral government straightens out j its tax situation.

He introduced a rcrolution call­ing upon New Je rsey represents tivos in Congress to take all pos­sible action to put the plan into effect. T ilt resolution urges other municipalities to take cognizance of the problem.

Commissioner Savino called at- tcntion to the fact “ the most j conservative and liberal elements in our country are in agreement , on the practicability and necei- i sity of the Ruml Plan. He sa iJ j that it has been studied for • months, that logical opposition cannot be raised to it.

“ Anybody who knows the local situation knows it is desperate," he said. “ Dozens o f people that I know are in no position to pay their income taxes. But a ll of them have war bonds So they are redeeming the ir war bonds j to pay their income taxes ,This i is taking it out of one pocket o f ! the government and putting it in the other.

“Taxes must be collceted at the source, immediately The Ruml Plan offers the best wav ptssi- blc, and it is time for municipal governments, whose own tax col lections may be destroyed, to get together and demand action."

A Picture Taken in Africa Change in Woter M o re PraiseRotes Announced Lecoque*s



A^ ordinance amending ilw- watei ordinance was introduced Monday night by /-Finance Com mbmoncr Louis Fa v ter I« raise- the minimum (barge of »a te ifrom $15« to sa every quarter Outfit Wins CommendaH e e*plausod that the change w ill also bring «.charge of St t year This, he Mid, w ill make il (X tb' - tn eliminate the oharg •• fai o-eter* The ordmanee w ifi I»- given * public hearing in two weeks and the tliangos w ill be effective April 1

Commissioner Favter »aid man.» com plains have been . receive t because—meti'r* go out of ordei •nd must be repaired at the ct ;■ tu m il > e s tr i, e' Ni » he.; saol a ll repairs » ill be free rangement w ill Ih able, he ¡aid

From Ni rth A frica comes this picture uf tw^ I.> ti.iftt, t lv«>. holding up a copy of The Loader they just ixtt’is oil f> t. ti .it li 'paper w a i opened le ft re the boxes of (Wvsmts in t.*t I ijmuli i On the left is Corp. N ick Narco Of 2ti<i Copeland Ave'iut and on t;\ light is Corp Frank Riszi of 715 Pennsylvania Avenui

Lincoln 's 'Sch oo ls at W a r ' Exhibit Is Seen By M any

During tlie week of February That the m .u iik ! — « t « i t> 15, Lincoln School, held a “ Sell have catigl I tit -¡j in t of tin K i ools at W u r" Exhibit to show hit it ,js e v k k a r H in the* bold what this school IS d< lllg to- fret-dom of e*tircs-ion and ti ward the w a r effort vigor of the eoh , u n k

The exhibit which included the On Friday, the school counted work of the Guidance, Social i vet .■ hundred visit.-rs »met■>: Sceince, Mathematics, Health, w h im wi re Mt Jam Swonu o, Physicial Education, Ssfiity, Mu* direct u of the Schools at W as­te, Seemto rnd A rt departm ent prog twin *4 the S i ate. of N o " was under the supervision of Mr, Je rsey l i e u , ' so impressed w ith Ed ith Uiaboski, art teacher. the outstanding art work that he

The excellent art work by eighth grade students gave « col­orful and patriotic atmosphere The highlights of this phase of the e x h i b i t w e r e t h e d i s p l a y of p r a s e w m n i t s g p u p p e t s , w a r p o s - i tern, masks and four panels re i- j

Lieut. Candió At Camp Ord

F irs t L ie u te n a n t V in cen t PC andió , sen of M r and M rs. V.J . C and ió . 366 R id g e B oad , M t S u n d ay fo r C a m p O rd . Cal.where he has been stationed.sfter studying fo r * month at [ ehing from celling to floor, d ■the Chemical W arfare School in pitting soldiers, sailors and .«viaMaryland. Lieu Cand ió .was for tors; tanks, ships, planes, inte,meriy school physician in ' ib sperséd w ith bunting stripes and und teachiLyndhurst Schools. , star* behind the torch and hca i pioudlv flu

Francis n irhairl Candil , a bn*- of liberty W at H.n:ther, lias received the degree of Other panels of same si/e w r i t Trea-ur> IDental Surgery from the Uni entitled «W ork and P lay Mu«» .......versity of Pittsburgh, in oxer for Morale ' a n d “ Fitness is Tun” boye«* del.rises held there last week These brought out the "Hale A Lincoln S,

Mrs. Filomena Lateano and m encsn" idea and showed d< aak. t. nMiss Angelina Com pacato, of feitse w o rk e r , marim « and sporl d.e. ,Niles, Ohio, returned yesterday figures ,tt .ilmoat life sue donr to n their home a lte r u two week with unusual »kill Here it is »■ mí I

ha asked the school to »end sonic « f the panels to the Stali exhibit to Im* held in the W m M emoi tai Ruitdmg in Trenton the w eak of M arch Mb.

A ll classroom* in the hutiavtg did th f i r part I * a id helping the w ar effort program and have held individual exhibits Dm .1SO, to Pti , . . u I ¿ 1., I' 'I . < I ..

' 1 II,. ln s. I,.. Ithe “ School* Ml rdeti by the C S

tion for Work ItIs Doing

Furthci re.-»»gint»Mi ol the sir plane r as fine of the m*»t important units of active defense in the country wan received t Lyndhurst when » ftíiw iun tr» tten (m m Brigadier tiene»«: Wit li» R Taylor, Commanding <». ersi I Fighter Command. Mitch ell Fteld. L ! was m*dr ptihlii’

The ar* by Ralph lee<H}Ui m m in »nder t nw'n etjuit of Harold U Barrtóger IV » ■

Am eritan la g * n. and Ch ief Oi‘ server of A ircraft W arning (H> nervation P i« t S e ií# A locsl. t in l.yndhurst

A i e pi esentati vc . ( each u t« ' vstion ptjkt ih certain s .. tum» . t the territory covered b* the I Figtiter Commsnd ( i n c l u d i n g I y n«ihur»i > w ill sh iutlt 1« *-k * to attend picked A ircraft Kccog Oltion •« hi»il» at g, st initient e», pense, where they wit! tv giteli S week'* instruction by niesns ot tru ly testtm. k» *sllvv>uettes’ an : plutit in iiwtantanetHH rt *o g n t t i n n of « Il piane typ«?* Sch.*.»!* «re being planned in « in other section,-.

Piaos •peeifv that rhtef obset- vers of obsei vstnm recort.mend, in ct«iprrät»<»n w ith . it tl lan d im tor* .«ne person at . a. n post as recognition '■ ffit'. ! wt*< w ill attend <u* h a slhool f«*r <w week, retui ntng then-aft« r to in truci observer* at his post All

api» mtment* w ill in m h ft'fl t «i m i appro* •!

'The p i¡*|£!e.'i. of theW » ! Ha* demonstrated an essenti*! need for training s ii persons involveti in offt nslve and defensive opera tMirij to tn: able to ret-egniïé sod

_ Qena id

-- II . a.tie.artv 1 * tu t ’ • it td I Fighter Cnmmsmt -ha«*. d « .. term im-d ihat, since the A A I Otound Observer Corps serves under the direr tion of and ln e« o rd ina l am w ith th* I tig b w r Com m and as an asaenltal tnstr «tent in ate defense an npn»rtit- n it» for tra in ing io ateresft re* ogmtnxi sh< iilrl Iw m*de »va l í ­anle Ut n.enii^-r- .,f th, .iirt>* «» welt a* tn m tltt try jM f?.. ni»«-1

tie neral Ta y loi |iraiMtl th.- win k of the O liS itld Oiste r t n C o ri» "The splendid manner t *

M cM ahon In Bow ling W in

USO Benefits by $50 at Lyndhurst Recreation

Tournament. Jun ie M M, w ho is I

(at his A rm y pliystesl si ion. took ttfst place money of |100 in th,- Ked CrOia U SO sw et>|«itakes at yre Lyndliuc; t Ree Jyundav night

McMahon, bowling * total of l,..75 pins for .1 I* game aversgr t f 22« 5.‘ ltd the held of 32 cn te m i in the CUn s A men's event j run by Charlie Bàtto and Sam :V itola ai Lyndhurst

In the women's event, two B e r ­gen fowlers, M innie M >»Hei and 1 .inn I a. i.i • In 111 i W o *!Ridge, cooped first »nd second place money of S35 and 125

Three other Bergen Ct unt) bowler» finished in the money inti e Class A men - tw eeyg, J * j* H<*nt>fy M t m f t in IU «M lo n g of Hackensack had * I J T i j r r a| Tavhw

| fi r fifth. rjud Sm ith of R u tte r , fcrd prndut ed it I.SOT for S ititi.

.etri F ia n k Luciano of K«■ t Hut!, eeford was seventh with 1.147

: lam Cam iti failed to (inlsh in thc i money -

In the Class B men’s »weep*.Uartn le a< Harrtaun touk Art!

with t S31'1 h i w omen’s .sweeps were f»»r

three games Mrnrm* St 'cfflcr’557 was first. M is 'L e ive ’s M*t sen nd and Helen W arren of B l r mfkild was third with Ml»

file event, produced Slik* f*r the Red Cries and the C SO

Budget Is Adopted By Com m ission

r ^

Ta« Rate of $6.2? U in Books as Commission­

ers Approve Levy

I o la n d a in te rth.-M.d in the unlft on of it*

W A V E S « M i s YeJao.ti <' ■5 ÎJ Tenth Street Mit* tM«-t i

~ Tt%e th m é : f * r: - .^i. 'tvai lMenata* " *« '» 'Sf'iv,, 7 ■ i t:ir ! SS-tla» bs^tgift s h s tk tt <«,u | t taft al®f.M all pur»» oi . , ‘n« i * .* i s rl*tas le*» •>! t ’ 1ia Swu a e4 • o. «M-iw it ', 'ns ra’e i’Jt t- i l ■ ' SIS®,1 s at>.«!»-*sa ,J*i . 1 !>.»«that* laat *re%».

O n N * t t w » a- .. »U t,- )«>êeI I f l W in m é fo rti .1 «ihm «ita.

«es —tf-r Ta s ta«»» , a’ À t .*pçi#.t»-«n, wh». ■t> .»*arw*«it , ' * s ' -tuna H » * e S l t . .-.„t# w » t nh

r i .*, Dire.• u*» L-U. vt F .

i f L y »graduateSt ht ad was the first tnltat In this hi »net. Sh« l ï S ïT K Jw d tn Ci tie, Tesa», and |a.ld> 2n\t t lau seaman

A t iU i i t*f

M l

I !

« If‘tw* ■ ^

M iss Brescia _ Is Appointed

N a me d by Prosecutor Breslin to Succeed

Mrs. Campbell*0»

rtf f


H ! ’



*nt<KH4ms ii thj fWfni ol Mk»a v*fP ru rit im \% i Wh* m Uhr w ill C vll i f MiWfl V#f t l l fH n ft i l k t M ann |S

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la «il« * 4 Polnh W om en H a v iRed Cross Benebf fens

» If li

v if it at thf* Candió homo

Fraternity Order Celebrates Friday

' only fair to say, not only ih* most taltnUrd pupils contributi' i.but as many as could, for thf* H< nor Ro il, for this work inc)u cVs abf ut se venty names

A A \ > t 'ui « irr

Ih iK’nbtHl $rru l opportuni own capiibihti «»tllflftfO ti <<f th* p rt f in t én ‘

T W ' tìrm tppill t VI

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hang ing m u >y?IO »l* |«rM ||fMpll t’ m* t|i|n .amt-

t ion T.


th. I atri* M,. Ite. t



Fratern ity Chapter. Order of tho Eastern Star, celebrated Past Matrons’ Night Friday ovenini! and initiation of new candidate, also was hi’ld

Miss Dorothy Schroeder and M r* Mary Stevens were In iti­ated. .-Mrs. W ill i im Schroeder was acting worthy matron and W i l ­liam Schroedtr was acting worthy patron Mi nnd Mrs si-hroeder are the parents of Mtss Dorothy

i SehroederW orthy matrons who served

| during the time w h e n Mr| Se lin edcr was worthy palron W

___ iho organiiatnm, b ok then staM em orial scrvicc* for Dr Hen lions Trey were Mrs (¡lady

ry Mogher of Lyndhurst, form -r ' Paglttri, Mrs Aniti Cohb an.*} member of Ih e Rutherford-Soutli Mrs, Lydia M ullerBergen K lw ants C lub , were held The candidate, vote the renpt- Wednesday afternoon by the club cnts of m*ny gift« and |t..wti a t Service C lub headquarters, an

Annual Party Is Held by Church

Adoniram Court Will Hold Party

ilf.oatîV îv c

its th » f A M I* ‘ k i sa if* > f ! h

T n a lf t The i r»|irt- ft litt-. Ui I* uff *»i i Vblll It i » . Ut. kx al IU ii Çrw* M o M tir tit I wi*l*t \

'»cf rt m m illt * I# í• thn r ^ rm h¡ oiakn g \\h affair

»tattv* |>I ri»fri*wrnl titiand. B n (

t m um* N * *Pb i lailrlufoa m* * * Hr w Va l i l i t »nnd i« tonlinwturn {hu I i1*1 #n» for I »na* « f Ih r Ir 4rf t^mtidria


B ib le C la w to M e e * M a r c h 9 fh f o r S f u d f

pin « »Or f o I k -IlfHa#M*bura

wf W


m* i

Services Held For Dr. Mosher

Sacreii Heart Roman Catholn V t iI Churth held uls innual t«M A,, i

parlv W< ilnejywy night at the •- ,.rd t i'Klks Hall, corner of Tontine an I March i Stuvvi Avenues r o*<

Tlic arrangcnient committee in Th.eluded M is Ignatius K e l l * e, t

) chairman Mrs Charles B* II, 1.«M is Iternard Beromo, Mrs Sal- tie-

! lie 'Dougherty, M rs L M Favier. I M r Mi ■ John A F lynn , Mrs IV ’otis, t*s«T Good. Mrs Angelina Guidett M« Mi'- E d w a r d Hughes. Mr* I ai Adolfih Keekeissen, Mr« W illiam ( fi Kelly , Mt»« Adele )^-[>paid la MV- W tH er lytnkwood Mi John Ma/tir M rs Marti., M<1 jughlrn, Mr* Jia,et>li fieliUi Mrs Hot» rt O Neill, Mrs Soph'

'nne sen


me», ¡»ml defens, ea arded aS: pure

(f afte, ’ ta>r,p

Pacr n lv

I 1# Ml *rsas> I it*


d by


a ,.■ twin, Mondav e,M r - and Mm B em a id Ibrgr. j, <M Histh M ém m t.

*4itti a ?r»* • • i- » - • V Marci« 1* Hat*» W

In The Service of Uncle Som

Father of Local Commissioner

Dies In Calif

E r ie Avenue The Rev Charles W Popham, j C ity,

pastor of Grace Episcopal Church I Association, and othtr conducted the service W ill ia m ) / — —Hansen, Y M C A. secretary, apokr on George Washington I t was reported thst club members have now purchased SA.499 worth <4 W ar Bonds and Stamps at meet in«.

There wer. R itfika .’ Mm Dudley Slater ann ifrem U n .ve r,.! L.«ige. New York « • Wetm eyerr '*** *nd ta#srkawanna Ma»onir

Mrs. Wilkinson To Adderss Women

Local Kni9hts Plan Breakfast

Sally CarboneIs Honored

Residents Become U. S. Citizens

S is Lyndhurst and North A r­lington resident» won their eiti- cerwhtp papers tn Hackensack Church Ttu- breakfast

Lyndhurst Knight» oI Odum bus w ill hold a c o m m u n i o n breakfast -Sunday. March U al the Bergen B»**!auranl. Ruthei ford James A flr.-sltn is chan man Members ^ f lh e Council ar.dLadies A ux iliary -will rrceiv,rtwnmumon jn a body at the 7 P )

a t the Sacred Heart R ‘ C

Mr 22Î lr u* day of iht

ntertsand Mr* A n 1 nog Place, ei at a party In ri tw rlfth birthday

4 their deugMrf



last week Thoae from L y n d h u rs t w e r e

f ra n c é s B a m n d e r , Gertrude Cook an d D oria Stmacm

W ont Ndith Arlington -were M argare t "Geetg. M itt CUiabeth L tlo n g an d Ntta N ylandee

k w the

al the party were Anita L*b*. Mr# EAnn ette Spano, Dm i* Delfi no Je. M

Betty Or La* io Ierra : H a lf* t«T»,rtsUX Xmrfante C iucili, M a l , ► fit'tg( V (k l Pauline Mu h » arm« 14 r «V m rent Riras

t B t lH S i g Isa lea M laa % m s m * sm*» ( m i s , r V I

Pays $15 FineLouis Si Francisco ot go

iiogtcn Bou ie ia rd , North A i l ton. paid 115 court coarta and ordered to ktvf) away fromM r and Mr* Henry Etchholt/

Mg Page Avenue, entertained wife, la retta, for *5 d H irrt- y tier Mtaa Maureen Latck-1 Judge W alte r J Melnty traod. • «tudent at Tteflten Stat** ham guilts in Second Teaetvert Collage Ce un F rid ay <4 atnkln

ST’ St« •* * t

Page 2: Backs Ruml A Picture Taken in Africa Change in …...te, Seemto rnd Art department progtwin *4 the Si ate. of No" was under the supervision of Mr, Jersey lieu,' so impressed with Edith


Mrs. Capwell Was Hostess

Mrs. UppineottIs Hostess

Evelyn Hepps Johanna Williams. Florence M ickley M a rrie dIs Engaged Private A. Meyerr 7" m a a y o* ^ocrcd hccii*

Mr. and M rs. A. L . Hodds of Mrs. Michael Kero„ 623 New- »

Miss Anna Maher Given Shower

Mrs. J a m « R. Lippinoatt, 101 Fern Avenue, entertained Thurs­day night a t a social for Mrs. Eimer Davenport, Mrs. Ja ck So- low, Mrs. Frederick Mitchell, Mrs Siguard S c h m i d t , Mrs. Charless Cann, Mrs. Henry Lini- cus, Mrs. Robert Henderson and Miss Isabelle Davenport.,, „

Ladies’ A ux iliary of the Span­ish Am erican W ar Veterans w ill hold a s ilver tea Tuesday,, March 9 at the home of Mrs. E llen Ebc.-, 232 Riverside Avenue, ___

Party Held For Vera Paluzzi To Mrs. David Lindo Wed G. Stampone

N O T I C E !M A Z U R S B A K E R Y


EFFECTIVE M ARCH 8th _Hours Daily: 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.

Saturday to 10 p. m.

Selma Wo!t IsEngaged to SamphHe s there, one hundred per

cent there. Physically -troiijr.

mentally alert, lie works with

a s u re am i steady rh y th m .

W ithout dawdling, without the

m sh that loo often spoils work

and slows production, lie’s at

hi* joh day after day. The ab­

sentee liq never carries his

name. H is sound* health is an

asset— lo him and to his com-

-Court L y n d h u r s t , Catholic r>mi"hters of America, w ill hold the annual St. Pa trick ’s Day card r>arly later in the month.' Miss M a ry B Rodgers, grand regent, w ill take charge. Final arrange- ments w ill be made at the meet­ing Monday night, March 8. i _______

M r. and Mrs. Edward Martin K4I Fifth Avenue, celebrated the b irthday of Mrs. M artin with a d inner and theatre party in New Y o rk City Thursday.

Mrs. Samuel J . Hixson, 250 I iving'ton Avenue, is i ll at the 451 Earnabas Hospital, Newark, | w here she underwent an opera­tion. I





RU therford 2-2114P L E A S E C O N T R IB U T E Y O U R P E N N IE S TO


G o rd o n 's j648 RIDGE ROAD

RUth. 2-2474

Blend of Straight Whiskies YOUNGEST WHISKEY



He must have food that sustains him. Hunger can be satisfied by a meal, but wrirss

the meal contains food that refreshes and restores his vitality, it's the wrong kind of

meal for him. He requires a balanced diet and,meals he can work oil.

I f you would like to make sure you are serving the foods your fam ilv needs and

serving them in the right proportions, consult our Home Kconomics Department.


INSTRUCTION Stoney-ForkW h iskey

Lessons ori A ll Instruments including Vocal - Harmony - arranging, given by individ

ual music instructors.P U B L I C f e i S E K V I C E

“ZERO HOUR"for your

Income TaxMidnight Monday,

March 15th

Ruth. 2-5655 J or 4S27 M Lessons A t Your Home Also* BUY U N I T E D S T A T E S W A R S A V I N G S B O N D S O R S T A M P S *

Tile C o n t ra c to r

“Quality Produced B y Master Mechanics”

W e in v ite you ti> "See nur show room .

S H O W R O O M A N D O F T I C e


Pbone Rutherford 2-5045R E S I D E N C E

54 Kearny Street


We specialize in all kinds of carpentry work


Prices SlashedIf you’re not going to have the cash ready to pay

your tax THEN come to any of our five offices

NOW and get a personal loan for the required

amount. You can repay us in 12 easy, equal

monthly amounts from your income. No comakers



For Sale Now*

Act at Once

DECORATIONPAINTING . Both interior and

exterior work . . .WALLPAPERING . . . Latest de signs and complete selection . . .




Phone BEIIeville 2-2175— 6. , _ _ --- s. t A S Y P A Y M E N T S A K K A M .I II '


Member Federal Reserve Sjrftew MeraU-r of the Federal D ep cad jruu raace Corporate«



Page 3: Backs Ruml A Picture Taken in Africa Change in …...te, Seemto rnd Art department progtwin *4 the Si ate. of No" was under the supervision of Mr, Jersey lieu,' so impressed with Edith


C a m a u


THUh&DAY, MARCH 4, 1943M r *nd M r* Ad >> M ..;* ..

37* Kccvnd Avenue. entertained Monday i l d innerT er their *on and daughter in-la», Mr ant Mr» H*n>M Molkrr at tro n fin oI s CH4NCIHV O* *»■ W

ON ••LWS tTCw n»

SO f <CK *0 A t t t ^ i î p * * i* iO * l« H »'IMwS 3Mi*|.Mk • -

! *t.» ...I TO HAKliX I» HVKUt* »< 1 M s »« *4 . t l ' { 1# ' -I ' ■' 1 ! ‘ ’

y i t l U HU*' . • « I ■Ì Hr vvm .» I An v'«4*i "< *tn * W t! « I t i u i K r f ) £■« X * » J i f w l O'*1* ' '■**Ì tfe* H*«»«'f I» »

Ï« *, a * i r*T«Hè o r cOt- »>r> m *

k s k s t ,“M it:« « . » ** tlw

th. < '1*1»«*

Doe 25 Years Scouts Co llect O ve rWHfc N. J. geH 1 ( Q Q Q Yolum es in Book D rive

World's Proyer North A rlintaon and SaintsAt Westminster Re|)ege ^ <*ame ,s p|ayed

The Lyndhurst Federation of Church Women, w ill hold the- annua) World's Day o f' P rayer at the Westminster Presbyterian I Church, Friday, M arch 12 i

Rev Charles F. Freeman, pas- ; tor of the Lafayette Congrega­tional Church of Jersey City, w ill1 ’ be the guest speaker.

A solo w ill be sung by Jam es ! Beaverson, choir director of the ( Westminster Church.

y o u n g s lr r* who helped « ¿ S e t thvbooks *i»I »1» V«- of the entire vrn ture H ( W that » w orthy !th e *upi* ; l «f evt’ivs>ne Hv »Of riftcm* «une our be*t tvek* w e , s h a ll t im * e u o ifa t t «n»l |«> to • th e boy* in * e r \ie *

Coromusioner W it tw « f G * ! la fher wo* chairman »1 the k * * ' V icto ry Ifcwk p m e *nd had charge df Sunday* p r «' * r i 'm w ith Mr» Jan ie* T.m. represent m * the Red Qwa» .M i« D« toMi- f e l l , lib rari«« of the I've« Pub ' lie U b rtry . K>r the lib rary M « Ernest 11 F c iU n fot tbt •ow*l

! of Education M u H tr tm t _J Cmnit n* for U'» G ir l Scout*.

I Jo h n C G arde for the B»>v I Scouyt.j B.-ok* « i l l be »I I ted »I the Ì-

b ra ry and then « n t t«> i *m(vi >'t Ì other »tatie»* » h rre they w ill 1-

u»ed by men in n-rvne The -Vic tory IV ok D rive - tab»-*!.

I started on February H w ill he I continued until M«r> 14 !. ' *'.Scout* are *!>)• t.v f« ! '?• "' tbt i* of fi»" » f b.i 1total

C H fr a thousand book* wete collected by G irl Scouts and Boy Scouts Sunday afternoon in tm- Lyndhurst V icto ry Book D rive fc r books to be sent to service ■ men" Jo h n C. O arde w as m rharge of the boys, and M r». A r Tancred, defenae chatrtnan of the G ir l Scout Council, w u m charte o f the g irls

M rm ters uf the Red Croas M"-1 tor Corp* who d rov* the ir can to help bring the book* U> the Free Pu b lic L ib ra ry w ere Mrs Jam es T a il, M r» Adolph M oller, Miss Dorothy! E v a n i, M rs Ja lo W Le h ti. Mm E J G a rry , sn d !

, Mrs W tllu im Beh lenH arry Tlrgrath drove th r truck

of Cub Pyck No 5, and Scout ! Troop No S. w ith Thomas John [ son. Ijeon M illelot. H arry Quin ) «er driving their cart also t'>

help the boy* bring their books j to the library

M ayor Horace R Bogle was at i the library to officially receive t the books from the boy* and

girls In sprtking of the project he expretaed gratitude to the

F a l l u t , r McComlcH,SiKic^n». f»oowter. e S o lc h . K S h e r id a n , g

i A N E W F A S H IO N

S E R V IC EBy Ethel Bergen KlecknerGraduate: McDowell School

Costume DesignREADY MADES

Agency for M aisonette Dresses O R D ER S T A K E N

Prices: $2.9* to $12.98 S P E C IA L S A L E

Maisonette Frocks, Dresses, Suits, Blouses and Skirts. Form erly priced from $2 98 to $16.50.

N O W $2.50 to $12.96. A lterations Free on Dresses over $5.0*. t ’nder $5.00, fit­ting for alterations free. H E L P FO R H O M E S E W E R S Cutting, fitting and finishing service (finishing, button­

holes. pockets) S E W IN G IN S T R U C T IO N S

Cutting, fitting, finishing and remodelling of clothes.

ALTERATIONS 65c up Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by Appointm ent

753 Ridge Road, Lvndhurst Phone R l’tberford 2-2545-J

r a r t t i ü o . S Sm üor. t rH -ck^r. f IjfW t* c . Bul!\>ch. c R**n grWhUn, KS h a o fr r . c F lilnMin, k Sip4»l:\, 8

F » r r H l , f B«-ri»*ldanif*. f<inmlx>n«*, c O 'l lu r p , c I 'l a r k , ft S im o n ftk . v Thorn«*. K Matthew*, k

Renan Named To Election Board

SÔ Jrh, f KowliT. fMa Hon, f Profftlo, c K e r w in , p

IF< op»io h. tc J, Faillit. £

s! I' 'v M R H O I M : i\* O R D IH

P a in t in g . . . P a p e r - H a n g in q

D r c o r a t i n q» LOOKS Si KAPI lî *ml Kl > INISMI i>

¥ r « r * ' l »pi i t m # t I **«»%*

Clark Honored At Luncheonl le fM W — V I H i!* *.

A daughter was born Svaturday to Mr and Mrs. Joseph Desimone, 325 M ilburn Avenue, at St Michael's Hoapital, N ew ark Mrs Desimone is the former M i« Flora Cordone, daughter of M i ind Mrs, FVank Cordone. 323 M i l ­burn Avenue




Phone RU tb . 2-2114


IN T E R IO R D EC O R A T O RMade to Order

A ll blinds are absolutely guaranteed.

I f y mi had '«* n ti M *» »» j ¡. ■! j ’ ' ■ » •«!■ t h a v r tw o rn you '.....................<•*#<

• • v -* .yF iv r therr, a* t ig »* Uf» »*«1 j u t »«|»»«f(til. *»» an Ri>* !««r «i> *.ve j*ol!m g a t i * > » >4 w » j U«1*«i J a i k l W -

y Atenved Uk# horn* »• <*v* Yank*« m l A m hby who H » n - a«ul he mm) *> in .a le tte r ha w»«n* o* ju tt «h* «h*< «layr * ^ # àBi<t o f « H iiw •» a !r r * Jy k » * * * V hj|

«hat IncorrKXiv* *n M i**<«*‘t>| < » n j *«•»4« the r.9 o lh ri ltf»e it » far Itittlihome m Ih* »»«vice of the n»i..-«\ P**« tlva •at* or lea*» a t m u* iv* p o »*» by w «>«4 lo another «a coturnati p»a< tur* «H«*« day» lo è* the intetehang« v i «Ke# aquipnwn« 'A

Take a sy tra»n Ha-, n* g • *1»from ant part of the*»«h«Yuu II find n m ad* up o f foUtAg •» ■«*fluiti all ili t i 11>» m i «1 • ■••»**<» ' I-the P«tfW , tank*»* Intm the O*» f *-« (Ma* fto*n «be «beat l * ’t *»4 tb* o»e (riim iiieittf n<>*ih***< ..ft»*,« f(>»«« I've. *ylv*ni* and N< « V--( k »**->•* . **' •V it gioia »

T h i* poohng of f *«• i><r% \%<t ** rtiange *.‘f fanlHrf*. tftakr» *'va *' -* 5 > lift ii«<t*-n the h 1*1 I- »»• ' » <*I <1*4* .It l{*< * *d* th* «* Vital






Telephone Nutley 2-2400-1


Cement, Bricki, Pipe», Block», Lime Adement Storni, A»he», Letlt, Etc. Clev, Top Soil. Aqricultufel Lim«n t 'N C H


h m p h i F 1 U G B E EMACARONI2 for 15c


H O S P I T A L I Z A T I O NIndividuol or Group


H O S F fT A L

C . S A V IN O A G E N C Y5 Ridge Roed Ly«4Kwf$t, N. J

Page 4: Backs Ruml A Picture Taken in Africa Change in …...te, Seemto rnd Art department progtwin *4 the Si ate. of No" was under the supervision of Mr, Jersey lieu,' so impressed with Edith


Women's Groups To Sell War Bonds

A large number c f «om en's or- «a filiations were represented at a meeting of the Women’s D iv i­sion of the Lyndhurst Defense S a v i n g s Committee held fast Thursday evening at the Catholic Daughters G lub House in Valley Brook Avenue Miss M ary £ Rodger*, chairm an, presided

Reports showed that since la ! August the women have so ' I bonds tcta lling $96.7550 00, and

W a r Bonds for Immediate Delivery


CAM, RVTB. * W«1


L U C I L L E B A L L— in —

‘‘Seven Days Leave”— w ith —

A ll the Top Name*. Bands & Radio Artists

— also — E D W A R D A R N O LD

F A Y B A IN T E R— in —

"The War Against Mrs. Hedley"

En joy a Complete Slum every S A T l'R O A Y nil'- startinx at I#:d0 p. ni

SVN.-TL’E S . M A R C H ;•!)V A X H E F L IN


— in"SEVEN


Aircraft Is Missing'W ED .-T H l 'R S . M AR . 10-11


— in —"Parachute Nur:c"

— also - E D U A R D NORRI S

JO A N W «*H>fHfS V

"Prison Mutiny"Attention to nur Patrons'

Due to increasing costs of o p e r a t i o n. we ¿.re com-, polled to mala the foHuv;-

ing admission pnee nrttvir I merits

Adults: Ztc W eekday Mata. Children: 15c at a ll time» ¡/AH other prices remain

the n in e )Sundays, D oom open 1?:*^ Show starts at l :W p. m.

def< nse stamps totalling $14,- 316 50, or a grand total of $111,- 066 50 This is a big task well j done by many women who have been w illing to sacrifice for their country

Organizations close dates on which they will each sell lends and stamps at the two local banks during the months of March anti , April. A ny organization not now represented may get a d a te .by

! colling RUtherfurd 2-4765The next meeting to assign

dates w ill be held on April 29, at the Catholic Daughters club house, and w ill be followed by a i party for all workers of all wo­men's organizations who have had a part in the rales. '

Twin Hits at the Ritz Theatre

Red Cross WorkersMec! on Monday-

A final m'aetittfi of captains’ and district workers for Lynd- h u r its 1S43 American Red Cross j W a r D rive was conducted on M< nday evening at the Woman’s j Club, The gathering was most j

: c nthuriastir about the success o f , the drive. Mrs. Agne- OT.ough- lin, chairman of the drive, g a v ' detailed (ir,al instruction* and tlve I tnai h in n y is now in full opera-

! tion. Ja m 's A. Brcplin, Assistant1 Prosecutor of Bergen County, gave a mo t inspiring talk Mr J ‘ .i! C ' Garde reported on the- In itial Gifts Ccmmittee, and Mr John Woods gave important fact, and figures.

I f everyone in .Lyndhurst w ill do his part to the best of his ability, Lyndhuri! can and w ill reach its quota of $9,00U0U.

A ll proceeds lolli'cted w ill lr turned in at the Woman’s Clio, bn .Sunday r vi ning.

V n UelUn and Kathryn ’Grfevscn1 from ii scene in their newest 1,1 tun • .“ S E V E N S W E E T H E A R T S ,’' cc-starring Marsha Hunt, pius Alejtan-Jer Korda’s “ ONE O f 'OUR A IR C R A F T IS M IS S IN G ,'making up .twin-hit*, starting Sun. th iu Tues.. March 7-9.

Epic of Royal Navy at the Rivols


Mr. and Mrs. Frederick .M:o.:- t'or,nell, 367 Lake Avenue, cntei tour'd Sunday night .it sorijier ; nd bridge for Mrs. Esther U ?d tick and Ml so; L illian and !' a ra Bodrio): n f ] J y udii u IV t

Mrs. Esther Bcdrick, 23!) Stuy vi : nt Avenue, had as bridgi' cutsts SMuTday night, Mr. an.I M ': H 11. K o rin of Lyndhurst'oid Mr* R. J M,'litres an I

•daughter, Edith, i f the Bronx.

M r—und Mrs Garrett- Robert o,n. 204 Fern Avenue, entertained f i r a few days, Mr and Mrs. J. M.. Coleman of Roanoke, Va.

'U Jo a h & l 'ì

MONTAUKf if*t| Show Starts 12:00 Noon

Exciting ami Hom'jntic

R O N A L D CRF.H R kC O L M A N ‘ C A R S O N

mum\ rurijp dorn susAN PB rims

St. Thom as’ Episcopal Church

F w t and Sturvesant AvenuesRev. Row land r . V ica r

351 Livo.iM ton Avenue Ihursday. M ar.b 4 (today)

St M ary 's Guild w i l l ' hold a busiress and ■ octal m eeting at the- hone of M rs. Clifford W ing ct, 522 Second A vrm ie Snndiy, Mareb 7—

Quinquage«ima Sunday Church Schoel'w orsh ip and in­

struction at 9:30 a. m C horal itjeh srist mid sermon at 11:0ft a m. “ Iraioh: The End I t the Crl*i* " B ib le reading assignm ent is Iraiah, 39-66 Corporate Com ­munion cf the Executive Com m it­tee; St. M a ry ’s Gu ild , the A lta i n uild tnd the Classes of '39 and'40. ' ....... .V nday, M ar.h

St Margaret's G u ild w ill me-t i at the home of M rs Dudley

Smytiie, 556 Cypress Street, and the Y .P F . w ill meet at the home of Miss Eileen Weber, 636 Eightn Street.Wednesday, March I I —

Ash Wednesday Holy Commu­nion at 7:30 and 10:00 a. m Len ­ten service at 8:00 p m

S t. M a tth e w ’s Evangelical L u th e ra n Church

V alley Bn iok and TraVers Place Lyndhurst/ N . J .

Rev. George M u lle r295 T ravers P I , Lyndhurst. N. J.

Ruth 2-2134 unday, M arch Ith —9 15 a. n1.., Sunday School. 10:30 a in., "He Came to

Serve,"' ’ —i WaiJr.r. day, .V ir rb I* th - I /ft (, Lenten Service “ In

the Garden

of Mrs. E. Davies, Maple Avenue. Circle Four at the home of Mrs. P. Chapman. 171 Post Avenue.

W eatm inater Presbyterian Church

Ridge Road a New Jersey Aire.Rev. Frederick Buchholtz, Pastor

Residence: 604 Fourth Street

Sunday , M a rc h 7— —9:45 a. m.. Church school.1L a. m., Morning worship.

Holy Communion.7 p. m „ Voung People’s Discus­

sion Group.At the Annex

Monday—1-4 p. m.—Red Cross Work, Monday eve­

ning, 8 p. m., Annual fo llyanna Party of the Sigma Chi at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Buchholtz. Wednesday, 8 p. m. —

Lenten Serv ice at the Annex. Friday, 8 p. m—

Che ir rehearsal. Boy Scouts at the Lyceum. .. . . .j


6 1 5 S t u v v e s a n t A v e . L v n d h u r s f lR U T H . 2-5013 - Free, I'rompt D ri ver»

I..’F R E S H E G G S d o z . 5 5 c


L e g h o r n R o a s t i n g C h ic k e n s S O U P C H I C K E N S (3 - 3 «/2 l b s . )L A R G E S O U P C H F C K E N S (5 - 7 l b s . )RABBITS ' 5-6 lbs.FRYING BROILERS (2«/a-3 lbs.)

F ir s t C hurch of C h ris t, Scientist

In Rutherford, N. J.E Pierrepont & Lincoln Avenues !B r a n c h o f th « M o th e r C h u r c h . T h e F lr» t C h u r c h o f C h r is t , S c ie n t is t , o f i

B o s to n . M a st.Wfdn«**(dav Kvp. Meeting, R:15 r». m. j Ttendlnie Ri»fn lot at#*d nt ”• Htatlnn j

S»iuarf f»p r> daily from 11 o’clock t" j r. o*flock except on Sundjiv** and l«*ual \ lioiida vu; and on Thursday even ini; j from 7 to » o>lock.

Sundax Service«. 11 a.m.. •• p. rn. j Sunday School, S;30 and 11 a.m.


Ben's Delicatessenm WINES LIQUORI


5 0 0 S t i / v e s a n t A v e . , c o r . P a g e A v e . , L y n d h u r s t ___/ ____ . . . . P l i n v c n i ' T H 2 . S 4 1 SF R E E D E L IV E R Y

Two officers of the rescuing destroyer listen to Noel Coward':- words of deep gratitude after his exciting rescue frr.m the oily rea in “ IN W H IC H W E S E R V E , ” epic of the Hoyal Navy, due Sundav thru Tuesday at the Rivoli. The associate feature ih “ B R O O K L Y N O R C H ID ," starring Joe S a w y e r ..and W illiam Bondix

R I V Ü L IR u t h e r f o r d • • • ■ ■ R u t h . 2 - 1 9 0 0

NOW t h r u s ä t u r o a y Su n d a y t h r u t u e ^oav


JO W M Ef«m a r g m e t IWIT. YOVNG UUUMC BAY

H n t ^ o i M M I Bra t Hictt WIU.UM

BAWTER BRUCE SEVERN ml feMN -MKMICT' O'BRIENThur» <S rr 2 10, «50Saturcuy. 2 *4, i ' ? , 127

j Kull In Training

Aviation Cadet M arshall F. K u ll, son of M r and Mrs F red ­erick J. K u ll of Ü2Ï Th iid Street,

1 has been assigned to the A rm y A ir ' Korre Training School r.t

i Y a le University tor tra in ing in • maintenance engineering

K u ll is a recent graduate of “ the New ark College i Í Engineer-

I I nlB'

Mrs James Leahy, (!)'.) Fourth Stiert .oui lu r ist"i-, M rs. A. • tluir l ’rorkrnan and daughter, Joan, (lu Mpnon.i Avenue, Ruih- eri'oot. vr ¡h ' I Mimrtiiy w ith lier I soil ami daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs W illiam Leahy of lire« kl> n.

Mi - Frederick Mai Connell of , 3HÍ I .Y . 'in , entertained at o in ijn i i o '.e, night tor M rs Ida : t'i rini.; of Mountain V iew and Mi Diana I S d m k i f Lyndhurst

Camp Adair, Oregon He was transferred from Fort Dix, where he was in the Task Replacement Force.

Teachtrs of Columbus School held a party Wednesday in cele­bration of the birthday annivet- sary of Miss Mary Palazzo Th guests were Miss Edith Hulmes, principal; Misses Mildred Wiirh- ter, C a t h e r i n e Downie. M arv P r im iva lli, Hazel Snyder, M r B lanche Higgins.

R utherford B aptist Church

W est l*;Kvaif A ve.. R u th e rfo rdSunday, M ir th *

1 0 45 a. m . Church ¡ci.ool11 a m ' "L ife 's Point System “ 4 30 p m . S c rv ice of Holy

Ci mrroino n 'God' M ino rities " jReetp tion of new members

Reed Memorial United Presbyterian Church

Stuyvesant Avenue

Lyndhurst M ethodist Church

S tu w e s a n t and T o n tin e A venuesRev <1 W Alexander. Pastor

307 Tontine Avenue Ruth 2-B928

Sunday, March 7 0:45 a m.. Church school with

classes fm -all ages, under .dire;- tion of Mrs Clarence D iud

1 0 0 a. m . Public w o r s h i p with H o ly Communion. The-? w ill be a special offering for war

j emergency work T h u n day. .March 4 -

! M rs Edgar Compton. Confer- lence president. W i l l addre&s the (W om an’s S o c i e t y of Christian Service at 2:30 p. m Tuesday. M arch 9—

Meeting of < fficers and to ache: i of the church school at the home of Mrs E R W right. 327 Liv-

j.ingston Avenue T h u rstk». Mareh 11—

Circle One meets at the homo of Mrs Jam es Perry . F ir Street I p m , Circli- Tw o at the home

i1 .000 Howl, > Ym $uh—

R e d S K E L T O N i«j W H I S T L I N G in D I X I E |««ft Am K«<Wfor* * &♦<>»•* 1

Thur, 4 fn 2 00. ▼ 00. ’ 0 10 S a t u r d a y 4 0*. ’ 12 0 M

piu* CaftoO«o r 43

Ala® "Con<iu«r«a t>y tn* C»acK ’tATyHDAV M A t iN t l ONLV

SPEC! AL M IS T fO N FEATURE "*»■ fiu« Cc’*f • ai*«f C*spt0r No $

«f t h e s e c r e t c o d eD w '* OBtf 12'.‘SO

Sh«w Start* 1 R M

\H \N H \C n

« iA N O ü dO W ABD

r*rv uSunday: 1? 30, 3 30 b 35Mon A T u f t : 2,5$. 8 50

«nu«« BENDIX w SAWYERMummi emu



MSgt Mort s . Esther sant Av. i

>n Hedrick: son of Redi irk. 239 Stuy-

me, has ai rived ut

“Launched”in New Jersey-

' B u ilt ” in Pen n sylv .an ia-

Ohio — M ichigan —

C o n n e cticu t— .

H ave Your In com e T ax Prepared by a C om petent

A ccoun tan t

Paul LibertiT A X ( O N S I ’t T A N T


M O N D A Y TO F R ID A Y : 7:30 ID: 111 n in

S A T U R D A Y l i d * ID p. in

SU N D A Y I I a. m. 1 1 I II r n .

IN O IV IIM A I.S M inimum Fee Sl.Ot)

B I ’S IN K SS Minimum S25.00

lufldijr : » s«J tv ,Men a T u n 2 » , f io. 10 50

l* lu * m it in d « » A T u t w l* » O n lyK>-n l i l l ' l l ' i


COMMANDOS & j j f S W / f f

W if y

W l> On» S»T . M»it>l '0Song-tpo rk lm g (uni

w < a, T*»»» a »>• * os, l i tK tv rM , ÎSC *«#. »>•

P L « C M â iC VO«« W ««K t .V >U»W.* o r * « « SOHO*AMO AT TMl* t « » » T * t ‘

JINX FALKENBURGy»*< to r V«Kurda y

11 bi

” 1 wish buy a

. a house than you

W e have a i rnom Bun**- t o w W H t, «11 t u i p r o t e n i r n t >and a I j r j <• lot. for *35»*. Also a lu ioom, t familyhouse for Î.1Ï5#.


I.Y M 1 IU K ST , N. J.

R I therforil t I U I

lh a t “ Avenger"— naw U. S. N a v y torpedo bomber —is a fine product of All Amsri- to n " taomwork. The plane, attem blad and launched in N ew Je rtey , use» oorts ob­tained from more than 500 »ub-tantractori in NewYerk, Michigan Ohio Connecticut, P e n n s y lv a n ia , M a ry lan d , and the telephone h a t a lot -!• do with h u iM in f and hrtn^cn^ theee partfc I e^ether quickly —for action

Thautandt of catlt go in­

to the making of a torpedobomber. . . other thoutandi into the production of tanks, ships, guns and »hells — colls that rely on the same teiephane facilities that lerya civilian needs.

Aore room far war mes­sages must bo made on lines and swikhbeerds that can’t be enlarged because materials ore unobtainable. That's why wa ash yew te make only necessary leaf distance calls — especially te centers af war actWdy.

N E W J E R S E Y B t L I T E I E M Q N E C O M P A N Y

tuM i i n t u t m i m a m h o u * u i h n f t l l T I * H H * > |M O N D A I N ICHT «T * • « « A f . «TW

C H R IS T IA N SC IE N C E C IU 'R i* 1"M A N ' is the Lesson-Sermon

fubjeot ft r Sunday. March 7, in a ll Christian Science Churches and S o c i e t i e s throughout the world.

The Golden Text is: “ As many as ire led by the Spirit of God, the' are the sons of God " (Rom 8:14)

Among the Lesson-Sermon c i­tation! is the following from the B it !e: “ B u t unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.” (EDh. 4:7)

The Lesson-Sei men also in- dudes the following passage from the Christian Science text­book, “ Science and Health with K cv ta-the Soriotures" by M ary Baker Eddy: “ The human capa­cities are enlarged and perfected in proportion as humanity gains the true conception of man and God." (p 258 )

C O B B ' S C R E E K

P R E F E R R E DFu ll Quart

$ 2 . 6 8

r o m a n b e a u t y

a p p l e b r a n d y

Fu ll Quart

$ 2 . 2 5

P H O N E R U T H . 2-M UI ■ I - — — - ...........

8 8 8S T R . R Y E W H I S K E Y

G Y E A R S O LD F u ll Quart

* 2 . 6 9


B L E N D E D W H IS K E Y 4-5 Quart

$ 2 . 6 6

We have eighth barrels of beer for parties.ORDER N O W

Mrs. Joralemon Died Thursday

Mrs. C lara Rcsetta Joralemon, 77, died this past week at 50!) Stuyvesant Avenue, Rutherford, the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A rthu r K illhouie, with whom she had lived for many years Mrs, Joralemon had bean an inva lid for the past three year*, and her death was caused Thursday by a heart attack

Born in Brooklyn, she had re ­sided in Rutherford for fifty-six vcars. She was a m cm ter of th” Rutherford Baptist Church and Rutherford Chapter 24, Order of Eastern Star

Besides Mrs. Hillhouse, she is survived by two other daughter*, Mrs. C lara R Prophet of Ru ther­ford and Mrs Frr.nk J M urray of Lyndhurst; five grandchildren; alfo three great-grandchildren, and a sister. Miss Eleanor B. M cClelland of Rutherford.

Funera l services were held on Saturday afternoon at the Hunt Funeral Home, 2 East Park Place [ in Rutherford. Rev. Homer K Shafer, paste r of the Rutherford Baptist Church officiated In ter­ment was in Hillside Cemetery.


THE M AN Y YEARS spent in Lynd­hurst have educated us to the pref­erences of ihose who call upon us in

time of need.

52 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURSTRUtherford 2-0490

Jacob Burk, Director469-471 Palisade Avenue Jersey City

Journal;Square 4-4578

A SAN CTUARY . . .You’ll find the Griffith Funeral Home a place of dignity and beauty — ru tfu ! and impreaaive enriched by sincerity and friendlinesa. Cen­trally located . . Convenient for everyone.



f V'M l ^ 4 %

R I M E R A I H O M Ftìmri Ith

W m W G r . ' ^ t h

.2 RidqcRood'Lyndbu'o.t * t-

•é T\s r*v «w w e

» i « i m » . . ,

•Imx paapla aUlftf wW '•Im fo t Kar p fH y fca« . . . **»• raaütad if «ê» t«i»a À9 *afwatlii<m

mff • tf dl«. rfÎAfy ^êk"«n K«< r«piac«^ yaar HifKlifWH, Mm *pph OU SHampaa Tlaf.

«Ilit »lia-Mh csWr-tksmpM | w *• » f t — »"d y»»» Mir i> g h w lm «««in »Wi taarU* «i>J Wil-lianit. wHi T^»SU«i,K« «1*0 Nr * i falUw Rm i "Cm Dm i Uw u d*i««t»4 «

. tOUX Olt. tHAMKKD TINT •nm. Ci c w


291 S+uyve*ant Ave.

r m i M R ITM t MIT

O pea T ae td a r and Vttday f,*rni»r> fU M » P. M

The Advanteqe of a Large £t+abli*hmeot

Fixed expen*#* cf doing business conatttute a ¡atge percentag»' of the total funeral charge However When theae coal» are d; • vided among » large number of fW ieraL, charge* fo r the average services are few This explain* w h y moat funerals at Collins Memorial are low in <%wt, despit<- *hei>

j k mpleteness and the high quality of outm*rch*ndU4-

W il l ia m C C o l l i n ®* C O U #* «twOKAC t c

FUdiedaid t-3000••a aw«»«#

Page 5: Backs Ruml A Picture Taken in Africa Change in …...te, Seemto rnd Art department progtwin *4 the Si ate. of No" was under the supervision of Mr, Jersey lieu,' so impressed with Edith




t N O rien t W ay Rutherford Phone R U th . Î-Î63S

B U Y S !■ T I E K H F U U S I X U C K iM H u ! SI:

CO M I" L E T K I .Y K K l i f i . ' t i f t • M W I T H N T » li* H » ' S t . . ’H*#t % íth * ‘A »ï'trajî* , .M-HttV.iy

a r r j i ï t R . li«»' ¡a »>iiiy ? s ;.»•<», in*‘$u«- ire <•** iiHirti:»»:«’, *nn< «rt'ìv. 9 -• o n . l a x e » a n d flir« insurait»-* • -Oa m .

j jao o B n ica o o ooo o o o o co o o o o — a w o o o e o w D a o B B O B B Q *

THE BARGAIN COUNTERThousands h a re found that these unall advertise­

ments are the most eagerly read in Bergen County. Con­vince yourself by buying them . Through them rent, buy or exchange; find the bargain for which you k i*« been search ing . Telephone or w rit« your classified arfveftiae- m erit* to our offices: 2S5 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst, o r 124 Ridge Road, North Arlington. The telephone numbers are RUtherford 21031 and K Eam y M I N .

O ne insertion is f ifty cen t*.Two insertions are seventy-five cents.Three insertions are one d o lla r.

T h e L e a d e r




P H O N E .

T h e p r o p e r t y is lo c a t e d a t :


M A IL TO H A S O LD A . B T B U 1 5 » P O S T A V K N IT

Did You Know?Th*» tÄ** V»siting N ur«* «-out*

help >>*u w*%h of grand - ma w ish a heài» ci M ütion. grand- na who has had a s trik e , o r A unt

W eis Taking Applications For Victory Gardens Here

Susi«' »h u m *««er ? These an« o i u n Uni«** t» r i m p w h l e i n -• f w n f u r U iv n s ,

a ffo rd il T -,a .' * erf t h e f u m i t v

the ?«ek adult ti i m p o r t a n t d u t n

N u r s t H o w e v e

k n o w that y o u

t^tjfhly (r,linediitk v Or tw w I > u i l «.I l i n t ■ H «

Ter un* I roni ean- ^soases which

n»with* »ixt it itru rv •»«* pitali» *•e \ « II | f « i t * « 1 * 1

i\g «onte mewtnn tn » i¡> tare for

. ,iw «if » h r most». ¿if j V iít f in t r i t * g ra n d t<* ’»>.i >■ h s v <* * th o r-ivgntcrv.f

i « eek tv» it 1»< vo .«u l it th« «an«'

time. g ive i!m r and cvrrf- rt *• >. your k>i«*i »ne»

Th<' V isiting Nui»« •'•-i catted st I,«eke «sack 3 IK if’

T V local V i iW i i Ä ü '".- S* 'v ire A iitt lia ' v held the ir F*bn ; ary meeting *1 the N w wt lit » C l a r c n e e Van^aa H em ttl b i t

We4nctda> • v .n iM t M r* BflMtan su m *. M r* Vanwhrn H auvel and M rs. Louis T*rti»' w ere appointed to th r Nom inating Com m ittr*« hu h W itt tep o ri at «»v Matvh meeting ()•.«■«« m ,« r n . n i areM i* Ocurge IV «4 i» . prraideniMr» )»m+* PrendregaM vice président and treasurer, and M u

'H a rry S p i e s , a a m w ry Han*'" * e re made fur the cam paign f* rfund* which w ill take p»ar e t h e

U liv i p a» i f A p ril

W A nMtlMlJ> P I fir^ .

M t« llu l-O u lH

Pran B fffW fe* » . ¿n te tu læ â-n.lg« ta t M f¿ .

P rc -.Arrgaat, M r*. W ilB a g i H i* . > > >•* Cornéan.

A .v< *.« ,:5» » - .« # r t . !• * .. fr tê # tw h « and M rs M arry

A iM ÿ fcC u tv i. Iw m m rtr « I th is tamsfi'., U<l noar--»t B faafclp fc «• •tal. «w.* st Ca"»n Vpton. U » « italami. -— T

Mm C a rl IV te m * . H t ltv e r R..».! tMMtesa TW»da> after-

et b w cNa* and eaf4a to Mt< JU iu r i % t»m id t, M r« W aM rr Pt>if.|»>. Mr M arry lia icu fk M rs Jaek *fc u>* M n P r e d a r t i * \t a, *. .ih u m , and M n

A lis e li ut Ruthertunâ

I —. nmforwbk Six Room BunsWuw JX tR S A L E —Sturov washing ma-®,th 24 toot Living Room and Log . . . r __} ..ruing Firejtlace. 22 foot Mu»- Chine, With good motor. PflCC

**-r Hfdroom. Ulinds, Steam J0w BOX N 3t—3-4-11*13I i- «it Spaciaflg Qrounds, 1__________ _ J __ • - ■_; ; . ,• _____, i .r^ded and 1 «and»« ap'd Am pi«* Room i h u ’v i v v m i . «•« *>• r l-argt* Vi* tory On4en. A vnilaTvi*- I illv . n * -' rU K - o A IA '

Vprll 1st at only (4950 j A ll Layers.23 D d afk ld Avenue

3t— 2-11-18-25

W A N T ED T O B I T _ E lectrichand d rill w ith chuck; also

cash for cam eras and equipm ent 230 Lake Avenue, Lyndhurst.N. J .

St— J.J5-J-4-HSnnoy;.- üix Row*« Corner Hm; • in |

F.tir Ruth« rford 'N>i«Uboriiooti NVwly r .TJtr-d In ld»-. and Out Spa* Living Room Op* n Fir«* l‘l u *rid Built-fn Bo<il<cah't'.“-'. operiinir tit

•a Kfilaritim T/»v*"y H»*at**d iiuit f*r»r«4» on S. o .nd Honr îiarag**. Thpr- m «**'» srnd Automatic Stfaiu H*?at« iff» rv>fli on rtn w o rrit' Ifi.’iW

A t l r a r t i v e , m o d e r n w h it e M m g a lo w . L f A g . lo w a n d ra m W in c r. w i t h q u a in t Mr.*». n e s t l e d ’ n e a t h o ld R h a d e freoi« Thrtp*e t w l r o o m s . P e a c h ant) Bla< K t il ■ h a th E x c e p t i o n a l ly larp^* L i v i n g R o o m « : } f*m »rt n e w K i t e h e n , F lag H to n -i w !k a n d q u a in t v e r a n d a . o v e r lo o k A n g g a r d e n . A w a r s a c r i f i c e a t o n ly $7.V»>

I r e s t t a l s — a p a r t m e n t s ”

W A N T E D TO B U TW E P A Y fu ll va lue fo r books

pictures, old glassware, china, old dishes, old fam ily fum itu rr. silver, gold jew e lry , cam eras, vto-

; lins, typew riters, coins and stamp

F o u r R o o m a p a r t m e n t In r a r i s t a d t a i ia i .T f . $25.«<>.


ro o m a p a r t m e n t O n ly m .

w it h h e .tt

rttfe S A L ETwo fam ily house, in excellent condition, 9 rooms, large lot. three garages. A ;k ing $6.900■> room hi.-use. w ith two kitchens, ] collections, etc. Telephone• i . t a b l e f o r t w o families, large 2-6011.? t, two garages Asking. $3,000 .XI'o m any oth irs at reasonable

prices.FO R R E N T

j 3 room», 1st tlcor, in North I Arlington . $30 00

S A M IK L A N D E R S O N I Real Estate aiid Insurance 20 Park Avenue, Lyndhurst, N .J.

Phono R l!therfard 2 0996

c t such a character that ve*e ta t les cannot be grown »uecesa fu lly upon it, the use of a vaoami lot tn the neighborhood is rec ommended

In any rase, do not locate the garden on last upon w hich the tun di ea not shine fo r at least si* hours e*ch bright day Yuur lot

y o w w if T v l h A c J h l ^ 2 1 'n ;' r ,r r ‘" l‘- 1 building, structure», trees andindustrial smoke and gaseous wastes It is w asteful to attem pt gardening m c r a m p e d , poorly drained, poorly lighted- spots or w ithm the branch or root spread j of large tri-e*

T h r e » r o o m a p a r t m e n t w it h -h eat li«»! w a t e r a n d e le e t H H t y : ij ' An*-l ; „ l h e r f o r d n e ig h b o r h o o d AvnDahl»* » t

Only m oo. ...........Mr’d * m .ibr»*e ro o m a p a r tm e n t va it I j

l»ath [wnd sh<»wer. H«-a* nnrt \y" v i t e r in*Hnd* rja r« g * - : ■* only W OO

«-i r fu l f iv e r .-J iri fti> artim *nt, r in td - >-u k i t c h e n , h e a ? a n d h o t w o t e r i n ­

ti. i G a r a g e o p t io n a l a t $5.00. O n l y

l o u r ro o m a p a r t m e n t in a e o esn ifo l* {; .?h> r fo r d n e ig h b o r h o o d , to-ar th«*

ra im e n t A v a i l a b l e a t o n c e H e a t w a t e r : a n d f r e e p a r k in g in c lu d e d

$ P.ftt*irni«ual Stwdio Apartment

r* -fTä and living roont combined Moat ; . t t r < tivèlv decornted Ideal for bach- . r busine«« woman. In fin«'Ht 11•.*h^rford neighborhood. Available atojtee..

W A N T ED —One nr two furnished looms, with hsht huuM'kicp-

irg. by elderly ladv. Box S.:<t— 2-25-3-4-U

t W N D — A sm all gran and w hite cat. w ith sm all b e ll attached

to a leather collar, F in d er wishes to locate owner. C a ll i t 340 M aple Avenue. RU th . 2-00W-W


LO ST — Gasoline Ration B o "k N p .F533015 P au l L ib e rti. J ' l Lav-

ingston Avenue, Lyndhurst.3t—2-U-I8-3-«

The ideal garden -pot is s«»ne- tim es d ifficu lt to tnd . B u t that by no m oans should cause you to abandon ycu r plans fo r a V icto ry G arden

It is often possible to choooe a lo ca tiin that em bodies a numbet o f the m ore im portant conditions w ith the others beingb> .the flrft season are greater than those of subsequent years, and a g a r d e n plot, if properly handled, w ill im prove w ith each season’s cu ltivation

In locating the home garden, you should g ive ftrst considera­tion to the bach yard or the grounds surrounding your d w e ll­ing. tecause of the convenience both in w orking the garden a n i in gathering the products us wanted fo r use.

If the grounds around the dw elling are too sm all o r too densely shaded, o r if the so il is

NO POINTS NEEDEDiüicÆ- T O B u y - i J T -

A C M E . . . . V "

There are s till many plots of ground in Lyndhurst to be had for your v icto ry garden Use the slip printed elsewhere in this is* sue and m ail It to Harold A W ells, SM Post Avenue Your plot of ground w ill be mat ked up fo r you if the pri perty is owned by the tow n

*«» t t«#»iI d «mi you* yft»«h «M»

W A N T EDAttention! Our country nwds

this for defense. Newspapers, magazines, mixed nigh, three ri'nts a pound H iahe?t prices ■j."M for Singer sewing machines, tools, moturs and vacuum cloan- rs, iron, and old cars.

M . ADF.S 146 Seth-bovden Terrace. N ew ark

C a ll B igelow 3-70433t— 2-25-3-4-11

M AN W A N T ED to m i* painta in essential industry. P referab ly

over 38 or d raft deferred andnot now em ployed in other w ar jot). A pply Subox Inc., 350 R ive rRoad, North A rlington. N. J ,

Ration Board Asks Motorists To Use Discretion on Rides

j m I • f ‘ •California>»»wni *>.'i i tu1«*


&1ST NO W Open Dailv, N ights and Sundays

MARION C. BULL290 O rien t W a v R u th e rfo rd

Phone R lîth Î-ÏB35 A M P L E F R E E P A R K IN G


F O B R E N T —Six room bunaalow Fireplace, coal furnace Pa rtly

furnished or unfurnished' Potter, 464 Stuvvesant Avenue, Ruther- f. rd RU th 2-2264 W

3t -3-4-11-18


H E L P W A N T ED — Saleswom anfor bakery Experienced or

w illin e to learn Meals, uniform i n c l u d e d Apply at W idm aier Bakerv, 85i> Kearny Avenue K E 2-1034l i n p W A N T E D K t i p e r for

bakery f'xi ■ i <■ nee not neces- -rrv j*i ' • Widrn'i .>r Bakery, Wfi Kt' n A- KE 2-1034 ■

P A IIV T tN ii, » P C O B A T W O sari P A P F R II/ IN O IN O done resson-

ih ly E j I iu iiiIm cheerfu lly fM M . C. Jung , 616 Fourth Street. Ru tti. 2 4184U

ÂÏF M akes ofT Y P E W R IT E R S R E P A IR E D

A U G U ST W E U L E R S HO Fairm ount Ave.. No. Arlington

K F a rn y 2-1Ö06

( t1 — ( At if it

O P P R A T O lîS ON I \ D IE S ’ S II .K ' I . I I ’ i Al I, ■ -Kli, (H5 Mli-

n EC O K A T IN O — PAD VTIN O —Papei hanging and decorating

by expert* Your home deserve* Dutc h Boy Job Get o ir figu ro i

first M ichael t.avtno & Sons, ’ 4* Park Avenue. Lyndhurst.

P A R P E N T E B — Contact A . O lsen for anv alterations, building o/

repairs. Roofing asphalt shingles Estimates given. A O I-SEN . 114 T .rV IN G STO N A V E N U E . R U T H 2-2767 W

F O R R E N T — F ive rooms and bath Call RU th . 2-5161


K IR R E N T — Two and a h s lf furnished rooms Heat, gas and

electric ■ supplied. Reference re ­quired. 443 F ir Street.

- 3t-3-4-ll-IH F O R R E N T — Large furnished

room. Convenient to buses and trains. Boarder desired 249 Fer.i Avenue. 31- -3-4-11-18

W A N T EDfactory

nçrfessar turine C North A i' 4528

i t i i» 9 «; i i ! rB U S S E S , su rsical belts, rlastlc ii- io ^ Experienced fitting, sa t­

isfaction guaranteed Prices much low er than New ark Appliances repaired, altered, duplicated. S if t Su rg ical Supply. 4th Street, cor ner Central A venue. Harrison. Phone Harrison 0-880S-9.

women, for light No experience

Plastici aft Manufac- , H A rgyle Place, • ■ ¡i. V T K F 2

3t -12 10-17-21

u n i rS T i U O F F E R S Y O U A N O P P O R T U N IT Y


The East's grave petrotoutn shortage, not the technicalities of a definition, should guide motor, ists in deciding when to use their cars during the present em er­gency, Jam es B Whit< chairman of the Rutherford W ar P rice and Rationing Board N > 11 declared today

Commenting on the many quer ies that have cim ie to his office since the ban on non-essential driving went into effect «sstly in January Mr W h ite «aid the t>wt rule in questionable cases i* tu r t f n i l ; fro is at all js

T fc ; 6,.*:g ra v ity ’ of .situation ' >i at least a*

: ulhoiais ha \ * 'Ju tt ren«»BtieT I boa rd chairman ' a j w m neot'ssw-itc'd : shortage i f p rtn i in the 17 Eadtoin

: D iitric t » i 'T i e ci!-were eall«' in a ll p«#'. preseivi keep <s*£i runn*l>K * mg tor« i— the m .»l modern ■* ing> of g u nod, tt»e i


aw d" thei-V-tby i


by th- • ruppi;.' su ed . *01 4tv O P A

ra tio n in g■

i criticai productsand the



tí» F-4,st c i a it j satve g »' .dirli

in order W -lit to«t uuiustrte» ««le .>ur fighi

A fflo«! w ith onc U u l lUUbltMHH


te aggravated, our w ar produc uon m ay be slowed down and curtailed and nut m ilita ry offen sive m ay falter,**

M r W h ite advised every car - owner w anting to know I f a w*i j tain tr ip is prohibittsd. or pei m itted, by the bsn regulations to ask w hether j* an Am erican c iti - ten in tim e of w ar he feels that such a trip is essential to him . or k> the w a r effort.

•‘When you look at it this way, most tripe appear to be ’mSfters «f convenience rather than of IM-cesaity," (tstd M r White ',P » t , tpie can reach «wct'ssary meeting.Wit ¡tout th r ir cars in a great œ-ny <i*wi if they n it t onty üstvi- riftie then normal habits uivd • on venie nee Certainly in tune of sii ave national crisi» such a sme­n tire i t mit too great '

M i W hite empiiaiured t M • w hile the tiHSbl* s a v i n g * arh ieved through public sup»«*«i « f the ban mutt be continued for Itie tone being. I< I* hot the-puf I« ,.e o f the tegola!idiu to inlt-r fen- w ith (icféK»ér> *i omonii' m ttvitie* of e i l« !« * Neither w ill the regulation» prevent them fivrn g ifting «stenti J fcwd j iv I supplie«, medical atuntion, or

B R O C C O L I :t«ceiiant W > < •> Vus» *» * «

L E T T U C E ■ ‘Crop, la»** f*a«h H*»1« i * '

t o m à t ô T shim , fsw jg jM g» V

Bunch 2 5 C

Hasd j 5 c

H+.HUt• $ 0>ah**<

- 2 9 c


G R A P E F R U I lin C' AN t • » ” i * j «»




, i O ersn

CARROTS Fre sh C r is p T e n d e rOrtKnxti a M tn «sn«H HSM f.sM rata» Io »W., «w*-» M « t m «*• - ■ ' »

EGGSguatante** io t » the ««WM H

GoId Sml "DATED'

Cèrte« •« I l

■i tÿ$t limi m*w, <«n t»o r>*., r ÿ i I .#», » u iW l

49"i. . *•*» »►< n *<*

» ' I i .

S i l r e r Sr a t

D A T I D•i i l

1 5 c

*•»» 7e

2 9 c

• 1 0 c

6 c

47«Aè **- -- » Wm


Aoa>4>»( i*rKa Nt. Awintan Cm* Im * w tata a* S *« * M #*«» *•>•« *»• O '* ' ' *

SHARP CHEESE Farmdat* *-$raruJ■ * « » < « h W<« ***•'

i. 33cGrapefruit Ju icBw C^ T«.J 12c \ 2 30c Tomato Soup »J22 £ L * 3 t S t l * Campbell Tomaio Juico '<*„? te lOc Campbell Npw Improved Soup

i«N'L I He

A V a a« **Ml B e-' JH

fa /K y F te ih K JI*d

.1 fiom performij«< relignus dalie»»: W ithllllW I W I i .1»'

i l such- sav tin* w in te r pe of fuel oil wilt

P L U M B IN G * H E A T IN O - N m #experience expert work. PhD

Pisano. 900 Park Pisce. Lynd 1 hurst M Glen Ridge A y e . Mont ! rla ir Phone M ontclair J **7g

T O L E T A<an:e, neatly funiisho«d room for refined gentlem an <«

¡adv: in refitted p rivate home, cc n vcn ien tly lora led C jII R U ÍH83-J, 112 Post Avenue

3t— 3-4-11


illy ,*d frame ti rooim. Approx

C H A 1-'! and st

2- »team, 2 car garage $59.25 ))< ;

18 C O irB T A V I M ' i - One fam ily.« i •- B room» bath, 40x131;’ Approx

W A N TRI» t o R E N T <; loo.e u .. : J ■ ■house, A p ril 1st, near Nel»,irk IM l . A t i n . l i U l M ’K O p -

bu«. |4B-$5Ü. Tekphoiw I ' , , ;pjx )70ff.rd 2-Í125-W H A m , V, r- ,... : th

furnished P«*ST A V E N U E Lam onefim -id hot ü y ¡ 0 t'H-m •« am. 2 garsgv

E A G L E W O O D C BA fTWood W orkers and Cabinetm aker* sash , doors, screens.

Unfinished Furniture.269 Rid re Rd. No. ArUagtoa Tel. K Ea m y M « *

Beach Chalrv and Adirondack Chsirs.

arF O B R E N T - L a r g e

room. P len ty »f heal wüter 321 Forest Avenue


F O B B E N T — Tw > fur ni ! 1 r u m i Near Rutherford and

Lyndhurst bus lines 180 S u n s " Avenue. North A ilm gtoii Call K E 2-35*0 K

12» Appi : k i n g s i y n dp i • HHist 15(1 . «team, garagi nu 2«*l

A V E N I tmonth

l^rgc-fl rooms,

$50 4»t per

P A R K A V E N U E « rooms, fI3+-J. 18,25 3

412 IM H K P I \ r r ■»m*. ga-

F O B B E N T -Aroom, suitable

persons. Convei If uns Mb» atmo.« • <^a5R.

rg»* turni:for


tM, PO ST A V F N t r I rner. 6

•illi P B O S P E ( T P I .A L E 6. p., - r.- i > firagf#»U 2 R IlM iE R ilA D fi rooms 45a B d O S E V E L T A V E N U E 0


I «IR SA I t Oak d.nmg r««.-i set, walnut bedroom set. up

i . i . i s l e r e d n o t * and chair, three porch >et. walnut

; m s i x t h s t r e f t

V ît T t VTH S T P t r r « i. r

1*1 T H O M A S A V E .N l E tin.

RENT Only U ta » M a l»


A d d tn q M a c h in o s

B E R G E NTYPF. W R ITER A l MàbM N w M d U w d

RENT ED, REPA IR ED Easy Paymswf S

TrsdeSatisfai tion U Ousri

2S3 M am S u

G irl Scout N ew s

Once ag4 tn Lyndhurst can b* proud of it* G u t Scouts The past w eek feund many g ir ls , boti; b ig an d M u l l , d e iu g n a tio n a l así vage w ork , a s w e ll a s co llec ting hi uks for b«.y* 1« srr*-«»- Mrs T an cre d chairman of Um» work, n s d a w ell u tg s n i te d s r M w .a* d is tr ib u tio n a t c trcu la r* a n d col

j la c la n» I f y o u dsd n o t. by i chance , gei a c irc u la r e x p la in in g

th e collect k n of silk stock ing», th eae a re th e request* m a d e AH I s to c k in g s a te to h r w aafted and

re a d y to be sa lv ag ed T h e g irls w ill call f t» t h e » Rew ietnbei (he girl» a r e a lo n e in th is w ork a n d m ay no* * r t a ro u n d to you im m ed ia te ly By ca llin g M rs T arn red . B U U w rford 2 M ttM y o u m ay a r ra n g e to h a v e your o ld »ilk tu c k in g * p ick ed u p as so o n a s p assib le Thai o d ia c tio n of cfai «tucking* i* sa m tp v rU n i to th e w s r r f r j r t as an y o th er aa lvgge w ash w e a » the h em s f ra n i h a v e u a d e r ta h e n

B ao w m h et th e B ed C roa* D tive f«.r fund* T h i* organ, ta i tern tun é »

.. your mt^part, a a i aux» w * »re proud of the wwsty hay» w e tiHre in service ta* m m a m haw atuch wa c a « i y owl SwOar e ip ta a* te

T V « o^pHWMtKW

A ll accupatioñat driviag also cerne» o u lt lie the priihibltHW» of Uu ban

w ill use the money for our very own Ui>a Itcm rm btr. too, the Ri d Bank I f you are not sure yt-U esn spare the hloi 4. S»k ypur doctor, and you wilt slwO be qu rt turned fulty whan offering youi b l« j1 . to be lure you fan give It

I I you have any »pare p in ** of wnui, and cann<,t fcnit ptesae send it tu Mrs Ts«**r*d When the a fg in made by Tri<^i I I wa* received »t fo r i D U . a thank you note was *ertl 16 the Doop W ith the note ram# a very urgent request for more kfgant W e sr* informed that tlie hospiUl* Sfc in n*ed i f them Ivgfyon* who can. »i d w ill, piasse reiai in thr wool, or kn it (dr not crochet ; a » puslthre « inch squarti (< asked Vu do so It I» af ulft¥«t Mr.por U nce that thr be *1»nchr-s, »* the a(|an cannot be nade of piares of varied m#« S y lar havr an <td l*eale< that -an he ripped out, pic su- m , i ihst slang to«, a* we have g n u «h o sre s iiSM ts ta us* the wool . S». remember «hr nWaNWa ofawl G ir l Scouts OM ân* «mg» Wool cr » is »aril aquara* of »«* •• • i l l aid imineiMrrshly in th* line wnfk of thaae yuung A " W i can* And dont for**t I» tab* your «aste fai* b> tba bvUoer It tahas I t day* to rhang» fat* l«to explosive* and every dar

I ] as Can

Buckwheat Flour Taity Ton CereaisCo/c/ Seal »

A . ' -*• r PM*•'»««•* *4 mm

NBC Unoeda Biscuits, 3 NBC Whoat$wortfi Coroal

D e l M a iz N ib le ts

G r e e n G ia n i P e a s ’¿T

O A K IT E 2PU*?t U R O S«èniòown Gold Meda- lift,,’ Beans PtA 8LAKS 1ornilo PasteEvaporated Milk Vogotablo Dinner Mayonnaue w Ginger Ale Rob Roy"Appio Butter


wa 1ÌC

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1 9 c

F R Y E R S 3 9 cMl.- lb

u e « leea tovia.

W d Wal Odh Moftxf t Osh H 0 OAIS ^B e tllh fl* * * » 1m n ?P im i R ite


G R O U N D C E t r

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• Veal BrainsW } ’ - • » -

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««Id chairs,. C j II RUt< , 2t—2-25-4 4

4 AR F O B H A U t 183# Pontiac Da Luxe Sport Coupe Eacellent

conation Must sell »1 sacrifice W rite o r Call at N i'k J Rusto j 333 Chase Avenue, Lyndhurst

■ ï t I Z5 I 4 ;

B L E A C n m ; F L U B »5 Yc^i ( t n now buy ^

B leach in g Fh»»d m Berg«~r. Cmir- .ty-fer 30c per ga llon W hy pay

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hat» a « ~ t lw B arg«« _ C a a a tj A p a d l O i i

NOTF. A ll of tin a b o v e properties may h« tMtught with 8i ill 111 a.. ÌU * caal.and a 15 year direct redur Uon mortgage with interest st 4 **'-

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Buft Old flog $ — Newipopori — Mogotiaei

All Kindt of U rta li


Call How . . . RUtkorford 2 1HS J

Help the f l lr l Dm utl ta keep 'em Hying and «ring and help to keep 'em w a m srhen »eewi*r»*t ng 1 > m tha wounds <A w»

d iv e gs*v r****itr a«d feel ihai vnu u w g»we a b# ta heip at tht w a r effort U l« te girla ari âawtg ik n r thare Wh si sh' i Y O U *

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Page 6: Backs Ruml A Picture Taken in Africa Change in …...te, Seemto rnd Art department progtwin *4 the Si ate. of No" was under the supervision of Mr, Jersey lieu,' so impressed with Edith


C om m ercial le a d e r•■d T H E SO UTH B ER G EN R EV IE W

Established 1921

_ Published every T hu rsday by The Commercial Leader P r in t in g Com pany at 255 Kidge Road, Lyndhurst. Telephone K U th . 2-1031.


E d ito r .................. Carmine £avino, Jr.Business M anager........ Ernest J. Dabinett

Entered as second class matter A p r i l .7, ¡938, at the Post Office at Rutherford, N. J., under tJie Act of M arch 3, 1879.

Five Cents Per CopySubscription $2.00 Per Y e a r

Mailed >n Conform ity with P. O. Order No. 196*7

Lyndhurst, N. J., Thursday, March 4, 1943

Something WrongSomewhere along the line there has been a serious

failu re to sell the w ar effort to Americans.In Lyndhurst and N orth Arlington, and in all the other

communities of the country, last week the people stormed their^ municipal buildings to reg ister for their rationing

Americans showed tha t they know they are in a w ar up to 'th e h ilt by the very minimum of complaining over th e frictions and disorders that w ere certain to accompany such a new thing in o u r lives. The lines w ere long, the air was hot, the whole procedure annoying. But the people stood in lines as cheerful as could be expected.

The volunteers threaded their way through mazes o* files to produce the proper books.

This dem onstration showed th a t Americans can do the job when they are asked.

But one of the young volunteers sighed as she bent over a filled-out form.

“1 w onder how m any of these people have told the tru th in declaring?” sbe said.

I t was som ething to wonder about. The volunteer said th a t practically everyone who reached her declared nothing, even in families of five and six.

Did they lie? O f course, they did. They lied and chuckled about it and went home again and passed their bands fondly over the crates of canned goods stacked up in the odd corners.

These sam e people curse the politicians fo r being false to their-prom ises.

Anjr »tudent of the present scene can understand why politicians a re false and why they are false w ith impunity. Everyone who lied in declaring his canned stocks was being ju s t as crooked as the politician who fakes his departm ental expenditures. Judging from a consensus of people who worked on th e registration, about 90 per cent lied in their declarations.

Isn’t a politician justified in believing that tha t 90 per cent of his constituency is ripe fo r betrayal on the basis of th a t perform ance?

'Y*. *• and w* further believe tha t the success­ful politician conducts his operations on the knowledge that 90 per cent of the people he is betraying would rob a bit m ore than he if only they had the opportunity.

* * * *The w ar effort is being hindered by the inability of

the c o u n tp to prosecute it with 100 per cent of our abili­ties. We have lost th e sense of bigness and alertness that

American who doesn’t feel safe unless he can rub h is hands over 100 cra tes of canned stuff! Imagine an American who

’ "wants to ' dUcft' the wfctilc thing and retire to a farm where, a t least, he will have a chance to wrangle a m eal out of the ground! Imagine as Americans the people who flooded the stores, buying out clothing stocks so that they would be able to flaunt clothes, come no m atter how m any w ar E asters!

The picture just does not line up with our conception of Americans. W e are a loose, disorderly people, but who would have thought us cowards ? But cowards w e seem to be by our own indictment.

If th e boys on the fighting fronts were to succumb to the same sort of cowardice th a t has panicked Americans into the m ost shameful and shocking example of unw ar­ranted buying and hoarding, we would have to chuck the whole business a t once.

Fortunately, the kids piloting the Thunderbolts don’t w orry about where their next meal is coming from . The boys who live in the sweltering Guadalcanal jungles don't give a dam n if they have one pair of shoes o r two. Such were conditions th a t when th e Americans first over-ran

Guadalcanal they didn’t have sufficient food stocks—-which did« t w orry them because they a te what the Japanese left.

And w e owe to those kids a great thank-you fo r being on the fighting lines, dispelling w ith their bullets and their blood the ug ly p ictures people abroad must be g etting from the newspaper headlining of the fo lks a t hom e!

you again for sending the paper. I certa in ly appreciated it. So when I get to my proper destina-* tion 1 w ill then be able to for. ward m y new address. And now 1 want to thank you very much for alt your trouble.

I remain a fellow townsman.CpI Ed g a r W. M iller.

Editor's Note; Hue to lack of space, the letters from the fol­lowing men ran not be printed. However, their addresses are listed for the convenience of those who may wish to write to these service men:

! Dear S ir .j This N avy life is swell. Boy,! the food is good and the life js healthy. I'm having a wonderful time.

- Please1 send me the Commercial Leader, because Gus Adamo andi I are the only two in this camp! from Lyndhurst. and we want toj know what's going on back home, j

L . B / ’ Ciccone, A S Co. 455, Bks. 412 V ' \U .S .N .T S IBambridge, Md.

THE TASK FORCE CORNERT h e Leader reserves th is space for the boys in

service — who they are, w here they are and w hat they are doing. Our newspaper, which is sent w ithout cost to any Lyndhurst service m an who wants it, has proved su<* an aid in keeping each other informed about their whereabouts th a t w e will each week set aside space for them. If relatives receive interesting letters the ir neigh­bors m ight enjoy reading, we will gladly p rin t them.

February 2. 1943.Dear S irs:

I have been enjoying reading news about my home town in your paper, so therefore would you k ind ly send the Commercial Leader to my new address.

Thanking you in advance, I re- j main, _ ■

Yours tru ly.Corp Vincent T Fagan A S N 12093553In fan try Co. D iA P O 4015 K -Wcare Postmaster,N ew York, N. Y

— ---- ----- - — Hi o iK r in a i inaionce was our most u n i q u e characteristic. I m a g i n e an

February 16, 1943.Dear S ir:

I lu ven ’t received the Com­mercial Leader for quite some time. O f course, it ’s a ll my fault because I ’ve moved to A ir Gun­ner’s School and am now here. Haven't had much time to m y­self, and although I ’ve tried to w riie you a number of times, I never did pen you a letter.

I was graduated from Radio School and then sent to A ir G un ­ner's School. Finished up there and here I am for aviation oper­ational training.

This is a grand place and the work (it is just that, you know— no soft racket). However, flying four hours a day and attending ground school the other four tru ly makes this life an interest­ing and f>xeitjng one,

I am the Radioman-Gunner in the rear cockpit of the Navy two- seater d ive bombers. Go up on gunnery, navigation, dive bomb­ing and formation hops.

Dive bombing can be compared to a ride on a ro ller coaster. However, the dive is over much

sooner than a ro lle r coaster ride would be.

I long to see names of people I know in print, and therefore I ’d appreciate it immensely if you'd forward your paper to me Thanks lots!!

Sincerely yours,V. Episcopia. A R M 3-c V S B —Cecil Fie ld,N A S .Jacksonville, Fla.

W h a t C a n I D e d u c t

I n F i g u r i n g

M y In c o m e T a x ?

r JpH E booklet "How to Prepare Your Personal Income Tax Return" answers questions that

arise in preparing your Personal Income Tax Re­turn.

Specific information is given on such subjects as allowable deductions; who can qualify as 'head of a family'; what kind of income is taxable, and what is exempt.

If you haven't already called at Boiling Springs Savings for your copy of this useful booklet, do so right away—there is no charge, but our supplyis limited.

February 10, 1943Dear Sir: |

W ill you please send the Lead ­er to my new address:

P v t . Howard A . Jung A A FT D Fit. 22-6-26 Boeing A irc ra ft Factory 6600 E llis Avenue Seattle, Wash.

W e're out here for a twenty-

February 8, 1943.Dear S ir

I have been r e c e i v i n g my copies of the Leader at odd times and I have missed several copies. I am back at Bowm an F ie ld now so I thought I would take this opportunity of making m y ad ­dress clear M y address:

L t J P M aher 1st Troop C arrie r Command Bowm an Fie ld . R C. Louisville, K y

W ith best regards for your continued success.

Sincerely.Joseph P Maher.

February 8, 1943.Dear Sirs

I ’ve been receiving your paper regularly every week and it has given me addresses of a ll my oldschoolmates a>d best friends who are in all parts < f the world. My brother. Ted. it going into tli- N avy Wednesday. February 10. Jn d I want to w ish Him lots ofeight day course on the F ly ing »*■ ,

Fortresses. The instructors hero 1 w 1,0 '» »1*° ,really know the ir .stuff and we £ ^ Coast A r ,u ie ry and is in ! learn something new every day ashmgton State I know hr-The food is good and we get Vke lo *e l h“ town fwp,' rplenty of time for sleeping an.1 P ' ’Ut Wm 01going to town. This town is some- J * * “ "dd re js is.thing to see. There are as many I ¡ "people on the streets at five in ” 'V * ,the morning as at six at nigh! Y itWe get Wednesday and T h u r s - L ^ * ’” * o rt •»day nights off until eleven, and 1 * ° thcfrom Saturday night at 6:30 un- ' ~ym lhur,t bo>til Sunday night. 12:00 P. M Everyth ing in Seattle is ve ry ex pensive except the movies and a few other things they’ve cut for Service men. There’s plenty to do from swimming to ice skating in Seattle and more to do in George­town, where w e ’re stationed.

Thanks a lot fo r landing the

Pv t F. Servadio.

February 7, 1943.Dear Editor

R e c e i v e d your Commercial Leader tod iy and thank you very much.

It ’s good to know what's going on in v ru r home town when you

paper in the past. It's really are So far away from ittosomething to look forward

Sincerely,Howard Jung

B o i l i n g S p r i n g s S a v i n g s



+ * *

R U T H ER FO R D ,N .J.

February 15, 1S43Dear Editor:

Please enter me a subscription to The Commercial le a d e r and t i l l me for same.

Lt. John F . Woods Bliss Hotel,Tulsa, Okla.

(Ed. Note: There is no charge for subscriptions on paper*, sent to men in serviee.)

Dear Sirs:I am w riting this letter i i

thanks for the prompt delivery of the Leader, I now have a change of address, for I ’ve been station­ed at a Service School at Great Lakes I sure miss the uld town and am anxiously waiting for the next publication of the Ix-adei

M y new address is:John Colasurdo, S-2e Section R2-3 Barracks 508-U.P Service School,. U .S.N T S Great Lakes, III.

February 10, 1943j Dear S ir :j I am sending you a word I j thanks for sending me your j paper It rea lly makes me feel : go» d to read the news of our town t have moved to Camp

j Davis, N C I wish you would continue to send me the paper

I Thanks a lot.CpI Edw ard L Barb ienASN 32562318 Btry B, A A S T1B07Camp .Davis, N C

February 4, 1943D e a r Sir

I am w riting you as I wish to express my thanks and deep ap­preciation for haWng sent me th«

.j copy of the Commercial Leader ■ every week, H makes me feel, good to know the happenings which oceur to friend* and folks bark home, 1 would like you to discontinue the paper until I get further stationed, as there has been a change and it w ill be

: seme time before I w ill be prop- ierty located Sr> I want to thank

I am up h«r* m thè Truck Hegt, with a few of my fellow friend,: fmm Lyndhurst, “ P ip ” Marino. l)ai< Marfino, and George A strclla W<- are thè < nly oiies tram Lyndhurst. Most of thè other fell o*«; are from New York and Pennsylvania.

M y Stjty at Fort Custer is very good I W JS to Detroit a few w.-ek- ago nn a furlough

W cll. 1 gu«-» l'Il dose with all thè luek in thè world to my bud- dies «tati* ned all over thè coun­try. .

Sine«*n»ly y< u r\Pv t Carm ine Palermi,C " G 2nd Un Bks 2903 W ì O M Trk Hegt Fort Custer, Michigan

February 5, 194,1Dear Edit« r

A few da.ys ago, w hile looking at ! ' me snapshots with a friend of mine, be mentioned, to my surprise. that he came from Lyndhurst. N J It sure nude me feel g»vw) finding this out To think, for ever a year in th? same outfit tnit never spoke to each other until the other day. What a sm all world!

You w , I was to m on Green A 'sm n m Lyndhurst myself Even though my »tome address i» in New York- Before I entered tit«- ser\ k t . ! made many trips back to Lyndhurst to visit re la­tive» who aU l! live there

It sure was swell finding this friend W hen be showed me the Inane t< w n paper, it kind of brought tears to m y eyes. Gee’

A. Pollara, F l- c U .S.S. Altoir care Fleet Postmaster,New York, N, Y.

Pvt. John G. Skyta,808 T.S.S., Ba rracks 605 A .A .B . Sioux Falls , S. D.

Pvt. Jdhn M . Cox 32389291 562 T S S — 28A Kearns, Utah

Pvt, Wm. C- Sp.irta A S N 32572970 151st Armored Signal Co. 11th Armored Div.Cam p Polk, La.

Corp. Leslie E . Gauss B tr y E, 603rd C .A .A A. Burbank Cal.

Pvt. W A. Bachmann, Jr . 270th Ordnance Co.M .M .— Camp W hite Medford, Oregon

Pvt. Edmund J , Sturzrnegger F ligh t A, G roup I A.A.F.T.T.C.Atlantic C ity , N. J.

Ja c k Lynch, A.S.Co. 462-F-13Sampson N ava l Trg. Station Sampson, N. Y.

Pvt. H. T. Eichholz,733 Tech. Sqdn. Sp ( S P )1st Platoon, B a r. E293 Ft. Logan, Colo.

W illiam J . Dursi, S2-c Group I I I School Class 18-43 U.S.N.T.S.San Diego, Calif.

Pvt. Pete Clemcnto A S N 32606002 Group I, F ligh t A A tlantic C ity, N. J.

J M . M. T, Conroy Squad (j,481st A ir Base Group Duncan F ie ld .San Anlonio. Texas

S-Set. Fred W. Bittner 12141281Sub A ir Base No. 1 Class 43-C Night A rm y A ir Base Sa lt L a k i C ity , Utah

Pfc Chas. Greco 174th In fan try Anti Tank Co. San Fernando, Cal.

P v t C h ari« ! f\ Tanella Battery D »2d Bn 1st Tng Regt FA R C , F t Bragg, N C.

Pfc John Grosso, Jr .314th Tech. Sch. Sqdn Sheppard Field,Barracks 724 W ichita Fa lU . Texas

’£ t fo o t e f y .

Dominick Forginne, son of Mr. ! and Mrs. Forgjone of 730 Second Avenue, enlisted in the U. S N avy and reported for duty on ieb ru a ry 25. He employed at the SomnrEct Laboratories in Lyndhurst.

Fri'nk Sp illane, son of Mr. and I Mrs- Frank Spillane, 296 Park Avenue, has been made a cor­poral at Camp Gruber, Okla He is in the Medical Division there. |

Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Jaquin- ! to. 405 Page Avenue, entertained at dinner Monday for their son and daughter-in-law, M r and | M rs Joseph Jsqulnto of Ruther­ford

Henry Eichho lu , son of M r and Mrs H enry Eichholtz. Sr., of 409 Page Avenue, who has been stationed at Tamps, Florida, for the past * ,* weeks, has been ! transferred to Fort Logan, Logan, I Colorado, w here he is in the Ad- ’ m iiustrafive Personnel of ths Technical School.

It was good to *er names a t »troets and places in the old t;«me town It made me feel like 1 was b w k heme instead of thousand* ¡4 miles away

like very much to re- paper I may live in,1 but my heart is still

I Lvndhui-st

I wouldcrive your New Y< rfc

■ kind atten-



Cp! Leo S Q 4 T MA PO ra rr fv San Francis«-«, Ca!

P S Cp l Jm rp h M irag! Ml t» the tmllom I v t mention*«! in my Hr?« ter Both of us are ftae andwe m d r**r beat wt&hci along w%th thip le*t«*r

Mrs Rhota Bnnkerhoff. teach- ,' er the Lincoln School, returned I to her duties Monday after an

j illness

A son, Ix^slie Howard, was born j i to Mr and Mrs Bernard Berger I of 540 F ifth Street at Beth Israel , I

j Hospital, Passaic, on February j! *0 The Berger's also have a , three-year-old daughter, Phylis Lois •

Mr and Mrs Anthony Ippolit,, , nf Court Avenue, Lyndhurst, had |l as guests M r Ippolito's brother- I rn law and sister, Mr. snd Mrs J Alphonso Vicarm and son J*m » s |. of Brockton, Mass Parties were I given in their hrnor bv Mr and i Mrs Jo h n Ferraro of 55» Su nv i mer Avenue and Mr and Mrs j Charles IV t ra u in i o f Park Ave- nu€\ N e« jrk

Ralph L Lifcio. w hn recently left for service with the U S N«vy, to stationed at Sampson I New Y t r k H is address is given I for friends who mav wish tc a n te tb him Ralph L U sc .c Co 1 » C Unit, V 8 J f T S B anrpawn , J f Y





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