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Page 1: Background of the Study




Nowadays people are focusing in herbal plants especially those who are common in the

environment that can treat and heal different disease. The researchers want to prove that there are

plants that are more effective against diseases especially in skin. So in this project, we as the

researchers looking to a plant that has the ability to treat skin problems/diseases that cause by

different bacteria.

The researchers want Banana peelings as their raw material because it is known for its

antifungal, antibiotic and antibacterial properties that helps to protect the skin against bacteria

that may lead to skin diseases like acne, black spots, and wrinkles, it is also loaded with

vitamins, minerals and fibers that protects the skin and make the skin look good.

We observe that many people are suffering different skin problems/diseases especially

the teenagers that push them to buy and use different kinds of commercial antibacterial soaps

that are expensive and less effective, so we were going to conduct this study to help other person

that can’t afford the expensive antibacterial soaps, the researchers aims to make a soap that is

more affordable and effective than the commercial one.

Due to its medicinal properties, the researchers planned to make this soap for removing

and treating allergies, wounds, acne, black spots, and wrinkles. We all know that acne vulgaris is

one of the most unwanted skin disease especially by teens. Acne and black spots are quite

annoying as they adversely affect the appearance of your skin. Banana Peelings are effective in

eliminating acne and black spots from the skin. They contain an antibacterial property that can

kill acne causing bacteria. They also have great healing properties that can treat wounds such as

cuts, impact abrasion etc.

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Uses for Banana PeelsThe peel is known for its antifungal and antibiotic properties. The peel is also loaded with a lot

of Vitamins, minerals and fiber. Psoriasis affects a number of people all around the year. They can make use of banana peels

to get rid of the condition. The inside of the peel should be rubbed on the affected area for psoriasis natural treatment. Initially the area will become red, however with persistent use the difference caused to the skin will be noticeable.

The other skin condition, where you can use it is for acne treatment. The inside of the peel should be rubbed on the acne. After regular use of the peel, the acne will no more be visible. It is best to rub the peel at night, before going to bed for better effect.

If you are going hiking, trekking, camping, etc. and get a poison ivy rash, then you can use the peel for treating poison ivy as well. Rub the inside on the affected area. After some time you will see that the itching, redness and inflammation will disappear. In some cases, you will have to apply the peel again.

If you suffer from warts, then you do stand to benefit from this remedy. Rub the inside of the peel on the wart every night for 7 to 10 days. The effect will be for you to see. Alternately you can try to tape the peel on the warts overnight. This plantar wart treatment may take about 15 days, but the results are for everyone to see.

For beautiful supple skin, rub the inside of the peel on your face before going to bed. Leave it on overnight and wash it the next morning with warm water.

Allergies, skin irritation and skin bruises can also be treated with its use. If the skin is itching, then tape the peel on the affected area and leave it overnight. The chemicals in the skin will help in getting rid of the itching sensation.

A wound can also be healed with banana peel, especially knee injuries. Rub the knees with it and see the healing effect of the peel.

Some people claim that regularly rubbing the inside of the banana peel on their teeth helps inwhitening the teeth. The peel should be rubbed on the teeth in a circular motion. If the peel is used everyday, the effects of teeth whitening will be seen in about two weeks.

When you suffer from mosquito bites, the skin is irritated and itchy. At such times, you can use it on the bites. It will be of help in reducing the swelling and/or irritation caused by the mosquito bites.

It can also be used to get rid of splinters. A banana peel taped on the affected part will help in dissolving the splinter or it will work the splinter out.

If you have silverware, leather, etc. which you want to shine, then instead of the chemicals you may want to make use of this remedy. However, it is best to carry out a patch test, before you use it.

It can also be used as a garden compost. It is high in potassium and phosphorus, which proves to be helpful in the compost.

Soothing Ulcers – Bananas reduce the stomach acidity that results from various foods. Their ability to perform as a natural antacid by neutralizing acidity helps to eliminate heartburn.

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They also provide a protective coating around the inner walls of the digestive system and so reduce irritation and promote intestinal health. And, they also relieve constipation.

Iron Replenishment – For people suffering from a deficiency in iron, bananas help to give your body the iron that it needs. The iron content in bananas promotes hemoglobin production, which can treat anemia. It also promotes normal blood clotting, which is important for healing injuries.

The next time before you throw away the peel remember the number of uses of the peel. All the

benefits of the peel come to you without any extra cost

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Significance of the study: 

The significance of the study is to have a beneficial usage of guava leaves. Specifically on the fresh

peelings. This study also aims to produce an affordable antibacterial soap by making use of the

natural properties of banana peelings extract. This product is more on natural properties that can cure

skin infections like skin allergies, rashes and skin itchiness and does not mix with chemicals that may

damaged our skin. You can make a bathing soap with banana peelings extract as treatment for acne.

This plant is very common to our environment, and aside of its avaibility; it is easy to cultivate. It

contains many components for healing skin disorders.

Antibacterial soap is any cleaning product to which active antimicrobial ingredients have been added. [citation needed] These chemicals kill bacteria and microbes [which?], but are no more effective at deactivating viruses than any other kind of soap or detergent, and they also kill nonpathogenic bacteria