Page 1: Back to School Social Distancing We would just like to ... · The theme of sports week this year was #black lives matter and to highlight the contribution of the black community

Issue 37 - Friday 3rd July 2020

Back to School

The Government has released some information and guidance about returning to school in September. We will be looking closely at this over the weekend and early next week to start putting in place these guidelines for our school. It does look like from September we will be open for all and returning to some kind of normality. We will update you all once we have digested the information, have completed our risk assessment and have more idea of a plan of how school will look for all the children and their families.

Social Distancing

Thank you to everyone who has been adhering to the social distancing markers we have set up at school. We would just like to remind parents about following the 2 metre lines when dropping off and waiting for their children. We appreciate that from the 4th July it will change to 1m+ but we will be continuing to use the lines we have already set up until the end of term.

Phone callsTeachers are currently in the process of making contact via telephone with all

families in their classes again. Our hope is that you find these telephone calls helpful

and supportive.Please remember to email the school office

if you think you need to update your contact details.

Times Tables Rockstars

Each week we will be announcing the top 3 classes using Times Tables

Rockstars.Can you help get your class into the top

3 next week?

This week Top 3 classes are:

1. Owl2. Eagle3. Tiger

Bubble Timings

Can bubble timings be stuck to as closely as possible please - do not come to school too early as other bubble groups are required to line up in the same spaces.

Page 2: Back to School Social Distancing We would just like to ... · The theme of sports week this year was #black lives matter and to highlight the contribution of the black community

Virtual Sports Week 29th June- 3rd July

The theme of sports week this year was #black lives matter and to highlight the contribution of the black community. Children have explored individuals known to them or to raise the profile of sporting heroes both in the current media or in the recent past. Children have learnt about Nicola Adams, Marcus Rashford, Ade Adepitan, Wilma Rudolph, Mo Farah and Usain Bolt.

Children have taken part in a virtual sports day which has been organised by Dorset School Games. They competed in 5 challenges both in school in their bubbles and via Google Classroom at home. Totals have been collated to compete against other schools across Dorset.

Additionally children have made their own medals, designed their own sporting kits and created fact files and newspaper reports about their own sporting heroes. All bubbles in school competed in the latest edition of InterBubble Bingo which had a sporting theme to it.

Take a moment this weekend to enjoy this powerful montage of the poem ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou.

Page 3: Back to School Social Distancing We would just like to ... · The theme of sports week this year was #black lives matter and to highlight the contribution of the black community

Thank you to Elizabeth Fox for contacting us and providing us with a presentation for our community week next week.

We would also like to thank the following musicians that have made videos for us to share with children:David Ansell (French horn)Chris Hill (Piano)Pippa Rans (Cello)Wendy Southam (Piano and singing)Johanna Wolff (Violin)Hanna Trevorrow (Singing)

If anyone else would like to contribute towards our Community week then please contact the school office

And finally from Mrs Pallister ………Well another busy week and what an amazing one it has been, how fantastic it was to see you all taking part in the virtual sports day it truly was a unique event. As well the physical sport it was great to see so many different medals and sports kits being designed.We are all looking forward to our Creative Community Week starting on Monday and I am sure you will all rise to the challenge and be as creative as you can.Hopefully the weather will be favourable for us again this weekend and we can all enjoy the sunshine.Keep busy, stay happy and take care.

Contact usEmail - [email protected] -

Sustrans is working with our school to encourage people to walk, scooter and cycle. Please can you complete a short survey to help them understand more about how you travel to school. The school with the most responses will also receive a brand new frog bike which would be a amazing for the children to use. The survey can be found here and should take no more that five minutes to complete.
