
Before June 1, 2019

After June 1, 2019

Join Lesley Harrison for an adventure at the Triple D Ranch located near Whitefish, MT! Paint in pastel half a day and photograph the cutest wildlife babies the rest of the day. It is Artist Heaven and addictive fun. Once is not enough!

Having adequate reference material for painting will never be a problem again. In this workshop, capture the images you want to paint and leave with enough fabulous reference photos to last a lifetime while at the same time learning to paint animals from one of the world’s best pastel artists-Lesley Harrison.

Beautiful Glacier National Park is nearby featuring hiking, boating, sightseeing, dining and shopping. Or take time to visit the town of Whitefish, located a few miles away and peruse their bookstore, galleries and restaurants.

Plan on taking this life changing photography/painting workshop with world renowned Lesley Harrison at the ideal location for wildlife photography. You will not be disappointed!

• Create your own portfolio of amazing animals for future reference material.

• Receive personalized photography tips and instruction.

• Learn unique pastel painting techniques from a world class animal artist.

• Get away from it all and enjoy nature and focus on your artwork.

Baby Wildlife Photography and Pastel Painting Workshop with Lesley Harrison

June 14–17, 2020


Bobcat Cub, Pastel Painting by Lesley Harrison

Triple D Mountain Lion CubTriple D Wolf Pups

Mountain Lion Cub, Pastel Painting by Lesley Harrison

Pastel Painting by Lesley Harrison

“Lesley Harrison you none...the best painter I’ve seen!! I love that YOU shot this yourself for reference and then painted. I have so much respect for that!!” —From a professional photographer

For more information contact: Lesley Harrison at 209-419-3122 or [email protected]

“You have NO IDEA how much I LOVE these pictures!! You are an incredible artist but also a FANTASTIC teacher! I credit you with literally changing my life! Got teary eyed when I finished edit-ing them and uploaded them…as you know how hard I’ve tried to get “these” photos for my entire life!! THANK YOU!!!”

—From a Triple D Workshop student
