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  • 7/28/2019 B3


    Group name: VKreate (B3)

    Tagline: Ideas that transcend the ordinary


    Team Member Roll no

    Joyson Lobo 81

    Manish Pohuja 83

    Lakshmi Menon 84

    Renita Miranda 85

    Moushmi Mohan 86

    Akshaya Shetty 106

  • 7/28/2019 B3


  • 7/28/2019 B3


  • 7/28/2019 B3


    Headline: Sprite continues its Bakwaas, Feb 9, 2013

    If ads are any indication of brand's strength, Sprite is in deep trouble. Ever since the branddiscarded its "No Nonsense" positioning, the brand has been struggling with its message. In

    that process, Sprite has just become another soft drink brand which promises instant attraction

    of females.

    This summer of 2013, Sprite again went one notch down in the creative execution of the corebrand mantra. The TVC is a huge disappointment and virtually kills all the equity that the brand

    gained through is previous campaign which talked about Sprite quenching thirst and nothing


    The new tagline " Chalo apni chaal " which virtually puts the protagonist as a schemer or atrickster which is just opposite to the earlier positioning of the brand as a no-nonsense drink.

    These kind of campaigns and taglines are ultimately going to make the brand go down in termsof its uniqueness. Now these brands are advertising like deodorants and aphrodisiacs and the

    primary aim of the protagonist is to get the girl.

    Headline: Santoor extends to Baby Soaps? Feb 7, 2013

    The article speaks about Santoor trying to enter the Baby Soaps category. Santoor is now testmarketing this brand extension in select markets. Since the ad features the South Indian actress

    Jyothika, Santoor is serious about the new launch.

    Indian baby care market is huge with a size of Rs 3000 crore expected to grow at a rate of 20%according to ASSOCHAM. The baby skin care market is valued at Rs 400 crore and toiletries

    valued at Rs 380 crore.

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    Johnson and Johnson has a huge stronghold in this market with a share of over 70%. Manybrands like Sparsh from Marico and Babysoft from Wipro tried unsuccessfully to dethrone J&J.

    It is in this context that Santoor's move becomes relevant and interesting.

    Santoor has been very consistent in its positioning. Santoor's core brand's positioning is for ayounger looking skin". The brand through all its campaign effectively reinforced this

    positioning and became India's second biggest soap brand.

    Santoor Baby soap will be trying to leverage this equity. The problem is that Santoor isperceived to be soap for adults. So when such a brand launches a baby soap, inevitably doubts

    arises with regard to the mildness of the soap.

    The ad shows not an infant but a 2-4 year old kid. So the brand will be trying to target thesegment which is slowly growing out of the Johnson and Johnson's baby soap. More over since

    the child is growing; mothers will not be much bothered about trying out baby soap from

    Santoor's portfolio.

    Headline: Odomos: Play it Safe


    Odomos is a 40 year old brand which has a generic status in the mosquito repellent creammarket in India.

    The household insecticide market in India is worth around Rs 1600 crore. The smallest of the segment in this market is the mosquito repellent cream segment

    which is of size Rs 50 crore.

    The largest segment of the insecticide market is that of mosquito coil which is worth Rs900 crore. Odomos has a virtual monopoly in the cream market.

    Odoms now has product forms of Cream, Lotin and Oil.

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    Odomos mosquito repellent oil was created to target rural market because oil productform has more acceptance in that market. More over oil applies better on the skin and is

    more effective in the job.

    Problems this brand faces:

    Increasing the market size of repellent cream Efficacy and safety of the product which needs to be directly applied to the skin. Targeting kids and convincing the parents


    Odomos is undertaking huge advertising investments. The brand owners have invested consistently on the brand. The distribution reach is very

    good for this product.

    They have introduced small packs with low prices. The dilemma for the brand is that it cannot harp too much that it is safe because

    consumers then will think that it is mild and hence may not be effective.

    Thus the brand still needs to be innovative to increase its customer base and provide widerange of cream repellents.

    Headline: India's TV channels in crisis, Jan 22, 2013

    India's TV channels are in the midst of a financial crisis which has serious implicationsfor how report news, argues Sandeep Bhushan in a hard-hitting article in the Hindu

    That major industrial groups, such as Reliance, have acquired significant stakes in TVcompanies.

    If you want to know what happened in the country on a given day, you would be hard putto find it on any of the private TV channels

    Bhushan urges better protection of journalists, more professionalisation of managementand anti-trust laws to counter the present trends.

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    A simpler way is to strengthen public broadcasting so that it emerges as a serious threatto popular channels

    Doordarshan has improved in a big way and Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha TV have somevery interesting programmes to offer. This trend must be strengthened so that private TV.
