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Vade - Mecum for Fifteen Crore Mool Bharatis

Sri B. Shyam Sundar inaugurated Bhim Sena at Gulbarga

Sri. H. Shreyeskar and Sri Bhimrao Bharati are also seen

“We Mool Bharatis are not Hindus and are not prepared to help them to establish Hindu Raj in India in the name of Secular Socialist Democracy. We have suffered and sacrificed enough. Let us now rehabilitate ourselves. This is my humble message to the educated youths of the Mool Bharatis. Friends! Know your own history. Only then will you be able to make history”.

B. Shyam Sundar

Published by

H.Shreyesker President

Mool Bharati B.Shyam Sunder Memorial Society B.Shyam Sunder Marg . Gulbarga 585105 (Karnataka State )

e-mail [email protected]

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Young comrades You know the pitiable conditions in which we live today. You also know that Caste Hindus are solely responsible for our plight. But please do not believe that we have always been in this condition. We were the rulers of this country before the advent of the un-cultured Aryans We had our own language, culture and history. The new comers so framed history to create an impression that those, who are now known as Scheduled Caste and Tribes had always been ignorant, uncultured, unclean, superstitious and are destined to remain so unless the Caste Hindus come to their rescue and uplift them. Friends let me tell you frankly that the Caste Hindu historians and leaders have given us a totally false impression and are making false claims. It is they who suppressed our history, ruined our culture, denied to us the light of knowledge, drove us into jungles, usurped our lands, deprived us of our wealth, dislocated our economy, killed our wise and holy men, slaughtered our valiant youths, corrupted our rising generation and eventually with the force of arms, succeeded in creating terror, despondency and frustration among our young men. This, in a nut-shell, is a brief synopsis of our history during the last three thousand years. Things have not improved much, though we are supposed to be free. Verses were interpolated in Hindu religious discourses, which had the effect of inciting the listeners to ill-treat our forefathers and deprive them of bare human rights. We were called the “Rakshasa” the “Mlechchas” and were not allowed to own land or accumulate wealth. We had to live outside the village and away from society. Caste Hindu leaders started a theory that our people are “walking burial grounds” and therefore, their touch would pollute them. A belief was spread among the Caste Hindus that the Untouchables are the products of Sin (Papayoniah) and born sinners. At this stage was born the Buddha who raised a banner of revolt against all these inhuman beliefs and practices. He lived for eighty years and his humanistic movement thrived for more than thousand years until Kumarila Bhat and Adi Shankaracharya contrived to kill the movement by the usual Brahmanic Strategy of creating differences among Buddha’s followers, and later persecuted and banished them. From this time onwards, Hindu movement re-established itself and began to gain momentum. Those who were untouchables so far became unseeable and more sub-human than before. Greater restrictions were placed on their daily lives reducing them to abject poverty. Their labour continued to be exploited in agriculture, house building and petty industrial concerns. Payment of wages to them was never thought of. They were,

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however allowed to beg for alms at night and feed themselves. After the harvest, they were allowed to pick up what was left scattered in the fields They were not allowed to take part in festivities of any kind. They were not allowed to put on new clothes or chappals or carry lathis. Their marriages could take place only during the months when agricultural labour was not required. They could not visit other villages without the permission of the local villages officers. Thus inter-village communication was also prohibited. Neither could they approach temples or schools. If they fell ill, death was the only remedy, because no Vaid would treat them. The main through fares was out of bound for them; so were the wells. They could take water only from running brooks even if they were miles away from the villages. On occasions when human sacrifice was considered essential, the Scheduled Caste people came in handy. People outside India wonder why we did not revolt. They do not know that the Caste Hindus had instilled a belief into our minds that we were suffering because of our past sins committed in the previous birth. Our simple and unsophisticated ancestors believed them. (Vide the creed of Poonarjanma.) Centuries rolled by in this way. The coming in of Muslims from across the North-Western frontiers made no difference, as the Pandits promised support to the new rulers on the condition that they would not interfere with Hindu religion, or their customs and traditions. Muslim rule later gave place to British rule. This period opened up a few chances for the economic betterment of the Scheduled Castes. The most outstanding event of this period was the realisation by the Caste Hindus of the importance of number in a democratic regime. It was at this stage that the so-called movements for the removal of untouchability and temple entry were started to beguile and hoodwink us into further submission. Tilak, Ranade, Gokhale, Dr.Moonje and Gandhi came out in the open as saviour of the Untouchables. During this period, fortunately for these unhappy people, Dr.Ambedkar their woman, took up the cudgels on their behalf and worked ceaselessly until he secured recognition from British Government for Scheduled Castes as an entity deserving special care. This recognition came as a bolt from the blue to the entire Hindu Community and their leader Gandhi threatened to fast unto death unless this recognition was withdrawn. All Caste Hindu leaders and their press begged, cajoled and later threatened Dr.Ambedkar to agree to Gandhiji’s formula known as “Poona Pact”. Dr. Ambedkar yielded under duress but later repented for having done so, as the Hindus themselves repudiated the "Poona Pact", Dr. Ambedkar’s efforts were thus nullified. But he succeeded in creating self-respect and self-reliance among our educated young men. After Independence, all sorts of promises and pledges were incorporated in the Constitution but the right of the Caste Hindus to select candidates to represent the Scheduled Castes and other minorities was introduced. This has sounded our death knell. We cannot hope to make any progress at all unless and until we get back our right.

1. To elect our own representatives. 2. To run our own educational institutions

3. To have our separate settlements where we will be free to live our own lives. Our educational institutions will follow the common syllabus framed by the State educational authorities, provided, distortions and misrepresentations contained in the History of India are removed and replaced by correct facts. This can be done only if scholars representing Mool Bharatis and other minorities are represented on the Board of Historical Studies.

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To achieve all this, we have to declare the fundamental and historical truth that we Mool Bharatis are not Hindus and are not prepared to help them to establish Hindu raj in India in the name of Secular Socialist Democracy. We have suffered and sacrificed enough. Let us now rehabilitate ourselves. This is my humble message to the educated youths of the Mool Bharatis. Friend! know your own history. Only then will you be able to make History.In doing so please remember two essential factors

We are all Mool Bharatis. Do not think and act in terms of

Chora, Chamber Balmiki, Mala,

Madiga, Mahar, Mang, Holiya, Madir, Mochi,

Mehra, Matand, Samgar, Jatav, Satnami,

Namasudra, Goud, Bhil, Santal, Mizo, Khasi,

Bhumia, Mazhabi, Kabirpanthi Sansi, Banjara,

Male, Masti, Mether, Dusadh, Paradi, Pagi,

Arundhathi, Ajila, Kanakkan, Pallan, Bausodi,

Yezawa, Dhanuk, Bedajungam, Venkar, Dhor, Newars,

Megh, Dhed, Dom, Kanjar, Halalkhor, Ramdasi,

Ravidasi, Chenchu, Konda, Dora, Koya, Dhammi,

Kuki, Miri, Bhumij, Chammpa, Mannan, Iambani,

Medar, Naga Bhatia, Mru, Malumi, Milacheri,

Munda, Adi Andhra, Adi,Karnataka, Adi Dravida, Adi Dharmi, Adi Vasi etc.1

We cannot feel and become one unless we erase from our minds this divisive nomenclature which has been created by the Caste Hindus to keep us divided and weak. Once a month, we should publicly demonstrate our unity and strength by convening a joint mass meeting of all constituent elements of our community, whose leaders should be made to sit on the platform and declare with one voice that they are all Mool Bharatis. We must throw this nomenclature in the faces of Caste Hindus and close our ranks. Do not be disheartened if you find our leaders in different camps. They have not forgotten that they themselves are Mool Bharatis, nor have they forgotten us from whom they derive their strength. Whether ‘X’ works with the Congress ‘Y’ with the Republican Party or ‘Z’ joins hands with the minorities, they are all one with us and cannot afford to let our cause down. Bhim Sena workers should not condemn them or speak ill of them because they have infiltrated into the camp of our oppressors. They will all come back to

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us and work with us when they realise that we have developed strong consciousness and have become a solid rock of suppressed humanity which is now going to break its bonds of slavery for good and march ahead towards triumphs and success. Persons not belonging to the Scheduled -Castes and Tribes, provided they agree with our aims and objects, and do not believe in turning one cheek if the other is slapped, can join the BHIM SENA, whatever non-Hindu religion they may profess. Be true to thyself Yours fraternally, B. Shyam Sunder

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The Why and How of Bhim Sena

AIMS AND OBJECTS : Letters are pouring in from all parts of India asking for a comprehensive list of do’s and dont’s for Bhim Sena workers. Before satisfying their requirements, I must make it clear that Bhim Sena is a self-defence movement based on the natural instinct of self-preservation. It will teach our people to be self-reliant and inculcate in them feeling of self-respect. It is not parochial, communal, or linguistic like some other senas. It is an All India movement based on Truth and Non-Violence. Its main plank is that we do not consider India as a country belonging only to caste Hindus; it belongs to all its inhabitants. Power and authority in India cannot be the monopoly of the Hindus; non-Hindus should share it also, among whom the majority is of Mool Bharatis. BHIM SENA should be organised on a district wise basis. The inauguration ceremony should be held at the District Head-quarters to which representatives from various Taluks of the district should be invited. The Chairman will be nominated by the President of Bharatiya Bhim Sena in consultation with the district workers. The Taluk representatives should then organise on lines. It is thus that Bhim Sena spirit would gradually percolate to all towns and important villages. Our flag The Flag of the Bhim Sena will be blue. In the centre there will be a white shining sun in which there will be likeness of the plough, the hammer and the arrow in red colour representing peasants, workers and the traves. The plough also indicates that the Scheduled Castes are the principal producers of food, the hammer indicates that they are the power behind all industrial activities, while the arrow shows that it is they who once ruled India, then known as Mangbhumi, or Mangbhumi, and still represent its physical powers. An organisation of the Mool Bharatis Bhim Sena represents the eyes, the ears and the limb of the Scheduled Castes and Tribes Federation. The aim of the district worker should be to enlist at least 10% of the male population of Scheduled Caste inhabitants in the district. Only persons between the age of fifteen and fifty-five should be recruited. For leaders and organisers, there is no age limit. Self-defence is our main object All members of Bhim Sena should always move in batches and hold early morning parades under the guidance of an ex-army man or ex-policeman. On the first Sunday of every month, there should be exchange of visits between the District Headquarters and the Taluks by mutual arrangement. There should also be a congregation of all Scheduled Caste workers the same evening after dinner, where they will come to know each other’s problems and difficulties.

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Build up our bargaining power Agriculture labourers, factory workers, tradesmen, artisans, muncipal labourers and sundry workers should organise themselves on trade union basis under the auspices of Bhim Sena. The ultimate aim should be that all such organizations should be controlled by the Bhim Sena. In case of economic sanction Occasion may arise when the caste Hindus of a particular village may apply economic sanctions against our people in order to browbeat them and break their strength. If such occasions arise, it will be the duty of BHIM SENA workers to provide relief and succour to them from neighboring villages and report the matter to higher authorities, who will organize relief on a wider basis. They should also send applications to the Collector, the Superintendent of Police and the District Magistrate. If immediate response is not forth coming they should visit the Collector’s office in a body and make personal representations. Prepare for census and election work The more important aspect of Bhim Sena activities are mentioned below : a) District Intelligence Service should be organised. We should know what plans are

being hatched against us. Only intelligent, reliable and nature persons, who would not yield under the influence of the Police, the village officers, the Congress, the R.S.S., the Jan Sangh or any other party opposed to our interests, should be taken in the Intelligence Service.

b) Trained units should be established to render first aid to our people when Caste

Hindus or others assault them. c) Adult education parties should be organised which will explain to the Scheduled

Caste, in the course of their tours, the intricacies of census operations, elections, police prosecution etc., In the Census, our population is shown much less than what it actually is. Our workers should accompany enumerators and check their entries. So also, during elections our names are not included in the Voters List. Our ballot papers are tampered with. Our voters are physically prevented from exercising their vote. Our members are harassed and persecuted by the police near polling booths.

d) The Legal Aid Committee should explain to our people the laws of the Criminal

Procedure Code, which come into operation at the times of riots, looting, strikes and elections.

Train photographers e) The Bhim Sena should carry cameras on important occasions. This will help in

organising legal defence and also in arranging authentic, Publicity in foreign countries.

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f) The Bhim Sena should proclaim the age-old truth that the Scheduled Castes are not and have never been Hindus that they are the real Mool Bharatis whom the Buddha tries to emancipate from the oppression of Caste Hindus. Our God is Truth and resides in the temple of our own hearts.

One of the functions of Bhim Sena will be to protect Scheduled Castes from the ravages of arson. Their huts, petty farms and meager properties are set fire to Bhim Sena Volunteers must learn how to put out fires. District Organisers will want to know what should be the strength of the Sena in their district. The answer is simple. It should be double that of our enemy agents who, in their acts of aggression, receive the aid of the Police and the Military also. Our people, far from receiving relief and aid, are set upon and the Police, who start arresting our innocent people, suppress our self-defence activities, least they may retaliate in fury. It has been constantly observed that in all prisons, it is the Scheduled Caste alone who are compelled to do scavenging work for the other inmates. We should strongly resent and protest against this practice. We expect all Bhim Sena members to raise hue and cry against this and organise mass demonstrations in front of all Central Prison Ultimate aim of Bhim Sena The ultimate aims of the Bhim Sena will be to arouse among the fifteen crore Scheduled Castes, the urge to fight and die for the attainment of the following three objectives: - Separate settlement 30% compact and contiguous villages in every taluk should be vacated by Caste Hindus and handed over exclusively to the Scheduled Castes. The area should be choosen in consultation with our real leaders. Separate university The People’s Education Society founded by Baba Saheb Ambedkar should here- after run the future Ambedkar University to which all colleges manned and attended by our youths, should be affiliated. Separate election We must get our birth right of selecting our own representatives. This sacred right has been taken away from us firstly by the Constitution itself, which has provided for general electorates, and secondly the Election Commission which, in the delimitation of the constituencies, splits up all villages inhabited by minorities and includes them in the neighboring constituencies to give Caste Hindus a deciding voice in every constituency in all parts of India. The result is that the elections have been reduced to a farce. The so-called elective bodies have, since Independence, been consisting only of Caste Hindus and their stooges. Indian brand of democracy has become an international scandal, a play-thing of black-marketers, corrupt politicians, exploiters of under-dogs and free-booters aided by Police and the administrative machinery. Expression of free will is tabooed. How long can we fool America, Russia and the rest of the World that India is a Secular and Socialist Democracy?

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Our Slogan “We are Not Hindu” This is an undeniable fact of history. In the beginning of the present century, when Hindus realised that democracy can mean Hindu Raj if only the Scheduled castes and Tribes are enumerated among Hindus, they started wooing us. Thanks to Dr. Ambedkar, we escaped their net, but it 1932, Gandhiji again entangled us and in 1950, Sardar Patel subdued us. During all this period. Hindus ill-treated us, looked down upon us and denied to us our natural rights. They have always exploited our labour. They obtain millions of foreign currency on our behalf and in our name and grow richer at our expense. This sordid game of deceit and chicanery must end once and for all. Mool Bharatis must come into their own. Buddha’s dream must, come true.

Jai Bharat

A Separate Political Organization for Mool Bharatis.

Why Federation of Scheduled Castes and Tribes on an All India Basis? 1. Because of their poverty, illiteracy and unnerving influence of the Caste Hindus

in the villages, the fifteen crore Scheduled Castes and Tribes all over India are being exploited by different political and religious organizations for purposes which do not do any good to the Scheduled Castes and Tribes themselves.

2. Because they are traditionally superstitious and suffer from age-long inferiority

complex, they cannot become their ‘True Selves’ unless separate settlements are established for them and they are given the right to elect their own representatives direct to all the elective bodies stipulated in the Indian Constitution.

3. Because the Scheduled Castes and Tribes are an important element in the National

life of India, whose importance is sought to be minimised by the Caste Hindus by merging them in the Hindu fold. Baba Saheb Ambedkar saw through this game and was seriously trying for their uplift but the Caste Hindus, taking advantage of Gandhiji’s threatened fast unto death at Poona foiled Baba Saheb’s efforts to raise the Scheduled Castes and Tribes to their natural level.

4 Because as long as the Scheduled Castes and Tribes are dependent for their living,

education, trade, agriculture, employment and other development activities on the Caste Hindus, they will continue to remain what they are, to break this vicious circle, they must become self-reliant and self-supporting by organizing themselves on the basis of All India Scheduled Castes and Tribes Federation and by demanding separate University and above all, separate Electorates. Political Power cannot come as a gift, it has to be wrested from unwilling hands of the Caste Hindus.

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Appendix Notes 1. An Introduction to the Cultural History of India Page 2

by Dr. N.Subrahmanian M.A., Ph.D. Madras 1958 2. The Original Inhabitants of Bharat Varsha By Gustov Oppert 3. Civilization in Ancient India By R.C.Dutt

Report of the Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for the year 1961-62

In some villages of Andhra Pradesh, even now, Scheduled Caste people have to wait in a row, with their earthen pots, on the embankment of tanks till some Caste Hindu would come and pour water into their pots, according to his own convenience. The Scheduled Caste bridge-groom cannot put on a turban with Turra in some of the villages of Madhya Pradesh. In some areas of this State, band music is not allowed to be played at the time of marriage among the Scheduled Castes, their womenfolk cannot wear bangles and other ornaments made of silver and the Scheduled Caste people are not allowed to ride a horse or use a bullock-cart as means of transport. Untouchability is still practiced in many parts of the country, in some form or other, the most common ones being 1. Denying access to public restaurants and hotels and the use of utensils kept in

such places for general public : 2. Not allowing the use of wells, tanks, water taps and other sources of water: 3. Denial of service by barbers, dhobis etc, and 4. Denial of hired accommodation to Scheduled Castes persons when posted in rural

areas.” 5. Civilization in Ancient India By R.C.Dutt See also

a) Gowthama Dharma Sutras1-4-16 & 1-16 b) Manu Smriti 0129 c) Later Hindu Civilization By R.C.Dutt

6. Vedant Bhashia 1-3-37 By Ramanujacharya and Vashist Smriti Chapter 18 7. Bhagwad Gita Chapter 9 sloka 32 8. Pronounced Bood - hah 9 & 10 Begining of eight Century A.D 11 Award announced by : Ramsay Macdonald 12. What congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables

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File no. DCP-MSC-68-69

Sub: Order dated 13th June 1968 passed by the District Magistrate Gulbarga District under section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Present:- Shri. Ahmed Siddiqui, Deputy Commissioner and District Magistrate Gulbarga District . --------------------------


The facts of the case in brief are that in the morning of 13th June, 1968 the Superintendent of Police, Gulbarga informed me in person that Sri.B.Shyam Sunder, Ex-M.L.A., is likely to hold a meeting on the same day at Gulbarga city and to speak about the formation of Bhim Sena exhorting the local Harijans to discard and dishonour the Hindu gods and Goddesses which is extremely likely to cause annoyance to the followers of Hindu community and thereby lead to disturbance of public tranquillity. Thereupon a letter dated 13th June , 1968 was addressed to Sri. B. Shyam Sunder requesting him to meet the under signed immediately at my office to discuss the details of his programme having regard to the law and order situation. In response to this request Sri. B .Shyam Sunder did not meet the under signed but passed a note on the duplicate copy of the said letter stating that he was not addressing any public meeting, that the function is only meant for Bhim Sena members and a few invitees and that no questions of any law and order arises. On 13th June 1968 sun, speech delivered at public meeting held near Tirandaz Talkies, Gulbarga ON 28-4-1968 had exhorted the to stop worshipping Hindu Gods and Goddesses and to discard them that as a direct result of his speech some local Harijans dis-figured the paintings of Hindu Gods and Goddesses in the Harijan Dharmashala situated at Jagat locality of Gulbarga City and burn some photograph of Hindu Gods and Goddesses on 30th April,1968, that a case in Crime No 51/68 Under section 295 IPC had been registered , that this action of local Harijans which was taken on the advise of Shri. B. Shyam Sunder lead to communal tension as the religious feelings of Hindu Community were injured on account of the actions of Shri. B. Shyam Sunder and the local Harijans , that in an interview with the correspondent of the Anti-Corruption weekly published in its issue dated 12-5-1968 Shri. B. Shyam Sunder had stated that the members of Bhim Sena which he was organising would burn the Hindu Gods, that Shri. B. Shyam Sunder is likely to extort the local Harijans to discard and dishonour Hindu Gods and Goddesses , that is extremely likely that the speechless of Shri.B . Shyam Sunder may cause annoyance to the followers of Hindu religion

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and thereby lead to disturbance of public tranquillity and that possibility of riots also cannot be ruled out.

He therefore requested that immediate preventive action be taken under Sec.144 of Cr. P.C., directing Shri.B.Shyam Sunder,Ex.M.L.A to abstain from giving any speech dishonoring the God and Goddesses of other communities and did not meet me at the office in the forenoon of 13th June, 1968 and the time was very short and the circumstances did not admit of the serving in due time of a Notice upon MR. Sham Sunder and also due to the aforesaid reason an emergency had arisen the undersigned passed an ex parte order under Section 144 of the CrPC 13th June, 1968 directing Shri. B.Shyam Sunder to abstain from giving any speech or speeches dishonoring the Hindu Gods and Goddesses, casting aspersions on various religions and on the persons following them, causing ill-feeing commencing from 1600 hours of the 13th June, 1968 to 1600 hours on 13th June, 1968 within the Municipal Limit of Gulbarga city. on the served coy of the said order Shri Shyam Sunder stated that he had already intimated that he was not holding any and order and that he was meeting with the people in a private place.

Shri. B.Shyam Sunder sent a letter dated 16-06-1968 addressed to the undersigned

which was received on 19th June, 1968, the relevant portions of which extracted below;-

“ As I and my community namely scheduled castes do not believe in Hindu God and Goddesses and do not wish to retain with us clay idols and pictures supposed to represent them, we have decided to discard them out of our free will. This act cannot and need not displease any Hindu for simple reason that we do not regard these clay models as Gods or Goddesses. Our purpose is not want to retain.

Your order further states that I or member of my community cast aspersions on various

religion let me assure you most solemnly that we have not to do with religions of persons other than that own. Therefore, the question of casting as peas does not arise.

The difference of the constitution, when the intellectual I am surprised that the

magistracy should stoop to act as agents of persons whose ancestors and leaders have for the last three thousand years been exploiting us our labour for political and commercial ends and who in order to swell their members have thought fit to include us among the Hindu to form their own Government, while at the same excluding us from the benefits of the Government and offices of authority. This attitude wills both state and Central Government into disrepute.

He therefore requested to withdraw the and inform him within a fortnight to obviate his

going-over to Gulbarga to defy the order which he does not want to do. Thereupon a show cause notice dated 24th June, 1968

Was issued to Shri. Shyam Sunder affording him an opportunity of appearing before the

undersigned in person or by pleader at 03.P.M On 2nd June, 1968 and how cause against the said order. On 2nd July 1968 Shri .B.

Shyam Sunder sent a telegram informing that a letter had been posted. The relevant portion of his letter dated 1-7-68 is extracted below:-

“The case is simple. I or my people having nothing to do with Hindu religion. It is the Hindus, their scriptures, their Gurus, the Profits, Swamis, Pandits and political leaders etc., who considered us Panchamas and feelings of self respect and dignity for centuries and they continue to do so today in spite of the constitution. If you must serve an order on somebody, you should serve it on the leaders of caste Hindus. Why penalize me for

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their fault? The best course for you would be to withdraw the order and let a meeting be held if local schedules caste workers so desire. I assure you that Hindu leaders have no cause to request you to place a ban on our meetings”. I have gone through the entire records of the case very carefully. In order dated 13th

June, 1968 issued by the undersigned under sec.144 of the Cr. P.C. Shri. B. Shyam Sunder, various religions and on the persons following them, causing ill-feeling between various communities. The operating portion of the aforesaid order is quite clear definite, qualified and self explanatory. No blanket order such has been passed denying Shri. B. Shyam Sunder to deliver any speech whatsoever. The order directs him to abstain from giving only such speeches dishonouring Hindu Gods and Goddesses, casting aspersions on various religions and on the persons following them causing ill-feeling between various following them, causing ill-feeling between various communities.

From the above aforesaid letters it is quite clear that he has not given assurance that he

would not make any speech or speeches dishonoring Hindu Gods and Goddesses casting aspersions on various religions and on the persons following them, causing ill-feelings between various communities, though he has indicated that he does not propose to give such speech or speeches. If Shri. B. Shyam Sunder does not propose to make such speech or speeches , the purpose of the order is fulfilled .

Under these circumstances I still continue to hold the opinion that if Mr.B.Shyam

Sunder were to give any speech or speeches dishonoring Hindu Gods and Goddesses , casting aspersions on various religions and on the persons following them, causing ill-feeling between various communities, they are likely to result in great danger to human life and property and disturbance to public tranquility not only within the local limits of City Municipality Gulbarga but elsewhere also. I therefore do not find any cogent reason to withdraw the order dated 13th June 1968 passed under section 144 of Cr. P.C.

For the reasons stated in paras above I hold that Shri. B Sham Sunder has not shown a valid reason for rescinding or altering the foresaid order, therefore his petitions dated 16th June and 1st July are rejected.

Dictated to stenographer, typescript edits and pronounced in the open court this 8th day

of July, 1968. Sd/- (Ahmed Siddiqui)