Page 1: B-ASIS 1891. NO. 14 BOMBSHELL · •-x-x-x-xxxxxxxxxx* •x- our rates on the & t b-asis vol






Offioe on Blaokffell Street ;next door. to ths National Union B nV,

B on BvrasoEErnoK nnrAai-A I H IN ADVANCE.

t D n T u t r .. , .". «2.l»Six H o m u , . , . . ,

'*f TUBJOt UO8THS , , .

nuoraztoi lopmfwm n n a usou. MO-ncw If c q i a m mi*. ,

' " BABBKB,m Warns Bt, n « t door to " Emoir'i Ctfe.'Souring, Hair Catties u d Bbunpwln*LadiM ud Children* Hair Catting- a BMO1»1.t j , AeallUwlioited. - 87-lj

J-\R. J. J, SMITH,


Ornos AT LAIS Da. J.







OffloS | s tilt Ton« Baildl . i ,

• O T I T J A.Ljou ' iSta te , ' ' DOYEK, M J ,


*? ," * D O T H , H. ».

Oontreott takaa ana metarule farnlalird.Stone and briok woik, nlaatuitiR; andjobbloftpromptly attended to . ' Otden left ftt uyoAo*

prompt attention.

1 1——— —' ' Qr"° °-°IIinBl»>«'>>«

' O I S I U L raAormoraa,

' • t in UPaWULUT IB TDX TBIAIPHIXOf mraaiiat. DUU8H,

" e m d i i TmriaisoT»Liii)iLDUia,

> ' ni,Ii IlHl'br PiTBST MDI0IHE8,

_,- . ,.: i**-'

IBAYIJia i l i i HAUOOTTIHa 8U00H.


•anarTladlea' u d Oklktra'a H«!r aaltlahlt

, ToiLira HOTSL, , \ »

S nj Qo% C u c m w *»? Soitnx (Sta., **


Merchant TailorsWIZfVBB 6O0BS.

1, SOTU).' a. 7

ruelaualBStaliBtoekaod priee*.llw.bert JteeAs at tbs I w n t u i

oounxr sur

Offlet team—9 i , M to IB • twrj Satnt-i * * j . - *t -JAa. 0. COOFKB, Co. Bnpt.

^ * ATTOttVI? AT Ww% • 'J * , Kisnm un> BOU&IOB DT CUSOUT.

, "' " FP10E IH'B

f, X DOVBB *.



f ^Hwd^Biill,* Md Plant*."-j" vfcm atfen for Wipe,- Hjaataoi,' fa.,

^SMUbMtWrla. OJ»»mlr»>~ai

_ :S.:fREEMAN,: • KCtrpenter and Builder,

WnrlawMiIaid. J

forlrtiie ™ M 3 » wm M prenpufI to, - > * O. 6. A m u , "

Fainter, Decorator, Qraluer;•> and Paper Banger.' f _». Untile, lln. ol WAH, F i r m s , to «n

itvlti Ksd at All orieeaV BIOS WOSS11 too-

In order to start the Spring trade and lethe people know who and where I am and thestook I am carrying, I will make and lay Oar-pet, with paper, without oharge. My stookof Carpets is not to be excelled in the oity.500 pieoes, consisting of Moquets, VelvetsBody and Tapestry-Brussels, 2 and 3-plyIngrains of all the latest styles, patterns amcolorings, and at such low prices.

PARLOR SUITS.25 Birlor Soits in -Wilton Bog OoTerings, regular price $75; will be

soldfttl65 (

25 I«rfor Suits in offerings of Silk Hush, regular price »G0, will besold at $47.50. O

25 Parlor Suits is coverings of Ortuhed Plush, regular pnoe 150wil lbesoHat»87.50.25 Antique Oak Bedroom Suits, regular prim 130; will be sold at $15.23 Antique Oak Bedroom Suits, regular price *80; will be sotf at $22 6025 Autiquo Oak Bedroom Suits, regular pnoe »37 i mil be soli at 127,60

Several Miaflt Carpets, hung on the wall of my BJBOAIN BOOM, markedin plain figures at half their vnlao, besides goods from evory depart-ment marked in plain %ure», below cost.


(IT B i B NO 1QUAL.) > ,


W THB F1HST DAY OF APRIL we Intend to bo ready to njoelro our old and nowcuatauiera in our new plaeo ct bmluoaa v


VALUES.K>a BEST) Minnesota Pntant FLOUR nfjcgoriaVProcess

Only $6 Per Barrel.







e^to»».«.^a^,to^t«.»ta™^thtsgnfttaalefraQ all OTer the county, Kemembartbegoodaanallwariaiitaa-*


Clothiers,lutT* !«•••« DM ttar* la tfea

i *




WWTOS BBOTHEfifl k i n UA a tapnUnatTot miaj jtu* u mrohut UUon aDlotfa[Rs,M«pr.wtloiliranniud maUn of nuton wort, *M wt Kbht to foinataaoopkie»tl.tMUoninU»^llMBftrKletoto«iwpUcfI>(nw«idTioinitT.



Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings,. &c.V BRACKET AHD SCROU,*»AWINO DONE TO ORDER.




f Ibui i rui i i H* J* Jalj Wh, U90.



BRLDHKS-1 muoK or scorn.



Men's Eubbers, good, - 7 - 40cWomen's KubberSj best,^ - 30cMisses' Rubbers, " :-j - 22cMen's Self-acting Alaskas, 75c,

and tlionsands of pairs of evorytlfliig tomake the feet comfortable, Including; Wool

xBoot 'Arctics, Alaskns, Rubber (Bootp,Dolgo's celebrated' Felts. AH kinds ofWool-lined Shoes, Infants' Wool Mioes andSlippers, and all at prices that will ittractfnvorablo mention from all that tryfthem.

H E A G A N &!COJ.L.&WJ.E. HerJJ,




cons Tomato**BneetCorn,

only BSo

taSfcSTwttlea Blueing

bottle* Hone KailUh, ,*..,ba Ginger Bnaps, .

Iba extra Dae Bsldnt,glBBBet new Frcl t Jollr,


7 5 ! 'iocliagCTComaUbi.b5tIUce.,f..b b t oumnu

f " ' s



E*tr» flat ForaMM Oolong Tea»Knollih B i i k / M t T*a only 60a.

1 • Dont forgetAWppariiOC



Ptwtmuter Jas. B Mcilck, of this•bowed me Uie ottier day a real curfodty Jitheibapeofapiece of Uw oHguul AUautlicable, kid about 83 Teem ago It Is fourcbes long and about UinxHiuu'tcrB of an 1mthick, and is composed ot twisted strandswire, with an insulated copper wire lu tho contor AtbothemUandlntliawlddloltlsliouaiwith silver bands, tbe center one of which itlToMgntlu of an lucU wide and bears thisscrlptton " Atlantic Tolegraph Cable, Qui•cteed l>y Tiffany & L o , Broadway, NiYork " T I J J rollo ol an imiKirtnnt ovnntour history wni picked up by i l r Husti in t

of tbd old HmpjimnTi rOtldOtlOO '£lackwell ttreet, now occupied by Dr R.Cook, and was probttbiy ownwl by tbo iatiGuyHiacnmnn. Vpon imiuiry I undonUuiilthat tbwo sonreolra TVWO muob priud at tltitlmoof the great arout of tbo lajing ofcable, and were BO Bought for by dtiusaall ports of the oouut.'y that tb«yweromjuiand iseuod by Tiffany, tiistvell kuowr Jewoler,nhoss HMD( sloue la a lufllcloiit guaranteegonulnenesa

The roaders of the EUA will reuomber thaion U» ad of Fubrunry lout a mad dog whichpaatwt through tha neighborhoods of Flandersaadlronla, b t tacow bolouging to Mr Hop-t ins la tbe cor. In tbe bopeof preventing 'cow from going mad her ear YCB ininedlatamputated Yet tills Bam» cow did becomimod, and is QUO of Uio number that reoontljdied, as told In the E i u lost TreekiUustratiancouldlw given of the fearful offectaof hydrophobia and the unmitigated nuhuucoof permitting dangerous con to run at largo,threatening both biuuan boingBand cattla witlithe wont horrors known.

**•From prosecutions every now and then

tlworve that they enforce the same and Osb

bu t week two men, Leonard McCbudTVlllUm Uorgaa, upon complaint of the FlubWarden of FoaaaJc county, worofluod fSOeaihand costs for ltUJing two rabbit* outof aeonThe ooats In each caw nnioJnUd to ISO 00,UuteachraanhaBto pay almost AGO for hlaBport, ParhapmlitUo wholesome modlcinoof thU aort. Judiciously admluUrt««d, would

tun thogwno and fliih laws to l>e respectedloMorrlioounty

V ,Here 1B a law tbat would effectually abate

Uie doe nnlsanoe tf It wore put la force. Com-pel each person who desires to koop a dog totake out a license for that purpodo froutconstituted loco] authority Upon the pay

ent of tiio license fee a tog should be Issuedi the owner, to be placed upon the collar ofIB dog Then make It peremptory for all

police officers to feUl all dogs running at Urgewithout nicli togs, inflict £ penalty upon

who penult animals a t largo withoutracb toga, and establish au Impounding fee

:n)olnUanob]octtocaU!han(l(lQllvcr•udi dogs ta a pound where thoy euall beIdiled, Under sucli a law owners who valuedUieh* dogs would look after tnom and the

" • • ours would BOOHIwdeunrfout The^orgtuilu.tloiu, the members at nhlcb

tre Interested In sheep raising, should poo]efforts and secure euch a law,

Sohoolmaster Fotter, Domini* Opdylra andtbors who are trying to become sliming lightsi tfcs new Farmors* Alliance movement ore

not engaged In working farm*, but theythink that U they con succeed In working thefarmers they will do tho next 1>est thing,

VI like to commend a man who bos the oour-

iga to stand up hgalnet his party upon a con' * of right, and so I note with ploomit-

tha action of Amonblyman John H Hardln,of Newark, (*nn of Judge pardin, of

opposing toe Statt Police bill upon t in


Tra lAiwiirr ANII On»APEflT GPOOKII ra TH-Oqmmr, '.


Principal ff>nt««M4 B n U St. ,« .J 58Orm«i«eM.,M«w«rfc'r BBiHCH BTOCI. BfJUUr, H. 1. . ,' ,'. ", >

far Infanf and Children.

' "•(

There is only one way that any other honso'oan beat HB in

HtNG and that is by selling a better article in it we do.

We know this to'be impossible, for though we have many followers

'hen they stop to compare notes they ulwayB find ns at the mile-stone

iyond *'

Our prices seek trutlo and they find it We solicit yonr dollars by

>od valnoa. This is the keystone of our bnsinoss. Ooine in and see

iw we exemplify'thia in ' '

OVERCOATS.You'll find what we slow you as solid and substantial in make, and

stylish as a morohant tailor would have to ohargo you considerably

ore than we ask. Overcoats goodjor more than one winter. This

ts comfort at a low price.

We touch extremes in Overcoats, having the lowest price garments

that will bear recommending and the most luxurious at a low price.

oes the weather juut now add an additional reason for thinking abont




Tbn Drakottovrn corrusp^ndcut of tho Hock'eturtown QozotU, who, by tha way, we under-Btand U nouo other tban Frooholder Ilonce, ol

inliliigton towofiLIp, eaye;The UKArocenUymiuluUieBtAlementthal

the iirice of sugar would soon drop two cenfaper pound as a result of tlie McKinley bllNow Gib bos been balling ui tbtt a high farilBtlinulates compoUUoD.aiidasarwultretluee*the prices to the consumers Instead of increos>lag tho tariff on sugar; tho McKlnldy bmaterfnjly roducod it and uoir wo oro to haa reduction of two cents j«er pound, it thisto conw true wo tldnk tbe puoplo wlU toowant some more UiriU rtductlons. But Olbwhore will tho money come from to pay thaibounty to liorjo production that your partygenerously voted to Uie sugar kings I"

Frueboldor Uanco may have a level head re-Bpootltig Hie coustrucUuii of bridges, or othermatters pertaining to townehip affaire, but Inentering the broad doutoui of Uie tariff quca-Uon, bo la either lacking in knowledge, or'IlCulIy p«rverset ehw he would not hare builthouse of blookn so easily knocked over. In

tho first plnco competition In the productionof wgnr is impoBHllile In tlili country for Uiecllinntla reason thatall the territory In thiscountry avallnblafortbiipurpoBo will aotpro-duce one twelfth of the Bugar needed for theconsumption of tho poojila ct tbo UnitedStates. If our territory would produce sufftcently for our needs the result of hepetition would reduce the price to Uio con.tumor as It has In every other protected pro-duct.

You must nauomber. FrwholJor, that thinlugar tariff has a history not at all flatteriL,to tho party you represent. To begin with, theSouthern Ireo trade element of tho Democra-ery, who are Invariably opposed to tbe protec-tion of any Northern Industry; Insisted a t thestart this If sugar wits protected tbe encourage-ment thus given would result In increased pro-duction of that article In the South. So,while thoy hare been steadily voting to putNorthern industries under the ban ct freetrade, thoy bave stoutly fought /or the pro-tection of their little crop of sugar. The Re-publican party, always willing to be entirely[air, bave grouted ihoin this concession inevery tarilt meitstiro prior to tlio enoctimntittheUuKlnleybtll.

But you see, Freeholder, tlio promlBW of theSouthern Democrats, who ware free trade Ineverything elfio, did not pan out. Tlio pro-duction .of eugar did not Increase, at theyproinbukl, and. experiments of over twentyyean provud tbat for climatic reasons tlie

growing territory of tin faouthcould notho Inoreiuod. Thus the Republican party—which beliovos In levying duties only for tbestimulation of home production—decMod In thoMcKinley bill to remove the duty on Bugar,and at tho some time, lu order thnt the woakctitprodaoMve'indiiRtry, ovon though it belongedto Bouthamfroa traders, mlght'iiot Buffer, Itwas determined to grant such a bounty aswould keep the industry on its fnet

But you ask, Freeholdnr, wbara will themoney come from to pay thin bounty. ThatIs the easiest of all. Tbe removal or the dutyon sugar saves to Uie consumers ot this coun-try aboutsix ly millions of dollars a year on anarticle thoy cannot produce in sufficient quan-tity for their needs, while all the bounties re-quired wilt not exceed live millions. Tellought to bo easy.enpugh for you to work out

your little slate without asklngunnooesBaryluestlons. Your somewhat cauBtla remarkibouttue ''mgar Jdngs" iBahwprov'ocaUve

of some reflections not creditable to yourparty. -. The great sugar trust, (now crippled

tbo McEJnloy bill,) lleaded by Mr. Have-meyer, was in tho last Presidential campaignone ol tho most potent [acton in Uio supportof tbo " stuffed prophet of TVflUam street •' forthsPreslileiioy. ]':\- • \ •'• ' •; •;,- . •. -

Lot us advise you. Freeholder, to study upthis question,: A few dimes Invested In the

tiorernor. The hill passed tbe house, re-[ardless pt biiprotestaUonB, but hismaaly op-position was one of tbe very few ploaatntthings I bave beard In connection with thepresent Legislature.

X have beard quite a number of compliment*peopb of discernment and iuteiUgenc* Ii

id accurate article from the pea ot Dr Tbeo.Wolfe, upon the name* applied by thoIkos to different places iathU locally-. I t

rat at one* accepted as authority by gome ofwho are best versed In our local history,

who also expressed tbe deaf re that It might beInoorparmt«d In the forthcoming History qtMorris County which Is being prepared under.^supervision of John Wbltebeod, Eiq It

Is a oontributltii to the history of our countythat la trail worthy of preservaboninsuohapennnnsnt manner

Our Uetliodkt friends had a good right tocommemorate the lOOUi anniversary of thedeath of John Wesley, which fell on Mondayhat, and. In quits a number of tho churches ofwt denomination In this section specialinnons bearing upon thoeveut were preachedLitSundoj WhrnTTesley died, there wereA 1S*,MD HeUioalsts in the World, and now

axe 10,000,000 In the United Statesthere sun H,TU Mothodlst Eplicopal

Churches, with a membership of 4,060,340.

•«•Them Is no excuse for Winter racing No

cue cores to brave tlie weather to see It as aIpott, and gambling pure and uiraplo Is at thebottom ot it. Any member who votes toperpetuate it will only gain tbe execration otell tbedeoent-muiiloddtlzensin the State ofTaw Jersey

Tho announcement 1B mads &at Col AlbertPopo, of Boston, offers prizes of $350 and

[DO for tho best and second lest essays onountry Roads anil City Btroots I'have no

as to how this will end, but If similart won offered for tho localities that could

produce tbe worst country roods, there oredistricts Jn thin section that could compoterltb erery prospect of success. The only

difficulty would be todetennlne which was theworst In case thoy all entered

VIn the papers I read the announcement thatLie Home for tba Friendless In NewarkItknowledges the receipt of ft box fromlorriitown,c«ntaliilEKim(irtlc]MofckLLlnK

LVB no reflection to cast upon tbe generousdonors, whooe only object is tfaecharitableoneot alleviating tho sufferings of the poor, but Icannot mist the reflection that Uio great andwealthy cd'.y of Vewark luut well orgonltedcharities to look after the nteda of its poor,while Utere are locsliUw In the county of Mor-

wberft poverty exists, and where tbe onlyiope of alleviation is tlie poonnaBtor. whosetends often becomBexhausted, leaving worthypeople to hardship and suffering through mis-fortune and other causes. I only offer a little

for that charity which should begin ate,

VTbo following, front the Huntordon Demo-

crat, I heartily commend If the farmersthroughout Kew Jersey -would giro tba roadquestion more Intelligent attention, and pre-sent Its argent importance to their FreeholderBoards at every meeting, some improvementi ourfjretdied highways might be effectedletter roods -would sorely nuke better pricesM- (arm land,and Uie saving of wear and War

wagons, horses and harness would BOOHxnce apparent and gratifying Economy,

corafortaConvenlenoaandBafetyaJldeiiu "A CCBB Brown OBSEW

Kleotrlo Bitten.This remedy te becoming so well known and

wpopuIarastonoodnoBpecialmention Allwho havo used .Electric Bitters sing ths somesoup; of prated ' A purer medicine does notexist and It Is guarento»l to do all that teclaimed. Electric Hitters wilt cure all dis-eases of Uw Liver and Kidneys, will removePimples, Bolls, Bolt Rheum and other affec-tions caused by Impure blood. Will drivaHftlarls. from the system and prevent u wellu core all Malarial f avert, Forcnre of Head-ache, Constipation and Indigestion try Elec-tric Bitters, Entire satisfaction guaranteed,or money refunded. Price 60 eta. and #1 perbattle at Ilobert Killgorrt Drug Htore, Dover.Oraai, Haace & Co*i Drug Btore, Port Oram,and P. K. Jenklus' Drug Btore, Cheater,

Sachem Hance Honored,. Hr. Edward B. Bonce, of Port Oram, is

member of many secret societies, but by noneheld hi higher esteem than by tho braves cf

the Order of Red Men. He has just rutlrttltrom the office of Great Soclieni of lie HLtte,nly to be honored doubly by being chosen no

3roat Prophet and Great neprefentativefor;wo years to tbo Great Uouucil of tho United

Ltos. At the lsrtnioettiig of hit local tribe,Hgpocon, No. 58, all of the bravcaissuod fromtheir wigwams hi Port Oram iu full feather,and some of the unsophisticated Ud fears that

ghost dauco was In contemplation. Bihey were on more peaceful mlasl» bent, andrheu they hod assembled about tbo council

lire of tlielr lodge Its purport was developed.Chief Chos. C. Conhiy, a great warrior fromthe Philadelphia reservation, and Great Chief

~ lloconlB of tlie United States, suddenly•rose and on behalf of the hraveti of HopoconLMbe presented Sachem Hance with e superbi'oit Grand Sachem's regalia and JeweL Toay that Sachem Hance was surprisod doesat do the oocoHloa justloe, but he recoverediffldently to express his thanks warmly and

ire Uie braves of Hopooon Tribe that thengenerous decoration would ever bo worn andcherished, whether In the pursuits of peace orIn ths perils of the wax path. And this sleop

the cold moon WM a happy one in the lodgethe Ited Men on the Port Oram reservation.

yod In the futwe trom makutgpubHa*£L>don Of ai£ument« t h t f i l i f di Ofaiffumenlathat *nyfairly Informed

protectionist will takedellghttaknocldugoiik

V , A^emotkable Day..Saturday morning, tho last day .of the lost

Winter month, proved the coldest we hodthus far. in this vicinity themercury touched tho zero mark, and y«t be-fore 0 o'clock A. M. i t w a i Uiawing frwiy, achange of over thirty degrees In a feir hours.Tbe same waning), after It began freeting,here, were flashes ot lightning from a clearky, at Intervals between 7 and 10 o'clock, andbese flashes were occasionally varied by;asta ot soow, making It a strange spectacleudecd to we tlio lightning illuminate the white•articles. March came In with cold of leoninetrength, ^though tlie day, was beautifully

A Tine Missionary .Oolleoti on.Sunday was t i e last Sabbath of the ml*-

lopary year Iu the First M. £ , Sunday schoolf Dover, and tbe hut monthly: collection,

eu oh that day, amounted to *80.ftJ, brfng-g tho total missionary collections of tbe

ehool for the year to $808.47. Tbe monthlynd yearly totals both exceed anything the

school iuu ever done before. The throe lead-classes of the school are those of Mr. E. A.ldr.WO,Miss;Etta p . Bearing, |55, and

. L, O. Blurwirth, $4T.' All did nobly, buthen the age of the pupils In tha nspeoUVB

classes Is considered, that of Miss Bcanng Isaccorded very nigh praise. ' ' . •

• A Welcome f e a t u r e . " . 'Raaders of this paper (lady [readers) will

leol eraUflod a t tho latest move of L. 8. PlautCo., of the well-Vnawn Newark establisn-

meat known as the Bee Hivu. I t i* nothingmore or less tlion tho opening of a flrst^husMillinary Department to take phtco In tuna

Easter trade. They state in their adveiwtlsemcnt on the fourth page that " th i s te a

felt want in our business,11 and no doubtery patron of tlie hotuo will coincide in this,

"here ifl no lnisteking the fact that this con-m with their usual vim! will make sue

erch serenely upon their lannore to the en-BaUsfactlon of all concerned.

A Complaint Dismissed.Haunah Plerson, the Swedlsb girl arrested

onsusplclonbf'bavmg stolen a pair of dia-mond barrings'and other article? from tharesidence of llr. Wm. H. Lambert, appearedtor a Uearlo|[ before JuaUcoGagB onotondayiiftornoon. Mr. Lambert stated Uie fact otthe girl bavlng worked for him once beforeanil applying for her wages when she left, andthat when sbe dld'not do BO this time his sus-pblons were aroused. . Tbo object' of Issuing

- papers he said was to ascertain if some-aff could not be found and he had no dealiej n w the case further, whereupon the girl

ras discharged, v • ' * •

What Waa Their Mission fCounty Clerk E. B. Mott, Dr. J. W. Jack-

H.D. TntUe, Geo. W. Stickle and Mahlon[oogland, Jr., of Rockaway, spent some dajs

last week at Washington; D. O. As the Re-publican, Democratic and Problbltlon partieawere all represented in that combmatioo, theIdea tliat they were upon some political mis

bent is precluded, and public conjectureIs divided as to whether they were seeking agovernment poetomce building for Rockawayor on appropriation to moke tbo Rockaway

Irer navigable as far as that place.

This la on Advertisement,1>OK*T HJLU> IT tTKUBS TOO WAKT TO.

ItUnoprotendedgboststoryonilinglnBtpatent medicine; but a real buna fide noticeof a wonderful remedy for heretofore Incur-able diseases, lilto scrofula, cancer, tubercleand spodflo blood poison,; thoao ruthlonscourgea of the human' race. Unlike wrsa-pmrilla mixture* of mercury, Iodine, orsenioand Injurious minerals, this medicine In apurely vegetable compound of Cncti juliu d aromntla bsrbs mod by U14 TmiiamiItnudl for centuries and thoreughly tested bym»Hcal men In this country. No medicineknown to physicians or found in the phflrma-copaja,no prbprietary compound la tba world,will euro t i e formidable dlsaaaes of the bloodwith Uio safety, rapidity and certainty of theCactus Blood CutU No mffarcr Rhonlii failto try it . You will find it for sale a t RobertKUlgore's Comer Drug Btore, Dover.

Ladle* Xntrand TlalUxw Card*.tort ttylei at UwlMB S U offlos.

T H E OSTEB IB STILL OPEN,Mr. Choa, Tahuadge, of the car shopi, thlnlcB

the ERA was ralber harsh lost week, when inrefuting bis stutoniDnt in roferenceto theLaving characterized tho workora there as" cox *bop mob," It denounced it an a wllfiand malicious lie. Ho thinks it would hai

1 mom lu the point If we bad sold that 1was. mistaken. It might have beenelegant erpmssian, we admit, but like HomeOrocloy we bare boon apt to call a Fpode a[MidB, and this outrageous untruth has been

repeated so ofteu that we have lost patieucein dealing with i t But we would oot for (moment imitnuate tbut Mr. Talmadga b

Ilful and malicious liar, for wo belliears the reputation ot being an industrious,

upright and truthful gontluman. Wo wUjarcfnra gay be ii miutnkou, and most e:phatlcally nustakeii, for lie still prafeertesbelieve that be bas read Bomethlng of the uIn tha E iu , and bo says there are many othei*at the car shops who .ilso uhUm to liave roai

The truth Is, gentlemen, that thin folsehooius been retailed so often and BO Jong that

many men Iiavo 001110 to bollave it as truth.The lie was started by tboeu who wnutodwurk Uiu oar lu their solltsu Inter

It was promptly iluiiletl a t ths tlm110 one lisd tbe courage to father It. Uutthowlnteretit<xl never ceased to mouth It, and if ~~Talmud go and tbe others ho uieuUoua reallydo bellevo it, thoy liave been decelvoa into thebelief by t b b constant reiwUUon of the Ealse-bood. Our oflfor Is not only open to Mr, Ta)-tnadge, but to any other person. We standready, a t any time, to pay #50 to any lndl'vldualwho will show that the EiiAeverajvplied the opprobrious cpitlmt to the car sheWorkmen, and will supply them with tha flliof .the E i u to help them in Uiolr work. This

fair, Isn't It ? Thus, when we affoid all thefacilities, and offer a fair month's pay ft

rbat would uot be raoro than a day's work,these people should either prove their case, orelse admit that the Eiuhas been moat grosslymaligned and slandered, which latter Is tlieunalterable fact

Jtr . Oounberlla lm Hot Guilty.In December loet Uie EEA copied from the •

Haclwttatowntlawtte.wIUiproperoredlt.anarticle in referenoa to the Batmn divorce caae,which among other things stated that John

hamberlain waa named as a co-respondent.Ahw that " Chamberlain Is a fanner a t tbeoutlet of Dudd's Lake, and Superintendent of

10 Union Sunday school at that place, andla attoutlons to Mrs. Bateon luve been theibjoct of much gossip, and somewhat fm-ilred 11B usefulness as a teacher of morality."; waa furthor stated that "Chamberlain do-

ules any orlmiaal inUtnacy with the womau." •,This week we havo received a letter from Mr.

II. Chamberlain, of Budd'B Lake, we ha»e used our p#per " to wfdon nnd

Htrougthon ths go*dp,n aud appealing to us Uwo havft any retraction to offer to make it '>known to him before the JWth of March.. fa '

cvont of our wlWl to do this Mr. Cham-j-lnin threatens proseoutlou. As thu BRA

did not originate the story, and as It did not 'publish it in the spirit that constitutes libel

1 have notfjJng to fear in that direction. ButJ always like to do justice and ri«ht even' an'

unlntenOonal wrong. This f eeling has led us 'to make inquiry, which shows that Mr. Cham- ":berlaln is not a co-n«pondent, and that In the ' r

traverse of tbe case nothing has trampimJ to?"";criminate Mr. Chamberlain or Impaacb his '•good character, • • .,.. ' :-•; -- ', '••;•• : '.•'"•

A Great Insunutoe Company,, The annual statement of Tbe Mutual LifeInsurance Company, of Wow York, publisheden our second pogo, shows the nmarksbleirogroasmade by this Institution^during twd<aonths. The recant made by Uie Mutual

Bes ita own best effort*, and naturally ex-1 that of any other nnunolal Institution' The • new -. businessV. written

amounuid to 1100.086,080, showing a oontlnu-ous and phenomenal ulvanoe. ' The ''amebi of

Wau"ttilWfoiJowfliii5re«jUenil,lW,MII.l»nrftflaUhg a, gj^^tFOatyfnrvt. f »F,'tinHHinriy"be Company has poV an oafstAnding i n n r -ncesveconnt omountliis; to.WM,2S0,30(J."Itsital Income from KU souroas b reported a t«,»78,77affl). I t paid to ita members during

the year for deata daima and endowmentaand other obligations iW,B73lH)0.05, Up to

tbe Mutual had 300,066 policies In force,showing a gain In membership for the year of23,7*8 thus.fonning the biggest a rmy of pol-

•y^ioldeni In any regular X«lf e Insurance Co.1 tha world.- The surplus fund la now 99,-I,ggJ6 over.and ohove every liability.

A Hew Trial Sst t iad Hardman.Benator Geo. T. 'Werts, coniwel for Xsaaa

Herdman, wb.a was tried a t the lost ..term foridUlug Wm. Dogon and conviotod of man-slaughter, made bis argument for a new trial

font Justio Magie on Monday. He con-mded that legal evidence was excluded that

would show throats against the prisonsr dar-ine the few days previous to the fight In theborn; that a t one timo a largo portion of tbeJury favored aoquittel, but were Influenced by

< man Into tad belief that they could not letprisoner go free. Prosecutor Cutler, Ii

iply, quoted from authorities, to ehawthatthe evidence quoted was not arimlssablB. Hefurther showed by Eterdman'B own admlsstotttha t h o bad itruck anil killed the man,, and

If premaditaUon bod beenBaownbeoouldivebeea convicted of murder in Uie first

Judge Stogie Bald tbe Court to deny the •ppUcation, but would allowr. WerU to take the con to Uie Supremeinrt on oertlorarl and have the question In

ite definitely settled.

the tipped COM of Emory Hoffmoni ap-pllant, and Jaa. T. Shepherd, appellee, tbeplaintifl sooured a non-euit.

e case of John N. Young, appollant,nd Thofl. O. Bullock, appellee, decision was

reserved, and not given to appellant, ai statediweek. Bullock sued Young to recover anbill ot | 3 , which Young admitted, but

claimed in offset that Bullock was indebted tofor a blacksmith bilL '

The only othur caw tried was that of EdwardIpecr, appellaiit, and Guy Mlnton, administra-

tor, appellee. In this action the appellee, asodinuustrator of tbe elder Mr. Starr, claimedthat Starr, Jr., bad agreed to become re-pomlblefor the payment of a hbna and thatlefault wu mode by the original contractor,jid this wu a suit to hold the younger Starr,'erdiettor tbe appellee for the full amountLaned. . - .

: A Oold Vebraary. •• 'The accurate weather report ot the NewarkAdvertiser says regarding the meteorology ot

month of February: An examination ofrecord jnsOflw us In saying that In tola

«allty ite mean tomperatnre 85.87", has beenceeded but thrlco during Uie last forty-seven

rears. Tit : In 1851, when Ita mean was 80.-; In 16S7, when ft was 35.970, and hi l f i 00 |en it was 87.71°. The number of fair day.

forded us by tlie month was but nine, whileaverage during the period above-named

raa sixteen. Ita winds, almost every day,from different points of the compos*, andalmost as frequently from one point as an-

-, reodared no quarter of tho heaven re-•onsible for its dlsplaaslag character.

Sorria Towii*hip Besabltoani.'. - ; ^Tha Morris Township Republicans mot MOnv ' .

ay evening In the Republican'Club rooms on ' -<^aUngton etroot, Morriatown. Tbe follow- •'

ticket waa nomiimted: Township'Cle>V,:.'Vli Baker; ABsoa«or, Truman H. S c p t t j - . :

Colleotor, Frank I* Whltobead j TownOoa--ivmltteeman, / . BoydMontgomery;• Jastfaii'M.tthe Paace^Owrge W. Vredand and ZenasH. ?:WSmith j Commissioners of Appeals, Joseph W. '•,- *<

Thompson, Jacob L. Butpben abd FbUandar'-i'Jf3 PiersoQ; Burveyors of the Highway*, $&'?>'

'.Howell and Frederick V. Pitney; Ovemer'1'"::! tho Poor, H; Wtnflpld West- CoosUbla !: ' '.bn TV,B«bbitti' PoundK^ Lirf O \urrowBMarUnTOiItmp'

- I t Will be & Good Lecture." St. Patrick, the Apoitle of Ireland,11' will

«the subject ot a lecture to b» delivered inIt. Bernard's Church; Mt. Hope, on Sundayivealng, March S3d, at 8 o'clock, by Rev?&therJas> H. Brady, of Btanhope, Fathertrady la one of tbe moat eloquent and ableleakers In Uus part of the State, and npon a

so well suited to him as this, will makererance that cannot toll to daUgbt all

rho take the pains to hear him. • . .

Backlen'a Arnica S a i n .The best salve in toe world for Cuts, Saras,

Bruises, tloors, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cornsand all BUn Eruptions, and positively cure*Piles, or no pay required. I t Is guaranteed togive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.Price twenty-five cants per box. Tor sale b:Robert KUlgore,Povef.lT.J.

Toe Florida Steam Heater.Vur Ohutntad droalan Bead to Fred. D.

QvrnaaVsIlar.ILJ. -

EunUa O m s i aadP.N, JtnUns, Ag«t, Cawtar.H. J.

Almost a Fa ta l Acaldant.Josoph Wendt, an attendant a t the Morris

Plains Aaylum, mot with a very painful aoci-dent on Monday, Ho liad been apcndlns theartcrnoon Iu Morris town and reached the de-pot In tiine to Uko tbe fiKI7 train (» MorrisPlahu, which be boarded, after bidding bisfriend* good byo. When the train ranchedtha station a t the Ploius, and before it hod

:, Joseph, In his ea(pirnesB to reach tboAsylum in time, did an oft-repeated but fool-hardy act. While the tralu was still In mo-tion be nude a leap for the ground and, asoften hnpiNlDS, got caught. He Bllpped andhi* feet were caught by one of the wheels ofthe following cor. Parties on tlie platform

itnewed tbe accident and hastened to his res-cue. When picked up It was discovered thatone foot waa nearly severed from tbe leg andthe other was badly lacerated. Then beingno Burgeon available, he won placed In one oftbo passenger cars of the samo train, whichreturns to Morrirtown for the night Arriv-ing there a cot aud mattress were procuredand medical old summoned, pending the ar-rival of walcb bin wounds were bandaged bya medical student who happened to be pres-ent. In a fitw nilnuuw Dm. O'Reilley amiDocker came and proceeded to alleviate thel»oor num's siiiToriiign. After his wounds badIwcn dmawd be was jilaced on the Odtt train,In charge of brakemau Hubert Curley andconveyed to 6t. Miukool's Hospital, Newark,wbero tho right foot and a portion of the leftfoot were amputated. From tUu time of huthurt Wondt displayed tho greatest wiurage,stifling signs of hia pain, and conversing withlif* friends, He Is a member In good standing'of Morrlstown Lodge, K. of P . This la only

no more lowoufor tlo«owho penjirt in Icnow-ig more than tho railroad companies do when

they lariat on the public obeying their mostimportant ruls—not to gut on or off a movingtrain. • . -

Vacancy'ttmtmightobenron tfae Uctot, Jofcn•'"E. Fennell, Esq., Edgw L. Durllng and J .aarkOllyer. ; • ^ :

> ' . - 'S'\:\i- •-. ;""">llV;

: aett imrtob«»arQlcfcl.If tho good money of the peopteof ttie Btat«' '[New Jersey wereuot so •erioosly InrolTadln;:

tho horde of Htoteoffleesbdngcteated by tt«present Legislature, tlie proaaedlngt would 0Fail nothing short of a ridloulons farce, r On",Uonday a bill was Introduoed autboruottg the -C'

overaortoapiwmtawMnnusaioii of flreto"institute a Btato Board of Funeral Directors, -'?ho will license oil undertaken, fonenl[rectors and ambuhuices. The members of'iis State Board are to serre three jeani, w- ' ' ,

oaIvo*lCeaiihp«riityfor their BerviceBY:ftnd •their days of service are not limited by'the tcE.

yn»M^tqlikn*GteuB(!n&UBoloried Domocnita, appolntad by t h e G o n r ? : /

or; to regulate each and every kind of biul-'a. We understand the act toobnsOtutoUie ,itfl1 Board of G>mmhrioMrBtorUi6r««iil^;-

ionoftbotrafflceof peanat vandlng Isnbwd n g drawn by a Uudaon County Demoamtib V

•teaman who has a number^ot friends to pro-l a f o r . *•'••'••' • • • • - • : . ; • - ; ^ - • ' '

' ' > ' J o t B o » t t n « o a U » U t a . .•••"•.-• "•.•-:*!:"•

Hopatronf h w been the 1 M faoatingv ~':''htch hoi been uninterrupted for weeks, and , 'tessn. J . M. Von Nortwick and FnA. Zuck V

have beenoifoiu^imlimltedpleanis to their many friends with their .fleet goi i i rc imft r •:Soring the moonlight nlgfabi of losf week the ?•'•sport was delightful, and the:tunflleB'' b(^} :

Mayor Frotiungham, Mai Norman and\rtJw* : •enjoyed it greatly. One of those nJghti Mf.,vJ

ran Sortwlek w u out Witt, a party which Ini -;tludedUiBs Lee, Mm. Borkbart and Har ry - 'fchafBT, and ok the " Gypsey" W M scuddkg ,ivertheioeat the rate of « or 60 miles an ,•urar the forward stay of the boat pulled ou t 'ind the sails dropped.flat, <but danger.was.vertodby tho promptoess of " V a n " who1

IWI how to manage Bach cratttoperfecUoa.; '

- ' H e Over-nachw] Elmeelf.'.'.''-,*'"';.:' 'When Barton Smith went before the Court -'

u t week In violation of bis agreement with".(r. Neighbour, counsel for the town, and w u ;.iv«n a non-«uit, he over-reached mnMBlf. On"'londay Mr. Neighbour went before Judge '

~ i and made a motlsa^to have Uie case pub ' I: on the calendar. Although Smith bad

— given notification of whatWx. ZTelghbourpurposed to do, he old not appear, and whenMr. Nelgbboar preuntod the faota of the ylo-atod agreement the Judge a t once reinstated

1 cam on tbe calendar and it win come nptrial a t the H a j farm. -

Oar TUilroad H e n a t T w n t o n .Sunday last was a great day for rellgloiis

pervlces In Trenton, In consequence of theneeting there of tbe State Convention of tbeX". M. C. A. One ot the inost lnterestiag V:

itberingswaBaspedsl meetlngfor ndlmd'. '- 'man, held In Uie Clinton'Aveaoe BaptistChurch, which was largely attended. Engt-neerTom Keenao waa the leoiUngiipefJcer and •'told his audience how It was pcedbbto "be a 'railroad man and a O i r i s a a n . H b i remarks'n-aro enforced by Conductor Jerry B . Oeor^e,'of Dover, and Keoson Joues, both of whom •mode able addresses.'- : . • :. - •,•';- i[

Unfounded Storle*. . <Some of the people of Dovw have been say- „j that Mr, Samuel V. Mono was a deserter ••tha late war.- He enlisted In Co. H., t l t h .

Kegt of New Jersey. He now. has'his dls- .charge papers and them to any -wishing to KNJ them. We hare seen tbo dts-

_i. A t the battle at Gettysburg ho was ,' 'wounded twice In the thlnlis sad another bailwent through Us left bond and took ot theends of two fmgers. . . ' ' • -••"

¥3<hutioJi: .bas been made hi CumfortaUM, H | T I H * « »nfltJlWtatsrrtkri'tiBiaiRftt;

Page 2: B-ASIS 1891. NO. 14 BOMBSHELL · •-x-x-x-xxxxxxxxxx* •x- our rates on the & t b-asis vol


EHA.Tko Dover Printing Company


Friday, March <*, 181)1.

MT. FREEDOM.Miss William*, of I'cmisv''KtitK,!

t.;ith in tUU ilw UviU urn tu U* tuWnl

nil tliu jjutva lu u IV'iV ilujn.I'll,. nui<> tu lluiTl.-a'luliis tuu lix'U MI Uidly

Jrifl-ii us to If utmoiit iiniiaMubla.Mr. Henri- Youngs* *!.«. at im"H Tut-sdi „

alU'r two yours cont.ncment to bis uuim1 unduuo to hib fout'li.

l.'liy will not tlis jiropcr pertwus put up tlioBlgii l«iavd at KBIBOU HuglMuu'ii tuvuei-fIm.i Inid mi the gruumi for.,early t i t moutBin) every ilny j>u.i|4o turn ttu» rurner iij ntnki', HIUMI ivinliiiig to g" Ui KiuYtututuut.i* n htmiiii' U> Imvi> In cull fltU'iilimi to ft.

Theremainx »t Mr. 0. IJvHart, Nr.t «linvri? iutorml M yearn ngo, with tin** nt tcliililrvu, urn being remuvnl tu tliu family lot,

lirrio Wright run A runty uail in his footlttht Sluutuy cvL'iiltttr, iiu'l lia* run a uarixiurule nl luck-jiHY or liUKal-iolsaultig.

Miss Alice Whlt/onl, of Duvur, hj*iit HubbAlli with Miss Eva Jhillart.

M™, l'lirLor intoiidri iutivii.g U. t U C<MlioMr*.1, jubt bn Uiw lliu cLun?li.

Mr. U»t»n.itM.'.> i««.|i.e wilt im.vo in tinlum*' vacate, liy Mrs. 1'uikoi-.

Ittiv. llulliuhbnl lws IK.H>II asktii tu ktturifur tins ItOillfV II"1IB( C«r|» in I k w r MHMI

"UDII, M'ai. Hlicriiuiii, ttio Hero o

FOt tT UO3.BIS.I went ovur to the little Baptiat Chapel

fi'teiing lnat l'riitay evening, Ix-cmire they-iiij Utero w v e goiaK lo bo MiYom. UijitisaisHI Uiut evening. 'JLyy WCID ting lug ub«u 1

L'L'IK-Ut. "

uii tlieu, Uiij i j g

IJr. Ctvu jiruycd.nun verf Borry tiu put ot ciirloaity «iat

i ) M Hi

Uio Mai-cli,"1T14) uf iI]

ami gtn«.l skating

Tilt- rejiorter to unntlier i«j>er sets tlitnnmixed soiiiotlmoH. Tho tarty ut Jl/r. Hab-cock'u wiu not under the BUSJIIL-CS nf tlie Y.H. C. K. "To err Is fctiumn, lo forgive,

Our jmit^r rect/Jro*! a jiiVraent of lift I*n pftil «C lite library of Rev, Dr.

Mr. Mdnoii HunW'ii him kindly natert-tl KJIIIC of III* i-enumnl (riciuU by \<King tlicni will. liiuKlxunti en tit's ot <uwtn-1, nllipitnrN mi t!ii> Vim

Tlio ConimtttMJ t.f tliu V. P. H, V. J2. VT,to Ornugo toon to ojraiuiiia oil organ foi- th*?

llev. HolIItislicd tviit Jia'acb a wriiiondfty A. M. on "Thu Bunilny" Allwiirhoi's uiiti idk-i'B Itivitul t) bo \>reM!ut.


"\Vi)rl( IMr. B.

H 0 P A T C 0 N 0 .rnjiiillj- nt LnVo View,

( I ' U U i lf and Ttiuralayat thu Aincrknu

' Sim. KL-ton, ot Me,h Jlri'Igc, tian bain vldl-Inglier dimsliUT, Sirs. M. V.Kerry, 'tllB Utvt «H'I(.

Mibs Grace U« has rotumol lo Newnrknfter luivlog cujoyod a iilwiiont vacation ,tier bunio.

Ctnidtictor II. M. Hftuda is rcrovoi iuj; froB Btvero nttnek ul La Urijijio, lint Is nut jutMo to Wko chnrpj or lib train.

Misscn Uiu Andurson ami Kimna I<oo amiMauler \VI11 Uonluu atteiidetl tlm t<ozatninatiuD, at Jluver, liut ftataiilay.

Tbara wore tiu wrviccx a t Uio church last(Hitiutuy, as liuv. i l cLunu vviuicalks! to lltii'd-tomi to ntt«iid rt f uiiernl.

Jliore will bo ft l>uslii<i<« nicetiiig of tbe Up-worth Ldigiia at tliu ulimvu on Fclilnjr ovw

Mr. Witt Naitiu, trbu lins bc«ii i-lcrkiug k7>nng'Ioii it ^'auUorlxvk, lion tisfgapd UUjNMltl'in and la now ivlth J . J . Uutftlvu ntM t 1'Iwiflai.t, Mr. Will Kelson, ol Flnndore,lina tukou his pUco hero.

A einuil company BJWinlilL'datllotolllrosliny oventng awl were very iikaavully.1 by Ur. and Mis. rmiNortivlck.

BOIIID ot ou)' young ladlm are tokfug ICKSUIUin daudnj,' and an eagerly looking furtvnrdto n party that In to bo givoa in this vicinityIn llie w (ulure. T, I>. ami H.

Mr. 0. H. Bmitli, tlioflg&itnt tlia C. H. R.denot, hu. a ravcro attack ot tlio grippe. II gnua.

Tbo operator at N'aUu's Paint lutca<U takinga vacation tlifa eotnliig week. Mr. HarryMiltor, of Flanders, U to art as tils substltuto.

Tlio ico season Is uver at Nolan's J'oiaL. Tliount shij<p«l lg about 2, TOO cars, containing

0Q Urnnot lo which i l tb m t

a M r Hinu, inl

i! tlLio out ot ciirloaity «iat nUjhi: to beUiiaHioiutw). Mr. Hill, o(

lle, W l prouitM>d him lailMtilly tuit tliat evening and ilo l ie b l i ia» tbDUgli hi) would nut cvttliuve v.nuW uut bo

liicu Lo tsald thatJuyaud came bou

t i

tcbisd ai went U>

tlio miutttter uuu not Betting enough salary,lie eamwbnmu aiul niinouiiccd hU couvl&limid tsuld ho nun u iliing tu Miurllico Uio BII«Iin bi« wlFoo. Uii <>lda>t> boy sold ho woumt-tittwj ttie milk, and hta oUior boy talii. IMould wicrlfiL-c tlio hall mackerel, becnuse he*liil not like them uuybow, at wbich everybodyJnu^liui, ut cuurw, 'liwii hu SUHR a liytusi,during tlio tinging or tvliicti ho atik'wl all *otulil hi tig it liitart))/ tti arltiu. 1 never thJng, heartily <ir mi)- other vay% muoli, MI Inut ntill. " You may think you «re a Clirit-tiivsi uuil tlnvt't U«MS I S Mnnd tip," salii Mr.Hltawgur, "but it In a K'KM! xoy to dlsowuCiiritit oil the tjamu.1' Vou have a right toyour n|ifniou, boss. THU iu a ( « e country.

llfss HUHOU "Wills, blsUir or tliu Ut« J.Buwnril Wllla, died Builumly at litr borne laBUnhopa on .FrJilsy evening nt "o'olocV. Sho

o hairk from Now York «o Ttiurwliaj ntawl on l'citlayUtii huuiiy mipiwrJura stnJfutlampUiuliuLL|iuuttoll

xpfn-d. Anno wasS of ago, ed

dta (

went into onotiiorudmiiiiigbackr,Htltl "Oil! AuunJalL-r. MissWillutitl and reHn«l, and

d t h\ a t ycurx f ago, edu an r ,leaves u large drcta o( fdeuda tu mourn horlr^s. Kvcryhody In 8Uuilioi>o know her.Wliomver there won slclcutm or'sorrow uliewin suro to bo tlioru, Jf any wen siek andt t b U d i t i i k J I I d

o ru,[ r to buy Uii> duintiua Willa taiw that tho l l

y know ft e

lick Jgut Uiure o

d th fg

H .Miss Wills and the ty . AcerLilu Itutclicr talli Iion-sbo poiJhim (or two years for the meat supplied aci-riaiii family Bomo years ago, ami nobodyliiiOH It bul Uiu liulciiorandtlietainlly. TrulyImr's wa* the tlnuit)' that vfluntoth not itself.Ami the fuut-'riil BvrriciM, wlifi-li took ploco ntlioi"Into litiiiiean T.iwiluj, »t'J:!IO I'.M., 'us (Jinplo as licr lifu, i'hsre wiw DO sfnglne,Itov. 1. II. Comlit rend a couple of very np-

a UyiuiiHl i

p y pi Uio tiurla.1 ecrvlce ufiltytcrian Ciiurch, tlioro wns n lir/of

mil all tbat iKutmorUilot Busan U i l hHiis forrioil frum tlio house to tho licursa bytliu i«lt t*nrere-A: II. Cape, T. J . Knight, J .II. CosS, II. I-. l i t t t , J. 1>. lAvrrenco andauotlitr—mid Ixirmj to Uie Htonlinjw UnionCcuiotory for intermeiit, Ttm ctukot wascovcKd wilU tlowenc, Ucawttful flowen, thatGbu HU loved iu life.

Thu HJIHIIK eholl canio ttgniunud t!iwflowershhall I)]iH)in nguin.11 i iut when simll Bfirlng visit tlio mouldering

0 whou shnll day dawn on tbo nigfit of tlio

is j Klio vtlioae form and face liftsboon BO fwuI liar to us Las gone to be the Ruestut O(xl lor tbo balance of eternity and weshould rojulee In her tnuiekUou rather thantnottrn her IDKS. Blio lias laid down life'* bur-den. We plod on, waiting until we are called.Good tiyo. Itafulesoat In pace.

Littler I). BittclJ, of Stanhope, who nowWUMRCUOOI tttI<<>unUka,liiVBirvwii\wlnolico

of his flpjMifutmotit to u jxisIHon In tho (JuatomitoiiHo, Conk'mtulutloiis, Luther, If VavhHatu only auccetxU in getting ns good W.TV&HUhereof lor as Wr. lltawUtbo Civil Sarrfcw He-form Uomui!sj*ii)c will bo wortlt nil It coats,

nd muro too.Clms. Serlpttire, of .Milton, was In Blaoliop*

I Hiinlay. The boys were glad to GOB liim,Bo was I.

Clotlilor l l lwl. of SUiuhopa, has luogtheuetlIH store about iM (cot, wlik-li provw that the

Btaiiliopo ]WHplu appreciate their cloUiivr,Tlie Ulirlatian liudeavorer* ot tlio Stnubo|nireabyterlaD Cliuroh will hold their uxualninthly wjfinl at tho |nirsoiui{ce oil Tuesday.'onliiu uf uoxt wDc-lt, ilorcb JOUi, to wh"

1 ^Iled. Adiiiifflii

BOONTONMr. A. K. Diu-Uer txod &U» Ada Gum):Uiu[lixl liut Saturday", matinr« a t Daljliunlre, «<->r Vorb, uiid xaiv his well}vsioa ot" «<;hut.| fur Hcamlal "Ur. W. J. K<>j-Dur will S-K.U yjR.n a bramini nffice at JJl-jwuiiigiliilf, vbltiug it

day a week.

ut in lute evctiius* in thfl city, luujilaccd bhutiM in West Buonion cii MBIO aud will wxi

unovebli rajnllj to Jeiwj- City.Friday evi-niug n v w j eulbu

ir^dy nttuiiJttJ luooting tu unjuulw a Iduf T w l o wa» lieltl In Hi))>k.UH' Hal). Itifllied to orifcr with K. IJ. l)»w«in urn Viiair

h. Unrrlwu Hwrretury. Mr.WmSinttti, lUauu^cr of tUo Iuteicbu.EmUe'"Worts, oxjilaltirf tho ohjuct for wlMi Itcalled, whlcb lu miluUiiice w u to organizeDannl uf TIWIL-, nhene duty wuvUl IM to twothe Iiite!f*t» of tbo town by uliowing up to t

'arid Itx wuuJorful advunLn^pawater iwwer, location, etc.,to iudut» manufiturore to eomo liere, iutroduce anil push

- \mx vUfcii wuuM bemtlt tmil leut. totho wcifuro of tho town, etc. He

althoiifjli a ctimiaiirntlve stranger in tovri

udvaiitafft^i (mt it

l by fuw towns,tri l d

f { , i y ,could not help but tr ing lucreMed and piniRiiont prosjiority to thu town if tliey weproperly biiown uj). Dr. Brown, memberthu Buaitl ut Tnwlo, of ElUabatli, tlion tplninixl the worklngif of tbat orgtmiitttloc, aitlis many ftnyu in whleh it had ierv«d tti itet o( that c t t j . After which the Uitu

ii'ownuptitifordlBcuMloD, wbenvigowore nuiuu by M. N. Coudit,J. H, Kuliuon, II. hujanotit 1l th b i h h d t lUvurom autl uthera, g

uHlmwa in the iiinlorlaldog. A mattotbuu carried for Ihu CLainuau pi

nnnltttio |he anil the Uccretury to beeluded) to draft e, cousUtullon anil a. set oflaws and prewut them at their next IHMUITLoIoIluwiJigKetitleiiioiiHXTOflfpoiuttti:M. HmlUi, J. B. Huluiou, EUla (i, Myere,llomuiuuJ, J, K. Varrngli, CiuuloulJroclcauiW, C. lioonft, Tlio moeling was then adjuuriml to tncot again Monday evuniiiKi ManUUi, a t tlio EODID place.

Ou Tuesday thu bouse and lot known a sanuell place, Grook street, jiu<iahovn IFn

Uiro, was put up tor sa!o aud was boughtcmfiiicU Cilllen for flfiOT;Tuesday oveiling the Itapublicaa prima

vius liulil ht Hopklu'B Hall, with Kills G. Myi•s Chainnnn, and tlie following ticket wilouilualed for Boon ton township; TowosLI

Clurk, G. t>. Crams; Assuuwr, Jo*. BtevontoCollector, John L. ICauouse; Burvoyor of tUtgbwars,mwardBtli-kloaudA.MTblU-liTownulilp Committee, Tuos. Byard; CotuUtilouers of Appeal, Abrabaui VreolatM U l l H d JobuBoU; Justice ot

bbThe brick liouui oil tho lull, known an

Bt«(!lioa I'eavn place, IVM put up for coleFriday. Tboro were sereral would ba picli&Eers co»fifquont]y bidding was lively, *it was bought in ty Edward Laureucot13,300.

John Votfiton bus Iwugtit tlia houao and•hen ho is no IT living, ou Kircb strait,•near aiyoru, for f2,'XK>.A morcliiiiit tollor front Dov»r will soon ol

a clothing utoroin thosaiaobuildlufi fonnorJjoccujded by Copt. Plant, ID tbo uatna linebtldOQBfl.

yy ,15 wots. Tlio committee promfse a good pro-

jpirl}00Q Urnnot loo, whichnlifppetl iu 18J!l.

Tlio Union N

, , nguicewla tbe amount

am making arrrnngo-nipnl* nt tho fjite for enlarging tlm ntmnl. Iwondor wlio will bo uumager the coining

STANHOPE.r ^ n m l Q n d t f M a d v e r U v c d to

a plats in tha nolgliboricg township of AILOlive. QOOTKO McMlcWo, ot tills, Ujmm,

' t o w h i I l W J J f t h i J;; Olie. QOTKO

' towjuhip, I m i l o n o J K w y f t h iTha articles iwlU brought Tnlr priece.

1 • • ' TUepeopto of Uita jilace BDI\ vicSntty were„„_ imniwiwwaiwio.,, uiwutflgra uarfl or tne

: l i f 8 Wlliloatli of BMSJW Wills on tbe evouiug previous.No doubt I). J. will give full particulars ufthis sudden death, theroforc we will etty vath-IHR mceiit 4 gintl CUriBtian wimnn has passed'away to her eternal reward from among tig. iTruly tlie gtod nloiis nrogront No funeralsermon tviu iiroochwl, ndthor m there tiny

at her funeral service, tbe oiorclnoaj^g va\y ul pniyft? ami Ui» reading of

Scriptures, us eba bad roqucsUHl at differentUmia while living.

The Stanhope mines cloml lout Saturdayfor want of tu» for the ore.• The Bynun townablp caucus will tnlie placeat Caw's hotel In Blonuope ou Batunky after-noco uf thla week. Two BOI-O liendti aro at UieIKJUCBH of this moveniunt, David J. mvcaritig* complete revolution shall (olio place tuidBam. h. that all tlia "old uui" must go.They havw sbout no iwuct influcuco as B Uea,Dare having Iwen hauncad lust Hpi-ing, atitl8am. has never been able to get In oilliThoir cbier denlro being to tun out two of t.lowii commituo farlmposlag liconsea ou

The QUO ..umlmUu mmlvornary Qicaiorblservices of tho deatb cf Jotm Wraloy will 1»belt! ID the Btanbopo ii. K. Church next Sab-bath, IxragUraUiQ coma ot the faumler of

. Uetlialb.ii,The Btannopo lock up busuo store in It,

lieitiier bftfllt hod any ocouiianla yoL finnmtcsifl Ut Uunk it not a paying liiatitutiun, butBaa «iy» wait till tlie weather gata wannur.Then you will see, Awicoa.

. The King Bwa.U.efMiouaVirtfnui MIn-: Urels, give an entertainment la Buckle's HaU

•'. fiatunlay nighL. JUuch iatflrwt is manifested here reganlinff•;' lbe comloff towndiln election. Au effort will

be made to nomlcnte and elect a public, tnirit-«] wjraralttooDian who is jiledged to use bif

. «(tort»fwr bettor roads, -which are now hi a-, dp,i?lomblo couditlon.

Sap't IVm. Soentlebnry l«ft liocknwayHoliday. morning for rbUtitw.lvjrs. t&Unfwith him a new improved safety bicycle, tobe placed on oxhiblUon Uiere. It In claimedt« ho the beat safety ou tho market.1 Tho correspondent front Port Ornrn fur the

' MorrU Gouuty Journal but V lf l l h

At our school meeting, ton days attar tonitwUiig, will be cunslitGrod whether the school

district will raise 8250 for tbaiiUrpofie of keep-ing a f reo school all the year, and also whetherIhoy Yfillmi»o<J5,(100forbnn(ling aiiew* schoolhouw. Uur tonn is growing, you see, andthe children are outgrowiug tlie rapacity ofUie neat Uttfe chapel wWtU tlie milrwul com-pany WHS good onoueb tobujldforjtsemploy-eos, and fur which tltoy (tbo employeoi) pay Ifc«nUp«r annum root. TlicycaasUUttseitaBschajwl it tha Bdool dlntrkt will agree to build

' ib Uiousauil dollar school house, otrulr aiiie of the canal,before mo volume 1, No. li, of tht

Uratid lUvers Uornld. Do you know wharoGrand Rivera 1st WhyitiflawuydoimlnoldKontuclty, where Henry Wattersou and thestAt-oyod goddess of liberty live -, wUere thanare VI veinj of coal on tbeOrand IlaVers_£oin-,pnny'» r>mi»ertj, each Iran flvo to' serraJeoiUini.autl m< ranimVly .OQHM AS to lie nilliodwitli great proilt; where they make cokeI'lik-b (dioirson nnnlynis aver D2i«roentofnixcil carbon, being higher in carbon and

lower in sulphurtoan tlie ConnellavUle colto,now- tbo etoudard of excellence mnong Amcri-caoironnHmufactuNrt; -wherA they are build-ing new irowturo&ce*, vuailer tha supervisionof our J. U. Searlo, with nil tbo modern Im-

IOBUI; wlmre tieitj la a ledge of Jhue-•Itblu an« mile of the furnace* Kid with-

in leas than two tufln tbo Iron ore crops ant;where tbo Cumberland and TeDnatmM riverseomo within tiro miles of each other lad bothnavigable to that point; whore the GrandlUvers Company liavo Uinw inillion dollarsiucestod, and where there are $750,009 invest-ed in fumarea, of which latter Mr. J . M.S«irle, late of thu UuBuouvleoag IrauWoriu.ofttlnnliope, is Hu[>orintaU.dout, and whichiaclaimed to U tho oonW of the United Stattfi.Tito J'reslirtcrlaiiSare going to build a. churchthere—a tine brick church at that-and the

TROY SII.LS,Tho sociablo that wot held last Tuoeda;

DVeuliig at ttis Isouso of IVmloy Bouilne wafairly atteadixl, FrcwcftlrV for tlio (wuttQtour justor. All BOQUKMI to enjoy tlietusel1itigcly. After mipjwi'niugliig and wsloct reiii(i» ua« the tiriloi' of tbo ofoulug. The dui

by Chan. Leouarti and William Webb

Jl» Bald oMhe • i b r t ' n S n e Ly J«Herring. Prominent a t tbo gutteringnoUwdClms. Leonard ami wife, Via. VTand wife, Harry O'WIeU aud slater Katie,,many othon* liad we tluie aud BJIBCW to copy.

Harry Qulmby and wife aro homo yialtlngltix iwronta nt Jlfllsoy town.

flow tbat it is a Bottled fact that ourpastor,L. E. (irilTeth, leaves us in the tinring, it ii tobe aopod that wherever ho inny be consignedthat ba will ue greeted will) as many -warmliearta oa he loaves sad ones behind him. andmay God spued him In nil his Christian work.

Frlnuds of ours are in reciopt of a moraorklcard of Mist Carrie B. ifonland who diedMorrtstown, Mov. BHb, ia». agod 17 yearn.IVo wish to thank the donorfor thla lovlug re-nionibranco, but liad wo uot rccoived It thetender cord* of luve tlttvt hiu bound us to ouduar departed Carrla oau novor he forgi

Josophua VanderhoiTs littlo girl, who wasdangerously ill last week aui under the tnaVniont uf Or. Cooper, is coavnlesuliig.

Vfo learn tlist Batnuol It. DoMott intemligtviug; u]i fnrralng In tlio Spring oud go in tllrory buafaoss, but where wo did not learn.

Ted Mtirphy'ii dog, that was bitten eomitinjfl ago by another, hmiioff gone mod anilIs running at largo. This it a large mastiffand at any Urns U a 'vicloua brute. Thisvicinity will breatho a sigh of relief to learnof the dog's demise.

We ore pleated to note that Fred, Tomulthu1

Iftle child, wbo ha> bran 111 for soms_tlm^J>

r saya tVoy v&nt mUonklb l l d dwlli h

banks, huses. M


hotels,tbuslnws bloclfs and dwelling houses. Men

killed by the earn down thare too, and an t.toria.1 lathe paper saju. "The attempt to•top tbo sale of wbJstey seoius to be one ofthose tiiinffa (hat li Impossible to occoinpllili.In Jowa tbo rrotitbltlonisU have eUrte*l aLTusado ut Port Dodge, but after they oreworn out in spirits mulcasn thojoluhj -willsUlt bo thw-e. Tbatisalw 'remit »f such crusades." _

Htate famoui for blue eraas Anil bourbon

I see Duana Searle, who ured to be eagbodiqiatcher here, .Is,dovi^ at Grand lUvers

Ing wo learn that Jacob Young,inUalseytotrn, Is very ill and

destitute circumstances, roar old Jcike.&ai* commonly culled hy every oue, la an honest,hard working colored tiiiui, and now thstoMago la almost ready to gather him home ueclaim tha charitably dlspoeedofUila vicinity•honld look after poor Jtlte, end tvbouU h idetulw oome we can rest inured that wo havetlono a Christhn nd. For ho that gtrotlitho poor lendotfa to the Lord.

We notice on our joumoys to Fox Hillfield cf ram yot to be nuaked. While thefanner ia losing his corn the crowa ore gaininga good living, . .

Frtoads from Booatoa made •> friendly calllast Babbnth on Uiss BannAh J.t S a a h on Hiss Hannah J, Uallisan.Hlsa Halllgan m formerly from Boonton,whore ehe left man j « * " "

MOBEIOTOWlf,Miss Louisa Penman, stamp clerk, has beei

rattUncd by FoM«mutor 'Ycrangblood, whohaalso appointed Miss Latin. Clan as mail dark\fe aro very glad to MO our old friend, Wt"rowu, hnck la his farroor phvw as bead der

J. K. Coalface loft thiadty fcr Binghamton,K. Y., wtaoni ho will go ID the flsh, fruit andoyster business. MOKBTD. DcGroot & NeaMtt,will coutinuo Uio lioslnees hero, which Ihey

lova at Oiwe Punno 1

y c p i u sOf young men loailng on tha coruniit and act-ing In A disorderly manner bare In Hockaway

' and thinks it U a dtngv&cu to the town -when'. tlioja&roso many jMiIoo and dttoctfres. It's

n fact, It is a disgrace to tiie town, but it li a, mistake about Uicru being potlco hare for

there li none TIs true than an aereralB t t e t U \ b. , y n p y f m n iUiBtomi, al though tbeyare perfectly vllllng totake care of tho town if provision Is imdeto pay them; but U»o joamiiit nmemktrthat llockaway hi no tod for poor roads andsldcnrallu, street lamps and no police protoc-

Colgate, the map man. Somo day the Southwlirbe cheering for Bill MoKtnley; D, J .

ilr. -W11L Melwn, of IWebjti, li . C , whthaa boon spsuding nearly a year with bis uncle,Mr. David A. Nicholas, of tbii place, ha* ao-ceutod a podtton ot Mlnairiak uid lef t f ortimtplacetboilrstofthoweek. BowillbogrcaUymiswd from t ie Fn*n>vtflrian Cliuich midtint scclBl drclm of tho village.

Tho Itov, Mr, Ojjdyke, and Mr. Totter, ofPort Onun, addressed Uie tarmtra In tbo hallon Monday evening.

The pASt two weeks there has been no meet-ing ol tbe PleaMnt Hour Circle, on account ofthe Btonna aud couteu,uent bad roods.

The flret of the week there wugood akatinf

csLwdoCUv.BonitacaIsaao Knti said nt private aalo on Tbunda;

Ot hwt week the stock of Roods daimued bv flnIn his oU aUi« uu Full Muce,

Ur. ltobort Carter gave a iwoption to themojulwn of Ur. Butphen's Bible Clan ot theSouth Street IVtMbjtariaa Church, a t hlahome, No. !» J mufalyn etreot. Mr, Cortor•JRlstaMr. Suti>hen In Uie worV of bit daswhich now number* about eight member*,very pleasant evening was spent, In wbltspeaking and. music were feature*. MksWelch, assJated by her father, Dr. Welch,greatly entertained tlio company nllhvocal renditions. Itefreebmanta were sei , .and all departed ivJthtlioleolingUiftt they hadpassed an evening of great enjoyment.

Morristown LodRe, K. of P., No. 121, aiUiulr laut uuwtlug conferred toe three rankson several and received an appUcaUoa fortoembeti Tlits lodge is still growing,

ugh ha fee for throe ranl» is now (1The K. I t & S. received the charter last Satur-d d it ill b t d t b l

tiiit.h tha fe

—Frirtay-ll H P

i Kiree's pond, andsecond inches thick, wakfiboutos.

Walnestejit and stowed Jo

HEW VEBN0XT.Last Saturday morning wat the coldest of

the Winter. SomeUionnoinotennuu-kcdtero-;_- nod other* 2* above. 'Wo have Imd two or: . three enow (ttorms and jusC now tbo ileighuiG;:'- ISgOOtl.- - The Rev. Ur. IlvtweU prenched bii faro-

well BBiroon in the M. E. Cbiuxi lost Bonday.HB will Bpend a short time with his relative*

.'•.; .In Canada, ami them go taCbioaun.niIssIi»i.

.; - ' • ; a r j r . - . •"' ' • . •; .". " Tto.Bev." l l r . Murgntroyil Is p a b h i K a;•• aerie* of sermon* on "Ths ilounUiaiot the', ; Blblt"\ .* Ur. John Other and daughter hove been hi. WnahInifton,D.C.,forafewdaya.

. ; ' ISx. Uorlew has not forgotten hu friends:.- here, and often pajs them a flying visit

' Smith Wiboo died loat week 17cduesday. : morning, and tra> buried hero on Friday,

. Tbonuu Todng died TueaUy night of thu: week. Both bod paasod tho allotted period of

V three • a r e and ten, and hiul for toatr/yeon-. ' lived in Fanafo towtuhlp.

'.'•.-' Harcfa come In like a lion.The Consecration meeting of the Y. P. a D.

. E. was lield in the chapel an Monday evealcg,. :':Mftrcn 3d.' .'• The B5n([ing claiM in prcgreflsing finely under

tiw leadership of Prof. Bono.•''•''. "We bear Chu. Alpaugb. oxpecla to move ou

;^"0MHt tWKte tu l n in the near future. .':• '•- Don't "forget the Jliwlan Band sodnblu to-

ulgbt (Friday) a t J . M. Crater's. Drlng a, lemon with yon.' Un , S. IS. Corwin has been quite sick, bati i better at this writing.

,:. ,2Irg. B. J . DeCamp uiableto be ground again.'::-, -Him Annie Crater has returned Iran her

lriE '

A fvurborBe-loadattended tho Masonic re-ception st Chester on last Friday evening.Ur. and Urs. F. T. AVoodhnll, llr. and Ura.J. Lnrlson, Ur. end Atrs. Harry Cartnor, air.and Mrs. Hubert Trice and M a n , B. II. Dor-land end Joba Doering,

AIIM CArrio Ditkcnon ia spending a fort-night with Mrs. James McCoIlum, of Glad-stone.

Sir. J. W, Farrow Is ipeullng the week inSlew York elly.

Mr. nnd Mr*. HTllllani Coleman are. apesd-Ing a few days on their farm.

Several horsM avrawlby UT. *WU], Trimmerare to be off end at public auction in a fairdays at Stone's Hotel. They arrirod on Tuet-day.

Mr. and Ma. Theodore Woodliull have re-tamed to tlielr oU home In this place after aCaw years residence at Dover. Tb&ir ninn;friendi oonllally welcome them.

Miss Emms. Bice, daQgbUr ol Q« Bet.Henry BIco, of Califon, spent a i«rt of thoweek us tho guest of Uiao Ada Larison.


MORRIS PLAINS.Mr. O, ReUly, of this town, and his sister,

of Uorrutowu, attended a wedding In thametropolis on Thursday o( b i t wees.

11 be presented to tha lodge tfafling by our worthy Past Chan-

"lOwasthft Hepre-X . Y Z

I. P. Eodermaa, who wie to the Urand Lodp.

Lart week was one of removals.Mr. Thomas went to Stanhope on Saturday

taking his family with him We wish him

Tbere is a now organist here and tber Bar' b Kuraa. I bite not learned

V . Kin Aniilo Meeker, of OrMfio. is visitlcgst"Mr.JotkhMoekar's. •• : •

Wm* Crrrio a a l AUle Cmter wnv theBBataQt Mill Ltrfte Corwln, on TuejdoT «ft h l k l

hiswhether be Is another professor or not

Measrs. Brown, Deton, Oreen and Kelley,mjoyed ihemaeWea very much on Saturdaylast wbtlorisltJDg tbe dty of Fateraon.

HUM Logan, wbo left here about two monthsgo* owing to W health, h u nuuniftd to work

with u» again. The yoonff ladled feat pnradto have her among tlem ones more. Bhe ha*improved wonderfnlly.

Mr. Johnwn, Superintendent of the Morrisrliim Bumlay ichool, oondactod tha meetinfios Sunday evening. Tbe portor Is not abl«to be BTuuud yet.

I co.w llr. Cbarla Jonta ilnglag la Umei urdi choir on SaiuUy night. They M T haliiu Joined In with them.

lira. P. Mftloy, who h u been spending th»wlntar month* at IVuhington, D, a , has re-tanwd n«re to bar remrner reaidemeA. Juttaa awn to .the nne wenther comes all of oarnobility will return. It U rerj barren ir. fiairlatw, but very p l e u u t In tbe nuonier whenthere is Iota of company.

ftadlw' B u r i T r i VMtla t Oardl.UtHt HTki al Ut I K » I u COM.

Ur. Swrgeant moved Into t i eHr. Uimsan ZoliiTs.

Mr. Qeorgo Cufl h u lett Mm. Rldianl* atbo city h u DOT beoome hta home Socato you, Qtotge.

A stray canioo wo» in town, t u t no moddog report) as j e t

A new family have refilled the house MrHomos moved out ofIfr, John CaB took bis family to Brooklyn

UicretonwkstieirbormUr. Ball has morod and onoa man the Port

s but half filled.Tb« water company1! lewm and wagons,

used in carting; the large pipes, have securat> renting place at Un. Richard, stables.The men. h*.v«f moved into th« home occu.

pled formerly by Mr SargoantVx%. Kachol ZeUff li ao* with lira. Cuff,

her dftnfhter, a t Brooklyn- • £dJth Allison has been visiting hor

oara happy to note thedltlon of t i e Hefonn Churth. . ..„Sunday school Is connected Blxwent admitted on Sunday last Twoyouna'mm and two yoang ladlaa npcm oonfenion olfolui, and two by letter

Barbara Swgar, who faaa heen w r y HI, weare glad lo hear is recovering

Mr. Fred, Hiker, of Qoboken, ipeatBimdarwith relaUvea in this place.

Mra. John lovre and hernaaghtora, Daisy

Sylvester Bolter onA number of attandsd ths social

jeetiagOf the Frea Uuocs of Chester lartFriday evening, they a y they had a veryidwuantUrae.

Ur, Otto Stiunpf, of this place, has flnlahadUs luit-jrtor a t tbe long- Utuid MedialCollege, of Brooklyn. TVe on glad tostw himamong us again.

ThepnblioKbPol will g i n a nftnfflrarcaifMdahle Friday evening tfarch 6th, at tharaddnice of Sir. Thomas Post

afadaraw gowdp vaj% ibo i i ountanplaUng aiatowntlnl7U), .itarsh is vidttsf Mends in Newark

uidRMevitifi. -Jiim Julia Stniapf of this pluo, aod techar[Ml,RoseBcboo., iihono an a tiro weekj

Tacatlan. Rone .

KIDDLE VAXXS7.Mud, rain, mow and utaaslos seem to be

tbe rage now-a-dayn.Mm. I j u u l K i

I d d lttitt. Carlisle ia vtoltivg witli fikodi

Gfxmou Vallfy.13, C. U'tiiyj U learning telogi*pby of Q<

8. DulTurd tit the home oi the fetter,Mbm Lulu Farrow intent A day* k i t wei

Yittilinz witi borauat,iIre,E. D, N«U|at German Valley.

TbelLer. Uelu, f/UUierani]^ui.tor atQermiVol ley, iireaciiix] a very interesting wrmontiiotKJjool bouDo iu thfii place Bunitay aJU

UJasAddiaNelghlMiur b a i i ^ n troubledunia time part witli a stiff neck, but is,

flad to tay, itnproTlng,e are glad to we t iat Mr. EUJah UulTorr',ba* beta oonOool to bis home with s

lame liscb tor tomb tiiao, U lUile to walk vtowu with the aid of o cone.

Mrs. Jotnot Foster ii bewailing Ha lornsoina of har henutiful bouse plant*, whichaccount of a window being aocJdtmUy- wu.werafniMuouFrirtaynlgatOtlMtwt

Ljuum Ador move*I (mm the S r a j u boislwcioktoUia one belonging to JohnK "

bour, lately occupiod by Dan'] Convertlilxa Klce, of Birtloy, spout a day hut

visiting withhor UroUier, P. W. K(oe.Vie were much pleoaod to soe the uniiiugico of "ffm. Dellicksr. of BIgh Bridge, uuong

u* not long ahioo.L. U. Trimmor, Dr. L. Parrow, H. F. Du

ford and Anthony Trimmar wero Appointedbuililfng oommlttoe on tha new bail. Woiwas commenced on the building lastTbtiredi

we Boon hope to benble to boast ol asA public IULUBJ OUT lister tvuwns. About i' aa been ralwd toward ilw now euterjirlae.

Ur. AnJrew Lunger, miller for L. H. Triimor, had his right hand terribly lacerated 1bolng caught In some machinery about tlmill, Ed. Trimmer, who had hii hand tinto BBverely nt the same mill, Is Improvbi(laely.

A party of ladles froiu this place. o m _ _ -IMr*. J«LP.Apgnr, MM. fa. E, HolTinao,

Mrs. 0. Jr. Alpaugh, Un. A. Trimmer iMrs. L. Farrow, were tbe guecta of Mn,D. Nanghrlght at German Valley on Tliu'ayoflnntffook.Q. 13. Durrord, wbo has been alliug uinue

lost minatrel Dhow, has lud a alight rebjwhut he IB mush Improved nt this writ!' able to be around.

Ur, John Ilulmcr has built a very uoaboard walk betireen tha residences of hlnuelami Dr. Farrow. "Why do not the poople aWain street fix Uio aidewalki along that streo<It is nearly Impossible to get through the inseven, before their front gates. We are ILthat strangers pausing through would havebatter opinion of the town ind cltirena if thiwas done.

We were veiy much surprised on plckli, n copy of tho Morris County Journal <

last week to soil tbe ataUtusnt that Midll'Valley supports one bar with a Deniocratftprcjirletor and Itepubltcitu bartender. Wifeol contpelled, iu ordor to do justice to oupretty UKJe hamlet, to Inform the Jouraathat nlthaugh we do not consider ourselieperfect hy any mams yet, when such B. atatmeat at thli la pnbUslwrf, v e t t n e o mtloualy and epphaUcalljr say i t is f«tae. .hope thD Journal will corn»t this error, aig m t error it ia. VILLAOK UHU.

POET OBAV.Jolit\ Bjiurr ivnd Jobu Ralph left here ftIkhlgnn on Wodatwlay of hut wwlt, an

lire. Kalpli left for England on the urns dajHarry Hocking is able to reuiou

again after an attack of In grippe.Tlia entertainment given under the auspica

of Hopocoa Tribe, No. 68, Imurored Order olIUd Men, in K. of P. hall, but Saturday ev«ning, wna ft decided tucceu. The hall wai wellnilod, sud It was an enjoyabl« affair. It con'sletod of singing;, InBtnimontal mutdo anilfarces. Tbm will not penult us to give ;lietaltod report, but one and «1I partioipatinidid credit to themaolves, and won great tplaUso from tbo aiidieoce. There Is oua C<

•e that occurred that we might rmmtfon a_it!» tho last farce, which was given bj

"BigSIr," which was one o( thoir own gelup, which won for them great eulogy. Ibgeneral make up iesooondtononeoIUjefuxeithat ore In book form. Mr. H. h. Dunhamalso did good esrviou In plajbg some wleo-tlons on ths violin. TbaprooaedaWdbavanoilearnKi as yet,

HojieweH Lodge, No. W, K. ol P., hai hadaiMtlier dispensation to confer the three ranksof Uie order for the sum of six dollars for tbeapace of cue j « r . Lart FiWay night thislodge conferred tbe rank of Page ou w e ncandidates, the rank of Esquire on throe Pigos:imdthorankofKjiigUottonaEsqiilre. Theylove received sines January 1st about twenty--members. Hay the good work go on.


ATwalvd Per OentmaduotloB.i been made in Comfortables, Blankets ancWInleriUwk at tbiBee Hive Store, Donr


im luuiHE, Oi l . CLOTH, MVTT&BSSEP,i » D BEDDING, ,


Buoxwsu, Bi., Dov»»,M.(Sat to Paria & OlarVk)


POST OBU, K. J.. Utreh Blh, 1891.W a u F . B w i . '

Alhrf yimmons,

ToobUIn my of tbe tbove IcUtrkt BM "*fl'rfiri!ied"inilglra date or this fist. ..

TfM. B. TONHma. P. H

)LIVKR-KENWEDY-At tho K. E,fxra&ge (a Rackanay, Pob. 2f" *

•WDL McCain, Francis Oliver.

KING—J0NEB—Feb. SGth at we rwmei


27Ui,Mr*. _ _ ^BUaebanl, dee'd, aged 73 years, v monUw,and 14 day*.

SPECIAL NOTICE—Wo » u , t u i iwuitluthis town to sell rasdjr.nuuJa dothlD? fromsamples. Liberal oommiMicins, Hicarrr .OABIURT & C0,t Manufuctuwr* And Eetai- 1roodTOy*ndC«n«lSt.,NewYorkcitv.

QIELWAKTED.To do general bouaeww*. Appl^ftt

• Da i w. coNDicrrs,Froapect atnet.

• Dorer.H.


» m 1^ Bflll HuUding,)GAR,"

WANTED.SoueliMUitogetoiittlM for tba u

roal ooir bulHtaj at CUdnll.


W. 1KAVHT ft CO.EaaaxOo. I ! I


FOR SALE.A STANDARD 0H0AJ1 c*»«d tba Seed-) Oiaan. I claim It ia on* of tbt aiort

Mid reed p)m crswia in tte dtT of Boon-Yesoriotudtrot Dover or vfetoltv

bonk of keys with pedals. It is sultablapngan will be mid cheap and on Oetncst sat-dltMtnrytenns,Ml hs.VBnoniefoT.t. It

- been in tut oolr si itort Unw and Is aid u » v F ^ T t w g told ue I wnUbis njune, and ha MJH that it is • good

rorl2i5wlllb.*O«Wg4Uu. ! „ .•een at any lime at tbt offies of

JluScti BAXMONP, Boonton, N Jto Tnoa, HJJWOKD, Dwnr, 9 3, H 4w

FARM FOR SALE.The underdEgned offers for ml* tbe f.rmnowa &> the wilwa w Crm» or B«rtleVu-t farmtjltnated la Brook Vidtyr n«tr to

th from Boonton, conUInlng »

180 ACRES OF LAND.. lsimdBr»Booa state of on]raiiott, the taUoc* b *ood %aA n»rafitaix>- It oontains tbe following Described

i n BmUlns No l .Kl iSfMt , winsItwfillitie AoTS, 2Sxi7, r r a n o l u wumiylBx^fee^ S4r^«3gJ«twlth

rniadatigoat. fiih or iccipond. Tha aboveEscribed property will ba sold draw and onlay tonnCond uyjwnoti who wants it good

tfitake If hadoe* not par-Applyta


J. j . VREEtAND,CARPENTER-"BUILDERlias nmovnd hta dfflce and sbnii to his newbuilding ou Blackwell strwt, uexl t o the Elec-tric Light BUiUou. Hu rvlunu tooukH furttve liberal lAtronago nf tbe post end willpleaitttl to we hla triwiU iu his tew place.

Contracts, Plans, HjiecillmUnaij aud Mate-rials furoUiied far every kind of work. Blatelloof*hdd la Uw best umutier unil JOI ' " '<"r, specialty.


IOWA Hwin taVe place e t Btono's Dotd, Flanders,

SATUBDA7, HAB0H 7th.1901, nt 1 o'clock P . M. Tlie lot Include*Bay llorae, 0 yearn vl<l, Id Lands high. OndrlTerantl worlior, m i g h t 1.2M; Hay Touin,

irs old, tine drirere, woiglt, S,HW>: DrowniJy H o r n a yean old, good aaddli>, lfl}i

l l r f B « n T o a t u , 15W hande, weighGUf I I B llfldrivergood


y y ,hnadililrfiijBro«nToatu, 15W hande, weig»,800; fiiy Horn*. lGUf IIMKIB, llnfldriver,goaotloc; fineClyde«bI»Kan!,GyefirBcl4,nidrirer weight Law woulil make a gotdriver, welghC Law, ffonhi make a goo1 - - '1V-. Black Hor*?, C > « » old, cliunk;..uuu, weight I .ISO, flue worker; flue LlttTeum, 6 years old, 14}i hands hlsh, niitablefor a grooeryman or butcher. The balance

1 Henry Draught, Tcivu w"l K«id Homrrf colon, flno driver* mid au extra I<-

_Jivf lml in any part ot Uio State. Comtloos will be niwu ktw'vu at sale, anil theluniol credit gfven, If tbo wotitlier in ver,


tlicSUtouf Mow luntjy, ftttbteloio i>f unti<nosa, Fob. !Gtb, 1811.

_,^~drarLi>v^0nredand tiusecuceuU. fl. Bond% t« soenrfl niri-iiUtlontttockt, «ottrWos, fliitiui, oto.Duo from approved rciK-rre nirouia,~ 'roraotlior N»tloD»l Uaiiti,

iuK lioaie, Fumituro and

OtUr ro i l esiito nod mortRSgoa

Current etpemea and U m i paid,

lilli orollior NiUnrnlBsnk",fractional CurrocoyJiocladiug







Oupltal fltoak|nU In8nrpltia Fund,Uurtivldod ]>Tofil<>ff»tlnnil Dauk notoE outs Unking,Dtvidm U iiopiid,Individual ilunoalls anb-

jcettoolieok. 611,-70,55Do&i>tid«eriiSc*>oB of do-

posit. 653,17OerilRed oheoba, US.79Oisbicr'B olieoltB out*


ToUI >810,028.lowJonoy, ) B

. I, Gooi-go D. JTookor, Caililer ot Uio ibovo-nunied bink, da nolemnlr s*r«ar that tho ahovoilitQtiient is traC) to tlm bo«l of lav IUIOT ' 's.nd heller.

<1EOME D. U£ESEn, OBIHubiorlhoU anil urorn to before mo. thi

8d daj ol M»rob, 1591.SvitrttT T. Smrii, Notarr Pnblio.


Fault. E. Bauou, t Plreoiori:I. B Joix«r I

is TOE ma wrskxx TO us oma B




MB. tABKY McEVOy,d ATncrlcn'f reprwwitttive black faced

honwriit ABTHVJft DEUINQ and

FMrlflss Parformers.

Matamoth B»»gs »»4 DNMC

An Ja.vala.Mtic ot Wit.

, itlc Concert daily at II .5 A 11by our splendid BILVMICOBMT B*KD Qrandstreet pontde by entire company at noon


R S S E H V E D 8EAT8, - • GOandTS






PraUuW-HXimT V KILLERVioel'reildfni-AUKBLIUH B nULL.

aodTreuanr-H T HULL

A&SCT&Itry lit, 1B31. «i,Ur t4sraH


RAZEE, CONNET& Co.Centril Dry GotM St#re,

No. 683 BROAD SI,,BatwMn Wart Park avid cWlr >U-

~ » • <AITRACnVE ANDpraOIAL' ' ,


Silk, Silk anil Wool,

R2SSIOB BMtnti jam oi* 1801

CKittOH 3d TO KA10H SOth,




SKIRTS, 59c. each. CHEMISE 59c, each.-,

Drawers, 49c. each. Night Dresses, 59c, each. Corset Covers, 49c, eac/i,

These are all NEW GOODS direct from the manufacturer, and we offtirstuem atthese prices to introduce the line in our Dry Goods department. „< 'i

t^sfi^,i. ^,We have also placed on sale a handsome line, of LA.DlES' Aii> MISSES'

APRONS, and a complete line of WHITE} $W9&i-ot~'&&W?i&.^'ii*J"



Oar •\Varerooiiis are crowded with tha NEWEST, CHOICEST 1most elegant designs in








REDUCTION in order to clear them out.Oar entire stock of WINTfiR CJLOTH-UVGuHistbe sold. J ' ", f<~- " " *



TAYLORtflisli Batters, (Holers a i F w


Hlia aaa.m.1, ••;•;•;:„,.-.-, - - - - 4S188 poiloto » 100,8S»,B»»t8 ' 1'i

^ Tt . i l A H B f a Aatai U T U # R O At VBaalEWalaaad IVmd and Bonsas . Ijiaiia, >HriHd Blatea Bond, ajrf other ararMei, . •- M . on Oollalei»T|«<«tl««» - • •

,. , l>.)iuia— for MM •towIHOBEaSEoimttrtol 1689, a» (ollni,baaMU. \ i* . ? * . ' • tlO,7S8«aai8 A-,!Ua«i»aonPo)loI«.«iilBorplM, 10«<0DlSt ...1

, , m i i » I I B I ? 8 ! IMi \,ifmauM, .xuugstit mmxntiio . isiwiosM. uinjisn jitisiSialttM", m»i»i» uit.«nu ?.Z>»!! f*

GE0hOU;B. JIA7M0NJ), -

; M0MI8T0 WN, K. J.

^ M,

Painter and Paper HangerICtlllAL DE001UTI0S, r




Bran and Wood Curtain Fktum.

Bard WaVElaba for Hoona, fai&ta, ODa,"'— "-. irtljfa colon and Unatai

a Bant to wr/porb ot ibt



^lU^aUaidai mjvliin and MUrfactfci • f *r '

taaotra,and that 1 I V "^* xfdt v


Page 3: B-ASIS 1891. NO. 14 BOMBSHELL · •-x-x-x-xxxxxxxxxx* •x- our rates on the & t b-asis vol



Looat news on fiyery pageCommon Council Monday eveningFraohdaeni meet next WednesdayFniilantial AuuraaceCo etodc recently soW***» C -„ 1TMW»lertooIoeCo.-p«ld w*OY«r $5,000

lor labm-Ajs WinterTbofkitirfv nelMielMsjr Mil baa passed

the Senate ou'House.TaeBujiubQoaa Uclrtt Is cteea and good.

Olrol ta hearty support •Tmmilp eta*ta» next Tuesday Foils

The Central lUflwd Co. Is erupting a gate, at the Sussex street erasing

Uarsbal BcU *hot another tumusded rfo,last Monday, on Morris sheet

A lieU weighing 1,000 pound* bos beenordered for tlie Blgl Bridge K, B. Church.

ThaliornstoirnT U,CI,AiFr«npnsenlM

Tale tba (sins go p . gut and rote t i e Be-publWn ticket n>itTu«diy l ta lmjipeys.

John 0 Bndd sought In Sudd** Lake theotbwr day ft t^ckerel that weighed 5JJ jwunds.

Judges h»i poised both houses o< l ie Lrglila! ftrro, ' <•

It Is a U i I t l t t a J j one ticket «0l be j u n t a

Tbe paper mill* at Wblppsny ore working£. fan time, and there are many oroera tobe

fflled.A f 1,MO seren oer oeat bond of the Sussex

t EaUroed was recently sold at-£errldere for

TUB largtat sign In town Is one Just paintedthat covers the entire rear endot Baker Opera

3 House.A special osmmiinloatlon rf Aosda Iddze,

F and A. M , will be held n o t WedueedaysvBiunK * ! t v

' contain more local newe than most count/nmspapero, ,» „ -

Til. new organ of the South Street Freeby-teriau Cbnrobf Uorrlrtoim, vrlll be pumped byago* engine

E Phllliomr nss told tm lob Bt Peundr,Otttachot whlohH, T Smith will build ahouse for .renting .

*••* , only a few naWe were added to tile votingl TBainSaodolpb ' •


flclf&ol nwctinK Tuesday «realaR( HarahI t b , l a Borer the terms oi Trustees HarrisandBloom expire,

Ttw land cue, imolrtngtbB tuiputel tfgob atway « Peepacfc, over ]mk at ,Tobn McGratb,wuMttledror»*»

There Is some ialk o f having an extraWwtera Upton telegraph WareaJongtheiDgh.Brldj^Sranfchfii^iiMtaon, ' ,

Oar AbUttiuudSi1«l«bniBi»ia«d«foI1(l-aatainaUcripunel oases tbe right to at leastten peremptory cbifUiiiigee.

TbeJIaiiew. Coiumon Council is now luTMtigmting Uw electric lights plants of dirter-en» syitorai to different places.

Wbj sot make Horeoa I*. Donham'* electiontaanimmat HebealMtmotwotUnbeBtCollectors tin towiuWp has ever had


3abu Skewii J r , 'of fflberila, broke a legone its? last tutak, while at bjs..worfc;_',' : i

Best Upper T-el.tgu coai; No, 1 •I^a, nell* atFa&pacfc for ft 60. andI No. S kiss for'93.

T^StackawyVaUay Raikoadiaiiowtar-•Tlug a hundred causal mUkeTorrttlgfat.

Bar Hr StunaelBdrai, of Newton, will « -dung* pulpit* with Bsv. JJr, Pickslay on Sin*cUynert. ' V ' , 1 ;,- -" : •• ' - '...

liitw Ella Johnson, <rf Naw Vamoa, anamateur florist, Ins a pot of violet* which huthrown oat 10S ftqwark In fall bloom,

TtwFaWiUd wottm mitt bat b " » k"*^

to carry tm the ojatfufartur* ol knit good*.Mr florid, ot W York, has fireeented a

handsome flag to tba Wdppanr jabBc school,tod a rtaOt fiHy fwt URII bat bwi wwtsd.1

BoterfT JohDBou, of Nowtoc, «ptnrod a7X pouiid plckana In Mofite: Lake,UwrBpwta I twutvrenty^MbdiMinleDgti .

I t o direct tex hill wldot j»ii»d; CcagrMRboforandjonromonti rtwtiwea -to-New. JarwynbouL^jao.OOOniddaricg Uw war ©* ttw » •bdUm. - V - ••••.' 'v'V

OBO. lorbert Fort, ia Mmrtotown, iMOOU-UibLt«d #io toward U»;relW oT dlatreasrfTrtexjim who a n dlftnased farmers on. the&ontler >'• ".-..',•••",,'-•• ""

M B Comllt, cmitlur of tbe BoonLon Bankami PfalllD U*are will soon begin t in eraotiot.of two Una reddBDoei'Jn the upper part ofBoontop fufk •;>/$

Th»'»»ppU<5*Uon lor a new poatofttoe. atPompton station on tbi" Susqueliaiina road,haa batm grated aoil H. Julius Smith ap-polotedpostmastar ^; ' / i ; : . ; ,?/;^-. : ; ' " " "

Vote for Iaaso Haiiott. >•Hl» imaimmtii hurtIMU wera w fsJr Otai they «^vegoti»atmla»aa-

fftotloo, and than were but very few appeal*(romhl i judgine i i t . , ' , ' j ' t ,'.}•- •„• •

MobooUaamliio ro^elopetartiiiedtttbepolUnRpl«oes till Spring.. Tbe alectionwUlba baia at In othw years, oaljj'woifcers"mustkuopawnylromthepoUn. y-

WboD.lU onuidarad that there i w e butvery few Port Qram p»ple prewut^ HarryCollins, of that pl*oe, rwdred a rwy flatUr-Ingvotefn Uio cftucmUrtnight ; M /

A fire broke put Monday nlglii lit i ie'd woj*UogofVn. E.M. Quluibj, on Uio ouUklrtaof Worristown, anddld quita etniedapiage Cothe Interior before It m i eitfngulshed. •,.-jr.ii.

The Hockaway Democrats have acmiiitih)dTbos. J, Burke for Clark, John Flunepir, Jr.,for Assessor, Abraham Kaufmwfor Collectorand M, goagland. Jr., (or Ck>nmlttoaDaii:

Tha 3*ew Jersey Society lor the Preveotioaot Cruelty of Animals h u given notloetha>ltwill prosecute heraaf ter tfaoM whp Indulge Inthe sliooUng of live plgaons aa a paetltite or for

Coromu; O tf< Hugbson't horst, n i t ' awaywr tbB rejlnwd In torrlstown oa Saturday,

Mrs, HuglwD was thrown out and severelybruited, and U» carriagei-'W'.!««m)4etaly.

I t e Banner urge*people tbrota agalnitacandidate booaote be la well enough bit to gotalong without the pffloe. The Banner laerl-duntiy of the opinion that only paupert shouldfill publlO poeMon*. \ • V -ftf ••:-;;• .;. y". •; •".

Borne fifteen youBg:«ilored men Qf Morris-town bwa orgtnind .'tbe' V l i ^ l * MiniUeltroape. Tdejbare giv^'-a^Tery.creditableeixtortalDtnent In Mkditm and expe^t'snortl jtogl've one in Xiycfmin Hajl-t^^,.'^ ''r 'V'.'r- -<iy

The aouthorararfof^otowEJili-ij entitledto a Coiumlttoeman tv d Fnmk O. Hodden.hastlie iatejllgsnce ft^nt b frtnfasfi - Tl alHicatTons'necteear; to Oil (he 'poeitton'

'ote for bun nextTuBsoay,^;, , r , -:•';".•

lmHktraln arranging

> [ p. ; o«t»xtToesd.yandJiTOU»«ii»ll«itti1aet

."'^ nominatedtbeanpport^eachToW.-a;,'

Katonll lkKlpiiWldnestorenuBg' 'g j 'V! It'h rtiUd npwards o( 8.B00 carloads o» loeWkWykldttlWIt b Hll


• naw dmrckwill no built lo.Uanan fntoraOoaradUann iaaibeakan Mdmt\tbt-• OoaradU

f taklnj'andj i t

no b o.n iaaibeakan.


• 1 ' i

5l .

j y ^ y(V l W Sloharos' boj, »bo was Injured at• Waterloo, had hlawiaorf loot aonatatadatUnnoapltalinraterson wbera be wai taieo

' , Tb.haaTjfaU of aoow omloaljay nifht'irariaemrilintilalajitetlMfe, but Ja a^d to

$ y Be^alao prediota asnow between HaichlOtl and

. - Bertval meetinn In Ui« CtaUam K E-, Church, fenich'wara oanUnoed torfiye weeing

4% haTed^odwlthnKmmi M and «

^tMir!erioMilopU,dat!«£ «KdalHea ahouU beat SaawOpemHoosa lo-,;S5.raor™.nl«»ttph<arYre.laad'i OpenUeHb;

| j , ~On llooday momuig thaOoremjmit tko^,M. mometar»t the powder depot regktered aero,7 aadatl j to BOpatooag It was Mo degrees

< h O ' f ' *

L^ttbesl^tlaiDerwaatleleederabandesUed,'ai.tlhoXiiUatureiliallidJotriiltardiSOlh.vJlo'peoUOTroiiM wdoooe their dl-olaUm

f £ ••ensooaer; ^ x* \ ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ i ^ iK A C x b l large hairy,Umtar. for the FeapactgWtrastle bare arrlied.'anl t ie oorpaniers are* Y e lna4JMwnk TO toem. The graders areKg- adsoeiwork- i t> t , '

- > .--Jaiies }hCoOm£tammiT the itage drinr', Jm-thB Peapack and'Somanule route, tee" . . i - k a - d the general store budne« of W.<0

% carpcsitarshopisad office to Us wrbnOdlai- nesttt, tha Dover SeeUto light Conrpany'e

^atatiorionBlaelcirdlatieet. ">•W - J I O Hs^AChautaK^oUaaidOecsge7 «&Vj>cttiee>,otl<arrJetfiril,rarnl>esiiiiei>edS;/o*dlretHoni/tl)*r*opr»«dxerirslJr6aiifrom

p'•Jlort cttbe"t«artern«nber.C i n t t i s B i T l An»noia3

p a m passed > xoelkal'eiasnnatin sM O»

"; ,»ere«er»or. l i lc«mt»U»s-tur . 'b( ibxiiowityagalnstaonraorAbbsti'sam

a tlsere en r iraragolnslthellefrr-li«eiends«t J--^ <-

-«Iro,ofB<otahlr«Valley, wish na to aipreas Iheti1 thank.1n

toafth ffl^ t l e a « a t » . q l a ! r . B l « « n r . n ;

"_ E» Wljerwlo- waa erecting a wttage for"&.< Mrs.VauDotananHt.HuTr, Lai. Hopit-S b oo1ij,>..l««toedtke-Vortai«l Urs. V

^ p3Ktioal«gJore«™o»-^tottolani

w , a r » f c » i e t i a . J i l » o r ldann anlyTaows lww many tbere win be

--.bonitha ptt-»t togiiUtoie' gets Uraagh

IT T 7 has tanedoTparpetilal ealnder'ln^caUeloid1'>rhtclih4ona of the finest m ism

' arereeen. Ourexparlsnos olB la thai tbeb< hose aennott* beaten.'u^TfeltiiliiglhenialJaatioetolBoel'along th.I nllroed lino. « » s » Jersey has keen begin

- y o t . tile whole B»p\iblkai ti(i«tiieitTii«e-dayaadetaitltstraijlri'::- ':' ';J • 1 i Xv> "JJ . p u t oIUMKortli will of We BOSRI street

canal took IsWm^iBollt,1.', :.'•: y/.;'.. -...

Onr friend, UnC. Robert DeHart, betweenDover, and Bockairey, isjpne, ol th« l\nt Intills section to inake an extenslva donartiirofromfbeoldnwibod* of poultry rablns, aito engage ID Uie breeding or Doe stock a* abusiness, both for pleasure and proHt. BorneUme ago neeecured some very line Importedfowl, ol different strain*, and although but aaomparetare beginner In the bu*luesa,be wentdown to New York kuttnouth witbapeuofeight White Minorca fowls, and at the showofthe Ne» York Poultry and Pigeon Aasocl-ation-iihichwaa the'tiwUet exlubttot poul-try ever made In Uuy oounbry-tB surprijedthe old iandera -by carrying off aaren pre-mluna.; BpeeilnE of (his exniUt tl WhiteUlnorcos, the Poultry Fonder^ •Toornal, ofPUIodelDhia, esid It was tneOnest lot of birdsever put together In a pen. '....'• . .' . '

Upon the old homestead last fan Mr. De-Hart eraobid a poultry breeding reeUblith-ment, which Is me fast liTleiigth and 143tf feetIn Width, and te ntllliee besides, b r hi* Incu-bators, an eld dwelling whloh stanrla tu»r by?ThebulklltigUonostory*nigh, except in thecenter, where It is reared to stnriee, the lowerof which is a general utility Voacaand theipperaneatoltloe, whereaniopgpt^erthingsire displayed the handsome pri»sfcsdge*wbloh

he brausht hoine as tropblee fma4be;'rT»w*Vork:Sliow, lu addition to the money pntm'umi, be captured. :~. > v

It wai our pleasure to vUi tkB estefciliih-ment or, IVedneEday and the flh* thing tiiattract attention upon entering- the lower'floor at t*be. center was llr, DeBartls: rlrstspring brood of chicks, jiist hatobel, end com-posed of Indian Games and Brown and Whiteleghorns.- . \• .. .* ' , .

The Southern wing Is composed of nroalarge pens, with wire partitlona,'so a* not bas? shldo tbe light front the glass enetern elueof the building.'., These pensare f or the brewd-tngottbe finest ,etock osd the flnb—the postof honor—Is occupied by twelve hens and aoook cf the White Minorca strain, from whichwere selected the eight which won Inch honorskt the Kew York' show. The prises thus wonwere thej.flrst and ewood on elilakens,'tjieflrrl^ second and fourtn on heni, and the eeo-ond and tolrd m pullflta. This breed ot fowlsU noted;as. great layer* and the wdgbt oftludVeggs la something remarkeble., Theygenerally go six to the pound, and two doublefolks dropped lut SuiKlar weighed justahalt

..The oert por, Is imnVd to Indlanaames,which are,1 now* the prevailing oxaee atnongchlokentocUir.. Theyhavenoegbtingqual-lUaf,as tfaaliCDime would indicate but arovaluta lor the jreet vrelght ot tilt fowls andtheir 4ual!ty.a* layen. .This pen Inoludesaooctc and three hens which were lnporud lottAugurb, and a luuf-growh "brood ot' cnlckona.The latter, alUiouiU only four month* old,welab about- two arid a half sounds apiece.TlielrplutnagB'salao very.heautlftiL: .Intleponltrr show at 'Onnge lost week:Mr. Do-Hsrt woo tbe eecond prlia with his exhibit

Tiw third pen I» dom^Mxi cf ".VlHtn Ug-honij, whicli «t« *lw»ya in deiaaad,1 becaweof their Ja-ring qualities and thalr Me j c o o l l a n o o 0 1 f o w l s , . ' .••':•'.•';•':,;''•;• !_•'; ; ,

FoUowlDg^ tieae .ccaattt «- pen ol BlnckMiuorca-; fmother of ttio naw Imnoy bTwdwUoh haVti b«wm« eopoptilar:. Thli; llliothtiotWpt^ifl, ocaleiai x doian hown, »uid.l*pntddad intae by o' lordly «xit( w h i h dW W l t o d U a ^ 1

ThemembenofHcDavIt Camp, B.ol V,, arerranglng an ehtartalnmenifor a»taort t of

tbelrnew drum corpev to beg^veainBockoireOpera House, SaturdayEvening,' XarcttSlsMore ptrUmuars i ^ *.*,>,,:•*»;•: i-'.j-jif

The town and dlj-elirtloos'ttroraitjoiit theBtatB of "NewTork on" Tuesday 'shberad iBSWhgnatSeptibllcan gains that UssHin ealls l iarerolutloii. Ibo reaction' b eotnbat and theafiiEinley bUl is here tojsjjryj' 5»!-j<;V»,i"S

It Is expected by Ki«li»ar aWk« 'thai thelUduway Valley BaUroad«ipk*rfaa for oe aiendhain •br^Vmnma Day, aodthe people of Koiidhain en'pnparui to haveablgaelebrationonihaeday,^ I-

H«i. De»j Adams, 'Fretldlng EUer otIrODjdyn pistrir*,,H.,Y,J 'S^-a«Jerae»,

wilTVeachTn-.ta. SwedUi X. £ otwaaa«xi'rTe*«adaycraning,at7«l, TbaaenloswUteutlalBlgnab'ktviaie. " , i '

raapopUs o* Hew Vamon JUatrict eehoolreajlaeda'hsnrawriie amount at tbe reosnfc en*tertxdttmetrl given by them for the pnrpnia ofpurohulng a ilag tor their aehool building* ItwuTbe •ufurled at on early data.

n>e valuable property of the late AlfredErrUin,» Kaln -Ut-*, Madtaoo, tea beeninhxsaasd by TfTn Bears, who -rill alter toepremises for butsaees purposes aatliwill rs-B»>reluspliimtLlni»snll«irr-vi>tbere. , y-»

poultry. iio»T at JJinaluimtoD, N, Y.,"-while•inottwr'cook tnm the uvmo lotgot tio wraaaatntftf fit polcta «md TTOQ tbe flrrt prim fathe breeding poa», ,Thl«bJril,'i.lthoiilUnotintba but condttion,1 won it lewna nt Or-•n^UstTOk^tmd *ail»\tt<itlitr oact ^tvtchMr, D«Hart told *i Bioghiamton won flnrt pdw

ltUoluti atj t i e greet Hasr Yorkehow,-At* Bl%l»mtea'.»l.o*,Mr,;-DeBarfe nocured

mvtm prlRW—flro firsts ami two

oaiyttwded b / t b i bwutitnl young cockereltfartiOTiwoud priwBt the We-rTork show,TiWotJMin' ft* focrta pmat jaitvclcllinorc«•Dd'utMtor "oil tti^boad, both made up for

toncjCftoliiti*ff f AU; aw ipUodliUrdf j t tdmsUM nn»ophlrtkmUd obwrer(t at COM lmpnMdiiT tbe ran baaui; of tbe

An MspnidispUyrfVm shos, axhiltingisnworimaiiaulp,lsiuirte b* seen in the,hardware window ol the Oeo. Eiohardi Oo,

iwprsaeota the ineobsnlsl skill of E Dh U i u a C k

Henry^Krtia, of Ohatfcam, was thrownfrom bis wagon In Newark lost week, htahorses having basn frightened by an electrioear Uli ahonlder blade and two rite werebroken, and be waa bretart about the bead.

Mr John K." Ctak.'llie botcher, win occupytbsbilildingGOTWot Warren and Block wellstreets, Jo«t vacated »y A. tj Blmon, and Mr.B lievlngton, taeelotuleTlwl]l Uxe the oneXHtc aoor, lately occupied by David Xjeoaard,

_ Comptroller Mjtrs, <d N-w Tork, has In-formed the Hobofeen Ferry Company, whichisoneofth.gmt.tinooopDlle.ui'thecoiin.ter. that Its servloe must be Improved by i fcnaaea trips, and bettor sanitary addition otbeans. ' ^ ^ ' r i

TI>>lIlesnocrats of Randolph have againtollesitaiiAcMsUoUdodaecfaotnceafaatuw• Boast uuUl«la too Ute tor the aswanapers

yydoing; this must be wofulhr short ef,goodniutetkl. (i > - •* j l r

BWiopWlegtrtuea-ntoutarirceuarwhichhi* been, read in ell tbe Homan Oathouocbina^tlirectlnijUistonBmidaycoUecUonsbe taken up In old of the rnlsslonartes.wbt.a n trying to evangelise Afrkannd aoawaywith slavery , ' ' "\&

The oltbtMth annnal Esster'^all of thaiTtgUants will he held In Beckon OperaEgose, Monday avenlng, March IKIh. AWeio-thel^Orcbtabawm again furnish the music,and ekbantoVevarsstons are making whfab.will be given later ** * ' "

i fa members o< Tinfaet Post, ot Merris-•wl, and their lady friends, surprised theu-

OhaplaK'ltev A. M, Sherman, on Wednei-day evening, and pneented him with a sub-stantial ptme. 1 ltefreshnients were aarvadnod an evening of great pleasure was spent,

B o w U p o uThe Bepublicess of Bockaway township

metirTBUoklo. Ball, Bockaway, yesterdayafternoon. atsoVloak, to tkonunatsa town-sldniloket., I t was a toed, tola) BepubUcancensus, that woe marked by the

rtast harmony, sod the cancildaleaposnl-noled ,»ere trsiilass' in n a y pertinils*.~ CJonn Morris was selected for Cnalnn

, Cnmmllnman-Fraiik M. wmlana. ;OoninilassoDen1 of < Appeal'--Morford

Btfalt, JoiinP.Blicsle,Wm. Henry Betr.Constables-Daniel Horgan, Amal Wsar.

' Blghways-rM, D. BUoUe,

Thn Fmadktepnv ftnd the mpppttlkr, With tbe axt«i)tioa

ddd tt fUisfetoawtettarbMbesaaddad tta wm oft3,00Ofortbo wtcUoo of ti* pnipond wrw

'ForOTcbaa exeeUmt tiUaC uomliJited InMKAI «O barmoolooi iplrft, U w l t e p a l j l a tRocUway dmtld pnU'otT tlwir ootiaT l d d l l t

T . ICO. A. Wot*.. •The yaaag vsm1* idtnOag oa tSonday. at

P.M,nUlbenI«i»cl-UlDl»mt, U ttu d d ogutM who tttQded UM^Stmte OonvenUon tTrviton will >pmk on rtm( U*r M V *mra, at Ua canitntiml; % ' ^ ""

l t d tridnlngcUM wil] emCu nmal Btrndayl t J t d t Ltmm &r tbli weak.

l a croup waA irimptait-WBgfr Jt It Import-t t l a r a M d r * * 006. «t b*nd. that la

nlW 3WOoigl.Cn»ISlathe

Tntf UEBKBtvn ESXAnLtailMaKT 0> A CQK-jii?mLT n i ^ i BOT Jnmr aucostlBrrjj

natatre«t tbo untmtUful trtortos kept afloatIn regard to enlarging the. old ooliool hotue,", We are then agreed lo evwytblng except asto tbe site, ttwti Iwlng n» honort dMtareww ofopinion u to th> pyallibllit; and tltuatloo ofthoBodcMrlot, I n t t b roepocttho TrU»t«cto! lbedlrtrtotbaw»iwn fit not to make any.rwstniBondAUoivi, preferring that th« peoplo•hould take the reipomJUUtj of wtUlng Uwtmatter tor t^taatelvw. uThl| bdng-tlw caw,let a d t W u ' cdmsilttM, reprimpUng tbo dif-fering Tlow«J be appointed to inroiUgat*) mlpb•IU« u will ba moat oonvenleat to tbe Uortii

t and Oold strtwt neighlxirlioodB, and bonioft available for bulldlug purpoaat, learnwhat can W Jam) lutboway of opening rtreeUand rfdowall-^ and uU ottwr partlcDiari r«Ul-tag to the ertabluOiniHnt of ichool fncltlUe* 00UM South aiao of Hi* town of Doror., Thfjcan. then report recommoudftUoni to a siibBs-Hueatmeettni andttoe loten will tbon bare•onnthing toactupod|'wuil«Uie Tnujtot* willbe reared torn iBJibajTUrsmant UiUiAattor.If their, recgmmeiidfltioiia .oommend them-•eKw to tbe good wnse of the peoplB Uiey w IIbe tdop'tad, and 'it cot thay wHi be rejwtod,But it will bring tin popplo noaror ttigethernpoti i»'»ubje?t la which tiey should Ix heart-ily unlt«a for the boat iotoreits of the townand tha education of tlie chUdreu, and* willreaolt in" the establishment of educationalf U U l U l h l l t i t i d

ip. It iawrtaittly. belter

than Indnlgltiginsuoh dlggraceftil proceeding)U uvtvrkcd last mwiltag, Hid diery good,Mmlajle.dtlzen ot the town (liould tit onoe Betto vork to provldo UilVor soma more It&Abltaction upon wblch wo can til. a s m ami con-~3rre tbo *ducatloaal lnteretts ot our ooini

ntty.."VVliat; do yoii iay, geutletueii I •

a'*()w, other pe6» gr Ulnok* ^ f Vhll W l i ^

o< time Jbnadsli Uiat tfa«. bet* will not let,u d ofcuboo IMU a n ke0.(or".Umt rurpie.IVfJagbcat all (tie pm« tt" flwr Id ikrrwtd*m itriir, H»d Uwlr food ijKatt«nd upont*ta,iQOT(Wtoim>p ttwm •cntdiitufor it,

iktm IhriTaand btynttw pxirl laj«nl b allMr. DaBart hm aboat SpO ftmla, ot «hkhabout BOO art lAjrni, and •Itbougb the UyIt*H i i m b u bavdlj b«sun7tti U, nutTcd oa" Jrf iy W ««• '« • that day ;•.; -j- >;i.-;:'--=

Hxtaadine aaitward, from the houas and& t t i e bank ol tbo dwtal.lfl alaiso'

houM, ntWMafapMi ot towU hw • yard oftteown, <ixt^r*()higtott».vTttor Pbr'itw'pir-UUODI fo fiili yard 38,000 f « t of wiro bellitoi'

dd l * 7 j ; " l ! i '' In, tbe breedlos of tho raH<W s&u&s of

pouUtT the gnatfltt oare k u u d a a l ^ T hrery bsrt of tbe stock l> afiloctAd fr«B jemrta

\ h i e d J l b l k

l o i a ^ r r 5tas£ss.rr&dJgbtMt btomfab b dlkorand in, frmthor,

comb, wafcUe, or any other i»j^ctiW,. thefowtutrusfoTed to tbe Uying itock,or to

t a t w M to to killed for U» market.gntf^eitpalraanaWtakiw

Uifa ft* HM bnadiitg penielnprtfarMntninIn tbefr propmj V» tart point* ofaadi. SawUathlaVTwucmiaUM m prftotod Or- IXrHart vfl] «kM« la Ue bunloBm enr* largercatothMaT»rairf^MT)«cUtoratiiky««

loanniqmryaaiiowneuiarHierevraiproni,er well "J\ fbtasare nv the l>9Glncsi,'kjj saiAthat he believed there was a good prollt when

It was fairly started. W i m by (uhlblUiIOWB and in other ways a breeder gebi a' -"— for Sue and pure stock W,f~-Mtettoiiwo IOT nne ana pure Hin H . D V

wana* grast prioe* for hi* bird* aiid hi* eggs,white th« laying aadmarket stock coctribntepot a little toward meetuig hh err«ms.-trrom-the extensive and business iljn'waymwhich Mr, DeHort has engaged InU, iwe'.be-"Usvehe'WlnBCaieveaUthesar—-u

1st tie breodmj of line poultry

h fotmd in adtMrted.logging.c*mp on,tbe Unk. ofriver, near3llUbi|toii, In thla ooratj, at dodcon Xooday mnlng Blohard Elliott eu dfcraral,oompMitooi had boen Bi3ttDdIiig..Uie

ft ^ l U» liver baak,: hunUng

UwmU-VubuU of Uncamp to remuvuttopdla. £1 nuninaetiif about Uw hut for ms-ftrialt to baud a flra, tlxy itumblsd orer tiepnttzato format ft awi . / aon i&d «t their

the boyi ran hooiewaroV talllofftiiatel d t t ll b i

Tt y V ffK d j a f Itelr adr«otura to all %bom:ti»yn u t Tbe trte ot U» laito m i dlicredltcd;

. a i i d H a i « H a T a » d * r m o r aIiiftbafctlMhiit waitiaitfld bytiw Tlltiptn.X b k & g t ] t h i tha b d wa»liiatf



Attoniey Ofu«r»M8t«cktonbiw nndertd bJaupun ibe detloa *>t tbc receDtr K

g u thli town, and it It to tbo tUut ita procwdiDgri weie lUo;a], opocgTouod that all Piujropi-latlonj xavst bo Totedupon separately, ItwUiboroinrjroberedtliatfrom die begimiiug a B. Patterson inditedupon bavin? all tbo oppropriaUonj Toted la alump,and toBtat the lartweeMng he offered11 tvertes of naolutloiu upon a printed ballot,wlilclj bad beeniodustriailily circulated aboutown before tbo meeting, and which includedall tbo appropriation! to ana vote. UiBecbwnaaudlyieon tbroujbj It belbc to prereutpeople from acquiring IKOTO Iiuul at (be pros*out rite, ualwa Uwy-Tottd a tUie «&tnsUa,e(or tie rocky, stumpy, and badly* locatod loton Uu) Bouth ilile-of tbo town. Those who* m i raw that tbli W l w d wasnot lep.1 irisdtoitoptLefooll*liDc««, and opon two'resolu-tiB Riooeededi bat before going farther theFltrttvsoiiuui Idwa^ainprOTailed and tbe lasttbroe reeolutliuit tven voted la & bunch* Ur,fstt-arsdn'S little Bchane to catch votM luo-owded, but it nullIflod all ttie proceedlnes andput tbo voters of the town to a great deal ofanobVauce, turbulance and trouble?, ai alt the

roowdiugB will tiavB to be gone over exalp.What now Is to be done I ThliUaqueatloa

ttiatslioUld»,t)p«l«inieEUy a id tiawrely tosyarrcitliien In Dover who taa a cliildio edu-cate or feinterwted In our publlo school. I ti y t g l t r i as a coBunuiilty t in tbur aohoolaffaln should iMnuie the subjectof ft bitter fnctloiuil fight. We Are agraed In•ocia thing> i let us awgin auow and soe if wacannot agree in all. In' the fit-it pluoo it jaooDoeded UUt thoKouth eitlo of tlie town hVW j facilities In thai

1st ma t tho yory beginning reTOA.T imtAiliinaHAl>CtH06L k>^li,llj»

T l lBBOVSl lV . V . 0. -6-

lwgobject* of the gytunadum, and Low by 1Uwork the vtak parte^of young tneiiaredtyvoloped and atraagtheiicd, bringing about aeymmetrical atuioular fIfvoloptoant, qualify-Ing then, for either mental or piyalcal iabor.Th l k f d li

gThe lack.of roout and^a pp

i t noted. They; hare now four weeklychtBM, besldea claaeae (61- boyii^hloh meet I11the aftentooui and thfi nature and leneilb ofthe work were ationgly sUowtu^ A. ltulten'clau Is pow beiug orgftiiixed, to taeep iu themomlug. Alter reading tboniport Mr. Hollo-•wo.yenirea»»ltiMii»i» that iil» A»oclnUonwould KOa have a gnuul nud geaerotutly pro-vltied. pjmn&riuja. .'AmUier (tnely renuaredselMUou by tho OlwUlDb followed. .:

Eev. Dr. Uoyd, of U>o Neddie MemorialChurob, Ifewartr," was Introduaed t ad madeanaddrese .tba: equal Whlcli, l,lil eloquence,GarDeBtQdBxt BXH& prtiotlCvvl lUuitiaitloti, }*mH vel*Uom been hoard. He showed .that in watchtnaUng the nprema t*«t ot worknuuublp latho occurato working of the vatoh itaelf, andshowed.that la like manner the lupreme testof ChrliUaq, not how one flto In alocal cturoh, biithowhtLfltaln tha greatytorkf C U U t l b t h l L TlUfitdfCUrUtlaubrotaerhoolL TlUfitjuacaaftot

be better llluitmted thiuf In the work of UioY M C A I l l i1 ^ »all a part ol tho wOrt of CltrbL Tooneceaityof t^eciaUnn ia all protewlons was forciblybrought out and' then yna. ahom) oi of erengreater Value thenecessity of8pecUlunnln thedeptirtmentB of '. Ohriatian. endeavor. Tbe

a l u e d .ooHJpfjfotlun wiia next shown, andt h l J Y M C A t H l i l

"A Very peculiar questioa arose In the AlorrisCounty prpouitf Coiirt on Monflay. It.iip-Pjiari that AbraiD .Pace, of Clieator, uvideabout Si Jeow ago a will, and la addltlpn baoav)Bg<'tbs'w)ll drawii caused a duplicate ofthe tame to bo made. ;.In courseot timii tiiotertotordlod.aud tW heli^ CTprtoetng one willtnuit.beiprbven, provodttotiupijeato and ro-taitlri the origtoflj, ,;,Tlie duplicate, hdwever,ww notauBCciiratt'copy of the origliial,forthe rwl will gtiTB alagaby; of »W,0W to an Holr,which by mioUlia was made l l ,qw In thedu-nUMto.''' Aooordingto the arigliut wUl the

r w u t o e n j o j t i e property: during J i«natural Ute; and aha being now J&*1, the de*7laer Hndt in the original,-*1U, whtclt glvsahtm 12,000, aid; britiga an action to naw it

U ^ L M d l i t r t t r a a b t d

howthroufflitJLoY.M.CA. tHa»;)rliioirjl9jof qifjclallun wtd coHjperntlon havo a iplendidopportunity"'oi*: practical WprUing.'i Thepractical Workings, princtiiles and moUyes oftha'Atwoplaticiti ww^.-'Tiyldly' broughi" oat.Bat lbs ddef e n d V ^ U t o 'tt

b t t ly p g V y f;lolis anil nodal i«^oct»Uonaa9 will prevantMt. froai faljing ic\o evil. V I t U an eflort ot

young jpcii to lava jodmk nwtt, and he' showedwhy the ivsopjp of DoyeifWare under the grait-^td,UaHtifnutQ.upportlL •Heelalme4 theyshould hare tbei'-wnohj if the l ad ing wheret l ^ ; w /or' t h a l ^ ^ A d ^ i l d •'glowing

T ylbf who come from hi*Treaeuror.Jlu'J; Coe 'prenntcdabr(rf.raport

of tjie'oondittou of the ittnaur" "J "•-•--- ' - ' •

roU^L ,M adflilniitrttor waaappobitSr the wHow i e«t*to aia'Uie Emitter on t

™,.oti!Da*oerir5^1 ' ' f~- --. ,•Tbekut will ol Ani'kiir-oil'onOraiJ, In

whlct «a) a oneat hod been llled became itwa. claimed theSwill {had Dot been duly ex-eait«droaiiie up (or trial anil e day for argttmeat upon tta points of UirlnrolvBd will beBstdoraandthe.pirt^r^^'V;; ' !^ ' /1 ; : ; :


In;,thb Btato Seuele, Jut.Mtrodsy nliht,


o e f r « i ny .cjr OT;ooaaty^t»;iiiUiout pause, was pulsed.-\ Mr. ;Barb«r moyed areuiiildmtiiMi of ihe Vote and Mr. Marahex-''plained tturt U.0 blBpattwd two'yean agb; lorwhlchlievrt^/aJlowedonjh^icrablrdl*

UO, bfl aild, allowed Iiioumbeiitj WSOSB tarnuW fluid to cottliiaa On *ame,V Thla be did

'that the:till,wai all_ . . pnght-ibkt1'theio1d Vetirani

:wbt> hiifi.fotight M nobly for tfceb- ooontry>honor, and who, aa a daw,. would nwenarily•ooi bw6ni« sxtloct, laoold ttaia avoy -favor

t ^ ^ 5 ^ b l T t i t l i ' U'

. i n o f lho"Harri. Lljl.tCSvalrj".Torky'deeiroYUi.oI forniii^ a'.regl.

mentalprganliatlonfor.the purpbeeof kwpi' live "tits .'mqmorlos and iwrpetuiitiDg the

"ot thlsjhiirplo' eayilry 'regiment, willpleaee'oommunicate^^wlth; ihe followlng-namedr-nons^frlvJng iuune; company- and poet of-nwaddressto7i Htruble; Sergeant;Co. B; orAdr aji ^orman^'Prlvste/bo; D;: a>']l/ .Weflnd^he above In a marked oopy of aPaaialo,•K( '».flisp^^sM ;s|>ji»i^^Vls'tlieb;ni»*orBeo^addreea::: ijnseex' /county^,-contrlbutodlargelr, .towards. *dlpstrick*ls old. oommand,

' 'there nany;surviTore,;whd willatereetedin^ ^e^proposedbrganlxstioii.r'

Biuaex.Itegbter; ' Tbero ore also a.'nutaW oflurrlvoraoltbeoldreghneut in ilorrb countywho will J » Interested Iri this liiforuiaUon. ^ *

C. W. VMand>Op^tlolCljiitr«kbookedtokppakrinSeVMpperarHotn'tO'lnorrowrJeht, bring »i t i l i r a ninDiflatferiogteU-mooloJ^rofwhfcl, UoKllowing, /rom ttofieynoloavlllarially Gsiettetla a saiilple r 0.Wjyreelono'eOperatlo' Ulnstrelsappeind atthli place Friday, evening to a large audience,'"*-'- Ves *:Wt'i^dl]ittnl troupe.tbay.eyer

^Itoynoldsvllie^aadtbe'nianageinentoftbe;opera houeD'ahooid bacaozmtuUbxt on

ff py^ ,wbateve'r.'wvre produeed.lbo wongs Bind dancoiwere wwUmt.:,The bono'liu taWuBui r-lcgwai topnenw. ind the VTest. Pi^tcadet* weregrand, but taking It all thi^ogrj,;every adror-U d iMitaro wa« Blmply immeiiBO, and1 a

d bouse would greet their return. <.

i ^ h . l y T O e d«Ucba.' It *ai at flnfc MIVIMB that; tba

inubaJbeMfrona to dtath in tiw Intameoold'of. BuarUy night -ThipMirji^cfisTOaliraaM about tii inad gan color, IioweTor, totto beJW that the man lwl l«m manterwL

; ,, ot iHai^tUUiwii1, of tie

g a g « D , tall n ^ conwas takei) l u t T ^ y W t e r a » n wIUi blocdhiga t the nose,, ;bt one day he last about a quartand/a, irfiit of.'bipod. 'HB;went;tot

rUie. KewTpflc bon^tal Tneeday and la nojr fniproylDgrapidly, awl expects to be bqt ID a aborf ttmo,-Ws vaaflnbin'd thatlthu, ;I|i ttoaecond timeMr.'.Fagaa b u been'aiTected in'this way andU I t l i b U r b l d t L h h d

, «ud betuttof the iiplnkm tt«tth»6dyVu that U a from tnuap, dadded thtt ao

• VJSMTimkTJ. . t'-!/v»•"•'•:;.">

^ WOd Xraolu in Great Vnnbar*; -

aid the bunUngi or a blood vwwstV^e d(»-tori attribute it to too mncb blood and we va-darttandUiat one doctor' told: hlmbb'sbpuidbe bled ence a year;; Hr.-F*E"wi'iMmi5s mlraliiii^eerMwrantenaiKe m UIB etreeteof Hacketlastownaiid all^wtafor-hh apBedy; ncomy.

tatlatke HopitobDJ. JLlarge open (pae* wai made near Molan's Pointwhen tbe CoMolidatodlM Componj ffathar*!

ron good anthority tMt ai IMI , five; hurvdmld ^ l l b t h t a l t Tday- eiUnuon, andPeokar and others have•UerabWaport"-

"Ws osdentand that aom* psopje^iri'of ft*phikMtli^U^crp^wwtjtor^toMnetrtrQt

began on itareh 1st and tiey eaQ..iu>w.itabe^^|H icJBjfaTallye Thlet Is IWat ttM 6fl8O* " Xt-if tlairlawful to catch trottt tUl April trt,VodUarrolea penalty o£*10 for «aoh and <mry,kh of

It "Uns* htVsvn ^ lurm<ts> •Btsst Umaa•-';' Wi

he.EoA ixicommoii Wthmaiiy oUierjiewfpapers bia Inllonlniwf tb>error"ol publlgblng'Joe irta'temeDt that pickerel and parch eon notb h f V ^ ^ b t ^ ^ ' J t V ' d

g ^ing tillitattmentas true, has'aent notices totoj^bt I4toH^tfftoditfroiaeatolilnit,these'1^ UoriiigUia wjneonii)iijfld.j Wen(iwlMra that there l i no lawra'ptekenil andperch'and they baa jbiicaught* " •- L - -•* '•aeVat,/aiiy •»a«m/ot

; . / ; v ; : : J i o i d B o t t l e ."Ur*. PaulEustiM.of Lower Berlnhtrii hma

Wbo^'talwp>ti^<mHb«>rIng' the dat»:ofIt one bondreiil and twenty-nltw

Ute Young Ueo> pbHrtian Association, of Uiisplace, was approprtatflly dUerred lathe Pret-bytorian Charcto-Oi. lYbdii4»aay evening.After u well renderetl orgau voluntary byM«. V?. H. Hpaagier, Jr., the Olee Club OFHaekettaiowB Joftitote reudenxl In good voiceand harmony a yooel BelecHoc. TUeu ltov.Dr. Colics, of Brooklyn, offered proyer, aRev. Jlr. Bloom m d the first Tsoim.

Ym&iietit J. K. Qearge announced wlti re*grot that QeaenX ttta^tvj Taylor was too IUto be jirwent, In opasaqaoooe of wblcli be badbeen compelled to toase hmriedJy a report oftlie oparaUous. of tbe yfiar. wiilcl, be read.: I ttold ol thi opening of the Assodation, bow Itbegan to run Backward flntujclally eitarafewy

, nd how It bail etrufgW egfilnit ad-rca drcunuUnqM until a publlo; nteeUtlg

M held, when frianda camo forward, aodpledged HubfcripUoDrj to tbe amount of $81 permonUitocarryon tteVrorktotheendof tbeyea.-. Mr, Taylor oanie on Jon, l i t and alnceth U A t o U l j d t bj j g e i ,particularly in vpiritual matters. Nombenhave beea oonVerted at thwe meetltiKS andbayB Joined the [UBeWot chuwbe*. The Bab-

th aFtsBrnooo meetingi for men have been ofipeclnl intarett and Uis attandaaoo h u a•god li or W, A netr feature .1 an orchestrarecently, formed. TbtrAverage dally attend-tmce i t the Toorai tba hut two. roonUiB haibeen between BOapdW, and overthn^fourthiof them hare been TOM,- A boyi' departnientbas IJMII formed witih'W members, and a train-ing clus with an ayamge attandanca of 10meBtdovei^ Sunday moralnff. A gymnaeiaijibaaboau formed wiU. good resulte,'under thed i l f M W H g l ' Jg ,

,;Wm,'H, gpanglor, 'Jr., axPhysical Director. Tbo generotu aid of Uuladles in laeiplug to f ornisb the room., and inproviding funds by mians of •ocinblM, etc,• u warmly acknowlwJgtHi, «nd the hope ex-preesed Uiat a strong a^rillary of ladiot wouldtoon be formed.: Thft nienibenblp now in-eludea 107 mmund «Oi*Hit SO boys, tmd tbe;foe] uovr that thay havo com« to stay. , -

Rev. IV. W. EaJlow»y, Jr., read the reportof PhyiJoai Dlreotor Spangler, who was alsoID l t t l t M t i t t i

e appliancei wf

lrf^BpitMlg^to*Wi^W«00. . uio year. TbeDtlioObe Club led In'Blng-

luff thoPoxologyaDd tie cooswgaam « •Delyed the benedlotlon frotn-jRey^Mr. Bloom.

dnebi: tbe teitnaa storiWoftbe Winterl*iatel by J, M. "V*n Nortwlct; of Ukt> Ho-

. l>«Jter keep a Urge number of Una.tlteicB »01 Uio U11*, and twinornlQg, BJ

tk^. 'wenb'frrw^ui, f^y^utind'a sdiallperch hooted on bno, withlhs'talior tto baitprotniding through Its giiHjSfhroagh aomewhim they detormlned to Wye to little psmhn tlie hook and narkeil th^b-ioaiiklaular bole

tii,iea.wb»t would am^afi^yfSialihvjwestbadrjbnie Ume later Uxy.Iound t is t athree pauitd; pickerel, which h*d taken theporcb and tHe beJt, wMfast*on.'ttiti'mil*hook.; The jviatloit of this stajy ^ai"nipri. thanHorrk B«kor, ; tha vet^^«ialeV, : could

" T fa i l

mind an Incident priiDMr.?, lolna la jmll ofliyiibeJt.bBdwpp^iUoflIn tfca lake with th*int«jnUoiii'of oatoh-

log KmiesmaUnuiflih.; : iyi^b«gotlilsBi*ttlto'ho bogao to -np,- 'btrti 'b*f«» -getoos;the lino far he felt i i i ^«> . ;;ThOT U^'ist tbe

ranarfcable auooea>ion' ot ,bit»; whloh-coi*-nuod tiUtbellne reocUed tbe «rf««; when

to found Mth«lia4i»ugbtfi wlwloBtringof£ah.n^ow' hook, a largBf 1 fi»h having conwslfWg at each \ time 'and:;awallowed: the. oneswhich had taken t lo hook Ufore I Auo naw of the ' &

ivbilitr u an angler, la only 1 r^wJIed; by his

At a Joint o^ t U I

decided to 8.TO:E«WX and ;Badtoa:ceontIeseach - ono asldltlonlel ' A taiBftiVJ]yTFT i* j'- inkliijEthem from Morris and DttrllagVonj ahd'tberawill be a ganenl 'warrii^maijt^ot ,vll "tb«party liner In mliBtricUng tbe (Cbigressioiiad•Istrlcbi tbey fpund Kr«t diEmJty. Oi«plan proponed to main) a.'dlrtrJo^of tTnlonjUorrlrjtuiJ Uie loiver [Art of.fiudion. J iattldiik of Morris being in; a .'dirtrict,>ltb thefiunQUB ''.uCiTsW. eboe i" prsclnct :.v/L UQdeon

Miiatyt Anotbw p l o a . ^ M pwitMotrlti.tba^tgrer jjnJohand the.tetrnahlps o t y X ^ s , t ^ t b e r ,•+.~j.-v^ bufctbuMorrlB and Union liianirapnterted

Alter njach dlBOission It w u found Impossible*9aj^ive'upon -toy wn11 n ft trrry sffliim*i tehatwould make five of the eight dlitriffta imreljDiimocraUo.\v:/ :;- . •s;h'?V--7->v''.'.;.-, ""

yi'titi 'Fnelpst' Prefers Amarlecii DretaV ~f'The New York WorUaadrth^I)einocmMopapen have been making a great ado'orer' aitory Ujat Hiuiiter I'bolr* wore full royalbtrtirt llresa at a recent court .allih-In, Berlin,In a private letter; Mr, Pbdpg says;'' ,"T1Mpjpoii here (Ux Berlin) we e^cJt i igB storyh t I t h B d ! j ^wo*ppj^irts^rkta^day;nighta toiutcbrtuma,fflt isn't yery'loi-portant U I dlil; but as T <Ma% and aa. Iheartily approve ot our American simplicityindmi. pleise Ull afly;olmy friendi whoalludeto tieatorTLlintattJiitfancUonlworethe oriUniiry1 evening drew of ian' Americangentlonian, sod was proud to.?- f; •.;'-1

/ • \ f ; - i ' .»sr teh 'o« 9 ... ,. _Rev, A, A. Hslnee, of Hauibiirg,i h u teat

to tha Ulnitaok Vallay HlslsriDal SocietyEkotei of Col. .Jobn Hetfard;Israndfathra-uihtt late VT. S:Bownnl/ whicli;^ffl^be r u d «tthe nextituwUaB; o( the wcUty-.'Col. B«inkTd'.who onceUw^'on whitls rtli Jmbwn ai theBowant fara,iis5svHiiritowitlwiuoriooi! KewJersaj's itaronBCet patriote In tlie HtwoluUoiv-« T Ptriod, and tbe paper of Obttplalij Baloeewill doubtlBtsx^eot.grMt historical lator-

p y , of llart/ord,'.Coon. TheOrifftiial Accident Company of Asiaim, andt ^ l o i S M i ' t n t h e w o r l d . ; , '"-';

r'~- ••-•*•

No" Jr*.?, One premium pays for polloyl >'.1'i"'Ki>wp NuaasonH^At '"



TimrewaflB largBattw]OAJi^otth*tow>uhIpAepublfcan CBUCLLS in BackoiE* Opera Houselast nlgbt, and tiio good •ptrtt that prevailedgavo prouiBe ot a Jlcpubli«»D dean swe«p a tthe polls next Tuesday. For ouly Lwo ctuidl-datcn were tiers any coubnU nuil tin*cUaracttflTized by only Uio best feeling.

Tbe caucus was orgnui**. by tUa selectionof Wm, *H. Lambert as Cliainuau and CooradMann as Becretory, and' tlie following ticketwaa pUMd la uomtuatian-,

Townuhlp Clark—Conral Mann.ABSessor-Iaaao Banco.Collector—Honic* L. Duuham.Commlttcemaii-Frault 0, Hedden.ConimiBsJOLCi-i of Appeals—Jaa. O'fleiUey,

ytm. E. Bray, Jas. "SurvByoreof the Higlwayt—J. J • Vreelend,

Stephen P. Briaut,Ocereeerr of tbe Foarr-fliununl M. Buttou.Founlkeepera-Bamuel J. Bearing, Jobn

Loito, J.AnAlbcrt»CB, Jainufl GoulJ, ffiIVhitmore. V."

Road mosey, f6,000; poor money, |a00;7ortownaliipori»eDaes,*2,000;|inn(lTBJr(lny,|3.W;band and teun, $4; elections—Kortliern Dis-trict at Engine House. Central District a tPork Hotel, and Southern dtstrtct a t oldPreibjterlan Cliurch, Dover; TPestern Dia-triat at Cboti. Hanoe'a Hotol, Port Oram.

MOSBT*. Jolin H. EicVlBy.Btepben K. Brosd-well and Jas. W. Carrell were unpointed acommittee to fill vacancl*. mid tbo iceetiugadjourned.

The tidlcet Is wltb Lut one exception Uiimw as was ttactod but ywvr, and tbey atart

out with the preuUga oUutfew. This ejtcop-tion la Town Commlttecuian, Mr. James H.Carrell having dccltueu to serve longer, andMr, Frank 0. fieddea wait elected to repre-sent tliatend of tbo torrnsWp tm Uio Com-inlttee.

Tbere Is no use of ontoring Into petty bick-erings audmean pcrwraalitiee In a townshipelection, and tbe ERA for one uaano desireto togogs In that sort of argumerit. Ourhistory fa tbe post Js sudiolent to altou- thattbe towusblp baa bad tbe- best goTornment,and Ita nffoIrslwiTe been niostearefttlly lookedafter wlten in the hands of Republicans.. Tboticket nominated is oomposod of exi»riencedmen, who have flll«l the positions they hnro

and to tiio w\risfactioii of tba people, and tiiey are thereforesafe then to lie entrusted with tbe podOonslor wtalcii tboy are candldatos. ClDrlrMann,Assessor IlHttce and Collector Dunhoin are sowell known in their offices that they need nospotialebinmendaticn, andallknow that Mr.Frank O. Hod Jen baa the inlelllgeoce, buflf-noas qualiBcstlona mi iudgraont to make agood Ccrmmltteeman, whilo tha minor ofllcors

ive all provid very efficloot In their reflpeoUve poalUonB,

Such being tbe-sttunUon, ovary Republicanand independeat yotw ihould Uka the palusto t»m« out nei t TiiwAay. vn& vote for nUckct that contains la Itself the best guaranteefor an .honeet, careful and'ofllolont adminls-

"iapn ol,towashlp •Hftl™, Ub all who areintemtt«d Ia suuh-rccolvo to vote' next Tuen-

, and the eleolion of.overy man tipou thisUokot la Dettled bepond the porftdveotura of adoubt;;; -- - ' J - -_ • . ' ;

' ',•'-, '•'• ' •_' Obituary.. ."'" . . .-._•,•'Mrs-Mary Esther liiornets, wife of Janiea

Tlaomiifl,ofC(u)Ster,dIedMarclilrjt,180i, Tbeuecco9od_wM torn July i», ISM. Bho wa.s amember of tbe Coignsational Cburch foreight yean, then united wltb 21. E. Churchatlte organization, sine Team ngo,- wboro EHBcontinued a fetitifu! soil oorneat member till

dcatli;V Her elckness wos severe, yt*titvlllioT Intetue tufferlog she bore It pa-

tiently. During the lait week of ber Illness,vrhtsn the body WRB nutkal with exoruclatiugpdu, her soul waa calm and pe&cetul fend sbewould freiiuonUy Dzclalm," Praise tiio Lord IBlea ttio, Lord, 0 my floul f. liar cotutitutionlining so woiT.dovTD andehe havlaesuoU aoomplloatlonof dlseawa wai btrond roonreryerenpytbe mottHklllfiJl pbyuciau who did«Ut]Hibbu1dliavobwi.donol>y nioUlcnl aid.Slwwtasrwlgiittdto whtttoFerwas tboprovl-

enoeof God:'As'-sht remarknlto A friend,"ItisisJl WBjl,'lt Is aU riglit"- On Babbatb,at 6:18 A. i t , on the irtb'aiuiiveraary of herentering tbe church ml.litAttt.ihe entered .tbechurch trlmnphsnt. She leaves a huibandand five1 oUUren to mourn bar lew, besidesa great number ol friends. She was a friendto.everyone,-, Shawill bogreatly misted in*•" oobununSty us. a; kindj lorlng msigbbor.

r acIi»Uy will she be mlsied iu: tbe cliurcb,where she worked eofaltbfnlly ami fealouslyCor tbe Balvatioaot thoea AKHindber and

Rav. J . O. Gillette: who wasJ . H . Baytar and .E."S.,England. A" largeand syrapatbettocongregaUtm auembled topay Uielr lu t : b1bate> of respect to . the do-ceaeed. •: The text'for thp emnon was,. '! Her

im It gone down while ft WM~ jwt'day.V:;-Tboiternwnt waa In the cetuetery laiha^tbwa.:

- JfawnioBntflrtainment at Ohcaier. . 'In ipite of ttie. cold weather and extremely

faad condition oE the mads a goodly numberoffriendjfroraadlrtanoa.were among' the twobundred giieeta. who gladly,' reepocded, byt ^ n n m n o e , tptte'lnTibitlansea^ttided'byPrpspao.- L™.«e, F. & A, M:, of; Ch«ter, bld-dltv thJtn agalo tn imrtakBof tbe K«>1 c h « rand fettlrlUes \ot, an^ taHsInment 'ia- thelodge rooms on ?ridiiy^niijnt.lajrt.,l.irhe snot

which htu always attended theee BatborrsinffS;ln the psat suAlclently warranted Ompleaeant anticipations of t ie gtteatti. 'A pro-graWiTW prosonltkiJ,' «ai»lsUii8 ot audnwaeo,.maitioyuetty ~ grayer and doxology were tcH-lowed by a short and appropriate welcome by

ing w>u ai> eloquent and able address by Rer>Bro. B..B,'Xngliuidrwlileb .was highly »p-prodato) by all. Tbe Udtai were particularlypl«ued by being inducted (I) Into some, of tbenystorles of the order and made acquaintedWith aone of tbe "traTeUiDg(jIgnn,"byjn4uiflof which members of the fraternity, are sup-

^ i K u w u w i u i followed later In tho farm of abOiinUfol oollatlon, coiidBtlng of Bmdwlohes,a l^ ' l sBcria iD, eto,-,.atter which tbo guettaOaiuty-:7V»*\MBaooot HH'.Bid' HolllnB-Iwd, of Mfc' FretMoro, who nits oxpectod toToakonnn&tinm waa t^^ 'dlaappo)ntmeat

liiiiiwut.-'-i.';'HanlsonTille bad a gtnulne mid dog scare

Friday afternoon of laat week. - The cur wasthe property of Katian Boudlsb, of Morria-town, and bad been' chained fast, bat, by somemoans after Ivang.. attacked with rabies bemanaged to brook looeeaiidt&axlft ,hte way tothe abore place where bs bit a bumber of dogs,and got In B. B. Earl's" barn yard, where Mr.EarlHi son Oeoj^enoticed..bta ntnnge actioiisand drove him out, afterwards alartnlag- theneighborhood, who armed Ujemselvei wltnweapons, and tracked bbn toUtUetonwlierotbey found lilin Ina barn. I t did not takelong to rid UJO oammuiiity of him, upondls-p p w r y , ' % . ' ; ' . "';,"',•.' •i,1;.'^ :',''.-: -•'-'.'••'.•.,' :'

A large Bt. Barnard' dog owned by a mannamed Murphy redding at • Wttlaton, lirobefrom bis .chain abma t time ago. The dog haduhoim nnmlitakabla. slg&t - ot hydrophobia.On Satiirday hecrupijto Dmtille' where heMt's&Teral'dogWi'Ainaag them were thoseof Ed r ickmon, Fred Park., (tnd Peter Yocb-lete, AUUnaw wn : l i » t a i i t t f dispstdied trytbeir OrTWTaj.', The mild dog' was punned *idtimateiyabot.—Record.'. :'•'..,-.].;.''•''•''•

X ; j y ;: In tlie Court of Erron'and Appeals inTrwi-u'onT^ieaday J,\f. yndenhurg, couiiae

foV, '>Mn.'SUcUe, \ot < Rodtaway',. a ~ divorcedwife, nuub amoUcra ti*t aUmotiv and couo-'•el'feesibe allowed bar, pending an appealfrom a demM of dlvbrw granted by tbe Cnan-' l l . 'Tbeo, Llttlo, tbe opposing oottfisel, ar-

M t b l l d t o f i ^galimony or support to a wife fntu whom lieisdlyorceu, and that tbBre Is no precedent intbls or other states to allow nich' a claim. TheCourt recalled a case where the huiband hadbeeti ordfired to have tha brief printed, butlaid tha decision on the point over to the lintdayof theconferenpe.'. '-.,. .: ' ' . , ; •.;.

I n tha Old S U m B a n . . . ...The Susns Eeetater » J i . "In 1915 tba

stage fare from Kewton to New York was$3, and the trip occupied from 61.M.; of onedayimtma«, ,nf Uientat.;Thepainnge'i:lodsed atMorrtstoim overnight"' Asdwheitboj- reocLcd the HUUBOB Hirer tbeypulled acrqee to NBW Tora1 ion a ropo terryoperated by a ropo wtitdlsflo. Oar townsman,Judge Freeman Wood, remembers when rnclta ferry ,waa operated and has croased theHndioo rfvisr In that way. . , . -,.•'

Thomas S . XcOrath.'the old and reliable Uodertate-, haa bisiofflcaand •waiwoomcomw of, BlackwtUead BergenBtrtaet^'wbereliskeap* a fan tine -at, Under1

taior'a BcppUeB.. Bodlet prtverTed : by;



llies Carrie Ooodale loovrn to-morrow for atrip to North Carolina,

Frank Hlldabmirt baa rented Uio HeubetDudd farm, near Chester.

V,'e regret to bear it reported Uiat Dr. Jack-in, of Roeiaway, livery it..TLe late Victor Thlbou, of Boonton, had an

tsuranu) on liitt life of f-,OSJ.Mrs. E. Btiarji oas returuod from UC Frea-

domto ber home a t Miilbnxjl-.Dr. Clutterbuck, kite of Summit, ho.

Dponed an oHioe lu Uur/iatowu.Mr. Tlioe-CUurdiueUandfojul]/, of Korris-

U><*n, are at St. AugustiDe, FloHiU.Postmostor YomigLlood assumed charge of

tho Uorriittown post office last Monday.The Hisses Brown, who have kept (rtore In

Basklagritige fur mauy years, will remove toMorriito.vii Aiiril 1st.

I t Uaold that Frank Class, tbe wing shot,111 remove to Nuwnrk BOOH, and Harvey Leu

will take the Hoe BrooV hotel.Many obout this oeotlon bavo lonrnad with

iJncoro regret that Mr. It- Dunlnp hat beentovercly til a t ..{R New York boma.

Isaac Thooduro Cyphers, a budnesa man ofioonton, died suddantjy Saturday tuorolng oflaart dieeaite. Ua was 00 years old.Mr. J. Knox FbUlipe, of Boittli Orange, a

well knowii Samtuer cottagaf a t Lake Hopat-cong. la spending a season in Florida.

Mr. Juliii JUitdiell, of Port Onun, has beenppalntoil Deputy Oroat Sacliom for the

Order of Red Mon In tbe County of Morris.Jotin H. Teotur, fonnerly toaeliar of (lie

Ferro Monte public school, is now taochlngschool near Uoi«woi], Mercer county, K. J,

Lcwia J . Martin has been roo])[wlated LawJudge of Sussex county and corns Democraticpoliticians up that way are very sore over it,

JjGJnuel Alien, a well taiown Moirlitanlan,waa luddenly atrlckeu with paralysis TuesdayttftenioonathlsvseldeiiceonKeclianio ftrwt.

Mr, nod Mrs. Uw.W.Btono, of MalnpanUs,celebrated with a merry company frlenaa butFriday tho M th arinl vonary of their marriage.

Mr. N. A. Wilson, a roapoctod reeldent ofHew Vernou, died «n thelMthlnst. in the 7oth

T of his age. He had been ill over a year,-. O. Babbitt, of Morriatown, represented

Lafayette College a t a meotlng last Saturdayof tba Intorco]|<!gtat« AwoolatlQn of AmatemAtbletea.

Mr. Aaron Howell, formerly of thla place.h&a wltb several othor gentleroen _fonnod ahanlwara omnpany, with a capitnlat Denver, Col.

Tbo late Gen. Robert HcAllIrfer, tbe Colonelot tlie old 11th N. J . RegimBnt, bod a brotherwbo waa a Brigadier General In tbe Con-federate Bervice.

Preeldont Jerry R. George, of Dover V. M.0, A.f vatt Iwiiored by i\» BUto CunveuUunby an election as P in t Vice President oftheState Association,

We hear that It it bkely that Rev. Fred.Bloom trill be returned to Grace V. E. Cburchfor a fifth year, a report that all will be glad

)soe tba continuation of.A vory ptoaHint reception was given by Mr.

and Mrs. Charles 3. Sayre at tbeir resldenn.on Cherry street/ Morristown, on TueedayBvonlng to about one hundred guests,

Mr. II, H. Tiger, wbo livea un the ritueyfarm noar Mend bain, will inovo to BrooklynIn Uio Bjiriogaud spend port of bla time Iulooking after inveotmenta in tba South.

Her. Dr. A. Craig, of the Newark Confer-JCO, win sik that nn appaintmontj be given

blrathlsycnr, as he detdros to take at least ayear of rest at Newton, *,borolio6wniahome,

Itev. A. M, ghormtin. ol, Jlorrialown,lircacbes In the Boat Mlilstone ItefornudChurub oa Sunilaj nuxt, ou Invitation of thechurch oEUciory, tuul uttvy l» c&Uod to Uiatpulpit. :

Joseph Opie has returned from Montana forte benefit of life health. He tlitnlts ttj wrongi bo published aa a delliKjUQnttax>pflyer here

wbenbobad remoreu toUontanaaud paid apoll tax of Win that State last fa l l . , . .- :.

Iter. ' Urflliam S. Fanuelee. poster of theMorriatoiro Congregatlonat Church,' passedexaminntJon and has ieen admltUu to thepractice of medicine^ nnil has opened anoJHoo"Qt his reaidonco on Early utreet./ JohnT.Hlll.PrealdBntoftliBNiothNaUonal

vxt'a, of Kew YorV.dicdat Kew Brangwlek•n Sunday. Ha was known to tunny Morris

county veterans, bavin; been Captain anilMajor ol tba 11th S . J .Tola. tSuring Ibe wtir.: - Emmet Stoutenbitmb. oldest son of Her.' L.1, Stoutenburgh, formerly of Schoolej's Moun-tain, and a well Icnowa and succe«etal lawyerof 1'aasalc, died at a. health resort IQ North""urolind; where he' had gone for mat, laat

• e e k , . • ' • • : • - • • - ' . - ' • " ' '-••'-... : ' • ' • • • • • • • < - • ' - , ' . ' . ; .

• Willie Wood,'son of Kr. B. D. .Wood, ofSecsUput, waa brought to Dover on Monday

ir burin 1 and funeral services,' ware held atis residence of Mr.'Anthony Otto. He waa

IT years old, a boy of excellent charaoter, andtmd many friends here.. >: ' .-•

Wm. H. BallenUne, one of ,the leading drygooufl merchants of Oleveland, Ohio, and apnnnlQontreeliontof that city, flfad an tbeSlrtu.t. H e > u s son ot tbe late Jobn 1.B«lteatl^o<Me«dhatti, and Vent. tr> Oleye-land twenty-five yean ago.-v^ t "•.-•' -',:. ;:K.'

,Geo. JT.'Ferry, t{,.Qraivgel: a'Summer; tv&-

dent of Uendbanv^who fa liftw at Pirn Ialand,Fla,, but week caught;therlargeet tarponcaptured fa Florida water* tbli season.' I t w ufive fwt ten laobM ID Ifltjrtli, th<rty-eevmIncbea in girtb, and welgheil ISO pnuxl.v

Robert Y, Chedteter, a prominent d t lnn ofllMrark, was .Juried last Saturday,- He wasborn at Brookiide, this .coonremored to Kowarb in 1U5/,the fcuiitient of tbe CtotralM-B- ChuitOt; .'ofw k l o h b e * ' * - • • • • - - — •'• • - " •

They have Many Ifflprovements and Points of Superiority OverMl Others.

FOURTH.The cut of theSleeve is so ar-ranged that thewearer can raiseliia arm withouttlie disagreeableaenseoflutingthewhole body of theshirt.' . v . v , :

FIFTH.The disagreeablefeeling at thececkifi prevented andthe band does notwork out fromunder the collar, _'

sank-:;;••:,;•The Beams ; aresmootiilyfinuhed' -and the gussets;.,are firmly net in,w h i c h ; ' - • • - • • • • • • - • • • •

FIRST.They, tiro mode ofWarasutta Muslin,2.000 Lines; eachbosom being 4 plynod with lieavy>atofaer's linen.

SECOND.Tbe ruupil top ofthe Bosom, aiidila

aiaed Eflgo, pro-rent tbe weisht ofbe vest at\d ooaitorn pnllisg tlieoabm downwardcom tlie top, andbrowing wrinkles

&t ttie aide.

Prevents any drawing or tearing but.ton holes out of '.back of neckband.

THH IMPROVED bOBOM will n e w break or wrinsle trom wearing tiad fuarantead to"-";outwear tbe shirt Ibey ara without exoeptioa, tbe Bn*t and'cbeair^ ""— "''-"- '- '*"world.; Try thunoatp and jou will wear no otW. FOR SALE ON

orty years. . •• • . . v ; - . s ^ v - V ? ; -.:Mrs. tBaran K. Dlff, a foraer roiJdeiit of

Rocltdwey, aged <H years, died at Wow Get-1mantown, Bunterdon county, on Monday. IShe waa married at Bpckaway about 85 yeanago AtuI i» well known to mciiy 6£ tiio* oldar

d d t a gl this place, Herrojualua wereto Botkawaj, for ictenneat..: '• . '

tofaur<leg,aboTenerd on Pridajr and agidn on' Bundav. Tboflrrt of Mareh etuns to bitter oold and has oon-

_ _ ot mov'aa ThnrmUyUgbandanotber litUe aVIfT on TuMtlay of tiis week,We tegin V) rsaHit, VntiW iinn iwUoitusj&l.

William Well ktndlf retnembend Him, Hydeby presenting; ber with some One strawberriesand, ether detlcadea ot theteaaon, irbeo be re-turned from Hew York last week,: - .. .

Mr. Beattr audlfiaiSmitb, of Boattntown,anil lire.' Ward, of 8princtown.inn.-tbcgueetspf Mra-.A: P.Downs on Tuesday tat

W M Emma t . Parry, of Wajblngtoa, D...liuldndly'Sffraedto give a lecture in the

Lutheran Church on tbe evening of the 18th;one -week from the coming Friday, (or thobenefit of .Y.TV B. C, B., uA an admiUanceot 25 contfl wni beobarged at t ie door,. Comeall and bear her, wUlftyou have an oppor>

Quite a niwdiler, of /tjfaanga win \ Uke plaoeIn tha Eprtng. rYb« know some people bare

mania for tnoving—roust more it its only

Rev.W. B. Delp: gavu-bla llatmera a very_iteroaUnir sermon on Sunday morning, ' Heprdposee orgnaklDg a catecbaUcal ol&se onSaturday of tLU weak. /Ultte young pooplaare oordlally Invited to attend. . . ...

Tba Lorrl's siippsr was celebnted ta tbeFresbjterUn Cburoh latt Babbath,, . :

Dr.K. CWillut anJ Mn. Willot arrhomo oa ^ridny evening, and were gladlywelcomed by tbdr friends Lafter1belr longtbysojourn in tho wild \Vest. Tbey: broughtmany Varlstdea of hornt, and skbu and Ilkawitbtiiem. Doctor iayi be enjoyed the tripImmensely,'especially when on a hunting ex-padition. -- " ; ' - ; " ' :

BXJBTIO. :haa been Tteltlne trleiids

iStanhoyo. . .Mr. aad Mrs. abx KTonnan spent lait Sun-

day at tbe lake, v . , - - -A handkerchief eodable wtU be held at the

residence cf Mr. Tbonuui Port In KenvUonFriday ovtuing. Tbe prooeeda will go towardP h d a n f r U e E ^ v U B c b t 'u i x d a K a o i ^ a o U i ^ v c o o

Mr. Edgar Henry and family, of •Dover,moved last 'Saturday, to. the bouse latelyvacated by Mr*, a. Mones. ,- •" ' ' > •.

Mr. Jofaa Dohm waa tho guaat of Mr. Geo.Lowe l u t Saturday: . ' . - . '

Mr. Danlrf Wilkerson, one ot tba party ilott bare a few weeks ago for the South, re-turned home laat Saturday evening.

We are very sorry to learn of tha illneeE ofUuterOeorgeHand. '

M C h B l

Bakur baa aJao been on tbe alok Hat.-We think the cud dog scare In tbls vicinity

U about at an enl. Wa hope BO at leait.Mr. and Mm. W.J. Fulii, of Warwick, wi

IUTS been rialtlng Mrs, B. O. Baker, returnedborne last Monday. '•-:'•...:, -

, ; ~ , . KX. ABUKQTOW.Mr. J. Knox FhlUIpa, of .Kenmora Cottage,

left on Monday for an extended trip throughtho South.

Tbe EUe Stye 8tn cottage, owned I17 Dr.Pilcber, la betas; greatly enlarged.

Uiss Once, wbo haa been ependlog 1parents, of thi» plaoa, hu re-

Mr. J. Jf. Van Nortwfck spent part of lattweek Bt Now York. '

Quite a number from bere attended tb<teacbere tsxatnlnatlon at DOTOT on Satonlajlart.' . . . .

Tbe daoctaioliuiB "will meeteventi)j a t WiniiJidakLodge. -

They baVo a new dork at t ie ston, but 1not leftttted bla ntuna yet. ' .

tiim Emma toe spent Sunday with" MendsatDovor.' • "• .. . ;,

Tbe wind*: during tlie last few ilayt h&\opeood the lake from Nolan's Point to Cheat-

. Dnck buniitig Is the principal peittme withthenportmnea ot thia place. Hope tbey will""t»hootitb»T"'""^ " '





Stands for




The Best Made.

Dover, N. J.




all . rlrtearing


>TORE, BPOHTON, H, J. ••.'•V.1 ,'..! i>;J. ^ • 1 , 4 ' i i '

"'" KSsJiitlfW'lfJrtS^t

The Syraeuse Steel Beam Chilled Plow.

q>UIW or wort, eue o l ~ JffiJ Sinnsth sol Dunbtlli,, antho quQtte. UMtooramMdlLtoncrr furur, Ta HM It U to b.

d Tie col*.Per/set, ^huteUa, «SMS A*am Ptned SA r tvU! •S-i:\k{

Prices in these Plows and Castings Greatlyy Reduced for 1891.

SPRING TOOTH HABHOWS' . ' ! : ' : • . • • • • . ' • . • • • . • • • . : • ' . . • • • • • - J . T - - . , • • , • . ' . ; • . . " : . - ' . . - W ! i / i -



Table Linens. Napkins;


BAEER BUILDJNfi.Linen able Glotiis

• . • • . • ; ' . . • ' • • , - . ' . • . . : • • ' • . • 1 - ( . 1 ^ - : 1 . ' . . ' . .

with NapMns to matofcu


Page 4: B-ASIS 1891. NO. 14 BOMBSHELL · •-x-x-x-xxxxxxxxxx* •x- our rates on the & t b-asis vol

An Anecdote of Mr. Cutler.Tin* IVm-M >>f TiifMluy iMiilniiis ll.u full.

iuif vvlm-li limy U* lula-u Kill, sunn- jjluiiii,ii August..*

lllliT nrrMni

tiuU cif

, my in

II..lilln,.-, -T 11.

i nail lieUtlu lii-jk ui'IL\

li.ilt i,r Li.-. luu<i i-, mid when he d.*-> >xv ican nipt rwt'rilli/ti it Us l-'lnlyintf In lliuiI t U rvlnto.1 <jf Uiiu Uiu". lie wtsut liutitiu,;ilay up near Lake lK']aatcuug with sfrivHi,*. Hu was lev'..:.;; Uio ]x.ny strdt-U i>[ WOAIIUIILI WIIL-II an angry fur•.'am.,nttibiti" nut (if n ilitvtr«al ..urnur's rsnml onloml tiiu iiarty to lwivo On, grouMr. fuller mill liis Iriuiiilit wero rului'tnngu, fur they liad a little wlillu Imfwe sUu,i bonus quidl, but tliu farmer wan olidnnd liu uiarcliwl them out to tlio ntnrwitway.

M DoyoiinWai tliiJ WGajda f* oiiot>f ttao nu_,_-.aike*l, aa luo fanusr turned twk townrd» lib

'• No," vraa tho answer, " but I Imvo chargeutUturtka "" "


answer, but I Iinvo charger. Lf you «aut to Uunt hur

you will liftvc to

"Otis. Culler, o[ MorrUtonii," was

Tlio oS-CtmgrusEUUin led Ilia frlendd awefiiluutly, ami .vlioii tliey liai. vrulktil a liuMniilD Lo turned to ttiuni mid uultl; " 1 dontL.ul: wo imvo auy pull with Cntlur. Lcfa tr;to hunt in somebody clsu't. woods."

Tlio General Couldn't Mannfto Womet..I t will bo runiemU'rud tlmt Lfcncrai Hlienno

nnd family wero funnurl.- guoj,Ls tor a time <Vurtmaiiu liutol at MrCalimvillu, und M.VuiitiiHiiLnsiu liin [>o**-Bjjju)] tlio fulloivfnuu'ogi-njib luttur, wlilrli la uminontly characttristio of tiiu dliiietiii.tW i>f tliu grunt, KDIIIII


KIITNKVV Vi LK. Out. 13th, IBM". {

McCAlKHVIbLB, X. J.t)r.Ad Bm:~l win tunlly < linn] .pointed U

l<utni tliitl Mm Blu.Tiiiiiii mid lA&io liad gi»to Mnrrlstown lujfore gh Ing ynu « fuir clinnto .llni'liiy ymir art nn a hotel keeper. J aiiiiiinigu men, but imt wnmyn; and I rjiu onsiy I am sorry nil round. **»il mt! lii'i-o your bill HIM. I wlreturn u died, in fiill-iuoluiloevcrjtbing.may Iw Uict I mas Uave aiwtUw cluuias 'enjoy your hospitality nnd thu pleaaure offiHir-in-liand rido tvlKiut H.i.iaU.-oiuc.

To-morniw I will attend tho funeral cereniowoa oC Jmlge Manning, of IjouLsinna, aiulnoon alter tl">so of Uon. Klljxi.rk-k, wlirisewidowhOHnrrivod,mid wauls tha Uonobo liurioJ at West Foiut, Instead uf JJ<

wn.aswe t X I > ^ o u t ; t r u i

XT. T. Buxau

Mr. Fbfllps a Qodfather.Tho baptism of the Infant daughter c

CoimtaudCouutessI'apiwnueini.nwWheeletook iilace on Tluirwliiy of lost w«ik, at Herliu. Count Btbouvnloll'. tho H u ^ n AIII!Jdor, aiul Mr. I'huljis, the UJIJW.1 HUitca Mluiitar, wore tlia godfutliurii. "HID ollldUclergJint'Q wero Ubi'rpfnrrar Jliillor and thItav. Dr. Owen, of tho Anglo-Airierk-uiCiiurcli. AfWr tli* wrotuoiiy lum^huoitterved at tUo i'appoulmtiu rcKiJeuee, Amongtile gucfila were Count vou Loiclienfolil, th<llavarittu Mlnttter. Ueiieml von lUuitf,several other olilclala of bl«li stamtlnglienoml vim itnuch pri>jKw4 \\,e htnltliMM. ^bdps,Jlr. Julius Walt! rend n pociami Mr. l'l«!li» MpoWo fur the Hinpcrur mid ftUtt I'reHldent of the Duilod Btat«s,

The Madlaon Water Works.»ni>orlutoiitlL>i)t U'Uemn, ut tlio Madlwm

woti'r works, n'lwrU tli« IIPIU* nniiiilutiun ttue (ilaut At thtx ilnto lie liuu laid over uliand oiio-linlt iiillea of ntnlna and water i>iiHrattd lias fully complutcd tho Btaud JIIJK!. Tleiigino houwj IJ coiiuilotfd, wltb tbe oxceptlouof n Cow iliiialiliig toucbos that limy lw fouinoccBKory later ou. He oxpajts nltblu a dayor two tlio " grates" for tbo boiler room, anwben these are set tho whola work wilt l»practically finlabed. Toward tho latter cudof tUiB woelt tie water will ba turaa.1 ou fortbe purposo of tustlog tlie elllclency cf theplant &t»t Itefore ivc^ptiug tlm u w from tbecontractors by ths borough autUoritfra.

An Old Crime BacaUsd,"bloat people uf middle and old ngu in tutt

Kootlou will nuuombor the munlcr in 16AB, ofTUeodort) ltrowlboad tbo well kuovm hotelprupriotor a t tho Dolawaro Water Gap,WiUium BrooltB mid Charles Ormo

' orre»ted, and tried and convicted o[ the crimo,altar which bolb escaped Irom jnll. Onne,liowever, vraa recaptured anil banged. The

. recollection ba« been revived by advices fr: tt)o6tatflafWsBliIogUin,taatIlrootBluub

captured in Uiflt Htato, and tho autbarian maklnir orratigcniontA to bare tho manidentified. -

Bright Froipacti In Mondham.E, L. Onrraurant,orMcndham,biill(Jur,hai

bbj bands full of work now ami advertise* f <carpenters. Ho has a contract fora rcskleuceto cost W.000 for oi-Mayor aeorfie J . r y ,of Orange, on the.Byram Thompson place,bofddo barn and otlier out buildings. Alsoeontract for a house/or Mlcbaal Coghlan, thistago driver, on Muuntnin nronue, to cost $1fiOO. • Also to remove atwl rciuodul a, house toJohn H. Hallautlue, between Mend ham andB&ra&nlsvllle, ftatt nvore iu \m»pcct,—Jersey-luan

• - •• * • « » •

Author Stockton's Ancestry-*Mr. Frank It. Stockton, the wtery writer,

who Jlvea at Mndlson, this county, h reportedId truue bis aaccstry bauk to tlia (Stocktons,nf .Burlington county, *Ue isadascendant of

- lUcUftrd Btochtou, who MtUcd lu Sprlcglteldtownship In VVStt and was the groat grand-father ol IUc\iard BtockWn, tbft Bigiwr of UtsPeclaratloD of Indepondonco. The novelist 1Ba relatlvB o! Attornoy-aoneral John P. Stoci-ton, of New Jersey,

Stlrllnirui Boomlnir.'" The BUrJlngoomiBpondent of tho Jorsoyman

•avg; The new silk milt Is full of buiy workers' who bavo lately como among us. The largo

hotel is Bald to be full, and private houses areover crowded with the now camera, whooroof a nice class of people. I t Is reported thaorders have olreody Kona forth for another

. luga silk mULaud n number of now cotWgva' for tho woaTDii, who will then bo sent for.

A Conductor Complimented.Conductor Barnes, Bays tlio Sewark Call,

run» a fancy train on tlio Lackawaima. I t liI* No. OS up «wl 00 down, and Is known M tho2IackettfitownB|>ocIaJ. itrunBOverthaB

• ton Broach and k«p» out of tbo way of thefastexprcea. Mr. Barnes Is jurt as urbaneas ho'was when he rap o train load of milk,newspapers and nla?ny passengers out of Ho-boten on Sunday niornuigs at 4 o'clock.

The OaldireU Bailrood.Er-Judgo J, I*. JbhoBon, Frwlerick Adams

and Ellas 0. Sorcmus, Commlsslonera ap-pointed to condomn lands for the new railroadfrom Morristown to Caldwell, root in Olllond'sHotel, Fompton Hflins, a few days ago, andheard some tcttfraony in regnrd to the valueof property to bo token. They niso viewed

,• the land of Thomas 3, Pemanwt throughwbldi UIB road Is to run.

. Enaployeei to Give Band*.-. • A. news Idem says that the agenU and: meawnffera of too United States Express Com

paay bmo been notified tinA oa and afterMarch 1st, 1601, all employees will be obliged

- to give Mcurlty [or Ibo faithful performancethrough the cxMnpiuiy's own security company,

' Which has boon orgnnlwd under tho tamo and. 'title of the"trnit«dBtatesJOxpres DondCom-

>. pttny."' ^ M

; .. A Wosdar Worker.:' ' Air. Frank Huffman, a young man of Burl-- Ingfon, Ohio, states that he hadbcon underi tho care of two prominent physicians, and' iweil their treatment until ho. was not nblo to

getaround. Theypronounood liUcnse to beOonmmptiofl and Incurable, tie wet per

V.sua&Kl to t ry Dr. King's Now Discovery for.. Consumption, Coughs and Colds and at that- Umewaaaot able to walk across th« Btroot

Without raiting. Ho found, before ha bod"uflod half of o. dollar bottle, that Ue K U mt»abetter: be coctinOGd to uso it and is td-<laycajoyinff gooA bwvltb. If ymi have any

• • Throat, Lung- or Chest trouble try i t VTtguaranfcee natlsIacUon. Trial bottle frw at

• Bob't KUTgora's Drug Store, Dover, Uram,- Hauce & Co'-s Drug gtoro. Port Dram, and. ¥. N. Jenkins'Drug Storo, Chnster.

V '' . A Baal Ssl tam i s Kemp's Salisau .'.; Tbo dictionary myi, "A balsam is a ihlck,' i:: pure, aromatic substance flowing from trow."d;. KempWIlalsMn for th« Throat nnd Lungs li^'; ih« only cougfc medicino that la o, vcol balsam.•••';. JUny UJin, watoty congh remedies an) called

' balsuns, ba t roch are not. Look through a-;: bbttls. ta* Kemp's Balsam aotl notice what a'^'•Jftwe, thick prspars-tion It bi If you cough

o Kemp's Balaam. At all drugglite'. large

imVO U Ml) U I I ]N>I*1 ID0 1 l i m e M I i U r t I fin riti i k ti1 t l » il k nut*!! n "> it I n w

<;ui>, i f ^ui dlc-u of ,i h a t Mr. A or 1) jui[lldU^L Ul<'>' liU(>Ik-ll tUIIWU tllL->"i VIllUUnr Ihi'ir wivvi or dniifehUre lo carryii ibfirnnuauu Uiestrwjl. I liearUl> op.,hu mrni takuii l>y ttu? EltAouUwllnc

ily uiaflaixl out, aud trust tltitim will w wltcu

lu onlur to ivnibdy tliis evil, an net sbmi,> juihrMx! by tliu Ix't,'inlaturu, autlnirliJu(f an,

olid all jKiruuiia to kill duga found at largimid wlllt tlie co-ujHiratlou uf thi

Toim Uoiiiii'itU*« uf HID vurioux towunliijio ivould BOOU rid tlio conimunlUra of tbeseortHeTMbfluliioK nnd HIIIVB tlio dog <iui«tliiu.r all Urao to cotuu.Tbu luw of 1UU Ittliodutyof Mayors' toniM and Totvraldp Coinniittcos to

nutliocizetboUesitrucUoiiofdoeawbenovorUiupublic Mftity retmlros tt. However rigli.1.

it Iti enforcod by iucorporatcd citiuK, Iam \>nt in force l>y Tovnittbip Cknur.iit-

toet, aud tlion only for a brief jKirfod.rallies aru rampant un OTtry band. If tliepublic sufoty rutjulres tlio dL'strucUon of dogs,on\y after u Inrgo num.«r nt valimhlo aulmnliliavo IKX.II dcsUtiycd by mhltm, and tho livesof jxj'ijtl'j cudangoix-d, as lias i-oully bevo the

tills and adjoining coiuii.iuiftiOfl.tiiittiluk It tiiuo tliut tho poo|>lo liud tho right taact, and logi vous the protect!au that will pro-U*ct.

tUL-h A law was placed on our ttatutoBud ouforcod, we would BOOU get cl<

of tlia Fjurulus cunt, Uiut tnuoplo do\m tiialu and otlicr crojw of tLu furniers, tLat

destroy yuutig andUuIiilfsssgnmaRtaUtBcmuiBif tliu year, and that dot tray tlio llvcu

and mongrels nro tho ones that do most of thisage, taA tho Uxca on then, nro BeUoiujailil hy their ownora. Tboso who pcHUC

dugs would comply nitli tlio law, aitlieir dogs securely faxtcmx), so Uiat

would nut !*« posMb.o or Ukeiy tliey would doiny < In in ago. Ily bitch iirecuutlons being

It would have a Uuideiicy to letseen tbouutuimtfl jiatii-titi wLo ara rotiuired tor treatmont ot tlio Panteur liutltuto

far rubk's, each year. Aud huitly, it wuuliletinblo tho farmer* who own largo tractswtuU) loud in this State to utilize It for theprodtablo raising uf sheep, which was ojicojirulltnldo inilustrj', but has boon uortiaUy

^lugtotliofact of tho largo nuntwraauuuallj d.«*trajod by cure.

Very truly,IlJCUABD FlTZlISIUlEltT,


BhTB tipn(,mMi« fruiu tlio Ilumla ot tiltBlunt Ct'lebnilril Jlukiri.

'liven; is no .i,><ji>.ulc.y-f.ctcrBtiiiulnixl 1>y which the superiority of oldviol.iiK fntm liu! hniialH oi lumcnu "can lie t'siniil.Kliwl-

t'vrimpii StnidWnri, NiuliolnB, winlived (mil iniiili! vlolltiB in OremounIlaly, in tlie hitter luilf of tliu suvei{('(.•ntli ccnttirj*, should be mvdited witpopiiiur./lnff tlie vlnlln us utiicli us inionu In liislnry. To l»u Hiire, A unit I,ivhohunniiH* inom?of thu fainoistill, ivus a Jlttli; uarilLtr mid taughtStiiidUnritlu-tirt.

lint for the mini lvhn did most townnlp.stftlilishinir thu present rule UBVUIUCHfor violins of ancient innkn the worldftutstlmik tn I,onU 'l'ensln, nn Italianoolloutor, who tvntt tit tlio inorldlnu inthe flrat fjiiartcrof the jiivHOiit contury.1VHHIOWI.HU Jovvr of violins, citlitficmMi'lvL-s or the money tlmt hu nu-fjiifn*'! by trading- in them. He roamedabout Kuropo, luiyinjjupoldviolinBnndtriidinir new OUCH for them. In oldmoniihtcricH lie received many none, which tho owner wtis only tooto uxi'liunpi! far otio of tlio tnfinish. Tliis goes to show howlittle ivns tlu>D npprecinlcd thu benefitof ngo wliiuli now ia BUCII HQ Ira-jjortiuit factor In the vulva of nn .imtru-nienU TedKto van found (luttd OHO da;Jn liis in Milnii, Giirraundod hyliin vuUucUun of vlolltiB, wltlcli yrob-ably could not be reproduced for Iterare atid lino .nstnimcnta today Ivoxanil the collections in tho world.

Tho niimo. of t.uutmvHiF. RtaudR ncs 'lotlmt of Strndivari to-dnyfor excel-

ot tTitvUu, cBpeclivUy tlio name oiJoseph del Jcsu, whosotrafle-mark was I . II. H. A him-dred years ago tlio Amatl violinistood holier in the tnluo ol the

-Id limn those of Hti-ndivnrf, bn'they lmve Bineo cxclimigeil their POBItloQB, To-tlny on Amott mustbc exeep

~\ fln"eWlL«wortti-**orBHiui.*3Dli, while as good spceimenB of tinTari or GaanaHus are proljablj

worth, rcBpccttvelj, as many and halls many thousands.

Onu of the finest, or at least raotfprecious, Guntinrlus Instruments cstnn'is tlmt which Fngiurini used, anil no«preserved In a glnsc case in tlio Munlclpul Palace at Genoa. PagnnluL'B pupil,Blvori, Is probnbly the only ono Wlio hatplnyetl on It since his master's dcatli,and that only once.

Tn this country, Mr. lluwlcy, of Hurtford. Conn,, has an <ut(jcedinffly vuluiibio collcoUoti of rare TIOIIBS. Ito lintLO lew than lire specimens of Strntilat-in and threu of. Guanarlus, One of

tho latter Is known (is tlio KingQuanarius, that in the Quest product of thfirtlst It f* valued at 53,500.•Theodore navemejer, of this city

has a number of rare nnd valuable iastruments. among which are more thatone Stradivari and Joseph Ouarartuidel JesuAvlth tho I. II. H. brand vt oxceleucc—Chicago Journal.


Strychnine wt. Antidote for Their Doadl;

Baron von Mnller, RH vniiucnt sclen>title nuthoritiy of Melbourne has dl»covered tlie real cause anil effective curtof fltiako poiaouiiiff. According to lienvon Mutter, tho venom ot serpents doe,not destroy the tissues of the body, hu|has mcruly u dynamic eilect, Busjwnd'\ng tlie actlpn of Uic motor aud vasomotor nerve conWrs. This discovery alonce indicated thnt tho proper kind olantidote would' bo something wliiel

ild "titimulate and incroaBo th«ftmctlonnl nctlvity of these ncrvt>centers." This remedy In suppliedby strychnine, which is directlyantagonistic in its action to saako poi-son. HerrvonMullerhasnpnlledbtrycl*nine upon n lat-go numiier of person!bitten by the tigvr-snoko and otheivenomous serpcntR, and velth invari-able success. The way in which ho em'ploys it ia to Inject ten to twenty minimiof the dmc under tha skin of the pa-tient, ami to repeat tho operation everyfifteen minutes until slight muscular

arc produced, thews being onunfailing- alpu tliat the patient Is out offlangcr. Iinrge itoses of strychnine maybo injected Into tlio blood of n person•who has been ultlcnwitliout producing1

any injury until it has cempletely neu-tralized the effect ' f the Hnake poison.—Toledo Blade.

Took ll«-r IIRHII with Her Fortuno.A young solicitor tlie other day got n>

verdict for ..client of considerable richeslint little Viuuy. Shortly afterward,in due course of UusinoBs, he wntiicr aeomowbat forojWnble account. On thafollowing .Iny Ma client called on him,and ositcd 1.1m U he bad becu ecrions iahis proposal. . '

",*roposa\? Bat I liava not pro-posed," replied the solicitor, (somewhat

'"Whutl" replieit hLs fair client, enlm-ly. tlYou lmve tu&eu for my fortnnol Ishould have supposed that you would at

•ast hnvc had tbo politeness U> tukomolunif with it."Tbe next dny »he received a revised

account us follo'.ve:"Miss II., di'Htor to »!r. C. for leffnl

aK]no&s perfortned.*'Then in place of "£ s. d." was "Total

amount, Mias It."—London t'igaro,

'You hare l»cn il^htlnfr, my son,!'said the uMcrmi»n from tlio 'Stccntliwuitl, suverely. ' -

''Yes, sir," replied the boy. "Thodirty llttlu ewnndrel on the otlier tstdaof Uic street told mo you'd sell jour voteLn the council any time for n hundreddollars, and 1 chugged Kimono on thojaw." '

"That was rijflit my win " snid the Ioldcrmnn ' One hundred dollara1*— and jhe spoke i\itl, mndt ctnphasia anddecision— 'nonld bo n ) temptation. — IChicago Xribitne. I


i II iti i) II

I inn hi li>vu wltti tin; «n; W wlio ciilia - H u l l o fWlli'Ili!"«r J HM- ijiL-'i-rinnr;

Aiul .!ifV. ".ill i l;::n ' I • "al'l >'«. t» i* low.


•riu'.Liiiii.T l-.-:l .•.•ill. it., e' v . K u

Orttiii tipili:i .-iiu.ili Ti :i m.iy li,: j-.uir i-holea,V1»V f.itr.. 11 H./.H!... .lii-i.. i*«tt« niii-

Uut I Hu;: liiu 'I'liuin: uiul UHJ "UL-utiMl" loll


Carpetsare now ready for insficctia.i, and thedtHjfay coven TWO ENTIREFLOORS of our building.

This department has always beena noliixaUefeuture of our cstaUishmvnt, and buyers in tld« city awlvianity who aramlne our assnrtmenfind that it compares favorably, bothin s/yEc and j't'ices, with any honscin New Yoi'k City.'

Mwuj beautiful dailym in Axmfaaler, Royal WiUon, Majitet, Velvet,lint-win, Tajicdry Bnissds and la-grain arc intluditl in the new jmltems.

We ham aim received 250 ROLLSC/iiHti amE JiijKiHeBe Mallii

both plain and Jigvred, sauqileswhich have been lineal in the sales-rooms,

l'ersUui and Oriental Muys.Pomr Loom Rugs.Oil'Cloths, Linoleums and Mats,

Heath & Drafts,777 & 779 Broad St.,






- A H D -



H.QSST AND BEST 6T00K In I t s Itale




oflerod for rent, either on

shares or money Tent, to a re-

sponsible and reliable farmer

only. AddressT. 0. BTJLLOOK,

3-nv Sucoasunna.K. J.

HENRY SIRE & SONhave Juit arrivHl from tlie WEST with


1 S T E I HuBSES,They -•aaon r

s ron ALL VBSS.

LI have a largo stock on hand Uw

W1LCOX & BEBBY,tnoouiaii TO lit T. I. nistmii)


Fl»ni,pecffi3illniforbu[idUkeo »od miwriili farnUtaod.Jobb ing promp-tlr a t tended to .

8LATS noOFB—WettrnhnOnt-olwitUttm) pat on slate toot* by good meahutloi.Buketft' BheftUklBg P»pet tXmKj% oa h*afl;Ofllee Afidihop Oor, of BlaakniU M>a M$t-

V. B, Witmx. - A. 8. B U S T . -


. __ _ irhuopenodaHMM-Shoatogioh ]n oonnMilon vlib hu oilier bunnew,prof Bhvotwsll •od B«TKBO Sti.. Dover.

Cor. Blaoknell and Be'gon Etc,OST. 3





AUniodornimprovemtratBandpfttcntoBdontedrwardlOBBOtooiit, mftklnH iv ilratchua organ

OKaANS FEOM $35 UP,and Bold ou tbo Installment plan u low u

60c. PER WEEK.


uick Bides and Small JPTOJUB.


York WOULD never

crows. For loltat it has done It asks

no favor and no consideration. That

is ancient history—to be forgotten. It

looks only to tlie future—lo the toork

to lie dmw. Qur hopes and fears,

onrjoys and sorrows are all before

—not one hehind.

In TBE WORLD'S toork for

1891 every American citizen is vtiuUy

interested, and not one—no mutter

what his. politics may be—can afford

fo be' without its weekly edition, tatiich

has not an equal on earth as a «enw•

mper, Nine men out. of every ten

know thin to be true. Everij tenth

man should send to-day for a speci-

men copy, that tite knoxdalge may

be universal.

Subscribe at once. Three month

costs only 25 cts., and by every tffeeJc*s

delay you miss something tvorth more

limn the subscription price for the

year—whicli is only otic dollar. Ad'

dress TBE WORLD, Newjorli,

STOa&TOXET.The corner store In the Schwurs Dlocfc on

JBSOI Btrcct, now occuiijod by L. LotunoQai a grocery. Also FOUR HOOMB on tliSBecond

aor, with all modem improvements.AIBO threa rooms orar Walton Bros.1 cloth

iaCBtoro.Atinltr tn . ,

BCHWAItZ,luwexSt, Dover.



may ba relied upon at all aeuoni u a reliableplace tor S B jpurehaBB ot the bert .

in tba vra; ot

Meats,Frails, Vegetables,

Poultry,Clams, Oysters, Fish, etc.nnd flvurvtlilng Ui*t a well stocked marketshould contain. In meat*. fpecEal IMJtu %I*flkou io secure any cuts desired, and a point

1B m«do of offering only fresh vegetables andother articles to cansomers. Al!; <ffder«promptly delivered. A trial la reapectfullrBolfcited in tbe belief tbat 1 can cadiify eachcustomer. Ikeeponlyeipcrlenoedineii—irboknow how to cut aud put up meat, u d whoTrill take M much ueioa -witfc tui order from achild aa from a gromi person. 13-ly



Tm, Ootra u s Bam Xw»<' Boon*.,

Zinc,Sheet Lead, .-•-'•.•':..

Lead Pipe,Pumps, *c .





Losses promptly adjusted andpaid In cash. ;



^boloe baildloK Iota w d f u n i on WHJ twwj


anQT to l o u on iKmd kad moitgmft.

OTOOBt , ; '






TV* will ojwn pravious to Enster a Dopnrt-uent of Millinery, a feature that tlis Uuiieeol Now Jersey wft recoguiia aa Using a longfelt want to our Imsine**.

Initsnnpolntoieutalt will meet tue oxi«c-tatlona of tlioss mxjUBinlod with niotropalltan

In lie a&wrtroenta of ftutblonaUe Hata.Bon-_ata and Toques, it •rill 1M UIO equal of anyIn this Oduutry- '

In tba matter1 of price It will bo a revolutionof how roaaanablo In jirice High Art Millinerycan bo sold (or, whan motleroto protlt la tbebasis for busfneai buildliig.


"\Vo -will here B&ovr a comiJeteof desirable JioaneU, Sbaiws small and largoHats, melon, Chip, Hair and Leghorn Shapes.


no ono will allow a grander assortment otOrchids, Vicdul*. PHRHIM, DttLliaH. Poaloa,ChryeaatJiomuws, TUIIJMI, and wild flowers.In wroatlu aud uianturmt, bcelilen tnnny ei-cluEdvo BOVOHIPS tor wliicii we will be solowdlen In Kowark.






TRIMMED MILLINERY.Our otTorts In above Hue haa been toward

uourlug a ilisplny uf now fltid novel CITMU inEInta AU J Ooniiots, Imported direct from Icad-DK 1'iiriBiaa nrtists, togotbor with many beau-tiful productions from tbo high class design-ers in our awttoiaploy. Wo wouldmuieetanattoiidnneo for eiaiumaUou from evory readerof tils pnjwr and feel eoaddeiit of winningimlrbearr/tnipiKirtln uur unilcuvon. to iilacobefore them rtjaeonable pdea millinery.

707 to 719 BROAD St.,N E W A U K , N J .


$10 REWARD./HI tio pild to •.nj'jodyraaod lolllag, filling

or wilfully dcitrof log onr bottles, ot atotUuBtoppor* mm tlm aaue,

Special Partlo... Beml-moaitilj', TonK»t

„ . AildroM B. HAirur/AM'tOott'TaVtiaiet»n»BDr, S13 Drtwdwaj, Hew York; B. J.

flmiH.ARent.iDfl.aiBt, Phlli. 11-lr

. HOUSE 10 BENT. ,On tod attar SopUmher l i t the propertyDown i t kua lawyer Whit* pluo, eornot of

i t t l ^ I U d l p h a*PQae, will ba

IFYOUW/IHTBeeond-htDd Fun ft me of all kindt, Storfiatod eTerrtbioK else g or U roa want a goodprice for urap lion ol all kind*, go to '

JAB. l.'IBODOIA'NOn Eawx St., near the BInk, Dorer, H. J.



-Imp ;, iMt.Tttl»or, W. J.





SDS8E3C SIRBBT. 0 0 V E B , K . I.

Is stoditd irlth liie of eTcrjrthluK in ibe,

lines, .ud aold at llrieg price.. Call ana e n n i .

ay etotk and prioea. t i l DHtdt uellTun

i; part of tic toiro at iliort aoUoe.




Wboletala and retail detlen and bottlert

Holt agtnt* for Jhltantfnt <t Off Gt&nttdBtfoH and I&jer Beer, nippiieii In any

quantity Jrvm a hat to a car load.

Jost wneired n»niplo lot otBtlUbtlatOeBOH'm IntlU P».* »nd XKX Ale, wbioVv we patop lo pint and liuli pint bottles ipeoiaUv»5»ptoilf<»r hotel ana family mo.




- - Proprietor.

OYSTEKH in all Btylaa anil iiently served.Lunches pretvu-ed a t any hour of the day.Oyatera, writuo and fresh every day for familyuse, by tba 100 or 1,000. Best, brands ot

BEOARS, BEER AND WINEH,always o n hand, and a well equipped FOOL11O0M nttiuiltttl. Alwo-yB o pltuwant KOAorderly place to call at.

Central Eailroaa of May Jerse/.


saiTfi & FACING,

Masons and Builders,DOVER, N . J .

Contmcla for all kind* of work taken andall materials f urnlubcd. 1'rnctical axixu-tanct:

ery brand) of luasou work,



Wy NEXT TO D., L. & W. 11. R.

1891.January 1st Una come and gone owl iny a.

vortlwincut ol Nov. 14Ik, 1800, offering &Uireward up to that date to any wholesale tiousoIn this State wbo could beat my slock of oldRyes not having been taken It a proof of thesuperior quality and age of my whistle*. 1now Inform my patrons that I am preparedto furnl&h such goodi cheaper than any bouse,either in thlu HUto or 2-few York, elUier'lu or"•it of bond, in any quantity. .

0PF.CunsAi.1>BP0T, LOVER, H .J

NOTICE.The aunuol olectiau of Uie Bonmghof Mouat

Arllnalonwillbe held a t tlie Mb. ArlingtonHotel, on

' TUESDAY, MARCH 10th, IDOL'Tbe following officers will bo elected;A Mayor, for one year.Two Councilmeu, lor three years.Two Couucitoen, ior two ywn.Two Council-men, for one year. 'Out AfiMBor, for one year.Ono Collector, for tue year, " " r.'Tfaroo Ccmmlnloncra of Appanla of Taxes,

{ortnvoyeu. : '..-.:• -Taioa for GoPoralBoroUBh puipowa, $1,600.- - _ - , - *^'^*W: _-~\ '•

HOWARD P. FwmnwanAttest;—OtRUfl E. COOK, Clerk.


Watches, Clacks, Jewelry.Bilrer-w.]-e and Maaical Initrumente, &a




Stoves a i RangesPnropt ittdilcr t-Tcn to oontnots lot

QinbinK and TlnniBgl

Steam and Hoi WaterHBVrllfO A BPKOI4I.TT.


«7Sbti*imfnll11>ll Beirinff. Htfh Ora()«,fall , - , .»fEBB»FlITr. lUihly rwommeodecl. Cilfind • . '


wbloh be to ooafldeotU tlw^nMt]it»cik ol tee kind over bron8b.(o- baval/uid to wbltb hepartisalarly laVite* tie aiienlion oltaijiei, Alio eftrytblnR ptjmUrandlaafling Io ihe Wyof

Books,: j^-'^iMai^Biwi;^

Choice Segars and Tobaccos, Pipes, Pouches

JOHNoan bo found a j^npletp sfook in every departmon^ uadi as

Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Carpcte.O

v ;•-: v.Rugi^ CIOBJCS and Jersey JackeU.

Large aBsortmsrit of littdiofl',

(MOBJUS AiiD EBS1X DIVBI0N )-pot in Now Jerk lool of UsrcUr 8 l "



EufitJo Espteti* 6--S6Osiroso Eipra«"Dover Eipreii . . . .Hukdtt-tlownEsp.7.33Wi.biflJ.toD BpL* ' "Euton Eiprii*BnflftlP Eipreii*Scnnton Ex.* j

jriceom. 1Elml»Ei. 'E*tton Hall

i#0 Eiprcip'_ -JlUtOJTD Spl.**>over Aoaom.jnffaio Eip

B t J

DoterEiprPil 7Waitt, sptelal 8

BMtonJLooiini. "HUkExprew* 1MB

*Vli. Boon ton Brauob.

Btitfcto Kip.BafftJoBi.*OavorAeoomBulalo £x.«





H-.U '6:55 •H-A6 <

Hnrriitown. Dorer

9005 9)6 33

LEATE HETiS, SOUK P0R COVER.At 1:30. 7:10, 7.-2O*, 0:00*. 0:10, 0.10, 10:10,

,. u.; 1SKK «. , 1;00", 8:30, 1:10*. i'SD, 5:10,6-00,7:30*, 8:00', BrfW nud B:Gt* t. u.

•Vil. Uooatoii Ifranoti,


. . « . P.H. P-K. l .v.•,0:33 B:05 fl:V/lQ:'£i 2:07 fi:0U10:13 2.5H 6:Ut Jrouli. .,„. . . .W.O'iVAl 5-.m Suocaannna 7:13 12 18 4 408:62 3:J3 5:05 UoCftlnivlllB 7;46 lit H3 < W8:40 3:35 S.l? Von O » m 7:D3 13 3D & 108:35 8:30 C:ti Dovor BM U S6 6,18Tlio Huokottstown Expiew Hop> t\ I»jr»

Iranigoinyfissttt 7:31*A.U.I going Wont at

iOSTAlNB t ereiilcr o/ fcatana than aDj otbar

SPICIALLY detlgned for wmnlDft privatemideiJceB lu city or coQDtry. hutola, fllab

bOHa«>, aWtee, Buhooii, luBtttTDi., •parlroontloniea, faotoiiua. bailoeai blooka Had pabliobatWings,


Peoafordroulars. Estimate! ftco. HemlUaui-atuad. I*rgettBimm IleateiButlntiiii Ilia BtAte. Corratpondsnco loiiolted,


leneral Agent (or Central and Northern NewJpraey,


TrtyeUng fMlM




IRON MERCHANT,;« Smm yoa», root ofldbertv St., North r ! « r

1>BAV£, Uf TBAIKSA,U, A.U. r.H. P H

NewXork 6,00 6.1S 1.80 100

B.1S H.65fl.« B.187.80 0.(0(t.lU 10. iU8.SJ 1U.B28.39 1(1,68B.iS 10.698.83 11,00B.aa u.io813 11.118.17 11,188.H) 11.31

1LE0 -9.00 U.Wi.02S.ll 11.4S(.ti7»SI Uaa 41Q


TrentoD...Newark,.liltabclh3. VM.BJ. -a . Valley.NftBKhri'tBarttoy...Plandutf..Oary'r-....Drak'TilleKil

__.LiJoti* O^nlage Kifccw,Oontrfotor*', UiDlog and WaDufaWlarore' Snp-plid, IVinta, OUt, eto

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTSIseds ind Ferlilluerg fialoi and Sulea, Dlo



Pouilrj and UorquUo Net I ing. A! to a fulMo of (left. G*t<.» B«(tigctntot» ivud W*tei

Ooolcru, B&I v Oai-rfaGotT. otoAf;enf of Uottlt »uJ idJoinlDR oonntloi o

tho ODTDT Olilllea Plow also Acme HarrowFnHla niipfil Culllvaton, Walt» A. Worniloweve Ilctptra mtl Bndora. Burttt BtlteaAmoncon nnd Bpllird'a Day Tedders. Levertnd Tread Uoree Voter, mid nil flrtt oliai h i m

Bje Slump PallorsBiakawa^.0Q .SIllbernla 0.13 10.00

a 4.1Q4.42

4,K. A.M. A.M.r.M. r.M.aermanV»Uoy....X. 7.808.86 i l . ls i . I5 6.46OhoaterParnaof 7.12a.4oll.304.2H 6,(6Ohestor .7.478.5811^01.80 7,01

Oati-Oormao Valley 6:19 t u.,rnMo 6^5 r, x.i Cheater 7 00 r



l . M ., 0.50. O.Sfi

. u,«

.6.17Juno ,. ,KenrUDrak'ville.O»rj'«..

DOWN TKAINe,r.H. P.M. P.W. p u r n

12.80 - 5.10110 ,8.25 5.45 5 461 lfl 8.82 S.6S 7.CO 6 611.9S 8.86 0.68 7.05 6 B7

8 , 1 0 03 7.0l»f

. • • " • • - • • - - - . • " 7 . 3 71

" • :

faWYoiH.... I.B0 *8.S2S,SS .

, , . . . a ,Ohditer.-.Lf, 7.08 8.10 10 IH1.M 8,50 fl.W

Train* leare Dortr forHtnalaink and Laki' "ton«49Al*(U8 T dtoonft«.49A.l..|(U8v.u Ttwsdkjaaad

in only.) 7:00 p w. For all •tatlona tot at 0 ,« a. K | (L18P. M.TD*»«daja• a o t i l y . ) - - : . , , ' * . - A - v -•• .-:;„: ';!

CouTej»no«i can be pnonred at GermanValley ta and from Scbooley'a Mountain i ~riaaQowto aad from Bndd'aLakb.: Train learing Koakawar at 3..M r i t , connecta loiu>ng Branon. Ooeati Grove. 6ta.

EAHTON CONHECTION-CoDneatloB iia d f t a t & l g B r i X t a i E t r

I, H.OIJUDBKM. G*n. Boot.


Bt«T0,Md invttM a abar* ofta*'

onlyioodHorkatmtidmtB•vlmTibetn "ThefiutUu1

to rarer M uufieial stu of I•cd aoaia of them liDDII

rltncf of awrly »a*tRFafair,lIa»I b Y ' d b t w l

ur«hil,jB.l*aat about honrlURar eitlrt ~ '

Dr. Freemui b*i"btin iij'oirn and family..enlist, M aUo fpr fht faculty »QS sDholaiapftheliMtitsMfot.tliepMttwolTeyears. ItU*'f,nftt plea4Dxft to tw»ou«ad btm Mthorough?Donjwt«i>t«B4 reliabledrntlat,

. jtsV-UBO. H. WHTTMBT, D D , 3ProaiilBijt HaekettatownOollcslaMInititnts.

MT aoaunlntanoe wit* Dr. Vnemu liu «Uaded OTS( «. pertttd of vaaj n u i fcinyaell, family wid patrcni I ohMrfoUynfem.mend him M a aarofnl, taorongh and reliabl*•.ontUt. , ' ;,'A - i fon B. COOK, H.D

Dr.VrMiu&BUttoeativ'aa.fftof afamily of Smith, at W»teri«>; and wa vlniu graat atteoMa in Ua BOW: field.-. • ••~-.'--.y-"-j-:'' •: '•'•; Bunmi. T. S n r a1 - Si imoM Mayi.hieST. •• - Hiinott, Jtaj*«h.in7

A Q.VtMtMUKY— •' -'U'^ ••••-••••>Dftl* B» i—I rtaU ba happy, to hare yon

aynaniaIaofaB7baiielltaBanlenn««tan weloone to aas it. C. B. Nunur. H



Dainty BoGkj »rdBi(iklets,


Material for Pfttfiiy; Iffforl

Ki i Oloyaa. ; :. • y >; tiiiea.

GOLEMANCOLLEGE, Noivui-lc » , J .

^ " -"'--- ttl UaUonal patamatai .Betlllialalail-lS< |=P-'---1

Once a Luxury,

Now a Necessity.

ld In New Jurtey tliau ill1 othena Wl gliiag perieot »IUIIHUOB

Duplex AulomalicSteam Heaters,

DnUoilteaUaai) Hot Wa<« Heaters TUjaia made ol wnngbt boiler iwn, lu— -"--per floe., aa. oljJin s.fericirltl in


J . F . CUATONa Gen'l Agt




Fire, Lightning gr Torntdoet.

In proleoting our bamM and boatneM QMAmBrlcan oopltal anil boms enterprise

Stock insured igalliat ligbtntog aUTir - ,and against fire in aor private baml or- " « « t o Haw Jersey ^ , ,



c iboUnM,

Mason and Hinilin 0r | im,HOTABX rDBLIO, 0LU1I AlfD BCAIl

SSIATEAOtBJT „ „ ' ^OMOTbjuiaUwHlr«»iT««arilistaBan«on.

ADDana Boi 1»8. IloouwaT, N J .



Insurance and RealEstate Business


BM ai .,^*.^S^>£laSii,rt>&<S?3 pKSirt^-Sfctlattm^loeia «»l l»H.nfo.n«b ; r t i» ; 1 . 1 -01TIOI-I<alliaHtolot,rlaoi BOMIB,

. t t "i«


New l e r u y Busines. College,JM 1L 788 BBOAD BT, SEWABK,

EDUCATE FOR BUSINESSbstrnollon llonrajbl

SaUifaolbn piaranl<edl

TnlUDn rsisoniblul

^ ^Op«aaU tha jearl

*• C T M 11.1.86, rrlnolpal.


still conUndes. Feopla Tlsltii»ttl Ooait to ttetoidtaiSSoVSiiMeato ara served at all hburtT Homea specialty Oystars ia every tyl

Notice of Settlement. -

Notice of Settlement.Holloa UtarebJRlren thai at

Jobs C Welib, eit a, late one of the Exeen

Irf and auied br Ui«Sorroral»,soi^reportStor seltlameDt to tils Orplius' S n r t o l l SOoaaur otM.rrl.,on IIOSDAX thesblh J i l

ril next.J

Notice ot Settlement.Hotiee irberrbyinTen tnat the aooonnlo ol

be sooscrlbBrs, fetcnlors n- Jobe E ]flid d d O will bs u o l t e a r a d t t i


per float, aad elaun snparioritz jlowing bainUt Great eoonomr U finlldij ot oon.tnioUoLl Ko urn

• - l«a^n«e«iirbe«Uii«l«rta».QlfiUll Eaaj to managet


AU UQOa ot Fltinblsg, BM>&»8 ana Bflit»iIron Work satisfactory Bxoostod.^lQ .toosal

AR N DCor. Sussex and Bltekwtll Sti.atllin


PROVISIONSolt«« »Mtiraa.ii aM , •

Pillsbury'8 Best,Viola and

Most Beautiful Brands

* of Flour,I t E D , QKAI1I. BBTTIB,

OHEUE, « H W , • « •BbaatanTUluasVonr aMtarttaa ioaail aaAlalalasrMoBiiflliMBWliMIBisaassrBimtWd." i v UsaasirtMal aaaan fall 1» J"f"as{<

GB£aHOFFHUH£S!Ter^ plraaNViv'LaMtlre, mad^ rroja. Ibe

j ol JTralt Ptunea sotuM&eu wllb a (e«larmlcsa Ttsetebl* lagrediaPts of well-anowa

and alablr raeilolnsl taailjles, «nt»»la l ieform ol i t *. OBElAM D B O P S , " A , ,

Uallni 11 a Ten' Taloabie pr«CaratlOn»x>B BHiSts inn oon

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COHNI8B POMPS, « • « . ! • « ,f v v . i M . . .

G E U B U O u d PUL,1£ VB,l>ncaw< small. <

•eery and Zogbt

aw?-The Equipment of Iron

Nine, a specialty. ' ,









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