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Basic Course in Ayurveda A Certificate course by - International Academy of Ayurveda


Ayurveda For You

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BASIC COURSE IN AYURVEDA ............................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 3 NEED FOR ONLINE EDUCATION PROGRAM IN AYURVEDA....................................................... 4 FIRST MODULE.......................................................................................................................................... 6 HISTORY OF AYURVEDA........................................................................................................................ 6 OUR EBOOK PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................................................... 13

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INTRODUCTION AYURVEDA means "The Science of Life" and is the oldest and most comprehensive system of medicine invented for mankind. It is believed to have originated in 2500 B.C. Actually Ayurveda is rather a way of living to keep one in harmony with nature. It contains profound knowledge of maintaining good health, curing of disease and achieving a harmonious balance of body, mind and spirit. Central to this healing science is the doctrine of Tri- dosha (the vital energies of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and the connection with the Pancha Maha Bhootha (the five elements - ether, air, and fire water and earth.) Ayurveda teaches a way of life that enables us to be centred and focus on the healing that comes from within

Introduction to the course

The course contents following modules:

• 1. History of Ayurveda • 2. Ashtang Ayurveda • 3. Indian Philosophy • 4. Anatomy in Ayurveda (Sharir Rachana) • 5. Basic Principles of Ayurveda • 6. Concept of Tridosha • 7. Prakruti / Constitution • 8. Tissues • 9. Mala or Waste products • 10. Ojas • 11.Digestion and Metabolism • 12. Srotas • 13. Ayurvedic Herbology- Dravya Guna Shastra • 14. Ayurvedic Pharmacy [Pancha Kashya ] • 15. Nidan -Diagnosis of disease

At the end of each module a questionnaire is given on that particular topic. You are supposed to write down the answers to these questions and

send them to the Faculties for evaluation.

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Need for online education program in Ayurveda

By- Prof. Dr. Subhash Ranade,

Chairman, International Academy of Ayurveda, Pune, India The popularity of Ayurveda is growing all over the world. International Academy of Ayurveda which was established hardly decade ago has now affiliated centres all over the world. In USA alone now there are more than 20 Institutions which are imparting Ayurvedic education in various states. Same is the case with other European Countries. IAA is conducting various courses like basic, advanced practical training etc. since last few years and the demand is ever increasing even from far away countries like Brazil, Chile, Argentina etc. also However not all the interested persons can join these Institutions physically due to lack of time the distance they have to travel and the money they have to spend for learning Ayurveda. Many physicians, scientists, and even house wives have expressed their view that they would like to study Ayurveda from their home and want to increase their knowledge of this great healing system to help themselves as well as others. By learning Ayurvedic principles one can remain healthy, can increase his or her longevity and can even get rid of minor ailments without the help of physicians. IAA is receiving many inquiries regarding the availability of online Ayurvedic education program for the Basic principles. Myself and my wife we travel more than 100,000 miles every year for the propagation of Ayurveda in several countries and we are doing this job since last 25 years. Many students and enthusiastic persons have repeatedly requested to us that we should start the online education program for Ayurveda. Few years back we had one Pilot from British Airways who came to study Ayurveda with IAA. He also said that there is big demand for online education course in Ayurveda. Since Ayurveda is professional science ultimately all the students must learn this healing science by examining patients, by observing various practical things. But the basic course in Ayurveda can be taught by the online education method, since it only involves with basic principles of Ayurveda. Hence we are introducing this course through both the websites. ( and

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There is difference between reading online e books and taking online course. After reading the book there is no body to answer your queries. In online Ayurveda course after going through the material of the course, the student has to learn the subject matter properly so that he can answer all the questions given at the end of each chapter. These answers will be evaluated by the knowledgeable person from the faculty of International Academy of Ayurveda. If he has any queries these will be answered by the faculty members. Thus we will make it sure that the student undergoing the online basic course of Ayurveda has understood the subject matter properly. The student will find this course very easy. After completion, IAA will issue certificate, which is pre-requisite for attending all the advance Ayurveda courses like Advanced clinical training in Ayurveda, Herbology, Panchakarma, Massage, Marma Massage etc.

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History of Ayurveda Ayurveda is not only a medical science but it is a science of life. It is also called a holistic science as it takes into consideration all the aspects of life – body, mind, sense organs and soul. It is not only a healing art or medical system, it also teaches about the beneficial and harmful effects of food, exercises and yoga. Ayurveda has been in existence since time immemorial.

Evolution of Ayurveda- It is very difficult to establish the exact period of Ayurveda. However, the origin of Ayurveda as an oral tradition is taken to be circa 6000 BC. The original compendia (Samhita) of Ayurveda exhibit usage of non-Paninian forms of Sanskrit (i.e. not conforming to the grammatical rules laid down by Panini). Historical scholars like Gold and Stuber have placed the date of Panini at the 7th century BC. So the authors of the first available text and their contemporaries should be considered before these dates.

Vedic Aryan Culture- The literal meaning of the word 'Arya' is pure or noble. This ancient culture was the original culture that was in India since ancient time. As stated by various scholars, Aryans never invaded India, neither their origin is outside India. They have shown that Aryans very much belonged to this Great country and were residing in the foothills of the Himalayas.

Saraswati civilization The major part of this culture was however on the banks of river Saraswati. Government of India with the help of Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI) in Jodhpur, Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) and Space Application Center, have now started a project “The Reconstruction of Paleo Drainage Network in Western Rajasthan; to find out the entire route of River Saraswati. Many hydro geologist and historians will help this project and The Central Ground Water Board will coordinate this research. They have started digging at Ghantiyal Ji near Longewal, Rajasthan. The water that was found at the site, when it was carbon dated at Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) in Trombay has been estimated 3,000 to 4,000 years old, which is the era of Rig-Veda. This research shows that river Saraswati is not a myth but it was flowing at the time of Vedas and the Aryan civilization was on the banks of this great river.

Many historians called Vedic Aryan culture in the name of Indus valley civilization because river Saraswati is not found today anywhere. Hence they thought that river Saraswati has only mythological presence.

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This culture was very simple but spiritual, as their emphasis was on the inner life. For them outer life was not important, and the people were following the rules of nature. They did not give much importance to pleasure, wealth and power. Although there were different groups, they were not based on race, cast or creed.

Since religion was an important part of the daily life of these people they developed those sciences, which helped them in their worship; e.g. the science of astronomy, music etc. The people were worshipers of supernatural phenomena and supernatural beings and followers of a cult of mother-Goddess and various deities. The purpose of these devotions was largely known to be for relief from ailments. Other subjects cultivated include Mathematics, Geometry, Anatomy and Medicine. During this period the world's oldest and greatest classical language, Sanskrit, evolved and flourished.

It is not only in Harappa and Mohenjodaro alone that this civilization was discovered, the same type of cities have been unearthed in many areas to the east of the Indo-Pakistan border, thus proving that the same Aryan culture had spread southwards and eastwards. .

Vedic Period The term Vedic period, applies to that period of Aryan civilization during which the four Vedas were composed. They are -1) Rig Veda, 2) Sama Veda, 3) Yajur Veda, 4) Atharva Veda

The Vedas are holy writings consisting of religious hymns and were sourcebooks of later philosophical principles. The earliest medical references are Vedic hymns. Our knowledge of Vedic medicine is mainly derived from two Vedas the Rig-Veda and the Atharva- Veda. In the Rig-Veda there are a few hymns devoted to deities of healing, many herbs with curative value and some diseases like fever, jaundice etc. One of the most intriguing references in the Rig-Veda is that of Ashvins, the twin physicians of the Gods, who performed many miracles. Out of four Vedas, the fourth Veda i.e. the Atharva -Veda is the earliest record of medical knowledge during the Vedic period. Therefore Ayurveda is called as sub-branch of Atharva -Veda. It contains many hymns, prayers, and charms for the treatment of diseases to be used with herbal medicines. Most of the Vedic healing verses occur in the Atharva -Veda. Over 100 of its hymns are devoted to conditions like fever, leprosy, heart disease, headache, rheumatism, epilepsy etc. Natural forces like the sun and water and human contrivances were all used therapeutically in the Vedic era. Basic eight branches of Ayurveda have been documented in Atharva –Veda.

The Vedas are regarded as the oldest and most sacred written record of knowledge. The Vedas state that the 'Supreme Being' who created the universe, out of love and concern for humanity, gave the Divine Vedas to all mankind, through the rishis or seers of wisdom. The words of the Vedas were carefully

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memorized according to metrical chants and transmitted from generation to generation. Thus the four Vedas - Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva have come down to us through several thousands years of oral transmission before being recorded in writing. The Rig-Veda, the oldest of the four, contains many concepts of Ayurveda. Its three great Gods- Indra, Agni and Soma – are related to the three biological humors of Ayurveda - Vata - Pitta and Kapha. References are found in it to organ transplants, in the case of an artificial limb that was made for Queen Vishpala, wife of King Khela. The Rig-Veda also contains many hymns to soma, as a great curative herbal preparation used to treat many diseases of body and mind and to promote longevity. It is important to note that knowledge about the fundamental principles of Ayurveda was not documented during the Vedic period. The growth and development of Ayurveda occurred mainly during the Arsha period.

Arsha Period This period extends over several centuries and is characterized by the appearance of many systematized treatises on the subject of Ayurveda by different sages. Ayurveda, the science of life is traced from a mythical, through a semi-mythical to a historical beginning.

Mythological Origin According to the tradition of 'Sanatana dharma', the creation and evolution of the universe began due to the will power of Brahma. Hence the Purusha, cosmic consciousness, and Prakruti, material energy, came together. Brahma created Ayurveda, the science of life, for the benefit of all human beings. Later on he passed his knowledge first to Daksha Prajapati and then to Ashvins, the twin physicians of God and then to Indra, the king of Gods.

Dhanvantari Lord Dhanvantari is considered as God of Ayurveda who is incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Kashiraj Divodas – King of Varanasi, who devoted his entire life for the development of surgical branch of Ayurveda is also considered as Dhanvantari. All Ayurvedic physicians pray to God Dhanvantari on the auspicious day of 'Dhanatrayodashi' the second day of Diwali – Lamp Festival in India. It is believed that Dhanvantari gives them the power to heal others.

Historical Development People living at the foot of the Himalayas started suffering from various diseases due to improper food, and air and water pollution. Out of these conditions, the first international conference of scientists/rishis from adjoining countries was organized. Three scientists were chosen from the conference to interview the Himalayan Gods to learn the knowledge of Ayurveda. These three scientists were Atreya, Kashyapa and Dhanvantari. Atreya mainly studied the science of medicine,

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Kashyapa learned gynecology and pediatrics, and Dhanvantari mastered the science of surgery.

Atreya had six main disciples Agnivesha, Bhela, Jatukarna, Parashara, Harita and Ksharapani, while Dhanvantari had eight disciples -Sushruta, Aupadhaneva, Vaitarana, Aurabhra, Paushkalavata, Karavirya, Gopurarakshita and Bhoja. Kashyapa had also many disciples.

Most of these disciples wrote different texts on their own branch of Ayurvedic medicine. However, Charaka, Sushruta and Kashyapa's texts are considered the most useful compendiums. These are known as Samhita or compilations.

The Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Vagbhata or Ashtanga Sangraha, are known as 'Brihat Trayi' or three important texts.

The magical and religious aspect of medicine in the Vedas was gradually replaced by observations based on scientific thinking. Ayurvedic scholars from subsequent generations gave a sound and logical groundings in philosophy to Ayurveda. The materials scattered in the Vedas were collected, subjected to rigid tests of efficacy, and systematically arranged. Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita, The great trio -the Brihatrayi as they are called - has enjoyed much popularity and respect for the last two thousand years. Although these texts have undergone some modification by various authors in subsequent periods, their present form is at least 1200 years old. They are all in the Sanskrit language. Students who then transmitted this information orally to other disciples recorded instructions. The six disciples of Atreya, who developed the school of medicine (Atreya Sampradaya), namely Agnivesha, Bhela, Jatukarna, Parashara, Harita and Ksharapani wrote their own separate texts. Of these the Agnivesha Samhita was well accepted. This was revised, edited and supplemented, about 800 years later by Charaka.

The school of surgeons (Dhanvantari Sampradaya) had its disciples - Aupadhenava, Vaitarana, Aurabhra, Paushkalavata, Gopurarakshita, and Sushruta. The Sushruta Samhita written by Sushruta is based on knowledge transmitted to him by Divodas Dhanvantari. It is said that Indra taught this knowledge to Divodas Dhanvantari, at the beginning of the arsha period. In the next era, 1000-700 BC. Ayurveda developed 8 recognized branches or specialties (Ashtanga Ayurveda).

Epic Period The epic period is best known for the classical Sanskrit epics the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. At this period there were military surgeons and physicians attached to every king to look after his health. Army surgeons, fully equipped with medicine and surgical appliances accompanied the armies and undertook both major and minor operations.

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Ayurveda and Buddhism The arrival of Buddhism in Indian history affected all walks of life. During the period 323 B.C.-642 A. D. in which Buddhism was popular in India, the academic progress of Ayurveda was well maintained by both Hindus and Buddhists. Valuable additions were made to its literature. Most notable was a commentary on Sushruta Samhita by Nagarjuna, by one of the most famous sages in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Yet the most remarkable thing about this period was that organized efforts were made to make the science as publicly available as possible. Medicinal herbs were planted along the sides of streets to be used freely by all. Many hospitals were formed. The art of nursing, which was described by Charaka, was widely practiced and systematized.

Along with Buddhist missionaries, the knowledge of Ayurveda and of Indian culture spread beyond the bounds of India. The nations of the civilized world including Rome, Greece and China - were attracted to India and students came from these countries came to learn the science and arts of the subcontinent. The medical systems of the Greece and Rome bear unmistakable signs of the influence of Ayurveda upon them. India was considered the seat of learning for the world and many philosophers and scholars visited India for study, just as many go to Europe or America today. Veterinary science was widespread in this period. Nagarjuna laid the foundation of Rasa Shastra, the use of alchemical preparations. A number of pharmaceutical preparations of Rasa medicines, special preparation of mercury, sulfur and other minerals and certain poisonous substances (in purified forms) were introduced in the treatment of debilitating diseases.

The medical glory of India was at its zenith during this era. In the eighth century AD, Ayurvedic physicians of India were invited to Baghdad in the Middle East for consultation and were put in charge of hospitals there. During this period, the culture of India spread across the oceans to the south and across the mountains and plateaus to the north. India during this period was an extensive country that included Tibet, much of Indo-China and Indonesia to the east and extended to the west through Afghanistan and into Persia. This greater India was not built by military conquest or by invasions or commercial exploitation, but by devoted and humanitarian monks and yogis who carried the scared knowledge and means of healing, both spiritual and physical.

In the Buddhist period, medical relief and nursing was encouraged but the use of knife was discouraged, therefore surgery was neglected. The Buddha stopped animal sacrifice for ethical reasons and did not permit animal dissection. He gave support and encouragement to medical research and for the establishment of health centers for animals as well as humans. Emperor Ashoka, who was a follower of Buddhism, established general hospitals as well as veterinary hospitals. His inscriptions were spread throughout India.

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The Buddhists, who supported all forms of learning, set up true universities to teach Buddhism, Vedic lore and subjects like history, geography, Sanskrit literature, poetry, drama, grammar, law, philosophy, astrology, astronomy, mathematics, commerce and the art of war as well as medicine. The most famous of these universities was that of Nalanda, in Bihar, which was established during the fourth century AD and flourished until about the twelfth century. Other great universities were at Taxila or Takshashila and Kashi or Varanasi.

Spread of Ayurveda in neighboring countries In the 3rd century BC, Ashoka, the emperor of most of northern India, became a convert to Buddhism. Ashoka built charitable hospitals, including specialized surgical, obstetric and mental facilities, for both humans and animals. Numerous rock-cut edicts around India attest to his act and tell of the Buddhist missionaries, which were sent too many neighboring countries, like Shri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, and Indonesia etc. These emissaries carried Indian culture, religion and Ayurveda with them.

Literature related to Ayurveda- During this period, various documents and texts were written and preserved in neighboring countries. Col. H. Bower found one such manuscript, which is named after him at Kashgar on the road to china from Afghanistan. A.F. Rudolf Harnale studied the original text and published it. The original manuscript has been preserved in Oxford Library. Similarly texts like Navanitaka, Tripitaka, Jeevaka charita, Kulalavadana, Divyavadana shataka, Lalita vistar and the famous text of Kautiliya arthashatra which were written during this period gives us valuable information of various herbs and treatment procedures.

Cultural exchange In 326 BC, Alexander the Great invaded northern India. Alexander was sufficiently impressed by Ayurvedic practitioners. He ordered all cases of poisoning to be treated by them. He carried some of these doctors away during his departure. This was the first documented exposure of the cultures of India and Greece to each other.

Decline of Ayurveda The golden age ended when waves of Muslim invaders inundated northern India between the 10th and 12th centuries. The Muslims slaughtered sages and monks as infidels, destroyed the universities and burned the libraries. Those who could escape fled to Nepal and to Tibet, where Ayurveda had first penetrated in the 8th century AD. Some Indian Ayurvedic texts are thus preserved today only in Tibetan translation The Muslim invaders from the northwest brought with them hakims and Arabian system of medicine, which spread slowly throughout India during Mohammedan rule. Arabic physicians created Unani medicine by combining Greek medicine with Ayurveda. Unani Medicine is thus closely related to Ayurveda and while India's Muslims rulers tended to support Unani, Ayurveda prospered. During the sixteenth century Akbar, the Mogul emperor, personally

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ordered the compilation of all Indian medical texts. His finance minister, Raja Todarmal, directed this project.

British Influence on Ayurveda The arrival of the British was another landmark in the decline of Ayurveda. The British not only denied state patronage to Ayurveda; they also took a negative attitude towards the system. The East India Company closed down existing schools at Calcutta in 1833. In 1835, the British stopped paying Ayurveda to be taught at Government medical colleges. Thus in the beginning of the century, there were no Ayurvedic teaching institutions, and all teaching of Ayurveda was at the level of guru-kula type. By the middle of the 19th century, Western medicine had become the sole recipient of the state patronage. In spite of suppression and the lack of patronage, Ayurveda continued to serve about 80% of the country.

During the pre-Independence phase, which was marked by the political compulsions of establishing, a national identity to replace foreign domination, large number of initiatives was taken up to promote ISMs – (Indian Systems of Medicine).. The tremendous national awakening around this time, with the establishment of national school and universities, encouraged the revival of Ayurveda. Formal colleges of Indian medicine were gradually established on the lines of colleges of allopathic medicine. The classroom teaching and examination system replaced the old guru-kula system.

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Our Ebook Publications You can purchase various other ebooks published by us - 1] Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes 2] Treatment of common diseases with Ayurveda & Yoga 3] Home remedies in Ayurveda 4] Ayurvedic Principles Revealed 5] Ayurvedic Pathology 6] Ayurvedic Physiology 7] Ayurvedic Nutrition and Cooking 8] Losing weight with Ayurveda and Yoga 9] Arthritis Ayurveda and You 10] Ayurveda For Heart Diseases BY visiting - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can also download FREE samples Of all these ebooks By visiting - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can enroll for FREE email courses on 1] Basic principles of Ayurveda & 2] Tridosha - Vata Pitta Kapha By visiting - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can Publish and Sell your own ebooks through Http:// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced courses in Panchakarma, Herbology, Massage, Marma etc. are conducted through -
