
m a k e m a n a g e m ove | m e d i a ™ Avid ®


Installation and Administration Guide

version 6.1

Copyright and DisclaimerProduct specifications are subject to change without notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of Avid Technology, Inc. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. You can obtain a copy of that license by visiting Avid's Web site at The terms of that license are also available in the product in the same directory as the software. The software may not be reverse assembled and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license agreement. Avid products or portions thereof are protected by one or more of the following United States patents: 4,746,994; 4,970,663; 5,045,940; 5,267,351; 5,309,528; 5,355,450; 5,396,594; 5,440,348; 5,452,378; 5,467,288; 5,513,375; 5,528,310; 5,557,423; 5,568,275; 5,577,190; 5,584,006; 5,640,601; 5,644,364; 5,654,737; 5,715,018; 5,724,605; 5,726,717; 5,729,673; 5,745,637; 5,752,029; 5,754,851; 5,799,150; 5,812,216; 5,852,435; 5,883,670; 5,905,841; 5,929,836; 5,929,942; 5,930,445; 5,946,445; 5,987,501; 5,995,115; 6,016,152; 6,018,337; 6,023,531; 6,035,367; 6,038,573; 6,058,236; 6,061,758; 6,091,778; 6,105,083; 6,118,444; 6,128,001; 6,130,676; 6,134,607; 6,137,919; 6,141,007; 6,141,691; 6,157,929; 6,198,477; 6,201,531; 6,211,869; 6,223,211; 6,239,815; 6,249,280; 6,269,195; 6,301,105; 6,317,158; 6,317,515; 6,327,253; 6,330,369; 6,351,557; 6,353,862; 6,357,047; 6,392,710; 6,404,435; 6,407,775; 6,417,891; 6,426,778; D396,853; D398,912. Additional U.S. and foreign patents pending. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written permission of Avid Technology, Inc.

Copyright © 2002 Avid Technology, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.


The following disclaimer is required by Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics, Inc. for the use of their TIFF library:Copyright © 1988–1997 Sam Leffler Copyright © 1991–1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software [i.e., the TIFF library] and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.



The following disclaimer is required by the Independent JPEG Group:Portions of this software are based on work of the Independent JPEG Group.

The following disclaimer is required by Paradigm Matrix:Portions of this software licensed from Paradigm Matrix.

The following disclaimer is required by Ray Sauers Associates, Inc.:“Install-It” is licensed from Ray Sauers Associates, Inc. End-User is prohibited from taking any action to derive a source code equivalent of “Install-It,” including by reverse assembly or reverse compilation, Ray Sauers Associates, Inc. shall in no event be liable for any damages resulting from reseller’s failure to perform reseller’s obligation; or any damages arising from use or operation of reseller’s products or the software; or any other damages, including but not limited to, incidental, direct, indirect, special or

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The following disclaimer is required by Videomedia, Inc.:“Videomedia, Inc. makes no warranties whatsoever, either express or implied, regarding this product, including warranties with respect to its merchantability or its fitness for any particular purpose.”

“This software contains V-LAN ver. 3.0 Command Protocols which communicate with V-LAN ver. 3.0 products developed by Videomedia, Inc. and V-LAN ver. 3.0 compatible products developed by third parties under license from Videomedia, Inc. Use of this software will allow “frame accurate” editing control of applicable videotape recorder decks, videodisc recorders/players and the like.”

The following disclaimer is required by Altura Software, Inc. for the use of its Mac2Win software and Sample Source Code:©1993–1998 Altura Software, Inc.

The following disclaimer is required by Ultimatte Corporation:Certain real-time compositing capabilities are provided under a license of such technology from Ultimatte Corporation and are subject to copyright protection.

The following disclaimer is required by Inc.:Certain waveform and vector monitoring capabilities are provided under a license from Inc.

Attn. Government User(s). Restricted Rights LegendU.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. This Software and its documentation are “commercial computer software” or “commercial computer software documentation.” In the event that such Software or documentation is acquired by or on behalf of a unit or agency of the U.S. Government, all rights with respect to this Software and documentation are subject to the terms of the License Agreement, pursuant to FAR §12.212(a) and/or DFARS §227.7202-1(a), as applicable.

Trademarks888 I/O, AirPlay, AirSPACE, AirSPACE HD, AniMatte, AudioSuite, AudioVision, AutoSync, Avid, AVIDdrive, AVIDdrive Towers, AvidNet, AvidNetwork, AVIDstripe, Avid Unity, Avid Xpress, AVoption, AVX, CamCutter, ChromaCurve, ChromaWheel, DAE, D-Fi, D-fx, Digidesign, Digidesign Audio Engine, Digidesign Intelligent Noise Reduction, DigiDrive, DINR, D-Verb, Equinox, ExpertRender, FieldPak, Film Composer, FilmScribe, FluidMotion, HIIP, HyperSPACE, HyperSPACE HDCAM, IllusionFX, Image Independence, Intraframe, iS9, iS18, iS23, iS36, Lo-Fi, Magic Mask, make manage move | media, Marquee, Matador, Maxim, MCXpress, Media Composer, MediaDock, MediaDock Shuttle, Media Fusion, Media Illusion, MediaLog, Media Reader, Media Recorder, MEDIArray, MediaShare, Meridien, MetaSync, NaturalMatch, NetReview, NewsCutter, OMF, OMF Interchange, OMM, Open Media Framework, Open Media Management, ProEncode, Pro Tools, QuietDrive, Recti-Fi, rS9, rS18, Sci-Fi, Softimage, Sound Designer II, SPACE, SPACEShift, Symphony, Trilligent, UnityRAID, Vari-Fi, Video Slave Driver, VideoSPACE, and Xdeck are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.

iNEWS, iNEWS ControlAir, and Media Browse are trademarks of iNews, LLC.

All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

Adaptec is a trademark which may be registered in some jurisdictions. ATTO is a trademark of ATTO Technology, Inc. FIRE GL is a trademark of ATI Technologies, Inc. HP is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the U.S. and other countries. Wacom is a registered trademark of Wacom Company, Ltd. in the United States and/or other countries. Windows and Windows NT are either a registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.


Editors — Filmmakers — Special Effects Artists — Game Developers — Animators — Educators — Broadcasters — Content creators of every genre — Just finished an incredible project and want to share it with the world?

Send us your reels and we may use your footage in our show reel or demo!*

For a copy of our release and Avid’s mailing address, go to

*Note: Avid cannot guarantee the use of materials submitted.

Avid|DS Installation & Administration Guide • 0130-05696-01 • April 2003



Using This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Who Should Use This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Symbols and Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Using the Mouse, Pen, and Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Customizing the Pen or Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

If You Need Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Accessing the Online Documentation Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

If You Have Documentation Comments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

How to Order Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Avid Educational Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Avid|DS Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

E-mail Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Web Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

FTP Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Mailing List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Determining your Avid|DS Environment Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Avid|DS Installation Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Installing a Standalone Avid|DS Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Installing Workstation(s) without a Remote Processing

Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Installing Workstation(s) with a Remote Processing

Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Installing an Ordinary Workstation as Workgroup Master . . . . . 22

Avid|DS Software and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Checklist for Installing the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Setting Up an Avid|DS Workgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Installing Avid|DS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Loading Plug-Ins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Installing and Removing Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Installing and Removing Type 1 Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Installing and Removing TrueType Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Installing Non-European Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Some tips! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

An Introduction to Avid|DS Remote Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Remote Processing Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

About Avid|Throttle Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Avid|DS RP Workstation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

CPU Usage on Avid|DS RP Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Installing Avid|DS RP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Installing Avid|Throttle Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Troubleshooting Avid|DS RP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Chapter 4 Licensing Avid|DS and Avid|DS RP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Requesting a License File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Softimage Licensing Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Creating a Valid License File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Solving Licensing Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Managing User Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Account Setup for Standalone Avid|DS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Installing the Microsoft Loopback Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Account Management of Windows Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Account Management of Windows Workgroups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Naming your Workstation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Configuring the Network Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Using Two Network Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Sharing Folders and Setting Permissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Creating User Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Creating a User Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Adding Users to User Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95


Managing the Avid Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Making a New Master Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Turning an Existing Client Workstation into a Master . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Connecting Other Workstations in the Workgroup to the Master. . . 98

Restarting a Workgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

Uninstalling Avid|DS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Removing Plug-ins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Removing the PICVideo MJPEG Codec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Removing Avid|DS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Optimizing the Network for Remote Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Authentication and Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Administrator Privileges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Networking Protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Network Hardware and Remote Processing Performance . . . . . . 104

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

About your Local Storage Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

The DS_v6.x Folder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

The DS Archives Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

The DS Projects Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

The DSPresets Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

The VideoStorage Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

The AudioStorage Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

The DSSystem Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Planning your Storage Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Avid|DS Workgroup Storage Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Workgroup with Private Projects and Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Workgroup with Private Projects and Centralized Storage . . . 116

Workgroup with Shared Projects and Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

The Avid Indexing Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Configuring your Storage Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Adding Media Storages to a Media Indexing Service . . . . . . . . . . 124

Adding a Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

Modifying a Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

Deleting a Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129


Adding a Media Indexing Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

Maintaining your Storage Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Defragmenting your Drives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

About Striping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

Creating a Stripe Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Striping the Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Importing Foreign Disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Creating an Emergency Repair Disk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Chapter 7 Using the Recovery CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Installing the Recovery CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Completely Rebuilding the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Using This Guide

Congratulations on your purchase of an Avid|DS system. You can use your system to create broadcast-quality output incorporating every possible production element from full-speed, high-resolution footage, to multimedia artwork and animation, to computer-generated effects and titling.

n The documentation describes the features and hardware of all models. Therefore, your system might not contain certain features and hardware that are covered in the documentation.

Using This Guide


Who Should Use This Guide

This guide is intended for all Avid|DS users, who need to install and license any of the Avid|DS software components. There are also some useful guidelines on the daily maintenance of your system.

This guide provides information on:

• Different environment setups of your Avid|DS workstation(s) and storage.

• Installation of the Avid|DS software components

• Licensing of the Avid|DS software components

• Management of your Avid|DS workstation

Symbols and Conventions


Symbols and Conventions

Unless noted otherwise, the material in this document applies to the Windows 2000 operating system.

Avid|DS documentation uses the following symbols and conventions:

Symbol or Convention Meaning or Action

n A note provides important related information, reminders, recommendations, and strong suggestions.

c A caution means that a specific action you take could cause harm to your computer or cause you to lose data.

w A warning describes an action that could cause you physical harm. Follow the guidelines in this document or on the unit itself when handling electrical equipment.

> This symbol indicates menu commands (and subcommands) in the order you select them. For example, File > Import means to open the File menu and then select the Import command.

t This symbol indicates a single-step procedure. Multiple arrows in a list indicate that you perform one of the actions listed.

k This symbol represents the Apple or Command key. Press and hold the Command key and another key to perform a keyboard shortcut.

Margin tips In the margin, you will find tips that help you perform tasks more easily and efficiently.

Italic font Italic font is used to emphasize certain words and to indicate variables.

Courier Bold font

Courier Bold font identifies text that you type.

Bold font Bold indicates a user interaction.

Using This Guide


Using the Mouse, Pen, and Keyboard

In Avid|DS, you can use a two-button mouse (with wheel) or a pen and tablet. The left and right mouse buttons perform different operations. Unless otherwise stated, use the left mouse button.

The mouse and pen operate slightly differently. All the procedures in this guide are documented for the mouse. You can, however, easily use a pen or the keyboard. The following table shows the terms relating to the mouse, pen, and keyboard.

Customizing the Pen or Mouse

By customizing the pen, you can adjust the click pressure, switch functions, and other features. For information on customizing the pen, refer to the documentation provided with your Avid|DS system.

You can also customize the mouse. For example, you can select left-handed configuration or change the double-click speed. For information on customizing the mouse, refer to the Windows online Help.

If You Need Help


If You Need Help

If you are having trouble using Avid|DS:

1. Retry the action, carefully following the instructions given for that task in this guide. It is especially important to check each step of your workflow.

2. Check for the latest information that might have become available after the documentation was published in one of two locations:

- If release notes are available, they ship with your application.

- If ReadMe files are available, they are supplied in your Avid application folder. ReadMe files are also available from Help.

3. Check the documentation that came with your Avid application or your hardware for maintenance or hardware-related issues.

4. See “Avid|DS Customer Support” on page 15.

5. For Technical Support, please call 800-800-AVID (800-800-2843).

Accessing the Online Documentation Library

The online documentation library contains all the Avid|DS documentation in PDF format. If it was installed on your system, you can access it from the Help menu in Avid|DS.

n You will need Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® installed to view the documentation online.

To access the online library, do one of the following:

t In Avid|DS, select Help > Documentation Library.

t Insert the Drivers CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive, and select Avid|DS Documentation from the main menu.

To install Adobe Acrobat Reader:

1. Insert the Drivers CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.

2. Under the Various section, select Utilities.

Using This Guide


If You Have Documentation Comments

We’d appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have about this document or any other piece of documentation. Please restrict your comments to documentation issues.

Please e-mail your documentation comments to:

[email protected]

Include the title of the document, its part number, and the specific section you are commenting on in all correspondence.

How to Order Documentation

To order additional copies of this documentation from within the United States, call Avid Sales at 800-949-AVID (800-949-2843). If you are placing an order from outside the United States, contact your local Avid representative.

Avid Educational Services

For information on courses/schedules, training centers, certifications, courseware, and books, please visit or call Avid Sales at 800-949-AVID (800-949-2843).

Avid|DS Customer Support


Avid|DS Customer Support

The following sections describe various Avid|DS Customer Support options.

E-mail Support

The e-mail address for Avid|DS Customer Support is: [email protected].

You can use it for sending bug reports, usability questions, and audit reports for system analysis. All e-mails are logged in the support database and assigned a case number. Send one support request per e-mail.

n It is mandatory that you include your SID number in the body of your e-mail message for verification of your maintenance contract and case logging, otherwise, response will be delayed.

Web Support

The Avid|DS Customer Support and Download sections at provide quick access to a wide range of resources from the Avid|DS teams and user community. Downloads, including presets, drivers, and Quick Fix Engineering (QFE), provide the latest solutions for use with your Avid|DS system. Online documentation, tutorials, and Knowledge Base articles ensure that you get the most out of your work with Avid|DS. It's like having a dedicated Avid|DS Customer Support engineer sitting at your desk!

FTP Support

For troubleshooting purposes, an FTP server is available for uploading large files for Avid|DS Customer Support personnel to examine. You can upload a project's archive, media files, or other large piece of data. Simply zip the files to upload and use a short name for easy retrieval, such as or You can use a Windows Command Prompt or an FTP application to upload files to our server.

Using This Guide


Command Prompt Commands

Once the file upload is complete, send an e-mail to [email protected] to inform Avid|DS Customer Support as there is no automatic notification when a file is uploaded on the FTP server. Please provide the complete and exact file name (case sensitive) to retrieve.

Mailing List

Although the Avid|DS mailing list is frequently monitored by Avid employees, it is not part of the official support channels. You are invited to send your support requests to any of the above channels when required.

If you have an e-mail account, you can join the worldwide network of Avid|DS users exchanging ideas. The mailing list has proven to be quite useful for users, with a constant stream of new subscribers.

To subscribe, send an e-mail to [email protected] with the following text in the body of your message: subscribe ds. You can get further information on using the automated list server by e-mailing [email protected] with “help” as your message.

Command Description

Site access ftp [Enter]

Folder access cd incoming [Enter]

User name anonymous [Enter]

Password “your e-mail address” [Enter]

Transfer mode bin [Enter]

Upload command Put “path:\file name” [Enter]

Chapter 2

Installing Avid|DS

This chapter describes how to install Avid|DS software and services.

This chapter does not describe how to install any hardware component drivers or system firmware. These instructions are available on the Avid|DS Drivers CD.

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


Determining your Avid|DS Environment Setup

Before installing Avid|DS on your workstation(s), you must decide how all the workstations in your environment can be used to their best potential. If you have one Avid|DS workstation, then the configuration is simple. All Avid|DS software components are installed on that station.

When you have two or more Avid|DS workstations connected to each other, then you have an Avid|DS workgroup. In a workgroup, you can offload the media management and processing services to a dedicated workstation such as an Avid|DS RP (Remote Processing) workstation. This leaves the Avid|DS workstations free for the creative editing tasks.

The station that runs the media management and processing services is known as the master. If you have more than one Avid|DS workstation, then one of them must be designated as the master and the others connected as clients. Naturally, if you have only one Avid|DS workstation, then it will be the master.

The following section shows the different setups that you can choose from, and, in each case, where each of the various Avid|DS software components or services would be installed.

n A valid network connection is required for your Avid|DS workstation(s) whether they are connected or running standalone.

You will also need to set up the appropriate user accounts on each workstation, depending on whether you are in a standalone, Windows workgroup, or Windows domain environment. For more information, see “Checklist for Installing the Software” on page 25.

Avid|DS Installation Scenarios

There are many different ways that you can set up your Avid|DS environment. This section shows four setup possibilities, and recommends where each of the various Avid|DS software components or services should be installed. (See “Avid|DS Software and Services” on page 23 for a complete description of each component.)

Determining your Avid|DS Environment Setup


You may also want to refer to “Planning your Storage Locations” on page 111, to see the different ways that your project and media storage can later be configured. If you are using Avid Unity MediaNetwork as your storage, you may use it in any one of these configurations.

n You cannot install the Avid|DS software components directly on Unity, but you can configure the indexing services on any workstation to index the storage area on Unity.

Installing a Standalone Avid|DS Workstation

If you have a single Avid|DS workstation, you will need the following components installed.

• Avid|DS—see “Installing Avid|DS” on page 29.

• Avid Project Indexer (automatically installed by Avid|DS setup)

• Avid Media Indexer (automatically installed by Avid|DS setup)

Avid|DS WorkstationMASTER

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


Installing Workstation(s) without a Remote Processing Workstation

If you have more than one Avid|DS workstation connected in a workgroup setting, you need to designate one of them as a master. The Avid|DS workstation that will serve as the master will need the following components installed on it:

On the Avid|DS workstation designated as the master, you will need the following components installed:

• Avid|DS—see “Installing Avid|DS” on page 29.

• Avid Project Indexer (automatically installed by Avid|DS setup)

• Avid Media Indexer (automatically installed by Avid|DS setup)

Any other Avid|DS workstations (clients), will need the following components installed:

• Avid|DS—see “Installing Avid|DS” on page 29.

Avid|DS workstationMASTER

Avid|DS workstationCLIENT 1

Avid|DS workstationCLIENT 2

Each Avid|DS workstation added to the workgroup should be configured

the same as this one.

Determining your Avid|DS Environment Setup


• Avid Media Indexer (automatically installed by Avid|DS setup)

Installing Workstation(s) with a Remote Processing Workstation

When you have one or more Avid|DS workstations connected to an Avid|DS RP workstation, the RP workstation would best serve as the master. This allows it to do all your media processing and indexing, and leave your Avid|DS workstations free for the creative editing tasks.

n You can have the Avid|DS RP software installed on an Avid|DS workstation but they cannot run at the same time.

If you designate the RP workstation as the master, you will need the following components installed on it:

• Avid|DS RP—see “Installing Avid|DS RP” on page 53.

Avid|DS RP workstationMASTER

Avid|DS workstationCLIENT 1

Avid|DS workstationCLIENT 2

Avid|DS RP workstationADDITIONAL RP

Each RP workstation added to theworkgroup should be configured

the same as this one.

Each Avid|DS workstation added to the workgroup should be configured

the same as this one.

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


• Avid Throttle Manager—see “Installing Avid|Throttle Manager” on page 63.

• Avid Project Indexer (automatically installed by Avid|DS setup)

Any connected Avid|DS workstations (clients), will need the following components installed:

• Avid|DS—see “Installing Avid|DS” on page 29.

• Avid Media Indexer (automatically installed by Avid|DS setup)

n Any additional RP workstations that are connected will only need the Avid|DS RP software installed.

Installing an Ordinary Workstation as Workgroup Master

n You can connect a non-Avid|DS workstation to your workgroup and designate it as the master. In this case, you would only need to install the Avid|DS Project Indexer on it.

Avid|DS workstationCLIENT 1

Avid|DS workstationCLIENT 2

Ordinary workstationMASTER

* You can designate any workstation in your workgroup as the master. Avid|DS or Avid|DS RP does not have to be installed on this workstation.

Determining your Avid|DS Environment Setup


If you later connect an RP workstation to your workgroup, it would need the following components installed:

• Avid|DS RP

• Avid Throttle Manager (only needs to be installed on one RP workstation)

• Avid|DS Media Indexer

Avid|DS Software and Services

These are the different software components available in Avid|DS:

Component Function

Avid|DS This is the Avid|DS software (Avid|DS or Avid|DS HD Editor).

Avid|DS RP This software is installed on a workstation that will handle remote processing requests. The Avid|DS RP station processes effects information from another client or master workstation within the Avid|DS workgroup and returns the results to the workstation when completed.

You cannot run Avid|DS RP and Avid|DS simultaneously on a workstation, therefore, in a workgroup environment, it would be best to set up the Avid|DS RP station as the master.

Avid Project Indexer

This service indexes storage locations that contain Avid|DS projects. The Avid Project Indexer can only be installed on one workstation (preferably the master). It indexes projects for all Avid|DS workstations within the workgroup and keeps a single index table on the master workstation.

Avid Media Indexer

The Avid Media Indexer is installed on each workstation in the Avid|DS workgroup. It indexes storage locations that contain audio and video media files to optimize searches of those files. Each workstation keeps its own index table of any connected storage.

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


Avid|Throttle Manager

The Avid|Throttle Manager manages the bandwidth to shared storage locations for each workstation in the Avid|DS workgroup.

For example, since an Avid|DS client workstation and an RP station can share the same storage, the Throttle Manager software manages access to such shared storages, so that the RP station doesn’t interfere with the client workstation during critical times such as playback, capture, and output to tape—see “Installing Avid|Throttle Manager” on page 63.

The Throttle Manager can only be installed on an RP station. (If you have more than one RP station, then you must install it on only one of those RP stations.)

Licensing Software

This software is needed to validate the Avid|DS software. If you’re a new customer, you must request a license file for each Avid|DS workstation. When you receive the license, install it on the client workstation.

n Although a separate license is also needed for the RP station, you can store that license on the Avid|DS client workstation and point to it from the RP station.

Documentation The online documentation library can be installed during installation of the Avid|DS software. If you do not want to install the online library, you can still view it from theDrivers CD.

Component Function

Checklist for Installing the Software


Checklist for Installing the Software

Once you have decided on your installation scenario, you need to carry out the installation in the following order:

Step Refer to

Request a license for each workstation where you are going to install the Avid|DS software

“Requesting a License File” on page 72

Set up your Windows Workgroup or Domain accounts

“Setting Up an Avid|DS Workgroup” on page 27

Install the necessary software and configure the workstation that will be the master of the Avid|DS workgroup

“Installing Avid|DS” on page 29

Install the Avid|DS software on the remaining workstations in the Avid|DS workgroup and configure them as clients

“Installing Avid|DS” on page 29

Install Avid|DS RP on the workstation(s) you want to use for remote processing

“Installing the Remote Processing Software” on page 45

Install the Avid|Throttle Manager software on one, and only one, RP workstation

“Installing Avid|Throttle Manager” on page 63

Install the license files for all workstations “Softimage Licensing Program” on page 73

By default, the Media Indexer sets any new storage areas to automatically have full read/write access by any user on the network. To restrict access to your media, you can change the share permissions through Windows

“Managing User Accounts” on page 82

Install any plug-in software that you require on the Avid|DS workstations

“Loading Plug-Ins” on page 39

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


Install fonts that you may require for titling and graphics work on your Avid|DS workstation

“Installing and Removing Fonts” on page 40

Step Refer to

Setting Up an Avid|DS Workgroup


Setting Up an Avid|DS Workgroup

If you are going to create an Avid|DS workgroup so that multiple Avid|DS workstations can access each other’s projects and media, you will need to create a workgroup and designate the master and client workstations.

n If you only have one Avid|DS, it is designated as the master of its own workgroup.

If you have more than one Avid|DS workstations they can be members of a Windows Domain or a Windows Workgroup. As a rule, all Avid|DS workstations should belong to the same domain or workgroup. This way, they are all connected together over a network and can access each other’s storage and other resources.

n To properly configure an Avid|DS workgroup, you should have a basic understanding of Windows user account management.

The Avid|DS workgroup emulates a Windows network workgroup but has its own peculiarities:

• You can connect as many Avid|DS to a single Avid|DS workgroup as you want.

• An Avid|DS workgroup can have any name, as long as you avoid illegal Windows characters.

• You can share project's data and media between different workstations within the same Avid|DS workgroup.

To set up an Avid|DS workgroup:

1. Determine the workstations that will be in the Avid|DS workgroup before you start installing the Avid|DS software.

2. If you are setting up more than one Avid|DS workstation, make sure that these workstations are in the same Windows Domain or Workgroup—see “Account Management of Windows Domains” on page 85 or “Account Management of Windows Workgroups” on page 86.

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


3. If you are setting up a Avid|DS workstation to run standalone, then make sure it’s IP address is set correctly—see “Account Setup for Standalone Avid|DS” on page 82.

4. Some type of network timing software should be used to keep the systems within a workgroup synchronized.

Installing Avid|DS


Installing Avid|DS

To install Avid|DS, you must log on with an account that has Administrator privileges.

To install Avid|DS

1. Put the Avid|DS CD in the CD-ROM drive.

2. Click Avid|DS Installation from the main menu.

3. When the Avid|DS Installation Wizard displays, click Next.

4. In the License Agreement dialog box, read the End User License Agreement and click Yes to accept the terms of the agreement and continue the installation.

5. In the Customer Information dialog box, enter your name and company name, and click Next.

6. In the Reseller or Dealer Information dialog box, enter the requested information and click Next.

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


The Select Installation Folder dialog box displays.

7. Do one of the following:

• Click Next to accept the default folder.

• Click Browse to specify a folder in which to install Avid|DS and click Next.

The Setup Type dialog box displays.

8. Select the Complete or Custom installation option and click Next.

Installing Avid|DS


n To install support for the JL Cooper surface controller, select Custom Installation and make sure the Support for JL Cooper option is selected

- Complete Installation installs Avid|DS and all the optional components.

- Custom Installation installs only the Avid|DS components that you select.

The Hardware Setup dialog box displays.

9. Verify that the hardware matches your workstation’s configuration:

If the hardware options don’t match your workstation’s configuration, click Manual Settings, and select the correct hardware options.

10. Click Next.

The Storage Setup dialog box displays.

- Projects Storage: Select the actual drive letter for your projects and presets storage area.

Workstation Video devices Audio devices Accessories

HP Workstation xw8000 Avid EquinoxTM video subsytem

Mykerinos audio card

Supported OpenGL graphics card

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


- Archives Storage: Select the actual drive letter for your archives storage area.

- Interactive Cache: Select the actual drive letter for your interactive cache storage area. The interactive cache location must be either one of the local video storage drives, or a drive partition other than the system partition (C:\)

n If you are connected to Unity, do not select the Unity storage for any of the above. You should only use the Unity for your media storage.

11. Change the storage locations if necessary, and click Next.

The Licensing Information dialog box displays.

12. Since you’re installing Avid|DS, select the Local License File option, enter the following in the text box: C:\Softimage\flexlm\Licenses\Softimage.lic and click Next.

13. When the SMTP Server Identification dialog box displays, enter the name or IP address of your SMTP server and click Next.

You may leave this field blank if you do not know your SMTP server address.

14. When the Color and Cursor Schemes dialog box displays, select the schemes that you want to install and click Next.

Installing Avid|DS


15. When the Start Copying Files dialog box displays, review your installation settings and if you’re satisfied, click Next.

n If you need to change options, use the Back button to go as far back as you need to change the options.

A progress indicator displays as the Avid|DS files are copied to your system.

At this time the Avid Media Indexer and Project Indexer are automatically installed on the system. They will be enabled or disabled depending on how you configure your workstation in the next step.

The Avid|DS Workgroup Configuration window displays.

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


The following choices are presented:

Keep Current Configuration

Select this only if you are upgrading Avid|DS and want to keep a previous Avid|DS v6.x workgroup configuration.

Avid|DS Standalone Configuration

Select this if you are not connected to any other Avid|DS workstations. This will install the indexing services on your workstation and make your workstation the master.

Join an existing Avid|DS workgroup

This option lets you configure your workstation as part of an Avid|DS workgroup.

Select this if you are connected to other Avid|DS workstations, and there is already another Avid|DS workstation designated as the master.

Then, from the drop-down list, select the Avid|DS workgroup that you want to join. Your workstation will join the workgroup as a “client”.

n If the master does not automatically appear in this list, consult Customer Services and review your network configuration for a potential access permission problem.

n Note that standalone workstations also appear as masters in the pulldown menu. Do not choose a standalone workstation as the master unless you plan on connecting it to your other Avid|DS workstations.

Installing Avid|DS


16. Click Next to save the Workgroup Configuration.

17. When the Service Configuration window displays, enter the login information of the user account that will run the Avid Media Indexer and Project Indexer services.

The account must be a member of the local administrators group and have a password.

Create a new Avid|DS workgroup

This option lets you set up a new Avid|DS workgroup.

Select this if you are connected to other Avid|DS workstations.

• Enter a unique name for the workgroup.

• If you want to make this workstation the master, then select Enable/Disable this workstation as the master of the Avid|DS workgroup.

• If you want to make this workstation a client, then deselect this option.

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


n If your workstation is part of a Windows Domain, then you need to specify the domain name before the user id. i.e. domain_name\userid. The local administrator account cannot be used to configure the services.

18. Click Next.

The second Service Configuration window displays.

During installation everyone in the Administrator Group of the local system is automatically allowed access to the Avid|DS services. Avid recommends that all users who need access to Avid|DS services within the Avid|DS Workgroup have accounts in the Administrators group on each workstation in the workgroup.

n If you are part of a Windows Workgroup, then you only need the Administrator in this list.

If you are part of a Windows Domain, then all user names must be configured with the domain name. i.e. domain_name\userid. If these user accounts are not configured correctly, then the services will not work.

For more information on domain vs workgroup accounts, see “Managing User Accounts” on page 82.

Installing Avid|DS


19. Select the users or group that you want to Allow Access to the Avid|DS workgroup.

- If you want to add new users or a new group, click Add.

- If you want to add a new users to a group, select the group from the list, and click Add.

- If you want to remove a user or group, select a name from the list, and click Remove.

- If you want to change user or group privileges, select a name from the list, and choose Allow Access or Deny Access from the drop-down list.

20. Click Next.

Setup now updates your system.

21. Click Yes when prompted to install the Documentation Library.

n If you do not load the documentation on your system, you will need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 and the latest revision of Apple QuickTime separately.

22. When the Documentation Library Setup displays, click Next.

23. When the Choose Installation Window opens. Do one of the following:

- Click Next to accept the default folder.

- Click Browse to specify a folder in which to install Avid|DS and click Next.

24. Click Next in the Start Copying Files Window.

25. A window displays to install Adobe Acrobat Reader and Apple Quicktime.

- Click Skip if the programs are already on your system.

- If you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, click Install Adobe Acrobat Reader and follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. When complete, you will return to the Avid|DS setup.

- If you need Apple Quicktime, click Install Apple Quicktime and install the latest revision from the Apple web site. When complete, you will return to the Avid|DS setup.

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


When finished click Skip. Your system software is updated.

26. Click Finish.

27. Close the Avid|DS Setup window by clicking the x in the top-right corner.

28. Remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive and restart your workstation.

Loading Plug-Ins


Loading Plug-Ins

Avid|DS provides some plug-ins for use with Avid|DS version 6.x.

To load these plug-ins

1. Insert the Avid|DS CD into your CD-ROM driver and click Plug-ins from the Main Menu.

2. A window opens that shows folders that contain the plug-ins.

3. For each plug-in you want to use:

- Open the folder.

- Open the Readme.txt for that plug-in, and

- Follow the instructions to load the program.

n Important: Any plug-ins that you install on your clients, should also be installed on the RP workstation to ensure compatibility. The same applies to any third-party plug-ins.

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


Installing and Removing Fonts

Avid|DS supports the following typeface formats:

• Type 1

• TrueType (PC-formatted)

Avid|DS does not require any additional software to access TrueType fonts, but does require Adobe Type Manager (ATM) software to access Type 1 fonts.

Included in the \Fonts folder of the Avid|DS CD are 500 fonts from the Bitstream typeface library.

n Installing too many fonts on your workstation can noticeably degrade computing performance. Keep the number of fonts installed on your workstation to the minimum necessary to complete your projects.

n Important: Any fonts that you install on a client should also be installed on the RP workstation to ensure consistency between processed results in titles and graphics.

Installing and Removing Type 1 Fonts

Type 1 font support in Avid|DS is available only if you have the Adobe Type Manager or Adobe Type Manager Deluxe software (version 4.0 or later) installed and active. Consult the documentation that came with the Adobe Type Manager or Adobe Type Manager Deluxe software for instructions on how to install and remove Type 1 fonts.

Installing and Removing TrueType Fonts

TrueType font support in Avid|DS does not require any additional software.

Installing and Removing Fonts


To install TrueType fonts

1. Click the Start button and choose Settings > Control Panel > Fonts.

The Fonts window displays.

2. From the File menu, choose Install New Font.

The Add Fonts dialog box displays.

Use the Folders and Drives lists to navigate to the folder that contains the TrueType fonts you want to install. On the Avid|DS CD, they’re in the \Fonts folder.

The available TrueType fonts in the selected folder appear in the List of Fonts list.

3. Select the fonts to install from the List of Fonts list, as follows:

- To select a single font, click the name of the font.

- To select a range of fonts, click the name of the first font. Then Shift-click the last font in the range.

- To select all fonts in the directory, click Select All.

- To switch the selection of a font, press the Ctrl key and click a font name.

4. (Optional) You can use the selected fonts from their current folder by deselecting the Copy fonts to Fonts folder option. This will save disk space on your local workstation.

By default, fonts will be added to your workstation’s local disk space. If you are adding several fonts, consider using the fonts from their current locations to save local disk space.

5. Click OK.

The selected fonts are installed on your system.

6. If Avid|DS is currently running, restart it to access the newly installed fonts.

To remove TrueType fonts

1. Click the Start button and choose Settings > Control Panel > Fonts.

The Fonts window displays.

2. Select the fonts to remove.

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


3. Press Delete.

You are prompted to confirm the deletion of the selected fonts.

4. Click Yes.

5. Close the Fonts and Control Panel windows.

6. If Avid|DS is currently running, restart it to update the list of available fonts.

Installing Non-European Fonts

If you are working with on non-European customized Windows, such as Windows 2000 Japanese, you can use the DSFontSetting.exe application, which is distributed with Avid|DS version 6. You can use this application to change the default font used in Avid|DS dialog boxes or reset it to default.

The new font is used only in dialog boxes; menus and toolbar buttons are not affected by this new information. You can customize the menu font size through the Windows Appearance tab of the Desktop Properties.

For non-European languages, Avid|DS selects a font (by default) that comprises the European character set and is part of the character set of the foreign Windows system, such as Windows 2000 Japanese. However, the chosen font is very small and does not appear properly, especially in dialog boxes. For regular systems, the default font for dialog boxes is Arial 11.

This application does not ensure that the font will fit properly in the dialog box. Whenever the new selected font is too large for the various text contents of the dialog box, a smaller default font will be used as in previous versions. You must be careful to choose a font that still contains a European character set, since the displayed text is still English. this new feature is not restricted only to Asian systems; any customer of any country can change the Avid|DS default font. However, layouts work best with the actual default font (Ariel 11). Each time a new font is set or reset, you must restart Avid\DS before it take effect.

Installing and Removing Fonts


To install non-European fonts

1. Browse to the C:\Program Files\Avid\DS_6.01 folder.

2. Double-click on the DSFontsettings.exe file.

3. From the Settings menu, you can choose one of two options:

- Reset Font to reset the fonts to their default setting.

- Set DS Font to choose the Font and size you want to use in the dialog click. Click OK.

Some tips!

• For best results, use a font size between 8 and 14 points.

• If the font selected is a little too big to be displayed in its designated area, it will be substituted by the default font size.

Chapter 2 Installing Avid|DS


• If the font size is really too big, the layout will not appear correctly, and you may need to refresh the screen.

Chapter 3

Installing the Remote Processing Software

This chapter provides information regarding use and installation of software for a Remote Processing station.

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


An Introduction to Avid|DS Remote Processing

Processing, or rendering, is a normal and necessary part of the Avid|DS workflow, as with any system that handles complex compositing and effects. Unfortunately for editors, artists, and their clients, processing takes up time and resources on the workstation being used, and can present frequent and lengthy interruptions to the creative process.

Instead of waiting for Avid|DS to process your effects, you can send a processing job to a remote workstation that is running Avid|DS RP and continue working on your sequence.

You can install the remote processing software on any number of workstations on your network, and send processing jobs to any one of them. Avid|DS RP processes the effects, returns the cache media to the Avid|DS client storages, and notifies the client workstation when the job is complete. When installing Avid|DS on your workstations, you can specify where the caches will be stored, either on a shared storage device or on your local workstation.

n This version of Avid|DS RP cannot accept requests from versions of Avid|DS prior to version 6.

Avid|DS uses a mail-type system to communicate with the remote processing station. An Outbox contains all the jobs that you sent out for processing, and an Inbox contains all the jobs that have returned. When a job returns from the remote processing station, Avid|DS receives a mail notifying it that the job is complete. The caches generated from the processing are automatically linked back to your current project.

n Avid|DS RP only supports uncompressed media. You can, however, process your caches remotely using lower resolutions. For more information, refer to Processing Effects on a Remote Processing Station on page 129 of the Avid|DS Compositing & Effects Guide.

An Introduction to Avid|DS Remote Processing


Remote Processing Concepts

Before you begin configuring your workstations for remote processing, there are a few terms you need to understand:

Client Workstation: This is the workstation on which Avid|DS is installed. The client workstation is where the processing request is initiated. The request is sent to the remote processing workstation, and the result is eventually returned to the client.

Remote Processing Station: This is the station where the Avid|DS RP application is installed. The RP workstation can be configured as a master or a client in the Avid|DS workgroup. Avid|DS does not run on this workstation. Instead, the RP workstation handles requests from the client workstation and updates the client’s timeline as each request is processed. RP workstations support both the Windows XP Professional operating system and the Windows 2000 operating system. Other Avid|DS client workstations currently only support the Windows 2000 operating system.

n A client workstation can also be set up as a remote processing workstation, but, you cannot run Avid|DS when Avid|DS RP is running.

Floating License: The license for the RP workstation is located on one of the client workstations and not on the RP workstation itself. This license information is appended to the dongle-based (or “nodelock”) information in the Softimage.lic file. In this context, the client workstation is designated as a “license server” for the RP workstation.

About Avid|Throttle Manager

Avid|DS workstations share their storages with RP workstations during remote processing. The Avid|Throttle Manager (installed separately from the RP software and installed only on one RP workstation) manages access to such shared storages, so that the remote processing doesn't interfere with the Avid|DS workstation at critical times, such as during playback, capture, and output to tape.

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


On startup, Avid|DS and Avid|DS RP indicate to the Avid|Throttle Manager which shared storages they are using. The Avid|Throttle Manager then monitors how your Avid|DS workstation and RP workstation are using the shared storage, such as for playback, capture, output, or processing.

On an Avid|DS workstation, playback, capture and output to tape are the critical operations which require a guaranteed bandwidth between the workstation and its storage. During these operations, the Avid|Throttle Manager will pause any RP workstations using the same storage for processing in order to maintain that bandwidth. Once the playback, capture, or output to tape operation is complete, the Avid|Throttle Manager restarts the processing on the RP workstations.

n If you are not using the Avid|Throttle Manager to manage your shared storage, do not try to perform intensive tasks like playback, capture, and output to tape on the client workstation while processing on the RP workstation.

Avid|DS RP Workstation Requirements


Avid|DS RP Workstation Requirements

The remote processing workstation must meet the following requirements:

• Supports both Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000 Professional operating systems.

n Windows NT 4.0 is no longer supported.

• Intel Pentium II 400 MHz (single or dual CPU; MMX not enabled), Intel Pentium III up to 1 GHz (single or dual CPU; MMX enabled), or Intel Pentium 4.

n Intel Celeron and AMD processors are not supported.

• 512 MB RAM (or 1.5 GB RAM if the RP station will be used with Avid|DS HD)

• 1 GB of hard drive space

• SVGA monitor with a recommended resolution of 1280×1024

• OpenGL for 3D DVE: In Avid|DS, only the 3D DVE layout uses OpenGL. An Avid|DS RP workstation does not require an OpenGL card to process OpenGL effects. However, these effects will process significantly faster if the RP workstation has an OpenGL card.

n It is recommended that you use the same type of OpenGL card in your RP workstation as you have in your client workstation.

• Network card (100 Mbps minimum recommended)

• Network protocol: All of the workstations being used for your workgroup must reside on a network that uses the TCP/IP protocol. Each workstation must be able to see the others over the network.

• Fonts: All Windows fonts used on the Avid|DS client workstations must also be installed on the remote processing station to prevent processing errors with titles.

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


• Third-party plug-ins: To process effects involving third-party plug-ins, the plug-ins must be installed on the remote processing station that is handling the processing. So, if you have multiple remote processing stations on your network, all users should be aware of which remote processing station has the third-party plug-ins that they need.

n Third-party plug-in vendors handle the licensing for remote processing of third-party plug-ins.

CPU Usage on Avid|DS RP Workstations


CPU Usage on Avid|DS RP Workstations

In some cases, users may find that the CPU usage on their RP workstation or their client workstation during processing is low. This may be more obvious when the RP workstation is a faster machine, and in some cases the CPU usage may be lower on the RP workstation than on the client workstation. This is a normal occurrence however.

CPU usage is an indicator of processor activity. The faster the processor, the faster it completes its job (processing the current frame). If the CPU has to wait for the next frame read from disk to start processing the frame, the CPU usage is lowered.

This is normal, and it depends on the effect being processed. For simple light effects, like a color correction, the processing is fast enough that the CPU is actually idling most of the time. This appears as a low CPU usage value. These effects are said to be “I/O-bound”, meaning that the Read/Write operations involved for each processed frame are more significant than the actual processing. Because Avid|DS is fully multi-threaded, the processing itself and the I/O operations are done in parallel. However, if the CPU is idling most of the time, a low CPU Usage value is to be expected.

Most native Avid|DS effects support multi-threading and, in addition to this, processing jobs can be divided among the CPUs available in the workstation. For example, on a dual-CPU workstation, when a blur effect is processed, half the frame is processed on one CPU while the other half is processed on the other. This dramatically improves the overall processing time.

n Some third party effects (such as all AVX™ effects) do not support multi-threading. In these cases, because only one of the CPUs is being used, the CPU usage never goes above 50%.

To verify if an effect is single or multi-threaded:

1. Click the Start button and choose Run and enter perfmon in the Run window to run the Performance Monitor.

2. Add one counter for each CPU Time.

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


For multi-threaded effects, the two curves move together while processing. In single-threaded effects, they move in opposite directions.

CPU usage can be affected by the RP license (single, or dual). An RP license for one processor will force the RP workstation into single-thread mode, and the CPU usage will never exceed 50%.

CPU usage usually appears higher on the client workstation (if it has the same processor type as the RP). This is because the Read/Write operations are faster on the client (local storage). As a result, the processor spends less time waiting for input frames before processing them.

n Workstations connected by fibre-optic cable to an Avid Unity will actually process very fast due to the direct connection.

Installing Avid|DS RP


Installing Avid|DS RP

Before you set up a remote processing workstation you must:

• Make sure you have at least one client workstation configured as a master—see “Avid|DS Installation Scenarios” on page 18.

• Make sure that the license server software is installed and running on a client workstation within the workgroup.

• Make sure that the floating license is appended to the Avid|DS license file on one of the client workstations in the workgroup.

• Make sure you have sufficient space on the installation drive of the RP workstation.

n The AutoSave files are saved under \Program Files\Avid\DS_v6.1\DSSystem\Temp.username and have four duplicates. Keep monitoring your sufficient disk space, otherwise the software and/or operating system may cease to operate. After the installation, the drive must have over 20% of free space at all times.

To install Avid|DS RP on an RP workstation

1. Place the Avid|DS CD into the CD-ROM drive.

2. Click Avid|DS Installation from the Main Menu.

3. The Avid|DS Installation Wizard appears, click Next.

4. In the License Agreement dialog box, read the End User License Agreement and click Yes to accept the terms of the agreement and continue the installation.

5. In the Customer Information dialog box, enter your name and company name, and click Next.

6. In the Reseller or Dealer Information dialog box, enter the requested information and click Next.

The Select Installation Folder dialog box displays.

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


7. Do one of the following:

• Click Next to accept the default folder.

• Click Browse to specify a folder in which to install Avid|DS RP and click Next.

The Setup Type dialog box displays.

8. Select the Avid|DS RP Only option and click Next.

Installing Avid|DS RP


The Hardware Setup dialog box displays.

9. Verify that the hardware matches your workstation’s configuration:

If the hardware options don’t match your workstation’s configuration, click Manual Settings, and select the correct hardware options.

10. Click Next.

The Storage Setup dialog box displays. If the RP workstation does not have the standard Avid|DS drive partitions, simply install it on the available drives. If only one drive is available, make sure you have sufficient space for the software, expected projects, and temporary media files generated from the Avid|DS client processing requests.

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


, it

• Projects Storage: Select the actual drive letter for your projects and presets storage area. This is the only option that applies on an RP workstation.

n If you are connected to Unity, do not select the Unity storage to store your projects. You should only use the Unity for your media storage.

11. Change the storage locations if necessary, and click Next.

The Licensing Information dialog box displays.

Installing Avid|DS RP


12. Since you’re installing Avid|DS RP only, select the License Server option, and enter the following in the text box: 744@machine_name (machine_name is the network name of the workstation that has the RP license—see “Licensing Avid|DS and Avid|DS RP” on page 71).

13. Click Next.

14. When the SMTP Server Identification dialog box is displayed, leave it blank and click Next.

15. When the Start Copying Files dialog box is displayed, review your installation settings and if you’re satisfied, click Next.

n If you need to change options use the Back button to go as far back as you need to change the options.

A progress indicator is displayed as the Avid|DS RP files are copied to your workstation. At this time the Avid Media Indexer and Project Indexer are automatically installed on the system. They will be enabled or disabled depending on how you configure your workstation in the next step.

The Avid|DS Workgroup Configuration window displays.

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


The following choices are presented:

Installing Avid|DS RP


16. Click Next to save the Workgroup Configuration.

Keep Current Configuration

Select this if you want to keep a previous Avid|DS v6.x workgroup configuration.

Avid|DS Standalone Configuration

Select this if you are not connected to any other Avid|DS workstations. This will install the indexing services on your workstation and make your workstation the master.

Join an existing Avid|DS workgroup

This option lets you configure your workstation as part of an Avid|DS workgroup.

Select this if you are connected to other Avid|DS workstations, and there is already another Avid|DS workstation designated as the master.

Then, from the drop-down list, select the Avid|DS workgroup that you want to join. Your workstation will join the workgroup as a “client”.

n If the master does not automatically appear in this list, consult Customer Services and review your network configuration for a potential access permission problem.

n Note that standalone workstations also appear as masters in the pulldown menu. Do not choose a standalone workstation as the master unless you plan on connecting it to your other Avid|DS workstations.

Create a new Avid|DS workgroup

This option lets you set up a new Avid|DS workgroup.

Select this if you are connected to other Avid|DS workstations.

• Enter a unique name for the workgroup.

• If you want to make this workstation the master, then select Enable/Disable this workstation as the master of the Avid|DS workgroup.

• If you want to make this workstation a client, then deselect this option.

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


17. When the Service Configuration window displays, enter the login information of the user account that will run the Avid Media Indexer and Project Indexer services.

The account must be a member of the local administrators group and have a password.

n If your workstation is part of a Windows Domain, then you need to specify the domain name before the user id. i.e. domain_name\userid.

18. Click Next.

The second Service Configuration window displays.

Installing Avid|DS RP


During installation everyone in the Administrator Group of the local system is automatically allowed access to the Avid|DS services. Avid recommends that all users who need access to Avid|DS services within the Avid|DS Workgroup have accounts in the Administrators group on each workstation in the workgroup.

n If you are part of a Windows Workgroup, then you only need the Administrator in this list.

If you are part of a Windows Domain, then all user names must be configured with the domain name. i.e. domain_name\userid. If these user accounts are not configured correctly, then the services will not work.

For more information on domain vs workgroup accounts, see “Managing User Accounts” on page 82.

19. Select the users or group that you want to Allow Access to the Avid|DS workgroup.

- If you want to add new users or a new group, click Add.

- If you want to add a new users to a group, select the group from the list, and click Add.

- If you want to remove a user or group, select a name from the list, and click Remove.

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


- If you want to change user or group privileges, select a name from the list, and choose Allow Access or Deny Access from the drop-down list.

20. Your workstation software is updated and the Install Wizard Window opens. Click Finish.

Installing Avid|Throttle Manager


Installing Avid|Throttle Manager

The Avid|Throttle Manager allows for more efficient bandwidth management between your workstation, storage areas, and an Avid|DS RP workstation.

For instance, if you want to playback your sequence on the timeline, the Avid|Throttle Manager temporarily suspends any processing requests to an RP workstation, or capture or output from/to a deck to allow for the full bandwidth to be used for real-time playback. Once the sequence playback is complete, the Avid|Throttle Manager resumes the other processes.

The Avid|Throttle Manager must be installed on only one RP workstation on the same network as your Avid|DS workgroup.

n Do not install the Avid|Throttle Manager on the client running the Avid|DS software.

To install the Avid|Throttle Manager

1. Put the Avid|DS 6.1 CD into your CD-ROM drive.

2. From the main menu of the Avid|DS setup, choose Avid|Throttle Manager and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.

To uninstall the Avid|Throttle Manager

• Click the Start button and choose Programs > Avid Products > Services > Avid Throttle Manager Service, choose Uninstall Throttle Manager Service and follow the onscreen instructions to remove the Avid|Throttle Manager.

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


Troubleshooting Avid|DS RP

You might encounter some questions when using Remote Processing. Some of the questions and answers are shown below.

There’s a licensing error when I start Avid|DS RP.

First, you should read the error message. FLEXlm errors are sometimes easy to fix and good indications are inserted in the error message. Consult the GLOBEtrotter web document for error code explanation.


Avid|DS RP starts, but an error in the interface points to licensing.

Although Avid|DS RP starts, it can fail to properly check out the license file if one of the following occurs:

• The license increment that starts the application is proper but the usability increment contains an error.

• The Softimage License Server daemon was running when Avid|DS RP was started, but the Daemon is halted shortly after, causing the licensing error.

To verify if there are any errors in the usability increment of the license file

1. Click the Start button and choose Programs > Softimage Products > Licensing and choose LicTools.

2. Open the Existing License file and click Validate.

3. Look for highlighted text in the RP license increment. If any, correct the error or request a replacement to the license text from Softimage Licensing.

To verify if the license server daemon was halted

1. Right-click on the Windows taskbar and choose Task Manager.

2. Select the Processes tab.

Troubleshooting Avid|DS RP


3. Locate the lmgrd.exe and Softimage.exe processes. If only lmgrd.exe is shown without the accompanying Softimage.exe process, this proves that the daemon is down. The cure is in the next question.

I’ve checked the networking connection, the license server, and the license, and I still get an error on the Avid|DS RP.

Problems with the Hosts file on the client workstation may prevent the network from matching the names of the systems with their network IP addresses. This can be confusing as the network may appear to be functioning properly since you can link to the Audio and Video Storages without problems.

1. Browse to the C:\WINNT\system32\driver\etc folder and locate the Hosts file.

2. Right-click on the Hosts file, choose Open with, then select Notepad.

This is what you will see as default:

3. On the client workstation, add a line with the IP Address and DNS name of the RP station as shown below (rpstation being the DNS name of the RP station). localhost100.100.100.10 rpstation

4. On the RP station, add a line with the IP address and DNS name of the client workstation.

# Copyright (c) 1993-1995 Microsoft Corp.## This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows NT.## This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one# space.## Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.## For example:## # source server# # x client host localhost

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


n You can be more specific by including a domain if the system is on one. For example:

What can cause the Softimage License Server daemon to stop?

The vendor daemon will be stopped if the network configuration IP Address used is not of a valid class. Private or test classes may cause the vendor daemon to automatically stop. This prevents Avid|DS RP from validating the license text on the Avid|DS workstation. Verify with your system administrator or Internet service provider that your network address is valid.

Example: Although is valid for a private workgroup of computers, the Softimage License Server will reject this IP Address and shut down the daemon.

Avid|DS RP reports that it cannot find some files.

The needed files are linked to the project in a local folder on the Avid|DS workstation and are not accessible from the Avid|DS RP station.

• Make sure the linked files can be shared identically from both the Avid|DS workstation and RP system (example: \\computername\Files\files_to_use), or copy the linked files into your project folder.

• The expected files are irrelevant to the project you’re working on. If this occurs, look seriously for a potential virus infection of the system because Avid|DS RP uses VB scripting and can be affected by virus infections.

Processing is very slow on the Avid|DS RP station.

• If you are processing 3D DVE effects and the Avid|DS RP is not equipped with a supported OpenGL card, the processing is done in software mode and is much slower. Also note that the result may differ from the processing done on the Avid|DS workstation.

• The network connection should be at least 100 Mbps.

Troubleshooting Avid|DS RP


• The use of a network hub with multiple computers and traffic will affect media access and slow down processing. It is recommended to use a network switch to program and isolate the Avid|DS systems from the network group.

• The Avid|DS workstation is being used extensively for capture and playback. With or without the Avid|Throttle Manager installed, the media access to the Avid|DS RP station is greatly impacted. Do not use remote processing if you must do intensive media playback tasks with the Avid|DS workstation.

• The Avid|DS RP station is being heavily accessed at the same time by other applications.

The Avid|DS RP application is frozen or processing is interrupted with an error. What could cause this?

• The Avid|DS workstation was rebooted. This cuts off access to the media located on the workstation pointed to by the Media Indexer running on your workstation.

• There is an internal error in the sequence that causes the processing to fail. Try to process on the Avid|DS workstation to verify if the error is replicated locally as well.

• The system is running low on memory.

• Verify that all plug-ins are installed and properly licensed on the Avid|DS RP station.

What can I do to test the network access between my Avid|DS workstation and RP station?

Using Command Prompt (DOS window):

• Type PING followed by the IP Address of the other computer and press Enter. If you can communicate with it, it will return the following:


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0%

loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Otherwise the ping command will return “timed out” error lines if the computer is not available or “Unknown host” if the host does not exist.

• Type NET SHARE and press Enter to display all shared locations, including the required Avid|DS shared folders.

• Type IPCONFIG and press Enter to display the current network configuration.

Avid|DS RP displays this error message when started: Failed to create project BasicProject: f:\DS Projects could not be found.

Make sure the DS Project path exists on the Avid|DS RP station, otherwise you must either reinstall the software and carefully choose the project location or access the operating system Registry Editor and modify the Avid|DS MainRoot key (contact Avid|DS Customer Service for help with registry modifications).

When starting Avid|DS RP, the hourglass icon appears for a brief moment, then nothing.

Although extremely rare, this can occurs after a software crash where a process in still running in the background and preventing a new process from being opened since you can run only one instance of Avid|DS at a time on any system.

Troubleshooting Avid|DS RP


To resolve this problem

1. Open Task Manager.

2. Select the Processes tab.

3. Locate any occurrence of a running ds.exe process. If any, click End Process and confirm its termination.

Avid|DS RP should now start properly.

I have two Avid|DS RP licences and try to process to two remote processing stations, but the second station refuses to process.

Avid|DS RP licensing is processor based, not workstation-based. If the Avid|DS RP workstations are dual processor, then both RP licenses are taken by the first RP workstation to be started and none are available for the second RP workstation.

Chapter 3 Installing the Remote Processing Software


Chapter 4

Licensing Avid|DS and Avid|DS RP

This chapter describes how to request, install, and troubleshoot the license file on an Avid|DS workstation.

Chapter 4 Licensing Avid|DS and Avid|DS RP


Requesting a License File

Avid|DS and Avid|DS RP version 6.1 requires a new license file to validate the software. This license is provided to all valid Avid|DS customers and replaces the existing license file. To run Avid|DS, you must have a license file, as well as a software protection key (Flexed dongle) connected to your parallel port.

To request a license file:

t Open your Internet browser and go to to submit a license request.

n You must provide all the information requested in order to obtain your license in a timely manner.

Avid|DS Customer Service does not generate permanent licenses. However, if your license is incorrect or if you haven’t received it within 72 hours of your request, Customer Service can generate a limited one-week license. Your reseller must validate the request.

Softimage Licensing Program


Softimage Licensing Program

Once you have received your licensing key from Avid|DS you must replace the old key with a new key in the licensing file on the system.

Before licensing the Avid|DS version 6.1 software, you must verify the version of the Softimage Licensing program.

To verify the version of the Softimage Licensing program

1. Click the Start button and choose Programs > SOFTIMAGE Products > Licensing > LicTools.

2. Click Existing License or New License.

The License File Window opens showing the existing license file name.

3. Select SoftImage(.lic) and click Open.

Your Existing License File appears.

4. Verify if the license text contains SENTINEL_KEY or FLEXID values before the dongle identifier (7-b285xxxx or 8-5E7000xxxxxx).

Chapter 4 Licensing Avid|DS and Avid|DS RP


For example; SERVER “Computer_Name” FLEXID = 8-5E7000xxxxxx 744

• A FLEXID value indicates that the Softimage Licensing program is up to date and does not need a new installation, close the window and continue to Creating a Valid License File on page 75.

• If your license contains SENTINEL_KEY, and not FLEXID, it indicates an older version of the Softimage Licensing program. You must update to the new version from the Software CD-ROM. Close the window and continue.

w Do NOT uninstall the old version of the Softimage Licensing program. All you need to do is replace the old license with the old one.

5. Put the Avid|DS CD in the CD-ROM drive.

6. From the menu, choose Licensing Setup.

7. Proceed with a default installation of the Softimage Licensing program.

8. When prompted, choose Replace to overwrite the current licensing program.

9. When the LicTools utility opens, choose Enter Key Later.

10. Click Finish to exit the Setup program.

Now you have have the newest copy of the licensing program that includes FLEXID. This is only a bare bones license file. You must now create a valid license using the new key that you ordered from Avid|DS.

Creating a Valid License File


Creating a Valid License File

Once you have verified that your existing license is the proper version and you have received your license from Softimage Licensing, you can create the valid license file on your client workstation.

n In order to use Remote Processing, your license file must also include a floating license. This license must be installed as a License Server on a client workstation, not an RP station.

To create and validate a license file

1. Click the Start button and choose Programs > SOFTIMAGE Products > Licensing > LicTools.

2. Do one of the following:

- If you are creating a new license file, click New License.

- If you have an existing license file and need to add the floating license for remote processing, click Existing License.

3. You will normally click Existing License, since you want to replace the old license with the new one you received from Avid|DS for the new release.

The License File Window opens showing the existing license file name.

Chapter 4 Licensing Avid|DS and Avid|DS RP


4. Select SoftImage(.lic) and click Open.

The FLEXlm License File dialog box is displayed.

5. If your file doesn’t look similar to the one below (DS key on top, Existing server lines and then RP key), edit it to make sure you place the keys in the positions shown in the file below.

6. Copy and paste the node-lock license text(the new license you received from Avid|DS for the client workstation) from the licensing e-mail before the existing SERVER lines.

7. Copy and paste the floating license (RP licenses if you have ordered them) text after the SERVER lines.

8. Click Validate and check the Log Information dialog box:

- If no error is reported, save and close the license file.

Existing server lines

Node-lock license text

Floating license text

Creating a Valid License File


- If there are reported errors, check the FLEXlm License File window for typos in the license text. If you cannot locate the source of the problem, contact Avid|DS Customer Service.

Chapter 4 Licensing Avid|DS and Avid|DS RP


Solving Licensing Problems

Before you can start Avid|DS, your system needs a software protection key (dongle) and a license file. If the dongle identification number matches the information in the license file, Avid|DS will start.

If the licensing components are not properly set up, Avid|DS will not start and an error message is displayed. If this occurs, try the following troubleshooting steps or refer to the Troubleshooting section of the Avid|DS Drivers CD. If startup problems persist, contact your reseller.

To verify that the dongle is properly installed on a Windows 2000 workstation

1. Make sure that the dongle is attached to the base unit's parallel port (LPT1) and secured with the locking screws—refer to The Software Protection Key on page 59.

2. On the Windows desktop, right-click on the My Computer icon and choose Manage.

The Computer Management window is displayed.

3. Use the tree (left) to navigate to the System Tools > System Information > Software Environment > Drivers folder.

4. Scroll down the list until you find the Parallel, DS1410D, and Sentinel devices, and verify the following for each device:

Solving Licensing Problems


- State: Running

- Status: OK

To verify the environment setting for the license file

1. Click the Start button and choose Settings > Control Panel.

2. Double-click on System.

The System Properties dialog box is displayed.

3. Select the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables.

The Environment Variables dialog box is displayed.

4. From the System Variables list, select LM_LICENSE_FILE.

Its value should be: C:\Softimage\Flexlm\Licenses\Softimage.lic.

5. If it is not, click Edit.

The Edit System Variable dialog box is displayed.

6. Enter the following path in the Variable Value text box: C:\Softimage\Flexlm\Licenses\Softimage.lic. Click OK.

7. In the Environment Variable dialog box, click OK.

8. In the System Properties dialog box, click OK to finish.

Chapter 4 Licensing Avid|DS and Avid|DS RP


Chapter 5

Managing Your Workstations

This chapter contains information on your Avid|DS workstation and general guidelines on its maintenance and administration with the Windows 2000 operating system.

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations


Managing User Accounts

Avid|DS makes full use of the Windows 2000 operating system. This includes multiple user accounts with your Avid|DS presets, layouts, and preferences preserved on an individual basis.

When you log on to a Windows 2000 workstation, you are accessing an environment associated with your user name. When you set any personal or project preferences while logged on, Avid|DS saves them to your user profile. For example, when you customize the Avid|DS desktop, the layouts that you create are saved with your user name. The next time you log on to that workstation, it recalls your previous settings.

When you first receive your Avid|DS system, the Windows 2000 operating system is already installed, and an administrator account is set up with a blank password.

You can change your password, and create and modify user accounts by accessing the Windows 2000 Computer Management console, which lets you define security features, such as permissions, rights, accounts, user groups, and audit policies.

Important: It is critical that you correctly identify your network configuration prior to configuring your Avid|DS services. The configuration is slightly different between a Windows workgroup or domain network.

Account Setup for Standalone Avid|DS

Your Avid|DS may belong to a network even though you want to operate it as a standalone system. Before creating user accounts, you must determine if your workstation belongs to a Windows Domain or a Windows Workgroup. Depending on what your configuration necessitates, see “Account Management of Windows Domains” on page 85 or “Account Management of Windows Workgroups” on page 86.

Managing User Accounts


If you are not connected to a network, then you simply have to log in as the administrator to create accounts for other users that will use DS on this workstation. You will also have to install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter as directed below.

Installing the Microsoft Loopback Adapter

Due to a compatibility limitation with Windows 2000 networking, it is recommended that this workstation be connected to a network. If this is not possible, then the Microsoft Loopback Adapter must be installed as directed here.

n By default, the Microsoft LoopBack Adapter is pre-installed on all workstations shipping from Avid, and also on the Avid|DS Recovery image. If you connect the Avid|DS workstation to the network, make sure you disable the Microsoft LoopBack Adapter to avoid networking conflicts with the Avid Project Indexer service.

To install the Microsoft LoopBack adapter:

1. Go to the Control Panel, and select “Add/Remove Hardware”.

The wizard displays.

2. Click Next.

3. When asked “Which hardware task do you want to perform?”, select Add/Troubleshoot a device and click Next.

4. When asked “Which hardware do you want to troubleshoot”, select Add a new device and click Next.

5. Then select No, I want to select the hardware from a list, and click Next.

6. Go to the Control Panel, and select Add/Remove Hardware.

7. Select Network adapters in the list and click Next.

8. First select Microsoft in the left hand list, then select Microsoft loopback adapter and click Next.

9. Click Next again, and click Finish.

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations


To configure the Microsoft LoopBack Adapter:

1. Right-click on the My network places icon on your desktop and select Properties.

2. Right-click on the loopback adapter you just added select Properties.

3. Click Internet protocols (TCP/IP) and click the Properties button.

4. Select Use the following IP address and enter the following values:

IP address: (or any other address you choose)Subnet mask:

Leave everything else the way it was or blank. Don’t enter a default gateway or preferred/alternate DNS server.

5. Click OK until all dialogs are closed.

To test the Microsoft LoopBack adapter:

t In a Command Prompt window, type PING "computername" (where computername is the name of the workstation).

The result should display lines similar to these:

Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128

n must appear as the valid IP Address.

To configure the Service Location Protocol:

1. Open the C:\Winnt\slp.conf file with the Windows Notepad application.

2. Add the following line to the end of the file, and exactly as shown below:

net.slp.DAAddresses =

3. Restart the Avid|DS workstation to reinitialize everything.

Managing User Accounts


Account Management of Windows Domains

A domain configuration is usually most appropriate for larger facilities where the Avid|DS workstations are part of an existing corporate network. In a domain, the Windows account management is centralized and simplifies security configuration of all the Avid|DS software components.

When an Avid|DS workgroup operates within a Windows domain, do the following:

• When setting up accounts, log on with a valid domain and user account with local administrative privileges. i.e. <domain_name>\userid

• Each person that will use an Avid|DS must be given a separate Windows user account within the domain. For example, if the Avid|DS workgroup belongs to a domain called POST, and if Alice, Bob, and Charlie are Avid|DS operators, then the following accounts must be created:


For information on creating Windows user accounts, see “Creating User Accounts” on page 92.

• Make sure a proper network connection on each workstation. Your network administrator should perform this step.

• Create a Windows user account called DS Service within the domain for running the Avid services. This account should be used only as an identity for the services, and not to log into a workstation to run Avid|DS.

• Create a Windows group account called DS Users within the domain. When choosing which users are allowed access to the services during Setup, allow access only to DS Users—see “Creating a User Group” on page 95.

• Add the DS Service user account to the Administrators group of all the workstations in the Avid|DS workgroup—see “Adding Users to User Groups” on page 95.

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations


• Add the DS Users group account to the Power Users group (or alternatively, the Administrators group), of all workstations in the Avid|DS workgroup—see “Adding Users to User Groups” on page 95.

Once these accounts are properly configured, it becomes quite easy to add and remove new users from the workgroup. If a new Avid|DS user, Mikayla, needs to be given access to the workgroup, then simply create a new account (POST\Mikayla) and add this account to the DS Users group.

If an existing user, Bob, must be removed from the Avid|DS workgroup, then simply remove POST\Bob from the DS Users group.

Account Management of Windows Workgroups

A Workgroup configuration is usually most appropriate for smaller facilities. The only difference is that the Windows account management is decentralized and therefore requires more complicated security configurations for the Avid|DS software components.

When an Avid|DS workgroup operates within a Windows Workgroup, do the following:

• When setting up accounts, log on with the local administrator account. i.e. administrator or <computer_name>\administrator

n The administrator account must have a password.

• A user account must be created for each person on each Avid|DS workstation. Each account must have the same username and password on all workstations. For example, if the Avid|DS workgroup belongs to a Windows workgroup called POST, and if Alice, Bob, and Charlie are Avid|DS operators, then the following accounts must be created:


For information on creating Windows user accounts, see “Creating User Accounts” on page 92.

Managing User Accounts


• Enter a unique name for each workstation in the workgroup—see “Naming your Workstation” on page 87.

• Configure the network connection on each workstation—see “Configuring the Network Connection” on page 88.

• Create a Windows user account called DS Service on each workstation within the Avid|DS workgroup for running the Avid services. This account must have the same password on all workstations. This account should be used only as an identity for the services, and not to log into a workstation to run Avid|DS.

• Create a Windows group account called DS Users on each workstation within the Avid|DS workgroup. When choosing which users are allowed access to the services during Setup, allow access only to DS Users—see “Creating a User Group” on page 95.

• Add the DS Service user account to the Administrators group on each of the workstations in the Avid|DS workgroup—see “Adding Users to User Groups” on page 95.

• Add the DS Users group account to the Power Users group (or alternatively, the Administrators group), on each of the workstations in the Avid|DS workgroup—see “Adding Users to User Groups” on page 95.

If a new Avid|DS user, Mikala, needs to be given access to the workgroup, then simply create a new account (Mikala) on each workstation, and add this account to the DS Users group on each workstation.

If an existing user, Bob, must be removed from the Avid|DS workgroup, then remove Bob from the DS Users group on each workstation.

Naming your Workstation

If your workstations are members of a Windows Workgroup, each workstation should be given a unique name.

Also, to avoid confusion, pick a name for the master of the Avid|DS workgroup that is different from the Windows 2000 network name.

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations


To set your workstation name on Windows 2000:

1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel.

2. Double-click the System icon.

3. Click the Network Identification tab.

4. Click Properties.

5. Under Computer Name, type in a unique name for this workstation.

6. Select Member of: Workgroup.

7. For the workgroup name, type Workgroup or the name of your company.

n The workgroup name must be the same on all workstations.

8. Click Ok.

Configuring the Network Connection

If you are part of a Windows workgroup, then follow these steps to set up network connections on each of the workstations.

n If you running a standalone Avid|DS workstation (ie. not connected to a network) then ignore this section and follow the instructions for “Installing the Microsoft Loopback Adapter” on page 83.

To configure the network connection on Windows 2000:

1. On the Windows desktop, right-click on the My Network Places icon and choose Properties.

The following window displays.

Managing User Accounts


2. Right-click on Local Area Connection and choose Properties.

A dialog box similar to the following is displayed.

n The TCP/IP network protocol must always appear at the top of the list of protocols.

3. Double-click the TCP/IP protocol.

4. Select Use the following IP adress.

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations


5. On a private network, enter a valid IP address from your Internet Service Provider, or

100 100 100 x

(where x is a unique number for each workstation in the Windows Workgroup), or

and press the Tab key.

Important: Pressing the Tab key gives the correct Subnet Mask for the type of IP address you are using.

6. Enter the Gateway address.

7. Click Ok.

8. Repeat these steps for all workstations in the Windows Workgroup.

To confirm that all workstations are part of the workgroup:

1. On the Windows desktop, right-click on the My Network Places icon.

2. Click Computers Near Me.

You should see all the workstations that you just configured to be part of the workgroup.

If not, restart the workstation to reinitialize the network adapter card.

Using Two Network Cards

If any of the workstations are configured with two active network cards, the Avid|DS indexing services require small modifications so that they can work properly.

1. Open file C:\Winnt\slp.conf with the Windows Notepad application.

2. Add this line at the bottom of the file:

net.slp.isBroadcastOnly = true

3. Save the file and restart the workstation to reset the indexing services.

If the Avid|DS RP station chooses the slower network adapter for processing, you can force Windows to use the fastest network adapter by doing the following:

Managing User Accounts


1. Open file C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts with the Windows Notepad application.

2. At the bottom of the file, under the default localhost line, declare the fast network adapter IP Address and computer name (example: DS1).

3. Save the file and restart the workstation.

If that does not resolve the problem, open a Command Prompt and type this command:


and press Enter.

The result should display your two network adaptors IP addresses. If you see only one address returned, you have a networking conflict to resolve.

Do not use the same IP for both adapters. For example:

is not valid.

On the other hand,

is valid.

Sharing Folders and Setting Permissions

The Avid|DS Setup program will create folders to held both project data and media files. By default, these folders will inherit security permissions from their parent folder.

In a default installation, the permission of these folders is automatically shared and should be changed as needed:

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations


If a user creates new media folders or stores project data in other folders, then Avid|DS automatically shares those folders. The share permissions and security of these folders should also be verified.

w Do not store or create projects outside of an existing DS Projects folder. e.g.

F:\DS Projects\projects is valid

F:\DS Projects\DSv6.1\projects is valid (this is the default)

F:\DS Projects\projects\DSv6.1\projects is not valid

Creating User Accounts

When creating user accounts, make note of whether your Avid|DS is part of a Windows workgroup or domain network.

• If it is part of a Windows workgroup, log on with the local administrator account. i.e. administrator or computer_name\administrator

n The administrator account must have a password.

Shared folder Shared path Description

DS Projects F:\DS Projects\DS_v6.1 Avid|DSproject folder

ds_video D:\VideoStorage Avid|DS video media storage

ds_audio F:\AudioStorage Avid|DS audio media storage

ds_renderer C:\Program Files\Avid\DS_v6.1\DSSystem\renderer

Avid|DS shared folder for processing

Managing User Accounts


• If it is part of a Windows domain, log on with a valid domain and user account with local administrative privileges. i.e. domain_name\userid

To create a user account

1. On the Windows desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and choose Manage.

2. Use the tree (left) to navigate to System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users.

3. From the Action menu, choose New User.

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations


4. Enter the new user information and click Create.

5. Repeat step 4 until you’re finished adding new users and click Close.

The new user accounts are displayed in the Computer Management console.

To modify an account

1. In the Computer Management console, navigate to System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users.

2. Double-click on the user account you want to edit.

The Properties dialog box for this user account displays.

3. Select the General tab to specify password options.

4. Select the Member Of tab to add the user to groups.

n All Avid|DS users must be members of the Administrators group.

5. Select the Profile tab to specify and edit user profiles and logon scripts.

6. Click OK when you’re finished.

Managing User Accounts


Creating a User Group

To create a user group

1. On the Windows desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and choose Manage.

2. Use the tree (left) to navigate to System Tools > Local Users and Groups.

3. Right-click the Groups folder and select New Group.

4. Enter the new group information and click Create.

5. Click Close.

Adding Users to User Groups

To add a user to a group

1. From the <username> Properties dialog box, select the Member Of tab.

The following is displayed.

2. Click Add.

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations


The Select Groups dialog box is displayed.

3. In the upper pane, select the group to which you want to add the user and click Add.

- All users must be set up as Administrators in Windows 2000, so that they can use Avid|DS.

- The DS Service user account must also be added to the Administrators group on each of the workstations in the Avid|DS workgroup.

4. Click OK.

5. In the <username> Properties dialog box, click OK.

To delete an account

1. In the Computer Management console, navigate to System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users.

2. Right-click on an account and choose Delete.

Managing the Avid Services


Managing the Avid Services

If you need to change the master workstation in your Avid workgroup, or start or stop the services on any of the workstations, you can easily manage this from the services’ configuration utilities.

Making a New Master Workstation

To make a new master workstation:

1. Install the necessary components on it as directed in “Installing Avid|DS” on page 17.

2. During the Avid|DS Workgroup Configuration, select Create a new Avid|DS workgroup, and enter a new workgroup name.

3. Select Enable/Disable this workstation as the master of the Avid|DS workgroup.

4. Continue with the setup as directed.

You now have a new master and workgroup. All other workstations that will be using this master will now have to connect to it—see “Connecting Other Workstations in the Workgroup to the Master” on page 98.

Turning an Existing Client Workstation into a Master

If you have an existing client workstation that you want to turn into the master, you simply have to change its service configuration.

To change a client into a master:

1. From the Start menu, choose Programs > Avid Products > Avid Project Indexer Service > Configure Project Indexer Service.

2. Select Create a new Avid|DS workgroup, and enter a new workgroup name.

3. Select Enable/Disable this workstation as the master of the Avid|DS workgroup.

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations


You now have a new master and workgroup. All other workstations that will be using this master will now have to connect to it—see “Connecting Other Workstations in the Workgroup to the Master” on page 98.

Connecting Other Workstations in the Workgroup to the Master

To connect other workstations in the workgroup to the master:

1. From the Start menu, choose Programs > Avid Products > Avid Project Indexer Service > Configure Project Indexer Service.

2. Select Join an Existing Avid|DS workgroup.

3. Click Next.

4. Do this for all workstations in the workgroup.

Restarting a Workgroup

When restarting workstations in an Avid|DS workgroup, it is always good practice to start the master workstation first. Once it is running, then others may be started.

If the master workstation must be restarted on its own, then one or more of the other workstations may not correctly rejoin the Avid|DS workgroup, and as a result, may cause access errors to occur. If this happens, restart the workstation in question.

Uninstalling Avid|DS


Uninstalling Avid|DS

If you need to uninstall Avid|DS, you must also remove associated plug-ins and the video codec as instructed in this section.

Removing Plug-ins

Before removing the Avid|DS software, you must first remove any plug-ins that were installed on your system.

w If you uninstall Avid|DS before uninstalling the plug-ins, the uninstall procedure will fail.

To remove plug-ins on Windows 2000 workstations

1. Click the Start button and choose Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.

2. Click Change/Remove.

3. In the Currently Installed Programs list, check for any installed plug-ins.

4. Select the plug-ins installed on your system (one at a time) and click Change/Remove. Repeat this step until they’re all removed.

5. Remove all Avid|DS native plug-ins:

- Dual Audio Channel Switcher

- Tone Generator

n If you cannot uninstall some plug-ins, continue with the next one until completion, and then manually delete the \Plug-In folder. Use the Windows Find utility to help you locate any \Plug-In folders.

Removing the PICVideo MJPEG Codec

On Windows 2000 workstations, the standard definition version of Avid|DS uses the PICVideo MJPEG codec to provide software-based video compression. The Avid|DS Setup program installs the codec automatically,

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations


but cannot uninstall it. To complete the uninstallation of the standard definition version of Avid|DS, use the following procedure to remove the PICVideo MJPEG codec.

To remove the PICVideo MJPEG codec

1. Click the Start button and choose Settings > Control Panel > Sounds and Multimedia.

2. Select the Hardware tab.

3. In the list of devices, select Video Codecs.

4. Click Properties.

5. Select the Properties tab.

6. Select the PICVideo MJPEG Codec.

7. Click Remove.

8. When prompted, click Yes to remove the codec.

Removing Avid|DS

Once you’ve finished removing the plug-ins, you can uninstall the Avid|DS software.

To remove Avid|DS

1. Click the Start button and choose Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.

2. Click Change/Remove.

3. In the Currently Installed Programs list, select Avid|DS.

The Avid|DS setup program will start.

4. Select the Remove option and click Next.

The Confirm File Deletion dialog box is displayed.

5. Click Yes.

The Avid|DS files are removed from your system, and the Maintenance Complete dialog box is displayed.

6. Click Finish.

Uninstalling Avid|DS


If you’re prompted to restart the workstation, do so immediately to properly register the software to the operating system.

n The Media Indexer and Project Indexer are not automatically uninstalled. If you need to remove these services too, then run their respective setups from the Avid Products group. e.g. Select Programs > Avid Products > Services > Avid|DS Media Indexing Service > Uninstall Avid|DS Media Indexing Service.

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations


Optimizing the Network for Remote Processing

Remote processing is largely dependent on the configuration of the network that links the client and remote processing station. Special care must be taken to obtain the maximum available bandwidth.

Authentication and Security

Since remote processing is based on shared folders within a Windows network, take special care when creating user accounts for the people who will be using the remote processing stations.

Administrator Privileges

Remote processing involves shared folders on both the remote processing station and the client workstation. In a Windows Workgroup, users who plan to use remote processing must log on to the remote processing station and the client workstation using an account with local administrator privileges. These users should be in the Administrators group.

Networking Protocol

Avid|DS RP uses the TCP/IP networking protocol for licensing. Other protocols don't need to be installed, unless they're required for other network activities.

To see which networking protocols are installed on Windows 2000

1. On the Windows desktop, right-click on the My Network Places icon and choose Properties.

The following window is displayed.

Optimizing the Network for Remote Processing


2. Right-click on Local Area Connection and choose Properties.

A dialog box similar to the following is displayed.

n The TCP/IP network protocol must always appear at the top of the list of protocols.

Chapter 5 Managing Your Workstations


Network Hardware and Remote Processing Performance

To optimize your network hardware and the performance of remote processing:

• The recommended minimum speed of your network card is 100 Mbps full duplex as this speed matches that of the client workstation. Gigabit Ethernet is better, but you would need to upgrade the client workstation as well.

• A network switch is the best way to isolate the remote processing traffic from the rest of a corporate network. We recommend a minimum bandwidth of 100 Mbps and full duplex capability, however, a gigabit switch is preferable. For the highest quality components, purchase brand name products, such as 3Com, Cisco, etc.

n Hubs are not recommended.

• Use 24AGW gauge network cable (category 5 and up). Connectors must be assembled properly, with a minimal length of unshielded wire on both ends.

Chapter 6

Managing Your Storage Areas

This chapter contains information on the storage connected to your Avid|DS workstation and/or workgroup. It provides guidelines on the configuration and maintenance of your storage areas.

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


About your Local Storage Area

Your Avid|DS workstation includes a tower base unit and a disk array. All software, projects, and audio media are stored on the disk drive in the base unit, while the video media is stored on the drives in the disk array.

Depending on the storage choices that were made when your workstation was installed, several folders were created to hold various system files, project files, as well as media and cache files.

Base unit Disk arrayC: & F: D:

Folder Description Location

\DS_v6.1 Contains the files required to run Avid|DS 6.1

C:\Program Files\Avid\DS_v6.1

\DS Archives Contains information on archived projects

F:\DS Archives

\DS Projects Contains the projects, sequences, and clips that you create in Avid|DS

F:\DS Projects

\DSPresets Contains customized effects that you can use in Avid|DS when creating graphics, transitions, compositing, etc.

C:\Program Files\Avid\DS_v6.x\DSPresets

About your Local Storage Area


The DS_v6.x Folder

The Avid|DS executable and the various .DLL files required by the application are in the C:\Program files\Avid\DS_v6.1 folder.

w Do not move or modify any of the folders in the \DS_v6.1 folder.

The \DS_v6.x folder contains the following folders:

\VideoStorage Contains the video media and cache files that you capture and bring into Avid|DS


\AudioStorage Contains the audio media and cache files that you capture and bring into Avid|DS


\DSSystem Contains system files C:\Program Files\Avid\DS_v6.1\DSSystem

Folder Description Location

Folder Description

\Command Maps

Contains the command maps for the different views and layouts in Avid|DS

\DSPresets Contains customized effects that you can use in Avid|DS when creating graphics, transitions, compositing, etc.

\Help Contains all the files required to use the online help, which provides reference information on property editors, dialog boxes, parameters, interface elements, and tasks

\Preferences Contains the user preferences and customized layouts, toolbars, and key maps

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


The DS Archives Folder

The \DS Archives folder is used by Avid|DS to keep track of archived projects. When you archive a project, an archive log file is saved in this folder so that you can later restore your media. The archive log file also contains the Avid|DS version number, so you know which version you were using when the archive was created.

Video media is always archived to tape, but Alpha material of any video media in the project is archived in the \DS Archives folder.

Archived audio media or archived audio cached media is stored in this folder. Under each project archive folder, the audio (.wav) media files are stored in a folder called Archive Media Files\audio, which contains each audio storage ID, labelled #1, #2, etc.

When the project is restored, these folders are copied to their corresponding audio storages and deleted right after.

The DS Projects Folder

The \DS Projects folder contains the projects that you create with Avid|DS. Each time you create a new project, you are prompted to select a location for the project folder. Although you may store project folders anywhere, it’s easier to manage projects if they’re all stored in the \DS Projects folder.

About your Local Storage Area


The project folder contains the clips and sequences associated with a project. Each project folder also contains the \System folder.

n Do not move, delete, or modify the contents of the \System folder.

Never manually move a project between Avid|DS workstations. Use the Archive/Restore feature of Avid|DS instead.

The \System folder contains the following information:

Source models: These data structures allow Avid|DS to manage the relationship between clips, sequences, and their media. Each time you capture media from a new source, Avid|DS creates a corresponding source model, which tracks the time span, quality, and location of the different media files captured from that source. When you play back a clip from that source, Avid|DS consults the appropriate source model to locate the media.

Dsprojectinfo: This file contains information about the project format and other project preference settings. For more information on project preferences, refer to Creating a New Project in the Avid|DS User's Guide.

The DSPresets Folder

The \DSPresets folder contains presets, which you can use to define effects, transitions, graphics tools, and so on. The presets that are shipped with Avid|DS are stored in this folder by default.

Avid|DS also creates a \DSPresets folder in each project folder. This lets you store user presets that are specific to a particular project with that project. You can also specify, as part of your user preferences, locations for your own and shared workgroup presets.

The VideoStorage Folder

The \VideoStorage folder contains individual folders for each project. Each folder contains the video media and cache files for that project. Each folder's name is generated by the software and is based on a unique identification string (called a GUID) that identifies each project.

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


The AudioStorage Folder

The \AudioStorage folder contains individual folders for each project. Each folder contains the audio media files for that project.

n Do not delete audio or video media files or folders using Windows 2000 Explorer. If you want to delete a media file, use the Purge or Delete command in Avid|DS. For more information on deleting clips and/or purging media, refer to Managing Media in the Avid|DS User's Guide.

The DSSystem Folder

The C:\Program Files\Avid\DS_v6.1\DSSystem folder contains system files and several folders used by Avid|DS.

Folder Description

\DSSystem Contains the autosave files, viewer and test pattern bitmaps, some critical Avid|DS system files, and the crash log. Before modifying anything in this folder, contact Avid|DS Customer Service.

\Rsrc A resource folder for the 3D database

\SoftDB Contains the 3D database used by the 3D Warp effect

Planning your Storage Locations


Planning your Storage Locations

You can share media located on your own workstation, on other workstations on your network, or on Avid Unity. Sharing media saves you time and disk space as you only have to capture the media once. If other users in your workgroup want to use the media, they can import the sequence into their project. The master clips will then link directly to the associated media.

n Avid|DS can also share compressed and uncompressed media with Symphony, Media Composer and Avid XPress systems. For more information, refer to the Avid|DS Conform Guide.

The limitation with sharing media is that, if the storage area is connected across a network, there may not be sufficient bandwidth to provide real-time access to the media. However, if there is sufficient bandwidth, as with a fibre-optic cable to an Avid Unity, real-time playback is possible.

In a workgroup environment, the location of your media and projects can make quite a difference to your performance and processing times. For instance, if you are working in isolation on a project, then having your media on your local workstation makes for better playback of your sequences.

On the other hand, if several workstations are working on the same project and need access to the same media, then it would be more efficient to store the media in one location (such as on Unity). Although the access to the media may be slower, you do save on storage space as there is no redundancy of media on each workstation. Therefore, it’s important to choose the best possible storage locations for your working needs.

Some points to consider when configuring your storage:

• If many workstations are working on the same project, and will be sharing the same media, then you should place all media on one storage device.

• Do you have one or more Avid|DS RP workstations to offload your indexing and processing services? If so, one of these RP workstations should be designated as the master.

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


• If your workstations are using Unity storage, then each workstation using this storage must have a fibre-optic cable connection to the Unity.

Avid|DS Workgroup Storage Scenarios

The illustrations below show the various configurations that you may have for your media storages, depending on whether or not you need to share projects and/or media.

Before you start planning your storage locations, read the section on “The Avid Indexing Services” on page 123.

Workgroup with Private Projects and Storage

This scenario is best used when you do not anticipate much sharing of media between workstations.

Avid|DS workstationMASTER

Avid|DS workstationCLIENT 1

Avid|DS workstationCLIENT 2



Planning your Storage Locations


Each Avid|DS workstation has its own local storage for project files and media. The media indexer on each workstation indexes the media for that workstation.

The project indexer runs on the master to keep track of all projects and media in the Avid|DS workgroup.

n If you require sequences or media from any other workstation, you can import the sequence and link to media on that workstation.

On each client workstation, you need to configure:

t a media indexing service with video and/or audio local storage—see “Adding Media Storages to a Media Indexing Service” on page 124.

For example, Client 1 would need one media indexing service:

CLIENT1’s media indexing service

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


Inside this media indexing service, the following storages would be configured:

On the master workstation, you need to configure:

t a media indexing service with this master workstation’s audio/video local storage—see “Adding Media Storages to a Media Indexing Service” on page 124.

For example,

workstation’s local audio and video storage areas

Media Indexing Service for master workstation

Planning your Storage Locations


Inside this media indexing service, the following would be configured:

master workstation’s local audio and video storage areas

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


Workgroup with Private Projects and Centralized Storage

This configuration is very similar to the previous one except that each workstion is not using their local storage for media. Media storage is now centralized on an Avid Unity storage. Again, use this scenario if you don’t anticipate much sharing of media, but would like all media for your workgroup to be on one storage device. The Avid|DS workstations can also access uncompressed media on other Symphony™ or Media Composer® workstations connected to Unity.

The Avid Unity should be configured to give each Avid|DS workstation its own workspace. Each workspace can limit its permissions to the client to which the media belongs (and the remote processing workstation that processes its requests). For more information on configuring the workspaces and setting permissions, refer to your Unity storage documentation.

Avid|DS RP workstationMASTER

Avid|DS workstationCLIENT 1

Avid|DS workstationCLIENT 2


Avid Unity


CLIENT 1 workspace


CLIENT 2workspace

(limited permissions)

Planning your Storage Locations


The media indexer of each workstation only indexes the media of its corresponding workspace on Unity.

The project indexer runs on the master to keep track of all projects and media in the Avid|DS workgroup.

n If you require sequences or media from any other workstation, you can import the sequence and link to media on that workstation’s workspace (on Unity). You will also need to change the share permissions on that workspace to allow you to access the media.

On each client workstation, you need to configure:

t a media indexing service with the client’s audio/video storage workspace on the Unity—see “Adding Media Storages to a Media Indexing Service” on page 124.

For example,

CLIENT1’s media indexing service

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


Inside the media indexing service, the following storages would be configured:

On the master workstation:

t You do not need to configure any storages, since it’s local storage was already included in the media indexing service when Avid|DS was installed.

For example,

Client1’s workspace storage on Unity

Planning your Storage Locations


Inside the media indexing service, the following would be configured:

Media Indexing Service for master workstation

Master’s local audio and video storage areas

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


Workgroup with Shared Projects and Storage

This scenario is best used if you anticipate that there will be concurrent media sharing between workstations. This allows a user to work on any project from any Avid|DS workstation and share the same media as other workstations.

The Avid Unity should be configured to give each Avid|DS workstation its own workspace. Each workspace must give shared permissions to all clients in the workgroup. For more information on configuring the workspaces and setting permissions, refer to your Unity storage documentation.

All the projects for this workgroup are located on the master workstation. The master runs a media indexer to index the media on the Unity storage. All the Avid|DS workstations have a connection from their respective media indexer to the one on the master in order to locate media on the Unity storage.

Avid|DS workstationCLIENT 1

Avid|DS workstationCLIENT 2



Avid Unity

Symphony workstation

Media Composer workstation

Ordinary workstationMASTER


Symphony workspace

Media Composer workspace



CLIENT 1 workspace

(full permissions)

CLIENT 2 workspace

(full permissions)

Planning your Storage Locations


n You should not put your project data on the Unity storage.

The Avid|DS workstations can also access uncompressed media on other Symphony™ or Media Composer® workstations connected to Unity.

n Make sure that each client workspace on Unity has full share permissions for all clients in the workgroup (including the remote processing workstation).

On each client workstation, you need to configure:

t a media indexing service with:

- the client’s audio/video storage workspace on Unity—see “Adding Media Storages to a Media Indexing Service” on page 124.

- a media indexing service for the master of the workgroup.

For example,

CLIENT1’s media indexing service

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


Inside the media indexing service, the following would be configured:

On the master workstation, you need to configure:

t a media indexing service with the Symphony or Media Composer workspace on Unity—see “Adding Media Storages to a Media Indexing Service” on page 124.

n Symphony and Media Composer clients do not run the Media Indexing service, therefore you have to connect directly to their storage on the Unity.

For example,

Client1’s local audio and video storage areas (added by default during install)

Master’s media indexing service

Client1’s workspace storage areas on Unity

Symphony Client’s workspace storage on Unity

Media Composer Client’s workspace storage on Unity

Planning your Storage Locations


The Avid Indexing Services

The Avid Media Indexer and Project Indexer manage your projects and media more efficiently.

Avid|DS uses a service called the Media Indexer to set up your storage areas and manage your media. The default configuration of audio and video storage areas is stored in your local media indexing service. This service actively monitors and indexes the storage areas that you’ve defined, to allow for improved performance, better sharing of media across a network, and better interaction between Avid|DS and an Avid|DS RP (remote processing) workstation.

Each workstation has its own media indexer which indexes the audio and video storage areas on that workstation. If you need to access media on another workstation, it is more efficient to connect to the media indexer on that workstation rather than directly to its storage area.

The Avid Project Indexer is a service that runs only on a workstation that is configured as the master of an Avid|DS workgroup. This service indexes storage locations that contain Avid|DS projects, so for example, when the Purge command is executed from any workstation within the Avid|DS workgroup, the correct media for the selected project is purged.

The project indexer works with the media indexing service on each workstation and keeps an up-to-date index of the location of all media.

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


Configuring your Storage Locations

After all workstations in your Avid|DS workgroup have been set up and installed with the necessary software, you can start the Avid|DS application and configure the storage locations for each workstation.

Each workstation has its own media indexer which manages the audio and video storage areas on that workstation. If you need to access media on an external storage device, it is more efficient to connect to the Media Indexing service on that workstation rather than directly to its storage area.

The following section describes the basic steps to configuring media storage.

n For examples of different storage scenarios and explicit storage configurations for each of these scenarios, see “Avid|DS Workgroup Storage Scenarios” on page 112.

Adding Media Storages to a Media Indexing Service

During installation, Avid|DS configures the disk array on your workstation as the main storage area for your media. Connections to this storage are pre-configured in the media indexing service on your workstation.

You can change the storage configurations at any time if you need to define additional storage areas for your audio or video media.

n By default, the Media Indexer sets any new storage areas to automatically have full read/write access by any user on the network. To restrict access to your media, you can change the share permissions through Windows.

To configure your media storage areas:

1. From the Data Management menu, select Configure Storages.

The Media Storage Configuration dialog box displays the media indexing services (if any) that are configured for the current project.

Configuring your Storage Locations


2. Select the Avid Media Indexing Service that you want to reconfigure, and click Change.

n If you don’t have any Avid Media Indexing Services in your list, or you want to add a new indexing service to your project, see “Adding a Media Indexing Service” on page 130.

The Media Indexing Service dialog box displays.

3. Leave the computer name as it is and click Change.

The list of storage areas in this indexing service displays.

Name of Client workstation where this media indexing service is running

Click here to add/remove storage areas for an indexing service

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


You can now click the Add, Remove, or Change buttons to modify your list of storages that this indexing service will manage—see “Adding a Storage” on page 126, “Modifying a Storage” on page 128, or “Deleting a Storage” on page 129.

n These storages will be accessed and indexed in the order in which they are listed. Therefore, use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to change the order of priority.

Click Help for detailed information on this dialog box.

4. After configuring your storage list, click Close to save the configuration for the media indexing service.

Adding a Storage

A media indexing service can be configured to include any number of storage areas (as well as other indexing services). The media indexer will index all the storage areas defined in this service configuration no matter where they are located on your network.

Shows the workstation for which you are configuring the media indexing service

Configuring your Storage Locations


To add storage areas to a media indexing service:

1. In the Media Storage Configuration dialog box, click Add.

The Available Storage Types dialog box displays.

2. Select one of the following storage types from the list:

3. Click OK.

4. In the Media Indexer, each storage area is uniquely identified by the workstation name and folder on which the media resides.

Enter the full Windows path name (drive:\folder_name or \\workstation_name\folder_name) where the storage area is located, or use the browse (...) button to find it. For example, D:\VideoStorage or \\DSStorage4\VideoStorage.

Storage type To

Avid|DS Video Storage Connect to a video media folder.

Avid|DS Audio Storage Connect to a audio media folder.

Avid|DS OMFI Media Files Connect to a Symphony or Media Composer uncompressed media folder (on a Unity).

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


5. Select the Read Only option if you want to restrict anyone else from writing information to the storage area.

6. Select the Use Avid Throttle Manager option if you want this storage area to be managed by the Avid Throttle Manager.

n Select this option only if you are working in a workgroup where the Avid Throttle Manager is installed. The Avid Throttle Manager allows for more efficient bandwidth management between your workstation, storage areas, and an Avid|DS RP workstation.

7. Click OK.

The storage area is added to the Installed Media Storages.

8. Click Close and then OK, to return to the Media Storage Configuration dialog.

Modifying a Storage

You can change the name or physical location of your storage area at any time. When you change a storage area, you will not be able to play clips or sequences that refer to the original storage area.

Configuring your Storage Locations


To modify a storage area:

1. In the Media Storage Configuration dialog box, select the storage to be modified.

2. Click Change.

3. Change the Windows path name to the folder where the media is stored, or use the browse (...) button to find the folder.

4. Select the Read Only option if you want to restrict anyone else from writing information to the storage area.

5. Click OK.

The location and name of the storage area is changed.

6. Click Close and then OK, to return to the Media Storage Configuration dialog.

n You will have to repeat this process for any other media indexing services where this storage is included.

Deleting a Storage

If you no longer need access to a storage area, you can easily remove it from the storage list. The media will not be deleted, and you can always reconnect to this storage area again.

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


n If you uninstall Avid|DS or delete an indexing service, the storage areas still remain in the system’s registry. When you reinstall Avid|DS or add the indexing service back to your configuration, the Media Indexer automatically retrieves this information and displays the storage areas.

To delete a storage area:

1. In the Media Indexing Services dialog box, select the storage to delete.

2. Click Remove.

The storage area is no longer defined for the current project.

3. Click Close and then OK, to return to the Media Storage Configuration dialog.

Adding a Media Indexing Service

A media indexing service is defined for each Avid|DS workstation on the network. Once the media indexing service is configured, you’ll have access to all the video storages to which it is connected. Other workstations can then connect to this media indexing service. If you delete a media indexing service in the list, it disconnects your access to the media on those storage areas.

In addition to the indexing service for your own local storages, you can add other indexing services to your project if you need to access storage areas on other workstations on a network.

n When you import a sequence from another project, Avid|DS maintains a connection to the media even if it resides on an external storage. If the storage where this media resides is not already configured in your storage list, Avid|DS will also automatically add a media indexing service for that storage to your media storage configuration.

To add a media indexing service to a project:

1. From the Data Management menu, select Configure Storages.

The Media Storage Configuration - Current Project dialog box displays.

2. Click Add.

Configuring your Storage Locations


The Available Storage Types dialog box displays.

3. Select Avid Media Indexing Service and click OK.

Avid|DS scans the network for all workstations in your workgroup that are running media indexing services.

4. From the Avid Media Indexing Service dialog box, select the network name of the workstation on which the service is running and click OK.

n If you need to access media on another workstation, you will need to connect to the media indexing service on that workstation.

The media indexing service is added to the Installed Media Storages list.

5. Click Close to exit the Media Indexer.

To remove a media indexing service:

1. In the Media Storage Configuration dialog box, select the service that you want to delete.

2. Click Remove.

The indexing service is no longer defined for the current project.

3. Click Close to exit the Media Indexer.

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


Maintaining your Storage Areas

To prevent problems, you should keep at least 10% of the disk space on each drive free at all times.

When you run Avid|DS, it creates two interactive cache files on the Video Storage drive. These two files (DS_interactive_cache.tmp and DS_interactive_cache.tmp.lowres) can use up as much as 500 megabytes of your video storage area, and are mandatory for Avid|DS.

If there isn’t enough available space for these files to be created, the system performance will drop dramatically. You may even experience a system failure. You should regularly purge unnecessary media files from the system to allow Avid|DS to work properly. For more information, refer to Purging Media in the Avid|DS User’s Guide.

Defragmenting your Drives

Performing a defragmentation on the disk drives helps to maintain your system’s performance. The following is a suggested defragmentation schedule:

On Windows 2000 workstations, you can use the Windows 2000 Disk Defragmenter utility to defragment your disk drives.

Drive Frequency

C:\ (local System disk) Once a month, if required

D:\ (VideoStorage) Once a week if workload is minimal; every day if workload is intensive

F:\ (AudioStorage) Once a month if workload is minimal; once a week if workload is intensive

F:\ (Projects\Audio) Once a month if workload is minimal; once a week if workload is intensive

Maintaining your Storage Areas


n Do not defragment your drives while Avid|DS is capturing, outputting, or processing media.

To defragment the drives on Windows 2000 workstations

1. On the Windows desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and choose Manage.

The Computer Management console displays.

2. Use the tree (left) to navigate to Storage > Disk Defragmenter.

3. Right-click on the disk you want to defragment and choose Defragment.

n You cannot run Disk Defragmenter on a MediaNetwork Unity system because it has a different file system than a normal disk used in your Microsoft operating system. If you attempt to Defragment a MediaNetwork Unity system you will receive the following error.

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


About Striping

Striping is the process of configuring hard drives to allow the system to see two or more drives as a single drive. When you transfer files to striped drives, the files are split between the drives, and the data transfer rate increases. Striping is required to work with uncompressed and high video resolutions. The capability for striping drives is built into the Windows 2000 operating system.

Keep the following in mind when striping drives:

• Avid|DS requires at least eight drives striped together to sustain real-time performance.

• Hard drives of different sizes cannot be striped. For example, you can stripe eight 36-GB drives or eight 18-GB drives, but you cannot stripe four 36-GB drives and four 18-GB drives together.

• Striping drives deletes any material on them.

• Striping is cumulative. For example, when you stripe eight 36-GB drives, you can create an approximate 288-GB partition.

• If one drive in a striped volume becomes damaged or inoperable, the data on the remaining drives are lost.

Creating a Stripe Volume


Creating a Stripe Volume

With Windows 2000, the disks in a stripe volume must be dynamic disks. Since drives are not usually shipped in this format, you may need to upgrade your drives before you can stripe them. The Disk Manager in the Computer Management console automatically detects whether your drives need to be upgraded to dynamic disks.

n If you attempt to create a stripe volume from non-Avid drives, Avid makes no guarantee that the stripe volume will perform to Avid specifications for your application or sequence. Consequently, Avid|DS Customer Service will not be able to support any system issues caused by the non-Avid drives or the stripe volume.

To upgrade to dynamic disks

1. On the Windows desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and choose Manage.

The Computer Management console displays.

2. Use the tree (left) to navigate to Storage > Disk Management.

If the drives in your disk array are not dynamic, the Write Signature and Upgrade Disk Wizard is displayed.

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


3. Click Next.

The Select Disks to Upgrade dialog box is displayed.

4. Select the disks that need to be upgraded and click Next.

The Completing the Write Signature and Upgrade Disks Wizard displays.

5. Verify your selection and click Finish.

Creating a Stripe Volume


Striping the Drives

Once the drives in your disk array have been upgraded to dynamic disks, you can create the stripe volume.

To create a stripe volume

1. Right-click on My Computer and choose Manage.

The Computer Management console displays.

2. Use the tree (left) to navigate to Storage > Disk Management.

3. Right-click a disk in the stripe volume and choose Create Volume.

The Create Volume Wizard displays.

4. Click Next.

The Select Volume Type dialog box displays.

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


5. Select Striped Volume and click Next.

The Select Disks dialog box displays.

6. In the All available dynamic disks box, select each of the disks in the stripe volume and click Add>>.

7. When you’re finished, click Next.

The Assign Drive Letter or Path dialog box displays.

Creating a Stripe Volume


8. Select the appropriate drive letter for your video storage (normally D:) and click Next.

The Format Volume dialog box displays.

9. Select Format this volume as follows and set the following:

- File system to use: NTFS

- Allocation unit size: Default

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


- Volume label: Video

- Perform a Quick Format: selected

- Enable file and folder compression: deselected

10. Click Next.

The Completing the Create Volume Wizard displays.

11. Verify your settings and click Finish.

Your video storage drives are now striped and formatted.

Creating a Stripe Volume


Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


Importing Foreign Disks

If you have used a Recovery CD, or you have transferred a volume set from one Windows 2000 system to another, your stripe volume will not display all the disks.

You will have to import the striped disks into your Disk Management configuration.

To import the disk into the system

1. On your Windows desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and select Manage.

2. From the Action menu, select All Tasks > Import ForeignDisks.

3. Follow the instructions that are displayed on the screen to recreate your stripe set.

Creating an Emergency Repair Disk


Creating an Emergency Repair Disk

An emergency repair disk can help you recover from a system failure in which the operating system has become corrupted. You should create a repair disk after any addition to the system, be it software or drivers.

To create an emergency repair disk

1. Click the Start button and choose Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Backup.

The Backup utility displays.

2. Click Emergency Repair Disk.

You are prompted for a blank formatted diskette.

3. Insert the diskette into drive A: and click OK.

4. Follow the onscreen instructions to create the emergency repair disk.

5. When you’re finished, remove the diskette from the drive, label it, and store it in a safe place.

You can make duplicates of the diskettes or save their contents on another storage device for added security.

Chapter 6 Managing Your Storage Areas


Chapter 7

Using the Recovery CD

This chapter describes how to use the Avid|DS 6.1 Recovery CD to rebuild the C: partition of your Avid|DS workstation with Windows 2000 Professional, Service Pack 3, and all drivers, excluding firmware.

Chapter 7 Using the Recovery CD


Installing the Recovery CD

When you install the Recovery CD, you overwrite and lose all of the data on your C: partition. Therefore, before you attempt to install the recovery CD:

1. Make a backup of your Softimage.lic license file.

2. Back up your F: drive files and folders (they could be moved to a striped volume or other external storage).

3. Backup all of the important data from the C: partition before you continue.

4. Make backups of your plug-in license files and have the software on hand for later reinstallation.

5. You should also save all important preferences, layouts, network IP addresses, or user-specific files.

6. Locate the 25-character Windows license number (on a sticker on the top of your HP workstation), and keep it on hand as you will be requested for it.

To install the recovery CD

1. Insert the Recovery CD for your system, and start your workstation.

2. Follow the instructions that appear online.

3. After the restore, remove the CD from the system.

4. You are asked to Shutdown the system to allow the firmware in some boards to properly reset.

5. After one minute restart the system.

After the system is fully restarted, log on to Windows 2000 as Administrator; no password is required.

6. Enter your Windows 2000 Product Key when you are prompted for your Microsoft Product ID.

7. Complete the operating system basic settings, such as Date & Time and Time Zone, network configuration, etc.

Completely Rebuilding the System


Completely Rebuilding the System

Once you have installed the recovery CD you need to perform a few remaining steps before the system is fully functional:

1. When you loaded the recovery CD and restarted the system, the Microsoft operating system might have assigned different drive letters to your drives.

You should use the same drive letters that were previously assigned to this workstation so that your media and project data can be located again.

These were the defaults:

2. Reinstall the Softimage.lic license file. See “Installing Avid|DS” on page 17.

3. If you had striped volumes on the system you must reconnect them. See “Importing Foreign Disks” on page 142.

4. Configure your network adapter if required. See “Managing Your Workstations” on page 81.

5. Install the latest drivers.

6. Install Avid|DS 6.x.

7. Configure the Avid|DS workgroup.

8. Install the Avid|DS QFEs (if any).

Drive Frequency

C:\ (local System disk) Stores the files required to run Avid|DS 6.1.

D:\ Stores the video media and cache files that you capture and bring into Avid|DS.

F:\ Stores the projects, sequences, clips, and archives that you create in Avid|DS.

Also stores audio media.

Chapter 7 Using the Recovery CD


We suggest you use Avid|DS “as is” to determine if the source of the problem has been fixed by the recovery installation. You can add additional software and devices one at a time, but be sure to perform short tests each time you install new software.



Aaccount setup

standalone Avid|DS 82Windows domain 85Windows workgroup 86

accountsuser 92user groups 95

accounts, managing 82administrator privileges 102archive folder 108AudioStorage folder 107, 110Avid |DS

software and services 23Avid Media Indexer

installing 23Avid Project Indexer 123

installing 23Avid Throttle Manager

installing 24Avid Unity

sharing media 111storage 116

Avid|DSindexing services 123installing ??–38managing workstation 81–??, 105–143source models 109standalone, account setup 82uninstalling 99workgroup, account setup 85, 86workgroup, preparing setup 27

Avid|DS folders 107Avid|DS RP

CPU usage 51installing 23, 53–62requirements 49troubleshooting 64–69

Avid|Throttle Manager 47installing 63

Cclient workstation 47concepts, remote processing 47

client workstation 47floating license 47remote processing station 47

CPU usage, Avid|DS RP workstations 51

Ddefragmenting drives 132, 133deleting

storage area 129user accounts 96

diskemergency repair 143importing foreign 142

Disk Defragmenter 132domain

account setup 85dongle (software protection key) 72drive maintenance 132

defragmenting 132drives

See storage 132DS Archives folder 106, 108DS Presets folder 106, 109DS Projects folder 106, 108

Dsprojectinfo 109source models 109

DS System folder 107, 110Rsrc 110SoftDB 110

DS_v6.0 folder 106Dsprojectinfo 109



Eemergency repair disk 143

FFlexid 72floating license 47, 75folders

AudioStorage 110DS Archives 108DS Presets 109DS Projects 108DS System 110sharing permissions 91System 109VideoStorage 109

folders, Avid|DS 107folders, installed

AudioStorage 107DS Archives 106DS Presets 106DS Projects 106DS System 107, 110DS_v6.0 106Rsrc 110SoftDB 110VideoStorage 107

fontsinstalling 40non-European, installing 42removing 40TrueType 40Type 1 40

foreign disks, importing 142




user 95GUID 109


foreign disks 142indexing media 130indexing services

Avid Project Indexer 123installation

Avid Media Indexer 23Avid Project Indexer 23Avid Throttle Manager 24Avid|DS RP 23

installingAvid|DS ??–38Avid|DS RP 53–62Avid|Throttle Manager 63fonts 40non-European fonts 42Recovery CD 146


dongle 72file, creating 75Flexid 72floating 47, 75problems 78requesting 72troubleshooting 78

Mmaintaining drives

defragmenting 132managing

Avid|DS workstation 81–??, 105–143user accounts 82

master workstationchanging 97

mediaon Avid Unity 111, 116sharing 111sharing with Media Composer 111sharing with Symphony 111

Media Composersharing media 111

media indexing serviceadding 130deleting 130modifying 124

media storage, configuring 124media storage, planning 111Microsoft LoopBack Adapter

disabling 83Microsoft Loopback Adapter

installing 83models, source 109


administrator privileges 102hardware performance, optimizing 104optimizing 102privileges, administrator 102protocol 102remote processing performance, optimizing

104TCP/IP protocol 102

networking protocol 102



non-European fonts, installing 42


hardware performance 104network 102remote processing performance 104


folders, sharing 91PICVideo MJPEG codec, removing 99plug-ins

loading 39removing 99

privileges, administrator 102problems, license 78project

information file 109protocol, networking 102

Rrebuilding system 147Recovery CD, installing 146remote processing 46

Avid|DS RP workstation requirements 49concepts 47CPU usage 51requirements 49station 47troubleshooting 64–69

removingAvid|DS 100fonts 40plug-ins 99

TrueType fonts 40Type 1 fonts 40

repair disk 143requesting license 72requirements

Avid|DS RP 49Rsrc folder 110

Sservices, Media Indexer 130SoftDB folder 110Softimage Licensing program

verifying 73source models 109station, remote processing 47storage

Avid Unity 116configuring 124planning 111sharing media 111striping drives 135, 137–140workgroup scenarios 112, 132

storage areaconfiguring 124deleting 129modifying 128moving 128

storage areasmaintenance 132

storage deviceduring reinstall 130during uninstall 130

striping 134creating stripe volume 135drives 137–140

Symphonysharing media 111

System folder 109system folder



Dsprojectinfo 109source models 109

system, rebuilding 147

TTCP/IP networking protocol 102Throttle Manager 47troubleshooting

Avid|DS RP 64–69license 78

TrueType fontsinstalling 40removing 40

Type 1 fontsinstalling 40removing 40


Avid|DS 100Avid|DS 4.01 99fonts 40plug-ins 99TrueType fonts 40Type 1 fonts 40

useraccounts, adding to group 95accounts, creating 92groups, creating 95

user accounts (Windows 2000)creating 93deleting 96managing 82modifying 94

VVideoStorage folder 107, 109

WWindows 2000

managing workstation ??–143Windows Domains

account setup 85Windows Workgroups

account setup 86workgroup

account setup 86changing master 97designating master 18preparing setup 27restarting 25, 98

workgroupsclient workstation 47floating license 47remote processing station 47storage 112, 132workstation, client 47

workstationaccess problems 25client 47managing 81–??, 105–143restarting 25


