

By Ariana Pegram

Designed to be Worthy 2016

Published by:

Designed To Be Worthy

102 W.McElhaney Road

Taylors, SC 29687

Copyright 2016 Designed To Be


All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of


First printing March, 2016

Dedicated to my beloved nieces and nephews.

Acknowledgements Many thanks to

Vanguard Homeschool Academy,

my Momma,

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church,

and Mary Beth Husman.

~Table of Contents~

Chapter 1- Avalon

Chapter 2- Princess Nessa

Chapter 3- Searching for a Prince

Chapter 4- Prince Ronan

Chapter 5- Falling in Love

Chapter 6-The Proposal

Chapter 1


The sight of Avalon stole my breath away. The land had

the greenest grass and bluest, clearest water. The homes were all fit

to live in, and the people were happy and comfortable. They were

little houses with brick chimneys and metal roofs. There were plenty

of cattle to get meat from, and deer hunting was quite popular. The

plants were aplenty, and there was always enough to eat. If someone

became ill they could go to the castle. The whole kingdom loved their

king and queen, and they adored their princess. The reason for this

love was because the royal family truly loved their people.

The Avalonian’s were always happy to help the royal family

on their escapades because the royal family did so much for them.

The royal family lived in an enormous castle. Statues of the former

kings and queens surrounded the castle, made of the finest granite.

A beautiful moat filled with crystal clear water, reflected the sky and

passing clouds. Shining, colorful fish swam from shore to shore.

The rooms inside of the castle were huge, even the princess

had a bed so big it could fit five people across. There was a huge

kitchen filled with food, and if the villagers needed sustenance, they

were allowed to come and ask for food there. A huge music room

where the royal family played the harpsichord and lute and sang

together graced the front of the house.

The Kingdom of Avalon instilled happiness and


Chapter 2

Princess Nessa

Princess Nessa was absolutely gorgeous. She had long,

wavy, auburn hair. Her eyes were as green as the meadow in

springtime, and they sparkled like diamonds. Her frame was filled

beyond measure with a beautiful heart; she loved her people well.

Princess Nessa’s attributes spilled out: kindness, generosity,

adventuresome and slyness.

Her generosity to her people brought her to the village

square where she bought many goods from the villagers. She wanted

to make sure they had enough food for their families. She treated

everyone with kindness and would always greet the people she saw

with utmost respect.

She loved going on adventures with her Papa. He had

taken her to many faraway lands, and she always wanted to stay

longer. She loved to go on hikes with beautiful waterfalls at the end.

She was always hungry after her adventures and would often try to

eat something sweet afterward.

She was also very sneaky. Princess Nessa would sneak

chocolate chip cookies from the royal kitchen whenever she could.

She loved the taste and was so thankful that there were usually some

for her to take. Even being teased that she would gain weight

because she ate so many never held her back.

Chapter 3

Searching for a Prince

Princess Nessa’s kingdom expected the princess to marry

by the age of eighteen. This terrified Nessa because she didn’t have

anyone to marry, and she was already seventeen. She lived a happy

life with her parents and didn’t realize how soon the people expected

her to marry.

Princess Nessa’s father the king was searching far and

wide to have a Prince for his beloved daughter. The king struggled

with letting his daughter grow up, but he knew it would be for the

best. He loved Nessa very much and only wanted the best for her.

Princess Nessa’s father contacted all of his friends in other

royal kingdoms and invited them to explain why their sons would be

worthy of marrying Nessa. He had many letters from the kings, and

he let three of the Princes come to meet Nessa. The king hoped that

one of these princes would be the man with whom Nessa would fall

in love.

The first Prince arrived and immediately Nessa knew that

she could never love this man. This man was completely rude. She

told her father to send him away.

The second prince was extremely arrogant and selfish. He

was so stuck on himself that when he first met Nessa, he told her

that she would surely fall in love with him after she looked into his

beautiful eyes.

Then the third prince, Prince Ronan, arrived. Prince

Ronan was the handsomest man Princess Nessa had ever seen. He

was flawless in stature, he had eyes in which you could become lost,

and his smile was the image of perfection. She was in awe of his

kindness and politeness to her. She knew that she could fall in love

with this man.

The king sent the other princes back to their kingdoms

and asked Prince Ronan to stay.

Chapter 4

Prince Ronan

Alas, Prince Ronan surely was the man Nessa should love.

His character, integrity, manners, and looks fulfilled Nessa’s wish

list. He was kind, caring, intelligent, and handsome. Prince Ronan

had jet black hair with striking green eyes. He was tall and strong

like an oak tree. He was a man’s man, yet somehow he was still so

caring. He always asked to make sure Nessa was ok, and he made

sure that she was happy.

Chapter 5

Falling in Love

Princess Nessa and Prince Ronan’s relationship

progressed quickly, and they both fell in love. Neither of them

stopped smiling when they were talking or even just when they were

around each other.

Princess Nessa knew love had filled her, and Prince Ronan

felt the same flood of happiness and excitement.

Chapter 6

The Proposal

Princess Nessa and Prince Ronan were riding along one

day when suddenly they came upon the most beautiful lilac flowers

they had ever seen. Prince Ronan jumped down from his horse and

started picking flowers for Princess Nessa. Prince Ronan then came

over to Princess Nessa’s horse and helped her down. Princess Nessa

then said to Prince Ronan, “This is the happiest I have been in all of

my life.”

Suddenly, Prince Ronan got down on one knee. Princess

Nessa was at first perplexed; then she realized what was happening.

Ronan began, “My dearest Nessa, I knew my heart had fallen as soon

as I saw you. You are the girl from my dreams. You are beautiful,

kind, generous, and a great ruler. Your eyes shine as though they

were emeralds. I have fallen insanely in love with you. I will love you

forever if you let me. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

Princess Nessa was speechless at first, and she was overcome by joy.

She told Prince Ronan, “Yes, a thousand times yes!”

Princess Nessa and Prince Ronan then got back on their

horses and rode back to the castle and told their parents what had

occurred. Their wedding joining the two kingdoms together the very

next day was a joyous occasion, for all the people loved their rulers.

About the Author

Ariana Pegram is the youngest of nine

children. She wrote this book for a

class in high school. She enjoys the

outdoors and athletic activities. She

thinks that less is more which can

make the task of writing a novel


“A classic love


—Ethan Pegram

“What a delightful read! I enjoyed

relaxing with these lovely characters

in the world of Avalon.”

—Joanie Pegram
