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Page 1: Ava puppies

PuppiesBy Ava

Page 2: Ava puppies

Table Of Contents

1 Birth

2 Feeding

3 Training

Page 3: Ava puppies


A puppy is born with their eyes closed. There eyes don’t on till 3 weeks later. The puppies does not begin trying to walk until as very early as 2 weeks and as late as 5 weeks old. They don’t automatically now how walk when they try they always stumble just like little babies do. At almost about 6 weeks old, a dam will start encouraging her pups to venture out and slowly become more independent.

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Puppies need to eat 3 times a day. About when they are about 8 months to 1 year old. Puppies need to eat 3 times a day, until they are about 8 months to 1 year old. Later on, an owner should go down to 2 meals a day. When they become an adult, they can be fed 1 meal a day. It is not a good idea to leave trash out where a dog can reach it. Many foods that we throw away can be toxic to them.

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When you teach a puppy the “Come” command, it is best to kneel down so that you are at their same level. A puppy can begin learning commands from the very first day that you bring them home like come and sit. A three month old puppy can hold there potty for at least 3 hours. A two month old can hold it for 2 hours. The puppies will learn house training a lot faster if the owner chooses 1 spot as the designated bathroom area.

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About The Author

The author of this book is Ava. She is in third grade. The author picked this topic because she loves puppies so much.