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© AEMO 2018 | Application for Registration as a Generator in the NEM 1



Please complete this Application with reference to the NEM Generator Registration Guide and the Guide to Generator Exemptions and Classification of Generating Units

Please submit signed application forms by email to [email protected]

Or post signed hard copies to:Australian Energy Market Operator LtdRegistration DeskLevel 2, 20 Bond StSydney NSW 2000

This form should not be altered without the prior consent of AEMO

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VERSION CONTROLVersion Release date Changes1.0 26/11/2018 Bulk update1.1 3/06/2019 Clarification of ramp rate requirements and metering data

requirementsInclusion of generator closure date obligationsUpdate to evidence requirements to demonstrate operational and system readinessUpdate of operational contact details


Terms defined in the National Electricity Rules (Rules or NER) have the same meanings in this form unless otherwise specified. Those terms are intended to be identified in this form by italicising them, but failure to italicise such a term does not affect its meaning.

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Table of ContentsTable of Contents


A.1 Applicant DetailsA.2 Consent to Act as an IntermediaryA.3 Declaration of AuthorityA.4 Declaration of CapabilityA.5 Additional InformationSECTION B. CONTACT DETAILS

9B.1 Contact Details for Head Office and any Branch Office/sB.2 Operational Contact DetailsB.3 Details of Relevant Personnel ContactsB.4 AEMO Information and Support Hub CommunicationsSECTION C. GENERATING SYSTEM

13C.1 System DetailsC.2 Scheduled Generating UnitsC.3 Semi-scheduled Generating UnitsC.4 Non-scheduled Generating UnitsC.5 Status and DurationSECTION D. CLASSIFICATION AS A MARKET GENERATING UNIT

19D.1 Registration CategoryD.2 Use of electricity purchased from NEMD.3 Connection to the networkD.4 Financially Responsible Market ParticipantSECTION E. INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR AEMO’S MARKET SYSTEMS

20E.1 Participant IDE.2 AustraclearE.3 MarketNet ConnectionE.4 B2B e-Hub ConnectionE.5 Energy Dispatch InstructionsSECTION F. COMPLIANCE WITH TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS


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F.1 Exemption from Technical Requirements of Chapter 5F.2 Existing Generating SystemsF.3 Generating Unit Design DataF.4 Generator Performance StandardsF.5 Plant ModelsSECTION G. LOCAL BLACK SYSTEM PROCEDURES


26H.1 Classification as ancillary service generating unitsH.2 Ancillary Service Generating Unit IdentificationH.3 Ancillary Service Generating Unit DetailsH.4 Determination of Ancillary Service Generating Unit InformationH.5 Controls, Communications and Telemetry InformationH.6 FCAS Dispatch InstructionsSECTION I.METERINGI.1 Connection Point and Metering ChecklistI.2 Attachments

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A.1 Applicant DetailsApplicant:




The Applicant is applying to become a Registered Participant in the National Electricity Market (NEM). The Applicant authorises AEMO to contact any organisation named in any attachments to this Application, any Jurisdictional Regulator, and any Network Service Provider for the purposes of verifying the contents of this Application and to enable AEMO to satisfy itself that the Applicant is of sufficient standing to meet its obligations under the Rules, including the prudential and other requirements established in accordance with the Rules.

Applicant’s association with the generating system is (mark one or more as appropriate):




Otherwise sources electricity from the generating system

I have provided evidence of the entitlement to electricity (e.g. a power purchase agreement)

Intermediary (please indicate a capacity above and complete Section A.2)

A.2 Consent to Act as an IntermediaryThe Applicant consents to act as an Intermediary for the following persons who own, control and/or operate the generating system, and who have nominated the Applicant to act as its Intermediary. Each party for which the Applicant is acting as an intermediary will need to submit an exemption application form.NOMINATOR(FULL NAME AND ABN)


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A.3 Declaration of Authority

I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(insert name)


(insert title)DECLARE that I am authorised by the Applicant to submit this Application on the Applicant’s behalf and CERTIFY that the contents of this Application and any further submission are true and correct.




A.4 Declaration of CapabilityI have completed and attached the ‘Applicant Capability Declaration’.

A.5 Additional InformationAll items below must be addressed. You must provide all requested items of supporting information except for those items relating to questions for which you have responded ‘No’. If any items below are not addressed or if any supporting information cannot be provided, please provide reasons why in writing.

r Mark as appropriate

1. Partnership Status

Are you applying for registration on behalf of a partnership?


I have provided evidence of the legitimacy of the partnership, such as a partnership agreement


2. Trust Status

Are you applying for registration on behalf of a Trust?


I have provided a copy of the Trust Deed establishing the Applicant trust

I have provided an executed Trustee Deed in favour of AEMO


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3. Regulatory Compliance

I have provided copies of current licences or approvals in one or more NEM jurisdictions, or evidence of exemption from jurisdictional requirements, such as a letter from the relevant Jurisdictional Regulator or copies of relevant exemptions or derogations

Do you have any history of non-compliance with regulatory obligations?


I have provided details of previous non-compliance with regulatory obligations


4. Financial Viability

I have provided:

copies of most recently audited financial statements

explanation of financial links with parent organisations and other organisations that may improve the financial viability of the Applicant

5. Organisational Capability

I have provided:

an organisation chart showing the positions of key senior personnel and managers; or other evidence of access to necessary expertise to comply with the Rules including, where relevant, wholesale trading, operations management, settlements and risk management

brief resumes of the personnel included on the organisation chart and information about their responsibilities

documents which demonstrate that NEM-related policies and procedures are in place or under development (do not submit the documents to AEMO, simply advise that they exist or are being developed)

evidence of IT systems to support NEM activities

explanation of links with parent organisations and other organisations that impact on or improve the Applicant’s ability to comply with the Rules

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6. Operational and System Readiness

Are you applying to classify generating units as scheduled or semi-scheduled?


I have provided:

a diagram showing the roles of the individuals responsible for daily bidding and physical control of the generating system and a description of the prior experience of bidding and dispatch operational staff

a description of how 24/7 operational coverage will be maintained, to ensure appropriate personnel are available at all times to receive and immediately act upon dispatch instructions issued by AEMO, including (without limitation):

how the Applicant will receive and immediately act upon dispatch instructions for physical plant operations on a 24/7 basis

how the Applicant will submit bids and ensure it is able to comply with the latest generation offer

the systems in place for 24-hour access to AEMO systems, in particular AEMO’s MMS portal

details of the primary and backup voice and data communication facilities established for the generating system.


r Please clearly mark attachments as ‘Attachment to Section A’ and number each page consecutively.

1 Please note that non-scheduled generators may still be required to provide information relating to dispatch. AEMO will advise if you are required to provide associated supporting information.

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SECTION B. CONTACT DETAILSDescriptions of each contact category are provided in the NEM Generator Registration Guide.B.1 Contact Details for Head Office and any Branch

Office/sPlease provide the following details for the Head Office and any Branch Office/s:

Office Name2

Street Address

State Postcode

Postal Address

State Postcode

Phone Fax3


2 Type ‘Head Office’ or name of branch3 Please advise ‘NA’ if you do not have a fax number

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B.2 Operational Contact DetailsPlease note that the Control Room and Trading Room must be contactable at all times:

Control Room4

Primary Phone

Fax Email

Backup Phone


Trading Room5

Primary Phone

Fax Email

Emergency Messaging System Contacts

Name Mobile Email

Name Mobile Email

Name Mobile Email

Name Mobile Email

Name Mobile Email

4 24/7 physical plant operations5 24/7 bidding operations

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B.3 Details of Relevant Personnel ContactsFor each personnel contact, please provide the following details. Note all fields are compulsory except where indicated otherwise:

Contact Type (see lists below)




24/7 Phone6






You must assign a person to each of the contact types below. A person may be nominated for more than one role, however primary and secondary contacts of a particular type cannot be the same person. Only secondary contacts are permitted to be desk contacts or group contacts.

Compulsory for all generators:Head of Organisation Dispute Management ContactCompany Secretary Registration ContactLocal Black System Procedures Contact SCADA Contact

Compulsory for market generators : 6 Compulsory for all operations contacts. 24/7 phone number must allow AEMO to contact a person acting in the capacity of the

specified contact type at all times. This may be a shared phone number, or that of the control room or trading room as appropriate.7 Please write ‘NA’ in this field if you do not have a fax number8 Please write ‘NA’ in this field if not applicable

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Metering Responsible Person Settlements Manager Metering Coordinator Contact Senior to Settlements Manager Clearing – Primary Contact IT Security – Primary ContactClearing – Secondary Contact IT Security – Secondary ContactPrudentials – Primary Contact IT Technical Network ContactPrudentials - Secondary Contact

Compulsory for semi-scheduled generators , or non-scheduled generators which require an Energy Conversion Model:Intermittent Generator Availability Contact

Compulsory for scheduled or semi-scheduled generators : Please note these are 24/7 roles.Operations – Trading Manager Operations – Bidding Contact

Compulsory if the generating system exceeds a capacity of 5MW: Please note these are 24/7 roles. Operations – Manager Operations – Shift Supervisor

Compulsory if the generating system is within an embedded network:Embedded Network Manager Contact

B.4 AEMO Information and Support Hub Communications

Generic Email Address (e.g. [email protected])

r The Applicant must submit additional pages to include all relevant contact details. Please clearly mark these as ‘Attachment to Section B’ and number each page consecutively.

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SECTION C. GENERATING SYSTEMC.1 System DetailsPlease refer to the NEM Generator Registration Guide when completing this section.

Please note the table below is formatted for a generating system containing 2 dispatchable units and 2 generating unit sets within each dispatchable unit. Please add or remove columns as necessary.

Power Station Name

Power Station ID9

(Max 8 characters)

Site Location Address:

City: State:


Nameplate Rating of Generating System (MW)10

9 Please suggest an ID on initial form submission. AEMO will request you update this field if necessary.10 Please note for photovoltaic systems, this is the sum of the AC nameplate ratings of the system’s inverters.

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Maximum Capacity of Generating System at the Connection Point (MW)

Dispatchable Unit Name

Dispatchable Unit Identifier (DUID)11 (Max 8 Characters)

Nameplate Rating of Dispatchable Unit at the Connection Point (MW)

Maximum Capacity of the dispatchable unit at the connection point (MW)

Maximum ramp rate target of the dispatchable unit (MW/min)

Generating Unit Set Name(Max 20 characters)

11 Please suggest an ID on initial form submission. AEMO will request you update this field if necessary.

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Generating Unit Set ID12 (Max 8 characters)

Type Generator








Classification (Market or Non-market)









Classification (Scheduled, Semi-scheduled or non-scheduled)

























Number of physical units in this generating unit set

Fuel Source – Primary13

12 Please suggest an ID on initial form submission. AEMO will request you update this field if necessary.13 A list of fuel sources and technologies is included in appendix 3 of the NEM Generator Registration Guide

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Fuel Source – Descriptor

Technology Type - Primary

Technology Type - Descriptor

Meter NMI – if existing installation only (new NMIs added in section I)14

Connection point voltage (kV)

Do you wish for this generating system to respond to Automatic Generation Control (AGC) set-points from AEMO for the purposes of Regulation FCAS?









14 Please advise ‘NA’ if new metering installation

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C.2 Scheduled Generating UnitsIf any of the dispatchable units above contain multiple scheduled generating units please mark to confirm you have attached information in support of each of the following requirements:

aggregated generating units are connected at a single site with the same intra-regional loss factor and operated by a single Scheduled Generator

power system security will not be materially affected by aggregation of generating units

control systems will satisfy the Rules

communication protocols for operational control between AEMO and the proposed aggregated generating units will satisfy the Rules

C.3 Semi-scheduled Generating UnitsIf you intend to classify units as semi-scheduled generating units, please provide an energy conversion model in accordance with the guidelines available on the AEMO website.

I have provided an energy conversion model

If any of the dispatchable units above contain multiple semi-scheduled generating units please mark to confirm you have attached information in support of each of the following requirements:

units are connected at a single site with the same intra-regional loss factor

each unit has a capacity of not more than 6MW

each unit has a similar energy conversion model

C.4 Non-scheduled Generating UnitsPlease complete this section only if you intend to classify units as non-scheduled generating units.

Do the generating units being classified as non-scheduled have nameplate ratings less than 30MW or less than 5MW if they are part of a battery system?



On what basis are you applying to classify generating units as non-scheduled?

the primary purpose for which the generating unit operates is local use and the aggregate sent out generation at its connection point rarely, if ever, exceeds 30MW

Supporting evidence attached

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the physical and technical attributes of the generating unit are such that it is not practicable for it to participate in central dispatch

Supporting evidence attached

Please note, Non-Scheduled Generators may be required to comply with some obligations of Scheduled Generators or Semi-Scheduled Generators as a condition of registration. For example, if the generating unit output is intermittent, you may be required to provide an energy conversion model.C.5 Status and Duration

Has all or part of the generating system been previously commissioned?



Expected date of first energisation at connection point

Target registration date

For Scheduled or Semi-Scheduled Generators, acknowledge that you must provide the expected closure year 15 via the AEMO Supply Forecasting Generator Survey application on the AEMO Electricity Market Management System (EMMS) portal and provide updated information [via that portal or by other means notified to you by AEMO] if there is a change to the expected closure year.

Please note in accordance with the Rules, commissioning plans must be submitted:

3 months prior to commencement of commissioning for transmission-connected systems

1 month prior to commencement of commissioning for distribution-connected systems

r Please clearly mark any attachments as ‘Attachment to Section C’ and number each page consecutively.

15 Refer to Rules clause 2.2.1(e)(2A)

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GENERATING UNITD.1 Registration Category

Non-Market Generator

I declare that the electricity generated by the generating system will not be sent out to the spot market

Go to Section E

Market Generator

Continue to Section D.2

D.2 Use of electricity purchased from NEMWill electricity drawn from the NEM be used only for the purposes of generation in connection with the generating system? Refer to Appendix 1 of the ‘NEM Generator Registration Guide’ to select the relevant example that demonstrates the situation in which the Generator consumes electricity. This information is used to determine if Market Customer registration is also required.

Yes Provide supporting documentation and continue to Section D.3

No Go to Section D.4

D.3 Connection to the networkAre all the generating system’s connection points part of its connection to the network?

Yes Provide supporting documentation and then go to Section E

No Continue to Section D.4

D.4 Financially Responsible Market Participant(Only required if answers in Sections D.2 or D.3 is ‘No’)

Name of person who will be financially responsible for load

r Please clearly mark the attachments as ‘Attachment to Section D’ and number each page consecutively.

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E.1 Participant IDWill the Applicant be using an existing Participant ID?


Participant ID

Go to Section F


Suggested Participant ID16 (Maximum 8 characters)

Does the Applicant have an existing Participant ID?

Yes, an additional ID is requested.

Please be advised this will incur an additional fee as per the Electricity Market Revenue Requirement and Fee Schedule.

Existing Participant ID

Business reason for the request for an additional Participant ID


Continue to Section E.2

16 Please suggest an ID on initial form submission. AEMO will request you update this field if necessary.

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E.2 Austraclear

Austraclear Membership Number (e.g. AAAA11)

Is the Applicant the Austraclear Account Holder?



I have attached permission from an authorised officer on behalf of the Austraclear account holder for the Applicant to use this Austraclear account.

E.3 MarketNet ConnectionFor details regarding options and entitlements for connections to AEMO’s communications network, including requests for additional bandwidth, please refer to the Guide to Information Systems, available from the AEMO website.

Will the Applicant be using an existing MarketNet connection?


Is the Applicant the owner of the MarketNet connection?



Owner Name

Owner ABN

I have provided permission from an authorised officer on behalf of the MarketNet connection owner for the Applicant to use this MarketNet Connection.

No, the Applicant requires new connection(s) of the following types:

Primary connection Secondary connection

VPN (Virtual Private Network) LAN to LAN

VPN Variable

VPN (Virtual Private Network) LAN to LAN

VPN Variable

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Primary connection Secondary connection

Frame Relay



Frame Relay



E.4 B2B e-Hub ConnectionWill the Applicant be receiving/sending data through the B2B e-hub?


I have completed a B2B e-Hub Application Form.

NoE.5 Energy Dispatch InstructionsPlease complete this section if you intend to classify units as scheduled generating units or semi-scheduled generating units.

Do you wish to receive energy dispatch instructions via SCADA in addition to instructions provided via the Electricity Market Management System (MMS) Data Interchange17?


I understand and acknowledge the following:

AEMO’s primary interface for energy dispatch instructions is either AEMO’s automatic generation control system (AGC) or the MMS Data Interchange. Market Participants may choose to receive dispatch instructions via SCADA, but must be aware that AEMO considers this a secondary system and cannot monitor successful transmission of SCADA signals.


r Please clearly mark any attachments as ‘Attachment to Section E’ and number the pages consecutively.

17 Generating units on remote AGC will receive AGC set-points via SCADA every control cycle (e.g. 4 seconds) and must respond to AGC set-points whenever enabled for Regulation FCAS. When a unit is enabled for both regulation and contingency FCAS, contingency FCAS takes priority over AGC set-points if a contingency event occurs until frequency has recovered. Refer to Section 6.9 of the Market Ancillary Service Specification (MASS).

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F.1 Exemption from Technical Requirements of Chapter 5

Is the Applicant claiming exemption from the technical requirements of Chapter 5?


Continue to Section F.2


Please provide evidence to support that the Applicant is eligible for exemption from registration for this generating system (refer to AEMO’s Guide to Generator Exemptions and Classification of Generating Units).

Go to Section G.F.2 Existing Generating SystemsIs the generating system currently classified by a Registered Participant in the NEM?


Please provide a set of current registered performance standards for the generating system and at least one of the following:

historical evidence such as performance during power system incidents; or

power system studies (e.g. computer simulations).

Go to Section G

No Continue to section F.3F.3 Generating Unit Design Data

Please complete and attach the ‘Power System Design and Setting Data Sheets’ (available from the AEMO website).

F.4 Generator Performance Standards Please complete and attach the ‘Generator Performance Standards’ (available

from the AEMO website).F.5 Plant Models

Attach (or confirm AEMO has been sent) plant models (protection and control system information, encrypted models[dll], releasable user guides, EMT models, functional block diagrams and model source codes in accordance with clauses S5.2.4(b)(5) ,(6) and (8) of the Rules).

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Date sent (if already sent): …… / …… / 20 ……

r Please clearly mark any attachments as ‘Attachment to Section F ’ and number the pages consecutively.

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Please enclose the local black system procedures for the generating system as an attachment to this Section.

r Please clearly mark any attachments as ‘Attachment to Section G’ and number the pages consecutively.

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H.1 Classification as ancillary service generating unitsIs the Applicant applying for classification of market generating units as ancillary service generating units?

Yes Complete this Section

No Go to Section I

Ancillary service data will be used by AEMO in bid and offer validation. Please duplicate and complete sections H.2, H.3 and Error: Reference source not found for each ancillary service generating unit.H.2 Ancillary Service Generating Unit Identification

DUID (from section C)

H.3 Ancillary Service Generating Unit DetailsFrequency Control Ancillary Service

Service provided (Y/N)

Switching controller (Y/N)

Maximum market ancillary service capacity (MW)

Minimum Enablement Level (MW)

Maximum Enablement Level (MW)

Maximum Lower Angle (Deg)

Maximum Upper Angle (Deg)

Fast Raise Service (RAISE6SEC)

Fast Lower Service(LOWER6SEC)

Slow Raise Service (RAISE60SEC)

Slow Lower Service (LOWER60SEC)

Delayed Raise Service (RAISE5MIN)

Delayed Lower Service (LOWER5MIN)

Regulating Raise Service (RAISEREG)

Regulating Lower Service (LOWERREG)

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H.4 Determination of Ancillary Service Generating Unit Information

Determination of Ancillary Service Generating Unit Information

Please mark appropriate boxes below to indicate the basis on which the ancillary services generating unit information has been determined, and provide further details where required:

The generating unit design parameters

The services previously provided under an ancillary services agreement

The results of tests

Mathematical modelling of the plant

Other (please describe):

H.5 Controls, Communications and Telemetry Information

Controls, Communications and Telemetry Information

Please describe the facilities installed to receive dispatch instructions for the enablement of each ancillary service from AEMO’s market systems. For example, how will the plant operator find out when the ancillary services are enabled by AEMO’s market systems? Does the plant operator have access to AEMO’s market systems, or does the plant operator rely on someone else telling them when necessary?

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Controls, Communications and Telemetry Information

Please describe the control facilities installed for each ancillary service in accordance with the market ancillary service specification, including communications and telemetry, where applicable. For example, are the fast and slow services to be provided by governor systems or under- or over-frequency relays? Are the regulating services to be provided in response to generation setpoints or raise/lower pulses? Is the plant controlled from a location other than the power station to provide these services?

Please identify any generating units with switching controllers that share frequency comparison equipment such that they cannot use separate frequency settings. For example, which generating units (if any) share the same under- or over-frequency relay for initiating the ancillary service response?

Please describe the monitoring and recording facilities installed for each ancillary service in accordance with the market ancillary service specification, including communications and telemetry, where applicable. What is the sampling interval of active power and frequency records?

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H.6 FCAS Dispatch InstructionsDo you wish to receive 5-minute FCAS enabled dispatch instructions via SCADA in addition to instructions provided via the MMS Data Interchange18?


I understand and acknowledge the following:

AEMO’s primary interface for ancillary services dispatch instructions is either AEMO’s automatic generation control system (AGC) for regulation services only, or the MMS Data Interchange. Market Participants may choose to receive dispatch instructions via SCADA, but must be aware that AEMO considers this a secondary system and cannot monitor successful transmission of SCADA signals.


r Please clearly mark any attachments as ‘Attachment to Section H’ and number the pages consecutively.

18 Generating units on remote AGC will receive AGC set-points via SCADA every control cycle (e.g. 4 seconds) and must respond to AGC set-points whenever enabled for Regulation FCAS. When a unit is enabled for both regulation and contingency FCAS, contingency FCAS takes priority over AGC set-points if a contingency event occurs until frequency has recovered. Refer to Section 6.9 of the MASS.

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SECTION I. METERINGI.1 Connection Point and Metering ChecklistPlease refer to Generator Registration Guide when completing this section.

1. GENERAL AND TECHNICAL DETAIL1.1 Metering Coordinator Detail:1.2 Connection Point

Connection Point NMI(s):If Generator is within an Embedded

Network, child Connection Point NMI(s):If Generator is within an Embedded Network, Embedded Network Code:

Logical NMI – Algorithm: ☐ Yes ☐ No (If Yes, provide details - ☐ Attached)

Transmission Node Id (TNI):If Generator is connected to the

Distribution Network, Transmission NMI(s):

Physical Address of Connection Point:Physical Location of Connection Point:

Single Line (Schematic) diagram of the installation showing the Connection Point

and revenue Metering Installation:

Drawing number ___________________ ☐ - Attached

Additional notes:The distance between the Connection

Point and the revenue Metering Installation:

Detailed Wiring diagram of the Metering Installation:

Drawing number ___________________ ☐ - Attached

Distribution or transmission area diagram showing the generation system’s

relativity to TNI:

Drawing number ___________________ ☐ - Attached

1.3 Distribution Loss Factor (If Generator is >10MW and connected to the Distribution Network)

DLF Code:DLF Value:

AER Approval Letter: ☐ - Attached1.4 Generation Capacity

Feeder Capacity: _______ MVA or_______ Amps

Transformer Capacity: _______ MVAGenerator Capacity: _______ MVA

_______ MW

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Annual Energy Generation: _______ MWh

2. REVENUE METERING INSTALLATION DETAILS2.1 Metering Installation Type (S7.2.3):2.2 Meter Details

Meter Serial No:Meter Make & Model:

Pattern Approval Cert No:Meter Class Accuracy:

Is Meter Bi-Directional: ☐Yes ☐NoCurrent Rating: ____ Amps

Meter Test Results: ☐ Attached2.3 Current Transformer (CT) Details

CT Serial No. 1.


3.CT Ratios Available:CT Connected Ratio:CT Burden (Rated): _______ VA

CT Class:CT Test Results ☐ Attached

2.4 Voltage Transformer (VT) DetailsVT Arrangement: ☐ 3 x 1Ph VT or ☒ 3Ph VT

VT Serial No. 1.


3.VT Ratio: _____KV / ___ V

VT Burden (Rated): _______ VAVT Class:

VT Test Results ☐ Attached

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Meter Serial No:Meter Make & Model:

Pattern Approval Cert No:Meter Class Accuracy:Is Meter Bi-Directional ☐Yes ☐No

Current Rating: ____ AmpsMeter Test Results ☐ Attached

3.2 Current Transformer (CT) DetailsCT Serial No. 1.


3.CT Ratios Available:CT Connected Ratio:CT Burden (Rated): _______ VA

CT Class:CT Test Results ☐ Attached

3.3 Voltage Transformer (VT) DetailsVT Arrangement: ☐ 3 x 1Ph VT or ☐ 3Ph VT

VT Serial No. 1.


3.VT Ratio: _____KV / ___V

VT Burden (Rated): _______ VAVT Class:

VT Test Results ☐ Attached

4. Participant Relationships In MSATSRole ID Participant ID Participant NameFRMP:LNSP:



ENM (if applicable):ROLR:

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I.2 AttachmentsPlease provide (where required) the following attachments to Section I:

Logical NMI – Algorithm Single Line (Schematic) Detailed Wiring diagram of the Metering Installation Distribution or transmission area drawing Distribution Loss Factor from the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). Meter Test Result Current Transformer Test Results Voltage Transformer Test Results

r Please clearly mark attachments with ‘Attachment to Section I’ and number each page consecutively.

– End of Application –

© AEMO 2018 | Application for Registration as a Generator in the NEM 34
