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on behalf of American Holistic Nurses Association New Mexico ChapterPlease join holistic nurses of New Mexico onThursday, August 13, 2015from 3:00 - 5:00 pm

Wisdom Maker: LissaHammit BS ATC LMT,Certified Aston Patterning Practitioner & Movement Specialist

A message from LissaHammit regarding the "dance of every day living"

How we are in our bodies is how weare in our lives is a foundational message of my private bodywork andmovement practice.The foundation of my message is from Aston Kinetics. I help people livemore comfortable, pain free lives. The Aston System offers more than a way ofworking, or a way of exercising, a way of analyzing alignment, or a way ofmoving.It practically offers a way of living. To apply Aston concepts is to movethrough the world in a way that promotes our own fullness of being with easeand balance.

Aston Kinetics begins with what is, looking at whatever the situation may be; it allows for acknowledgement and acceptance first. Acknowledgement and acceptance open the door to the next step, so that when we are stuck, or when something doesn't work, we can find another way, through conscious movement and thought.To find out more, click

Where?316 Roehl Rd NWLos Ranchos, NM 87107(505) 293-2912

DirectionsFrom I-25 exit # 230 in Albuquerque. (From the Airport or I-40 go north on I-25.) Exit 230 is on the north side of Albuquerque and it is called the San Mateo/Osuna exit. Go west (away from the mountain) on Osuna until you get to 4thStreet (about 5 lights) and turn right (north).Go north on 4thStreet for a distance of .7 mile. You will see the sign for Moses Kountry Store on your left (7715 4thST NW). Turn right (east) on Roehl Rd. Pass some commercial space on the right. Go to thefirst house on the rightside of the road. You will know it by wooden fence, big white stucco wall of the only second story house,and the white camper van in parking area.For additional details or questions, contact: [email protected] Markee at 505-980-3573 [email protected] Hess at 505-228-8553 [email protected]
