Page 1: August Rec and Y2B'13 Volunteer Program

The Volunteer Program


1. What is “The Y2B Volunteer Program”

2. What is my job role?

3. Current Plan Of Actions

4. What is in Store for me?

5. How is my performance tracked?

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What is “The Y2B Volunteer Program”

The Y2B Volunteer Program is an initiative taken up AIESEC in Delhi IIT to increase our scope

of engagement with young students of the city also enhancing certain skills on event

management, professional networking and product delivery.

The Volunteer Program comes directly under our Associate Member Program, which allows

students to live a short term leadership and a team experience and also identify the Why

How What of AIESEC.

Students who show excellent performance are personally reviewed and called for a selection

procedure to move to the Experiential Leadership Development Stage that gives them semi-

official membership in our local committee: AIESEC Delhi IIT and the platform to take double

the opportunities.

What is my Job Role

The Job Role of a Y2B Volunteer covers the following areas :

1. Sorting quicker permissions at College Campus

- To Conduct Phase I

- To deliver a Flashmob

- To avail Speakers and Mic system

- To have AIESEC deliver a session on Youth Empowerment

2. Ensuring OnGround Promotions


- Announcements in class rooms

3. Promoting AIESEC Experience to get registrations for AIESEC Membership

- To get 50 Registrations forms by selling 50 FORMS

- To get a Youth Empowerment Session for the same

4. Ensuring Online Promotions

- Being active on our fanpage : AIESEC in Delhi IIT

- Ensuring daily content sharing on your page

- Posting content on your page which will be given on the group everyday

- Profile and Cover Pictures

5. Bringing in leads and contacts

- Media

- College Administration | Relative in any university/college administration

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6. Being an active part of Y2B Delivery

- Ensuring brilliant delivery if permissions are sorted by helping us with logistics.

Current Plan Of Action

1. Receive Email for sorting permissions in colleges

You will receive an email post this which we use for college permissions, please use

that one ONLY

2. Shoot Email to your prescribed contact

“CC it to :Your OC incharge”

Please make sure you have discussed it with your OC Incharge WHO you’re

addressing the email to : Your principal, your teacher, a student and the students


Your job is to get an appointment with the principal or get the permission done

through the cultural head or who so ever is the incharge in your college for such


3. Submit the stronger lead to the prescribed OC incharge

You have to ensure you submit these contacts to the OC incharge if they are

powerful or close to you or who can easily arrange permissions for us.

4. Permissions : Conducting Phase 1 + Flashmob

You have to ask for the permit to go ahead with our Phase 1 at your college campus

and a flashmob that promotes leadership.

You have to also take care of logistics. SO if anyone says YES, then you have to

arrange the speakers and all.

5. Get in touch with Dance Society people

Your flashmob permissions can also be flown down by the dance society. You have

to contact them also to participate in the flash mob if it happens in their college.

The training video will be sent you to you in a day

6. Receive video for Flash Mob

This is a video you will receive about the steps of flashmob.

7. Join FB Group

8. Other LEADS : Media + Other College Contacts

If you have any BIG contact in the network, specially media, get in touch with :

[email protected]

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9. Decide Poster Day + Venue

ONE DAY we will meet at a particular venue where you will be submitted the posters and


You need to sell 50 AIESEC Forms in the next 2 weeks. The forms given to you will be tracked

and you will accountable for every form.

11. The Promotion Team

Everyday you will ensure you’re SHARING every content from AIESEC in Delhi IIT fanpage

Everyday you will ensure that you’re putting the content up on your profile page which will

be shared on the group.

12. Decide the Communication Platform

We will communicate on the facebook group.

13. 30 Minutes everyday

We will have a 20 to 30 min update time on our facebook chat every night at 10 or 11pm

14. Selling Pitch : Concept Note

The selling pitch is the purpose of Y2B mentioned in the Concept Note (which will be handed

over to you once its in place)

15. Admin of Fanpage Contacts ( MoU Tonight + Contact Tomorrow)

One of the most important part, you have to arrange the contact of your college fanpage

admin by tomorrow and submit it to your OC Incharge

Whats in STORE for me?

• An External Workshop

- Most Performing TOP TWO will go free

- Others will be available to a discount of 250Rs.

• Volunteer Program at TeachForIndia

- Only TOP 10 performers name will be submitted.

• Discounted Delegation Fee for Y2B

- Top 10 performers

• Certification of Volunteering

- Everyone

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• The Social Media Y2B Award :

For the most actively engaged group of individuals involved in promotions : A case

study of their experience will be recorded and sent to all our clients + students +

event report

• AIESEC DI Tshirts to the most performing group

• The Y2B Volunteer King Award : To the most performing AM member.

The winner will be recognized on the final day of the event and his experience will be


• The Y2B Volunteer Award winner also goes straight to the Interview round if

interested to apply to AIESEC ELD Stage

How is my performance tracked?

1. Number of forms SOLD

2. Permission bought in ( Phase I + Youth Empowerment Session + Flashmob +

Logistics )

3. Delivery of Phase I in your college

4. How active you are for online promotions

- how much of content you share through our page.

5. Number of times you’re present at a required meeting.

6. Number of Flashmobs you’ve been a part of.

Certain Rules and Regulations

1. Be responsive, reply to everything.

2. Maintain peace and decorum, don’t fight. Its an event, there can be glitches.

3. Your performance is reviewed after every 3 days by the OC incharge.

4. Continuous low performance will lead us to release you from the program.

5. Be quick
