Page 1: August 2016 From the Desk of Tom Wood, August 16 ... · August 2016 From the Desk of Tom Wood, August 16 Superintendent Welcome Back! It is August already, and a new school year is

August 2016

From the Desk of Tom Wood,


Welcome Back!

It is August already, and a new school year is upon us. This is

an exciting time of the year as we get ready to greet students,

teachers, and parents back into the building once again. As

always, you will notice some changes as you come back to

school this fall, and everyone here is busy getting things ready

for that first day. Please stop in or call if you have any

questions about school, upcoming events, or just want to say


The maintenance crew, under the direction of Wade Gibson,

has the building and grounds looking spectacular. You will

notice fresh paint, shiny floors, new lockers, and many more

improvements both inside and out of the building. We once

again had some high school students on the summer crew,

along with our regular staff, and they all did an excellent job.

Mr. Moser and Ms. Happe have things ready to go for the

secondary and elementary and will be sharing details with you

in their newsletters.

One major change you will notice this year is the use of the

Raptor Security System. We have been communicating to you

about this over the last several months, and we are now ready

to use it full-time. The Raptor system will allow us to check in

visitors just as quickly as the previous sign-in process. All

visitors who plan to go into the building will be required to

show a state issued driver’s license or identification. This will

be swiped and automatically checked against child abuse and

criminal registries. It will then print you a sticky visitor pass

with your license photo on it. Yes, this may seem like a little

bit of a hassle, but please keep in mind that this is for the

safety or our children. This is not a deterrent for any parents

and relatives to visit classrooms-we want you to continue to

come. If you have relatives who plan to visit or go to

classrooms, please remind them to bring their license or

identification with them when visiting.

The following are important upcoming events at school:

August 16th

, 6:00 PM: 7th

Grade Orientation

August 22nd

, 6:00 PM-7:00 PM: Open House

August 23rd

: First Day of School

September 2nd

: Early Dismissal, 1:00

September 5th

: No School, Labor Day

Thank you for your continued support; the families of MStM

make this school a great place to be!

From the Desk of Josh Moser,

Secondary Principal

“All the effort in the world won’t matter if you’re not inspired.”

-Chuck Palahniuk

Palahniuk’s quote might seem like an odd choice to use to

begin a school year. Found in his novel Diary, he points out

that effort and inspiration are not the same thing, and in turn,

produce different results. Now being inspired at the start of

school year might seem odd, but there are a few things that

occurred over the summer that inspired me.

We saw the effects of inspiration (and perspiration, from hard

work and hot weather) among our softball and baseball teams

this summer. Through teamwork and a common goal, the

softball team made its way to the state tournament for the

eighth year in a row, finishing third in the state in class 1A.

For the boys of summer, a trip to the tournament wasn’t in the

cards but a 1st place finish in both Conference and District

play was. The longevity of the success in these two programs

is absolutely no coincidence. It is because of the history

behind our teams and the players who helped shape these

dynasties that we see future players inspired to succeed.

Page 2: August 2016 From the Desk of Tom Wood, August 16 ... · August 2016 From the Desk of Tom Wood, August 16 Superintendent Welcome Back! It is August already, and a new school year is

Since we’re on the topic of inspirational people, I am very

excited for the new staff that has been hired thus far for the

upcoming school year:

Chaniese Crowe – 9-12 Science

Diane Merhi – K-12 Art

Ashley Sorter – 7-12 Spanish

Ben Zisis – 7-10 Special Education

All of these teachers have already proven to be quality,

student-focused educators in the short time since they have

been offered to join the MStM community. They bring a

diversity of backgrounds and experiences that will add to the

already phenomenal faculty and dedicated support staff with

which MStM is blessed. By adding Ms. Crowe, Ms. Merhi,

Mrs. Sorter, and Mr. Zisis to the teaching staff, we can expect

to see innovation in each of their classrooms and inspiration

for all of their students.

So we now stand face-to-face with the 2016-2017 school year,

waiting to see what it will bring. As I write this the official

start of the school year is less than three weeks away.

Teachers new to MStM will arrive on August 16th

and will be

joined by the rest of the teachers on the 17th

. From the student

side, seventh grade students and their parents/guardians will

attend an orientation to the junior/senior high the evening of

the 16th

, and the evening of the 22nd

is open house for the

whole district. The following day, it’s here: the new school

year. It may require some effort to get back into the routine of

a school year – extra-curricular practices, homework, earlier

bed times, etc. – but effort isn’t all there is. As we begin this

new school year, consider what inspires you about being a

Blue Devil. What is it that pushes you beyond just getting by

or hanging on? From where does your motivation to be better

this year than last come? Perhaps more importantly, how are

you inspiring others around you to exceed expectations? To

help them get the most out of the experiences and

opportunities available to them? Whether you are a student,

teacher, parent, support staff, community member, or even

administrator, these questions are applicable – and important

to think about.

The start of a new school year brings with it a natural

optimism, renewed energy and interest, and hope. As the year

progresses, those inevitably wane to some degree. Sometimes

it takes all of one’s energy and effort to make it through

something. This is a part of life, no matter your age, ability, or

title. Effort is enough to get by, to “manage” things. There are

certainly small situations where “getting by” is good enough,

but not when it comes to achieving a goal. “Getting by” is also

the opposite of what we should aspire to do as Martensdale-St.

Marys Blue Devils. There is so much potential, so much

creativity, and so much genuine inspiration in the people we

have here. My hope is we are all able to find those people,

ideas, and activities that inspire us and push us to be the best

we can. Here’s to a positive and rewarding 2016-2017 school


From the Desk of Beth Happe,

Elementary Principal

Welcome to August, 2016!

The beginning of the new school year brings with it so many

exciting things here at Martensdale-St. Marys! I would like to

take this opportunity to share just a few with you.

Through legislative appropriation, the Iowa

Governor’s STEM Advisory Council is offering

exemplary STEM programs throughout the state.

(STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology,

Engineering and Math education.) MStM was

awarded a grant from the Council for the 2016-2017

school year and will begin a program this fall called

“Making STEM Connections.” Five elementary

teachers are participating in professional

development and training. The STEM Scale-Up

Program has demonstrated success in increasing

student interest and achievement in STEM across all

demographics. We are so excited for this opportunity

and hope to keep growing this program school-wide

in the future. If you would like to learn more, see the

following website:


Students PK-6 are going to be starting the year off

with new English Language Arts materials and

teachers are excited to dig in and learn right beside

our students. All grades will include additional time

for writer’s workshop as we look to strengthen those

skills for all students.

Get ready to hear about MStM SWAG! Stay Safe,

Work Hard, Act Responsibly, Give Respect! We

will begin implementing Positive Behavioral

Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school-wide and

look forward to sharing more about this in the weeks

and months to come. Our students will be showing

their MStM SWAG in all school settings!

We are also excited for our students to enjoy the new

playground equipment that was installed this

summer! It is looking good and awaiting the arrival

of smiling students on August 23rd


Enjoy the final days of summer vacation! I look forward to

seeing everyone very soon!

Page 3: August 2016 From the Desk of Tom Wood, August 16 ... · August 2016 From the Desk of Tom Wood, August 16 Superintendent Welcome Back! It is August already, and a new school year is


The Board of Directors of the Martensdale-St. Marys Community School District met in regular session, pursuant to law on May 4,


Members Present: President, Nicole Bunch; Vice President, Dean Furness; Ralph DiCesare, Dawn Reeves and John Ralls together

with Superintendent Tom Wood, Principal Josh Moser, and Business Manager Jill Gavin.

Members Absent: None

I. Welcome – Board President

Mrs. Bunch called meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. and welcomed all guests.

II. Consent Items

A. Approval of Minutes Board President

B. Approval of Agenda Board President

C. Approval of Bills and Secretary’s Report Board President

D. Approval of Hot Lunch and Activity Reports Board President

Mr. DiCesare motioned to approve the consent items, seconded by Mr. Ralls. Roll call: 5 ayes.

I. Celebrations

Mr. Wood commended the staff on how well they have handled so many situations this year including the recent passing of our friend

and coworker, Cory Fast.

Mr. Moser acknowledged the Class of 2016 during the most recent commencement. We wish them the best.

The baseball team is now 7-1 and the softball team is 6-1. Good luck Blue Devils!

Mr. Moser also recognized Reid Friederickson and Tim Hornback as they are a tour of Europe with a musical organization. Reid is

singing and Tim is playing the saxophone. He commended them on their talents and representing MStM all over Europe. We look

forward to hearing about their trip.

IV. Public Comments - none

V. Presentation – Matthew Gillaspie, Piper Jaffray & Co. – Sales Tax Bond Refinancing

Mr. Wood introduced Matthew Gillaspie of Piper Jaffray & Co to discuss the district’s options to refinancing our current 2009 sales

tax bond and the savings the district could have. After the discussion, the board members agreed to request Mr. Gillaspie and Piper

Jaffray to move forward and proceed with the initial marketing.

V. Old Business

A. Reports Supt. Wood

1) MStM Music Booster Minutes - none

2) MStM Athletic Booster Minutes –May 12, 2016

3) MStM PTO Minutes – April 18 and May 16, 2016

B. Presentations

1) Facilities Report Mr. Gibson

2) Principal’s Report Mr. Moser

Mr. Hatcher, Secondary Special Ed Teacher presented to the board an update from the April 11th

board meeting on how their trip to

Vegas went. After finding out the night before that their flight was canceled, they had to schedule another flight so their trip was

delayed a little bit. Johnnie Croy, Matt Neiderheiser and Keaton Wenzel had a great time on the flights, were excited to meet their pen

pals at Emily Hatcher’s classroom, and they learned a lot when they visited the Hoover Dam, the Shelby Car Museum and hiking at

Cathedral Rock. All three wrote a report about their trip about their adventures and learned many valuable life lessons. Mr. Hatcher

thanked the many individuals who helped fund this project and the support they received from Mr. Moser. Thank you Mr. Hatcher

and Mrs. Hager for providing a huge opportunity to these boys and an experience these boys will never forget.

John Ralls dismissed himself from the meeting at 5:07 p.m.

Page 4: August 2016 From the Desk of Tom Wood, August 16 ... · August 2016 From the Desk of Tom Wood, August 16 Superintendent Welcome Back! It is August already, and a new school year is

Mr. Moser informed the board that summer school has started for 15 students and they are finding success with their credit recovery.

About another 15 students attended the math review with Ms. Benson that was provided to students who took Algebra 1. Mr. Moser is

involved in a lot of hiring this month. We already have two applicants for the art position and seven applicants for the special

education teacher.

Mr. Moser provided the first draft of the student handbook for 2016-2017 school year. This version was put together by feedback and

suggestions from students, teachers and administration. The main concern was enforcing some of the bigger changes that are being


They will be working towards all staff implementing the new Work Completion and Assessment Policy where all teachers will follow:

due date vs deadline; universal practice regarding the acceptance and assessment of late work; emphasis on communication between

student, teacher, and parent, timely return and recording of student work; and common reassessment procedures.

Mrs. Bunch had concerns about not allowing backpacks in the hallways and classrooms and the use of cellphones. Mr. Moser

provided the rationale of these recommendations: health and safety standpoint, the average weight of a backpack and the impact on

students carrying them all day and having backpacks in the aisles creates a fire hazard. Mrs. Bunch stated with the amount of money

the district has invested in the laptops for the secondary students that she would rather they be transported in a backpack then having

students carrying them and risk dropping them. Students do not believe that four minutes is enough time to switch out books between

classes. The district will be putting in new lockers for the fall and they will be combination locks. No more keys! Now there is a

concern that students will not be able to open their lockers quick enough with their combination lockers.

The cell phone recommendation came from the Wellness Committee members. They see the use of 24 hour access to cell phones as a

determent. Discussion of the students using their cell phones has becoming a growing problem. Concerns about parents not getting a

hold of their child, distractions in class, the use of the phone is other classes, checking them in before entering class, providing them

use of their cell phone during lunch, enforcing whatever is decided. Mr. Moser will be taking all of the feedback into consideration

before seeking final approval for handbook changes. The board will discuss the student handbook again at the July board meeting.

3) Superintendent’s Report Supt. Wood

The staff donated money for a memorial for Cory Fast. His dedication and love for the school was well known, and we want to honor

him at the place he cared for. We are currently looking at memorial plaques to mount under the flag in front of the school.

Our safety committee met in May and had a low turnout, but those who attended had knowledge and expertise to share with us. One

request from this committee was to revisit our policy to lockdown and shelter in place in the case of an active shooter situation. I plan

to meet with the Warren County Sheriff this summer or early fall for guidance. It seems more law enforcement agencies are

advocating for the ALICE training now than when we first inquired two years ago. This may lead to some revisions of our Crisis

Response Plan.

On June 12-13, Mr. Wood will be attending the Iowa High School Athletic Association Representative Council summer meeting as a

SW District Representative. The agenda will cover reports from each sport over the last year, actions taken by the Board of Control,

and receive the IHSAA Annual Report.

Mr. Wood discussed choosing four IASB Legislative Priorities for 2017. IASB will then compile results from all the local boards

across the state to determine their four priorities for the 2017 session. The following four were recommended as having the greatest

impact on our school and students: mental health, special education, supplemental state aid and unfunded mandates.

VI. New Business

A. Discuss/Approve Personnel Resignations(s) Supt. Wood

Mrs. Reeves motioned to approve the resignation of Mrs. Angela Davison, PK-12 Art Teacher, seconded by Mr. DiCesare. Roll call:

4 ayes.

B. Discuss/Approve Personnel Recommendation(s) Supt. Wood

No personnel recommendations were available at the meeting.

C. Discuss/Approve Indianola Transportation Request Supt. Wood

Mr. DiCesare motioned to approve the transportation request from Indianola, seconded by Mrs. Reeves. Roll call: 4 ayes.

D. Discuss/Approve IASB Legislative Priorities 2016-2017 Supt. Wood\

Mr. DiCesare motioned to approve the IASB Legislative Priories for 2016-2017 recommended by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mrs.

Reeves. Roll call: 4 ayes.

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E. 1st Reading Policies 202.5, 704.6, 906 Supt. Wood

F. Approve Purchase of Special Education Van Supt. Wood

Mr. DiCesare motioned to approve the 2014 MV-1 Special Ed Van to be purchased after July 1, 2016 out of PPEL, seconded by Mr.

Furness. Roll call: 4 ayes

G. Confirm – Next Meeting Dates Supt. Wood

The next board meeting will be July 11, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.

VII. Adjournment

Mr. Furness motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mr. DiCesare. Roll call: 4 ayes. Time: 5:54 p.m.

Don't forget to schedule your child's sports physical.

Haskin Chiropractic is available to schedule physicals for MStM Athletes.

Haskin Chiropractic

1016 Main St, Norwalk, IA 50211

Please contact them at 515-981-0556 for the specifics.

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Martensdale-St Marys

August, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 8:00am-

4:00pm Registration

16 New Teacher



8:00pm Registration


7:00pm 7th Grade

Orientation @ JH-HS

Media Center

17 Professional


4:00pm School

Board Meeting @

Supt. Office

18 Professional


19 Professional



21 22 Professional



6:30pm 9th Grade/New Student

Laptop Orientation

Meeting @ JH-HS

Media Center


7:30pm Open


23 First Day of School

24 25 5:00pm Cross


Varsity Adair-

Casey / Guthrie Center vs.

Multiple Schools

26 7:00pm Football-

Varsity Interstate


27 8:00am Volleyball-

Varsity Away vs.


28 29 6:00pm Football-

JV Pleasantville

30 6:00pm Volleyball-

JV Away vs.

Nodaway Valley

7:30pm Volleyball-

Varsity Away vs.

Nodaway Valley


Page 7: August 2016 From the Desk of Tom Wood, August 16 ... · August 2016 From the Desk of Tom Wood, August 16 Superintendent Welcome Back! It is August already, and a new school year is

Congratulations MStM Girls Softball!! 3rd place in State!

Congratulations to Jamie Jordan and Kyla Morris for making All Tournament Team!

Coach Sweet makes District Coach of the Year!! Congrats!

Page 8: August 2016 From the Desk of Tom Wood, August 16 ... · August 2016 From the Desk of Tom Wood, August 16 Superintendent Welcome Back! It is August already, and a new school year is

The Martensdale-St. Marys District Newsletter is published by the last day of the preceding month.

The newsletter is available for pickup in the Superintendent’s office, Post Office and the Jiffy

station, all are located in Martensdale.

You may also view it on the website. Questions or concerns may be addressed to:

Mrs. DePauw Martensdale-St.Marys

Elementary Office 390 Burlington Ave.

Martensdale, Iowa 50160 or by email

[email protected] Office: 641-764-2470

Fax: 641-764-2100

It is the policy of the Martensdale-St. Marys Community School

District not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, national

origin, gender, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment),

marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity, and

socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and

its employment practices.

There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of

discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this

policy, please contact the district’s Equity Coordinator.

MStM’s Equity Coordinator is Josh Moser, secondary principal. His

address is MStM Community School, 390 Burlington, Martensdale,

Iowa 50160. His phone number is 641-764-2686 and his email address

is: [email protected]

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8/22 8/23 Day 1A 8/24 Day 2B 8/25 Day 3A 8/26 Day 4B

Egg Taco French Toast Bagel Breakfast Pizza

Milk & Juice Milk & Juice Milk & Juice Milk & Juice

Cheeseburger/Bun Macaroni & Cheese Cheese Pizza Chicken Alfredo

French Fries Peas Green Beans Broccoli Normandy

Baked Beans Carrots Broccoli Vegetable

Peaches Mixed Fruit Applesauce Pears/Bread

Milk Milk Milk Milk

8/29 Day 5A 8/30 Day 6B 9/1 Day 1A 9/2 Day 2B 9/3 Day 3A

Cereal or Toast Egg Omelet Pancakes Bagel Breakfast Pizza

Milk & Juice Milk & Juice Milk & Juice Milk & Juice Milk & Juice

Pasta/Red Sauce Breaded Pork Pattie Corn Dog Softshell Tacos BBQ Pork w/g Bun

Lettuce Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Lettuce/Cheese Cups Baked Beans

Mixed Vegetable Carrots Broccoli Corn Carrots

Pineapple/Bread Peaches/Gravy Pears Mixed Fruit Applesauce

Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk

Non-discrimination Statement: This explains what to do if you believe you have been treated unfairly. "In accordance with Federal law and U.S.

Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.

To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-

10410, or call toll free (866)632-1010102 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the

Federal Relay Service at (800)877-83310; or (800)845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer."


In addition to the breakfast items listed, yogurt, breakfast bars and fresh fruit are offered daily!!

Grades 4-12 have a fruit and vegetable bar available to

