Page 1: August 2013 Letter from the Dean - · Letter From the Associate Dean Dear Honors Students, Welcome back for the 2013-14 academic year at UTSA! We are looking forward


The UTSA Honors College Newsletter

August 2013

Letter from the Associate Dean 2

Advisors’ Corner 3-5

In the Honors College 6-14

Recognition of Excellence 15-19

Welcome Class of 2017 20-23

Freshman Terry Scholars 24

Transfer Terry Scholars 25

New Members 26

Scholarship Recipients 27-29

Spring 2013 Graduates 30-37

Dates to Remember 38

Inside this issue:


from the


I hope that all of you had a great summer and are ready to get back to campus. For upperclassmen this will be “old hat.” Hopefully your schedules are set and you can dive right back into classes and other campus activities. To our newcomers – the CLASS OF 2017 – I am excited that you will be joining us and wish you well as you begin your collegiate journey. The Honors College is charged to provide you with the tools to make your time at UTSA sup-ported, challenged and successful. We encour-age you to go beyond the traditional classroom experience and to get involved in campus and community activities. Look for research, study abroad, and service opportunities on our website throughout the year. Become familiar with the University Honors Student Association (UHSA) and the events that the organization sponsors. For those living in on-campus Honors Housing there are many programs in which you can partic-ipate without “leaving home.” Above all, keep in contact with your Honors College academic advi-sors. Last year the Honors College completed its first decade at UTSA. We are committed to continu-

Dr. Richard Diem

ing to offer opportunities for each of you to pursue a wide range of academic fields in our second decade. Again WELCOME BACK TO ALL and GOOD LUCK in the upcoming year. Richard A. Diem Dean

Page 2: August 2013 Letter from the Dean - · Letter From the Associate Dean Dear Honors Students, Welcome back for the 2013-14 academic year at UTSA! We are looking forward


Letter From the Associate Dean

Dear Honors Students, Welcome back for the 2013-14 academic year at UTSA! We are looking forward to another exciting year in the Honors College. As you return to campus, you will see some changes in Honors advising. The University as a whole will be reorganizing Academic Advising, and the Honors College will be making some changes as well. We are shifting some advising responsibilities so some of you will be asked to see a different advisor this fall. In addition, we are sad to report that Ricardo Blanco will be leaving the Honors College to take a half-time posi-tion with the College of Sciences Advising Center. We will all be sad to see Ricardo go. Ricardo’s last day will be Thursday, August 28

th. The Honors Advising Center

will be hosting an Open House from 2:00-4:00 that day. Please stop by and say goodbye to Ricardo! We will be hiring a replacement advisor for Ricardo as soon as possible, and we expect to continue to be able to offer first-rate advising, but we hope you will bear with us during this transition. We are also pleased to greet two new employees. Shawn Keeney, a 2013 High-est Honors graduate, has joined us as our new graduate assistant, replacing Iliana Sanchez, who left for a position at the Research Imaging Center at the UT Health Science Center. Shawn will be working on newsletters and special projects. Joseph Cavallini, an Honors junior entrepreneur-ship major, has joined us as the new Web Specialist. Joseph will be working on updat-ing the Honors website. You should already

Dr. Ann R. Eisenberg

be able to see signs of Joseph’s work. If you have recommendations regarding the website or the newsletter, feel free to contact Shawn or Joseph. I hope you will take the time to read the news-letter closely, so you don't miss out the social activities we have planned to kick off the semester! Keep an eye on your email for announcements of other social, cultural, and educational events for the fall! There’s much more to come!

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From the Honors College

Advising Coordinator

Diana Howard

Advisors’ Corner

Greetings, Honors College Students!

Welcome to the fall 2013 semester at UTSA!

Summer has been busy in the Honors College, as we have welcomed new students during orientation and planned new things for returning students. Football season is almost here and we can’t wait for all the excitement game days bring! Classes begin Wednesday, August 28th. You will want to start the semester as prepared as possible. I hope you will take the time to read some of the important dates listed in the calendar on page of this newsletter. Mark these events on your personal calendar to reference throughout the semester. Getting involved with student activities will enrich both your academic and per-sonal experience at UTSA. I have also put together a compilation of suggestions you should consider as you prepare for the fall term. 1) If you have taken summer courses at a community college or another university, make certain to have final transcripts sent to the Registrar’s office. 2) Take the time to become familiar with your UTSA ASAP account and the many helpful student resources it contains. If you are having trouble logging in or have been locked out of your account, please visit the Enrollment Services Office, located on the first floor of the John Peace Library (JPL) building, to have your password reset. We frequently communicate with you through your preferred email account, and we don’t want you to miss out on important deadlines, information, and opportunities. 3) Visit the Honors College website for information on scholarships, scholarship deadlines, articles about your peers’ experienc-es as Honors students, conference news, and resources you may need. The forms you often ask for are on the HC website for your convenience. 4) Seniors who are graduating in fall 2013 must apply to participate in the Honors College graduation ceremony. Visit the Honors College website at to locate the form or use this link - 5) Seniors intending to graduate in spring 2014 must apply for graduation by November 15, 2013. All the information you need regarding the application process can be found on the UTSA Registrar’s Office website at: 6) All Honors students should consider getting involved in the University Honors Student Association (UHSA)! As a member of the Honors College, you are invited to become a member of this student-run organization. UHSA provides a forum for you to get to know fellow Honors students, expand your UTSA experience beyond the classroom in a social setting, and make a contribu-tion to the success of the Honors College! We will send you invitations to various UHSA activities throughout the semester. You can friend UHSA and the Honors College on Facebook at We are proud of your academic success and look forward to helping you continue as one of the best and brightest at UTSA! Go Roadrunners! Your Honors College Advising Team –

Diana Howard Michele Tencza Ricardo Blanco Dr. Ann Eisenberg

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Advisors’ Corner

UTSA’s Quantitative Literacy Program (QLP) is an important part of the UTSA 2016 initia-tive to elevate our university to Research One status. The program is designed to im-prove UTSA students’ ability to work with graphs and data by adding a quantitative ele-ment to some core classes. ALL students who entered UTSA in fall 2011 or later are REQUIRED to take a “Q” course in order to meet graduation requirements. The learning goals of the QLP help undergraduate students: (a) acquire basic quantitative literacy and numeracy skills, (b) communicate the results of their quantitative analysis, and (c) acquire discipline-specific, advanced, quantitative skills. The primary focus of enhancing student learning to develop quantitatively- trained graduates is achieved through a curriculum that seamlessly integrates these skills in courses across the undergraduate curriculum. So what is Quantitative Literacy? “Quantitative” refers to the use of simple mathematical tools to solve real-world problems (e.g., balancing a checkbook, figuring out a tip, or com-pleting an order form), while “Literacy” refers to the ability to understand information and write about the patterns observed or form an argument about the implications of the anal-ysis of data. Simply put, the QLP wants to ensure that all UTSA students can read, interpret, and analyze numerical information. EVERY STUDENT WHO ENTERED UTSA IN FALL 2011 OR LATER MUST COMPLETE THE Q REQUIREMENT in order to graduate. Q-classes include specific sections of the following core classes: ANT 2033, ANT 2043, BIO 1233, BIO 1404, CHE 1073, ECO 2003, ECO 2013, ECO 2023, HIS 2123, POL 1013, SOC 1013, WRC 1013, and WRC 1023. The classes that meet the program requirements have a “Q” on the course schedule page with a corresponding comment that reads, “Course satisfies UTSA's quantitative scholarship requirement.” If you are a transfer student who came to UTSA with the core curriculum already complete, be sure to see your advisor for information on how to fulfill the Q require-ment! Source:

The Quantitative Literacy Program is a part of UTSA’s Quality Enhancement Plan.

The QLP Requirement: What Is It?

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Honors College Advising

Walk-In Hours

Mondays & Wednesdays 2:00 - 4:00 PM

Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00 - 11:00 AM

*Times are subject to change.

If you would like to make degree updates, please schedule an

appointment by calling (210) 458-4106.

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Welcoming New FacesWelcoming New Faces

Shawn Keeney Graduate Assistant

Originally from Corpus Christi, Texas, Shawn earned his

Bachelor’s degree in English (with a concentration in crea-

tive writing) with Highest Honors in spring 2013 and is

starting his Master’s degree in English this fall. Shawn joins

the Honors College as our new Graduate Assistant.

Shawn is an avid reader and book collector. He is the proud

owner of around 300 books (not including his selection of

books in digital format). Shawn also enjoys creative writ-

ing, particularly poetry and creative nonfiction, swimming,

and watching movies. He plans to go on to earn his Ph.D.

and become an English professor.

As an undergraduate Honors student, Shawn greatly appreciated everything the Honors College staff

does for its students. He is very proud to now be a part of a team whose mission is to go above and

beyond in everything they do.

Joseph Cavallini Web Specialist

Joseph Cavallini is the Honors College’s new web specialist.

Having worked on his first commercial website in 2008, he

now works with many small businesses across the United

States. From simple websites to online stores, inventory

management, and custom systems, Joseph has consistently

expanded online infrastructure to meet the needs and budg-

ets of his clients. Joseph now maintains a UNIX based serv-

er, running WHM with Cpanel and Managed WordPress. He

has built over 35 websites and currently hosts over 10 on his

own servers.

When he is not updating the Honors College website, he is most likely developing his next idea for

the internet. Joseph is an entrepreneurship major and a member of the class of 2015. You can learn

more about Joseph at his website

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Thursday, August 29th, 2:00-4:00 p.m. AND

Friday, August 30th, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Come by the Honors College (located in MS 4.02.14) for some FREE snacks,

drinks, and UTSA planners!

This is a great opportunity to meet our team of outstanding academic advisors as well as the Honors College staff!

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Pancake Breakfast with the Associate Dean Location TBA


Sept. 8th Oct. 20th

Dec. 2nd

Join Associate Dean Dr. Ann Eisenberg for fellowship and a scrumptious breakfast.

Delicious banana, blueberry, and chocolate chip pancakes will be served.

Please RSVP to [email protected]

ATTENTION CURRENT HONORS THESIS STUDENTS The following is a summary of the important deadlines that

Honors Thesis students must meet for their Honors Thesis Course

Friday, September 13 Submit the working title of your thesis, a one-paragraph description of the thesis topic, and the names

of your two readers. (Thesis Information Form:

information.pdf )

Friday, November 1 Deadline to submit a complete draft of the thesis or thesis proposal to the thesis advisor.

Friday, November 15 Deadline to submit a complete draft of the thesis or thesis

proposal to the thesis committee.

Tuesday, December 10 Honors College Undergraduate Research Symposium,

1:00-4:00 p.m. (Poster presentations)

Wednesday, December 18 at 5:00 p.m. Deadline to file the thesis or thesis proposal with the

Honors College (signed by the advisor and readers)

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Marshall Scholarship Symposium

Featuring Andrew Millar, British Consul-General

Tuesday, September 20, 2013 2:00-3:15 p.m.

Harris Room (UC 2.212)

Are you interested in or currently applying for a Marshall Scholarship this year? The Marshall Scholarship Symposium is designed to provide information to current and future applicants about the history and goals of the Marshall Scholarship and to offer insights from pre-senters as to aspects of the application that will improve applicants’ chances for success. For more information, contact Dr. Ben Olguin, Assistant Director of National Fellowships and Scholarships in the Honors College at [email protected] or by phone at (210) 458-2512.

All students working on research are invited to rep-resent the Honors College at the 2013 annual meet-ing of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). The conference provides an op-portunity for students to share research results, in-teract with fellow Honors students, and meet other undergraduate researchers from all over the country. NCUR 2014 will be held in Lexington, Kentucky on April 3-5, 2014. The Honors College plans to send a group of students to this conference. Infor-mation about NCUR 2014 can be found on the web at:

Please contact Dr. Eisenberg immediately if you are interested in submitting an abstract and at-tending the conference ([email protected]). If you wish to participate in the conference and the trip, you will need to submit a draft of your abstract to Dr. Eisenberg by Monday, November 4th. You should share your abstract with your research advisor before submitting it to Dr. Eisen-berg. If you are approved for Honors College support, the Honors College will provide airfare, confer-ence registration, and hotel costs. You will be responsible for meals, incidentals, and sightseeing. You will also be asked to apply to the Carlos and Malu Alvarez Special Opportunities Fund by February 1st, 2014.

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The UT Health Science Center Libraries and

The Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics present

Louise Aronson, M. D., M. F. A. Associate Professor of Geriatrics at the University of California, San Francisco

“One Community/One Book” Author Event Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 5:30 p.m.

UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, Holly Auditorium

The Libraries and the Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics

have chosen A History of the Present Illness for the fall 2013 One

Community/One Book read.

In her practice, Dr. Louise Aronson, author of the collection of 16 short

stories, cares for older adults, and also directs the Northern California

Geriatrics Education Center. Her stories, while fictional, grow out of

the real-life experiences of patients, families and caregivers. Through

them, Aronson shines light on the worlds of knowledge, health, frailty

and caregiving as she has experienced them through her work.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Dr. Eisenberg at

[email protected]. Students will have the option to travel together or meet

at the Holly Auditorium.

Page 11: August 2013 Letter from the Dean - · Letter From the Associate Dean Dear Honors Students, Welcome back for the 2013-14 academic year at UTSA! We are looking forward


The Honors International Program destination

for spring 2014 is China! The destinations for the

trip will be Beijing, Tianjin, and Xian.

The dates of the program are May 12 - 30, 2014.

If you have questions regarding the Honors Col-

lege International Programs, please contact Dean

Richard Diem at (210) 458-4106 or via e-mail at

[email protected].


Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio

Tuesday, October 22, 2013, 10:00 a.m.

Dr. Kolleen Guy of the Department of History will be leading a visit to the San Antonio

Holocaust Museum, located at the Barshop Jewish Community Center on N.W. Military

and Wurzbach Parkway. The group will also meet with a Holocaust survivor. All Hon-

ors students are welcome to attend.

The group of attendees will meet at 9:45 a.m. and finish by 11:15 a.m. Students can

contact Dr. Guy to carpool or can meet the group at the Jewish Community Center,

12500 NW Military Hwy, San Antonio, TX 78231.

If you’re interested in attending, or for more information, please contact Dr. Guy at

[email protected] or by phone at (210) 458-4371.

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Orientation Session Come learn about

our program!

Thursday, September 5, 2013,

5:00 p.m. - MB 2.314



January 27—May 6, 2014 (13 weeks)

Spring Break: March 14—23, 2014

Course Selection: Italian language instruction


Italian Drama Workshop

The Court of Urbino through its


Introduction to Italian Opera

History of Italian Art

$8,500 Program Fee Includes: Extended trips to Rome, Florence

& Siena, Vicenza, Verona & Venice

Private room at University of


Breakfast (daily)

10 meals a week, lunch and dinner

(can be “banked”)

Day trips and special events

Program fee does NOT include: UTSA tuition (most fees waived)

Transportation to and from Italy

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Everything that FTK does challenges the notion that students are “all about themselves.” We have proven that, with a

little dedication, we can change the world in a small way for kids with cancer. We do this by raising money, providing

emotional and social support, and bringing awareness to the cause. We host remarkable events all year long, including

Zumba events and a fashion show and finish with a spectacular, 18-hour dance marathon. We enjoy spending lots of

time serving, playing, and laughing with these special kids at the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio and at our events.


When does a quarter become


You can make a big difference by add-

ing a small token, a token that will

give hope. Look for the can in the

Honors College office.

If you have any questions visit us online at or contact us via email at

[email protected]


Established by the Leadership Challenge Class of 2009, FTK is a student-led organization created to

ignite a united effort across the UTSA campus to support local families battling childhood cancer. We

are growing across the community, establishing relationships with corporate partners and teaming up

with local schools. With over 200 members we provide thousands of hours of service, have raised over

$80,000, and are currently helping nearly 100 families in their fight against childhood cancer.

The For the Kids

Dance Marathon at

UTSA has been named the

recipient of the Wells Fargo

Community Leadership Group

Award of $1000. The funds will go

to assist families battling pediatric

cancer at Christus Santa Rosa.

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Tuesday, September 3 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. AND

Monday, September 9 from 3:30-5:00 p.m.

at the Rec Center Mac Gym DODGEBALL

at Chili’s Too (on campus)

Dates and times TBA!



Page 15: August 2013 Letter from the Dean - · Letter From the Associate Dean Dear Honors Students, Welcome back for the 2013-14 academic year at UTSA! We are looking forward


Jason Frazier

(Psychology, ‘13) was

accepted into the M.A.

program in clinical psy-

chology at the University

of Central Florida.

Marc Castro (senior, Me-

chanical Engineering) was

accepted into the National

Nanotechnology Infrastruc-

ture Institute (NNIN) Re-

search Experience for Un-

dergraduates (REU) Program

at the University of Texas at

Austin for summer 2013.

Claire Duge (junior, So-

ciology) was admitted

into the School of Nurs-

ing at the University of

Texas Health Science

Center at San Antonio


John Lira (Political Science,

’12) was accepted into Carnegie

Mellon University's Heinz Col-

lege Master of Public Policy and

Management (Washington, D.C.-

Track) with full tuition and a sti-

pend of $3,000 per year.

Katrina Parkey

(senior, History)

was named Ambas-

sador of the Month

for the month of


Recognition of Excellence

Page 16: August 2013 Letter from the Dean - · Letter From the Associate Dean Dear Honors Students, Welcome back for the 2013-14 academic year at UTSA! We are looking forward


Recognition of Excellence

Stephanie Estrada

(Architecture, ’12) was

accepted into the Master

of Science program in

Architecture at Georgia

Tech University.

Honors professor and member

of the Honors Faculty Advisory

Committee, Dr. Mary

McNaughton-Cassill of the

Department of Psychology won

the 2013 President’s Distin-

guished Achievement Award

for University Service.

Adrianna “Nikki”



‘13) was accepted

into law school at

the University of

Houston and St.

Mary’s University.

Marissa Wechsler (senior, Bio-

medical Engineering) was invited

to work in the lab of Dr. Ali

Khademhosseini at Harvard Uni-

versity’s Brigham and Young Hos-

pital for summer 2013. The

Khademhosseini Lab uses a multi-

disciplinary approach to develop

microscale and nanoscale technol-

ogies with the ultimate goal of

generating tissue-engineered or-

gans and controlling cell behavior.

Alex Guajardo (senior,

Political Science) repre-

sented UTSA in the na-

tional collegiate table

tennis tournament.

Page 17: August 2013 Letter from the Dean - · Letter From the Associate Dean Dear Honors Students, Welcome back for the 2013-14 academic year at UTSA! We are looking forward


Morgan Barton (Political Science,

‘13) represented UTSA at Under-

graduate Research Day at the Capi-

tol in Austin on Monday, April 29,

2013. She presented the work from

her Honors thesis, The Problem with

Haiti: Why State Capture Causes

Long-Term Aid Ineffectiveness.

Brian Marks (Philosophy, ’13)

was accepted to the University of

California Hastings School of Law

as well as to Schools of Law at the

University of Washington, Baylor

University, the University of Colo-

rado, and St. Mary’s University.

Sarah Fishburn (senior, Ac-

tuarial Science) was accepted

into the Master's program in

mathematics with a concen-

tration in actuarial science at

the University of Connecticut

for fall 2013.

Recognition of Excellence

Jessica Steinman (senior,

Political Science) was accept-

ed into the Master’s program

in International Studies at

Texas State University for fall


Page 18: August 2013 Letter from the Dean - · Letter From the Associate Dean Dear Honors Students, Welcome back for the 2013-14 academic year at UTSA! We are looking forward


Ishmael “Smiley” Men-

dez (Mathematics, ‘13)

was offered a position as

a high school math teach-

er in the Richardson Inde-

pendent School District


Jennifer Cervera

(sophomore, Biology) was

accepted into the Summer

Undergraduate Research Fel-

lowship (SURF) Program in

Molecular Medicine at the

UT Health Science Center

for summer 2013.

Marissa Mendoza (senior,

Psychology) was accepted into

the Ronald E. McNair Schol-

ars Program at UTSA for sum-

mer 2013. Her McNair men-

tor is Dr. Douglas Williamson

from the Department of

Psychiatry at the UT Health

Science Center.

Dung Tran

(sophomore, Ac-

counting) has been

named a recipient of

a UTSA Alumni As-

sociation Scholarship

for 2013-14.

Recognition of Excellence

Dr. Kolleen Guy, Ricardo Ro-

mo Ph.D. Endowed Professor

and Associate Professor of His-

tory in the Department of Histo-

ry, has signed a book contract

with Johns Hopkins University

Press for her book, Eating

France: Food and the Meaning

of Place in a Global World. The

book will be available for pur-

chase in late 2014.

Page 19: August 2013 Letter from the Dean - · Letter From the Associate Dean Dear Honors Students, Welcome back for the 2013-14 academic year at UTSA! We are looking forward


Recognition of Excellence

Do you know someone associated with the Honors

College who has done something worth recognizing?

Send it to [email protected] and we will put it in the

‘Recognition of Excellence’ section of the newsletter.

Bethany Powell (senior, Public Ad-

ministration) and Ana Diaz (senior,

Finance) were selected to represent

UTSA in the UT-System Archer Fel-

lows Program in Washington, D.C. in

fall 2013. Eduardo Zerbe (senior,

Political Science), Montserrat

Zepeda-Benavides (junior, Political

Science), Alex Guajardo (senior, Po-

litical Science), Boyd McCann Gar-

riott (junior, Economics), and Han-

nah Beck (junior, Political Science)

were selected to represent UTSA in

the UT-System Archer Fellows Pro-

gram in spring 2014.

Itza Carbajal (History & Eng-

lish, ‘13) was accepted into the

Fifth Annual Archival Educa-

tion and Research Institute at

the University of Texas at Aus-

tin for summer 2013.

Victoria Olivo (senior,

Psychology) was accepted

into the UTSA McNair

Scholars Program for

summer 2013. Her

McNair mentor is

Dr. Kristina Durante of the

Department of Marketing.

Emily Nasir (Political Sci-

ence, ‘13) was accepted into

the summer certificate pro-

gram at the Paul H. Nitze

School of Advanced Interna-

tional Studies (SAIS) at The

Johns Hopkins University.

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Brian Bassett Engineering

Daniel Bey Engineering

Nimi Bhattatiry


Brianna Bishop Biology

Kaylan Botla


Dylan Bradley Biology

Alejandro Braun


Sophia Briones Biology

Taylor Buchanan


Lauren Burkett Business

Bianca Buruato


Kajal Campos Undeclared

Cody Carnes


Shelby Carpenter Architecture

Jesus Carranza


Jose Castillo Biology

Matthew Chavana Business

Kevin Chorath


Rebecca Conejo English

Calvin Conway


Ojer Corbie Psychology

Adrianna Corralejo


Chasitee Crossley Biology

Kellie Crown


Alyssa Cummings Psychology

Caley Cunningham


Carlos Del Valle Biology

Tyler Earnest Engineering

Hannah Edmunds


Eric Ficke Computer Science

Elizabeth Flores


Kymberly Flores Biology

Ehab Abdelaziz Biomedical Engineering

Kian Abdul-Baki


Melina Acosta Kinesiology

Joseph Aguilar


Aliyah Ali Biology

Megan Amitrano


Guadalupe Araguz Business

Jonathan Arias


Kayla Ayala Biology

Brianna Bal


Megan Ball Communication

Elora Ballejos


Pavela Bambekova Biology

Alejandra Barraza


Aleera Barrera Kinesiology

Rebecca Barrera


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Portia Hall Biology

Marissa Hamra


Claude Hardy Public Health

Dominique Harmon


Keara Harrison Anthropology

Laugen He


Alicia Hernandez Marketing

Briana Hickey Communication

Jordan Holmes


Thomas Hsiao Biology

Grace Hunter Interior Design

Alisa Isaac


Lauren Jack Biology

Jeffrey Jaime


Victor Jimenez Biology

Hannah Jones


Kasey Kiefer Biology

Lance Kimbro


Jaswanth Raj Kintada Biology

Maria Ladinos


Nadine Lagangan Biology

Zachary Leal Undeclared

Jordan Locke


Deyanira Lopez Psychology

Madeline Lucas


Michelle Mancha Biology

Jackson Mankewitz


Frances Martinez Engineering

Kimberly Martinez


Raul Martinez Mathematics

Tiffany Martinez


Brandon May Biology

Matthew Forey Engineering

Jose Gallegos Management

Ariana Garcia


Karina Garcia Biology

Sophia Garcia


Ruby Gibson Biology

Lindsey Goins

Interdisciplinary Studies

Jose Gomez Biology

Edgar Graciano


Harrison Graham Engineering

Austin Greenfield


Amanda Griffee Biology

Ria Gupta Business

Deanna Gutierrez-Santamaria


Omar Hadri Biology

Alan Hall


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Ana Naranjo Architecture

Dalia Nevarez


Cynthia Nguyen Biology

My Nguyen


Tom Nguyen Biology

Vinh-Son Nguyen


Taylor Nicholas Biology

Erin Noah


Dominic Ochoa Engineering

Roli Okotie-Eboh


Christa Otto Undeclared

Karryn Overstreet

Politcal Science

Akhil Padarti Chemistry

Keerthana Pakanati


Bobby Palmos Biology

David Patrick

Computer Science

Alisha Paul Business

Mariana Perez


Timothy Phan Biology

Mary Piatt


Melissa Picioccio Business

Jason Popkin


Samantha Porras Business

Daniel Portillo


Curtis Powell Economics

Brent Ramirez


Daniela Ramos Undeclared

Miranda Ramos


Rajitha Reddy Biology

Shreya Reddy


Isaac Reyes Biology

Kristine Richardson


Skylar Mays Biology

Kaitlin McNeill


Ronald McNeilly Business

Raul Membreno


Wendy Mendez Sociology

Prem Menon


Briana Miano Undeclared

Brandon Mikneus Computer Science

Nicholas Milanovich


Jenna Mireles Psychology

Landon Molnar


Megan Montez Interdisciplinary Studies

Christopher Mowrey


Brandon Moya Engineering

Mayra Murillo Communication

Sriharshini Muthukumar


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Madison Simpson Business

Calandra Snowden


Lashonda Snowden Kinesiology

Kristin Steinke


Alexandra Strack Psychology

Ariana Stubbs


Micah Sweeney Engineering

Damon Swisher


Jobana Tavera Business

Dominic Thomas


Delanie Thomson Mathematics

Marco Torres


Kelsea Tyran Biology

Moises Valadez


Leander Valenzuela Biology

Aaron Vega Business

Christopher Vidaurri


Lynda Rae Villegas Biology

John Warden


Joeisha Weary Anthropology

Charleston West


Brooke Wilkinson Geology

Destinee Williams


Caroline Williamson Undeclared

Katelyn Wilson


Julia Wright Biology

Joshua Ysaguirre


Hin Yuen Accounting

Maggie Zhang


Cassandra Rivas Biology

Marco Rivera Engineering

America Ruiz


Nicolette Saenz Business

Kathryn Salazar Berry


Jizella San Andres Civil Engineering

Isaac Sanchez


Sarah Santos Psychology

Chandler Sargent


Shayda Sarrami Biology

Madeleine Schmid


Christopher Scholz Engineering

Yat Shiu

Electrical Engineering

Kelly Sibrian Chemistry

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Briegette Garcia Engineering

Cristina Garcia


Natalie Gonzalez Architecture

Suzette Guerrero


Michael Hardy-Holley Engineering

Garrett Kneese


Jessica Lee Architecture

Sarah Martini Kinesiology

Brisa Morales


Brandie Moser Business

Hannah Musser


Alexis Ramos Biology

Monica Villalobos

Interdisciplinary Studies

Davante Wilson Chemistry

Katie Alex Engineering

Elizabeth Barrientos


Chirag Buch Biology

Taylor Buchanan


Jianming Chen Engineering

Justin Denny


Dominique Edwards Business

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Jose Gonzalez Biochemistry

Vanessa Granillo


Jonathan Hubbard Communication

Memorie Johnson


Logan Jung Statistics

Jillian Ozuna Mathematics

Alyssa Perusquia Human Resource


Hana Rabb Interdisciplinary Studies

Emily Randolph


Christopher Wood Civil Engineering

Jonah Albrecht Business

Amber Aleman


Victoria Becerra Biology

Priscila Cortez


Gabriel De Leon Architecture

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Katherine Bussan Biology Junior

Thanya Campuzano

Business Sophomore

Alejandra Cosio Communication


Stephanie Dalmau Management


Brandon Gann Biology

Post Baccalaureate

Steve Herrera History


Jennifer Hinojosa Psychology


Tanisha Hurd English Senior

Zaina Hussein

Biology Junior

Chrissa Kozaki

Undeclared Sophomore

Zachary Krimbill

Psychology Freshman

Diego Mancha

Mexican-American Studies Sophomore

Hayley Mumm

Health Sophomore

James Orth Marketing


Korede Osifuwa Business


Richard Plumlee Sociology


Rebekah Rodriguez Biomedical Engineering


Joaquin Santoy Public Health


Corey Webb Chemistry Freshman

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Presidential Honors Scholarship

Megan Ball


Alejandro Braun Biology

Danielle Chapa


Kevin Chorath Biology

Ruby Gibson


Nathalie Hoffman Physics & Classical Studies

Jaswanth Kintada


Daniel Krause Civil Engineering

Nadine Lagangan


Kimberly Martinez Communications & Environmental Science

My Nguyen Accounting

Thu Nguyen


Melissa Picioccio Actuarial Science & Finance

Shreya Reddy Biology

Kristine Richardson


Cambrey Sullivan Finance & Philosophy

Jobana Tavera

International Business Marketing

Dominic Thomas Biology/Biochemistry

Aaron Vega

Accounting & Mathematics

Brianna Vick Mathematics

John Warden


Maggie Zhang Biology

Anheuser-Busch Endowed Scholarship

Jennifer Alejos Communication

AT&T, Inc. Endowed Honors Scholarship

Raul Lopez


BJ’s Restaurants, Inc., Annual Scholarship

James Orth Marketing

Andrea Reynoso

Marketing & Entrepreneurship

Dr. Ruskin C. Norman and Mrs. Karen Norman Endowed

Honors Scholarship

Cara Ward Biology

Great Conversation! Honors Scholarship

Hannah Beck

Political Science

Ana Cabrera-Marquez Honors Studies

Gabriel Diamante


Ana Diaz Finance

Zacharia Grami


Uriel Guajardo Political Science

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Megan Jenkins English

Hai Le


Rachelle Mai Biology/Microbiology

Luther Mayberry


Boyd McCann-Garriott Economics

Lisa Oakes Psychology

Navin Oorjitham


Shreyas Peddigari Biology

Christina Phamvu

Public Health

Bethany Powell Public Administration

Dung Tran Accounting

Anastasia Walter


Marilyn Yeatts Biomedical Engineering

Montserrat Zepeda-Benavides

Political Science

Robert Zubiate Sociology

India Asia Association of San Antonio Endowed

Scholarship Fund

Karisma Hathi Chemistry

Jacqueline Beretta Scholarship Fund

Tyler Oubré Business Administration

Joeris General Contractors, Ltd. Endowed Honors Scholarship in Construction

Science & Management

Callie Willett-Ussery Construction Science & Management

Peter T. Flawn Presidential Honors Scholarship

Brianna Bal


Vinh Nguyen Biology

Miranda Ramos

Mechanical Engineering

Yat Shiu Electrical Engineering

Robert W. Flynn Endowed Honors Scholarship

Melina Acosta


Samuel A. and Pamela R. Kirkpatrick Endowed Presidential Honors Scholarship

Jose Camacho


South Texas Money Management, LTD., Endowed Honors Scholarship

Evelyn Argueta Public Health

SRC Annual Scholarship

Claudio Macias Biology & Mathematics

The Benjamin Dean Holt III/Holt Companies Scholarship

Chukwunonso Arinze

Mechanical Engineering

The Greehey Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship for First-Generation Students

Megan Ball


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Frances Martinez Biomedical Engineering

Christa Otto

Interdisciplinary Studies

America Ruiz Biology

Aaron Vega Accounting

The James W. Wagener Endowed Presidential Scholarship

Ana Parra Rivera M.S. Chemistry

Martina Skott

International MBA

The Sam and Ann Barshop Scholarship

Claudio Macias Biology & Mathematics

Tino & Amelia Duran Endowed Scholarship

Victoria Olivo Psychology

Wells Fargo Bank Endowed Scholarship

Armando Gomez-Farias Civil Engineering

Will and Mary Hathaway Honors Program Scholarship Endowment

Jose Camacho


Daniel Crotty American Studies & English

Dalila Garcia Ramos


Luther Mayberry Accounting

Alexander Morovitz


Maureen Weaver English

William and Salome Scanlan Endowed Scholarship

Daniel Crotty

American Studies & English

Chris Gannon Real Estate Finance

Kyle Lemere


Prativa Upadhaya English

William Wise

Art History and Criticism

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Spring 2013 Graduates


Muhannad Omar Alnefaie

B.B.A. in Finance

magna cum laude

Austin Wilson Bradford B.B.A. in Economics

Nicholas Devoe Bruns

B.B.A. in Actuarial Science

with a minor in Applied Statistics

Victoria Kimberly Crowder

B.B.A. in Finance

cum laude

Kylie Nichole Litherland B.B.A. in Management

Heather Danielia Stalf B.B.A. in Finance

David Robert Wysoki

B. B. A. in Accounting

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James Daniel Alvarez B.S. in Biology

with a minor in Chemistry

Ruth De Fatima Arauz B.B.A. in Management

B.B.A. in Marketing

cum laude

with Business Honors

Juan Bautista, Jr. B.S. in Biology

with International Distinction

Delilah Divinna Blanco B.S. in Biology

Kayla Renee Boring B.A. in History

with a minor in Legal Studies

and International Distinction

Alexa Marie Calumpiano B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies

magna cum laude

Celeste Chavez B.S. in Civil Engineering

magna cum laude

with International Distinction

Stacie Faye Curtis B.S. in Kinesiology

cum laude

Apurva Lakshmi Devarakonda B.B.A. in Actuarial Science

magna cum laude

with Business Honors

Jonathan Peter Doemel B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

magna cum laude

Richard Ellsworth Downs B.S. in Electrical Engineering

summa cum laude

John Anthony Escobedo B.S. in Biology

Julio C. Guanche B.A. in Psychology

with a minor in Sociology

Annette Hernandez B.S. in Biology

magna cum laude with a minor in

Art History and Criticism

Holly Nichole Hernandez B.B.A. in Marketing

magna cum laude with a minor

in International Management

and Business Honors

Diana Louise Janica B.B.A. in Management

cum laude with a minor

in International Management

and Business Honors

Spring 2013 Graduates


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Matthew David Kelm B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

Paul William Kubeczka B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

Sylvia S. Lewiz

B. S. in Biology

cum laude

Alexander William Lietzke

B.B.A. in Management

cum laude with a minor

in Foreign Languages

and Business Honors

Frederick Charles Lochte B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

summa cum laude

Brian J. Macias B.A. in History

with International Distinction

Maureen Page Medina B.S. in Architecture

Miriam Mitchell

B.B.A. in Management

B.B.A. in Marketing

with Business Honors

Cristina Olivia Muñoz B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies

magna cum laude

Melissa Renee Neal B.A. in Criminal Justice

cum laude

with a minor in Sociology

Andrew Ozolins B.B.A. in Accounting

with Business Honors

Saddam Quirem B.S. in Computer Engineering

magna cum laude

with a minor in Computer Science

Michele Ferrer Schantz B.S. in Biology

summa cum laude

Ana Lizbeth Sesatty B.S. in Biology

with International Distinction

Megan Suzanne Shilling B.A. in Psychology

summa cum laude

Conrad Kyle Silvester B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

magna cum laude

Kassie Rose Stewart B.B.A. in Finance

cum laude with Business Honors

Jonathan Davis Tankersley B.S. in Biology

cum laude

Spring 2013 Graduates


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Spring 2013 Graduates



Shayna Lupita Butler B.B.A. in Finance

cum laude

with a minor in Management

Diana Catalina Cuervo

B.B.A. in Finance

magna cum laude

with Business Honors

and International Distinction

Ricardo Elizondo, Jr. B.B.A. in Accounting

cum laude

Adriana Nicole Hernandez B.A. in Communication

cum laude

Emily Dianne Nasir

B.A. in Political Science

cum laude with a minor in Legal Studies

and International Distinction

Liliana Ramirez

B.A. in Sociology

with a minor in Spanish

and International Distinction



Eric J. Tong B.S. in Biology

summa cum laude

Lacee Renée Townsend B.F.A. in Art

cum laude

with a minor in Film Studies

Christine Marie Vivoli B.A. in Communication

cum laude with a minor

in Business Administration

Emily Marie Winkel B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies

magna cum laude

Nichole L. Young B.S. in Environmental Science

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Spring 2013 Graduates

Caitlyn R. Silvas B.A. in Communication

with minors in

Business Administration and

Non-Profit Management

Martina Skott

B.B.A. in Management

summa cum laude

with a minor in Economics,

Business Honors

and International Distinction

Timothy Spohrer

Master of Accountancy

B.B.A. in Accounting

with Business Honors



Aesha Fotouh Abou Eisha B.A. in Psychology

magna cum laude

with a minor in Biology

“Stressful Acculturation of

International Students at UTSA”

with Dr. Mary McNaughton-Cassill,

Department of Psychology

Fatma Fotouh Aboueisha B.S. in Biology

with a minor in Psychology

“Quantifying the Neural Mechanism of Action

of Pain in Fibromyalgia Patients using fMRI”

with Dr. Donald Robin, Honors College

Sharon Ann Agold B.S. in Biology

“Inquiry-Based Learning Methods

for the Neurobiology Laboratory”

with Dr. Edwin Barea-Rodriguez, Department of Biology

Shane E. Appel B.S. in Biology

summa cum laude with a minor in Psychology

“The Generation of Novel Small Molecules

that Induce Neurogenesis in Stem Cells”

with Dr. Douglas E. Franz, Department of Chemistry

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Spring 2013 Graduates


Alexander Ryan V. Asilador B.S. in Biology

cum laude with a minor in Mathematics

“Acoustic Noise Processing within the Auditory System”

with Dr. Rama Ratnam, Department of Biology

Morgan Grace Barton B.A. in Political Science

summa cum laude with a minor in French

and International Distinction

“The Problem with Haiti: Why State

Capture Causes Long-term Aid Ineffectiveness”

with Dr. Boyka Stefanova,

Department of Political Science and Geography

Itza Alejandra Carbajal Menjivar B.A. in English

B.A. in History

cum laude with a minor in Legal Studies

“Promoting and Discussing Race in Multicultural Latino/a

Children’s Books”

with Dr. Catherine Nolan-Farrell, Department of History

Maria Estefania Cisneros B.A. in Psychology

magna cum laud with a minor in Biology

“Long-Term Effects of Frontotemporal Dementia,

Semantic Dementia, and Alzheimer’s

Disease on Emotional Functioning:

A Longitudinal Study”

with Dr. Ann R. Eisenberg, Department of Psychology

Gagandip Kaur Dhot B.A. in Psychology

“Stress, Coping, Personality, and

Academic Adjustment of South

Asian International Students at UTSA”

with Dr. Mary McNaughton-Cassill,

Department of Psychology

Jason Ian Frazier B.A. in Psychology

cum laude with a minor in Business Administration

“The Psychometric Effects of Stress

on Military Veteran College Students”

with Dr. Mary McNaughton-Cassill,

Department of Psychology

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Spring 2013 Graduates


Mary Le Hoang B.S. in Biology

cum laude

“Studying Intracellular pH

Regulation of the Central Respiratory

Chemoreceptors in the Bullfrog Tadpole”

with Dr. Matthew J. Gdovin,

Department of Biology

Brianna Taylor Johnson B.A. in English

magna cum laude

“Reigniting Secondary Students’

Interest and Motivation in Reading:

An Alternative Approach to

Traditional Reading Instruction”

with Dr. Janis Harmon, Department of

Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching

Timothy Xavier Johnson B.A. in Sociology

cum laude with a minor in Legal Studies

“American Icon: An Analysis of Billboard Digital Songs

Performance from 1980-2011”

with Dr. Gabriel Acevedo, Department of Sociology

Robin Maureen Kamucheka B.S. in Biology

summa cum laude

“Correlation of Gene Expression and

Chromosome 18-p Arm Copy Number”

with Dr. Janine Cody, Department of

Pediatrics, UTHSCSA

Shawn Robert Keeney B.A. in English

summa cum laude

“How I Learned to Rock the Awk”

with Professor John Philip Santos, Honors College

Andrea Renee Kelley

B.S. in Chemistry

“Impact of MALDI Spotting

Techniques on the Observed

Mass Spectra Using Gold Molecules

and DCTB as Model Compounds”

with Dr. Stephen B. Bach,

Department of Chemistry

Howard F. Kim B.S. in Physics

“Properties of Thin Film

Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia/Nickel Oxide”

with Dr. Chonglin Chen,

Department of Physics

and Astronomy

David P. McMaster B.S. in Physics

cum laude

“Characteristics and Morphology of

Platinum Palladium Bimetallic Nanoparticles

with an Amorphous Carbon Base”

with Dr. Miguel Yacaman, Department of

Physics and Astronomy

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Spring 2013 Graduates


Laura Catherine McMaster B.S. in Physics

cum laude

“Diffuse X-ray Emission

and Star Clusters in Nearby,

Face-on Spiral Galaxies”

with Dr. Eric Schlegel, Department of

Physics and Astronomy

Helia Nasrollahi B.S. in Biology

“Protein-Protein Interactions

in Vibrio Cholerae”

with Dr. Karl E. Klose,

Department of Biology

Ana Cristina Parra Rivera B.S. in Chemistry

“Discovery and Development of New Small Molecules

that Induce Cardiogenesis in Stem Cells”

with Dr. Douglas E. Franz, Department of Chemistry

Jonathan Daniel Pillow B.A. in English

cum laude with a minor in Communication

“Burnt Ends and Pieces:

Juicy Scraps from the Dinner Table”

with Dr. Kolleen Guy, Department of History

Gwendolyn Andere Quintana B.S. in Biology

with International Distinction

“Investigating the Role of ERK2 in Peripheral

T Cell Function in a Novel Mouse Model”

with Dr. Thomas G. Forsthuber, Department of Biology

Jakob Kristopher Rice B.S. in Biology

with Leadership Honors

“Influence of Residential Runoff on

Benthic Macroinvertebrate

Communities at Cibolo Creek”

with Dr. Jyotsna Sharma,

Department of Biology

Daniel Stephen Rossiter B.S. in Computer Science

magna cum laude with a

minor in Anthropology

“Developing a Platform-Independent Smartphone Appli-

cation to

Support Volunteer Efforts”

with Dr. Kay Robbins,

Department of Computer Science

Philip Jaryd Schertz B.S. in Chemistry

cum laude with a minor in Biology

“The Efficiency of Perylene Diimide

Dyes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”

with Dr. George R. Negrete, Department of Chemistry

Harvir Singh Virk B.A. in Psychology

cum laude

“How Do Pictures Reduce False Memories?

An Investigation Using Categorized Lists”

with Dr. Rebekah Smith, Department of Psychology

Donna Lin Wright B.A. in English

magna cum laude

“South African English Language and

Identity in South Africa and the United States”

with Dr. Bridget Drinka, Department of English

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August 2013 UTSA Honors College



23 Residence Hall Move-In, San Saba

25 Honors New Freshman Mentor/Mentee

Pancake Breakfast, 10:30 a.m.,

Laurel Village Community Center #11

26 Roadrunner Days Honors College

Breakfast, 8:30am, UC Ballroom

Roadrunner Days Fall Convocation and

College Experience

27 Terry Scholars Orientation, 8:45 a.m.,

BB 3.01.06

World Café: Beginning the Journey in

Honors, 2:00-4:00 p.m., UC Bexar Room

28 First Day of Classes

29 Honors College Advising Center Open

House, 2:00-4:00 p.m., MS 4.02.14

30 Honors College Advising Center Open

House, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., MS 4.02.14


2 Labor Day Holiday, University closed

3 Dodgeball Social, 2:00-3:30 p.m., Rec

Center Mac Gym

7 First Home UTSA Football Game, 1:00 p.m.,


8 Pancake Breakfast, 10:30 a.m., TBA

9 Dodgeball Social, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Rec

Center Mac Gym

13 Census Date

Thesis Information Forms Due

Honors Contracts Due

20 Marshall Scholarship Symposium,

2:00-3:15 p.m., UC Harris Room


20 Pancake Breakfast, 10:30 a.m., TBA

22 Terry Scholars Banquet, 5:00 p.m., Denman


24 Credit / No Credit Option Deadline,

5:00 p.m., Enrollment Services


1 Thesis/Thesis Proposal Due to Thesis


4 Spring Priority Registration Opens,

7:00 a.m.

6-10 NCHC Conference, New Orleans

14 World Quest Trivia, 2:00-5:00 p.m., Mesquite


15 Spring Graduation Application Deadline,


Thesis/Thesis Proposal Due to Readers

18 Online Course Evaluations Open

28-30 Thanksgiving Holidays, University



2 Online Course Evaluations Close Pancake Breakfast, 10:30 a.m., TBA

4 Last Day to Drop with an Automatic W

9-10 Study Days, no classes

10 Honors College Research

Symposium, 1:00-4:00 p.m.,

University Room (BB 2.04.06)

11-17 Final Exams

18 Deadline for Filing Thesis/Thesis Proposal

with the Honors College, 5:00 p.m.

TBA Honors Commencement Ceremony,

UC Ballroom

The University of Texas at San Antonio – Honors College

One UTSA Circle – MS 4.02.14

San Antonio, TX 78249

Phone: 210-458-4106

Fax: 210-458-5370

Email: [email protected]

