Page 1: Audience research summaryh

Audience research


Page 2: Audience research summaryh


Page 3: Audience research summaryh

Question 1

From question one I have

released that horror movies

are targeted to both

genres, in my research I

found that more females

are interested in the horror

genre however there is not

a significant difference

between females and

males this is why I have

come to the conclusion

the horror genre is

targeted at both males

and females.

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Question 2

I can clearly see from my

questionnaire that more 17

year old watch horror

movies but considering I

only have 15 responses I

can come to the

conclusion that horror

movies are targeted at all


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Question 3

From my research I

have found that

there is a variety of

people with


occupations who

watch horror

movies. However I

can see that many

students watch

them the most.

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Question 4

From this question I

have found that the

people who watch

horror movies have a

variety of interest's and

these are not similar.

This would mean that I

would target my trailer

to a audience that has

a variety of audiences

so my characters could

be broad

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Question 5

From my research I have found that the things people most like about horror movies, is

the suspense and tension that if created within the film. It has been mentioned that

people like the simple but effective storylines as these grab your attention and make

you jump. I would take this considerations on board when making my trailer as I would

look into ways you can create tension and suspense within horror movies.

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Question 6

I have found out from my

research that there is a variety

of horror movies that my

audience enjoy. I can see

from the results that the horror

movies that are the most liked

are paranormal, supernatural

and psychological.

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Question 7

From this question I have found that there are a majority of aspects to

horror movie trailers that appeal to the audience. One of the main

aspects is the short clips/takes that they use in the trailers to slow the

storyline and also people like to see the scary parts of the film however not

give too much away. These are things that I would consider in my film


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Question 8

There are many different aspects that horror movie audiences have

for a film trailer, they expect the trailer to show a basic storyline and

also want to see the scary bits. This is very similar to what would

appeal to them however I have received extra information about

the types of clips to be included.

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Question 9

The setting for horror movies

is very varied to the type of

horror movie that you enjoy

to watch however I have

found that the least liked

settings is dark streets and

basements so I would not

include these in my trailer. I

would look to include a

family home and forest as I

feel these would best suit

the horror trailer that I am

thinking about producing

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Question 10

It is seen that there is a variety of

characters that would be

appealing in a horror movie

however it is seen that younger

females are the most appealing

this may be down to there

innocent stereotypes and this

could be challenged in a horror
