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Audience Research Survey Analysis.

By Phoebe Thomas.

Are You A Male Or A Female?

From this question we can clearly see that majority of the people who responded to our survey were males. From the percentage below the graph we can see that 52.38% of the 21 people who responded, was male. This result will effect how the rest of the questions are answered throughout the survey, so we will have to take into account that most responses were from males.

Which Age Group Do You Fall Under?

From this question we can see that majority of the people who responded to our survey are the same age as us. This would affect the films they watched and how they watched them because different age groups are interested in different things.

How Do You Usually Watch Films?

From this question we can see that most of our respondents watch films in more than one way. The most popular way of watching films however is to watch the online, followed by in the cinema. So if we were to release our film opening/film to the public, it would make the most sense to release them on the most popularly used platforms to gain the biggest audience

What Genre Of Films Do You Usually Watch?

From these results we can see that our target audience preferred Comedy and Action films to any other genre, this tells us that for our short film to be popular with our target audience, we need to include more aspects from these genres too.

What Rating Films Do You Watch The Most?

The response we got from our survey about the rating films they watched proves that our target audience watch 15 and 18 rated films most frequently. This informs us of the things we can include in our short film, whilst still adhering to the BBFC guidelines.

Would You Watch A Film That Contained Mild Threat, Violence Or Death?

Our target audience response suggests that people would watch our short film if it contained mild threats, violence or death. This is good as our plans and scripts contain this so when we have produced the short film, these things may make it popular.

What Is The Thing Most Likely To Attract Your Attention To A Film?

Our short film is heavily influenced by the storyline we have created, and from our responses we have learnt that a good story line would be what would most likely attract our target audience.

Where Do You Hear About Films The Most?

Our responses tell us that our target audience finds out about films mostly from television adverts and social media, so we now know that we can reach our target audience through the likes of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

What Should The Storyline Of A Film Be Like?

Our respondents answered that the storyline of a film should be realistic and based on real life. This tells use that we should try to incorporate as much reality into our short film as possible.

Do You Have Any Additional Comments Or Ideas About Films?

Our respondents didn’t really have any comments to make about films and related subjects.