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Page 1: Audience research

Audience Research

For my magazine audience I will be asking approximately 25 people who are within the target audience.

I will display my results using graphs so you are able to see a clear difference between each answer

The results i receive will help me to create my magazine as I will know what elements are needed to make my magazine successful.

Page 2: Audience research

What is the main feature which attracts you towards a magazine?

What colours do you expect to see on a horror magazine?

On a magazine cover do you prefer one main image or a variety of images with the main image?

Do you prefer a magazine to be busy with lots of cover lines or simple with only 2-3 cover lines?

For the masthead on a horror magazine, what sort of font would you like to see; distorted/scary to convey the genre of simple so it is easy to read?

Page 3: Audience research

What is the main feature which attracts you towards a magazine?





image cover lines colour other

Looking at the graphs above the main feature which attracts the target audience is the image on the magazine cover. Cover lines was the second most effective feature that the audience like to see. I will

consider this when creating my magazine cover.

Page 4: Audience research

What colours do you expect to see on a horror magazine?






Black Red White Green others

The colours the audience associate mainly with horror are black and red, i agree with the audience as black conveys a mysterious atmosphere and

red conveys blood, which are both present in horror films. Two other colours which the audience said was white and green, I think these two

colours will help to highlight sections on a magazine colours.

Page 5: Audience research

On a magazine cover do you prefer one main image or a variety of images with

the main image?



One image Variety

Clearly looking at the graph above the audience prefer there to be one main image rather than a variety. I will be using one main image as I also agree that this is more effective on a magazine cover as it becomes the

main focus.

Page 6: Audience research

Do you prefer a magazine to be busy with lots of cover lines or simple with only 2-3

cover lines?



Busy Simple

Most of the audience I asked proffered there to be a simple magazine cover as they like to focus on the main image and cover line as this is the

main feature of the magazine.

Page 7: Audience research

For the masthead on a horror magazine, what sort of font would you like to see; distorted/scary

to convey the genre of simple so it is easy to read?



Horror based Simple

Majority of the audience like to see a masthead which conveys the genre, one said that “if the masthead has a horror factor to it, it makes

it easier to recognise the genre of the magazine”

Page 8: Audience research

Conclusion By carrying out the audience research

some of the factors I will be including on my magazine are

- One main image

- A typeface which conveys horror for the masthead

- Make the magazine cover more simple than complicated and busy

- Some factor which attract the target audience instantly includes the main image and cover line.