
Audience Feedback


• I asked 50 16- 24 year old males and females their opinions on the two styles of cover and double page spread that I created

Cover 1

“I like that its not over crowded”

“ I like that the long shot allows you to see all of the cover model ”

“bold boarder on the title catches the readers attention”

Cover 2

“I like that the image is close up, as it allows you to see her expressions clearly ”

“I like expression,it draws you in”


Which cover do you think works best for a music magazine

Cover 1Cover 2

•32 people selected cover 1•18 people selected cover 2

Because of the information gained during audience feedback and my own personal opinion I decided to go with cover 1 as I feel it looked and worked the best

Double page spread 1

Audience opinions

• “draws you in more”• “It shows you more of the artists personality”• “loads of pictures shows the artists

personality”• “I like the variety or photos. Its different”• “original, stands out”• “Gives you more to look at”

Double page spread 2

Audience opinions

• “Single picture looks basic”• “its not over crowded”• “looks boring”


What double page spread do you think works best


•36 people selected DPS1•14 people selected DPS 2

Because of the information gained during audience feedback and my own personal opinion I decided to go with DPS 1 as I was really happy with how it turned out and I felt it would suit my magazine well