Page 1: Audience Certification of our media storyline


By Hayley Townend

Page 2: Audience Certification of our media storyline

● strong violence

● frequent strong language (eg 'f***').

● portrayals of sexual activity

● strong verbal references to sex

● sexual nudity

● brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal

references to sexual violence

● discriminatory language or behaviour

● drug taking

The specifications of certification 15

Page 3: Audience Certification of our media storyline

Our Story Line

We’ve rated our film at a 15, we have done this because we think our storyline is quite gory and frightening and some scenes could be seen as disturbing as there will be some violence and also there may be some strong language.People who may like our film could be people into twisted stories and things related to teenage life as the film is aimed at people between the ages of 15 - 30 years old. I think that the main gender of the person that our film is aimed at is females, as most of our characters in the film will be female and the main character is also.We think our regional interest for our storyline could be global, as our storyline could be appealing to lots of different people from anywhere.

Page 4: Audience Certification of our media storyline

This is a link to the trailer for 'Hostel' :

I think this film is quite similar to our storyline because the characters in the film get kidnapped, and strapped in a chair whilst being tortured.

Similar films to our storyline

This is a link to the Doctor who 'Amy's choice' episode.

I think that this episode of Doctor Who is particularly like our story line as they all keep switching world and they don’t know which one is a dream, and Amy Pond has to choose which one is real and which one isn’t.
