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Undergraduate Studies ePortfolio

Jeanette BishopBachelor of Arts

Psychology/Criminal Justice, 2011

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Personal Statement

My name is Jeanette Bishop. I am working to obtain my BA in Psychology/Criminal Justice, specializing in juvenile delinquency and the juvenile justice system. I am extremely excited about the prospect of starting a career in the juvenile justice field upon completion of my education at Argosy University on August 20, 2011. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to obtain some type of career in the juvenile justice field. This field fascinates me and in my opinion, this is the first place where change can begin and the biggest hope exists. Children are a product of their environment and are influenced by those around them which lead to the behaviors they display and acts they perform. To get the full idea of why I am so interested in the juvenile side of the law, it is essential that I begin in early childhood experience and life which played an integral role in forming who I am today and my interest in changing the lives of today’s youth. I have studied hard and put a wealth of effort and time into my studies resulting in a GPA of 3.5. I do have several interests outside of school. I like to spend unlimited time with family doing things like; camping, fishing, cooking, hiking, and just spending quality time. I was born to two parents who were both teenagers completely unprepared to be parents. My birth forced my parents to get married and unfortunately for my mother, my father was not ready for this and he became a violent, drug and alcohol abusing spouse and father who controlled by violence and mental abuse.

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Personal Statement

My father verbally and mentally abused both my mother and I and did not allow us to bond as mother and daughter should. This led to the development of an attachment disorder on my part later on in life. We moved around a lot when I was younger which caused me to change schools and not be able to form effective personal relationships with peers. Because of the anger and hurt experienced by the abuse of my father, I began to act out and be rebellious at home and school. My rebellious behavior ended me up in an alternative high school for my junior and senior year of high school. During my junior year of high school my parents moved us to Northern New York with my grandparents where life took a more positive turn because my grandparents stepped in and took on the parental role which caused my behavior and attitude to become more positive. I graduated from high school and joined the US Navy. I achieved many things during my three year term in the military and got to see many different places. While in the military, I got married and later on, had three children. One of my children developed an Impulse Control Disorder and ADHD. This caused him to perform mischievous acts and get into trouble with the law on two occasions. While dealing with the law, I noticed so many discrepancies in the way they deal with minors that this further sparked my interest in achieving an education in psychology and the juvenile justice field and how they interplay with each other.


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Personal Statement

I decided that I needed to be one of a few to change how the justice process works for juveniles in our criminal justice system and make it more rehabilitative instead of punishing. In September of 2005, I decided to enter Columbia-Greene Community College and achieved an Associate’s degree in Social Science while at the same time, taking designated courses in juvenile justice and delinquency. I achieved my Associate’s degree in June of 2007. I decided that an Associate’s degree was not enough and if I was going to make a change, I would need to further my education which led to my entering Argosy University in September of 2008 majoring in Psychology and minoring in Criminal Justice. I will graduate with my Bachelor’s degree on August 20, 2011 in both.

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Personal Statement

My desire to change the process for juvenile offenders and make it more of a rehabilitative instead of punitive shows my desire for achievement and personal growth as well as the desire to make change for others as well as enriching their lives as well as growing as a person. Helping others and ensuring that they meet their maximum potential is extremely important to me. I have volunteered as a basketball coach for the Special Olympics in New York which services several of the agencies for people with mental and physical disabilities. I continue to volunteer and work closely with people with disabilities as this bridges the gap between those who are able and those who are not and educates others on the outstanding abilities of people with disabilities. Upon graduation from university, I will be seeking a career in some type of juvenile group home facility or detention facility not as an officer, but as a rehabilitative aide or counselor. I believe that if the youth have someone they can relate to and who understands them, they will be more apt to make positive changes and realize that life can be good and they can achieve and be anything they want.


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ResumeJeanette Bishop

P.O. Box 426 Phoenicia, NY 12464

(845) 688-2031 Alternate Phone: (607) 267-2320

[email protected] OBJECTIVE STATEMENT    Seeking a position with a growing organization to make a positive impact on individual welfare, and experience long term career growth.    EDUCATION    Argosy University, Chicago, Illinois Bachelor of Arts: Psychology/Criminal Justice, 2011. GPA: 3.5    WORK EXPERIENCE    Domestic Engineer     August 2003- Present Domestic Engineer East Meredith, NY    PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT    Relevant Coursework in Psychology/Criminal Justice:    Children and Violence, Substance Abuse Treatment I & II, Substance Abuse Treatment in the Criminal Justice System, Crime and Causes, Forensic Psychology, Forensic Science, Psychology for Business, Abnormal Psychology, & Psychology and Criminal Justice.   

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 KEY SKILLS    ·Successful leader, equally effective as member of a team. ·Highly organized able to multi-task and accomplish multiple objectives. ·Professional demeanor and attentive to detail. ·Ability to communicate effectively and act accordingly under pressure. ·Proficient in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.

   VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES    I volunteered as a coach for Special Olympics in the summer of 2009. I taught mentally and physically disabled consumers the basic skills and concepts involved in playing basketball while improving motor and fine motor skills.  

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Throughout my undergraduate academic career, I have developed key skills in thinking outside of the box and expanding my thought process. The skills and knowledge that I have obtained through my education at Argosy University, has laid the foundation for a career in the juvenile justice field. I have learned how to use critical thinking skills, understand and, utilize theory and research. I have improved on oral and written communication skills and abilities. I have also encountered several obstacles to learning such as; the lack of immediate communication with peers and professors. Although this inhibited learning slightly, I overcame this obstacle and proceeded to improve in areas that I had slight knowledge of before. Because of the knowledge I have learned from the classes I have attended, I have a better understanding of diversity, ethical issues that I will face as a psychologist or professional in the juvenile justice field, and mental health issues as well. I have also learned how to be a more effective communicator through active & effective listening, the ability to be empathic, and compromise. I have encountered many new people, including professors, who provided opinion and gave me the ability to expand my horizons and view things from many different angles.

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I am completely satisfied with the education that I received throughout my time at Argosy University and look forward to continuing on into the Master’s program at a later time.

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Table of Contents

Cognitive Abilities: Critical Thinking and Information Literacy

Research SkillsCommunication Skills: Oral and WrittenEthics and Diversity AwarenessFoundations of PsychologyApplied PsychologyInterpersonal Effectiveness

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Critical Thinking

Borderline Personality DisorderThere are quite a few mental disorders that people can have. All of them have distinct symptoms, some have similar treatments, and all of them can be diagnosed via assessments and evaluations. Personality disorders are contained within the group of mental illnesses. One disorder in particular that is contained within the personality disorder category is, Borderline Personality Disorder. His disorder is very interesting to me and holds so many elements within it to explain the disorder.Borderline Personality Disorder is listed under the Cluster B Personality Disorders. This disorder is unclassified as 301.83 Borderline Personality Disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder is listed under the Cluster B Personality Disorders. This disorder is unclassified as 301.83 Borderline Personality Disorder. The diagnostic criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder are (BehaveNet, 1997):

Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by

alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of

self. Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g.,

spending, sex, Substance Abuse, reckless driving, binge eating).  Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic

dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days).

Chronic feelings of emptiness.

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Critical thinking

Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights).

Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms.People with Borderline Personality Disorder often do not form very effective personal relationships, are emotionally unstable, and do not control their actions very well. A person with this disorder also often has a poor sense of self and self worth, having a low sense of self-esteem. The person cannot control their anger effectively and will have suicidal ideologies. Poor relationships are also a classical symptom of this disorder, the person may find it hard to connect with others and form a meaningful relationship. They are also afraid that if they do get into a relationship with someone, that the person will leave them. There are many causes of this disorder which can go back to a person’s childhood experience and influence. There is no one cause that can be defined for a person developing or having BPD. There can be biological, psychological, or social (Paris, 2010). The biological causes of BPD could be an inherited temperament, genes, or traits. Psychological factors include events that happened in the person’s childhood that were very stressful or hurtful for the person. These events could include child abuse or some type of sexual abuse; it can also result from being neglected as a child or teen. Some people with this disorder did not grow up in a home where any type of disturbances occurred.Social factors that contribute to this disorder are for one, in contemporary urban society, children have more difficulty meeting their needs for attachment and identity (Paris, 2010). However, just because these events occur, does not mean that a child will develop this disorder. If a child has a trait for depression or impulsivity, he/she could have a very supportive network or environment so their chance of developing BPD is greatly reduced. BPD develops when the person is a child or a teen. The majority of the population who

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Critical Thinking

develops BPD are women. The side effects of BPD and issues related with the disorder are ongoing and can be severe. The rate of suicide among people suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder is very high. Borderline pathology tends to "burn out" in middle age, and most patients function significantly better by the ages of thirty-five to forty (Paris, 2010). It is a mystery why this occurs. A majority of people with BPD will lead relatively normal lives when they are in their middle age, there is also the small percentage who still experience the symptoms of the disorder later in their lives. BPD does not only affect the person but, it also affects the person’s family and friends. The people within the person’s immediate environment have to experience the suicidal issues that the person displays and goes through. The burden also gets put on the parents sometimes where the fault is put on them where they are blamed by the person or by themselves. To diagnose Borderline Personality Disorder, the psychologist needs to perform a mental health interview. As with any mental-health assessment, the practitioner will usually work toward ruling out other mental disorders, including mood problems like depression, anxiety disorders including anxiety attacks or generalized anxiety, types of other personality disorders like narcissistic personality disorder, dependent personality disorder or histrionic personality disorder, substance-abuse problems as well as problems being in touch with reality, like schizophrenia or delusional disorder (Edwards,1996). There could also be some type of medical condition that is causing the person’s symptoms and behaviors so the psychologist will make sure that no physical condition can explain the symptoms. Complete assessments will also be performed so as not to make a misdiagnosis.

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Critical Thinking

There is no one type or method of treatment for BPD. Different medications can be used like; neuroleptics. These drugs in a way, take the edge off of the symptoms. Psychotherapy is the best method of treatment over a long period of time. Most patients do not attend sessions for long but there are patients who continue to attend therapy and in time, they do get better. During therapy, the patient is encouraged to learn how to form more effective relationships with people and be less impulsive while taking a hold of their lives more effectively as well. Cognitive Behavioral therapy has been the best method of therapy to use for patients with BPD. This type of therapy greatly reduces the occurrence of suicidal tendencies and ideologies. Research is still being done on the best method of treatment for BPD. In one study that was done at the McLean Hospital in the Laboratory for the Study of Adult Development, there was a study done to see what effect omega-3 fatty acid would have as a treatment for women with BPD. There was a group taking omega-3 and a group on a placebo. The group taking the omega-3 showed that it would be an effective form of treatment for women suffering from BPD (Zanarini, 2003). People who suffer from BPD, do not only experience symptoms every now and then , they feel as if they are never stable and in control of themselves or any aspect of themselves. Even with therapy, becoming “better” is not a short 3 month process. It takes long term counseling with the assistance of medication to ease the symptoms. However, when they do have tremendous progress with therapy, they can live a long normal life.

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Critical Thinking

ReferencesEdwards, R.D. (1996). Borderline Personality Disorder. Retrieved on June 9, 2011

from, J. M.D. (2010). Borderline Personality Disorder: What Is It? What Causes It?

How Can We Treat It? Retrieved on June 9, 2011 from

Zanarini, MC. (2003). Omega-3 Fatty acid treatment of women with borderline personality disorder: a double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study. Retrieved on June 9, 2011 from


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Research Skills

The Scientist-Practitioner ModelThe scientist – practitioner model is Scientist- practitioners perform research and then publish their findings and research methods, designs, etc, in professional journals such as Personnel Psychology, Organization Science, Leadership Quarterly, and Journal of Organizational Behavior ( Riggio, 2008). The theory or thought behind this model, is that a psychologist who is licensed, should know both and be involved in both, research and clinical practices ( Riggio, 2008). If the psychologist only concentrates on one or the other, than he/she does not fit the requirements of a scientist- practitioner. We have a situation of a man named Jack is an organizational development executive at Techzone Communications, an international communications and technology company. He has completed his PhD in I/O psychology and has been working at Techzone for seven years. Although he did research during his PhD studies, he has not been involved in research since that time.Jack is not or, is not considered a scientist- practitioner because Scientist- practitioners perform research and then publish their findings and research methods, designs, etc, in professional journals such as Personnel Psychology, Organization Science, Leadership Quarterly, and Journal of Organizational Behavior ( Riggio, 2008). Jack has not performed any type of research since obtaining his PhD, nor has he published any of his research information in a professional article. Scientist – practitioners also teach based on their data and research and concentrate on workers and the workers behavior/performance. By the information provided, it does not describe any detail about Jack performing any of the research that is done in the workplace as well. I/O psychologists evaluate and create, as well as administer employee evaluation programs as well as training programs (Riggio, 2008). Employee work conditions are also researched and evaluated to decide whether and

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Research Skills

what type of modifications can be made to improve employee morale and make them more satisfied in the workplace. It does not describe any of these practices, being performed by Jack. The scientist – practitioner model is based on the thought or idea that professional psychologists should be familiar with research practices as well as clinical practices. Emphasis should be placed on the successful integration of science and practice, where the relationship between the two variables is carefully considered (Jones & Mehr, 2007). If schooling or training in research and clinical practices is done separately or one is done without the other or not at all, then it doesn’t qualify to be defined as the scientist-practitioner model. One of the beliefs is that if a person is knowledgeable in research and skilled in research, then they will be very effective in a psychological practice or being a psychological counselor. The second assumption identified research as imperative to the development of a scientific database (Jones & Mehr, 2007). The last belief is one that was actually from the makers of the scientific- practitioner model which was; a psychologist who performs and participates in clinical practice will result in studies being published that are significant and cover significant topics or subjects. In simpler form, the scientist – practitioner model emphasizes the importance of integrating science and practice in a meaningful way (Brooks, Grauer, Highhouse, & Thornbury, 2003). The scientist-practitioner model demonstrated throughout the history of I/O psychology in numerous ways. Back in the time of WWI, psychologists and researchers were asked to administer intelligence tests which then took the role of researcher, over to researcher and practitioner. Throughout history, as the need for more tests to be developed and be administered to soldiers like; the situational stress tests and other specialized tests (Argosy University, 2010), the roles meshed together as a researcher and practitioner because not only were the researchers doing the research to create the tests, they were then

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Research Skills

administering them as well. I/O psychologists also helped to make the decision of where the military personnel should be placed and what jobs they were best suited for (Riggio, 2008). Over time I/O psychologists have become increasingly important in organizations and their value to an organization has evolved as well.I/O Psychologists are extremely valuable to an organization. I/O psychologists help organizations and companies with the employee selection process through the use of intelligence and personality tests. They also help to train employees and take those weaker employees, and train them, get them up to date, to increase job performance. An I/O psychologist will also develop employee evaluation methods so that the employer can determine a proper pay and raise scale. One of the major things an I/O psychologist does for an organization, is to design and research ways to reduce industrial accidents (a2zpsychology, 2002). Organizational psychologists devote much time to job satisfaction. They investigate factors that have been found to relate to satisfaction, including employee turnover, absenteeism, age, pay, and attitudes toward unions (a2zpsychology, 2002). I/O psychologists play a part or role, in every aspect of human resources and employee relations within an organization which also includes ways of motivating employees through rewards systems so that employees remain motivated to complete their tasks. However, if there was a model where scientists and practitioners roles were not assimilated, there would be many issues that would arise.Most I/O Psychologists concentrate on either practitioner or scientist. Researchers are seen as interested only in methodology at the expense of anything relevant to the real world, whereas practitioners are seen as proponents of fads, ignoring all theoretical evidence (Brooks, Grauer, Highhouse, & Thornbury, 2003).

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Research Skills

Most I/O Psychologists who stay primarily with the practitioner role, do not participate in performing research while those that stay primarily with the scientist role, perform research but do not participate in the practitioner role. The downside of being a researcher and not participating in the practitioner role, is that they publish and enter their research into journals and have knowledge of all of the up to date information, but do not share and apply this knowledge to help rehabilitate others or apply it to some sort of practice where it will be useful. Practitioners do not use up to date methods because they do not perform research. Researchers who perform research, place a higher value on science than practitioners (Brooks, Grauer, Highhouse, & Thornbury, 2003). According to the qualifications to be a scientist – practitioner, this would mean that most psychologists do not fit the requirements to be part of this model. But, each I/O psychologist whether practicing one or the other, or both, are a valuable asset to an organization. Like every profession whether it be a doctor or a lawyer, there are ethical issues faced by both. One key ethical issue that I/O psychologists have to be aware of the decisions they make and interventions they implement or suggest within a company because the consequences are of a higher magnitude than the original job they took on. For example, a company wants to find a way to downsize because of a societal recession. An I/O psychologist may just suggest or implement a system of letting employees go with the lowest production rate or job knowledge. This can result in a high rate of unemployment and have various other consequences. Invasion of privacy and violation of the privacy act is another ethical issue faced by an I/O psychologist. When they create tests and do evaluations or aide in evaluations, care must be taken so as not to seem discriminatory or invade someone’s privacy by asking questions that don’t apply directly to the job skills or quals. Violating the privacy act is also an issue because the line is so fine between what can and cannot be divulged. An I/O psychologist has the dilemma of their personal beliefs and

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values and a company’s goals and the task that has to be completed. Sometimes personal beliefs must be ignored, or put aside so that a task can be completed for the better of the organization.

ReferencesReferences:Argosy University Lecture notes. (2010). PSY 320: Industrial/ Organizational

Psychology: Module 1 Lecture Notes. Retrieved on July 3, 2010 from (2002). Industrial Psychology. Retrieved on July 5, 2010 from

Brooks, M.E., Grauer, E., Highouse, S., & Thornbury, E.E. (2003). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inc.: Value Differences Between Scientists and Practitioners: A Survey of SIOP Members. Retrieved on July 01, 2010 from

Mehr, S.L., & Jones, J.L. (2007). Sage Journals Online: Foundations and Assumptions of the Scientist-Practitioner Model. Retrieved on July 01, 2010 from

Riggio, R.E. (2008). Introduction to Industrial / Organizational Psychology: Chapter 1 (5th ed),(Pgs. 1-19). Retrieved on July 5, 2010 from


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Foundations of Psychology

Comparison of Freudian and Skinnerian Theories  Sigmund Freud created what he called the Psychodynamic Theory of human

behavior. This theory is based on 5 basic assumptions which are The Unconscious, Structural, Economy, Dynamics and Developmental Stages. The Unconscious is based on the premise that people are cognitively and somatically aware of themselves and the world around them, including their past and present, only to a certain degree (Argosy University, 2010). A person’s brain has limited capacity for awareness at any given time. Freud determined that there are three levels of consciousness which are the conscious, the preconscious, and the unconscious (Argosy University, 2010). A person’s conscious is their everyday awareness of what is going on around them, they re fully aware. A person’s preconscious is things a person can remember and the unconscious is things that a person is not aware of or cannot remember. Freud believed and theorized that if an event was too painful or damaging, it was locked away in the unconscious so the person is not aware of it. Freud also basically broke a person’s mind function down into three different structures which are the ego, superego and the id. The ego is the here and now problem solving part of life (Argosy University, 2010). The superego is like the part that has the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other, or, the moral and immoral part of a person’s mind. The id is the impulsive, primitive part that strives to satisfy the person’s needs, regardless of what the outcome will be, there is no reasoning present (Argosy University, 2010). The Economy aspect breaks down into the needs and wants part of a person’s psyche which is triggered by impulses and the satisfaction that is achieved.



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Foundations of Psychology Cont’d

Dynamics is the part of the person’s psyche where the ego keeps drives and impulses under control by a series of defense mechanisms that block impulses in acceptable ways by denial, repression, denial, sublimation, rejection, and displacement (Argosy University, 2010). Freud also theorized that we go through developmental stages from when we are children to when we are adults. These stages are the oral, anal, Oedipal, latency, pubertal, and so on. Freud thought that people commit crimes because that is how they show that they are mad, or because they have impulses to do so. He also theorized that a person commits crime because they want to achieve love and attention or because they want that feeling of control, they also commit crimes to replace negative feelings like inadequacy (Argosy University, 2010). Freud also theorized that people commit crimes due to being stuck in certain developmental stages like the anal stage where they will steal to obtain more things. Criminal behavior was also thought by Freud, to occur because of guilt and a restrictive ego, personality disorder, and lack of healthy superego constraints (Argosy University, 2010). After Freud, Other theorists or psychologists who study by Freud’s theory use a counseling method that focuses more on problem-solving, achieving a sense of belonging, and mastery of reciprocal role expectations (Argosy University, 2009).B.F. Skinner came up with what is called the theories of Behaviorism (Argosy University, 2010). The Behavioral Theory includes several concepts which include operant and classical conditioning, positive and negative reinforcement, extinction, discrimination learning, and generalization.

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Foundation of Psychology Cont’d

The behavioral theory runs along the concept of rewards and punishment, rewards for good behavior, punishment for negative behavior, extinction through ignoring the behavior, negative reinforcement for negative behavior, and repeating a behavior outside the home that was learned inside the home. Where Freud’s theory centers around the fact that everything about a person’s development and psyche centers around a sexual premise, Skinner’s Behavioral Theory is centered around stimuli and the response to that stimuli like reinforcement. We can take the example that is given in the lecture notes for week 3 with the boy and his father. According to Freud, if a boy were to mimic his father, the behavior would be interpreted in terms of childhood sexuality whereas with Skinner’s theory, that same behavior would result in positive reinforcement like extra attention, getting noticed, praised, etc. (Argosy University, 2010).

ReferencesArgosy University Online Lecture Notes. (2010). PSY 493: Crime and Causes: Week 3: The Psychodynamic Perspective (Pgs. 1-4): Human Learning: Rewards and Punishments: (Pgs. 1-4). Retrieved on July 13, 2010 from


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Applied Psychology

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Communication Skills

Helping Self-Help groupsSubmitted By: Jeanette Bishop

PSY 480: Biopsychosocial Effects of SubstancesProfessor Harrington

August 14, 2011Argosy University

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Communication Skills Cont’d

Helping Self-Help GroupsThere are several treatment approaches that can be taken when someone has a substance abuse issue. Some people who have a more sever issue can take advantage of the traditional medical treatment programs that exist that are mainly inpatient programs. Others, who have a less severe issue, can take advantage of outpatient treatment or self-help groups that exist like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Each program has its benefits and downfalls and the type of treatment necessary, depends on personal need. Not every person who uses drugs and/or alcohol needs treatment. Many people can use alcohol and some illicit drugs without encountering adverse consequences (Massaro & Pepper, 2008). The more traditional Medical treatment programs consist of inpatient treatment programs where there is an extended stay depending on the severity of the addiction and where the client can receive detox, medication administration, and several types of therapy like; group, individual, and family. The patients are closely monitored and the treatment is secure and supportive. Participation is not voluntary and is more mandated to remain in the program. Clients can be mandated to inpatient treatment by a judge or other commanding entity. Self-help groups are more voluntary but can be mandated by a judge. These groups consist of Alcoholics Anonymous and narcotics Anonymous among others. There is no type of medical staff at these types of groups like there is at a more conventional treatment program. In substance abuse issues like Alcoholism, detox is often necessary. In a self-help group, there is no medical staff to monitor detox, detox is done by the person on their own without medical


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Communication Skills Cont’d

intervention. However, a physician can prescribe medication to alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal. Self-help groups are often sought by a person because they are free as well. Inpatient treatment programs can be very expensive and insurance may not cover the cost. Also, people in self-help groups are not dependent on medical staff, they are dependent on themselves.The main goal of a self-help group is to help themselves and each other to deal with, and if possible, to heal or to recover from the problem (Self-Help Groups, 2011). In a self-help group, the person is responsible for their own recovery but in these groups, others are recovering as well and may be further in their recovery so they encourage the person to make changes in their lives and to become and remain sober. With self-help groups, the person has several modes of support. These include the sponsor, and the group itself. The client also has a major role in a recovery program. The patient has to make a commitment to becoming sober and drug free. The patient has to want to stay clean and has to make changes in their environment, behavior, habits, and basically every aspect of their lives, to achieve that goal. They have to actively participate in creating their treatment plan or in the case of a self-help group, they have to commit to following the creed of the program and have to commit to sobriety. They have to utilize their sponsor and change the same aspects of their lives as if they were in an inpatient. In a self-help group like AA, the person is assigned to a sponsor. The sponsor’s main role in a drug recovery program is to help the patient stay sober and remain drug free (EH, 2011). The sponsor has committed to recovery and has remained in recovery for an extended period of time. The sponsor is also there for the client when they are in times of crisis or are in danger of abusing drugs or alcohol again. The client can call the sponsor anytime. The sponsor also encourages the client to attend meetings and to keep attending meetings. They also help you find meetings and other support groups.

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Communication Skills Cont’d

The group itself also plays a role in the recovery program. The group’s responsibility is to provide support and mutual aid to and for each other (Self help Groups, 2011). The mebers in their group share experiences, problems, their feelings, recovery issues, and things that stress them. They make each other feel as if they are not alone, that there is always someone there for them. They encourage and empower each other to be able to become and remain sober. Recovery is not something that a person can do completely alone. Support is a necessity whether it be from people within a self help group or medical staff and other patients in an inpatient facility. Each type of treatment is beneficial and can help a person to kick theuir drug and alcohol habits long term or for life.

ReferencesHealthwise Staff. (2010). Sponsor’s Role in Alcohol or Drug Recovery Causes,

Symptoms and Treatment. Retrieved from Everyday Health website,

Self -Help, Mutual- Help, and Recovery Groups. (2011). Retrieved August 14, 2011, from Course RPD 1015, Texas State website,

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1994). Treatment for Alcohol and other Drug Abuse: Opportunities for Coordination Technical Assistance Publication(TAP)Series 11: DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 94-2075Treatment



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Interpersonal Effectiveness

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My Future in Learning

People learn in and by the world around them everyday. Learning is a constant ongoing process. After obtaining extensive experience in the workforce in some type of career that incorporates the skills and knowledge that I have gained, I plan to obtain my Master’s degree in Forensic Psychology. Through the knowledge that I gain in the workforce, this will put me that much further into what I will learn through education.

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Contact Me

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For further information, please contact me at the e-

mail address below. [email protected]