Page 1: Attracting target audiences abi walker question 5

Front cover Attracting target audience

The front cover that I have chosen to do for my music magazine is very similar to those of a similar genre, with the use of bold colours and dark back ground. This appeals to the audience as it sets the tone of the magazine and still gives the audience a sense of rebellion when they read the magazine.

Another way that I attracted my audience is by the main photograph as it represents the style and ethos of the magazine. I thought that my target would be very interested in the way that the models looked on the front of the magazine as this represents everything that will be going on in the magazine.

The menu strip that is presented at the bottom of the front cover, this is one of the main conventions that instantly presents the audience with a wide selection of their favourite bands and artists. This does not over load the reader with different information it simply provides the reader with some information into what they can expect within the magazine itself.

The models that I have chosen to be on the front cover of my music magazine are crucial for the style o the magazine. The mise-en-scene of the two model is key to making the magazine appeal to the audience.

Page 2: Attracting target audiences abi walker question 5

Contents PageAttracting target audience

To attract my target audience I have decided to make the contents page to magazines similar to mine. By keeping the information about the pages to the left of the page catches the readers eye as they turn the page from the front cover, this attracts the audience by clearly showing the audience exactly what will be in the magazine. Also I have displayed the contents page with main things that will be featured within the magazine and also with a caption underneath to give the audience an insight into what each article will be like, this attracts the audience as it makes the reader want to know more about the article once they have had an insight into what they are all about.

The photographs that have been placed on the contents page also allows the audience to see what is going on within the magazine, having these pictures gives the audience a visual links to the bands that will be featured within the magazine, this also helps to attracts the audiences attention.

Page 3: Attracting target audiences abi walker question 5

Double page spreadAttracting target audience

The picture that was used to create the double page spread follows the colour scheme of the magazine, it also follows the house style that you can see through out the magazine. The colour scheme and house style consistency throughout the whole of the magazine make it easier to view and read for the audience, this is one of the ways that I have attracted my audience

The font and colour of the double page spread article attracts the attention if the audience because of the way that is structured in the question and answer format, also the attention is drawn to the article because of the colour scheme that is used when the questions and answers are formatted.
