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Expand the Digital Footprint of Your Law Firm

Corey PerlmanPresident, eBoot Camp [email protected]

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Quick Update

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Quick Update

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Agenda: Five Web Marketing Strategies to help you:

• Be Searchable • Stay ‘top of mind’ with both clients and prospects• Manage your online reputation • Become known as a ‘thought-leader’ in your area of expertise

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Get Your House in Order

Strategy #1:

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Tuesday, January 10, 12

Three Needs

•Your Visitors

•The Search Engines

•Your Own

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Critical Information above the fold: Give them what they’re looking for

• Phone number• Physical address • Services offered• Attorney profiles

Tuesday, January 10, 12

What’s wrong with this picture?

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Search Engines • Want good content on each page telling

them (and users) who you are and exactly what you do.

• Want to know how popular you are (link popularity)

• Want to offer their searchers the right websites

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Content is King

• Each page needs good content

• Good content = words, phrases, sentences that describe your firm and where you’re located.

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Are these the right KEYwords?

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How about these?

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Did you know?

• Google and other search engines steal your content

• Title tag

• Description tag

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Your Own

If a person visits your Website and leaves without giving you their information, you’ve failed as a marketer.

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Tuesday, January 10, 12

And that brings us to strategy #2

Email is far from dead.

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People don’t like giving out their information.

• Set the expectation• Let them know you won’t sell or distribute • Less about frequency, more about value

Tuesday, January 10, 12

eMail Marketing

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Your Plan of Attack

• Critical info above the fold• Incorporate quality content in all of your Web pages • Fix title and description tag• Add an opt-in box to your Website• email prospects and customers consistently

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Strategy #3 Protect Your Brand

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Tuesday, January 10, 12

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Tuesday, January 10, 12

• You’re the only one who can edit information

• You can add categories

• You can add pics and videos

• You’ll receive reports on data each month

• You can respond to reviews

Once you claim ownership

Tuesday, January 10, 12

How many online reviews do you have?

Protect Your Brand

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Because there are bad apples in every industry Tuesday, January 10, 12

Tuesday, January 10, 12

If you get a negative review, should you respond?

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What should you do?

• Ask your happy customers to write a review for you on Google.

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Your Plan of Attack

• Claim your listing • Ensure all info is accurate• Add description, photos, hours, etc. • Get good customer to write reviews

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Strategy #4 - Publish a Blog

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Do you have a Blog?

• From Google’s Blog:

Today, we're announcing the completion of a new web indexing system called Caffeine. Caffeine provides 50 percent fresher results for web searches than our last index, and it's the largest collection of web content we've offered. Whether it's a news story, a blog or a forum post, you can now find links to relevant content much sooner after it is published than was possible ever before.

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Your Blog

• Create content that your customers and prospects find valuable.

• Every article you publish is a new web page that can rank on the search engines.

• Americans spend nearly a quarter of their time online on social networking sites and blogs (NeilsonWire ’10).

• Be known as a thought-leader in your space.

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Blog • How often does your Website get fresh


• A place for you to produce fresh content on a consistent basis

• Like an online magazine for your firm

• I recommend WordPress

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Tips for an effective blog

• Minimum: Once a week

• Don’t phone it in

• Syndicate when appropriate

• Use eye-catching images

• Write it and they will a myth.

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Action I want you to take

• Start a blog

• post articles weekly

• no time? email [email protected] and we can chat about running your blog and other social media marketing

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Strategy #5: Fish where the Fish are Tuesday, January 10, 12

Think of Linkedin as the largest networking event in the world

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Tuesday, January 10, 12

• People will ‘kick your tires’ here

• Connections

• Bio

• Endorsements

• Easy to network

• Signal

• Groups

• Get Introduced feature

Why LinkedIn?

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Why Linkedin?

Tuesday, January 10, 12

But most importantly...

The power of LinkedIn is not in who you know (Corey, click the button!), but who your network knows.

Tuesday, January 10, 12

But most importantly...

The power of LinkedIn is not in who you know (Corey, click the button!), but who your network knows.

Tuesday, January 10, 12

But most importantly...

The power of LinkedIn is not in who you know (Corey, click the button!), but who your network knows.

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Tuesday, January 10, 12

Your Plan of Attack

• Build a robust profile • Get to 500 connections • Get endorsements • Use ‘Get Introduced’ feature once a week • Send me my commission check :)

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